Sustainability Management Goals in Human Resource

Sustainability Management Goals in Human Resource Felipe Calderon, CPA, CMA, PhD Head, Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business Asian Institute of Management

Transcript of Sustainability Management Goals in Human Resource

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Sustainability Management Goals in Human Resource

Felipe Calderon, CPA, CMA, PhD

Head, Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business

Asian Institute of Management

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BSc in Agribusiness ManagementUniversity of the Philippines at Los Banos

Philippine National Bank: former government-owned bank

Master of Science in International Banking & Financial StudiesHeriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Business Development Bank of Canada

PhD in Management with specialization in International BusinessUniversity of St Gallen, Switzerland (2010 – 2015)


Bank Ekspor Impor Indonesia in Hong Kong: government-owned bank

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Outline of Presentation

1. What is sustainability?2. Convergence of sustainability and finance3. Sustainable finance around the world4. Sustainable finance in the Philippines5. Mainstreaming of sustainability 6. Sustainability: The new language of business

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Theme of the Presentation:

As an advocate in transforming organizations and future generations to be globally responsible professionals, managers and leaders.

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What does sustainability mean to you?

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The Triple Bottom Line: The New Language of Business




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The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most significant global effort to advance sustainability.

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Outline of Presentation

1. What is sustainability?

2. Convergence of sustainability and finance3. Sustainable finance around the world

4. Sustainable finance in the Philippines5. Mainstreaming of sustainability 6. Sustainability: The new language of business

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Definition of Sustainable Finance

➢Sustainable Finance is defined as any form of financial service which integrates environmental and social considerations in addition to profitability into lending and investment decisions.

➢Banks engaged in sustainable finance are committed to lending and investing in companies that have integrated or intend to integrate the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit in their operations.

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Who does Triodos Bank lend to?

Who won't we lend to?

We do not lend to organizations that put profit before people and planet. More specifically, the absolute criteria we apply in making

lending decisions fall under two main headings:

•Non-sustainable products and services: This category includes all businesses involved in producing or trading in weapons, tobacco, pornography, fur substances hazardous to the environment. It also covers the entire mining sector, oil and gas sector and gambling industry.

•Non-sustainable working processes: This category covers practices such as human rights or labor rights infringements, tax evasion and corruption, but also issues such as animal testing and controversial farming methods.

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Hire for values, train for skills.

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Sustainability Hypocrisy


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Outline of Presentation

1. What is sustainability?2. Convergence of sustainability and finance3. Sustainable finance around the world

4. Sustainable finance in the Philippines

5. Mainstreaming of sustainability 6. Sustainability: The new language of business

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When the International Finance Corporation (IFC) became an investor in RCBC in 2012, it shared with us its advocacy on Environmental and Social Governance to which RCBC readily subscribed to.

We implemented a Social and Environmental Management System (SEMS) to safeguard our lending operations from exposure to activities with identified E&S risks. We aim to develop environmental awareness and social responsibility for our lending personnel, and ultimately to our loan clients.

We believe that these steps would create long term solutions to environmental and sustainability issues - mitigating negative impacts on the environment and on affected communities and enhance the positive development impacts.

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The funds will be used exclusively to finance climate-smart projects including renewable energy, green buildings, and energy-efficient equipment.

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United Nations Environment Programme Financial Initiative (UNEP FI)

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Outline of Presentation

1. What is sustainability?2. Convergence of sustainability and finance3. Sustainable finance around the world4. Sustainable finance in the Philippines

5. Mainstreaming of sustainability

6. Sustainability: The new language of business

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Source: Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

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Operational Footprint Data

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To meet its targets, SMC directed all its facilities to implement

water recycling and rainwater harvesting, to minimize scarce water

consumption and use non-scarce sources (rainwater, harvested, grey and sea water) over the long term.

Push towards sustainability

Independent of the water sustainability project, SMC has also announced

the discontinuation of its bottled water business, as part of its larger push

towards sustainability.

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SMC to invest in water technologies, vows to finish 2025

sustainability project

San Miguel Corporation, in line with the World Health Organization’s

call on the need to improve the collection and treatment of wastewater

and safely reuse it, committed to fulfill its water sustainability project

dubbed as “Project 50X2025,” a move that will be supported by its plan

to invest on new water technologies.

SMC has already saved four billion liters of water equivalent to the daily

use of about 137,000 households a year after the project was launched.

It aims at reducing its water consumption across its entire operations by

50 percent by the year 2025.

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Climate change and sustainability

CPA Canada has been on the forefront of understanding climate change as a business issue. From that perspective, we help policy makers appreciate the complexities of preserving a sustainable environment and a resilient business community.

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The project would begin with a $5 billion investment, initiated this year, which would translate into about 7.2 GW, slated to come online in 2019.

The logic of massive and aggressive development of solar in Saudi Arabia is obvious. Sunshine is not a scarce resource. The country burns oil for about a third of its electricity, a costly way of generating power both environmentally and in terms of lost oil exports. SoftBank’s Son said the 200 GW of solar would cut electricity costs by $40 billion while creating some 100,000 jobs.

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Outline of Presentation

1. What is sustainability?2. Convergence of sustainability and finance3. Sustainable finance around the world4. Sustainable finance in the Philippines5. Mainstreaming of sustainability

6. Sustainability: The new language of business

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What is integrated reporting and what are the benefits?

Integrated Reporting brings together material information about an

organisation's strategy, governance, performance and prospects in a

way that reflects the commercial, social and environmental context

within which it operates.

It leads to a clear and concise articulation of your value creation

story which is useful and relevant to all stakeholders.

But is not only about reporting; It is as much about how companies

do business and how they create value over the short, medium and

long term as it is about how this value story is reported.

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The mission of PRME is to transform business and management

education, research and thought leadership globally, while promoting

awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals, and developing the

responsible business leaders of tomorrow.

The initiative counts over 650 business and management-related higher education institutions across 85 countries.

PRME works with UN Global Compact participants to help advance the

Sustainable Development Goals in academia, and connects responsible

businesses with higher education institutions to help recruit talent with sustainability mindsets, skills and capabilities.

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A part of the problem is that we often expect that sustainability should sell itself.

Better for people and planet becomes the central value proposition.

Worthiness and guilt become resources to engage.

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