Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 ·...

Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 Below is a learning schedule for you to follow. You will need access to a digital device to complete the following activities. You may need help from a parent/carer. You are also able to access Mathletics and any other website that your teacher has given you access to. Complete all activities in your Homework book or an exercise book. Write the date on your activities to keep track. Bring in your workbook on the day you’re scheduled to attend school. Sauvage Sports House students attend school on Monday. Freeman Sports House students attend school on Tuesday. Rafter Sports House students attend school on Wednesday. Thorpe Sports House students attend school on Thursday. Spelling Words Week 3 Doubling + ‘ing’ Suffix ‘ing’ Extension Tricky words sitting dragging hitting jogging beginning dipping already hopping swimming tapping thrilling splitting quitting their flapping nodding scrubbing they Monday 11/05/20 Tuesday 12/05/20 Wednesday 13/05/20 Thursday 14/05/20 Friday 15/05/20 COVID-19 PHASE 1 SAUVAGE FREEMAN RAFTER THORPE Task Help write a shopping list of essential items needed from the shops. Identify five items in the room you're in that have parallel lines. Help a family member prepare dinner. Name the ingredients and condiments used. Clean your room and help another family member with a chore. Name five things you are grateful for during this challenging time. Morning English Log into Google Classroom. Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today. Lesson 1: Listen to the story Prepare for Reading: 1. Ask your child: Tell me about a statue you’ve seen. What was it? Where was it? 2. Ask your child to look at the picture of the front cover ‘The Stone Lion’ and write a sentence to predict what they think the story English Log into Google Classroom. Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today. Lesson 2: Listen to the story again and teach three new words: Watch the story again: atch?v=LSVDcwOuQAA During the story, pause to ask these questions and define three interesting words (in bold - generous, stumbled, paced): English Log into Google Classroom. Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today. Lesson 3: Talk about the words: Look again at the three words on your wall. Note, children may need support to read these words. Recall the meanings and parts of speech with your child. Then ask your child to think about each word, and write it in a sentence as follows: English Log into Google Classroom. Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today. Lesson 4: Write: Use the Story Map template to help your child write a summary of the story. Ask: Who were the main characters? Where was the story set? What happened in the beginning? Middle? End? Listen to the story again if needed. After discussion, your child should fill in the English Log into Google Classroom. Lesson 5: Play a game, using movement words from the story: prowl / pounce / leap / pace / stumble / lope / crouch / stretch Demonstrate each verb and ask your child to act it out with you. Tell them these are all interesting moving verbs. Then ask your child to be a lion (include siblings or family members who want to join too). Spread out around the

Transcript of Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 ·...

Page 1: Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 · 2020-05-08 · Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3. Below is a learning

Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3

Below is a learning schedule for you to follow. You will need access to a digital device to complete the following activities. You may need help from a parent/carer. You are also able to access Mathletics and any other website that your teacher has given you access to. Complete all activities in your Homework book or an exercise book. Write the date on your activities to keep track. Bring in your workbook on the day you’re scheduled to attend school. Sauvage Sports House students attend school on Monday. Freeman Sports House students attend school on Tuesday. Rafter Sports House students attend school on Wednesday. Thorpe Sports House students attend school on Thursday.

Spelling Words Week 3 Doubling + ‘ing’ Suffix ‘ing’

Extension Tricky words

sitting dragging hitting jogging beginning dipping already hopping swimming tapping thrilling splitting quitting their flapping nodding scrubbing they

Monday 11/05/20 Tuesday 12/05/20 Wednesday 13/05/20 Thursday 14/05/20 Friday 15/05/20



Task Help write a shopping list of essential items needed from the shops.

Identify five items in the room you're in that have parallel lines.

Help a family member prepare dinner. Name the ingredients and condiments used.

Clean your room and help another family member with a chore.

Name five things you are grateful for during this challenging time.

Morning English Log into Google Classroom.

Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today.

Lesson 1: Listen to the story Prepare for Reading:

1. Ask your child: Tell me about a statue you’ve seen. What was it? Where was it?

2. Ask your child to look at the picture of the front cover ‘The Stone Lion’ and write a sentence to predict what they think the story

English Log into Google Classroom.

Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today.

Lesson 2: Listen to the story again and teach three new words:

Watch the story again:

During the story, pause to ask these questions and define three interesting words (in bold - generous, stumbled, paced):

English Log into Google Classroom.

Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today.

Lesson 3: Talk about the words:

Look again at the three words on your wall. Note, children may need support to read these words. Recall the meanings and parts of speech with your child. Then ask your child to think about each word, and write it in a sentence as follows:

English Log into Google Classroom.

Look, cover, write and check your spelling words for today.

Lesson 4: Write:

Use the Story Map template to help your child write a summary of the story.

Ask: Who were the main characters? Where was the story set? What happened in the beginning? Middle? End? Listen to the story again if needed. After discussion, your child should fill in the

English Log into Google Classroom. Lesson 5: Play a game, using movement words from the story: prowl / pounce / leap / pace / stumble / lope / crouch / stretch Demonstrate each verb and ask your child to act it out with you. Tell them these are all interesting moving verbs. Then ask your child to be a lion (include siblings or family members who want to join too). Spread out around the

Page 2: Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 · 2020-05-08 · Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3. Below is a learning

will be about. (I think … because …).

3. Watch: watch the story:

4. After watching the story: Ask your child to summarise the story. Can they tell you about the beginning – what did the lion want? The problem – why was Sara upset? The solution – how did the lion solve the problem? Discuss or write their prediction on a piece of paper.

Handwriting: Go to Clever Pickles on YouTube and your child is to complete a modelled handwriting lesson on the letter ‘Gg’:

Your child is to use the Handwriting Template to guide their writing.

1. How do the living creatures in Ben’s stories feel? Why do you think the lion has no idea what these feelings are?

2. “They must desire it greatly, with a generous heart.” How can stone animals become warm, breathing creatures? Explain what ‘generous’ means: being happy to give or do things for others, without thinking of yourself (also explain ‘desire’ if needed (to want something or wish for something to happen).

3. What does the lion imagine? What words describe his movement? (run, prowl, pounce, leap)

4. “She stumbled up the steps.” Why does Sara stumble on the snowy night? Explain what ‘stumbled’ means: to trip or lose balance, almost fall over.

5. Why is the lion able to move? How does he move into the library? (loped)

6. “The lion paced down an aisle.” How does the lion get Ben’s attention? Explain what ‘paced’ means: to walk back and forth over one area, usually because you are worried or nervous.

1. How can you be generous to other people? (e.g., with money, things, help, kindness, time) Now fill in the missing words and write the sentence (located in resources below, titled Wednesday - English: Fill in the missing words and write the sentence).

2. What might make you stumble as you walk? (e.g., uneven pavement, dark, tired, daydreaming, etc) Now fill in the missing words and write the sentence (located in resources below, titled Wednesday - English: Fill in the missing words and write the sentence).

3. If you saw someone pacing up and down the street, how do you think they might be feeling? Now fill in the missing words and write the sentence (located in resources below, titled Wednesday - English: Fill in the missing words and write the sentence).

During the day or week: Try to find opportunities to use the three special words in different contexts during the day (e.g., while cooking, playing a board game, going for a walk). Point out the word to your child. Notice and praise your child if they use

template, using full sentences. Model and provide support as necessary.

InitiaLit: Please refer to Thursday - English: InitiaLit Spelling - Suffix rule – doubling + ‘ing’ located in resources. Review, discuss and complete.

house or in your garden. Call out a word. Your child must move like that until you shout ‘Freeze!’ Follow this with a new verb. Add the verb ‘roar’ from time to time. Give your child a turn to direct if you wish. Handwriting: Go to Clever Pickles on YouTube and your child is to complete a modelled handwriting lesson on the letter ‘Qq’:

Your child is to use the Handwriting Template to guide their writing.

Page 3: Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 · 2020-05-08 · Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3. Below is a learning

7. Where else did the lion want to go? What movement words do you notice? (plunge, bound, leap, pounce, prowl, run) What does he do instead?

8. How does the lion look different at the end? Who is the little boy at the end of the story? Why do you think the lion feels alive?

After listening to the story: Write the three interesting words down - generous, stumbled, paced (make them large). Support your child in identifying ‘generous’ as an adjective (a describing word) and ‘stumble’ and ‘pace’ as verbs (action words). Display the words on a wall in your home, under two labels: Adjectives, Verbs.

Handwriting: Go to Clever Pickles on YouTube and your child is to complete a modelled handwriting lesson on the letter ‘Oo’:

Your child is to use the Handwriting Template to guide their writing.

one of the words on their own. Discuss the context.

Break Break Break Break Break Break

Page 4: Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 · 2020-05-08 · Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3. Below is a learning

Middle Mathematics: Length Learning Intentions: I am learning to measure from one end to the other; have no gaps or overlaps; measure in a straight line and use the same thing to measure. Success Criteria: I can correctly measure the length of an object without leaving a gap or overlapping. Warm Up: Watch the video:

Task: How long is your bed and

bedroom? You can measure with Lego, spoons, pens, your body or something you may think of. Come up with three different things that you can measure with. Watch the videos to get some ideas and learn how to measure.

Watch the video:

Choose one of these things to measure your bed. Choose another thing to measure your bed. Choose one of the things you

Mathematics: Length Learning Intentions: I am learning to measure from one end to the other; have no gaps or overlaps; measure in a straight line and use the same thing to measure. Success Criteria: I can correctly measure the length of my parent. Warm Up: Watch the video:

Task: Today you are going to measure

the length of your mum or dad. (You can measure your own height too.) Mum or dad will need to lay down. Use a pencil to mark where their head and feet are. (Mum or dad can get up now.) Measure mum or dad's height using your hands. Get mum or dad to measure their height using their hands. (Watch the video for how to do this.) Where your answers the same? Why? Why not? Complete Problem 22 Length Worksheet

Mathematics: Length

Learning Intentions: I am learning to measure from

one end to the other; have no gaps or overlaps; measure in a straight line and use the same thing to measure.

Success Criteria: I can find things that are more

than 1 metre long and things that are less than a metre long.

Warm Up: Watch the video: Task: Today you are going to find things in your house that are: - More than a metre long. - Less than a metre long. - About the same length as one metre. You will need: A piece of string that is one metre long. Ask mum or dad for this. Measure things with your 1m string to see if they are less than 1m, more than 1m or the same as 1m. Complete Application Questions Worksheet Watch the video:

Mathematics: Length Learning Intentions: I am learning to measure from

one end to the other; have no gaps or overlaps; measure in a straight line and use the same thing to measure.

Success Criteria: I can successfully identify short

and long. Warm Up: Watch the video:

Task: Complete Interleaved

Practice Worksheet

Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals Learning Intentions: I am learning to recognise and model fractions. Success Criteria: I can model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a whole object. I can record equal parts of whole objects and shapes. I can describe the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half 1/2, quarter 1/4. Watch the video:

Task: Are They Quarters?

Mathematics: Length Learning Intentions:

I am learning to measure from one end to the other; have no gaps or overlaps; measure in a straight line and use the same thing to measure.

Success Criteria: I can show how I worked out

the difference in length between 2 objects.

Warm Up: Watch the video:

Task: If you found the work we did

this week on length easy, try the worksheet. If you found the work we did on length tricky, keep measuring different things around your home. Put them in order from shortest to longest. Complete Manipulation Problem Worksheet Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals

Learning Intentions: I am learning to recognise and model fractions. Success Criteria: I can model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a whole object.

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used to measure your bedroom.

Watch the video:

How much longer is your bedroom than your bed?

Watch the video:!/media/29655/measuring-length-informally Complete At Home Investigation Worksheet

Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals Learning Intentions: I am learning to recognise and model fractions. Success Criteria: I can model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a whole object. I can record equal parts of whole objects and shapes. I can describe the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half 1/2, quarter 1/4.

Mental Warm Up: Pizza Make a pizza (paper) and cut in half and quarters. Watch the video: Task: Labelling Equal Parts Students are given a paper square and are asked to fold the square into four equal parts. They are asked to name the parts and encouraged to use fraction notation and/or words to label the equal parts. Students cut along the folds and describe the parts in relation to the whole. ❚ What is a half/quarter? ❚ What does a half/quarter look like? ❚ How could you check if the two/four parts are equal? Watch the video:

Complete Worksheet

Mathematics: Fractions & Decimals

Learning Intentions: I am learning to recognise and model fractions. Success Criteria: I can model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a whole object. I can record equal parts of whole objects and shapes. I can describe the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half 1/2, quarter 1/4. Mental Warm Up: Pizza problems: How many people can you feed with 1 pizza cut in halves or quarters or smaller? Watch the video: Task: Are They Halves? Students are shown a collection of shapes e.g. circles. The collection should include some that show two equal parts and some that show two unequal parts. Possible questions include: do these circles show two equal parts? How do you know? Complete worksheet

Students are shown a collection of shapes e.g. circles. The collection should include some that show four equal parts and some that show four unequal parts. Possible questions include: do these circles show two equal parts? How do you know?

Watch the video: Complete worksheet

I can record equal parts of whole objects and shapes. I can describe the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half 1/2, quarter 1/4. Watch the video:

Task: Halves or Quarters? Identify and colour halves of an object Identify and colour quarters of an object Watch the video: Mathematics: Time Revision Watch the video:

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Break Break Break Break Break Break Afternoon History

Lesson 3

St Marys Bennetts Wagon

1. Class brainstorm/ mind map about topic. What types of things do they think we will be looking at? Display in room when finished. 2. Discuss terms *local *historical & *Significance. Show students short clip: 3. Discussion: have students seen transport like that before? Why don’t we see it anymore? Statement of significance: The wagon with its full livery eloquently demonstrates the significant role of farm wagon manufacture in St Marys with the Bennett works. Aesthetic significance resides in the evident craftsmanship required in its manufacture, while it has high research value for the technology of tabletop wagon construction and paint scheme. It is one of a handful of fully restored and authenticated examples from the Bennett works.


Discuss with students the local significance, show on the map how close St Marys is to Glenmore Park.

PDHPE Who do I trust? Lesson 3: We are learning to: Predict how a person might feel based on the words used, facial expressions and/or body language Recognise own emotions and demonstrate positive ways to respond to different situations, eg. kinds of touch, seeking help, assertiveness, , loss of pet Introduction (15 min): Watch the YouTube clip ‘Inside Out: Guessing the feelings’ Discuss and create a mind map of the different types of emotions and what they look

like. Ask ss the following:

How do you know when you feel…? Discuss with ss different types of ‘warning signals’ they may have that alert them of their emotions: Signals might include - bouncy tummy, squirmy tummy, lumpy tummy, warm body, cold-shivery body, clapping hands, fidgety hands, sweaty hands, quick breathing, shallow breathing, gaspy breathing, racing heart, stopped heart, goose bumps, body hair

Creative Arts Dance Lesson 3: Warm Up: Have students, on the spot, clap 4 beats, stop and wait 4 beats (silence). Have students repeat this several times until they feel the rhythm of the silence. Movements could include: march (like soldiers with back straight, chin lifted, knees high, strong steps), stamp (like smashing nuts on the floor) and trot (like a horse). This emphasises starting and stopping, movement and stillness 4 counts marching and 4 counts stopping (no movement = stillness), then repeat with stamping and trotting. Finish with Just Dance “I Like To Move It”

Creative Arts Music Lesson 3: Body Percussion ‘My Name is Joe’ Lyric. Practice again the chant ‘My name is Joe’’. Discuss how we can use our bodies to make sounds. Have students experiment with making drumming sounds using body percussion or by drumming on objects around the room. Resource The Board’s website ( YouTube ( My name is Joe)


Log in to your google classroom and accept library invitation.

Learning Intention: Students are able to name some famous Australian Authors. Mem Fox is a famous Australian Author. Visit her website ( ) or read one of her books. Do

Science & Technology In the previous lesson, we learnt about changes that can be made to materials.” 1. “Today, we are going to focus on describing objects.” 2. Use the collection of materials that were sorted in Lesson 1 to complete this activity. 3. Display the photographs from Resource: Material Sort on a desk so all students can clearly see them. Brainstorm a list of describing words that they can use for this activity. Add the words to the Word Wall. 4. Words - hard, soft, dull, shiny, bendy, twisty, strong, weak, heavy, light, rough, smooth, flexible, rigid, transparent, waterproof, absorbent, stretchy, fragile, holds its shape, etc. 5. Hand out Worksheet: Lesson 3 – Describing Materials. Display photographs of a slice of bread, toast, corn kernels, popcorn, water and ice. (If you’d like students to be able to feel the materials, you could provide food samples in plastic zip-lock bags for students to examine and feel.) 6. Focus the students on the first item on their worksheet. Ask them to trace the word, ‘bread’ and draw a picture of a piece of bread.

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Mind map is copied into books. Read the information page. Have students underline or highlight important words. Discussion, what words do we not know the meaning of? Students complete cloze passage/interesting facts

standing up, sick sensation, smiley face, tight scrunched face (frown), tears, open eyes, red hot face, shaky knees, wobbly legs or dry mouth. Read the following scenario (or describe a similar one about a friendship familiar to students). Do not use students’ names. Demi and Katrine were friends. They lived in the same block of units. Katrine was in Year 3 at school. They played together after school because Demi’s mum worked. At Katrine’s home, Katrine was very nice to Demi and shared her toys. At school Katrine started to tease Demi and say nasty things to her. Every day Katrine and her friends would run away with Demi’s hat and Katrine would say “If you tell anyone, my Mum won’t look after you anymore and you’ll be all alone. You won’t be my friend.” Discussion based on the following questions: ● What kind of relationship

did Demi and Katrine have? (A friendship.)

● What body signals might Demi have experienced when Katrine and her Year 3 friends took Demi’s hat? (Teary eyes, clenched fists, red face.)

● How do you think Demi might have felt? (Angry,

you have a favourite Mem Fox book? What is Mem’s most famous book? Hint – it is about a Possum. If you could travel to somewhere in Australia, where would you like to go? See if you can find the place on a map or in an Atlas. Parents need to register at for National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday 27th May at 11am

7. Ask students for some words that describe ‘bread’. Direct students to the Five Senses chart for prompts. How does it look? What colour is it? How does it feel? How does bread smell? Below the photograph of the bread, write the adjectives. 8. Focus the students on the next box on their worksheet. Ask them to trace the word, ‘toast’ and draw a picture of a piece of toast. 9. Ask students for some words that describe ‘toast. How does toast look? What colour is it? How does it feel? How does toast smell? Below the photograph of the toast, write the adjectives. 10. Invite students to complete the first row on their worksheet. They will need to choose 3 adjectives to write for bread and toast. 11. Once they have completed this task, ask students if they can remember whether we cooled or heated the bread to make toast.12. Prompt students to write the word ‘heated’ in the arrow. 13. Now complete steps 6 – 12 for the second and third row on the worksheet. Conclusion In science, we often sort things into groups, depending on their characteristics.” Ask students - Can you think of any

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sad, mixed up.) Informs students that Katrine was doing something that could damage her relationship with Demi. Katrine was bullying Demi. Bullying is not a right way to act in any relationship. It hurts people. ● How can we be hurt by

bullying? (Our body, feelings or thoughts might be hurt.)

● How might our thoughts be hurt?

● What might we start to think? (We might start to believe what the bully says. We might think that we are no good and it is somehow our fault. We might be afraid to tell someone about the bullying.)

Teacher note: ‘Mixed up’ (or confused) is a feeling shared by many children in abusive relationships. Confusion occurs because established roles within a relationship either suddenly become blurred or changed or change from time to time. It is important to include ‘mixed up’ (or confused) as an important warning signal for students. It is important for teachers to explain that bullying involves ongoing, intentional harassment, and is different from disagreements and one-off conflicts. Children need to know that bullying is where a

objects that could be added to any of these categories?

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person picks on or hurts another person in a repetitive, ongoing way. Task: complete pages 37 and 38 in their Wellbeing Journals.

Sport lesson

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Weekly Spelling List Term 2 Week 3 2020

Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday




















Write three sentences in your homework book using your spelling words.

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Resources Monday - English: Cover of the Story


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Monday - English: Handwriting

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Tuesday - English: Handwriting

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Page 15: Surveyors Creek Public School Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3 · 2020-05-08 · Framework for teaching – Stage 1 Year 2, Term 2 Week 3. Below is a learning

Wednesday - English: Fill in the missing words and write some sentences:

1. was generous when .

2. I stumbled when .

3. The / A / My was pacing around the because . Can you think of 3 more sentences to write using the words generous, stumbled and paced or pacing? 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday - English: Initialit Spelling - Suffix rule – doubling + ‘ing’ Activity 1: Our tricky words for this week are - already / alright / always Look at the words and write them on the lines:

a) already

b) alright

c) always

Activity 2: Students to read the following words out loud:

lifting smiling flowing amazing exploding

reading raking standing counting stampeding

hoping camping competing inviting throwing

cooking sliding singing munching spraying

Activity 3: Ask students to name the vowels (a / e / i / o / u) and where can they be found? Activity 4: Watch to explain the doubling rule. Activity 5: For today’s lesson, we are looking at doubling with ‘ing’. Have a look at the poster for further understanding. Explain that if the word has a short vowel located before the final consonant, we have to double the consonant before adding ‘ing’:

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If we have a long vowel located before the final consonant, we do not double the final consonant. The word will change, for example hopping and hoping. Hopping has a short vowel sound before the final consonant. Hoping has a long vowel sound before the final consonant. Activity 6: Complete the following. Change the word to suit the rule. Write your answers on a piece of paper: Double the consonant, add ‘ing’ a) clap + ing = _____________________________ b) drag + ing = _____________________________ c) stop + ing = _____________________________ d) let + ing = ______________________________ e) swim + ing = _____________________________

f) run + ing = ______________________________

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Friday - English: Handwriting

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© Kennedy Press Pty Ltd For free use in 2020 during the virus pandemic

At-Home Investigation Come up with a plan to investigate how long your bed is, and how long your bedroom is.

My plan: answer these questions

• What could I use to measure my bed with? Draw or list 3 ideas:

• How will I make sure that I am measuring accurately? What would happen if I didn’t measure straight along?

Carry out my plan: follow these steps and answer the questions

• Choose 2 ideas. Measure your bed in those two ways. How long is your bed?

• Which way worked the best? Explain why.

Apply your learning: follow this step and answer the question Use what you have learned about measuring to measure the length of your whole bedroom in just one way.

• How much longer is your bedroom than your bed? How do you know?

Parent comment:

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Problem solving:

Teacher initials: Date:

Student solved the problem with: o Minimal help o Some prompting o Solved after explanation o Did not work out a

solution by themself o N/A – not a novel problem

Problem 22: Length Jared is 13 handprints tall. Lucy is 10 handprints tall.


TR p103

Which child is the tallest?

Jared must be taller than Lucy because he has more handprints. What problem can you see?

or Show what you think the problem is.

What could we do about it? or Use another piece of paper to show how you

would fix this problem.

Tell a friend how you would fix it.

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Application questions

1. Work with a partner. Use a metre ruler to cut a piece of string that is exactly 1 metre in length. Take your piece of string with you to find objects that are:

• less than 1 metre in length • close to 1 metre in length • more than 1 metre in length

or Fill in the table below.

Things that are less than 1 metre long


Things that are close to 1 metre long


Things that are more than 1 metre long


Choose 4 of the objects you found. Write them in order from shortest to longest.

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Interleaved practise Number:

1. Starting at 12, count 5s until you get past 40.

2. 26 + _ _ = 43

3. Write 48 in words. How many tens and ones does it have?

4. Use 4 coins to make $1.00 and draw them here.

5. Share 12 counters equally to show halves, then quarters. Draw it.


6. Find 3 objects. Order them from lightest to heaviest. Write them here.

7. What time is it?

8. Draw a triangle with three different length sides.


9. How likely is it to rain tomorrow?

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Manipulation problem

Britney and Mia measured the classroom door and found that it was more than 6 blocks wide. Then they measured a window and it was almost 12 blocks wide.

How many block lengths of curtain rod will they have to buy to make sure that there is enough rod to hang curtains over the window and the door?

or Show how you worked it out.

Backwards question

Britney measured the length of the blackboard using blocks and found that it was 25 blocks long. Mia measured the length of the blackboard using the length of her arm from elbow to wrist (forearm) and found that it was 16 and a bit forearms long. Which one is longer – Mia’s forearm or the blocks?

or Show how you worked it out.

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What fraction is shaded?

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Work with a partner to solve the halves problems

Take 2 counters. Divide the 2 counters into 2 equal groups. How many counters are in each group? Draw them. ½ of 2 is

Take 4 counters. Divide the 4 counters into 2 equal groups. How many counters are in each group? Draw them. ½ of 4 is

Take 6 counters. Divide the 6 counters into 2 equal groups. How many counters are in each group? Draw them. ½ of 6 is Repeat with these numbers

½ of 10 is ½ of 16 is ½ of 22 is

½ of 30 is Can you work out half of 3, 5, 7? What happens?

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Fractions I am learning to identify and describe forward patterns.

Work with a group of four to solve the halves problems a) Take 4 counters. Divide the 4 counters into 4 equal groups.

How many counters are in each group? Draw them. ¼ of 4 is

b) Take 8 counters. Divide the 8 counters into 4 equal groups. How many counters are in each group? Draw them.

¼ of 8 is

c) Take 12 counters. Divide the 12 counters into 4 equal groups. How many counters are in each group? Draw them.

¼ of 12 is

Repeat with these numbers d) ¼ of 20 is e) ¼ of 16 is f) ¼ of 24 is

g) How could you work out:

2/4 of 16? ¾ of 16? ______ 2/4 of 12? ¾ of 12? _______

Fast Finisher Activity

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Thailand Romania Serbia Thailand Romania Serbia

Nigeria Monaco Panama Nigeria Monaco Panama

Lithuania El Salvador Taiwan Lithuania El Salvador Taiwan

Spain Belgium Colombia Spain Belgium Colombia

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A third of this ½ of this flag is Just over ¼ of A third of this ½ of this flag is Just over ¼ of flag is white. 2 red; half is white. this shape is flag is white. 2 red; half is white. this shape is thirds is green. blue. Just under thirds is green. blue. Just under The bars are ½ is white. The The bars are ½ is white. The vertical rest is blue. vertical rest is blue.

Two thirds of this

One third of this ¾ of this flag is Two thirds of this

One third of this ¾ of this flag is

flag is blue. The flag is white. A red. There are flag is blue. The flag is white. A red. There are rest is another third is blue.

The two other rest is another third is blue.

The two other

colour. rest is red. colours. colour. rest is red. colours. There are 3 There are 3 bars. bars.

A third of this A third of this ½ of this flag is A third of this A third of this ½ of this flag is flag is white. flag is yellow. yellow. The flag is white. flag is yellow. yellow. The One third is blue.

One third is blue.

other half is red. One third is blue.

One third is blue.

other half is red.

One third is red. One third is red. One third is red. One third is red. There are 5 There are 5 bars. bars.

½ of this flag is One third of this One third of this ½ of this flag is One third of this One third of this yellow. There flag is yellow. flag is yellow. A yellow. There flag is yellow. flag is yellow. A are two other One third is red. third is red. One are two other One third is red. third is red. One colours. The bars are third is not blue. colours. The bars are third is not blue. horizontal. The bars are horizontal. The bars are vertical. vertical.

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Tuesday Week 3 PDHPE Lesson

Scenario Demi and Katrine were friends. They lived in the same block of units. Katrine was in Year 3 at school. They played together after school because Demi’s mum worked. At Katrine’s home, Katrine was very nice to Demi and shared her toys. At school Katrine started to tease Demi and say nasty things to her. Every day Katrine and her friends would run away with Demi ’s hat and Katrine would say “If you tell anyone, my Mum won’t look after you any more and you’ll be all alone. You won’t be my friend.” Discussion based on the following questions: • What kind of relationship did Demi and Katrine have? (A friendship.) • What body signals might Demi have experienced when Katrine and her Year 3 friends took

Demi ’s hat? (Teary eyes, clenched fists, red face.) • How do you think Demi might have felt? (Angry, sad, mixed up.) Informs students that Katrine was doing something that could damage her relationship with Demi. Katrine was bullying Demi. Bullying is not a right way to act in any relationship. It hurts people. • How can we be hurt by bullying? (Our body, feelings or thoughts might be hurt.) • How might our thoughts be hurt? • What might we start to think? (We might start to believe what the bully says. We might

think that we are no good and it is somehow our fault. We might be afraid to tell someone about the bullying.)

Teacher note: ‘Mixed up’ (or confused) is a feeling shared by many children in abusive relationships. Confusion occurs because established roles within a relationship either suddenly become blurred or changed or change from time to time. It is important to include ‘mixed up’ (or confused) as an important warning signal for students. It is important for teachers to explain that bullying involves ongoing, intentional harassment, and is different from disagreements and one-off conflicts. Children need to know that bullying is where a person picks on or hurts another person in a repetitive, ongoing way. Students complete pages 37 and 38 in of their Wellbeing Journals.

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Bennett Wagons

South Creek Park in St Marys is home to three Bennett wagons. The Bennett wagons represent the early manufacturing days of St Marys. Beginning in the mid-1800s, James Bennett and his two sons produced wagons for the horse-drawn transportation of wheat and wool. Their wagons were sold across the colony and transported by rail from the St Marys Goods Yard. The wagons were sold all over Australia. The Bennetts were huge employers of workers in the St Marys area. They put St Marys on the map and had the world record for the largest load in 1920.

It took 25 men, bodybuilders, blacksmiths, wheelwrights and labourers to build a Bennett wagon, with painters and sign writers finishing the job. These wagons became famous across Australia. Their tabletop wagons became famous throughout Australia; they were capable of carrying from 10 to 20 tonnes, and were regarded as the best heavy transport wagons to be bought. They were used in both rural and urban areas. The Bennett wagon works at St Marys employed around 25 men at the end of the 19th century, with its wagons selling for between £150 to £250. The wagons were usually painted green and red, or red and blue.

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EXIT SLIP 1. Where would I find a Bennett wagon? ______________________________________

2. How many wagons are there? ______________________________________

3. What would pull the wagon? What would they normally be transporting? ______________________________________

4. Why did they need so many men to build the wagon? Why do you think it was only men? _____________________________________

EXIT SLIP 1. Where would I find a Bennett wagon? ______________________________________

2. How many wagons are there? ______________________________________

3. What would pull the wagon? What would they normally be transporting? ______________________________________

4. Why did they need so many men to build the wagon? Why do you think it was only men? _____________________________________