Survey results analysis

SURVEY ANALYSIS This will help me tailor my magazine to a specific audience.

Transcript of Survey results analysis

Page 1: Survey results analysis

SURVEY ANALYSIS This will help me tailor my magazine to a specific audience.

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Q1. MALE OR FEMALE?• These results show that my

target audience will be largely female. As a result of this my magazine will be tailored towards a typically female audience, I will do this through choice of colour and subjects e.g beauty content.

• However I will still include content that the male audience will be interested in as I want my magazine to appeal to a wide variety of customers.

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Q2. AGE?• The options I gave for age were 10-15

which is teenagers, 16-22 which is young adults (typically students), 23-32 and 33+. I chose these age ranges as I knew I wanted to make a magazine where the content would be familiar to me as it would be easier to make, which is why I didn't have age choices for young children or older adults.

• The results show my target market is mainly 16-22 year olds which are typically students this will help with the content as they are probably going to appeal more to a magazine with discounts and offers. The age also suggests they are going to want a magazine that is modern.

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Q3. PRICE?• The most popular choices for price

are £2 and £3. When I done research it showed most magazines are around this price already so If I take inspiration from others then the potential audience are more likely to buy my magazine.

• A magazine around £2-£3 is good because it isn't cheap so people are gonna know there is good content but it isn't so expensive that my audience aren't going to buy it.

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Q4.MUSIC GENRE?• The top picked music genre was pop

which suggest my audience are interested in mainstream chart music, which is a general music.

• However rock and indie/alternative were also popular. Therefore I will incorporate a range of these music genres making it a general music magazine, which will hopefully result in a larger audience as it will cater for all people.

• Classical, punk and reggae were the least popular therefore I will avoid these as not many will be interested it in.

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Q5. INTERESTS?• The most popular choice for other interests

was beauty, therefore I will adds elements of this in throughout my magazine but still relate it to music as I want to mainly focus on that aspect.

• Fashion was the next most popular choice so I will also include factors of this in my magazine. Both fashion and beauty are typically associated with women which reinforces that this magazine is mainly for females.

• Films was another choice so I will include this, and a lot of films aren't usually age or gender specific so it should appeal to a lot of people.

• The most unpopular choices were news and gaming so I will avoid both these subjects.

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Q6. STYLE • Lively & bright and classy & sophisticated

both had an equal amount of the highest vote, therefore I will use a mixture of bright colours and a classic magazine layout to create a modern magazine which should appeal to my audience. I will only use 1-2 bright colours however as I don't want it to be overwhelming and confusing.

• The survey also shows that the least popular choice was for it too look professional & formal, therefore I will stay away from a corporate business magazine look as this is the opposite to a music magazine and won't appeal to many.

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Q7. OFFERS?• Everyone who took part in

the survey wants discounts and freebies so I will certainly include 1-2 in the magazine.

• However I won't add too many because it can look too much and people will only buy the magazine for the offers not the content, but it will help to persuade the potential audience to buy it.

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Q8.RECEIVED?• Surprisingly the most

popular choice was to receive the magazine in paper for which contradicts the information in the magazine industry section which said more and more people want virtual versions of magazines. Only 5 people said they would prefer an online/app version.

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Q9. FREQUENCY?• There wasn't much difference between a

weekly or monthly publication suggesting that the frequency isn't the most important aspect to an audience however monthly was the most popular therefore I will do this.

• With a monthly publication the content may be more interesting and exciting because there has been more time to decide on it and pick out the what the audience is going to prefer reading.

• Fort nightly was the least popular vote maybe because there aren't a lot of magazines already created that publish every two weeks.

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Q10. ARTIST TYPE?• Just over more than half of the

subjects in the survey would prefer to see well known and popular artists on the magazine, this reinforces Q4 where pop music was the most popular.

• However up and coming was chosen by more than a quarter which shows people are also interested in new music.

• Therefore I will show a range of artists on my magazine that cater for both choices.

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• Overall I think my survey was successful as I now know that my magazine will targeted towards mainly females are 16-22 who have an interest in a range of other subjects such as beauty and films. I have also found out that my audience wants to see more than just one genre and type of music therefore my magazine will be a general music magazine not just subject specific.

• One factor that I think would have made my survey stronger would've been if more people would've filled it in that way I could've got a larger range of opinions which may have changed the results I got.