Survey Analysis


Transcript of Survey Analysis


SURVEY QUESTION 1In this question I got some good results as I have found out what my audience could be just from this first question. As Red and black was the colour scheme was picked and was the highest percentage in answers we can see that the audience is most likely a classic and laid back audience.

SURVEY QUESTION 2This question is showing us that we should have around 6 photos on the contents page. I feel I should use around six because it gives the audience something to look at quickly before they buy the magazine and get a glimpse of what is inside.

SURVEY QUESTION 3The answers on this question was very close between the low angle shot and the high angle shot, I feel that I should still use a low angle shot as I want my magazine to be conventional.

SURVEY QUESTION 4I feel this is a definite yes to having puffs as most magazines do have puffs and I feel if I don’t include puffs it will make the magazine look like it is too different from the others.

SURVEY QUESTION 5Mixed did was the one that was selected and I feel that it is right as it will make the magazine look conventional but I also feel it could be in the middle of both pages that way it is a mix of both.


I agree with the answer of no for this as it will make the front cover look un-neat and will make me lost a lot of space for other features on the front cover.

SURVEY QUESTION 7It is quite evident here that the contents page and the front cover of the magazine is what makes people buy them, this means I should concentrate on the typography on the front cover and contents to make sure they can be persuaded in.

SURVEY QUESTION 8I will be using all these types of fonts at different parts of the magazine I will try and get all of the features in to have as high as range as possible but not to have too big dramatic changes in text.

SURVEY QUESTION 9I don’t agree with this answer as I feel other successful magazines have been putting about half and half with pictures and text and I feel this works really well and that I should also use it.

SURVEY QUESTION 10This a complete yes and there was no “nos” in this question this means that I will make sure the subject in the photo that I take is making eye contact with the camera.

OVERALL CONCLUSION• I feel I have had some really good results from this survey and it is going

to help me decide on what finale features I will use in my magazine. Such as making the subject of the photo on the front cover be making eye contact with the camera. I have also learnt some information about my audience from these results that they may be laid back and classic.