Survey Analysis

Survey By Nikhil Patel

Transcript of Survey Analysis

SurveyBy Nikhil Patel

Audience: AgeAs you can see majority of the audience is aged from 15-18. Knowing this we can work out what sort of things to put in the video and what not to put. 15-18 is a pretty mature age range so we can put certain things in the video that they find appealing or can relate to. It shows what kind of music we should use too. This is because is the audience is aged between 15-18 and we use a classical songs then majority of the audience will not like it.

Audience: Gender You can see that from the total number of people 9 are male and 9 are female. This shows we have an equal gender quantity. Therefore we can put things both male and females find appealing when it comes to music and watching the video. Guys like to see women and girls like to see guys. We can have both genders in this music video.

Audience: Music GenreHere the audience was given a huge range to choose from and the majority chose pop, Rock and R&B had the same amount of votes. The genres that had no votes we are not going to in cooperate at all. However since the audience want a pop song we will choose a pop song. This way we know that out audience will approve of the music and music video.

Audience: Song ChoiceHere you can see we gave the audience four songs to pick from. The songs genre is really similar. We chose these songs because we wanted them to relate to the genres question we had given them before. These four songs consist of pop, rock, and R&B. However we can see that the audience really want to see The Script – Superhero's. It related because that song is a pop song and on the previous question pop was the most chosen genre.

Audience: Color SchemeHere we wanted the audience to pick whether we should have bright colors, dark colors or black and white. Most of the votes went to bright colors. However black and white did have 6/17 votes and is the second highest. Therefore we may consider adding certain scenes really bright however we could have some scenes black and white. These color changes could show emotions of the artist in the video.

Audience: LocationWe wanted to know where the audience wanted us to film our music video. As you can see Wembley got the most views. This could be because most of the audience is from wembley and want to feel a part of the music video as it was filmed in their local area. However there are some people who want us to film at Central London and the city so we could consider that.

Audience: Music CreationWe wanted to know if the audience would have preferred if we made out own music or use someone else's. As you can see 6/19 people voted for yes however the majority 13/19 voted for no. This lets us know if we need to create our own music and if so we would need to start early as it is not easy to make your own songs. However the majority chose no so we are not going to make our own music.

Audience: EditingWe wanted to know whether we should edit on QuickTime or final cut pro. However QuickTime got 12/18 votes and Final Cut Pro only got 6/18. This lets us know we need to edit on QuickTime, however because Final Cut Pro is more professional we are thinking of using both editing software's.

Audience: Clothing TypeWe wanted to know what kind of clothes the artist should wear. Majority of the votes went to fashionable. I think this is because our audience is aged between 15-18 therefore they are into fashion and would want to see it in a music video because they can relate to it. Therefore we are going to make sure our character is as fashionable as possible.

Audience: Artist EthnicityWe wanted to know what kind of ethnicity the artist should be in the video. Majority of the votes went to Indian. Therefore we have deiced to choose an Indian guy to be a part of our music video. African American was the second highest therefore we may consider including an African American too.