Survey analysis

1. This clearly shows that most people are aged between 15-17 years old. 2. The results show that the majority of people who took the test are female even though 8 are male.


Survey analysis

Transcript of Survey analysis

1. This clearly shows that most people are aged between 15-17 years old.

2. The results show that the majority of people who took the test are female even though 8 are male.

3. NME, Heat and Kerrang seem to be the most popular magazines and those are the ones that are going to help me with my magazine for the target audience.

The most common music is rock followed by RnB and pop.


The most popular answers are cd s and posters followed by make up, stickers and downloads.

6. The most common are Katy Perry, Russell Brand, Cheryl Cole and lots of different type of bands (mainly male).

7. Mainly images although some people like text.

8. 72.7% love strong imagery but most people are not too bothered about lots of information on the front cover. Half the people find that free gifts are important.

9. most people don’t go to gigs which connotes that I shouldn’t put too much information on my magazine about gigs. Although some people went more than 3 times.

10.most of the audience would pay between £1.60-£2 but some will pay from £2.10-£2.50.