SurvCE 1.50 Release Notes - Carlson...

SurvCE 1.50 Release Notes SurvCE 1.50.001 was released on May 12, 2004. The first section of this document outlines the new features that were added to the SurvCE product. The subsequent sections of this document are items that have been added in the maintenance releases that follow. SurvCE Build 1.50.001 May 12, 2004 New Features Raw file editor with full audit trail. Virtual keyboard for the Compaq Ipaq and Recon versions. Localization 2 Pt Rotate Only: This option adds the ability to localize to two points. The first point is the fixed point for X,Y,Z and the second point is held for rotation only. Template Stakeout & Template Series: This allows the user to stakeout any point along a road using design files or section files. Slope staking is also allowed from any point on the template or section. Slope Staking (Real Time): The software can now slope stake without defining a target station. MAP: Reverse Polyline. Elevation Difference (DTM Staking) using design road files. Stakeout Line/Arc now allows arcs to be defined by PC, PT and delta angle, degree of curvature, radius or arc length. Also added an option to calculate "Increment station" value, based on number of segments. Import Text/ASCII file now has an option to import SDR POS files. Import Text/ASCII file now has an option to export TDS CR5 Binary Files. The base station position can now be stored from the rover as a local coordinate through the Monitor/REF tab. Added reciprocal calculations for total stations. Under the Configure Reading screen, there will be a setting for Recip Calc (values: Never, Prompted, Always). When set to Prompted or Always, if the user occupies a point previously collected from a situation where he occupied his current backsight point, a new elevation will be calculated on the occupy point.

Transcript of SurvCE 1.50 Release Notes - Carlson...

Page 1: SurvCE 1.50 Release Notes - Carlson… · For the UTM predefined coordinate system, only the “WGS84”

SurvCE 1.50 Release Notes

SurvCE 1.50.001 was released on May 12, 2004. The first section of this document outlines the new features that were added to the SurvCE product. The subsequent sections of this document are items that have been added in the maintenance releases that follow.

SurvCE Build 1.50.001 May 12, 2004

New Features

� Raw file editor with full audit trail.

� Virtual keyboard for the Compaq Ipaq and Recon versions.

� Localization 2 Pt Rotate Only: This option adds the ability to localize to two points. The first point is the fixed point for X,Y,Z and the second point is held for rotation only.

� Template Stakeout & Template Series: This allows the user to stakeout any point along a

road using design files or section files. Slope staking is also allowed from any point on the template or section.

� Slope Staking (Real Time): The software can now slope stake without defining a target


� MAP: Reverse Polyline.

� Elevation Difference (DTM Staking) using design road files.

� Stakeout Line/Arc now allows arcs to be defined by PC, PT and delta angle, degree of curvature, radius or arc length. Also added an option to calculate "Increment station" value, based on number of segments.

� Import Text/ASCII file now has an option to import SDR POS files.

� Import Text/ASCII file now has an option to export TDS CR5 Binary Files.

� The base station position can now be stored from the rover as a local coordinate through

the Monitor/REF tab.

� Added reciprocal calculations for total stations. Under the Configure Reading screen, there will be a setting for Recip Calc (values: Never, Prompted, Always). When set to Prompted or Always, if the user occupies a point previously collected from a situation where he occupied his current backsight point, a new elevation will be calculated on the occupy point.

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� Instrument Recall. Now, when you click on the instrument icon at the top of the screen, you will see a selection of pre-saved instrument configuration sets, in addition to a tab that will allow you to view details about your current configuration as you have seen in the past. The user will be able to save current configurations to a file, rename any existing file or delete any existing file. Switch to any existing instrument configuration by double-clicking on the icon or selecting it with a single click or arrow key and pressing enter.

� The COGO/Inverse function now has “2D” and “3D” options at the top of the screen.

When set to 2D, the display will be minimalized to show only point information, azimuth/bearing and horizontal distance. When set to 3D, the display will show point data, azimuth/bearing, horizontal distance, slope distance, elevation difference, slope percent and slope ratio.

� MAP: Field to Finish - Command under tools that will allow the user to redraw linework

to reflect coding modified points or codes.

� MAP: Under File/LandXML, a new command was added, called "Chain to LandXML". This feature allows the user to export linework using the LandXML file format.

� Added a new routine that will allow the user to customize the description automatically

generated by the program in stakeout routines. This setting is found in Job Settings/Stakeout. Users can also turn off the automatic descriptions and the software will retain the last description entered from point to point.

� Added new options to recover cutsheet data from the raw file. Under Job

Settings/Stakeout/Set Cutsheet Format/ per routine there is a button that will extract Cutsheet Data from a selected RAW file and append/overwrite to an ASCII cutsheet file. The routine will use the current Cutsheet Settings to write the data to the file.

� Added a new option when the user stores an existing point to give them the opportunity

to store data to the raw file only, as opposed to both the raw file and the CRD file.

� Added new options under Road Utilities/Section File Conversion for Geopak and IGRDS file conversions.

� Points List in Stakeout Points. In the Stakeout Points dialog there is now text that will let

the user to know the source of the point. The list of points prepared for stakeout has the same option to display the source of the points. The points or range of points could be from the Control Job or the Current Job. If the user types a point or a range of points in the edit box the routine will use the Job Settings Stakeout settings that define if the points in the Control Job have precedence over the points from Current Job.

� Some GPS receivers now have the ability to store and recall user defined modem settings

providing a simple interface for switching connections to various base stations on a GPS network.

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New Equipment

� Leica Older T1600/T2000 Total Stations.

� Novatel OEM4 GPS.

� Allen-Osbourne GPS.

� Topcon RC2 only Robotic Total Station.

� Support for depth sounders.

� NavCom 2050 GPS.

� Sokkia 110M Total Station.

� Leica 1200 Robotic Total Station (GeoCOM Only) Enhancements

� File Delete command has been upgraded to allow the user to remove empty directories. The routine will not delete directories that have files or another directory tree within.

� In Input-Edit GIS Data dialog, added a check box "Save Values" that will allow the user

to save the last entered attribute values for the current code in order to be able to use them later, without re-typing them. The program automatically detects if there is no "last entered attribute values" saved for the current code and checks ON by default the check box.

� In Input-Edit GIS Data dialog, added a button "Last Values" that will allow the user to

recall the last entered attribute values. If the user presses this button a dialog will appear and will display the last entered attribute values for review purposes.

� Added a Check Battery button to Receiver Utilities for the Trimble GPS General

equipment type.

� For the UTM predefined coordinate system, only the “WGS84” datum will be supported. For all other datums, the user should select “User Defined”.

� “Oblique_Mercator” is now “Oblique_Mercator_83” to be OpenGIS compatible.

� For the Radian/Radian IS/NovAtel/GRS2600 GPS equipment types, the ability to set the

radio baud rate was added for both the base and the rover.

� The Data directory will be based on the full path of the current coordinate file. This will allow users to consistently select files from different working directories.

� Added a list of modules and whether they are turned ON or OFF to the “About” screen.

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� Added support for left/right GPS offsets for both laser and manual inputs. Left/right is specified with respect to the direction of motion.

� When Configuring GPS Base by Lat/Lon, State Plane Coordinates, Previously Surveyed

Point, Local Coordinates and Read from file, SurvCE will take a GPS reading to compare and warn user if off by more than 2 seconds.

� Show Localization File information in raw file.

� Added support for the CE.NET platform.

� Added GPS offset target height feature for laser offsets.

� Now Input-Edit Template allows the user to review the contents of the tpl file: grades,

medians, and curbs. The user will be able to edit/add/remove grades, remove medians, and remove curbs.

� Added the option that allows the user to run “user-defined” slope stake from Template

Stakeout. The elevation of the pivot can be extrapolated from the road files or can be entered by the user. A vertical offset for the final pivot elevation could also be used.

� In Input-Edit GIS Data dialog, added accelerators keys (ALT + key) for all the buttons.

� In stakeout points, store by interval and in any other routines for GPS equipment, the

solution status will be displayed only in the top bar screen area.

� For UTM and 3TM predefined coordinate systems, the correct parameters will now be displayed in the “Define” window based on the zone last used.

� In Monitor/Skyplot, show "SATS: used/total" with Leica GPS.

� In Monitor/Skyplot - SATView graphic, pick on sat to get more information.

� Added audible tone for loss or gain of GPS lock.

� Warning if user has scale factor and adds 2nd localization point.

� Different sound for "GPS connect to receiver" vs "store point".

� The local coords of the GPS Base station will now show in the Monitor\Ref tab.

� Made changes in order to avoid the “OFF CENTERLINE” messages (these messages

always have occurred when the current position was before the centerline starts or after the centerline ends).

� In Surv\Store Points, added new dialog with "Store when Fixed" button to store position

as soon as the solution is fixed.

� Offset routines will prompt the user if they want to store the last reading before exiting if not previously stored.

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� Show number of "SATS:" for GPS while collecting in STORE PNTS graph dialog.

� Show "Distance:" from last point to current point in AUTO INTVL map dialog.

� The option to define grades in input-edit template based on delta HD and delta Z.

� Under Job Settings/Units there is a new combo-box that will allow the user to select the format in which the user wants to have stationing displayed, available options: +00.000, +000.000,0.000.

� Added improvements to Cross Section Survey that will gather information on as-built

sections more thoroughly using an option that allows the user to store a Section File in Geodimeter style format (IGRDS).

� Added a new button to the Equip menu for GPS only, entitled, “Peripherals”. This is

where the user will be able to set his parameters for lasers, depth sounders and light bars.

� For all total stations, the backsight rod height and foresight rod height will be recorded separately.

� Closure was added to the report following a 2-pt Resection for total stations.

� Show “Angle to Turn” in stakeout for TS as separate info item from current angle.

� Report unused points in List Points Details. Applies to Numeric files only.

� Prompt for starting point ID when creating points in MAP screen.

� When reading from the GPS for an Average Reading, the Float/Fix status will be

displayed along with a Cancel button to allow the user to exit from the Averaged Reading.

� For GPS offset, a new note will be added to the rw5 file to indicate the original lat/lon/elv

read from the receiver. The original x,y,z will be noted as well. The actual lat/lon/elv used in the GPS record will now be the modified value that corresponds to the calculated offset position.

� For Stakeout, the reference options previously only available in Stakeout Point in Text

mode are now available in the graphics (MAP) mode as well. "Configure" is accessible within any graphics (MAP) screen through the Alt + C hotkey.

� Renamed the “Topcon GTS Series” to “Topcon GTS 3/3B Series”. Removed the

“Topcon 200 Series” equipment type and merged this with the “Topcon 300/600/700/2000” equipment type, which was renamed to “Topcon GTS Series”.

� Added the Azi-Dist display option for all Stakeout methods.

� For the Topcon GTS Series, added a toggle for “Reflectorless Series”. If this is not

active, the Guide Light and Reflectorless Read Mode options will be disabled.

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� Added a new dialog that could be activated when pressing ALT + V in all MAP screens with the following options:

o View/Edit Raw Data

o Input/Edit Points

o Feature Code List

o Input/Edit Point Cutsheet

o Input/Edit CL Cutsheet

o Input/Edit Slope Stake Cutsheet

� For the Leica and Sokkia 2-Way instruments, the prism constant that is set in the gun will be recorded as a note in the rw5 file.

� For all total stations, the option to cancel from a configured reading will be available to

the user.

� The complete list of Alt Hot Keys was added to the online help.

� When writing a record in the rw5 file, a note will be added if the equipment type, localization file or geoid file have changed.

� Remote benchmark – added option to enter just reference elevation. No longer requires

point id from crd file.

� When modifying a localization file, if existing GPS data is found in the rw5 file, the user will be prompted to reprocess the file.

� Added support for turning on and off the tracking lights for the Topcon 8000.

� Reflectorless read method for Topcon 8000.

� Reflectorless read method for Leica 1100/1200 Robotic Total Stations.

� For Leica GPS, the receiver utilities are now available from Store Points/Stakeout

through the Configure Reading hotkey. This will allow the user to change modem configuration “on-the-fly”.

� Added a note to the rw5 file to record the software version number. This will only be

written at the time the file is created.

� Added a note to the rw5 file to record the number of localization points in use, as well as the one point localization azimuth and multi-point transformation settings.

� The project scale factor will be noted upon the next addition to the rw5 file if it has

changed. Previously, this was only noted with the first record of each session.

� If the GPS coordinate system or Rover Antenna type has changed, a note will be recorded in the rw5 file.

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� The user’s last settings for Export ASCII will now be remembered.

� The user may now select a destination file in Import ASCII. Previously, points would

only be imported to the current job.

� For Cutsheet reporting, Added a prompt that will ask for additional descriptions if any of the vertical offsets are used.

� All Sideshot records to the rw5 file for collected data will report the zenith angle as a

“ZE” record. Previously, the record type depended on the zenith angle display type.

� Reciprocal calculations will now write “BD” records to the rw5 file as opposed to “SP” records.

� The Backsight screen for total stations has been redesigned. This new screen allows the

user to set an angle in the instrument, check an angle, check angle and distance, or set the angle and check the angle and distance. There is also a Turn to BS feature for robotic and motorized total stations. The raw file records for backsight check have been enhanced and a point ID is now required for the backsight, even if no coordinates are ever calculated for the BS. This allows the software to record angle only backsight readings.

� For unregistered copies of SurvCE coming from Carlson Software, the demo will limit

each coordinate file to 30 points, vs 50 demo uses. This will allow the user to use the program in demo mode for an unlimited period of time.

� Changes made to the NavCom interface. They are as follows: Added support for the

Navcom Starfire receivers with the DGPS correction types WCT, RTG, and WAAS/EGNOS. Also, added a feature to use the best corrections available, and a quickstart on known position feature to obtain high-accuracy DGPS quicker.

� Translate/Rotate/Scale will no longer produce “SP” records in the rw5 file. Only

comment records regarding the transformation will be created. This will allow users to process the original raw data if necessary. Comment can be referenced to reproduce the transformation if necessary. If the raw file is re-processed, the transformation will need to be performed again as well.

� Added the option to store the results from the Cogo/Area function as a comment in the

rw5 file.

� Users will now be warned when they switch their configuration from Base to Rover and vice versa (GPS Only).

� Changed the default value for “Control File has Priority in Stakeout” to OFF.

� In the Monitor REF tab, for some receivers, the distance from the Rover to the Base will

be shown.

� The routine that saves/exports the drawing data into the DXF format will store the points from the CRD into AutoCAD "Point" entities form (layer PNTS).

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� A new method for selecting coordinate systems was added. The user will now see in the

Job Settings/GPS screen, only the coordinate systems they wish to see. There is a button on this screen that will allow them to modify this list of projections by adding from a predefined list, adding by user defined, editing existing or deleting existing systems. The default system is currently still “USA/NAD83/AL East”.

� The option to view angles as “Gons/Grads” is now available. Select this feature under

File/Job Settings/Units/Angle Unit.

� Modified the “User Defined” feature of coordinate system selections to allow loading from a file.

� Added the “Review Individual Reading Data” toggle to the Set Collection settings. The

had been added to version 1.21 earlier at a customer’s request. If the toggle is turned on, the user will be shown results after every reading in set collection and a final results screen at the end. If this setting is off, they will see none of these things. The default value is on.

� Implemented the toggle “Auto Turn” in set collection settings. For motorized and robotic

instruments, if this setting is turned on, the instrument will change face, move to the next known position, and return to the last foresight point at the end of set collection automatically. The default for this toggle is OFF.

� For total station raw file records, the LS record will follow the OC record now when


� Added an option for “Search on Read” for the Topcon robotic instruments.

� Added an “OK” button to Instrument Setup (for total stations only). If the user does not change his/her occupy or backsight point, they will be able to just hit “OK” and proceed without taking a backsight reading. This has effectively phased out the need for the “Confirm Orientation” screen.

� In Edit/Process Rawfile, renamed the “No Adjust” button to “Process Rawfile”.

� Added a prompt after backsight check to return to the foresight position if the user had

turned to the backsight.

� Added a selection item to the Leica Remote Settings for “Insturment Series”. Possible choices are “TPS1000”, “TPS1100” and “TPS1200”.

� Added "Read Angle" button to Total Station Offset by 2 point. When pressed, it reads the

angle from the gun, and uses it to calculate the 2 point offset. This feature is useful for storing building corners that aren't visible.

� Consolidated raw processor options into one tabbed dialog, and added a number of new

options that were in SurvCADD.

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� In the rw5 file, we now write separate records for the GPS Scale and the TS Scale. Scale factors will change automatically when users switch from GPS to TS or TS to GPS. Default values for both on each new job are 1.

� Added a new option in the reference setup display used for STK to point orientation. The

new option will allow the user to have the display info for the case of Azimuth & Distance to the Stakeout point displayed using “Horizontal Clock System” values rather than Angle values.

� The routine Stakeout Line defined by points or by point and azimuth now saves the last

input values between sessions.

� When starting a new job, the project scale factor will be reset to 1.0. Previously, the project scale factor from the last job was carried over.

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SurvCE Build 1.50.002

May 26, 2004

� COGO ���� Point in Direction: If the OC and BK point ID’s were identical, the program was still checking the coincidence of the two points, even for the cases in which the BK point should not have been used.

� COGO ���� Point in Direction: In the BK edit box of the Point in Direction dialog, the routine was checking to detect if the point ID was empty by calculating the length of the description of the point rather than the actual length of the point name.

� COGO ���� Point in Direction: The combo boxes that allow the user to select the Horizontal Angle, Vertical Angle, Distance type, did not have a scroll bar to allow user selection.

� COGO ���� Transformation ���� Rotate: The horizontal angle for rotation was being incorrectly applied.

� Equip ���� CSI DGPS and Sokkia Axis 3 receivers using Omnistar: The BER value will be shown in the monitor screen to give indication of the strength of corrections received.

� Equip ���� Sokkia 110M with Remotocatcher: Corrected a setting for the “Remotocatcher” when accessed using the Settings screen from the Robotics screen.

� Equip ���� Sokkia 110M with Remotocatcher: If an RC Search is performed, SurvCE will wait longer before timing out and reporting prism not found.

� Equip ���� Sokkia 110M with Remotocatcher: There are now 2 buttons in the Joystick screen for RC Search: “RC Left” and “RC Right”. Left and Right will be determined by the “Run Remotely” setting.

� Equip ���� Sokkia G2: Registrations will now be treated as valid SurvCE registrations. All G2 users can now upgrade to SurvCE.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: Additional modifications made for the Ashtech Z12 configure base to no incorrectly report errors.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: Receivers other than ZMax, the initialization process could fail.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: The rod height and description entered into the graphics screen were not being applied to average readings.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: The ZSurveyor base was incorrectly reporting “DGPS” instead of “Autonomous”.

� Equip ���� TS: If the target height was modified before storing, a complete OC,LS,BK record set was written to the rw5 file. Only the LS record was necessary and the extra OC and BK were creating conflicts with other software packages.

� Equip ���� TS: The offset by 2 points routine will now write an SS record in the rw5 file for reprocessing.

� File ���� Configure Reading ���� Combined Direct and Reverse: SS/TR and Stakeout routines only use this type of reading for vertical angle averaging purposes as there would not be a reverse backsight reading to average horizontal angles against. Only the horizontal angle reading from the Face 1 measurement will be used for calculations. For angle set collection, use the Set Collection routine.

� File ���� Configure Reading ���� Reference: If the user previously set the reference option using the point method, then deletes the point, the program now defaults the Reference settings to North/South, East/West. In the past the program was using 0,0 as the reference point.

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� File ���� Job Settings ���� Control File: The file names will now be stored to the current job settings file rather than the general settings. In the past, when switching from a job that had a Control Job to another job that also previously had a Control Job, the program was reusing the previously selected Control Job name from last used job.

� General ���� Automatic Generated Point Description: If the user turns ON any of the Automatic Generated Description flags, the program will not use the previously used description. At any time if the user wants to change the description, they can type a new one and the program will stop updating the descriptions. After storing the point he can continue using the same description or delete the description and the program will re-start to use the Automatic Generated Point Description. To delete the description, the user can put the cursor inside the Description Field in the GRAPHIC screen and hit the Delete key. Cross Section Survey and Slope Staking are using their own settings.

� General ���� Raw File Records using Control Files: When a point was copied from the control job to the current job in Instrument Setup for total stations, 2 SP records were written to the rw5 file. Now, there will be only one.

� MAP ���� DXF: The exported file created in SurvCE 1.50.001 could fail with the error “Invalid APPID at line…”. This error occurs when the user uses an FCL code file and creates the linework in the field. If the user creates/modifies the drawing using MAP commands the DXF remains valid. An executable is available that could fix any DXF’s that failed.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Section File Conversion: IGRDS to SCT file conversion was corrected.

� Road ���� Slope Staking: Stakeout reference option for Stake First or Second Offset, when reporting In/Out Fwd/Back for the stakeout point was reporting the IN/OUT value: 7865432.1 (bad value).

� Road ���� Slope Staking: Stakeout reference option In/Out Fwd/Back for the CATCH point was reporting IN/OUT reversed.

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SurvCE Build 1.50.003

June 10, 2004

� COGO ���� Process Raw File ���� Direct-Reverse Report: Added support for if there is a BD record to the backsight that is not part of a direct-reverse set (e.g. Backsight).

� COGO ���� Transformation ���� Rotate: If the user was set to “Bearing” for angle display, the total rotation was displayed as a bearing, not and angle of rotation.

� Equip ���� CSI GPS: For CSI DGPS Max, added the ability to set DGPS Max age and elevation mask.

� Equip ���� CSI GPS: For CSI DGPS Max, SurvCE now shows the age of corrections in Monitor.

� Equip ���� CSI GPS: For CSI DGPS Max, SurvCE will no longer show the Axis/Axis3 choice in the Configure Rover Screen.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: Renamed Leica System 500 GPS to Leica System 500/1200 GPS. GX1200 is not fully supported yet.

� Equip ���� Localization: If the user added a localization point, but chose not to reprocess his/her rw5 file, the next time they went to any graphics mode, the position graphic on the screen would not be visible.

� Equip ���� Sokkia GPS: For GSR2650 and NovAtel OEM4 Rreceivers a “saveconfig” call was added to the end of the initialization process.

� Equip ���� Topcon FC100: Pop-up keyboard support added. � Equip ���� Zeiss TS: For models Elta 2 through 6, a modification was made to the

interface to accept a distance in either feet or metric (previously, only metric was allowed).

� Equip ���� Zeiss TS: Renamed to Zeiss50/Elta Series. Support was added for the Elta 2 through 6 series instruments.

� File ���� Configure Reading ���� Reference: The style was not being set for GPS or RTS for the option AZIMUTH & DISTANCE. Also the reference arrow was appearing in the MAP screen for the cases in which no reference point was available.

� General ���� Raw File: A new comment was added to the rw5 file. Either “—CRD:Numeric” or “—CRD: Alphanumeric” will appear near the beginning of the file.

� General ���� Raw File: In the case of numeric coordinate files, when backsighting an azimuth, 2 sets of OC,BK records were written to the rw5 file.

� MAP ���� Export SHP File: The routine was incorrectly reading the type of fields from the VTT file in the cases of a real type value. Also added an improvement to that routine that will keep the name of the SHP file selected by the user if the export involves one feature at the time.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc ���� Stakeout Arc: The routine was not re-calculating the length of the arc if the arc data was already entered and the arc direction was changed.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc ���� Stakeout Arc: The routine was not re-setting the starting and ending station so after the user modified the starting station value. The program was calculating an incorrect value for the ending station. These values were not used within the Stakeout CL routine because the program was re-loading the CL and re-calculating the ending station value.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Points: Now handles lists using control file points that are out of sequence.

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SurvCE Build 1.50.004 July 09, 2004

Thales GPS – Base Station Height Issue

When the user configured the base station, the base antenna height was not sent to the receiver properly causing the base position to be computed at the phase center of the antenna instead of the ground. If the user localized and then tried to move the base to a new location using Previously Surveyed Point or Local Coordinates (possibly others), the rover elevation would be off by the amount of the base antenna height. All localization and reference files created with the software that had this issue will need to be recreated. The problem was introduced after SurvCE version 1.21.017 but prior to any Fast Survey or SurvCE 1.5 release and has now been corrected in SurvCE 1.50.004. This issue is known to affect all Thales/Ashtech receivers, possibly others.

Corrections and Enhancements

The following are detailed descriptions of items that were added or addressed in this release.

� COGO ���� Point Projection: When trying locate the center of a Curve element within a CL file, the program was calculating a wrong station.

� COGO ���� Process Raw File: Added option to the raw processor routine for reciprocal calculations.

� COGO ���� Transformation: If no scale value was given, it was possible for the program to interpret this as a scale value of 0 with base point 0,0,0.

� COGO ���� Transformation: Rotate and scale will not be performed if the corresponding base points are not defined.

� COGO ���� Transformation: The Rotation value written in the rw5 file was in radians, it will now be in dd.mmss format as all other angle values.

� Equip ���� GPS ���� Scale Factor: If the scale for GPS is determined from the localization, a “GPS Scale” record of 1.0 and a “Localization Scale” equal to the calculated scale record will be written in the rw5 file.

� Equip ���� GPS: For the Ashtech and Topcon receivers (possibly others), when configuring the base station, some base setup routines did not transfer the antenna height to the receiver properly causing the rover to be off by the value of the base antenna height. Known base setup methods that contained this issue were Local Coordinates and Previously Surveyed Point.

� Equip ���� GPS: In the Job Settings/Units screen, if a scale can be calculated from the localization, this value will be displayed and grayed out.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: The foresight prism offset was being set in the instrument before a backsight check, not the backsight prism offset.

� Equip ���� Monitor/Skyplot ���� Ref: In the Monitor GPS/REF tab for the rover, the “Store” button will be disabled if a base position of 0,0,0 is detected.

� Equip ���� Navcom GPS using “Quickstart”: RMS values will be displayed as “0.0” in this case as valid numbers will not be reported from the receiver.

� Equip ���� NMEA GPS: Added a toggle for “Allow Zero RMS Values”. If this is checked, the software will not invalidate readings with 0.0 hrms and vrms values.

� Equip ���� NovAtel/Sokkia Radian/Sokkia Radian IS/Sokkia GSR2600 GPS: The radio baud rate list was extended to include the full range from 1200 to 115200.

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� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech GPS: For the Ashtech GPS, if the rover receiver was fixed, no data was being shown in the REF tab.

� Equip ���� Topcon FC1000: On the FC100, the taskbar will always be shown while SurvCE is running.

� Equip ���� Topcon FC1000: The Bluetooth communication was returned to the way it was working in version 1.21.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Changes made to the read function for Topcon GPS that should eliminate lock-ups on the data collector.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: For the Topcon GPS, if the receiver type was HiPer+, the antenna was always set to “HiPer GD”. Now any antenna type may be selected.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Changes were made to the turning function (turn to point and turn to angle) for Topcon robots to reduce unnecessary long waits.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon APL and 800 Remote, changed the turning function to prevent the hour glass from appearing much longer than necessary.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon GTS instruments, a toggle was added for a “Lock on Read” function.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon robotic total station, if the “Lock on Read” setting was turned on, the program would attempt to lock onto a prism after every turn command.

� Equip ���� TS: For robotic total stations, when storing an offset reading after entering the offset screen from the Text mode, the program would start taking automatic readings from the instrument.

� File ���� Job Settings ���� Units ���� Scale Factor: In the Job Settings screen for GPS, if the scale displayed is the one calculated from the localization (see item above) it will be displayed as the inverse value of what is seen in the Localization screen. This will be consistent with the “combined grid scale factor” that is normally entered in this screen.

� General ���� Auto Descriptions: Added upper and lower characters within the AutoFill Description Edit Box.

� General ���� Average D&R: For total stations using combined Face1/Face2 in SS/TR, when the horizontal or vertical angle tolerance was exceeded, the error message was displayed incorrectly.

� General ���� DBF: Made the field name for DBF files compatible based on the DBASE spec.

� General ���� DBF: SurvCE now limits the number of characters stored within the DBF field from 50-254.

� General ���� DBF: SurvCE was not preserving the type of fields when exporting data from SurvCE to DBF file.

� General ���� Instrument Setup ���� Remote Benchmark: If you entered a multi-digit point ID, only one digit was taken into consideration.

� General ���� Raw Files ���� Comments: Some rw5 file note records were not being recorded as often as they should: i.e. the number of points in the localization file, the name of the geoid separation file.

� General ���� Sokkia ���� SDR8100: Added support for the SDR8100 (SurvCE Only). � General ���� Store Point Function: Added error detection in store point for total stations.

If the minutes or seconds of the horizontal or vertical angle values is greater than or equal to 60, the point will be rejected with an error message displayed to the user.

� General ���� Store Point Function: For conventional total stations, if the user leaves the stakeout screen with a reading in the “buffer” that has not been stored, they will be prompted to store or discard the reading. This was true for leaving the SS/TR screen only in the past.

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� General ���� Template File Selection: When selecting a template file for use, the file types listed in the pull-down at the top will now say “TPL, TSF Files”.

� MAP ���� Export SHP File: Corrected a problem with exporting arcs and polygons created through F2F into SHP files.

� Road ���� Slope Staking: In Slope Staking the user entered slope ratio was not being held until the user exited and reentered the routine.

� Surv ���� Auto by Interval: For GPS in Auto by Interval, removed a warning for Hrms/Vrms 0.0.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Points: When selecting stakeout points from a stakeout list, the target elevation was not properly set.

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SurvCE Build 1.50.005 July 15, 2004

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Corrected an issue with the GTS Series instruments that was

introduced in 1.50.004 where these instruments would take excessive time to measure.

� File ���� Job Settings ���� Stakeout ���� Set Cutsheet Format ���� Create Cutsheet File From Raw File: When GPS notes were present after the regular cutsheet data, the routine was adding the notes to the cutsheet file.

� File ���� List Points ���� Find: When the user tries to find a point based on a description, they can now use wildcards to match the description (e.g. TREE*). Also, the routine will prompt the user when the search reaches the end of the list and will prompt to begin searching from the top of the list.

� General ���� Text Mode ���� Stakeout Reference: The drop list for the reference location was not being retained between sessions.

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SurvCE Build 1.50.006 August 20, 2004

Thales GPS – Base Station Height Issue

Please see updated comments in the 1.50.004 section of this document.

Leica TPS 1200 Direct

Support was added for the Leica 1200 Total Station operating in direct mode using the Leica TPS Series instrument selection. Users must acquire a code from Leica to unlock the instrument so that it can be controlled by SurvCE if PowerSearch, ATR or Motor Turning features are to be utilized.

Leica System 1200 GPS

Support was added for the Leica System 1200 GPS. Users must acquire a code from Leica to unlock the receiver so that it can be controlled by SurvCE. This interface has some known issues that are currently being researched. Carlson plans to have these issues resolved by a November release. The known issues are as follows:

� Equip ���� Monitor/Skyplot ���� Ref: This tab does not correctly report the base station information.

� Cell Modems: This feature is not yet supported. � Surv ���� Log Static Data: This feature is not yet supported. � Equip ���� Configure Rover ���� Log Baseline Data: This feature is not yet


Corrections and Enhancements

The following are detailed descriptions of items that were added or addressed in this release.

� COGO ���� Process Raw File ���� Edit Raw File: Previously, if the user opened an rw5 file in the Editor and saved that file, the number of significant digits used was not consistent with the original number of significant digits used for storing data.

� COGO ���� Process Raw File ���� Edit Raw File: The maximum line length was increased to prevent cutsheet data from being lost after a save.

� COGO ���� Process Raw File: When reprocessing total station data the “Report Closure” setting was being applied in some cases when it shouldn’t be (i.e. process by Compass).

� Equip ���� Configure Base ���� From File: For GPS Configure Base, a message will be displayed after successful configuration from a file. Previously, nothing was displayed to the user.

� Equip ���� GPS: A recent change (between 1.21 and 1.50) forced a complete initialization of all GPS receivers on program startup. Now this will only be a “quick connect”. The previous method would force base stations to stop transmitting.

� Equip ���� Instrument: For Sokkia and Leica total stations, after selecting these instruments from the Equip/Instrument list, the user will be prompted with the Settings dialog before the Comm Setup dialog. This will allow proper selection of model type before selecting the comm. settings.

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� Equip ���� Instrument: Removed “Trimble 4700” from the equipment selection list. This choice should not have been displayed. Trimble 4700 users should select “Trimble GPS General”.

� Equip ���� Laser Atlanta: When reading from the Laser Atlanta, all non-Laser messages will be ignored. This allows for constant NMEA streaming with the “T-cable”.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: Changed the default baud rate for the Leica GPS system GX1200 from 19200 to 115200.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica GPS system GX1200, the PC Card memory available will now be read correctly.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica GX1200 GPS, we are now retrieving the base ID correctly at the rover.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: Made changes to the PDL and RFM96W radio channel changing routine to work with the Leica GX1200 receivers.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For Leica Remote with ATR turned on, when performing a “Set Angle and Read” function in backsight check, the ATR correction will be taken into consideration, so that the angle set is relative to the center of the prism, not necessarily the crosshairs of the instrument. The “Set Angle” and “Check Angle” functions will still be relative to the crosshairs.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica 1200 direct connection, if the Read Mode selected was “Tracking”, the instrument was set to “Standard”.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica 1200 direct connection, the ATR setting will be properly applied.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica robotic instrument, if the user switches to RL mode while the instrument is tracking, the instrument will be put in standby mode to allow use of the tangent screws.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica total stations, the turn to angle function will now use the correct parameters for precise turn vs. “normal” turn.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica TPS Series, renamed the Series selections to be as follows: TPS 100/300/400, TPS 700/700 Auto, TPS1000/1100 and TPS1200.

� Equip ���� Localization: Changed “State Plane Coordinate” to “Grid Coordinate” in the title bar of the Enter Grid Coordinate screen for the GPS base station.

� Equip ���� Localization: In Localization for GPS, selecting “Enter Lat/Lon” for the GPS coordinate would cause the program to crash.

� Equip ���� Monitor/Skyplot: Minor screen formatting in the Monitor/Lat and REF tabs for GPS.

� Equip ���� Navcom GPS: Several corrections were made to this interface pertaining to settings and logging static data.

� Equip ���� Reflectorless Icon: A reflectorless icon was added for Topcon and Leica reflectorless capable total stations. Pressing this button will toggle the instrument in/out of reflectorless mode. This icon only appears in SS/Trav and Stakeout routines (Graphics and Text modes) for direct connection interfaces at this time.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: For the Topcon GPS+ Log Static feature, made sure vertical/slant setting and antenna heights are consistent between rover/base configuration and log static data setting.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: For the Topcon GPS+ Log Static feature, made sure vertical offsets can't be -1.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon conventional total stations, it was possible for the program to crash after storing a point in Set Collection.

� Equip ���� Trimble GPS General ���� Settings: For the Trimble GPS General, the Configure Rover and Configure Base screens in Landscape mode were not formatted properly.

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� File ���� Data Transfer: When importing points through data transfer, the user will now have the option to “Overwrite All” or “Cancel All” when a point that already exists is found.

� File ���� Feature Code List ���� Special Codes ���� Store GIS Line Data to Vertices: Added the option to store GIS data usually associated with an ARC or POLYGON entity to all VERTICES.

� File ���� Feature Code List ���� Special Codes ���� Use FCL Path to Store *.GIS: Added the option to define the location of the CSGIS folder used to store the GIS files. The user will be able to store the GIS files under a folder that has the same level as the FCL file, rather than the old scenario in which the CSGIS folder was located at the same level as the CRD job file.

� File ���� Import ASCII ���� CR5: Point Ids greater than 32760 were being skipped when importing a CR5 file into SurvCE.

� General ���� Backsight: For Manual total station, the “Set Angle & Read” button will no longer prompt for a second reading.

� General ���� Import/Export LandXML Files: The routine was failing on files written in the UNIX format.

� General ���� Input Box Controls ���� Calculator: Added the option to call the “Calculator” routine by keying in a question mark from within the Stakeout Points dialog, Point by Direction, Distance input box. This option is available in virtually all input boxes.

� General ���� Input Box Controls: Input boxes now accept “CM” for “Centimeters”. � General ���� Input Box Controls: Input boxes now accept “F” as abbreviation for US

Survey Feet. (Example: 10f would result in 10 feet) � General ���� Input Box Controls: Input boxes now accept “IN” for “Inches”. � General ���� Interface: The AR values in the graphic screen did not show the seconds for

any angle over 100 degrees. � General ���� Message Boxes: SurvCE was not displaying the entire word if the length of

it was larger than the size of the MessageBox dialog. Usually this case occurred when the program was giving a warning to the user that had a file path in it. Now the program forces the display of an abbreviated file path. E.g. “c:\\disk\\10-04-03\\Maysville\\road.crd” will be converted to: “c:\\..-04-03\\Maysville\\road.crd”.

� General ���� Point Protection ���� GPS Averaging: Added the ability to average multiple GPS measurements at the same point taken at different times. The point protection dialog will present the option to average all previous measurements found in the RW5 file with the current reading.

� General ���� Report Format: The format is now written in a compatible form required by some third party software to generate Cutsheets Reports.

� MAP ���� Polyline to Points: This routine now allows the user to select more than one polyline entity for processing.

� MAP ���� Traverse or Sideshot: If the user only selected the OP (occupied point), the program was asking for a BS (backsight point) for quadrant and azimuth backsights. Now only Angle Left or Angle Right methods will require a BS (backsight point).

� MAP ���� Traverse or Sideshot: If the user only selected the OP (occupied point) and exited, the next time either one of the above mentioned commands was selected, the graphic was not displaying the “pen-symbol” to show the location of the occupied point on the MAP.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion ���� SDMS: Added the ability to convert a centerline from SDMS software.

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� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Section File Conversion ���� ISPOL: The routine that converts an ISPOL section file was not converting and saving the description code stored in the SC1 file to the Section (SCT) file.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Section File Conversion ���� LandXML: Files will now use the SUBGRADE or FINISH GRADE descriptions based on the user’s settings. In the Import dialog the user can select the type of the imported surface. For example, if the user decides to import a “SUBGRADE” surface and changes the type of the surface to “FINISH GRADE” the program will preserve the original description. In the past the program was adding the “SUBGRADE” suffix to the description and did not allow the user to import “DESIGN” or “EXISTING” surfaces from LandXML files in a way that they could be later used inside the Template Stakeout, Elevation Difference or Slope Staking routines.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Section File Conversion ���� Terramodel: Added the ability to convert a section file from Terramodel software.

� Road ���� Template Stakeout ���� Negative Offsets: The value of the setback offset gets saved for future use even if the actual value has a negative sign. In the past the program was saving the absolute value and the user had to re-type the negative sign.

� Road ���� Template Stakeout: Added a new option in Template Stakeout that will allow the user to define the road template based on a set of alignments (CL/PRO that could be files, selected polylines or a sequence of points). The user must enter the alignments and name them using descriptions for the left and the right side of the road, starting from CENTER.

� Surv ���� Log Static Data ���� Leica GPS: Corrected interface problems with the Leica GPS post processing routines.

� Surv ���� Offset Stakeout: The EL icon was not showing the proper elevation after the first store.

� Surv ���� Resection: Several changes were made to the resection routine for total stations. o Number of control points has been increased from 10 to 20. (If you want to do

more than a single D/R to a control point you still have to shoot the same control point a second time.)

o There is a new configuration screen that allows the user to define standard errors for distances (ppm and constant), angles (pointing and reading) and setup (Resect pt. and control point). These settings allow the user to take advantage of least squares and weighting. After the resection is calculated the results of the resection are displayed.

o The input data is now displayed in a list structure and the user has the option to turn certain measurements ON/OFF and recalculate the solution. The user can edit point numbers, hi's,rods, angles and distances.

o Additional statistical information is displayed including angle and distance residuals, N & E standard deviation, distance and angle RMS. Once the user is satisfied with any edits and solutions they can store the results of the resection.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc: Changed the title bar from “Point on Line” to “Define Line” for the line definition.

SurvCE Build 1.50.007 March 2, 2005

� COGO ���� Calculator ���� In the Scientific Calculator, SurvCE was displaying 60 seconds

as the result of conversion from 25d50'00" to decimal degree and back to DMS.

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� COGO ���� Calculator: If the user was configure as the Leica TPS Series instrument and went straight to Calculator from the Main Menu after launching the program, the software would crash when the Calculator was closed.

� COGO ���� Calculator: When converting Grid System Coordinates to WGS84, the geoid separation file was not applied. It was applied when calculating from WGS84 to Grid System Coordinates.

� COGO ���� Process Raw Data: Added additional checks for when backsight readings are taken to unknown points and when the user defines the backsight azimuth with or without taking a reading.

� COGO ���� Transformation: Cogo/Transformation/Scale - The flag “Ignore Elevation” was not used if it was set before entering the scale factor and origin point ID.

� COGO ���� Transformation: This command was using limited precision when applying TRANSLATE/ROTATE/SCALE transformations. (Only four digits were used). Also, the routine in the case of creating new points was applying ROTATE/SCALE to the selected range of points and independently TRANSLATE to the same initial range of points rather than applying TRANSLATE to the newly created points. Also, if the user wanted to create new points and picked a larger than available range of points from the CRD, the routine was processing not only the initial existing points from the CRD but also the newly created points. Added the option Overwrite All, Cancel All for the case of point protect.

� Equip ���� All TS: Added an hourglass cursor before the Backsight dialog is displayed to let the user know the program is busy while the read mode and prism offsets are being sent to the instrument. For most instruments, this hourglass will instantaneously appear and disappear because they do not support these instrument settings.

� Equip ���� All TS: For all total station instruments, before going into SS/TR or any Stakeout routine, if the default next point to store has the same ID as the backsight point, the default next point will be incremented.

� Equip ���� Carlson Explorer and Jett: Added sounds. � Equip ���� Carlson Explorer: Modified the Explorer install to include “FileCopy.f2c”.

This is identical to “FileCopy.txt”. Firmware versions of the Explorer before 4.20.077 will recognize FileCopy.txt, while all versions 4.20.077 and beyond will recognize FileCopy.f2c.

� Equip ���� DAP 5320X: The software now retrieves the display color capabilities and also Hides/Un-Hides the Task Bar.

� Equip ���� FC2000: A new version was added for the Topcon FC2000 data collector. � Equip ���� Geodimeter and Trimble 5600 TS: Often setting the backsight angle to the

instrument would result in an error in SurvCE, saying “HZ Ang not Set”. � Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� 12 Channels: Added support for 12 radio channels in

the Geodimeter/Trimble instruments. � Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� Autolock: For Geodimeter/Trimble Robotic,

instrument will attempt to autolock before searching to make search more effecient. � Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� Diode Backsight: Added toggle under settings for

Geodimeter/Trimble GeoRadio and Direct Robotic called "Diode Backsight". When selected, this option will force a fine aim when the "Turn toBacksight" button in pressed.

� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� DR Series: Geodimeter "DR Series" check box setting is now written to the CNF file - previously this setting was not being stored.

� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� No Data: Made modifications to the Geodimeter/Trimble measurement routine to refresh the COM port in the event the radio communication locks up. This is to resolve the No Data... status lock that previously required the radios to be re-initialized.

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� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� On/Off: When using the Carlson Explorer/JettCE, SurvCE would not properly turn on the Geodimeter/Trimble GeoRadio.

� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� Radios Off: Modified "Turn Off Instrument" for Geodimeter/Trimble to turn off the radios remotely.

� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� Return from Face 2: For Geodimeter/Trimble Robotic, instrument will autolock after chaning face.

� Equip ���� Geodimeter/Trimble ���� Tracking: Made modifications to the Geodimeter/Trimble measurement routine pausing for the case of tracking configured reads. This delay is not required for other read modes, but was causing frequent errors when in tracking mode. The impact on the overall time to measure is negligible.

� Equip � HydroTrac: Modified the reading message for the HydroTrac depth sound to support the Echotrac message.

� Equip ���� HydroTrac: More changes made to the HydroTrac depth sounder interface to allow parsing of the “ ET” message.

� Equip ���� Impulse Laser: For the Impulse Laser, further corrections were made to properly convert the inclination to zenith angle. Previously, the inclination was converted to a vertical angle.

� Equip ���� Impulse Laser: The inclination was being incorrectly processed as a zenith angle.

� Equip ���� Instrument: When changing instrument types to/from Trimble GPS General, Topcon APL1/APL1A or Leica TPS Series, the default model type was not set properly, causing the default to be an older model than originally intended.

� Equip ���� Leica 1200 GPS: For the Leica GX1200, “Log Static Data” will now work as it does with the System 500.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS ���� Log Static Data ���� Delete: For Leica GPS in the Log Static feature, when deleting a file from the PC Card, it was possible for the software to lock up, requiring the data collector to be rebooted.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS ���� Log Static Data ���� File Name: For the Leica GPS, the file manager for static logging was incorrectly cutting filenames off at 10 characters instead of 30 characters. This caused SurvCE to lock up when deleting files from the System 1200.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica 500 and 1200 Series GPS, added checks for position and radio latency to ensure that no out-of-date positions will be allowed and status will be downgraded to Autonomous when radio link is lost.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica GPS, if the user hit “Cancel” from Receiver Utilities or Configure Reading, if the station type was “Rover” and the unit had not been powered down, the Receiver would be reinitialized. The receiver should only be reinitialized if the user presses “OK” while the Receiver Utilities tab is active. This re-initialization also caused the stakeout reference to switch to North/South because the base position could not be read during this time.

� Equip � Leica GPS: For the Leica GX1200 GPS, when the user first creates a “User Modem”, the default “Modem” configuration from the receiver will be used as a template. This increased the possible message lengths for sending modem configurations to the receiver to allow for longer AT commands.

� Equip � Leica GPS: For the Leica GX1200 series (GPS), modified the way that rod heights are handled to match changes from the System 500 to the GX1200 series. Previously, only rw5 file elevations were correct, requiring the data be reprocessed for elevation accuracy.

� Equip � Leica GPS: For the Leica GX1200 Series firmware version 1.52 and higher, we can now display and store the base position from the rover.

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� Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica System 500/1200 GPS, if the user selected “Modem” the port would be configured with flow control set to “None”. This should be “RTS/CTS”.

� Equip � Leica GPS: When connecting to a user defined modem with a Leica GPS base station, it was possible for the software to crash if the user modified the modem command strings in the edit fields.

� Equip ���� Leica RTS: For the Leica 1200 Series robotic total station, if the instrument temporarily lost the prism and started going to Prediction mode while the point was being stored, the point would be stored properly, but there would be no SS record in the rw5 file.

� Equip ���� Leica RTS: For the Leica Robotic Total Station, set to “TPS1000” series, when initiating the EDM in Topo or Stakeout, the instrument would go to Standby.

� Equip ���� Leica RTS: In Template Stakeout, Slope Staking and Offset Stakeout, after storing a point and using Leica Robotic TS, if the EDM was ON before using storing the point, the EDM was not returned to ON afterward.

� Equip ���� Leica TS ���� Change Face: For the Leica 1100 and 1200 Series instruments connected directly, the Change Face function had an unnecessary delay after the turn was complete.

� Equip ���� Leica TS ���� Comm Setup: For all Leica GPS and TS, in addition to "Manual Total Station" and "GPS Simulation", the "This is a Bluetooth Port" selection will no longer be visible in Comm Setup. This feature is not supported by these instruments and has lead to tech support issues.

� Equip ���� Leica TS ���� TC1600: For the Wild TC1600, modified the “Set Zero” feature. Previously, this feature was causing an error to appear on the instrument.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: Added an hourglass cursor to the “Change Face” routine for Leica TPS Series (Direct), models 1100 and lower. This already occurred for model 1200 and all Leica Robotic Total Stations.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: Changes were made to the Leica 1200 Robotic interface in tracking mode to allow faster reacquisition of the target when it is lost. The program will automatically display angles only when the target is lost and return to angles and distance when it is reacquired.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For Leica TPS Series, if “Motorized” is turned off, ATR, PowerSearch, Turn to Point in Stakeout and Turn to Vertical in Stakeout will not just be disabled, they will be set to “off”.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica 1200 TPS Series, corrected a problem with the “Change Face” command. Previously, the instrument would not turn when this function was called.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica 1200, the P.C. note was not being recorded to the rw5 file when the prism constant was changed.

� Equip � Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic Series, after a configured reading a completed, the instrument will instantly return to tracking mode if it was tracking before. This will prevent loss of lock while entering a description for storing.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic Series, decreased the wait time for a Power Search from 600s to 10s.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic Total Station, 1100 Series, the EDM initialization was changed back to “Tracking” vs. “Rapid Tracking”. The “Rapid Tracking” change was only present in the build.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic Total Station, changed the default reading method from “Standard” to “Fast”.

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� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic, 1200 Series, we now initiate a faster EDM mode to allow greater accuracy when storing quickly with the Enter key configured to “Store Only”.

� Equip � Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic, changes where made to the procedure for ATR Searches to allow the search to execute after tracking a prism.

� Equip � Leica TS: For the Leica Robotic, if “Search after Turn” was selected, the Change Face routine would not work. Now, the instrument will change face and lock on the prism.

� Equip � Leica TS: For the Leica TPS Series, if Turn to Point or Turn to angle was used with ATR on, the instrument would not turn.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica TPS Series, if Turn to Vertical was turned off for Stakeout, the instrument would turn to 0.0 zenith angle.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica TPS Series, the icon at the top of the Topo screen for switching from RL mode to IR mode was not working. This was due to the IR mode being set to “Tracking” instead of “Standard”, which was not valid for the TPS Direct interface.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: The timeout for a distance reading was extended to 30 seconds. Also, there will be no automatic “re-trigger” of a measurement if no data is received within 6 seconds. The user will be able to Cancel the reading and retry on demand.

� Equip � Leica TS: When exiting Topo/Stakeout screens, the Leica Robotic total station will not be put in Standby mode. Previously, the Leica Robotic was the only instrument that the software intentionally put into Standby when leaving the topo/stakeout screens.

� Equip ���� Localization: For GPS localization if only vertical control was used, the localization was ignored. Now, using vertical control only is valid.

� Equip ���� Localization: For GPS Localization, when prompted to reprocess the rw5 file after changing or loading a localization, it was possible for the current localization filename to not be the default selection. The current localization file is now default.

� Equip ���� Localization: Selecting “Enter Lat/Lon” for the GPS coordinate would cause the program to crash.

� Equip ���� Localization: When the user toggles Horizontal or Vertical control on or off for a point in GPS Localization, the display will now be updated to show the recalculated residuals of all points.

� Equip ���� Localization: When using the “Read GPS” method for base configuration, the rod height and antenna offset were not figured into the elevation value for Leica and Ashtech Zxtreme and ZMax receivers. This was only a problem if the user returned to the same location later and used any of the “From Known Position” options for base configuration.

� Equip ���� MDL LaserAce: Added “MDL LaserAce” to the list of supported lasers. � Equip ���� Monitor/SkyPlot ���� Ref: For GPS in the Monitor/REF tab when viewing or

storing the base position, if a projection was User Defined or defined by a WKT string (treated as "user defined") or Danish Grid or New Zealand, the incorrect height was being used. The raw elevation in metric was used instead of the orthometric value in the correct units.

� Equip ���� Monitor/SkyPlot ���� Ref: In Monitor/REF for GPS when a geoid separation file is used, the position used to find the separation was the rover position, not the base.

� Equip ���� Monitor/SkyPlot: For GPS, if a geoid separation file is selected, but it has not yet been loaded, the program will read the geoid before starting Monitor/Skyplot. This will prevent long delays with only the hourglass showing.

� Equip ���� Monitor/Skyplot: Modified position and size of some information in the Monitor/Skyplot screens for better appearance.

� Equip ���� Navcom GPS: Enhance support for logging static with this device.

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� Equip ���� Navcom GPS: For Navcom GPS, when configuring the rover, even if the message “Failed to clear Navcom base position.” appears, the software will continue to configure the rover. This message should not affect to operation of the rover.

� Equip ���� Navcom GPS: For the Navcom GPS, the RTK output option is now supported. � Equip ���� Navcom GPS: For the Navcom GPS, the setting for "RTK Max Age" was

being sent to the receiver as the DGPS Max age. Both the RTK Max Age and DGPS Max age will now be set properly.

� Equip ���� Navcom GPS: The Navcom Static logging now includes the ability to tag points by writing data to Waypoint files.

� Equip � Novatel/Sokkia GPS: For the Sokkia GSR2650LB and the NovAtel OEM4, the OmniStar region in the DGPS Settings screen will default to the last one stored. Previously, it defaulted to blank.

� Equip ���� OmniStar ���� Frequency: For the Sokkia GSR2650LB and NovAtel OEM4 receivers, the OmniStar frequency was not being set properly.

� Equip ���� Sokkia and Novatel GPS: For Sokkia GSR2650 and NovAtel OEM4 receivers, if OmniStar HP is used for the AMSC regions, the appropriate shift from ITRF to WGS84 will be applied. Otherwise, if the datum used by the receiver is not WGS84, it will be set to WGS84, as this is what the software expects.

� Equip ���� Sokkia GPS: For the Sokkia GSR2650 and NovAtel OEM4 receiver, the datum shift for ITRF-WGS84 when OmniStar HP is in use was modified slightly. The new shift will yield a better mathematical result.

� Equip � Sokkia GPS: For the Sokkia GSR26540LB, the OmniStar frequency selected by the user will be stored in the cnf file to be recalled the next time the user runs the program.

� Equip ���� Sokkia GPS ���� Log Static Data: For Radian IS and Sokkia GSR2600 Static Data Logging, made the following corrections:

o If the current satellites were fewer than the minimum for the defined group, the error message displayed was garbled. (For NovAtel and Radian also)

o When continuing from the Group Editor, the software would warn the user that the antenna height was zero, even when it was not zero.

o An obsolete message only valid for the older NovAtel/Radian systems was removed from the configuration for Logging Static.

� Equip ���� Sokkia TS: For Sokkia Set TS, with the “2-way” setting turned on, the angle units (either degrees or gons) will be sent to the instrument. Also, there was a warning added to the setup screen for users set to “1-way" that they must ensure the settings on their instrument match the settings in the software.

� Equip ���� Symbol PDT8100: On the PDT8100, StrongArm version, the transformation for the UK Grid was not working properly due to inconsistencies with the static Coordsys library. No other data collectors were affected.

� Equip ���� Thales GPS: Fixed problem with Zxtreme internal radio. The radio did not work when the user was set to RTCM.

� Equip ���� Thales GPS: When using an Ashtech Z12 base station and a Ashtech ZSurveyor rover, it was possible for the base elevation to be read incorrectly from the rover and for the rover elevation to change after running the Log Static Data routines. Made changes to ensure that for the Ashtech ZMax, Zxtreme and ZSurveyor, the rod height and antenna offsets are always processed in the receiver, not in the software and for all other Ashtech GPS receivers, the reverse is true.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech ���� Configure Rover: Cleaned up the interface. � Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech GPS: Added radio buttons for Thales/User OBEN, interval

combo box, & Average store points OBEN checkbox to Configure Base. This should make it easier for those who want to set these options when configuring the base to do so.

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� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech GPS: For the Thales/Ashtech GPS receivers, if the GSM PIN displayed is “****”, no pin will be sent to the receiver.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech GPS: Made the software label static point ID's in a different fashion. Now, instead of padding with X's, the site name is front padded with 0's.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: For the Ashtech ZXtreme and ZMax receivers, when configuring the base by local coordinates and selecting a new localization file, the base antenna height was factored twice, causing the rover to be lower by the value of the base antenna height.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: For the ZMax receiver, the user will not be able to initiate a GSM dial if the GSM unit is either online or dialing.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: For ZMax and ZXtreme receivers, if the software was reset without running Configure Rover after the reset, the base antenna information was sent to the rover receiver, causing a shift in elevation.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: For ZMax and ZXtreme receivers, if the software was reset without running Configure Rover after the reset, the base antenna information was sent to the rover receiver, causing a shift in elevation.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: For Zxtreme and ZMax, previously if the software thought the receiver was not configured (AutoReceiver), no data would be displayed in the Monitor/REF tab even if corrections were coming from a base.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: The Ashtech ZSurveyor base was incorrectly reporting “DGPS” instead of “Autonomous”.

� Equip ���� Thales/Ashtech: The loop for connecting to a Blue Tooth device was shortened.

� Equip ���� Topcon 800/8000: In reflectorless mode, when "prompt for description" is toggled on do not display rod height in this dialog.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS ���� Hiper Lite +: Changes made to fix SurvCE so that Hiper Lite Plus could be used with Bluetooth.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Added 2 new receivers “GB Series” and “HiPer Lite Plus”. � Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Added fix for Topcon Bluetooth Radios. Modified function that

ends the daisy chain to stop using commands that turned off Bluetooth connection. � Equip ���� Topcon GPS: In the configure base routine for Topcon GPS, the firmware

version of the receiver will be checked and the correct message for setting the base position will be sent according to the firmware version that is in use.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Made changes to PDL radio channel changing work better with Bluetooth connections.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Pressing the “Load from List” button for antenna selection in Log Static Data would cause the software to crash.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: The antenna type (name & slant) are now sent to the receiver as part of the static logging process.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS ���� Baud Settings: For Topcon 800/8000 robotic settings, when switching from RC2 only to other configuration or from other configuration to RC2 only, the baud rate was not always being set correctly.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS ���� No Data: For Topcon 800/8000 robotic with radios only, the tracking status would go to "...No Data" and require a read to start tracking again.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS ���� RC2 Only: It was possible to get an angle only reading when taking a configured read (which should have a distance). This also resolved a calculation error in Resection resulting from the bad data.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS ���� RC2 Only: Modified the send receive protocol for Topcon RC2 Only to eliminate read errors in the resection routine and other survey routines. – This improves switching between streaming data and configured reads - This also should improve the read efficiency slightly.

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� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Modifications made to the Topcon 800 Remote and APL interface to better handle how streaming data is stopped and cleared from the buffer.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Updated Topcon robotic measurement routine so that quick lock command will respond more quickly.

� Equip � Trimble GPS: For Trimble GPS General, the HRMS and VRMS values were always reported in metric, no matter what job setting was used. These values will now be reported in the same units as the job.

� Equip ���� Trimble GPS: The software now allows the selection of data port 4 on the instrument. This should be used for BlueTooth communication where applicable.

� Equip ���� Trimble GPS: There is now an option to select “Internal” for the base radio. This enables SurvCE to work with the Trimble R8 antenna/receiver.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: “DGPS” to be treated as “Fixed” for the case of “Store Fixed Only.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: For the Trimble Pathfinder GPS, an option for receiving OmniSTAR corrections was added.

� Equip � Trimble Pathfinder: For the Trimble Pathfinder, when OmniSTAR is chosen, you will be able to select from the 8 possible regions and the corresponding frequency will be set properly in the receiver.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: It was possible to lock up the com port after going to SkyPlot or Satellite Text screen.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: Modified the Trimble Pathfinder initialization routine to allow the “Cancel” button to break out of the initialization process. Also removed a redundant command from the initialization process.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: Shortened the text, “Initializing Trimble Pathfinder. This can take approximately 25-30 seconds.” This text was running off the screen in Landscape mode.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: SurvCE now allows autonomous positions to be reported. Previously, the software only reported positions if DGPS corrections were being received.

� Equip ���� Trimble Pathfinder: We now display “DGPS” instead of “Fixed” in the Monitor/Skyplot screen when receiving DGPS corrections.

� Equip � Trimble/Novatel/Sokkia GPS: For Sokkia GSR2650LB and NovAtel OEM4, when setting the OmniStar frequency, the value will now be displayed in standard MHz format.

� Equip � Trimble/Novatel/Sokkia GPS: For the Sokkia GSR2650LB and NovAtel OEM4, when using OmniSTAR, some regions were not placing the decimal place properly in the kHz value, which was causing the frequency to be set incorrectly. Also, when selecting Africa as the region, the baud rate was not being set to 600 as it should be.

� Equip � Trimble/Novatel/Sokkia GPS: The OmniStar frequency for Africa was set at 1536.215. According to the OmniStar web site, the frequency should be 1535.140. This affected Trimble Pathfinder, NovAtel OEM4 and Sokkia GSR2650LB receivers.

� Equip � Zeiss Elta: Extended the reading wait time from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. Also enabled the Cancel button during this reading to allow the user to force an exit from the reading routine.

� File ���� Configure Reading: Changed “Recip Calc.” To “Reciprocal Calc.”. � File ���� Configure Reading: For the prompt for taking a reading in Set Collection,

moved text to the left so that the set # would not run off the screen for reverse face readings.

� File ���� Import/Export ASCII: When the user was pressing "Cancel All" in point protect dialog used within the Import ASCII File routine the program was reporting that all the

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points were extracted from the Text file rather than the actual points effectively stored in the CRD.

� File ���� Job Settings ���� Stakeout ���� Cutsheet Column Order: After specifying a column order in the Cutsheet Report for CL, the Fill column would always move to the last column.

� File ���� Job Settings ���� Stakeout ���� Store Cutsheet Data to Note File: When Store Cutsheet data to Note File was selected, but Store Cutsheet data to Cutsheet File was turned off, the Target Description was not stored. Now, the target description will always be stored as it is in SurvCADD and Carlson Survey.

� File ���� Job Settings ���� Units ���� Scale: Extended number of significant digits for scale factor from 8 to 12.

� For Leica 1200 GPS, the serial number was not being retrieved properly for the purpose of logging static data.

� General ���� Backsight: For Reciprocal calculations (total stations), we now look for FD records in addition to BD and SS records in the rw5 file to trigger calculations.

� General ���� Backsight: On CE devices, when a reciprocal calculation was performed, the software would lock up between writing the BK record and the "--Calculated Occupied Point Elevation by Reciprocals:" record.

� General ���� Bluetooth: Change made to the file access for the BT receiver list to prevent the file from “moving” to an invalid location with no data in the file.

� General ���� Bluetooth: Fixed 2 problems with BT Manager. It was allowing duplicate entries for the same device, and the selection was not going to the right spot after adding a new receiver.

� General ���� Bluetooth: If the PIN code for GSM was displayed as “****” in the screen, in some cases, these values would be sent to the receiver when they should not be.

� General ���� Demo Software: Some routines would fail to execute in 30 point demo mode if point gaps existed in the first 30 points. E.g. Transformation routine was not letting the user modify the points from the CRD (alphanumeric type with gap at the beginning of it) in demo mode even if the user was using less than 30 points.

� General ���� Denmark/ED50 Grid System: If a gsf file was selected, the calculations for z incorrectly applied both the grid transformation and the geoid separation. Now only the geoid separation will be applied to the WGS84 elevation value.

� General ���� Emulator: In the Win32 emulator version, if the GPS coordinate was out of range of the geoid separation file, a –98765432.1 separation value was used. The separation value will now be 0.0 and for both Win32 and all CE versions, the Mon/LatLon tab will reflect the fact that the position is out of range. Also, the first tab of the Monitor screen will report “(Ellipsoid)” instead of “(Orthometric)” if no geoid separation is used.

� General ���� Emulator: Made changes to GPS Simulation so that raw WGS84 data now correctly corresponds to the calculated x/y data. This will allow sample data to be stored and correctly reprocessed with any projection or localization. The lat/lon will start with the values supplied by the user in Equip/Receiver Utilities.

� General ���� Fieldcodes: When using multiple codes as a point Description (e.g. "EP -7 EP1 clo ep2"), after the storing of the point the program was only displaying "EP" as the remaining description. Now the result is: "EP EP1 ep2”.

� General ���� Hungary Projection: Change made to the Predef1.csl file that is included with the installation. This file now has an additional projection definition for Hungary – “Hungary/EOV-HD72”. This definition will use the correction Oblique Mercator EOV projection. The current Hungarian projection was renamed to “Hungar/HD72” and will remain, but is only an approximation based on Oblique Mercator.

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� General ���� Instrument Setup ���� Turn to Point: Added a toggle in the "Turn to Point" dialog to allow for just turning horizontally.

� General ���� Netherlands Projection: When a gsf file was applied, calculations from xyz to lat/lon/elv incorrectly applied both the grid transformation and geoid separation to the elevation. Now only the geoid separation will be applied.

� General ���� New Installs: Added new installs for AllegroCX, DAP 5320X, DAP 5240X and Carlson Explorer. The Explorer install will also include the necessary keyboard mapping files.

� General ���� Numeric Field Codes: The program was not updating multiple codes in the description box after the store was done: e.g. before: "1 101 -7" was converted to "110" instead of “1 101”.

� General ���� Projections: Added support for the Hungarian EOV projection: Oblique_Mercator_EOV.

� General ���� Reciprocals: In Cogo/Process Raw File, when applying reciprocals for total station data, if the occupy point in question was previously used with another backsight, the reciprocal would be processed incorrectly.

� General ���� Rod Height from Laser: Updated SurvCE to add full support for Leica Disto and other lasers to be used to calculate rod height for robotic total stations.

� General ���� Screen Formatting: Fix added for PC Win32 version for the dialog that shows the warning: “No Receiver Utilities for this equipment model.” or “No Configure Base for this equipment model.” (The last word of the warning was cutoff within the display).

� General ���� Serial Number: The version number and date for the About screen and the rw5 file will now be hardcoded in the executable and not be taken from the resource dll.

� General ���� Stakeout ���� Sequence of Points and Polyline Alignments: When defining Horizontal or Vertical Alignments by a sequence of points or by selecting a polyline from the MAP, if the user had changed the starting station of one of the Alignments and switched the page to the other Alignment to change the starting station, the program would keep the 0.0 starting station during calculations for the Vertical Alignment.

� General ���� Stakeout ���� TEXT Screens: If the user had selected the OP same as the BP, using the PC emulator only, the program could generate an exception followed by a crash.

� General ���� Stakeout Line/Arc, Offset Stakeout, Template Stakeout: When the user defines an offset at an angle point of the alignment, the program will always calculate the location perpendicular to the back tangent.

� General ���� Stakeout: In GRAPHIC screen when using RTS and the Configure command, the program was occasionally losing the Viewpoint Reference ROD setting.

� General ���� Text Mode ���� Hot Keys ���� Explorer/Jett: For all JettCE and Explorer devices, hotkeys would not work in Text Mode.

� General ���� Text Mode ���� Hot Keys: In the Text mode for Robotic Total Stations, the Mnemonic for “Turn Angle” was changed from “T” to “A” and the Mnemonic for “Traverse” was changed from “V” to “T”. This will allow Alt-V to work for “View Files” as it does in the graphics screen.

� General ���� Virtual Keyboard: Improvement made to the “Virtual Keyboard” for data collectors that do not have a full keyboard. The change will allow successive clicks on the same key to be treated as individual clicks and not “double-clicks”.

� Main � Instrument Recall: When overwriting an existing instrument configuration in the Quick Instrument Change screen with the Save button, duplicate filenames would appear in the menu.

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� MAP ���� Area: For the PC emulator version only, the Area command from MAP was setting the drawing limits to incorrect values. After using this command, the ZOOM command would no longer work.

� MAP ���� File ���� DXF ���� Export: SurvCE will now allow users to export points using a custom format. The program now includes the following options for exporting the various entities:

o Linework o Points As Acad Points o Points As SurvCADD Points o Custom Defined Points: The option “Use Custom Defined” is available only if a

file containing the DXF point definitions is present in the SurvStar folder. The name of the file is: defsdxf.dat.


� MAP ���� File ���� DXF ���� Export: When exporting points using custom block definition the program will verify if the note file associated with the job contains all the data necessary to fill the attributes.

� MAP ���� Fillet: When running the FILLET command under MAP the program was not selecting the correct endpoints of the two straight line segments (the closest ones) in order to attach the ARC element, making the result of the entire process unpredictable (sometimes the routine was not working).

� MAP � Import SHP File: When Importing SHP file with attributes into a new job the values of the attributes were ignored from the importing process.

� MAP ���� Linework ���� 3D Arcs: Metric jobs were generating linework with arcs by interpolating the arc using a cut-offset value of 0.01 (if a SMOOTH special code was used or if an arc was defined using more than three points (PC, more than one point on the arc and PT)). This value is acceptable for a job set in Feet or International Feet but for Metric the linework resulted by using the cut-offset value was not offering the necessary precision for the resulting curve obtained by interpolating through a series of points. The cut-offset values used by SurvCE have been changed to:

o 0.0002 if Metric job. o 0.001 if not a Metric job.

� MAP ���� Load DXF: Load DXF was failing if polylines had two consecutive bulges equal with 0.0.

� MAP ���� No Menus: The program was not hiding the button “Show Pull-Downs” if in Inverse/Traverse/SideShot routine.

� MAP ���� Polyline to Points: Replaced the name of the command PL2PCTS in MAP to PL2PNTS (the correct abbreviation for the word points).

� MAP ���� Zoom to Point: Fix added to the MAP routine ZOOM by Point ID. If the point does not exist, the routine will warn the user. Also, after the user hits enter to accept the magnification value for the zoom the routine will now correctly switch to the default options of the ZOOM command.

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� MENU � Battery Icon: For JETT CE and Carlson Explorer devices, the OS does not return the battery percentage. The program will approximate the percentage left as per next table:

o Good - 100% o Low - 50% o Critical – 10%

� Road ���� Input/Edit CL: When the program asks you if you want to store points for the CL into the current CRD, the previous version of SurvCE was not storing the points in all cases.

� Road ���� Input/Edit Template: The user can now click on the words Right Surface or Left Surface to activate the list.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion ���� ASCII LDD: Added a check to determine if the ASCII LDD file starts with a spiral. Our software does not allow an alignment to start with a spiral, so if the user attempts to convert an LDD file that starts in a spiral the conversion will fail and a warning will let the user to know the cause.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion: When Importing ASCII LDD centerline data, SurvCE routine was failing to import the last five rows from the file if the original centerline from LDD had at least one spiral element. The routine was also failing to import unequal SPIRAL elements present within the Spiral-Curve-Spiral portion of the Horizontal Alignment.

� Road ���� Slope Staking ���� User Defined: For User Defined slope staking, if the user did not fill in both Cut and Fill slopes, or they modified the Cut or Fill slopes, the software could lock up.

� Road ���� Template Stakeout ���� Run Slope Stake: When running Slope Staking from Template Stakeout with GPS or RTS after the Storing of the Catch Point, SurvCE would stop updating readings.

� Road ���� Template Stakeout: The Next button was skipping the Special Points of the Centerline and Profile even if the above-mentioned points were displayed in the List.

� Surv ���� Building Face Survey: For conventional total stations only, it was possible for the reading mode to be set to “Offset” instead of “Sideshot” before entering this routing so that calls to read from the instrument to define the plane would only take angle readings.

� Surv ���� Building Face Survey: If the direction of the reading does not intersect the defined plane, a “No Solution!” error message will now appear. Previously, a point was calculated along the vector of the reading in the opposite direction in this case.

� Surv ���� Log Static Data ���� Topcon GPS: Using log static data for Topcon GPS with Bluetooth sometimes would not work. Fixed code that checked for connection to receiver.

� Surv ���� Offset Stakeout ���� Settings ���� Load Cutsheet File: The file selection dialog now allows the user to enter a new name to create a blank file.

� Surv ���� Offset Stakeout: The default description of the staked point will be determined according to the settings in the Offset Stakeout dialog (LEOP left edge of pavement, LCurb or LDitch, CL, RCurb or RDitch and REOP right edge of pavement).

� Surv � Offset Stakeout: The program now saves the side selected by the user when the actual staked point was on the center of the horizontal alignment.

� Surv ���� Point Projection: For the cases of Vertical or Horizontal segments, when the point that was projected to these segments was located at a distance less or equal with 0.000n the program was reporting the incorrect side.

� Surv ���� Resection: For Total Station Resection, user settings will now be stored to a configuration file to be remembered from session to session.

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� Surv ���� Resection: User settings for standard errors were not being retained between readings.

� Surv ���� Set Collection: For robotic and motorized total stations with “Auto Turn” on or Robotic Sets selected as the method, if the backsight point did not exist and the angle read to the backsight was exactly 0deg0’0”, the instrument would not return to the backsight automatically for the Face 2 Reading.

� Surv ���� SS/Trav ���� Offset: If the offset for the Point method was Down, the offset was calculated in the wrong direction vertically.

� Surv ���� SS/Trav ���� Offset: The last method used and corresponding user entered values were not being retained. This could also cause a "You have not filled in all the necessary data." error to incorrectly appear.

� Surv ���� Store Points ���� GPS Offsets: For GPS offsets, the program would incorrectly prompt the user that there was data waiting to be stored, even if there had not been an offset read/entered, or the offset had just been stored. Also changed the check for preventing the same point from being stored twice. The prompt will now say, “You have not filled in all the necessary data or the data has not changed from the last store.” Before, the prompt was only the first phrase. Also, allowed manually entered offset data to remain on the screen to allow the user to take a new GPS position and store a similar offset from a new position.

� Surv ���� Store Points ���� Offset: For GPS offsets, when a geoid separation was applied, the raw elevation recorded in the rw5 file was not the ellipsoidal phase center position.

� Surv ���� Store Points ���� Offset: For laser readings in the offset routine, the program will now support streaming NMEA GPS receivers.

� Surv ���� Store Points ���� Offset: The “Dist/Angle” method, while using Laser or Manual offset entry, will remember the tab used last.

SurvCE Build 1.50.008 May 20, 2005

� COGO ���� Station Store: The input boxes now support the math operators. � Emulator: The Slope Staking option from within the Template Stakeout routine was not

saving and using the Cut/Fill modified slope values. � Equip ���� About SurvCE: Changed the display for Change Registration for Landscape

mode to allow the entire serial number to be displayed. � Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: Made the following changes: Changed text from

“Launching RTDRover…” to “Launching RTD Rover…” . When the user switches from Geodetics Rover to another equipment type or when the exit the program, the program will check to see if the RTD Rover software is running and prompt the user to close it if it is.

� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: Pressing Configure Base, Configure Rover or Receiver Utilities will launch the Geodetics RTDRover software program. The user will need to switch back to SurvCE, either through the Start Menu or Alt-Tab without exiting the Geodetics program.

� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: The “Comm Setup” dialog will not be automatically launched after this instrument is selected.

� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: The “Comm Setup” screen under Equip will now only ask for the IP Port on the CE device where output data is streaming from the RTD Rover software. There is also a description in this screen about where to find this setting and that the rod height should be set to zero in RTD Rover.

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� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: The rod height will be applied in SurvCE now. The user should know to set the rod height to “0.0” in the RTD Rover software.

� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: The serial port will not be open, as it is not needed. Unnecessary attempts to open the serial port were causing Bluetooth pop-ups and a “lockup” upon exiting the software.

� Equip ���� Geodetics RTD Rover: This receiver will now be part of the regular SurvCE for GPS version and will not require a special license from Carlson. The user will need to purchase the Geodetics “RTDRover” software and run it on the CE device simultaneously with SurvCE.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS 500: When logging a ski ascii file, if the base station ID is not available through the rover, a value of “REF_ID” will be entered in the file. This will allow the file to process properly in Ski Pro and LGO.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: For the Leica TPS Series, if “Motorized” is not checked, no ATR related commands will be sent. Previously, the software would send commands to turn ATR off in this scenario.

� Equip ���� Leica TS: Made changes to prevent communication lockup when trying to initiate the EDM after lock is lost while running robotically.

� Equip ���� Localization: The following fixes were made: When adding a new point, the residuals column would appear with garbled numbers until the user clicked on each item in the list. When adding or modifying a large localization, the highlighted point would not always be visible on the screen. It will now always be visible. If the last point was deleted, no point would be highlighted. Now, whenever a point is deleted, the point above it will be highlighted when applicable. When prompted to reprocess existing GPS raw data, the default will be “No”.

� Equip ���� Sokkia and NovAtel GPS: For the Sokkia Radian and NovAtel GPS, the Undulation value inside the receiver will be set to 0.0 for both the base and the rover. Previously, it had only been set for the rover.

� Equip ���� Sokkia and NovAtel GPS: For the Sokkia Radian/Radian IS/GSR2600/GSR2650 and NovAtel, if an undulation value is detected in the position message, the undulation in the receiver will be set back to 0.0 and the position will temporarily be set to “Invalid”.

� Equip ���� Sokkia GPS: Added the SK702 antenna for all Sokkia/NovAtel GPS receivers. � Equip ���� Thales and Topcon GPS: When saying OK to the COMM Setup screen for

Ashtech or Topcon, the software would cycle through the baud rates to find the receiver even if the receiver was already at the correct baud rate.

� Equip ���� Thales GPS: The options available for Data Port and Radio Port will now be correct according to the receiver type selected under the Receiver tab. Previously, if you changed your receiver type selection, the available options would not update properly for the base. Also, if the selected port became unavailable, no port would be selected. Now, a default port will be selected.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon APL1, the software would not set the backsight circle or report status correctly when running robotically.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Improved the initialization of the serial port to reduce communication errors.

� Equip ���� Trimble GPS: For Trimble GPS General, the method for setting the internal radio channel was only working if the data collector was on Port 2 of the receiver. It will now work from Ports 1, 2, and 3.

� General ���� Backsight: If the user set an occupy and backsight point, went to Backsight check, but cancelled or hit the Back button, they would be allowed to continue from the Instrument Setup screen without taking a backsight. This caused records to be missing from the rw5 file.

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� General ���� Bluetooth: For Bluetooth instruments other than Topcon GPS and Thales/Ashtech GPS, when the data collector was turned off and then on while SurvCE was running, it was possible for the program to lockup while trying to access the BT card before it was initialized.

� General ���� Instrument Setup: For total stations using alphanumeric coordinate files, if the first character of the backsight point ID was not a number, the BP section of the BK record was empty.

� General ���� MAP: Prism/Prismless icons were being displayed in MAP screen. � General ���� Raw Data: Whenever an OC record is written to the rw5 file, it will now

always be followed by an LS record, regardless of whether or not the rod/instrument heights have changed.

� General ���� Remote Benchmark: Combined F1F2 readings are now supported in Remote Benchmark.

� General ���� Remote Benchmark: In Remote Benchmark, if the last reading taken before entering this routine was an angle only reading, the slope distance would not be read. Now, the slope distance is always read.

� General ���� Remote Benchmark: Updated the RW5 records. Also updated some user interface controls in the Remote Benchmark dialog based on customer feedback.

� General ���� Robotics ���� Turn to Angle: In the Turn To Angle dialog, when the user was typing a point ID that only existed in the Control Job rather than selecting it from the Control List, the routine was failing with the message “Point not found!”.

� General ���� Virtual Keyboard: When the Pop-up Keyboard was used to change the Point ID under Cogo � Keyboard Input, the software was not updating the northing, easting and elevation values.

� Road ���� Cross Section Survey: The software now remembers the last used CL. � Road ���� Cross Section Survey: The toggle called "Store Cutsheet Data to File" was

renamed to "Store Comma Separated File". � Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion ���� GSI: When importing a GSI

Horizontal Alignment file that had a reverse curve in it and the next element after the second reverse curve was a straight element, the routine was skipping the second reverse curve.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion: Made corrections to support ARE files better.

� Surv ���� Elevation Difference: When using the Stakeout Pattern Points option, the program was incorrectly showing a “TEXT” button in the GRAPHIC screen.

� Surv ���� Resection: Moved the "Ignore Elevation" toggle in the Resection routine to the main resection dialog from the settings dialog.

� Surv ���� Resection: Robotic Survey routines would not update with distances if entered after resection routine was exited. This is now fixed.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc ���� Stakeout Line: In Stakeout Line, defined by one point and an azimuth, if the setting was South Azimuth under Job Settings and the user was using an value of 180 degrees the routine was calculating the Z elevation with an incorrect method resulting in unrealistic CUT/FILL values.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc: The current station value in the GRAPHIC screen displayed values using a precision of only two digits. Now three digits will be displayed.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Line/Arc: The input boxes now support the math operators.

SurvCE Build 1.50.009 September 29, 2005

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� COGO ���� Keyboard Input: For CRD Numeric files that contain a gap at the beginning of the file, pressing the "Prev" was locking-up the program.

� COGO ���� Process Raw File: When saving an edited rw5 file, the OC,OP records were written as OC,PN records.

� Equip ���� All GPS: For GPS instruments, the Enter key or “S” button in the “Store Points” routine will now use the Number of Readings to Average setting from Configure Reading. Previously, this setting only applied to Stakeout readings.

� Equip ���� All Robotic TS: The Turn to Vertical for Stakeout routine was not turning to the correct vertical position.

� Equip ���� Geodetics: If the position was between Autonomous and Fixed, it had been reported as “DGPS” instead of “Float”.

� Equip ���� Leica GPS: Added the ATX1230 antenna. � Equip ���� Leica GPS: For the Leica 1200 GPS, when powering on the receiver through

Receiver Utilities, the program would incorrectly report that the unit was “Powered Down”.

� Equip ���� OmniStar: Updated frequencies for DGPS OmniStar to new changed frequencies.

� Equip ���� Sokkia GPS: For the Radian IS, an error prevented the position message from being read properly.

� Equip ���� Topcon GPS: Log Static for GPS on the FC1000 would lock up the data collector.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: APL1A toggle was incorrectly available for Topcon 800/8000 Robotic instrument.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: For the Topcon 800/8000 Robotic Instrument, the frequency radio button was not highlighted after entering the settings dialog when it should be.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: In Stakeout Points TEXT mode, when QLock was pressed the instrument would search instead of QLock. This change will fix all Topcon robotics using radios + RC2.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: RC2 was not working correctly with Radios. This change will fix all Topcon robotics using radios + RC2 or RC2 only.

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Topcon Direct would give E-82 error if reading was canceled. This fix will apply to Topcon 800/8000 direct, GTS series, GTS3 instrument.

� Equip ���� Trimble GPS: For Trimble GPS General, when changing from Internal radio to External radio in the Configure Rover and Configure Base screens, the label for the Radio Baud setting would incorrectly say “Radio Parity:”.

� Equip ���� Trimble/Geodimeter TS: Added support for Trimble 2.4Ghz radios. � Equip ���� Trimble/Geodimeter TS: Search was taking too long if a prism was already in

view. � General ���� Dialog Improvements: The reading results dialog displayed in Resection,

Slope Staking and other routines was not properly displaying the OK/Cancel buttons and was not properly following the flow of up/down arrows, esc and enter.

� General ���� F1/F2 Averaging: SurvCE was displaying incorrect F2 and average distances in all F1/F2 routines (remote benchmark, resection and other survey routines). The values recorded and used in all calculations were correct.

� General ���� Point Protection ���� Average: On the Explorer, when storing a point that already exists, if you chose to average with previous measurements, the program would do nothing and then crash when you attempted to exit the routine.

� General ���� Point Protection ���� Store Raw Data Only: The “Store Raw Data Only” button is now available in Set Collection.

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� General ���� Point Protection: When prompted to overwrite an existing point, or store with a new point ID, the default selection will be to store with a new point ID, not to overwrite.

� MAP ���� Raw File Recording: In the Map screen under the "Traverse Defaults" routine, a new option is available for the user to turn ON or OFF the recording of the raw data for the TR/SS/I map cogo routines. The default value is Recording OFF.

� Road ���� Input/Edit Centerline: When editing a curve element oriented to the right, the Curve Confirmation dialog reported the tangent in value was incorrectly.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Centerline Conversion ���� LandXML: In the case of TDS LandXML created Alignments the routine Import LandXML inside SurvCE was not reading the PntRef element.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Import Section File: Added SOE format for GeoPak. � Road ���� Slope Staking ���� 0 Offset: For Pivot Offset 0.0, the Slope Staking routine now

uses a value that is not zero so the program can detect on which side the CATCH will be located.

� Road ���� Slope Staking ���� 0 Slope: For Cut/Fill Slope Ratio 0.0, the Slope Staking routine no longer reports a Catch Offset.

� Surv ���� Log Static Data: After running Log Static for GPS, the focus in the Main Menu would not return to the correct location.

� Surv ���� Point Projection: Added the option to use this routine just for COGO. The routine starts without asking for the Instrument Setup. Only if the user attempts to take a reading will the program force the user to confirm the instrument setup.

� Surv ���� Resection: If the user typed in the point ID to the target, instead of picking from list or picking from Map, it was possible for the data collector to lock up when the routine was finished and never return properly to the Main Menu.

� Surv ���� Resection: Resized the first line of the Resection Prompt so that it would no longer “bleed” into the next line. Resized the dialog box for entering a range of points to delete so that it would fill the entire screen.

� Surv ���� Resection: The ignore elevations toggle is now off by default. � Surv ���� Stakeout Points: The user can now change the Z of the point and still maintain

the original Point ID and Point DESC so that storing to the cutsheet reflects the original Design Point and Design Point Description. To return to the actual Elevation of the point from the CRD the user must re-type the point ID or select the point from MAP, LIST, List of Points. If the user manually changes the Elevation, the program will display a "*" as a reminder.

� Surv ���� Stakeout Points: When using List of Points in the TEXT mode screen, after storing the current staked point where the point was not the last one in the list, the program was not redrawing the MAP screen and did not re-start the TEXT dialog.

SurvCE Build 1.50.010

November 23, 2005

� Equip ���� Leica Robotic TS: Corrected the cases where “Locked” was being reported even when it was in Standby mode.

� Equip ���� Leica Robotic TS: When the instrument is put in Standby, the motors will automatically be released for manual control by the user. This applies to reflectorless mode as well.

� Equip ���� Leica Robotic TS: When the instrument is set to Reflectorless mode, it will be automatically put in Standby mode.

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� Equip ���� Leica Robotic TS: When the user says “OK” to the settings screen, the instrument will be updated immediately.

� Equip ���� Leica Robotic TS: When using the “Turn to Angle” screen, sometimes the “Search After Turn” toggle was ignored.

� Equip ���� NMEA GPS: NMEA GGA messages now includes the higher fix and float values (4&5).

� Equip ���� Topcon TS: Corrections were made to better support GONS. � General ���� Bluetooth: Enhanced Bluetooth for when a PIN does not exist. � General ���� GPS: For GPS instruments, when taking an averaged reading, the Store

Fixed Only toggle will be used to determine whether or not to disregard float, autonomous or DGPS solutions.

� MAP: When accessing the MAP screen from the TEXT mode the command File/Exit was not recognized.

� Road ���� Road Utilities ���� Input/Edit Template Series: Users can now import TDS templates by selecting Load and the file type of TDS.

� Road ���� Template Stakeout: Added Section Interpolation by profile file. The Sections must have an Offset/Elev at 0.0 (center of the road) for the profile to be used in the interpolation process. The Elevation of the 0.0 Offset must match the elevation from the profile for the profile to be used in the interpolation process.

� Surv ���� SS/Trav ���� Offsets: When reflectorless, prism heights are now available. � Surv ���� Stakeout Points: Corrections for updating the stake point text in TEXT mode

when using a list of points were made.