Surrey’s Autism Partnership Board Improving Access to Services Group 19 th July 2011.

Surrey’s Autism Partnership Board Improving Access to Services Group 19 th July 2011

Transcript of Surrey’s Autism Partnership Board Improving Access to Services Group 19 th July 2011.

Surrey’s Autism

Partnership Board Improving Access to Services


19th July 2011

• To identify areas of strength and weaknesses or gaps in current services

• To find possible solutions

• To put this information forward to the Adult Learning Disability Public Value Review

• To identify priorities to take forward

Aims of the Work Group

The Public Value Review is important

It will identify SCC commissioning intentions for the future

Our chance to input is a real opportunity


The Public Value Review aims to:

Reduce costs and make

recommendations for savings


The Public Value Review aims to:

Improve performance, be in the top 25% in the country


Learning Disabilities Expenditure by Care Type (£'000)








Day care Direct Payments Home Based Care

Home Care Nursing Other Community Care

Residential Transport Respite


We need to link to the right headings of the PVR

• Accommodation and Support

• Complex Needs

• Day Services

• Short Breaks

• Self Directed Support

• Services Working Together

• Transition

Improving Access to Services

We need to make sure we use the work and ideas that went into previous consultations

We need to make sure we fit with the timescales of the PVR

Improving Access to Services

How will we do this?

• Slide 2 – Really good breakdown of where

services are good and where they need work

• Need to use all our networks to get this

• Need to identify realistic, affordable solutions

• Need to finish by the next APB meeting on 3rd Oct

• Sooner than it sounds!!

Improving Access to Services

How will we do this?

• Need to finish by the next APB meeting,

for them to have some final input

• It will need editing! – To be punchy!

• Will need all info to input by

September 19th

Sooner than it sounds!!

Improving Access to Services


• Look at “Questions” document

– Any changes needed?

• Completed document from consultations as a guide

• Select 3 headings to complete as a group

• Take away to our networks and submit by Sep 19th

• Meet again that week?

Improving Access to Services

01737 737132

07968 833348

[email protected]

Email the Autism Partnership [email protected]


Ask Tom

Autism information from Surrey’s Learning Disability Partnership Board:

Any Questions?