Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions Guillermo D. Ca ˜ nas Harvard University Steven J. Gortler Harvard University Abstract We present a method for remeshing surfaces that is both general and efficient. Existing efficient methods are restric- tive in the type of remeshings they produce, while methods that are able to produce general types of remeshings are generally based on iteration, which prevents them from pro- ducing remeshes at interactive rates. In our method, the input surface is directly mapped to an arbitrary (possibly high-dimensional) range space, and uniformly remeshed in this space. Because the mesh is uniform in the range space, all the quantities encoded in the mapping are bounded, re- sulting in a mesh that is simultaneously adapted to all crite- ria encoded in the map, and thus we can obtain remeshings of arbitrary characteristics. Because the core operation is a uniform remeshing of a surface embedded in range space, and this operation is direct and local, this remeshing is effi- cient and can run at interactive rates. 1 Introduction In this paper we describe a novel remeshing algorithm that produces flexible remeshes of reasonable approximation quality at interactive rates. Due to its speed, it may can be applied to dynamically changing meshes during simulation and rendering. The algorithm uses the following simple two-stage struc- ture. In the first stage, the mesh M is mapped using some chosen function f to some range space R n . In the second stage, a uniform grid is placed in the range space, and f (M ) is uniformly contoured by intersecting it against this grid. In the resulting uniform remesh, each face will lie in a sin- gle grid-cell in R n and so the variation of its range-space coordinates will be bounded by the grid size. Finally, this remesh is then mapped back to R 3 and output by the algo- rithm. Clearly the choice of f greatly affects the properties of the output remesh. If f is simply the identity mapping to R 3 , then each face of the remesh will be guaranteed to have bounded area. If, in contrast, we map each surface point p to R 3 by using its normal p (n x ,n y ,n z ), then each face of the remesh will be bounded in its normal variation. As shown later, when the Gauss map is used, then in the limit each face will have aspect ratio roughly proportional to the ratio of the surface’s principle curvatures. Mappings to R 6 of the form p (p x ,p y ,p z ,n x ,n y ,n z ) will guarantee bounds on both spatial and normal varia- tion. Other mappings f can also be chosen to include data fields such as color to bound that type of variation in each output face. The mapping can be also chosen in a view- dependent fashion allowing for spatial variation to be mea- sured in pixel coordinates. Our algorithm has the following desired properties. It is fast, running in real time for moderate-sized meshes. The mapping and contouring stages each only require a single pass over the mesh. No iterative pro- cessing is needed. The mapping can be evaluated lazily as needed, resulting in sub-linear time behavior. It is quite flexible, one simply chooses the mapping f to encapsulate the kinds of remesh properties they wish to bound. By construction the algorithm outputs faces with L bounds on the variation of the mesh under f . If f is chosen appropriately, the output remesh faces will be anisotropically elongated as needed. For exam- ple if f maps each mesh point to R 3 using its normal (n x ,n y ,n z ) then faces will have aspect ratio propor- tional to the ratio of the surface’s principle curvatures. Because of the regular structure of the intersection grid in R n , the output mesh is guaranteed to have all ver- tices with valence 4. If this mesh is dualized, the re- sulting remesh has all quad faces. Our algorithm does have the following limitations Our remeshes are not optimal, and better results can be achieved using off-line methods. The algorithm can over-tessellate in some local regions. This also may result in some over long and skinny faces. When we dualize the remesh to obtain a mesh with all quad faces, we have no guarantees to the regularity

Transcript of Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Page 1: Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Guillermo D. CanasHarvard University

Steven J. GortlerHarvard University


We present a method for remeshing surfaces that is bothgeneral and efficient. Existing efficient methods are restric-tive in the type of remeshings they produce, while methodsthat are able to produce general types of remeshings aregenerally based on iteration, which prevents them from pro-ducing remeshes at interactive rates. In our method, theinput surface is directly mapped to an arbitrary (possiblyhigh-dimensional) range space, and uniformly remeshed inthis space. Because the mesh is uniform in the range space,all the quantities encoded in the mapping are bounded, re-sulting in a mesh that is simultaneously adapted to all crite-ria encoded in the map, and thus we can obtain remeshingsof arbitrary characteristics. Because the core operation isa uniform remeshing of a surface embedded in range space,and this operation is direct and local, this remeshing is effi-cient and can run at interactive rates.

1 Introduction

In this paper we describe a novel remeshing algorithm thatproduces flexible remeshes of reasonable approximationquality at interactive rates. Due to its speed, it may can beapplied to dynamically changing meshes during simulationand rendering.

The algorithm uses the following simple two-stage struc-ture. In the first stage, the meshM is mapped usingsomechosen functionf to some range spaceRn. In the secondstage, a uniform grid is placed in the range space, andf(M)is uniformly contouredby intersecting it against this grid.In the resulting uniform remesh, each face will lie in a sin-gle grid-cell inRn and so the variation of its range-spacecoordinates will be bounded by the grid size. Finally, thisremesh is then mapped back toR3 and output by the algo-rithm.

Clearly the choice off greatly affects the properties of theoutput remesh. Iff is simply the identity mapping toR3,then each face of the remesh will be guaranteed to havebounded area. If, in contrast, we map each surface pointp to R3 by using its normalp → (nx, ny, nz), then each

face of the remesh will be bounded in its normal variation.As shown later, when the Gauss map is used, then in thelimit each face will have aspect ratio roughly proportionalto the ratio of the surface’s principle curvatures.

Mappings toR6 of the formp → (px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz)will guarantee bounds on both spatial and normal varia-tion. Other mappingsf can also be chosen to include datafields such as color to bound that type of variation in eachoutput face. The mapping can be also chosen in a view-dependent fashion allowing for spatial variation to be mea-sured in pixel coordinates.

Our algorithm has the following desired properties.

• It is fast, running in real time for moderate-sizedmeshes. The mapping and contouring stages each onlyrequire a single pass over the mesh. No iterative pro-cessing is needed. The mapping can be evaluated lazilyas needed, resulting in sub-linear time behavior.

• It is quite flexible, one simply chooses the mappingfto encapsulate the kinds of remesh properties they wishto bound.

• By construction the algorithm outputs faces withL∞

bounds on the variation of the mesh underf .

• If f is chosen appropriately, the output remesh faceswill be anisotropically elongated as needed. For exam-ple if f maps each mesh point toR3 using its normal(nx, ny, nz) then faces will have aspect ratio propor-tional to the ratio of the surface’s principle curvatures.

• Because of the regular structure of the intersection gridin Rn, the output mesh is guaranteed to have all ver-tices with valence 4. If this mesh is dualized, the re-sulting remesh has all quad faces.

Our algorithm does have the following limitations

• Our remeshes are not optimal, and better results canbe achieved using off-line methods. The algorithm canover-tessellatein some local regions. This also mayresult in some over long and skinny faces.

• When we dualize the remesh to obtain a mesh withall quad faces, we have no guarantees to the regularity

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of the valences of the vertices. Both of these problemscan be ameliorated to some degree using some iterativepost-process as we describe.

• Similarly to many implicit surface contouring meth-ods, we can not guarantee that the output mesh willhave topology that matches the input surface. If thesurface has a small feature that misses all grid-edges,this feature may not be sampled. (For example, an in-put barbell shape may get meshed as two disconnectedspherical shapes.) Moreover, since our algorithm is a“seeded traversal”, it will not directly find all of thedisconnected components.

Overall our paper has the following contributions

• We introduce a general remeshing strategy based onmappings toRn followed by uniform contouring inRn.

• We describe a novel but simple algorithm to trace outthe intersection of a surface and uniform grid inRn toproduce the uniform tessellation. Traditional methodsused to contour implicit surfaces inR3 are not appro-priate for our remeshing since whenn > 3, the surfaceis not codimension 1.

• We explore a number of interesting mappingsf andshow their resulting remeshes.

2 Previous Work

Approaches for surface remeshing that are based on iter-ation perform a series of local operations in order to ob-tain a mesh that is more optimal with respect to some met-ric [15, 13, 25]. These algorithms do not require any spe-cial pre-processing of the input, and allow great flexibilityin the way they operate. Because they generally can acceptany metric to evaluate the quality of a mesh, the output theyproduce can be adapted to any number of criteria. They are,however, inherently iterative, preventing them from produc-ing complete remeshes at interactive rates.

Other approaches reduce the dimensionality of the prob-lem by posing it in a parametrized domain of the surface.The remesh can be computed by uniformly sampling theparametrization in a direct way [11, 14, 21]. These tech-niques produce highly regular remeshes, but often at the ex-pense of the resulting approximation quality. The domaincan be non-uniformly point-sampled and a mesh built thatconnects these samples [3, 2], producing locally isotropicremeshes at interactive rates, but onlyafter an expensiveparametrization step. [1] uses curvature lines traced on theparametrized domain to induce a mesh. This method isspecifically designed to produce one type of remesh.

The method of [8] poses the remeshing problem as a vari-ational optimization problem, by decomposing the surfaceinto regions that are balanced with respect to a predefinedcriteria using a k-means clustering approach. The regionsare then approximated by polygons of an arbitrary numberof sides, which can be adapted to the curvature of the sur-face. Dong et al. compute quadrilateral meshes with semi-regular connectivity, but their method is not interactive andproduces nearly uniform elemnts [10].

The type of contouring that our approach uses is similar tomethods for reconstructing implicit surfaces that are basedon spatial decompositions [19, 18, 17, 23]. These methodsare efficient when reconstructing implicit volumes, but un-fortunately cannot be applied to input meshes without firstconverting them to implicit form (i.e. by computing theirdistance field). Extensions of implicit methods exist for n-dimensions [6, 24].

Other methods exist that reconstruct or repair a surface byfinding its intersection with a grid or an octree [16, 4, 22,20]. They are typically separated in two stages: ascan-conversionstage, and a contouring stage that may be basedon a primal [4, 22, 20] or a dual grid [16]. In these methods,the scan conversion uses no coherence between neighboringtriangles and can typically take seconds of processing time.The contouring process is limited to the codimension-1 caseof recovering surfaces inR3.

Our approach is perhaps closest in spirit to that of [5], wherean implicit surface is adaptively triangulated in a three-stageprocess that first warpsR3, then applies a uniform con-touring algorithm, and finally transforms the resulting meshthrough the inverse of the warping function. Since this is amethod for contouring implicit surfaces, it does not extendto arbitrary dimensions, and the warping is restricted to beinvertible. By allowing both non-invertible mappings andmappings into arbitrary-dimensional spaces, we can createa variety of useful adaptive remeshes in a direct way and atfast rates.

3 Uniform Contouring in R3

We begin our exposition by describing a simple an efficientalgorithm that is capable of uniformly contouring surfacesthat are embedded inR3, and later show how this can be ex-tended to surfaces (triangulated 2-manifold) inRn. This isa different problem than iso-surface extraction, which findsann − 1 dimensional manifold inRn. Although this arbi-trary co-dimension method is quite simple and natural, weare not aware of its previous use in the literature. In sec-tion 8 we will show how various mappingsf : M → Rn,can be applied to a mesh to obtain useful remeshes.

We uniformly approximate a surfaceM sitting in R3 byconsidering its intersection with a uniform grid. This is

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shown in figure 2.a-c. The intersection between the surfaceand the uniform grid (figure 2.a) is a decomposition of thesurface, with vertices of valence four everywhere. (There-fore by taking its dual (figure 2.b), we will later be able toobtain a uniform remesh with quads only). What followsassumes that the input surface is a triangle mesh represent-ing a closed 2-manifold, and we describe latter in section 7how this can be extended to manifolds with boundary. Wewill use the termsurface-triangleto refer to a triangle inthis input surface.

A uniform grid in R3 is a cellular decomposition of space,comprising what we termgrid-cells, grid-faces, andgrid-edges. Cells are unit cubes that tile space, while faces arethe two-dimensional sets shared by adjacent cells. Edgesare one-dimensional sets shared by adjacent faces. By in-tersecting the surface against this grid, we create a de-composition ofM . This decomposition is comprised ofintersection-vertices, intersection-arcs, and intersection-regions, which are the result of intersecting the surfaceMwith the grid-edges, grid-faces, and grid-cells, respectively.

More specifically, the intersection between a surface and agrid has the following structure:

• A grid-edge is a one-dimensional segment, and willtransversely intersect the surface at one (or more) dis-crete point(s) on the surface.

• A two-dimensional grid-face will intersect the surfaceforming one (or more) curve(s) onM . There aretwo possible cases for each such curve. In thegoodcase, the curve is anintersection-arcconnecting twointersection-vertices. In thebad case, the curve is aclosed loop.

• The intersection of a grid-cell withM results in one(or more) disjoint intersection-regions of finite area onM . There are two possible cases for these regions.In thegood case, regions have the topology of a disk.In the bad case, a region can have more complicatedtopology.

Associated with these intersections we define the followingremeshed surface:

• For each surface with grid-edge intersection, we willoutput an intersection-vertex.

• For each intersection-arc of the good kind we will out-put an intersection-edge. Intersections of the bad kind,however, are ignored.

• For each simple cycle of intersection-arcs that isassociated with one grid-cell, we will output oneintersection-face.

First we note that if all of the intersections between the sur-face and the grid-cells are of the good kind, then this remeshwill be homeomorphic to the input surface. Currently we donot have any conditions that guarantee all intersections willbe of the “good kind”, nor have we yet explored methods totest for this and adapt appropriately.

We also note that the remesh described above retains thesame incidence relations of the grid, because it is derivedfrom it. For this reason, the graph formed by intersection-vertices and intersection-arcs can be properly embedded (asa polyline) in the surface without any crossings.

Additionally because every grid-edge is incident to fourgrid-faces, every intersection-vertex will be incident to fourintersection-edges. That is, all intersection-vertices havevalence four. However, intersection-faces may be boundedby an arbitrary number of edges.

The above decomposition can be computed efficiently usinga simple tracing algorithm, which we discuss next. Unlikeimplicit surface methods, this algorithm will generalize toarbitrary codimensions in a straight-forward way.

3.1 Algorithm

We compute the above decomposition of the surface, ob-tained by intersecting it with a uniform grid, by tracing thegraph formed by the decomposition.

The tracing algorithm uses the following key data types:point: R3 coordinates


{point, surfaceTriangle, gridEdge, 4 gridFaceProcessedBits}intersectionEdge:{2 intersectionVertices}

The intersection-vertexdata type represents the point of in-tersection of a grid-edge with the surface. Each grid-edge isincident to four grid-faces. Each of these faces will need tobe processed by tracing out the intersection arc between thatface and the surface. As such we need to store 4 processed-bits at an intersection-vertex.

Starting from an intersection-vertex, we progress on thesurface along all its incident arcs, which arrive at otherintersection-vertices and in turn spawn more arcs. Eventu-ally, arcs reach intersection-vertices that were already com-puted, closing the graph. The following pseudo-code sum-marizes this algorithm, which uses a seed intersectionv0

that is a chosen surface point that is simply translated tomake it pass through a grid edge.

Q← empty queue of intersectionVertices.

Enqueuev0 in Q.

While Q is not emptydo

Dequeuev fromQ.

While v has an unprocessed gridFacef do

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Mark f as processed inv.

(point p, surfaceTriangle t, gridEdge e)←ArcTraverse(v.point, v.surfaceTriangle,f )

if (p, t, e) has yet to be encountered

v ← new intersectionVertex(p, t, e)


create intersectionEdge connecting(v, v)

markf as processed inv

The intersection-vertices and intersection-edges can be usedto form the connectivity of the output remesh. The faces ofthe remesh can be easily computed by finding the simplecycles in the graph of intersection-vertices and intersection-edges. The various data fields in the remesh are obtained bysampling the surface point at the intersection-vertex.

3.1.1 Computing The Intersection-ArcsThe key operation, and theone that consumes the major-ity of the time in the entirealgorithm, is the arc traver-sal along the surface. Be-cause the surface is piecewiselinear, its intersection with agrid-facef is a polyline, withone linear segment for everysurface-triangle that the grid-

face intersects (in the side figure, the intersection betweenthe surface and a facef is the polylinew0w1w2w3). Totrace an intersection-arc, represented as a polyline, we findthe intersection between the supporting plane of the grid-face and every input surface-triangle along the polyline. Wethen test whether each of these intersections are completelyinside the grid-face or whether it we have reached a grid-edge indicating, whether we should continue tracing thepolyline or an intersection-vertex has been found.

Consider the example depicted in the side figure. A simplepolyline fromw0 to w3 represents the intersection betweena grid-facef and the surface. The grid-face is a squared por-tion of its supporting planeΠ. Imagine that we start tracingthe polyline fromw0, knowing that we must progress in thedirection towardsw1, which lies inΠ. We first test whetherw1 is insidef . Becausew1 ∈ f , we can continue trac-ing to the next triangle4bcd. In order to process triangle4bcd, starting fromw1, we compute the intersection be-tween4bcd andΠ, resulting in segment(w1, w2). Again,becausew2 ∈ f , we have not yet reached a grid-edge and sowe proceed to triangle4cde. We compute the intersectionbetween this triangle andf , and find that this time the inter-section (segment(w2, w4)) exitsf at pointw3. In general,because the input surface may be very finely tessellated, wemay be forced to traverse many triangles along the arc until

we reach a grid-edge on the boundary off . Once the grid-edge is reached, the arc is completely traced. We can thenreport the found intersection. The following pseudo-codesummarizes this procedure for tracing an arc.

ArcTraverse(point p, surfaceTriangle t, gridFace f)

lineSegment(p, p)← intersection betweenf andt.

While p does not lie on a gridEdgedo

t← neighbor surfaceTriangle oft that containsp.

p← p.

lineSegment(p, p)← intersection betweenf andt.

e← gridEdge containingp

return(p, t, e)

In practice, we have found that the cost, in terms of float-ing point operations, of computing the arc segments is lowenough to be small even when compared with the cost ofsimply reading the sequence of triangles from memory.

We note here that this algorithm does not require the map-ping f of the surface toR3 to be an invertible embedding.The arcTraverse routine always keeps track of the currentsurface-triangle and so it can unambiguously trace the in-tersection of the mapped surface and a grid-face. The mainalgorithm uses the surface-triangle id and grid-edge id touniquely identify an intersection-vertex, as well as to testif we have previously encountered it. (A surface-triangleand grid-edge can intersect at most once). As the arcs aretraversed, and new intersection-vertices are encountered,we sample the appropriate data from the surface-point (un-mapped geometric position, as well as normal, and color).This data is stored in the intersection-vertex data structure.Because we directly sample unmapped position data fromthe surface, we never need to explicitly applyf−1.

We note that in our algorithm, the representation of the gridis implicit in the logic of the algorithm, and requires no ex-plicit storage. (From a grid-edge id, we can directly com-pute neighboring grid-face ids, and vice-versa. And froma grid-face id, we can directly compute the geometry of itssupporting plane,π.) We also note that the algorithm nevertouches surface-triangles that lie completely in a grid-celland that do not touch any grid-face. Thus, for highly tes-sellated input surface, the remeshing algorithm will run insublineartime.

Degenerate Intersections Certain degenerate intersec-tions between the surface and the grid may invalidate thestructure described in section 3: surface vertices lying ongrid-faces or grid-edges, surface triangles lying entirely ongrid-faces, or grid-edges intersecting a surface-triangle atone of its edges. We detect these events by using exact largeinteger arithmetic and predicates that involve only multi-plications and additions. Degenerate cases are symboli-cally perturbed to break ties in a consistent manner, similarto [12]. This frees us from considering degeneracies in the

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logic while ensuring consistency for all inputs.

4 Uniform Reconstruction in Rn

We now generalize the algorithm of the previous section tohigher-dimensions. Given a continuous, but not necessarilyinvertible mapf : M → Rn that embeds a surfaceM inRn (with n ≥ 3), we uniformly triangulatef(M) directlyin Rn.

We first transform the input surfaceM , which is given as atriangle mesh, by applying the mappingf to all its vertices.Points in the interior of each surface-triangle map toRn

using their barycentric coordinates.

We must now extend all the operations of the algorithm de-scribed in section 3 to work with a grid inRn and a sur-facef(M) ⊂ Rn. We use the same pseudo-code that wasused before, but we must generalize the operations of find-ing a seed and computing arcs. In order to understand howthese operations can be extended toRn, we first describe thestructure of a uniform grid inRn, against which the surfacewill be intersected.

4.1 Uniform Grid in Rn

A uniform grid in Rn is composed of elements of every di-mensionality, from0 to n. However, we are only concernedwith those of dimensionn, n−1, andn−2, that is, of codi-mension0, 1, and2. We again refer to these as grid-cells,grid-faces, and grid-edges, respectively. Note that forn = 3this results in exactly the same notation as used above.

This generalization of a uniform grid inR3 to n-dimensionshas the advantage that many of its properties are intact.For instance, the intersection of the surfacef(M) witha grid-cell, grid-face, and a grid-edge is, respectively, anintersection-region, an intersection-arc, and an intersection-vertex on the surface. Intuitively, because a grid-cell hascodimension0, its is simply a portion of space with vol-ume, and its intersection with the transformed surface is atwo dimensional region of it. Analogously, a grid-face is theresult of applying to a cellonelinear constraint, it is there-fore of codimension1 and its (generic) intersection with thesurface is a set of dimension one less than the dimension-ality of the surface. As a result, the intersection of the sur-face with a grid-face is an intersection-arc of dimension1.Predictably, intersecting a grid-edge (codimension2) withthe surface results in a single point: an intersection-vertex.Grid elements of higher codimension than2 do not needto be considered since, for a surface in general position, itstransversal intersection with such an element is null.

An important property that is carried over ton-dimensionsis the valence of intersection-vertices, which once again isalways four. Analogously as inR3, grid-faces are con-tained in a (codimension-1) axis-aligned hyperplane (one

linear constraint). A grid-edge in turn, is contained in a(codimension-2) axis-aligned set obtained by intersectingtwo hyperplanes (two linear constraints). Similarly as inR3, in Rn, grid-edges have two incident grid-faces for eachof the two hyperplanes that they are contained in, thereforegrid-edges have exactly four incident grid-faces. Conse-quently, every intersection-vertex has valence four.

We can now confront the task of extending all the stepsin the reconstruction algorithm ton-dimensions. Findinga seed has a simple extension: we choose a point on the sur-facef(M) and translate the surface so that a grid-edge willpass through the chosen point. This point can now serve asa seed. Computing the intersection-arcs, however, requiresfurther considerations.

4.2 Computing Arcs in Rn

Tracing arcs inRn follows exactly the same pseudo-code asin section 3.1.1. An intersection-arc is still the intersectionbetween a grid-face and the surface. As before, we trace thearc from surface-triangle to surface-triangle until we reach agrid-edge, and we place an intersection-vertex at that point.

In order to find the intersection between a surface-trianglein Rn and a grid-face, we first compute the intersectionbetween the (two-dimensional) supporting plane of thesurface-triangle and the (codimension one) supporting hy-perplane of the grid-face, resulting in a (one-dimensional)line. This is an algebraic operation (which is especially sim-ple when our grid is axis aligned).

The actual intersection between the triangle and the facemust be contained as a line segment contained in this com-puted line. This segment is computed byclipping the lineagainst the surface-triangle and the grid-face. (Note, how-ever, that the cost of clipping a line against a grid-face islinear in the dimensionn).

The above generalization of the arc traversal is expressiveenough that we, in fact, do not use separate implementationsfor R3 andRn, but instead a single one with the dimensionn being a compile-time parameter. Additionally, the speedof the algorithm in practice does not vary with the dimen-sionn, as the operations that are sensitive to the dimensionhave a very small constant, and, as explained above, thendimensional grid is never explicitly constructed or stored.

5 Computing the Dual

If we want our algorithm to output a mesh with all quads,we can achieve this by creating a dualized remesh. In thisremesh, the connectivity is the topological dual of the pri-mal remesh. Because all vertices in the primal have valencefour, all faces in the dual are quads.

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The result is always a manifold This is in contrast with dualcontouring methods for implicit surfaces where two or moresheets of the surface can touch at a vertex. This cannot hap-pen in our method. Because the traversal is doneon thesurface, not by traversing space. If a surface passes by agrid-cell cube several times, it will generate a new set ofvertices and quads for that cell each time it passes throughthe cell.

We can simply set thegeometry and normalfor a dual vertex(v, n),whose primal is a facef , by simple averag-ing as (v =


n =∑


ni‖),where (vi,ni) are the

primal vertices incident tof .

To obtain a higher quality dualization, we set the positionvto minimize the Quadric Error Metric based on the distanceto the tangent planes defined by(vi,ni).

6 Iterative Improvement

Although globally the density and sizes of elements of ouralgorithm adjust to all the quantities measured by the map-ping, they may not be well distributed locally.

Consider as an example the situation depicted in the sidefigure, where a straight line is remeshed by intersecting itwith a uniform grid on the plane. Although the average dis-tribution of sampling points is proportional to the length ofthe curve, locally, their density is irregular: higher where

the line passes close toa grid-vertex, and loweraway from them. Thissituation is aggravatedas the dimensionality ofthe mapping increases.A (0-dimensional) vertexof a uniform grid in Rn

will have n · (n − 1)(codimension-2) grid-edges incident to it. As the number ofincident grid-edges increases, the local non-uniformity ofthe sampling equally increases. For very-high-dimensionalmappings, intersection-vertices can cluster together ingroups. This can degrade the quality of the remesh.

Relaxation A natural solution to the above problem isto somehow relax the vertices’ positions until they are lo-cally uniformly distributed. The relaxation step could takethe form of simple averaging of neighboring vertices, butthis produces significant shrinking and smoothing. Othermethods exist that do not shrink the surface, but produce

smoothing [26, 27]. The type of relaxation that we desire lo-cally slides the verticeswithoutsmoothing the surface. Onepossible solution would be the vertex repositioning methodof [25]. Here we present a very simple alternative.

To produce better vertex distributions, we apply a series ofrelaxation iterations to each dual vertex(v, n) - each it-eration consisting on two steps: a smoothing step, and aprojection step. A smoothing step is an instance of simpleGaussian smoothing, where each dual vertex’s position andnormal are substituted by the average of those of its neigh-bors, obtaining a newsmoothed vertex(v′, n′). This firststep locally relaxes vertices over the surface, but also intro-duces smoothing and shrinking.

We follow every smoothing step by a projection step, in-tended to eliminate the shrinking and smoothing, while re-taining the local relaxation. To this end, we consider a mod-ification of the Quadric Error Metric method. Because eachdual vertex has associated with it a primal face with incidentvertices(vi,ni), we can consider the Quadric Error Met-ric defined by the distances to the tangent planes definedat those points. However, if we were to apply the QEMmethod directly at this point, the resulting vertex wouldbe always the same and independent of the position of thesmoothed dual vertex(v′, n′). Instead, we restrict the QEMsolution to lie on the linev′ + λn′. The consequence ofthis decision is two-fold. On the one hand, because the so-lution lies in v′ + λn′, the effect of the combined smooth-ing/projection iteration is that vertices are effectively locallyslidover the surface without smoothing or shrinking. On theother hand, while the solution to the original QEM prob-lem reduces to solving a linear system, or more generallyan SVD decomposition [18, 17] to avoid stability problems,the solution of a QEM problem restricted to a line reducesto simply solving a linear equation (a considerably fasteroperation).

Furthermore, the projection step can be made uncondition-ally non-singular by introducing an extraQEM constraintplane at(v′, n′) weighted by a very smallε, which, if n′ isunitary, leads to the following expression:

λ =


< vi − v′,ni > · < n′,ni >


< n′,ni >2 + ε

As shown in figure

1 (lower left and right), by applying the described relax-ation step, vertices in the final remeshing are locally moreevenly distributed while retaining their global density dis-tribution over the surface, and no shrinking or smoothingis introduced. The speed impact of this step is quite small,generally around5 to 8Quad Collapses The local non-uniformity of the primalremesh described above affects both the distribution of dual

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Figure 1. The hippo remeshed inR6. The primal inter-section (upper left) is dualized into a quad-remesh (upperright). A quad-collapsing pass improves the vertex valencedistribution (lower left). Vertex relaxation locally redis-tribute the vertices’ positions (lower right).

vertices on the surface as well as their valence. We usevertex relaxation to improve the first, while the second cangreatly benefit from local optimization operations similar inspirit to those of [3, 25]. In their work, a series of edges areconsidered and they are flipped only when this improves thevalence regularity of the mesh.

Because our dual remesh is composed of quads only, edgeflipping cannot be applied in general without generatingnon-quads. However, we may pick any quad in the dualand collapse it if the valence variance of its incident verticesis lower after the collapse. To implement a quad collapse,consider a quad with ordered vertices(a, b, c, d). We col-lapse opposing vertices, say(a, c). It is easy to see that theresulting mesh is still all quads (assuming their respectiveneighborhoods are unrelated). This operation eliminatesone quad and collapses two vertices into one.

is determined by simple averaging from those of the col-lapsed vertices, while its associated QEM is obtained bymerging those of the collapsed vertices. The vertex is thenprojected back to the surface using the merged QEM infor-mation, by applying the procedure described above.

Note that this collapsing step can modify both the positionsof certain vertices as well as their connectivity. For thisreason, we apply it just after the dualization step, and beforethe local vertex relaxation. Figure 2 shows this completeprocess, where a primal remesh is first dualized, a quad-collapsing stage locally improves the valence regularity of

the remesh, and finally vertex relaxation improves the localuniformity of the vertices.

7 Reconstructing Manifolds with Boundary

If we allow the input mani-fold to have boundaries, thenas we trace intersection-arcswe may reach the bound-ary of the surface. Shownin the side figure is a dia-gram of an intersection graphnear a boundary (solid circlesare intersection-vertices and

black segments connecting them are intersection arcs; theboundary is shown in red). At the point of intersectionbetween the arc and the boundary we may not continuetracing. However, we use this intersection point in or-der to reconstruct the boundary itself by placing a newboundary-intersection-vertex there (hollow circle). Becausethe boundary intersection-vertices shown in the figure havevalence one (they are only connected along the arc that gen-erated them), they do not form regions. We must thereforeconnect them usingboundary edgesto the two boundaryintersection-vertices that are contiguous along the boundary(dashed lines).

During the dualization process, we do not create dual edgesfor each primal boundary edge. We note that on boundaries,there will be vertices with only valence 2.

To prevent the new dual boundary edges from “shrinking”away from the primal boundary, we only use primal bound-ary vertices when computing the initial dual boundary ver-tex position. During the smoothing stage, we only averagedual boundary vertices with other dual boundary vertices.During the QEM stage, we only use data from the primalboundary vertices.

8 Mappings for Remeshing

The following applications demonstrate that our contouringalgorithm is able to produce a wide variety of remeshes bysimply varying the chosen mapf .

Choosing the identity map and reconstructing the surface inR3, we efficiently obtain a uniform remesh with elementsof bounded size. This is shown in figure 2.a-c. The graphthat we trace in section 3 is shown in figure 2.a, whose el-ements (arcs and vertices) are, respectively, the intersectionof the surface with the edges and faces of the uniform grid.Its dual (figure 2.b) is an all-quads uniform remesh. By in-cluding a scaling factor in the mapping we can control theresolution of the uniform remesh (figure 2.c shows the ef-fect of increasing this factor.)

Page 8: Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Different types of anisotropic meshes can be obtained by in-corporating normal variation in the mapping. We may wishto directly map the surface through its Gauss map - mappingevery point to its normal inS2. We show in the appendixthat, for surfaces, if a uniform tesselation of the Gauss mapis used as range, then in the limit each intersection-regionwill have aspect ratio roughly proportional to the ratio ofthe surface’s principle curvatures, which has been shownto be the optimal aspect ratio with respect to derivative er-ror [9, 8, 7]. In order to avoid dealing with a codimension-0mapping, and to ensure that the elements in the range spaceare approximately uniform (of approximate the same sizeand unit aspect ratio), we simply embed the Gauss map inR3 and reconstruct the transformed surface inR3 directly,rescaling the normals so they map to the unit cube and notthe unit sphere. This introduces a small amount of boundeddistortion in the mapping.

The results of using the Gauss map are shown in figures 2.dand 2.g, where 2.d is the intersection structure (visualized inthe unmapped space) and 2.g is its all-quads dual. Althoughusing the Gauss mapping will produce anisotropic remeshesat interactive rates, certain problems can occasionally arise.As seen in Figure 2.d, the image of the intersection-arcs onthe mesh can be quite curved. If these arcs are to be rep-resented as straight intersection-edges, significant approxi-mation errors will occur.

If we are using a Gauss map,we are required to have aC0-continuous normal-field overthe input surface. Thus, in or-der to represent a sharp fea-ture in the input surface, wemust insert a degenerate tri-angle of null area betweenany two input triangles thatstraddle a feature edge ( additional triangle with no

area at a sharp vertex). This ensures, without changing thesurface’s geometry, that normals can have differing valuesat both sides of a feature. When the Gauss map is appliedto such a model, the sharp features will exhibit significantnormal variation. As such, the uniform tessellation in thisspace will automatically place intersection arcs along thesesharp features. This behavior is shown in the side figure.

This mesh could be topologically dualized. In this case, theresulting quads may have more than one vertex/edge co-incident on the original surface, and so may be degenerategeometrically. Because of the large bending of intersection-arcs, this remesh is not geometrically suitable to be directlydualized and, similarly to [8], it would instead need to beapproximated by a polygonization of the primal regions.

To ensure stability when computing anisotropic remeshingswe therefore combineboth position and normal variationin the mapping. Position and normal components are eachembedded inR3, and thus the mapping is six-dimensional.Both can have a different scale factor associated with them,providing control over the amount of anisotropy of the re-construction. Because this is a high-dimensional mapping,the reconstruction tends to have a less regular valence dis-tribution. We follow the reconstruction by one pass overthe remesh intended to improve the vertex valence vari-ance. Results of this algorithm are shown in figures 2.e,2.f, 2.h, and 2.i. Figure 2.e shows the intersection betweenthe six-dimensional grid and the transformed surface. Thedual remesh is shown in figure 2.f. We show the effect ofvarying the spatial and normal scaling factors in figures 2.f,2.h, and 2.i. By decreasing the scaling factor of the normalcomponent of the mapping we obtain remeshes that rangefrom highly anisotropic (2.f), to uniform (2.i).

Figures 2.j-l, show an example where the input surface hasbeen mapped to a nine-dimensional space using position,normal, and color-gradient, with three components each:p → (px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz, ‖∇r‖, ‖∇g‖, ‖∇b‖). The con-tribution of the color variation part of the mapping is bestseen at the sharp color transitions between the white andred areas, in the hat and near the hands. The primal de-composition is shown in figure 2.k, representing the inter-section between the surface embedded inR9 and a uniformgrid in that space. The dual all-quads remesh is shown infigure 2.l. Figure 2.j shows the fraction of the model thatis actually transformed through the mapping (the coloredpart). Because it is evaluated lazily as needed, the mappingonly has to transform part of the surface, resulting in sub-linear remeshing cost when applied to high resolution inputmeshes.

Timings are presented in table 1. Speed was measured ona Pentium 4, 3Ghz. Error was measured using the METROtool. For comparison, we have run QEM [13] on the hippomodel, which was approximated with an equal number ofedges, and an RMS error of7.04e−5 (runtime 850 ms.),as opposed to7.82e−4 for our remeshing of figure 1 (run-time 51 ms.) The speed depends on the size of the inputand output. Most models can run at interactive speeds, withperhaps the exception of the adaptive David model, whichproduces as output a quad-mesh of size comparable to theinput.

9 Conclusion and Future WorkIn this paper we have described a simple and effectiveremeshing algorithm based on mapping a surface to a rangespace, and uniformly tessellating the surface in that space.The result is a fast algorithm that is flexible and provides ab-solute bounds on data variation over the faces in the remeshand is guaranteed to have all quad faces.

Page 9: Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

Model n input size output time (ms) RMS

David 3 100,454 23,600 53 5.62e-4David 6 100,454 69,174 223 4.08e-4Elephant 3 311,376 14,208 52 3.40e-4Hippo 6 46,202 8,375 51 2.07e-3Fish 3 129,664 17,287 61 8.42e-4Santa 9 151,558 18,578 83 5.55e-4

Table 1. Timings for remeshings.n is the dimensionalityof the mapping.Input andoutputsizes are, respectively, innumber of triangles and quads. RMS error is measured afterscaling models to a unit bounding box diagonal.

In future work, we plan to more carefully study variousmappings and their approximation theoretic properties. Itwould be beneficial to find mappings that canguaranteethetopological correctness of the tessellation.


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AppendixWe briefly argue that, by mapping every point of a surface to its normal,and reconstructing the surface uniformly in normal space, the elementswill, in the limit, have aspect ratio approaching the ratio of principal cur-vatures, and will be elongated along the direction of minimum curvature.

For a surface being approximated very finely we can approximate the sur-face near a facef by its second order Taylor expansion which, in a refer-ence frame formed by the normal (z) and the principal curvature directions(x, y), can be expressed asz = − 1

2(κ1x2 + κ2y2). The normal field in

the vicinity of the center of the expansion isn =(κ1x,κ2y,1)



y2 .

Because the facef is uniform in normal space, we can consider it cir-cumscribed by a very small circle around the normal(0, 0, 1), and seehow this circle transforms back on the surface to analyze the shape of theface. A small circle around normal(0, 0, 1) is the set of normals suchthat< n, [0, 0, 1] >= c, with c < 1 very close to1. This circle can betransformed back to the surface as the set of points such that

<[κ1x, κ2y, 1]

1 + κ21x2 + κ2


, [0, 0, 1] >=1

1 + κ21x2 + κ2


= c (1)

which can be written as

κ21x2 + κ2

2y2 = ε (2)

whereε = 1c− 1, which, becausec is close to1, means thatε > 0 is very

small. Equation 2 represents an ellipse aligned with the principal curvature

directions, of aspect ratio equal to the ratio of the principal curvatures, and

elongated along the direction of minimum curvature.

Page 10: Surface Remeshing in Arbitrary Codimensions

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 2. Remeshings obtained using our algorithm by applying different mappings to input surfaces. The first row shows theeffect of remeshing under the identity map. Figures d and g show how surfaces are remeshed when mapped through the Gauss map.We combine position and normal in figures e, f, h, and i. Finally, figures j through l describe the process of remeshing a surfaceundergoing a nine-dimensional mapping.