Supplier Audit

Strengthening Supplier Relationships Through Comprehensive Audit Planning Katherine Lynn 2004 American Quality Congress


Its give information how to strengthing supplier relationship

Transcript of Supplier Audit

  • Strengthening Supplier Relationships Through Comprehensive Audit Planning

    Katherine Lynn2004 American Quality Congress

  • Interactive Session Sharing All of our KnowledgeSupplier Auditing ExperienceAll Quality Auditing Experience

  • Objective of PresentationEmphasize planning for each auditShare some experience in audit

    planningPresent a suggested flowchart for audit

    planningLearn through an exercise in audit

    planningShare our group experience

  • What is a Supplier Audit?May include system, process and product auditMay be a certification auditMay include some partnership value engineeringMust be defined and understood by the supplier, user and auditor

  • Some Audit NightmaresArrive for process audit and the

    production line is down for maintenanceTravel to a production facility and find

    that critical operations are completed off-site

    Opening meeting reveals that the Supplier is not sure why you are there

  • Planning is the Key to Getting the Most out of your Supplier Audit.

  • Request for Supplier Audit Initiated

    Research past history with Supplier and Industry Information

    Clearly define the audit objective with the audit requestor.

    Prepare audit working papers.

    Schedule audit with supplier AT LEAST ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE.

    Select audit team

    Contact the supplier TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE AUDIT DATE.

    Audit begins


  • Ask the audit requestor What is the objective?:New supplier qualification?Follow-up audit?Routine supplier review?Certification or Re-certification audit?Change of ownership or facility?YOUR QUESTION HERE

  • Remember to ask the audit requestor:

    Is there more than one objective? Are there any hidden objectives?

    Contract negotiations are coming and we promised management a certified supplier.

    Buyers are looking at a lower cost supplier and want to verify that the new and old supplier are the same.

  • Knowing what the audit requestor needs will ensure that you can be open with your supplier about the purpose of the audit and that you gather the correct information.

  • You want to prevent this phone call:Audit requestor to supplier #1: There were no findings in your audit. However, we are going to select supplier #2 because Supplier #2 keeps complete process control charts on file for each product lot.

    Supplier #1: We keep process control charts for each product lot. The auditor never asked us about that!

  • Know:What is the audit objective?Who is the supplier contact?Who are the key participants?Where is the product produced?When is the correct date and time?

  • Research How is the product used?What is the product specification?What problems have been reported since the

    last audit? How can the product fail?What supplier testing can prevent problems?What has the relationship been with the

    Supplier in the past? How critical is the product?

  • Communicate Share past audit reports with audit team and

    supplier. Obtain all Quality Manuals and procedures

    that can be shared in advance of the audit. Notify the supplier what audit tools will be

    used for the audit with advance copies. Contact the supplier and confirm who will

    participate in the audit.

  • And Communicate Again. Verify all documents have been received by

    supplier participants Verify audit team members have received

    documents and have reviewed them Verify audit team understands their role in the

    audit Send a final audit agenda to all participants

  • Bad Planning Example OneObjective clear (re-certification)Past audit reports not sharedRequirements for Re-certification not

    sharedAudit objective cannot be met!

  • Planning Example TwoNew supplier is qualifiedFoundation is laid down for increased

    communicationSupplier partnership and no-surprises


  • Request for Supplier Audit Initiated

    Routine auditFailures detectedFollow-up auditChange of Owner and /or Management TeamNew Product and or CompanyCertification or Re-certification Audit

    Research past history with Supplier and Industry Information

    Your company history with the product.How the product is used? What is the product specification?Will this product save the Company money or improve safety?How critical is the product to your Company?Industry articles and reports.Past audit reports.How the product has failed?Number of alternative manufacturers qualified?Interview with your in-house personnel about the Supplier.

    Clearly define the audit objective and obtain agreement for the objective with the audit requestor.

    Prepare audit working papers.

    Schedule audit with supplier AT LEAST ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE.

    Work with supplier to select a date when all required personnel would be available. Select a date and time when the processes to be reviewed are running.

    Select audit team

    Is a point system used in routine audits for your company? Are these points well defined for this audit process?What questions must be answered and what processes reviewed to meet the audit objective?

    Contact the supplier TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE AUDIT DATE.

    Audit team arrives at the Supplier at the appointed time with extra copies of blank working papers and other related documents to share with the auditee. Audit commences.


    Speak with supplier contact to ensure that the Supplier clearly understands audit objective.Work with supplier to identify what personnel must be available during the audit.Request a description of the Suppliers process and Quality Manual to be sent for review.Send copy of the audit agenda and blank working documents with questions to be asked during the audit.Ensure that supplier has past audit reports.Ensure that supplier has all recent corrective action requests for non-conforming product.

    Ensure that supplier has received the required documents. If not received make sure that documents are re-sent and expedited.Verify that required personnel will be available for the audit.Determine if any changes need to be made for the final audit agenda.Email or fax final audit agenda to supplier with a complete list of who will be part of the audit team.

  • Audit Reference Book

    The Quality Audit Handbook, ASQ Quality Audit Division, Second Edition.

    Many audit references for specific industries and industry specifications.

  • Practice Different ScenariosEach table has an audit scenarioThe scenario includes the audit

    objectiveAssignment is to define planning

    requirements for the scenarioShare planning outline with the entire


  • Use Table Scenario or Create Your Own!

    1. The flaky heater face coating

    2. Shear valve wrench

    3. Flat plastic

    4. ACME Distributors

    5. Over the head with a 2 x 4

    6. Raw rubber stock gone bad

  • Summary of Group Results

  • Thank You!

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