Supplications of the Hajj

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  • 7/29/2019 Supplications of the Hajj




    Supplications of the Hajj

    The supplications below are taken from the Book al-Adhkrby Imam al-

    Nawawi.Entering Ihrm

    One should enterihrm after performing a ghusl, ritual bathwith the adhkrand supplications related to the acts of purification. The pilgrim then prays tworaka ofsalh reading Qul y ayuhal kfirn in the first and Qul huwAllhuAhadin the second.

    One then intends to perform the Hajjby saying: I intend to perform the Hajj and have sanctified myself for it.

    It is also good if one says the following: O Allah I have sanctified myself, my hair, my skin, my flesh and my blood.

    One then reads the talbiya, the call of response: I am Yours O Allah, I am Yours, You have no partner, all praise is due to You,

    to You belongs everything and therein You have no partner.

    With the first call of the talbiya immediately after making intention one maysay: I am Yours O Allah, I am Yours coming to perform Hajj, You have no partner,all praise is due to You, to You belongs everything and therein You have no


    One continues reading the talbiyacall until one reaches the Kaba, the SacredHouse.

    It is sunna for a male to raise his voice when making talbiya. Both males andfemales should follow the third talbiya with salawt ala al-nabi, dua especiallyasking for Allahs pleasure (ridwn) and His garden (jannah).

    Entering Makka and seeing the Kaba

    When the pilgrim enters the Sacred City, the pilgrim says:

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    O Allah, this is Your sanctuary and place of safety so sanctify me bypreventing me from entering the Fire and make me safe from Your

    punishment on the Day on which You resurrect Your slaves and make me ofYour friends and the people of Your obedience.

    Then one should supplicate for whatever one wishes.

    It is said that the heavens open when one sees the House of God for the firsttime. One should say:

    O Allah increase this house in honour, greatness, dignity and awe and

    increase whoever, among those who make pilgrimage to it, honours it anddignifies it in honour, dignity, greatness and righteousness.

    And: O Allah You are peace, from You is peace, enliven us with peace.

    And then one supplicates for whatever they want.

    The tawf, circumambulation of the Kaba

    One begins the tawfat the Black Stone. One greets it saying: In the name of Allah; Allah is greatest; O Allah, with faith in You, with belief in

    Your book, fulfilling Your covenant and following the way of Your Prophet,upon him be peace.

    One repeats this at the beginning of each circumambulation.

    It is sunna to say in the first three circumambulations:

    " "O Allah, make it an unblemished pilgrimage, with sins forgiven and a feat of


    And in the last four to say: " ."

    O Allah forgive and show mercy, pardon that which You know, You are the

    most mighty and most honourable. O Allah, our Lord, grant us goodness in

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    this world and goodness in the next and keep us from the punishment of theFire.

    Hasan al-Basri says that the last supplication is recommended in at leastfifteen places in the pilgrimage, including the Sai, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa andwhen stoning thejamart.

    Imam al-Shfi says the last supplication should be read throughout thepilgrimage. He also said that it is preferable to read Quran in the tawf.

    After the tawf, the pilgrim should pray two rakaof prayer and make thefollowing supplication: "

    ". O Allah, I am Your slave, the child of Your slave, I have come with many sinsand bad actions and this is the station that lifts from the Fire, so forgive me for

    You are the All-forgiving, All-merciful.

    If it is possible the pilgrim should go to the Hijr of Ismail and pray andsupplicate and to supplicate at the Multazim which is between the Black Stoneand the door of the Kaba.

    The Sai

    The Saiis performed by moving between the foot of the hill of Saf and thefoot of the hill of Marw. One starts at Saf and ends at Marw after movingbetween the two hills seven times.

    It is sunna to prolong the standing at Saf and at Marw, glorify Allah and say:



    ". Allah is greatest! Allah is greatest! Allah is greatest! To Allah belongs allpraise. Allah is greatest in that He guided us, all praise is to Allah over whatHe has entrusted us. There is no god but Allah alone without partner. To Himbelongs the whole dominion and all praise. He brings to life and causes death.Goodness is in His Hands and He is over all things powerful. There is no god

    but Allah. He fulfilled his promise, assisted His slave and destroyed theparties alone. There is no god but Allah and we worship not but He, sincerely

    with the entire religion belonging to Him even if the disbelievers abhor it. OAllah You said and your words are true call me and I will answer you andsurely You would not break your promise. So I therefore ask You to, just as

    You guided us to Islam, to not take it from me so that it remains in tact and Idie as a Muslim.

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    When one is moving between the two hills one should read:

    O Lord, forgive! Show mercy! Overlook that which You certainly know for Youare the Most Mighty yet Most generous. O Allah, grant us goodnessin thisworld and in the goodness in the next and keep us from the punishment of the


    One of the supplications of the Sai which is appropriate in every place is:

    O Allah, O Turner of Hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.

    O Allah, I ask you those things that necessitate Your mercy and lead to Yourforgiveness and safety from every sin and the prize of the Garden and

    deliverance from the Fire. O Allah, I ask You for guidance, righteousness,

    purity and wealth. O Allah, assist me in Your remembrance, expression ofgratitude to You and Your worship. O Allah, I ask you for every good thatwhich I know of and that which I do not! And I seek refuge in You from all evil that which I know of and that I do not! And I ask You for the Garden and allwords and deeds which bring me close to it. And I seek refuge in You from the

    Fire and all words and deeds which bring me close to it.

    After completing the Sai, one leaves the state of Ihram by cutting ones hairor shaving in the case of men.

    This completes the Umra. If one is only performing the Hajj, one does nothave to perform the Sai as the tawfwill be sufficient.

    One should leave Makka on the 8 th of Dhul Hijja and travel to Mina.

    When leaving for Mina, one should say:

    O Allah, in You I place my hope and upon You, I call. Allow me to fulfil my

    righteous aspirations. Forgive my sins. Bless me as You blessed the peopleof Your obedience. You have power over all things.

    When leaving for Araft from Mina, one should say:

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    To You I direct my face and Your Noble Countenance is what I want. Makemy sins forgiven and my Hajj a blessed one. Show me Mercy and do not

    leave me empty handed. You have power over all things.

    The most important supplication on Araft is:

    There is not god but Allah alone without partner. To Him belongs the dominionand all praise and He has power over all things.

    It has also been narrated that the prayer that the Prophet, upon him be peacemade most on Araft was:



    O Allah, to You is all praise I make and better than the praise I offer. To Youbelongs my prayer and my sacrifice. From You, O my Lord, is my legacy. O

    Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the grave and whisperingsof the breast and the disintegration of the affair. O Allah I seek refuge with

    You from all evil that comes with the wind.

    One should busy oneself with supplication on Araft. Among the prayers thatshould be read in all places in the Hajj is:

    "." .

    O Allah grant me goodness in this world and goodness in the next.

    Allah says about these days:



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    Then when ye pour down from (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allahat the Sacred Monument, and celebrate His praises as He has directed you,

    even though, before this, ye went astray.(al-Baqara 2:198)

    This verse refers to flowing from Araft towards Muzdalifa where one spendsthe night in worship and then moving to the hill known as al-Mashar al-Harmin the morning.When leaving Araft and during the rest of the night, it is recommended toread the talbiya, Quran and to supplicate and make remembrance Allah. Thisis the night prior to Eid and it is recommended that one spends it in worshipand remembrance of Allah.

    The duas recommended above should be read here, especially:

    } { O my Lord grant me goodness in this world and goodness in the next.

    The following supplication has been narrated from the scholars:

    O Allah, surely I ask you to provide for me, in this [sacred] place, the

    gathering together of all goodness and to put right my affair and repel from meall harm. For surely no one can do that other than You. And no one shows

    that generosity except You.

    It is sunna to pray the fajrprayer early and then to move to the hill known asal-Mashar al-Harm if this is possible. One may climb the hill or supplicate atthe foot, saying:

    : : {

    } O Allah, just as You enabled us to this and enabled us to remember You and

    how You guided us, forgive us and show us mercy as You promised usthrough Your words and Your words are trueThen when ye pour downfrom (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument,

    and celebrate His praises as He has directed you, even though, before this,ye went astray.

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    When leaving the Mashar al-Harm, one should continue supplicating andreading the talbiya as this the last opportunity to make the talbiya in the Hajj.

    When one arrives in Mina, it is recommended to read:


    !" All praise is to Allah who allowed us to reach it safely and in a good state. O

    Allah this is Mina we have indeed come and I am Your slave in Your grasp Iask you to bestow blessings on me as you bestowed blessings on Yourfriends. O Allah I seek refuge in You from rejection and tribulations in my

    religion. O Most Merciful of Merciful Ones.At Mina, one stones the Jamaraat Aqaba. It is not sunna to stand tosupplicate.

    If you slaughter your sacrifice yourself, you should say:

    " "

    In the name of Allah. Allah is greatest. O Allah send prayers and salutationsupon Muhammad and his family. O Allah [everything] is from You and returnsto You and so accept this from me.

    One should exit from ihrm saying:


    All praise is to Allah for the way He has guided us. All praise is to Allah orwhat he has bestowed upon us. O Allah this is my forelock accept it fromme and forgive me my sins. O Allah forgiven those who shaved their heads

    and those who cut their hair O You who is generous in forgiveness.

    And after shaving ones head, one should say:


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    All praise is to Allah who completed for us the rites. O Allah, increase us infaith and certainty and enablement and divine assistance. Forgive us and our

    forefathers and foremothers and all Muslims.

    After leaving ihram one travels to Makka to do the tawfand sai. The

    supplications for this have been discussed above.

    This only leaves the final days of the Hajj, which are called the Days ofTashrq where the nights should be spent in Mina and thejamartshould bestoned on each of these days.Imm al-Nawawi says that these days should be spent in remembrance ofAllah and he says the best of these is recitation of Quran.When stoning thejamartit is sunna to face Makka and praise Allah, glorifyHim and state His oneness and then supplicate at each of the first two pillarsbut not at the third.

    Before leaving Makka, one must circumambulate the Kaba with the intentionoftawf al-wada (farewell tawaf). This should be your last act of worship inMakka and should be delayed as long as possible. After it one shouldsupplicate with the following prayer


    " O Allah! The House is Your House. The slave is Your slave and the son ofYour slave. You brought me here by making subservient elements of Your

    creation so that I could travel to Your land. You made me reach Your favoursand took care of me so I could complete Your rites. So, if You are pleasedwith me, increase that contentment with me and bless me now before my

    home calls me away from Your House and do not allow me departure if Youallow me to leave a case of turning my back on You or on Your House or adesire for anything but You or Your House. O Allah! Provide me well being inmy body and protection in my religion and make all turns of events good for

    me and provide me with [opportunities for] worshiping You for what remains ofmy life and gather for me the goodness of this world and the next for surely

    You have power over all things.

    May Allah accept your pilgrimage and that of all the

    This completes the Hajj and after this one should visit the Prophet in Madina ifyou did not do this prior to the pilgrimage.