Supplementary Materials for · 12/19/2011  · Supplementary Materials for Predicting Adverse Drug...

76 Supplementary Materials for Predicting Adverse Drug Events Using Pharmacological Network Models Aurel Cami,* Alana Arnold, Shannon Manzi, Ben Reis *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] Published 21 December 2011, Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 114ra127 (2011) DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002774 This PDF file includes: Methods Table S1. Definition of covariates. Table S2. List of drugs and their ATC codes. Table S3. Number of missing observations for PubChem properties extracted for this study. Table S4. Number of missing observations for DrugBank properties extracted for this study. Table S5. Intercorrelation analysis of covariates. Table S6. Prediction cases studies. Table S7. List of supplementary source code files. Fig. S1. Newly associated ADEs per drug in each ATC top-level group. Fig. S2. Newly associated drugs per ADE in each MedDRA top-level group. Fig. S3. Comparative histograms of scores for the observed edges and non-edges by the three model types. Fig. S4. Three-way Venn diagrams for the sets of true and false positives generated by models NET, TAX, and INT. Fig. S5. Comparative histograms of selected network covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S6. Comparative histograms of selected taxonomic covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S7. Comparative histograms of the intrinsic covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S8. Drug-specific AUROCs. Fig. S9. ADE-specific AUROCs. Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following: (available at

Transcript of Supplementary Materials for · 12/19/2011  · Supplementary Materials for Predicting Adverse Drug...

Page 1: Supplementary Materials for · 12/19/2011  · Supplementary Materials for Predicting Adverse Drug Events Using Pharmacological Network Models Aurel Cami,* Alana Arnold, Shannon Manzi,

Supplementary Materials for

Predicting Adverse Drug Events Using Pharmacological Network Models

Aurel Cami,* Alana Arnold, Shannon Manzi, Ben Reis

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

Published 21 December 2011, Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 114ra127 (2011)

DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002774

This PDF file includes:

Methods Table S1. Definition of covariates. Table S2. List of drugs and their ATC codes. Table S3. Number of missing observations for PubChem properties extracted for this study. Table S4. Number of missing observations for DrugBank properties extracted for this study. Table S5. Intercorrelation analysis of covariates. Table S6. Prediction cases studies. Table S7. List of supplementary source code files. Fig. S1. Newly associated ADEs per drug in each ATC top-level group. Fig. S2. Newly associated drugs per ADE in each MedDRA top-level group. Fig. S3. Comparative histograms of scores for the observed edges and non-edges by the three model types. Fig. S4. Three-way Venn diagrams for the sets of true and false positives generated by models NET, TAX, and INT. Fig. S5. Comparative histograms of selected network covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S6. Comparative histograms of selected taxonomic covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S7. Comparative histograms of the intrinsic covariates for the predicted edges and non-edges. Fig. S8. Drug-specific AUROCs. Fig. S9. ADE-specific AUROCs.

Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following: (available at

Page 2: Supplementary Materials for · 12/19/2011  · Supplementary Materials for Predicting Adverse Drug Events Using Pharmacological Network Models Aurel Cami,* Alana Arnold, Shannon Manzi,

File “” (SAS code to perform MedDRA mapping). File “NET_INT_covariates.R” (R code to compute network and intrinsic covariates). File “”(SAS code to compute taxonomic covariates). File “Fig2-highres.tif” (high-resolution version of Fig. 2).

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Supplementary Methods 

Mapping ADE names to MedDRA taxonomy We  employed  the  following  approach  to  map  ADE  names  to  the  Medical  Dictionary  for 

Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) terminology. First, we performed exact matching of each ADE 

name against the  lowest  level terms (LLTs) of MedDRA. This step  led to approximately 40% of 

the  unique  ADE  names  being matched  to  LLTs. Next,  for  each  non‐matched  ADE  name we 

identified the two closest LLTs in terms of the string generalized edit distance (computed using 

function COMPGED  in  the  Statistical Analysis  System  (SAS)  v9.2). Computer  code  to perform 

exact matching and to  identify the two closest LLTs of an ADE name  is provided below and as 

supplementary online  files  (table  S7):, NET_INT_covariates.R,  and Then, we performed a manual scan of the list of ADE names and their two 

closest LLTs and were able  to determine a match between an ADE name and one of  its  two 

closest LLTs for approximately half of the list. We coded the final 30% of ADE names that were 

still left unmatched at the end of the preceding step by performing term‐based searches using a 

MedDRA browser. After the mapping of all ADE names to MedDRA LLT level was completed, we 

identified the unique PT corresponding to each LLT. Finally, we  identified the  list of HLTs that 

corresponded  to  each  PT  generated  by  the  preceding  step.  In  this  study,  all  adverse  events 

were represented by their MedDRA HLT codes.  


Source code Any reuse of all or part of these codes must reference this publication. The corresponding SAS 

and R files are provided as supplementary online material.                                                    

MedDRA mapping SAS code  /***************************************************************** Macro to exact-match ADE names to MedDRA LLT names. "in_ds" should be a SAS library containing two kinds of input files: First, it should contain a list of unique ADE names occurring in the drug-ADE database. This list is assumed to have been stored in a SAS data set named "<YEAR>_aes", where YEAR is 2005 or 2010. This data set contains one column named "ae_name". Second, the library should contain a list of unique LLT names occurring in MedDRA. This list is assumed to be stored in a SAS data set named "<YEAR>_unique_llts_meddra". This data set should contain one column named

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"llt_name" as well as other columns including the MedDRA information pertaining to an LLT, such as the pt_code, pt_name, and so on. ******************************************************************/ %macro exact_match(year= ); proc sort data=in_ds._&year._aes; by ae_name; run; quit; proc sort data=in_ds._&year._unique_llts_meddra; by llt_name; run; quit; data out_ds._&year._aes_meddra; merge in_ds._&year._aes(in=a) in_ds._&year._unique_llts_meddra(in=b rename=(llt_name=ae_name)); by ae_name; if(a); run; quit; %mend exact_match; /****************************************************************** Macro to compute the smallest GED distance between ADE names and MedDRA LLT names. "in_ds" should be a SAS library containing two input SAS data sets: First, this library is supposed to contain the list of ADE names that were not exact-matched after running the previous macro. This list is assumed to be stored in the SAS data set "<YEAR>_unique_aes_llt_nomatch" where YEAR is either 2005 or 2010. This data set contains one column named "ae_name". Second, this library is supposed to contain the list of all unique LLT names in MedDRA. This is list is supposed to be stored in a SAS data set named "llt_lltname_only". This file has only one one column named "llt_name". out_ds: is a library that will contain output file(s) produced by the macro. To limit the running time to a few hours, this macro should be run in a cluster, with each computing node processing a portion of the ADE names contained in the input file "<YEAR>_unique_aes_llt_nomatch". This portion is defined by the macro variables: "jobnum": taking values 1,... "rows_per_job": number of ADE names in the job "total_rows": total number of ADE names to be processed One output file per job will be produced. These partial output files should in the end merged together. Each output file produced by a job contains the following fields: AE_name min_llt1: the closest LLT name in terms of GED min_score1: the GED between AE_name and min_llt1 min_llt2: the second closest LLT name min_score2: the GED between AE_name and min_llt2

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Notes on running time: The GED computation for all the ADE names occurring in the drug-ADE database in our study took a few hours using the Orchestra cluster ( a few hundred jobs. ******************************************************************/ /* The macro variables below should be re-defined as needed before submitting each job (e.g. using an external script). The values below are given for illustration purposes only */ %let jobnum=1; %let rows_per_job=20; %let total_rows=1000; %macro find_min_ged_llt(year= ,num_llts= ); /* create a local macro variable per LLT name */ data _null_; set in_ds.llt_lltname_only; call symputx(cats("llt_name_", _N_), llt_name, "L"); run; quit; /* find two closest LLTs to each ADE name */ data out_ds._&year._unique_aes_geds_&jobnum; length min_llt1 min_llt2 $ 255; length min_score1 min_score2 8; set in_ds._&year._unique_aes_llt_nomatch; start_ob = (&jobnum - 1)* &rows_per_job + 1; end_ob = &jobnum * &rows_per_job; if (end_ob > &total_rows) then end_ob = &total_rows; if (_N_ < start_ob OR _N_ > end_ob) then delete; else do; *put "_N_ = " _N_; i = 1; min_score1 = 100000; min_score2 = 100000; /* very large values */ min_llt1 = ""; min_llt2 = ""; do while (i <= &num_llts); llt_name_i = SYMGET(cats("llt_name_", i)); score = COMPGED(ae_name, llt_name_i); if (score < min_score1) then do; min_score2 = min_score1; min_score1 = score; min_llt2 = min_llt1; min_llt1 = llt_name_i; end; else if (score < min_score2) then do; min_score2 = score; min_llt2 = llt_name_i;

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end; i = i+1; end; end; keep AE_name min_llt1 min_score1 min_llt2 min_score2; run; quit; run; quit; %mend find_min_ged_llt; /* example calls */ *%exact_match(year=2010); *%find_min_ged_llt(year=2010, num_llts=67159);  


NET, INT covariates R code ####################################################################### # The following functions require R libraries "network" and "sna". # One way to acquire these libraries is to install the "statnet" suite # of packages ( # # Note on running time: The functions listed below were executed for # 689,268 drug-ADE pairs in the network discussed in the paper # # This task was carried out using the Orchestra cluster # (, with a few hundred jobs in parallel and took about one day to complete. ###################################################################### ####################################################################### # Function to compute the covariate "euclid-min" discussed in the # paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a vector of length two. The first element of this vector denotes the value of covariate "euclid-min" ###################################################################### compute.value.euclid.dist.features = function(G, node1, node2) { all.attr.names = list.vertex.attributes(G) quant.attr.names = setdiff(all.attr.names, c("node_id","drug_name","DrugCard_ID","na", "PubChem_Compound_ID","stitch_compound_name1","vertex.names"))

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n.drugs = network.size(G) n.attributes = length(quant.attr.names) attr.mat = matrix(-999, nrow=n.drugs, ncol=n.attributes) for (i in 1:n.attributes) { attr.vec = get.vertex.attribute(G, quant.attr.names[i]) attr.mat[,i] = attr.vec } attrs.node1 = attr.mat[node1, ] N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N2 = setdiff(N2, node1) result.value.attr = numeric(2) = "min_euclid_dist" = "mean_euclid_dist" names(result.value.attr) = c(, if (length(N2) == 0) { result.value.attr[] = 0 result.value.attr[] = 0 } else { attr.mat.node2 = attr.mat[N2, ] merged.attr.mat = rbind(attrs.node1, attr.mat.node2) dist.mat = as.matrix(dist(merged.attr.mat)) dist.vec = dist.mat[1,2:nrow(merged.attr.mat)] result.value.attr[] = min(dist.vec) result.value.attr[] = mean(dist.vec) } return(result.value.attr) } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the distribution of Euclidean distances # in the neighborhood of a drug-ADE pair. This distribution is used # in the computation of covariate "euclid-KL" discussed in the # paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a discretized version of the distribution # of Euclidean distances in the neighborhood of pair (node1, node2) ###################################################################### compute.value.euclid.dist.features.full = function(G, node1, node2) { all.attr.names = list.vertex.attributes(G) quant.attr.names = setdiff(all.attr.names, c("node_id","drug_name","DrugCard_ID","na", "PubChem_Compound_ID","stitch_compound_name1","vertex.names"))

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n.drugs = network.size(G) n.attributes = length(quant.attr.names) attr.mat = matrix(-999, nrow=n.drugs, ncol=n.attributes) for (i in 1:n.attributes) { attr.vec = get.vertex.attribute(G, quant.attr.names[i]) attr.mat[,i] = attr.vec } attrs.node1 = attr.mat[node1, ] N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N2 = setdiff(N2, node1) nbins = 20 result.value.attr = numeric(nbins) bin.names = character(nbins) for (i in 1:nbins) { bin.names[i] = paste("euclid_bin",i,sep="") } names(result.value.attr) = bin.names breaks.vec = c(seq(from=0, by=40, length.out=20), 10^10) if (length(N2) == 0) { result.value.attr=rep(0,20) } else { attr.mat.node2 = attr.mat[N2, ] merged.attr.mat = rbind(attrs.node1, attr.mat.node2) dist.mat = as.matrix(dist(merged.attr.mat)) dist.vec = dist.mat[1,2:nrow(merged.attr.mat)] histogram.obj = hist(dist.vec, breaks=breaks.vec, plot=FALSE) result.value.attr = histogram.obj$density } return(result.value.attr) } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the covariates "degree-prod" and "degree-absdiff" discussed in the paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a vector of length four. The third and second # elements of this vector denote "degree-prod" and "degree-absdiff", # respectively. ###################################################################### = function(G, node1, node2, D) {

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#D = degree(G, gmode="graph") D.node1 = D[node1] D.node2 = D[node2] = numeric(4)[1:4] <- NA names( = c('degree_sum', 'degree_absdiff', 'degree_prod', 'degree_ratio')['degree_sum'] = D.node1 + D.node2['degree_absdiff'] = abs(D.node1 - D.node2)['degree_prod'] = D.node1 * D.node2['degree_ratio'] = D.node1/D.node2 return( } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the covariate "jackard-drug-max" # discussed in the paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a vector of length three. The second # element of this vector denotes covariate "jackard-drug-max" ###################################################################### compute.jackard.drug.features = function(G, node1, node2) { N1 = get.neighborhood(G, node1) N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N2 = setdiff(N2, node1) n.neighbors = length(N2) result.jackard.drug = numeric(3) result.jackard.drug[1:3] <- NA names(result.jackard.drug) = c('jackard_drug_min','jackard_drug_max','jackard_drug_mean') if (n.neighbors == 0) { result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_min'] = 0 result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_max'] = 0 result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_mean'] = 0 } else { jackard.vector = numeric(n.neighbors) for (i in 1:n.neighbors) { neighbor.i = N2[i] N1.i = get.neighborhood(G, neighbor.i) intersection.i = intersect(N1, N1.i) union.i = union(N1, N1.i) jackard.vector[i] = length(intersection.i)/length(union.i) }

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result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_min'] = min(jackard.vector) result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_max'] = max(jackard.vector) result.jackard.drug['jackard_drug_mean'] = mean(jackard.vector) } return(result.jackard.drug) } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the distribution of Jackard coefficients in the neighborhood of a drug-ADE pair. This distribution is used in the computation of covariate "jackard-drug-KL" discussed in the paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a discretized version of the distribution # of Jackard coefficients in the neighborhood of pair (node1, node2) ####################################################################### compute.jackard.drug.features.full = function(G, node1, node2) { N1 = get.neighborhood(G, node1) N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N2 = setdiff(N2, node1) n.neighbors = length(N2) nbins = 20 result.jackard.drug = numeric(nbins) bin.names = character(nbins) for (i in 1:nbins) { bin.names[i] = paste("jackard_drugs_bin",i,sep="") } breaks.vec = seq(from=0, by=0.05, length.out=21) if (length(N2) == 0) { result.jackard.drug=rep(0,20) } else { jackard.vector = numeric(n.neighbors) for (i in 1:n.neighbors) { neighbor.i = N2[i] N1.i = get.neighborhood(G, neighbor.i) intersection.i = intersect(N1, N1.i) union.i = union(N1, N1.i) jackard.vector[i] = length(intersection.i)/length(union.i) } histogram.obj = hist(jackard.vector, breaks=breaks.vec, plot=FALSE) result.jackard.drug = histogram.obj$density #cat("sum ", sum(result.jackard.drug), "\n"); flush.console() }

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names(result.jackard.drug) = bin.names return(result.jackard.drug) } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the covariate "jackard-ADE-max" discussed in the paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a vector of length three. The second element of this vector denotes covariate "jackard-ADE-max" ####################################################################### = function(G, node1, node2) { N1 = get.neighborhood(G, node1) N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N1 = setdiff(N1, node2) n.neighbors = length(N1) = numeric(3)[1:3] <- NA names( = c('jackard_ae_min','jackard_ae_max','jackard_ae_mean') if (n.neighbors == 0) {['jackard_ae_min'] = 0['jackard_ae_max'] = 0['jackard_ae_mean'] = 0 } else { jackard.vector = numeric(n.neighbors) for (i in 1:n.neighbors) { neighbor.i = N1[i] N2.i = get.neighborhood(G, neighbor.i) intersection.i = intersect(N2, N2.i) union.i = union(N2, N2.i) jackard.vector[i] = length(intersection.i)/length(union.i) }['jackard_ae_min'] = min(jackard.vector)['jackard_ae_max'] = max(jackard.vector)['jackard_ae_mean'] = mean(jackard.vector) } return( } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the distribution of Jackard coefficients # in the neighborhood of a drug-ADE pair. This distribution is used # in the computation of covariate "jackard-ADE-KL" discussed in the # paper. #

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# G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G # # This function returns a discretized version of the distribution # of Jackard coefficients in the neighborhood of pair (node1, node2) ####################################################################### = function(G, node1, node2) { N1 = get.neighborhood(G, node1) N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) N1 = setdiff(N1, node2) n.neighbors = length(N1) nbins = 20 = numeric(nbins) bin.names = character(nbins) for (i in 1:nbins) { bin.names[i] = paste("jackard_aes_bin",i,sep="") } breaks.vec = seq(from=0, by=0.05, length.out=21) if (n.neighbors == 0) {,20) } else { jackard.vector = numeric(n.neighbors) for (i in 1:n.neighbors) { neighbor.i = N1[i] N2.i = get.neighborhood(G, neighbor.i) intersection.i = intersect(N2, N2.i) union.i = union(N2, N2.i) jackard.vector[i] = length(intersection.i)/length(union.i) } histogram.obj = hist(jackard.vector, breaks=breaks.vec, plot=FALSE) = histogram.obj$density } names( = bin.names return( } ####################################################################### # Function to compute the covariate "edge-density" discussed in the paper. # # G is a network object # node1 denodes the PubChem_Compound_ID of a drug # node2 denotes the HLT code (MedDRA) of an ADE # # All properties of drugs and ADEs should have been stored as vertex attributes of the network object G

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# # This function returns a vector of length one denoting the covariate # "edge-density" ####################################################################### compute.edge.density.features = function(G, node1, node2) { N1 = get.neighborhood(G, node1) N2 = get.neighborhood(G, node2) numer = sum(G[N2,N1]) denom = length(N1)*length(N2) result.edge.dens = numeric(1) result.edge.dens[1] <- NA names(result.edge.dens) = c('edge_dens') result.edge.dens['edge_dens'] = numer/denom return(result.edge.dens) }  

TAX covariates SAS code  /* * Function to compute the covariate "atc-min" discussed in the * paper. * * all_pairs_ds is a list of all possible drug-ADE pairs * node_id_1: drug id (PubChem_ID) * node_id_2: AE id (HLT code) * * returns a new data set named <all_pairs_ds>_atc which also contains * the value of "atc-min" covariate for each drug-ADE pair */ %macro add_ATC_codes_min(all_pairs_ds= ); %local macro_i; /* create hash tables */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; where (is_old_edge EQ 1); keep node_id_1 node_id_2; run; quit; proc sort data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge; by node_id_2; run; quit; proc transpose data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge out=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t prefix=node_id_1_; by node_id_2; var node_id_1; run; quit;

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data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t; drop node_id_1 _NAME_ _LABEL_; run; quit; /* perform ATC distance computations */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._atc; length node_id_1 8; length node_id_2 8; length atc_min_val 8; length atc_max_val 8; length atc_mean_val 8; %let macro_i=1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657); /* (1 + max AE degree) in the 2005 network */ length node_id_1_&macro_i 8; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; length PubChem_Compound_ID 8; length atc_code_min_dist 8; length atc_code_min_tmp 8; length atc_code1-atc_code11 $ 7; length L1 L3 L4 L1_prime L3_prime L4_prime $ 1; length L2 L2_prime $ 2; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; array atc_codes_d1{11} $ 8 atc_code_d1_1-atc_code_d1_11; array atc_codes_d2{11} $ 8 atc_code_d2_1-atc_code_d2_11; array atc_min_distances{657} 8; if (_N_ = 1) then do; /* for each drug there were 1-11 ATC codes */ declare hash atcHash(dataset: 'in_ds._2005_drugs_atc_data'); rc = atcHash.definekey('PubChem_Compound_ID'); rc = atcHash.definedata('atc_code1', 'atc_code2', 'atc_code3', 'atc_code4', 'atc_code5', 'atc_code6', 'atc_code7', 'atc_code8', 'atc_code9', 'atc_code10', 'atc_code11'); atcHash.definedone(); /* for each HLT, the neighbors in 2005 network */ declare hash neighborHash(dataset: "in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t"); rc = neighborHash.definekey('node_id_2'); rc = neighborHash.definedata(ALL: 'YES'); neighborHash.definedone(); end; atc_min_val = .; atc_max_val = .; atc_mean_val = .;

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PubChem_Compound_ID = node_id_1; rc = atcHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find" PubChem_Compound_ID; else do; atc_code_d1_1 = atc_code1; atc_code_d1_2 = atc_code2; atc_code_d1_3 = atc_code3; atc_code_d1_4 = atc_code4; atc_code_d1_5 = atc_code5; atc_code_d1_6 = atc_code6; atc_code_d1_7 = atc_code7; atc_code_d1_8 = atc_code8; atc_code_d1_9 = atc_code9; atc_code_d1_10 = atc_code10; atc_code_d1_11 = atc_code11; rc = neighborHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find" node_id_2; else do; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657); atc_min_distances[&macro_i] = .; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657); PubChem_Compound_ID = node_id_1_&macro_i; if (PubChem_Compound_ID NE . AND PubChem_Compound_ID NE node_id_1) then do; rc = atcHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find " PubChem_Compound_ID; else do; atc_code_d2_1 = atc_code1; atc_code_d2_2 = atc_code2; atc_code_d2_3 = atc_code3; atc_code_d2_4 = atc_code4; atc_code_d2_5 = atc_code5; atc_code_d2_6 = atc_code6; atc_code_d2_7 = atc_code7; atc_code_d2_8 = atc_code8; atc_code_d2_9 = atc_code9; atc_code_d2_10 = atc_code10; atc_code_d2_11 = atc_code11; atc_code_min_dist = 99; /* very large value */ i=1;

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do while (i <= 11); /* max number of unique ATC codes */ if (atc_codes_d1[i] EQ "") then do; leave; end; L1 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],1,1); L2 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],2,2); L3 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],4,1); L4 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],5,1); j=1; do while (j <= 11); if (atc_codes_d2[j] EQ "") then do; leave; end; L1_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],1,1); L2_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],2,2); L3_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],4,1); L4_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],5,1); if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND L2 EQ L2_prime AND L3 EQ L3_prime AND L4 EQ L4_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 2; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND L2 EQ L2_prime AND L3 EQ L3_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 4; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND L2 EQ L2_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 6; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime) then

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atc_code_min_tmp = 8; else atc_code_min_tmp = 10; if (atc_code_min_tmp < atc_code_min_dist) then atc_code_min_dist = atc_code_min_tmp; j = j+1; end; /* while j */ i = i+1; end; /* while i */ atc_min_distances[&macro_i] = atc_code_min_dist; end; /*else*/ end; /* if Pubchem_compound_ID */ %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; /*while macro i*/ atc_min_val = min(of atc_min_distances{*}); atc_max_val = max(of atc_min_distances{*}); atc_mean_val = mean(of atc_min_distances{*}); end; end; keep node_id_1 node_id_2 atc_min_val atc_max_val atc_mean_val is_old_edge is_old_edge_class is_new_edge is_new_edge_class is_test_pair is_test_pair_class; run; quit; %mend add_ATC_codes_min; /* * Function to compute the distribution of ATC distances * in the neighborhood of a drug-ADE pair. This distribution is used * in the computation of covariate "atc-KL" discussed in the * paper. * * all_pairs_ds is a list of all possible drug-ADE pairs * node_id_1: drug id (PubChem_ID) * node_id_2: AE id (HLT code) * * returns a new data set named <all_pairs_ds>_atcb which also contains * the distribution ATC distances in the neighborhood of each pair

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*/ %macro add_ATC_codes_bins(all_pairs_ds= ); %local macro_i; /* create hash tables */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; where (is_old_edge EQ 1); keep node_id_1 node_id_2; run; quit; proc sort data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e; by node_id_2; run; quit; proc transpose data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e out=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05et prefix=node_id_1_; by node_id_2; var node_id_1; run; quit; data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05et; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05et; drop node_id_1 _NAME_ _LABEL_; run; quit; /* compute full distribution of distances */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._atcb; length node_id_1 8; length node_id_2 8; length atc_min_val 8; length atc_max_val 8; length atc_mean_val 8; length atc_bin1-atc_bin5 8; %let macro_i=1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657); length node_id_1_&macro_i 8; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; length PubChem_Compound_ID 8; length atc_code_min_dist 8; length atc_code_min_tmp 8; length atc_code1-atc_code11 $ 7; length L1 L3 L4 L1_prime L3_prime L4_prime $ 1; length L2 L2_prime $ 2; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; array atc_codes_d1{11} $ 8 atc_code_d1_1-atc_code_d1_11; array atc_codes_d2{11} $ 8 atc_code_d2_1-atc_code_d2_11; array atc_min_distances{657} 8;

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if (_N_ = 1) then do; declare hash atcHash(dataset: 'in_ds._2005_drugs_atc_data'); rc = atcHash.definekey('PubChem_Compound_ID'); rc = atcHash.definedata('atc_code1', 'atc_code2', 'atc_code3', 'atc_code4', 'atc_code5', 'atc_code6', 'atc_code7', 'atc_code8', 'atc_code9', 'atc_code10', 'atc_code11'); atcHash.definedone(); declare hash neighborHash(dataset: "in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05et"); rc = neighborHash.definekey('node_id_2'); rc = neighborHash.definedata(ALL: 'YES'); neighborHash.definedone(); end; atc_min_val = .; atc_max_val = .; atc_mean_val = .; atc_bin1 = 0; atc_bin2 = 0; atc_bin3 = 0; atc_bin4 = 0; atc_bin5 = 0; PubChem_Compound_ID = node_id_1; rc = atcHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find" PubChem_Compound_ID; else do; atc_code_d1_1 = atc_code1; atc_code_d1_2 = atc_code2; atc_code_d1_3 = atc_code3; atc_code_d1_4 = atc_code4; atc_code_d1_5 = atc_code5; atc_code_d1_6 = atc_code6; atc_code_d1_7 = atc_code7; atc_code_d1_8 = atc_code8; atc_code_d1_9 = atc_code9; atc_code_d1_10 = atc_code10; atc_code_d1_11 = atc_code11; rc = neighborHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find" node_id_2; else do; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657); atc_min_distances[&macro_i] = .; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 657);

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PubChem_Compound_ID = node_id_1_&macro_i; if (PubChem_Compound_ID NE . AND PubChem_Compound_ID NE node_id_1) then do; rc = atcHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then put "Could not find " PubChem_Compound_ID; else do; atc_code_d2_1 = atc_code1; atc_code_d2_2 = atc_code2; atc_code_d2_3 = atc_code3; atc_code_d2_4 = atc_code4; atc_code_d2_5 = atc_code5; atc_code_d2_6 = atc_code6; atc_code_d2_7 = atc_code7; atc_code_d2_8 = atc_code8; atc_code_d2_9 = atc_code9; atc_code_d2_10 = atc_code10; atc_code_d2_11 = atc_code11; atc_code_min_dist = 99; i=1; do while (i <= 11); if (atc_codes_d1[i] EQ "") then do; leave; end; L1 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],1,1); L2 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],2,2); L3 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],4,1); L4 = substrn(atc_codes_d1[i],5,1); j=1; do while (j <= 11); if (atc_codes_d2[j] EQ "") then do; leave; end; L1_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],1,1); L2_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],2,2); L3_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],4,1); L4_prime = substrn(atc_codes_d2[j],5,1); if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND

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L2 EQ L2_prime AND L3 EQ L3_prime AND L4 EQ L4_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 2; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND L2 EQ L2_prime AND L3 EQ L3_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 4; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime AND L2 EQ L2_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 6; else if (L1 EQ L1_prime) then atc_code_min_tmp = 8; else atc_code_min_tmp = 10; if (atc_code_min_tmp < atc_code_min_dist) then atc_code_min_dist = atc_code_min_tmp; j = j+1; end; /* while j */ i = i+1; end; /* while i */ atc_min_distances[&macro_i] = atc_code_min_dist; end; /*else*/ end; /* if Pubchem_compound_ID */ %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; /*while macro i*/ atc_min_val = min(of atc_min_distances{*}); atc_max_val = max(of atc_min_distances{*}); atc_mean_val = mean(of atc_min_distances{*}); atc_min_nonmiss = N(of atc_min_distances{*}); k = 1; do while (k <= dim(atc_min_distances));

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if (atc_min_distances[k] NE .) then do; if (atc_min_distances[k] EQ 2) then atc_bin1 = atc_bin1 + 1; if (atc_min_distances[k] EQ 4) then atc_bin2 = atc_bin2 + 1; if (atc_min_distances[k] EQ 6) then atc_bin3 = atc_bin3 + 1; if (atc_min_distances[k] EQ 8) then atc_bin4 = atc_bin4 + 1; if (atc_min_distances[k] EQ 10) then atc_bin5 = atc_bin5 + 1; end; k = k+1; end; atc_bin1 = atc_bin1/atc_min_nonmiss; atc_bin2 = atc_bin2/atc_min_nonmiss; atc_bin3 = atc_bin3/atc_min_nonmiss; atc_bin4 = atc_bin4/atc_min_nonmiss; atc_bin5 = atc_bin5/atc_min_nonmiss; end; end; keep node_id_1 node_id_2 is_old_edge atc_bin1 atc_bin2 atc_bin3 atc_bin4 atc_bin5 ; run; quit; %mend add_ATC_codes_bins; /* Function to compute the Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance between a distribution and a desired reference distribution. This function if used to compute all KL-based covariates discussed in the paper. dist_type: what type of distribution--to distinguish between NET, TAX and INT covariates. bin_ds: is a data set containing the (discrete) distribution associated with each drug-ADE pair nbins: is the number of bins in that discrete distribution */ %macro compute_kldist(dist_type= ,bin_ds= ,nbins= ); proc means data=in_ds.&bin_ds mean noprint; var &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; where (is_old_edge = 1); output out=in_ds.&bin_ds.M; run; quit; data in_ds.&bin_ds.M;

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set in_ds.&bin_ds.M; where (_STAT_ EQ "MEAN"); keep &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; run; quit; proc means data=in_ds.&bin_ds mean noprint; var &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; where (is_old_edge = 0); output out=in_ds.&bin_ds.N; run; quit; data in_ds.&bin_ds.N; set in_ds.&bin_ds.N; where (_STAT_ EQ "MEAN"); keep &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; run; quit; proc means data=in_ds.&bin_ds mean noprint; var &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; output out=in_ds.&bin_ds.Q; run; quit; data in_ds.&bin_ds.Q; set in_ds.&bin_ds.Q; where (_STAT_ EQ "MEAN"); keep &dist_type._bin1-&dist_type._bin&nbins; run; quit; %local macro_i ; data _null_; set in_ds.&bin_ds.M; if (_N_ = 1) then do; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i <= &nbins); corrected_bin = &dist_type._bin&macro_i + 0.000001; call symput("refBin1_&macro_i", corrected_bin); %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; end; run; quit; data _null_; set in_ds.&bin_ds.N; if (_N_ = 1) then do; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i <= &nbins); corrected_bin = &dist_type._bin&macro_i + 0.000001; call symput("refBin0_&macro_i", corrected_bin); %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; end; run; quit; data _null_; set in_ds.&bin_ds.Q; if (_N_ = 1) then do;

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%let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i <= &nbins); corrected_bin = &dist_type._bin&macro_i + 0.000001; call symput("refBin01_&macro_i", corrected_bin); %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; end; run; quit; data in_ds.&bin_ds.K; length kl0_&dist_type kl1_&dist_type kl01_&dist_type 8; set in_ds.&bin_ds; kl0_&dist_type = 0; kl1_&dist_type = 0; kl01_&dist_type = 0; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i <= &nbins); if (&dist_type._bin&macro_i > 0) then do; kl0_&dist_type = kl0_&dist_type + &dist_type._bin&macro_i*(log2(&dist_type._bin&macro_i)-log2(&&refBin0_&macro_i)); kl1_&dist_type = kl1_&dist_type + &dist_type._bin&macro_i*(log2(&dist_type._bin&macro_i)-log2(&&refBin1_&macro_i)); kl01_&dist_type = kl01_&dist_type + &dist_type._bin&macro_i*(log2(&dist_type._bin&macro_i)-log2(&&refBin01_&macro_i)); end; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; drop is_old_edge; run; quit; %mend compute_kldist; /* * Function to compute the covariate "meddra-min" discussed in the * paper. * * all_pairs_ds is a list of all possible drug-ADE pairs * node_id_1: drug id (PubChem_ID) * node_id_2: AE id (HLT code) * * returns a new data set named <all_pairs_ds>_meddra_h which also contains * the value of "meddra-min" covariate for each drug-ADE pair */ %macro add_meddra_min_dist_hlt(all_pairs_ds= ); /* create hash tables */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; where (is_old_edge EQ 1); keep node_id_1 node_id_2;

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run; quit; proc sort data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge; by node_id_1; run; quit; proc transpose data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge out=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t prefix=node_id_2_; by node_id_1; var node_id_2; run; quit; data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t; drop node_id_2 _NAME_ _LABEL_; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt; set meddra.mdhier; keep hlt_code hlgt_code; run; quit; proc sort data=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt noduprecs; by hlt_code hlgt_code; run; quit; proc transpose data=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt out=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t prefix=hlgt_code; by hlt_code; var hlgt_code; run; quit; /* HLT to HLGT mapping */ data meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t; set meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t; drop _NAME_; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc; set meddra.mdhier; keep hlgt_code soc_code; run; quit; proc sort data=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc noduprecs; by hlgt_code soc_code; run; quit; proc transpose data=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc out=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t prefix=soc_code; by hlgt_code; var soc_code; run; quit;

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/* HLGT to SOC mapping */ data meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t; set meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t; drop _NAME_; run; quit; /* perform meddra distance computations */ data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._meddra_h; length meddra_h_min_val 8; length meddra_h_max_val 8; length meddra_h_mean_val 8; %let macro_i=1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); /* (1 + max drug degree) in the 2005 network */ length node_id_2_&macro_i 8; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; length hlt_code hlgt_code 8; length hlgt_code1 hlgt_code2 8; length hlgt_code11 hlgt_code12 hlgt_code21 hlgt_code22 8; length soc_code1 soc_code2 8; length soc_code11 soc_code12 soc_code21 soc_code22 8; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; array meddra_h_min_distances{212} 8; if (_N_ = 1) then do; declare hash neighborHash(dataset: "in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._2005edge_t"); rc = neighborHash.definekey('node_id_1'); rc = neighborHash.definedata(ALL: 'YES'); neighborHash.definedone(); declare hash hltHash(dataset: "meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t"); rc = hltHash.definekey('hlt_code'); rc = hltHash.definedata('hlgt_code1','hlgt_code2'); hltHash.definedone(); declare hash hlgtHash(dataset: "meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t"); rc = hlgtHash.definekey('hlgt_code'); rc = hlgtHash.definedata('soc_code1','soc_code2'); hlgtHash.definedone(); end; meddra_h_min_val = .; meddra_h_max_val = .; meddra_h_mean_val = .; rc = neighborHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then do; put "Could not find PubChem_Compound_ID " node_id_1; end; else do;

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%let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = .; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; hlt_code = node_id_2; rc1 = hltHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlt1 in hltHash " hlt_code; end; else do; hlgt_code11 = hlgt_code1; hlgt_code12 = hlgt_code2; end; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); if (node_id_2_&macro_i NE . AND node_id_2_&macro_i NE node_id_2) then do; /* second HLT */ hlt_code = node_id_2_&macro_i; rc1 = hltHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlt2 in hltHash " hlt_code; end; else do; hlgt_code21 = hlgt_code1; hlgt_code22 = hlgt_code2; end; if ((hlgt_code11 EQ hlgt_code21) OR (hlgt_code22 NE . AND hlgt_code11 EQ hlgt_code22) OR (hlgt_code12 NE . AND hlgt_code12 EQ hlgt_code21) OR (hlgt_code12 NE . AND hlgt_code22 NE . AND hlgt_code12 EQ hlgt_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 2; end; else do; /* hlgt_code11 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code11; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code11 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code11 = soc_code1; soc_code12 = soc_code2;

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/* hlgt_code21 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code21; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code21 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; /* hlgt_code22 */ if (hlgt_code22 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code22; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code22 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; end; /* hlgt_code12 */ if (hlgt_code12 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code12; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code12 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end;

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soc_code11 = soc_code1; soc_code12 = soc_code2; /* hlgt_code21 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code21; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code 21 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; /* hlgt_code22 */ if (hlgt_code22 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code22; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; end; end; /* if hlgt_code12 NE . */ end; /* else do */ if (meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] EQ .) then meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 6; end; /* if node_id_2_&macro_i NE node_id_2 */

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%let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; meddra_h_min_val = min(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_max_val = max(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_mean_val = mean(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_min_nonmiss = N(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); end; /* else do */ keep node_id_1 node_id_2 meddra_h_min_val meddra_h_max_val meddra_h_mean_val is_old_edge is_old_edge_class is_new_edge is_new_edge_class is_test_pair is_test_pair_class; run; quit; %mend add_meddra_min_dist_hlt; /* * Function to compute the distribution of Meddra distances * in the neighborhood of a drug-ADE pair. This distribution is used * in the computation of covariate "meddra-KL" discussed in the * paper. * * all_pairs_ds is a list of all possible drug-ADE pairs * node_id_1: drug id (PubChem_ID) * node_id_2: AE id (HLT code) * * returns a new data set named <all_pairs_ds>_atcb which also contains * the distribution Meddra distances in the neighborhood of each pair */ %macro add_meddra_min_dist_bins(all_pairs_ds= ); data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; where (is_old_edge EQ 1); keep node_id_1 node_id_2; run; quit; proc sort data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e; by node_id_1; run; quit; proc transpose data=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e out=in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e_t prefix=node_id_2_; by node_id_1; var node_id_2; run; quit;

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data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e_t; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e_t; drop node_id_2 _NAME_ _LABEL_; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt; set meddra.mdhier; keep hlt_code hlgt_code; run; quit; proc sort data=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt noduprecs; by hlt_code hlgt_code; run; quit; proc transpose data=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt out=meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t prefix=hlgt_code; by hlt_code; var hlgt_code; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t; set meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t; drop _NAME_; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc; set meddra.mdhier; keep hlgt_code soc_code; run; quit; proc sort data=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc noduprecs; by hlgt_code soc_code; run; quit; proc transpose data=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc out=meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t prefix=soc_code; by hlgt_code; var soc_code; run; quit; data meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t; set meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t; drop _NAME_; run; quit; data in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._medb; length meddra_h_min_val 8; length meddra_h_max_val 8; length meddra_h_mean_val 8; length med_bin1-med_bin3 8;

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%let macro_i=1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); length node_id_2_&macro_i 8; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; length hlt_code hlgt_code 8; length hlgt_code1 hlgt_code2 8; length hlgt_code11 hlgt_code12 hlgt_code21 hlgt_code22 8; length soc_code1 soc_code2 8; length soc_code11 soc_code12 soc_code21 soc_code22 8; set in_ds.&all_pairs_ds; array meddra_h_min_distances{212} 8; if (_N_ = 1) then do; declare hash neighborHash(dataset: "in_ds.&all_pairs_ds._05e_t"); rc = neighborHash.definekey('node_id_1'); rc = neighborHash.definedata(ALL: 'YES'); neighborHash.definedone(); declare hash hltHash(dataset: "meddra.mdhier_hlt_hlgt_t"); rc = hltHash.definekey('hlt_code'); rc = hltHash.definedata('hlgt_code1','hlgt_code2'); hltHash.definedone(); declare hash hlgtHash(dataset: "meddra.mdhier_hlgt_soc_t"); rc = hlgtHash.definekey('hlgt_code'); rc = hlgtHash.definedata('soc_code1','soc_code2'); hlgtHash.definedone(); end; meddra_h_min_val = .; meddra_h_max_val = .; meddra_h_mean_val = .; med_bin1 = 0; med_bin2 = 0; med_bin3 = 0; rc = neighborHash.find(); if (rc NE 0) then do; put "Could not find PubChem_Compound_ID " node_id_1; end; else do; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = .; %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; hlt_code = node_id_2; rc1 = hltHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlt1 in hltHash " hlt_code;

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end; else do; hlgt_code11 = hlgt_code1; hlgt_code12 = hlgt_code2; end; %let macro_i = 1; %do %while (&macro_i < 213); if (node_id_2_&macro_i NE . AND node_id_2_&macro_i NE node_id_2) then do; /* second HLT */ hlt_code = node_id_2_&macro_i; rc1 = hltHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlt2 in hltHash " hlt_code; end; else do; hlgt_code21 = hlgt_code1; hlgt_code22 = hlgt_code2; end; if ((hlgt_code11 EQ hlgt_code21) OR (hlgt_code22 NE . AND hlgt_code11 EQ hlgt_code22) OR (hlgt_code12 NE . AND hlgt_code12 EQ hlgt_code21) OR (hlgt_code12 NE . AND hlgt_code22 NE . AND hlgt_code12 EQ hlgt_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 2; end; else do; /* hlgt_code11 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code11; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code11 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code11 = soc_code1; soc_code12 = soc_code2; /* hlgt_code21 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code21; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code21 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR

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(soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; /* hlgt_code22 */ if (hlgt_code22 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code22; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code22 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; end; /* hlgt_code12 */ if (hlgt_code12 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code12; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code12 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code11 = soc_code1; soc_code12 = soc_code2; /* hlgt_code21 */ hlgt_code = hlgt_code21; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find hlgt_code 21 in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2;

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if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; /* hlgt_code22 */ if (hlgt_code22 NE .) then do; hlgt_code = hlgt_code22; rc1 = hlgtHash.find(); if (rc1 NE 0) then do; put "Could not find in hlgtHash " hlgt_code; end; soc_code21 = soc_code1; soc_code22 = soc_code2; if ((soc_code11 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code11 EQ soc_code22) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code21) OR (soc_code12 NE . AND soc_code22 NE . AND soc_code12 EQ soc_code22)) then do; meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 4; end; end; end; /* if hlgt_code12 NE . */ end; /* else do */ if (meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] EQ .) then meddra_h_min_distances[&macro_i] = 6; end; /* if node_id_2_&macro_i NE node_id_2 */ %let macro_i = %eval(&macro_i + 1); %end; meddra_h_min_val = min(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_max_val = max(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_mean_val = mean(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); meddra_h_min_nonmiss = N(of meddra_h_min_distances{*}); k = 1; do while (k <= dim(meddra_h_min_distances)); if (meddra_h_min_distances[k] NE .) then do;

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if (meddra_h_min_distances[k] EQ 2) then med_bin1 = med_bin1 + 1; if (meddra_h_min_distances[k] EQ 4) then med_bin2 = med_bin2 + 1; if (meddra_h_min_distances[k] EQ 6) then med_bin3 = med_bin3 + 1; end; k = k+1; end; med_bin1 = med_bin1/meddra_h_min_nonmiss; med_bin2 = med_bin2/meddra_h_min_nonmiss; med_bin3 = med_bin3/meddra_h_min_nonmiss; end; /* else do */ keep node_id_1 node_id_2 is_old_edge med_bin1-med_bin3 ; run; quit; %mend add_meddra_min_dist_bins;

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SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES  Table S1. Definition of covariates. Variable i denotes a drug, variable j denotes an ADR, and  ( )N i  denotes 

the set of neighbors of node i. Definition of taxonomic covariates relies on the pre‐computed ATC‐ and 

MedDRA‐based  distances  ATCd ,  MedDRAd   discussed  in  the  paper.  The  definition  of  intrinsic  covariates 

relies on the pre‐computed Euclidean distances  INTd  discussed in the paper. 

Covariate name  Covariate definition  Additional information 

Network covariate     

degree‐prod  1 ( , ) ( ) ( )X i j i j= ´degree degree    

degree‐sum 2 ( , ) ( ) ( )X i j i j= +degree degree    

degree‐ratio 3 ( , ) ( ) / ( )X i j i j=degree degree    

degree‐absdiff 4 ( , ) ( ) ( )X i j i j= -degree degree    

jackard‐ADE‐max 5

( ) { }( , ) max { ( , )}

k N i jX i j J j k

Î -=   ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )J j k N j N k N j N k= Ç È  denotes the 

Jackard coefficient between the sets  ( )N j  

and  ( )N k  

jackard‐ADE‐KL  6 ( , )X i j : Kullback‐Leibler (KL) distance between the 

distribution  ( , )aeD i j  of the variable 

( , ), ( ) { }J i k k N j iÎ -  and a reference distribution 

The  reference  distribution  aeD   was 

computed  as  the  mean  of  distributions 

( , )aeD i j  over the training edges  ( , )i j  

jackard‐drug‐max 7

( ) { }( , ) max { ( , )}

k N j iX i j J i k

Î -=    


8 ( , )X i j  : KL distance between the distribution 

( , )drugD i j  of the variable ( , ), ( ) { }J j k k N i jÎ -

 and a 

reference distribution 

The reference distribution  drugD  was 

computed as the mean of distributions 

( , )drugD i j  over the training edges  ( , )i j  

edge‐density 9 ( , )X i j  : The edge density in the subgraph induced 

by  ( ) ( ) { , }N i N j i jÈ - . 


Taxonomic covariate     

atc‐min 10

( ) { }( , ) min { ( , )}ATC

k N j iX i j d i k

Î -=    

atc‐KL 11 ( , )X i j  : KL distance between the distribution 

( , )ATCD i j  of the variable  ( , ), ( ) { }ATCd i k k N j iÎ -  and 

a reference distribution 

The reference distribution  ATCD was 

computed as the mean of distributions 

( , )ATCD i j  over the training edges  ( , )i j  

meddra‐min 12

( ) { }( , ) min { ( , )}MedDRA

k N i jX i j d j k

Î -=    

meddra‐KL 13 ( , )X i j  : KL distance between the distribution 

( , )MedDRAD i j  of the variable 

( , ), ( ) { }MedDRAd j k k N i jÎ -  and a reference 


The  reference  distribution  MedDRAD was 

computed  as  the  mean  of  distributions 

( , )MedDRAD i j  over all training edges  ( , )i j  

Intrinsic covariate     

euclid‐min 14

( ) { }( , ) min { ( , )}INT

k N j iX i j d i k

Î -=    

euclid‐KL 15 ( , )X i j  : KL distance between the distribution 

( , )INTD i j  of the variable  ( , ), ( ) { }INTd i k k N j iÎ -  and 

a reference distribution 

The reference distribution  INTD was 

computed as the mean of distributions 

( , )INTD i j  over the training edges  ( , )i j  

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Table S2. List of drugs and their ATC codes. 

Drug name  atc1  atc2  atc3  atc4  atc5  atc6  atc7  atc8  atc9  atc10 atc11

abacavir  J05AF06 


acamprosate  N07BB03 


acarbose  A10BF01 


acebutolol  C07AB04 


acenocoumarol  B01AA07 


acetaminophen  N02BE01 


acetazolamide  S01EC01 


acetic acid  G01AD02  S02AA10 


acetylcholine  S01EB09 


acetylcysteine  R05CB01  S01XA08  V03AB23 


acitretin  D05BB02 


acyclovir  J05AB01  D06BB03  S01AD03 


adapalene  D10AD03 


adefovir  J05AF08 


adenosine  C01EB10 


albendazole  P02CA03 


albuterol  R03AC02  R03CC02 


alclometasone  D07AB10  S01BA10 


alcohol (ethyl)  D01AE06  D08AX08  V03AB16  V03AZ01 


alendronate  M05BA04 


alfentanil  N01AH02 


alfuzosin  G04CA01 


allopurinol  M04AA01 


almotriptan  N02CC05 


alosetron  A03AE01 


alprostadil  C01EA01  G04BE01 


altretamine  L01XX03 


amantadine  N04BB01 


ambenonium  N07AA30 


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amcinonide  D07AC11 


amifostine  V03AF05 


amikacin  D06AX12  J01GB06  S01AA21 


aminocaproic acid  B02AA01 


aminolevulinic acid 



aminophylline  R03DA05 


aminosalicylic acid  J04AA01 


amiodarone  C01BD01 


amitriptyline  N06AA09 


amlexanox  A01AD07  R03DX01 


amobarbital  N05CA02 


amoxapine  N06AA17 


amoxicillin  J01CA04 


amphotericin b (conventional) 

A01AB04  A07AA07  G01AA03  J02AA01 


ampicillin  J01CA01  S01AA19 


amsacrine  L01XX01 


amyl nitrite  V03AB22 


anagrelide  L01XX35 


anastrozole  L02BG03 


apomorphine  G04BE07  N04BC07 


apraclonidine  S01EA03 


aprepitant  A04AD12 


aprotinin  B02AB01 


argatroban  B01AE03 


arginine  B05XB01 


aripiprazole  N05AX12 


arsenic trioxide  L01XX27 


ascorbic acid  G01AD03  S01XA15 


aspirin  A01AD05  B01AC06  N02BA01 


atazanavir  J05AE08 


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atenolol  C07AB03 


atomoxetine  N06BA09 


atorvastatin  C10AA05 


atovaquone  P01AX06 


atracurium  M03AC04 


atropine  A03BA01  S01FA01 


auranofin  M01CB03 


azelaic acid  D10AX03 


azelastine  R01AC03  R06AX19  S01GX07 


azithromycin  J01FA10  S01AA26 


aztreonam  J01DF01 


bacitracin  D06AX05  R02AB04 


baclofen  M03BX01 


balsalazide  A07EC04 


beclomethasone  A07EA07  D07AC15  R01AD01  R03BA01 


benazepril  C09AA07 


bentoquatam  W99WW99*  


benzocaine  C05AD03  D04AB04  N01BA05  R02AD01 


benzonatate  R05DB01 


benzphetamine  W99WW99*  


benztropine  N04AC01 


betamethasone  A07EA04  C05AA05  D07AC01  D07XC01  H02AB01  R01AD06  R03BA04  S01BA06  S01CB04  S02BA07  S03BA03 

betaxolol  C07AB05  S01ED02 


bethanechol  N07AB02 


bexarotene  L01XX25 


bezafibrate  C10AB02 


bicalutamide  L02BB03 


bimatoprost  S01EE03 


bismuth  A07BB01 


bisoprolol  C07AB07 


bivalirudin  B01AE06 


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bleomycin  L01DC01 


bortezomib  L01XX32 


bosentan  C02KX01 


brimonidine  S01EA05 


brinzolamide  S01EC04 


bromazepam  N05BA08 


bromfenac  S01BC11 


bromocriptine  G02CB01  N04BC01 


brompheniramine  R06AB01 


budesonide  A07EA06  D07AC09  R01AD05  R03BA02 


bumetanide  C03CA02 


bupivacaine  N01BB01 


buprenorphine  N02AE01  N07BC01 


bupropion  N06AX12 


buspirone  N05BE01 


busulfan  L01AB01 


butabarbital  N05CA23 


butenafine  D01AE23 


butoconazole  G01AF15 


butorphanol  N02AF01 


cabergoline  G02CB03  N04BC06 


caffeine  N06BC01 


calcipotriene  D05AX02 


calcitriol  A11CC04  D05AX03 


calcium acetate  A12AA12 


calcium chloride  A12AA07  B05XA07  G04BA03 


candesartan  C09CA06 


capecitabine  L01BC06 


capreomycin  J04AB30 


captopril  C09AA01 


carbachol  N07AB01  S01EB02 


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carbidopa  W99WW99*  


carbinoxamine  R06AA08 


carboprost tromethamine 



carisoprodol  M03BA02 


carmustine  L01AD01 


carteolol  C07AA15  S01ED05 


carvedilol  C07AG02 


caspofungin  J02AX04 


cefaclor  J01DC04 


cefadroxil  J01DB05 


cefdinir  J01DD15 


cefditoren  J01DD16 


cefepime  J01DE01 


cefixime  J01DD08 


cefotaxime  J01DD01 


cefotetan  J01DC05 


cefoxitin  J01DC01 


cefpodoxime  J01DD13 


cefprozil  J01DC10 


ceftazidime  J01DD02 


ceftibuten  J01DD14 


ceftizoxime  J01DD07 


cefuroxime  J01DC02 


celecoxib  L01XX33  M01AH01 


cephalexin  J01DB01 


cetirizine  R06AE07 


cetrorelix  H01CC02 


cevimeline  N07AX03 


chloral hydrate  N05CC01 


chlorambucil  L01AA02 


chloramphenicol  D06AX02  D10AF03  G01AA05  J01BA01  S01AA01  S02AA01  S03AA08 


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chloroprocaine  N01BA04 


chloroquine  P01BA01 


chlorothiazide  C03AA04 


chlorpheniramine  R06AB04 


chlorpromazine  N05AA01 


chlorpropamide  A10BB02 


chlorthalidone  C03BA04 


chlorzoxazone  M03BB03 


cholecalciferol  A11CC05 


ciclopirox  D01AE14  G01AX12 


cidofovir  J05AB12 


cilazapril  C09AA08 


cilostazol  B01AC31 


cimetidine  A02BA01 


cinacalcet  H05BX01 


ciprofloxacin  J01MA02  S01AX13  S02AA15  S03AA07 


cisapride  A03FA02 


cisatracurium  M03AC11 


citalopram  N06AB04 


cladribine  L01BB04 


clarithromycin  J01FA09 


clemastine  D04AA14  R06AA04 


clindamycin  D10AF01  G01AA10  J01FF01 


clobazam  N05BA09 


clobetasol  D07AD01 


clocortolone  D07AB21 


clodronate  M05BA02 


clofarabine  L01BB06 


clomiphene  G03GB02 


clomipramine  N06AA04 


clopidogrel  B01AC04 


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clorazepate  N05BA05 


clotrimazole  A01AB18  D01AC01  G01AF02 


cloxacillin  J01CF02 


clozapine  N05AH02 


cocaine  N01BC01  R02AD03  S01HA01  S02DA02 


codeine  R05DA04 


colchicine  M04AC01 


colesevelam  C10AC04 


colestipol  C10AC02 


colistimethate  A07AA10  J01XB01 


corticotropin  H01AA01 


cosyntropin  H01AA03 


crotamiton  D04AX01 


cyanocobalamin  B03BA01 


cyclizine  R06AE03 


cyclobenzaprine  M03BX08 


cyclopentolate  S01FA04 


cyclophosphamide  L01AA01 


cycloserine  J04AB01 


cyclosporine  L04AD01  S01XA18 


cyproheptadine  R06AX02 


cyproterone  G03HA01 


cysteamine  A16AA04 


cysteine  R05CB16  S01XA21  V03AB36 


dacarbazine  L01AX04 


danazol  G03XA01 


dantrolene  M03CA01 


dapsone  J04BA02 


darifenacin  G04BD10 


deferoxamine  V03AC01 


delavirdine  J05AG02 


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demeclocycline  D06AA01  J01AA01 


desflurane  N01AB07 


desipramine  N06AA01 


desloratadine  R06AX27 


desmopressin  H01BA02 


desonide  D07AB08  S01BA11 


desoximetasone  D07AC03  D07XC02 


dexamethasone  A01AC02  C05AA09  D07AB19  D07XB05  D10AA03  H02AB02  R01AD03  S01BA01  S01CB01  S02BA06  S03BA01 

dexmedetomidine  N05CM18 


dexrazoxane  V03AF02 





dextromethorphan R05DA09 


diazepam  N05BA01 


diazoxide  C02DA01  V03AH01 


dibucaine  C05AD04  D04AB02  N01BB06  S01HA06 


diclofenac  D11AX18  M01AB05  M02AA15  S01BC03 


dicloxacillin  J01CF01 


dicyclomine  A03AA07 


didanosine  J05AF02 


diethylpropion  A08AA03 


diflorasone  D07AC10 


diflunisal  N02BA11 


digoxin  C01AA05 





diltiazem  C08DB01 


dimenhydrinate  R06AA02 


dimethyl sulfoxide  G04BX13  M02AX03 


dinoprostone  G02AD02 


diphenhydramine  D04AA32  R06AA02 


dipivefrin  S01EA02 


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dipyridamole  B01AC07 


disopyramide  C01BA03 


disulfiram  N07BB01  P03AA04 


dobutamine  C01CA07 


docetaxel  L01CD02 


docosanol  D06BB11 


dofetilide  C01BD04 


dolasetron  A04AA04 


domperidone  A03FA03 


donepezil  N06DA02 


dopamine  C01CA04 


dorzolamide  S01EC03 


doxapram  R07AB01 


doxazosin  C02CA04 


doxepin  N06AA12 


doxorubicin  L01DB01 


doxycycline  A01AB22  J01AA02 


dronabinol  A04AD10 


droperidol  N01AX01  N05AD08 


dutasteride  G04CB02 


dyclonine  N01BX02  R02AD04 


dyphylline  R03DA01 


echothiophate iodide 



econazole  D01AC03  G01AF05 


edrophonium  W99WW99*  


efavirenz  J05AG03 


eletriptan  N02CC06 


emedastine  S01GX06 


emtricitabine  J05AF09 


enalapril  C09AA02 


enflurane  N01AB04 


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enfuvirtide  J05AX07 


entacapone  N04BX02 


entecavir  J05AF10 


epinastine  R06AX24  S01GX10 


epirubicin  L01DB03 


eplerenone  C03DA04 


epoprostenol  B01AC09 


eprosartan  C09CA02 


eptifibatide  B01AC16 


ergocalciferol  A11CC01 


ergoloid mesylates  C04AE01 


ergonovine  G02AB03 


ergotamine  N02CA02 


erlotinib  L01XE03 


ertapenem  J01DH03 


erythromycin  D10AF02  J01FA01  S01AA17 


escitalopram  N06AB10 


esmolol  C07AB09 


estazolam  N05CD04 


estradiol  G03CA03 


estramustine  L01XX11 


eszopiclone  N05CF04 


ethacrynic acid  C03CC01 


ethambutol  J04AK02 


ethanolamine oleate 



ethionamide  J04AD03 


ethosuximide  N03AD01 


ethotoin  N03AB01 


etodolac  M01AB08 


etomidate  N01AX07 


etoposide  L01CB01 


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exemestane  L02BG06 


exenatide  A10BX04 


ezetimibe  C10AX09 


famciclovir  J05AB09  S01AD07 


famotidine  A02BA03 


felbamate  N03AX10 


felodipine  C08CA02 


fenofibrate  C10AB05 


fenoldopam  C01CA19 


fenoprofen  M01AE04 


fexofenadine  R06AX26 


finasteride  D11AX10  G04CB01 


flavoxate  G04BD02 


flecainide  C01BC04 


floxuridine  L01BC54 


fluconazole  D01AC15  J02AC01 


flucytosine  D01AE21  J02AX01 


fludarabine  L01BB05 


fludrocortisone  H02AA02 


flumazenil  V03AB25 


flunisolide  R01AD04  R03BA03 


fluocinonide  C05AA11  D07AC08 


fluorometholone  C05AA06  D07AB06  D07XB04  D10AA01  S01BA07  S01CB05 


fluorouracil  L01BC02 


fluoxymesterone  G03BA01 


flupenthixol  N05AF01 


fluphenazine  N05AB02 


flurandrenolide  D07AC07 


flurazepam  N05CD01 


flurbiprofen  M01AE09  M02AA19  S01BC04 


flutamide  L02BB01 


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fluvastatin  C10AA04 


fluvoxamine  N06AB08 


folic acid  B03BB01 


fomepizole  V03AB34 


formoterol  R03AC13 


fosamprenavir  J05AE07 


foscarnet  J05AD01 


fosfomycin  J01XX01 


fosinopril  C09AA09 


fosphenytoin  N03AB05 


frovatriptan  N02CC07 


fulvestrant  L02BA03 


furosemide  C03CA01 


fusidic acid  D06AX01  D09AA02  J01XC01  S01AA13 


gabapentin  N03AX12 


gadopentetate dimeglumine 



galantamine  N06DA04 


gallium nitrate  V03AG02 


ganciclovir  J05AB06  S01AD09 


gatifloxacin  J01MA16  S01AX21 


gefitinib  L01XE02 


gemcitabine  L01BC05 


gemfibrozil  C10AB04 


gemifloxacin  J01MA15 


gentamicin  D06AX07  J01GB03  S01AA11  S02AA14  S03AA06 


gentian violet  D01AE02 


glatiramer acetate  L03AX13 


gliclazide  A10BB09 


glimepiride  A10BB12 


glipizide  A10BB07 


glutamine  A16AA03 


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glyburide  A10BB01 


glycerin  A06AG04  A06AX01 


glycopyrrolate  A03AB02 


goserelin  L02AE03 


granisetron  A04AA02 


griseofulvin  D01AA08  D01BA01 


guanabenz  C02KX04 


halobetasol  D07AC21 


haloperidol  N05AD01 


hexachlorophene  D08AE01 


homatropine  S01FA05 


hydralazine  C02DB02 





hydrocortisone  A01AC03  A07EA02  C05AA01  D07AA02  D07XA01  H02AB09  S01BA02  S01CB03  S02BA01 


hydroxocobalamin  B03BA03  V03AB33 





hydroxyurea  L01XX05 


hydroxyzine  N05BB01 


hyoscyamine  A03BA03 


ibandronate  M05BA06 


ibuprofen  C01EB16  G02CC01  M01AE01  M02AA13 


ibutilide  C01BD05 


ifosfamide  L01AA06 


iloprost  B01AC11 


imatinib  L01XE01 


imipramine  N06AA02 


imiquimod  D06BB10 


inamrinone  C01CE01 


indapamide  C03BA11 


indinavir  J05AE02 


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indomethacin  C01EB03  M01AB01  M02AA23  S01BC01 


ipratropium  R01AX03  R03BB01 


irbesartan  C09CA04 


irinotecan  L01XX19 


isocarboxazid  N06AF01 


isoflurane  N01AB06 


isoniazid  J04AC01 


isoproterenol  C01CA02  R03AB02  R03CB01 


isosorbide dinitrate 

C01DA08  C05AE02 


isosorbide mononitrate 



isotretinoin  D10AD04  D10BA01 


isradipine  C08CA03 


itraconazole  J02AC02 


ivermectin  P02CF01 


kanamycin  A07AA08  J01GB04  S01AA24 


ketamine  N01AX03 


ketoconazole  D01AC08  G01AF11  J02AB02 


ketoprofen  M01AE03  M02AA10 


ketorolac  M01AB15  S01BC05 


ketotifen  R06AX17  S01GX08 


labetalol  C07AG01 


lactic acid  G01AD01 


lactulose  A06AD11 


lansoprazole  A02BC03 


latanoprost  S01EE01 


leflunomide  L04AA13 


lepirudin  B01AE02 


letrozole  L02BG04 


leuprolide  L02AE02 


levetiracetam  N03AX14 


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levobunolol  S01ED03 


levocarnitine  A16AA01 


levofloxacin  J01MA12  S01AX19 


levonorgestrel  G03AC03 


levorphanol  N02AX53 


levothyroxine  H03AA01 


lidocaine  C01BB01  C05AD01  D04AB01  N01BB02  R02AD02  S01HA07  S02DA01 


lincomycin  J01FF02 


lindane  P03AB02 


linezolid  J01XX08 


liothyronine  H03AA02 


liotrix  H03AA06 


lisinopril  C09AA03 


lithium  N05AN01 


lomustine  L01AD02 


loperamide  A07DA03 


loratadine  R06AX13 


losartan  C09CA01 


lovastatin  C10AA02 


loxapine  N05AH01 


magnesium oxide  A02AA02  A06AD02  A12CC10 


magnesium sulfate  A06AD04  A12CC02  B05XA05  D11AX05  V04CC02 


malathion  P03AX03 


mannitol  A06AD16  B05BC01  B05CX04 


maprotiline  N06AA21 


mebendazole  P02CA01 


mecamylamine  C02BB01 


mechlorethamine  L01AA05 


meclizine  A04AB04  R06AE05 



G03AC06  G03DA02  L02AB02 


mefenamic acid  M01AG01 


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mefloquine  P01BC02 


megestrol  G03AC05  G03DB02  L02AB01 


meloxicam  M01AC06 


melphalan  L01AA03 


memantine  N06DX01 


mepenzolate  A03AB12 


meperidine  N02AB02 


mephobarbital  N03AA01 


mepivacaine  N01BB03 


meprobamate  N05BC01 


mercaptopurine  L01BB02 


meropenem  J01DH02 


mesalamine  A07EC02 


metaproterenol  R03AB03  R03CB03  R03CB53 


metaxalone  M03AX02 


methadone  N07BC02 





methazolamide  S01EC05 


methimazole  H03BB02 


methocarbamol  M03BA03 


methohexital  N01AF01  N05CA15 


methotrexate  L01BA01  L04AX03 





methoxsalen  D05AD02  D05BA02 


methsuximide  N03AD03 


methyclothiazide  C03AA08 


methyldopa  C02AB01 


methylergonovine  G02AB01 


methylphenidate  N06BA04 



D07AA01  D10AA02  H02AB04 


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metipranolol  S01ED04 


metoclopramide  A03FA01 


metolazone  C03BA08 


metoprolol  C07AB02 


metyrapone  V04CD01 


metyrosine  C02KB01 


mexiletine  C01BB02 


micafungin  J02AX05 


midazolam  N05CD08 


midodrine  C01CA17 


mifepristone  G03XB01 


miglitol  A10BF02 


miglustat  A16AX06 


milrinone  C01CE02 


minocycline  A01AB23  J01AA08 


minoxidil  C02DC01  D11AX01 


mirtazapine  N06AX11 


misoprostol  A02BB01  G02AD06 


mitomycin  L01DC03 


mitotane  L01XX23 


mitoxantrone  L01DB07 


moclobemide  N06AG02 


modafinil  N06BA07 


moexipril  C09AA13 


molindone  N05AE02 


monobenzone  D11AX13 


montelukast  R03DC03 


moxifloxacin  J01MA14  S01AX22 


mupirocin  D06AX09  R01AX06 


nabilone  A04AD11 


nabumetone  M01AX01 


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nadolol  C07AA12 


nafarelin  H01CA02 


nafcillin  J01CF06 


naftifine  D01AE22 


nalbuphine  N02AF02 


naloxone  V03AB15 


naltrexone  N07BB04 


nandrolone  A14AB01  S01XA11 


naproxen  G02CC02  M01AE02  M02AA12 


naratriptan  N02CC02 


natamycin  A01AB10  A07AA03  D01AA02  G01AA02  S01AA10 


nateglinide  A10BX03 


nedocromil  R01AC07  R03BC03  S01GX04 


nefazodone  N06AX06 


nelfinavir  J05AE04 


neomycin  A01AB08  A07AA01  B05CA09  D06AX04  J01GB05  R02AB01  S01AA03  S02AA07  S03AA01 


neostigmine  N07AA01  S01EB06 


nevirapine  J05AG01 


niacin  C10AD02 


nicardipine  C08CA04 


nicotine  N07BA01 


nifedipine  C08CA05 


nilutamide  L02BB02 


nisoldipine  C08CA07 


nitazoxanide  P01AX11 


nitisinone  A16AX04 


nitrazepam  N05CD02 


nitric oxide  R07AX01 


nitrofurantoin  J01XE01 


nitroglycerin  C01DA02  D03AX07 


nitroprusside  C02DD01 


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nizatidine  A02BA04 


norepinephrine  C01CA03 


norethindrone  G03AC01  G03DC02 


norfloxacin  J01MA06  S01AX12 


nortriptyline  N06AA10 


nystatin  A07AA02  D01AA01  G01AA01 


octreotide  H01CB02 


ofloxacin  J01MA01  S01AX11 


olmesartan  C09CA08 


olopatadine  R01AC08  S01GX09 


olsalazine  A07EC03 


ondansetron  A04AA01 


orlistat  A08AB01 


orphenadrine  M03BC01  N04AB02 


oseltamivir  J05AH02 


oxacillin  J01CF04 


oxaliplatin  L01XA03 


oxandrolone  A14AA08 


oxaprozin  M01AE12 


oxazepam  N05BA04 


oxiconazole  D01AC11  G01AF17 


oxybutynin  G04BD04 


oxymetazoline  R01AA05  R01AB07  S01GA04 


oxymorphone  N02AX54 


oxytocin  H01BB02 


paclitaxel  L01CD01 


palonosetron  A04AA05 


pamidronate  M05BA03 


pancuronium  M03AC01 


pantoprazole  A02BC02 


papaverine  A03AD01  G04BE02 


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paricalcitol  A11CC07 


paromomycin  A07AA06 


pemetrexed  L01BA04 


pemirolast  S01GX52 


penbutolol  C07AA23 


penciclovir  D06BB06  J05AB13 


penicillamine  M01CC01 


pentamidine  P01CX01 


pentazocine  N02AD01 


pentostatin  L01XX08 


pentoxifylline  C04AD03 


permethrin  P03AC04 


perphenazine  N05AB03 


phenazopyridine  G04BX06 


phendimetrazine  A08AX02 


phenelzine  N06AF03 





phentermine  A08AA01 


phentolamine  C04AB01  G04BE05 


phenylephrine  C01CA06  R01AA04  R01AB01  R01BA03  S01FB01  S01GA05 


phenytoin  N03AB02 


physostigmine  S01EB05  V03AB19 


phytonadione  B02BA01 


pilocarpine  N07AX01  S01EB01 


pimecrolimus  D11AX15 


pimozide  N05AG02 


pindolol  C07AA03 


pioglitazone  A10BG03 


piperacillin  J01CA12 


piperazine  P02CB01 


pipotiazine  N05AC04 


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pirbuterol  R03AC08  R03CC07 


piroxicam  M01AC01  M02AA07  S01BC06 


porfimer  L01XD01 


potassium chloride  A12BA01  B05XA01 


pralidoxime  V03AB04 


pramipexole  N04BC05 


pravastatin  C10AA03 


praziquantel  P02BA01 


prazosin  C02CA01 


prednicarbate  D07AC18 


prednisolone  A07EA01  C05AA04  D07AA03  D07XA02  H02AB06  R01AD02  S01BA04  S01CB02  S02BA03  S03BA02 


prednisone  A07EA03  H02AB07 


prilocaine  N01BB04 


primaquine  P01BA03 


primidone  N03AA03 


probenecid  M04AB01 


probucol  C10AX02 


procainamide  C01BA02 


procaine  C05AD05  N01BA02  S01HA05 


procarbazine  L01XB01 


prochlorperazine  N05AB04 


procyclidine  N04AA04 


progesterone  G03DA04 


promethazine  D04AA10  R06AD02 


propafenone  C01BC03 


propantheline  A03AB05 


proparacaine  S01HA04 


propofol  N01AX10 


propoxyphene  N02AC04 


propranolol  C07AA05 


propylthiouracil  H03BA02 


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protriptyline  N06AA11 


pseudoephedrine  R01BA02 


pyrazinamide  J04AK01 


pyridostigmine  N07AA02 


pyridoxine  A11HA02 


pyrimethamine  P01BD01 


quazepam  N05CD10 


quinapril  C09AA06 


rabeprazole  A02BC04 


raloxifene  G03XC01 


raltitrexed  L01BA03 


ramelteon  N05CH02 


ramipril  C09AA05 


ranitidine  A02BA02 


remifentanil  N01AH06 


repaglinide  A10BX02 


reserpine  C02AA02 


ribavirin  J05AB04 


riboflavin  A11HA04 


rifabutin  J04AB04 


rifampin  J04AB02 


rifapentine  J04AB05 


rifaximin  A07AA11  D06AX11 


riluzole  N07XX02 


rimantadine  J05AC02 


rimexolone  H02AB12  S01BA13 


risedronate  M05BA07 


risperidone  N05AX08 


ritonavir  J05AE03 


rivastigmine  N06DA03 


rizatriptan  N02CC04 


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rocuronium  M03AC09 


ropinirole  N04BC04 


ropivacaine  N01BB09 


rosiglitazone  A10BG02 


rosuvastatin  C10AA07 


salicylic acid  D01AE12  S01BC08 


salmeterol  R03AC12 


salsalate  N02BA06 


saquinavir  J05AE01 


secobarbital  N05CA06 


selegiline  N04BD01 


selenium sulfide  D01AE13 


sertaconazole  D01AC14 


sertraline  N06AB06 


sevelamer  V03AE02 


sevoflurane  N01AB08 


sibutramine  A08AA10 


sildenafil  G04BE03 


silver sulfadiazine  D06BA01 


simvastatin  C10AA01 


sirolimus  L04AA10 


sodium bicarbonate 

B05CB04  B05XA02 


solifenacin  G04BD08 


sotalol  C07AA07 


spironolactone  C03DA01 


stavudine  J05AF04 


streptomycin  A07AA04  J01GA01 


streptozocin  L01AD04 


succimer  V09CA02  V09IA03 


succinylcholine  M03AB01 


sucralfate  A02BX02 


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sulfacetamide  S01AB04 


sulfasalazine  A07EC01 


sulfisoxazole  J01EB05  S01AB02 


sulindac  M01AB02 


suramin  P01CX02 


tacrolimus  D11AX14  L04AD02 


tadalafil  G04BE08 


tamoxifen  L02BA01 


tamsulosin  G04CA02 


tazarotene  D05AX05 


tegaserod  A03AE02 


telithromycin  J01FA15 


telmisartan  C09CA07 


temazepam  N05CD07 


temozolomide  L01AX03 


teniposide  L01CB02 


tenofovir  J05AF07 


terazosin  G04CA03 


terbinafine  D01AE15  D01BA02 


terbutaline  R03AC03  R03CC03 


terconazole  G01AG02 


teriparatide  H05AA02 


testosterone  G03BA03 


tetrabenazine  N07XX06 


tetracycline  A01AB13  D06AA04  J01AA07  S01AA09  S02AA08  S03AA02 


thalidomide  L04AX02 


theophylline  R03DA04 


thiamine  A11DA01 


thioguanine  L01BB03 


thiopental  N01AF03  N05CA19 


thioridazine  N05AC02 


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thiothixene  N05AF04 


tiaprofenic acid  M01AE11 


ticlopidine  B01AC05 


tigecycline  J01AA12 


tiludronate  M05BA05 


timolol  C07AA06  S01ED01 


tinidazole  J01XD02  P01AB02 


tioconazole  D01AC07  G01AF08 


tiotropium  R03BB04 


tipranavir  J05AE09 


tirofiban  B01AC17 


tobramycin  J01GB01  S01AA12 


tolazamide  A10BB05 


tolbutamide  A10BB03  V04CA01 


tolcapone  N04BX01 


tolmetin  M01AB03  M02AA21 


tolnaftate  D01AE18 


tolterodine  G04BD07 


topiramate  N03AX11 


topotecan  L01XX17 


toremifene  L02BA02 


torsemide  C03CA04 


trandolapril  C09AA10 


tranexamic acid  B02AA02 


tranylcypromine  N06AF04 


travoprost  S01EE04 


treprostinil  B01AC21 


triamcinolone  A01AC01  D07AB09  D07XB02  H02AB08  R01AD11  R03BA06  S01BA05 


triamterene  C03DB02 


triazolam  N05CD05 


trifluoperazine  N05AB06 


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trifluridine  S01AD02 


trihexyphenidyl  N04AA01 





trimethoprim  J01EA01 


trimipramine  N06AA06 


tropicamide  S01FA06 


trospium  G04BD09 


urea  A10BB32 


urofollitropin  G03GA04 


ursodiol  A05AA02 


valrubicin  L01DB09 


valsartan  C09CA03 


vancomycin  A07AA09  J01XA01 


vardenafil  G04BE09 


vasopressin  H01BA01 


vecuronium  M03AC03 


venlafaxine  N06AX16 


verapamil  C08DA01 


verteporfin  S01LA01 


vigabatrin  N03AG04 


vinblastine  L01CA01 


vincristine  L01CA02 


vindesine  L01CA03 


vinorelbine  L01CA04 


vitamin a  A11CA01 


vitamin e  A11HA03 


voriconazole  J02AC03 


warfarin  B01AA03 


yohimbine  G04BE04 


zafirlukast  R03DC01 


zaleplon  N05CF03 


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zanamivir  J05AH01 


zidovudine  J05AF01 


zileuton  R03DX08 


ziprasidone  N05AE04 


zoledronic acid  M05BA08 


zolmitriptan  N02CC03 


zolpidem  N05CF02 


zonisamide  N03AX15 


zopiclone  N05CF01 


zuclopenthixol  N05AF05 


Note: * indicates a placeholder code that we created in the case of four drugs for which we were unable to determine an ATC code.

    Table S3. Number of missing observations for PubChem properties extracted for this study. The total number of drugs in the study was 809. *XLogP3 and Tautomer Count were excluded from the study due to the missing values. 

Property name  Number of missing observations 

Molecular Weight  0 XLogP3*  41 H Bond Donor  0 H Bond Acceptor  0 Rotatable Bond Count  0 Tautomer Count*  336 Topol Polar Surface Area  0 Heavy Atom Count  0 Formal Charge  0 Complexity  0 Isotope Atom Count  0 Defined Atom StereoCenter (SC) Count  0 Undefined Atom SC Count  0 Defined Bond SC Count  0 Undefined Bond SC Count  0 Covalently Bonded (CB) Unit Count  0 


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    Table  S4.  Number  of  missing  observations  for  DrugBank  properties extracted  for  this  study.  The  total number of drugs  in  the  study was 809. Melting Point and Half Life were excluded from the study owing to the  missing  values.  The  remaining  two  properties  (Exp  LogP Hydrophobicity and Protein Binding) were initially included in the study through  data  imputation.  The  effect  of  the  imputed  data  on  the predictive performance was assessed by excluding these two properties from the model as well. 

Property name  Number of missing observations 

Exp LogP Hydrophobicity  91 Protein Binding  218 Melting Point  261 Half Life  450 

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Table S5. Intercorrelation analysis of all covariates. The highest positive and negative Pearson correlations are bolded. 















0.71  0.64       


0.5  0.4  0.57     


‐0.62  ‐0.37  ‐0.77  ‐0.55    


‐0.36  ‐0.2  ‐0.4  ‐0.73 0.45    

atc‐min  ‐0.47  ‐0.36  ‐0.61  ‐0.51 0.66 0.37    


‐0.27  ‐0.23  ‐0.28  ‐0.41 0.25 0.37 0.22    

atc‐KL  ‐0.15  ‐0.08  ‐0.18  ‐0.12 0.24 0.17 ‐0.02 0.05    


‐0.09  ‐0.04  ‐0.04  ‐0.16 0.06 0.21 0.02 0.17 0.02   


‐0.08  ‐0.06  ‐0.11  ‐0.16 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.05 0.04  0 


‐0.37  ‐0.21  ‐0.53  ‐0.48 0.67 0.49 0.56 0.18 0.31  0.02  0.17

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Table  S6.  Prediction  cases  studies.  The  selected  drug‐ADE  pairs  represent  some  prominent drug‐ADE associations newly discovered during the period of 2006 to 2010. 

Drug name  ADE  Score Spec (score)  PPV (score)

Aprotinin  Anaphylaxis 0.15895 0.99  0.67

Ibandronate  Osteonecrosis 0.05089 0.91  0.09

Norfloxacin  Tendon ruptures 0.20902 0.95  0.32

Rosiglitazone  Myocardial infarction 0.04632 0.97  0.33

Saquinavir  Torsade de pointes 0.08833 0.94  0.49

Saquinavir  Electrocardiogram QT prolonged 

0.04748 0.89  0.39

Tegaserod  Stroke  0.24184 0.98  0.05

Zonisamide  Suicidal ideation 0.16818 0.93  0.04




Table S7. List of supplementary source code files. 

File name  Comments  SAS code to perform MedDRA mapping

NET_INT_covariates.r  R code to compute network and intrinsic covariates  SAS code to compute taxonomic covariates


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A B C D G H J L M N P R S V0




ATC top-level group

Mean n


ber of AEs


Fig. S1. Newly associated ADEs per drug  in each ATC top‐level group. ATC top‐level groups: A, alimentary tract and metabolism; B, blood and blood forming organs; C, cardiovascular system; D,  dermatologicals;  G,  genito‐urinary  system  and  sex  hormones;  H,  systemic  hormonal preparations;  J,  anti‐infectives  for  systemic  use;  L,  antineoplastic  and  immunomodulating agents; M, musculo‐skeletal system; N, nervous system; P, antiparasitic products,  insecticides and repellents; R, respiratory system; S, sensory organs; V, various. Data are means and error bars represent 95% CIs. 

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imm inf



















MedDRA top-level group

Mean n


ber of dru



Fig. S2. Newly associated drugs per ADE  in each MedDRA  top‐level group. MedDRA  top‐level groups:  blo,  blood  and  lymphatic  system  disorders;  car,  bardiac  disorders;  con,  congenital, familial and genetic disorders; ear, ear and  labyrinth disorders; end, endocrine disorders; eye, eye  disorders;  gas,  gastrointestinal  disorders;  gen,  general  disorders  and  administration  site conditions;  hep,  hepatobiliary  disorders;  imm,  immune  system  disorders;  inf,  infections  and infestations;  inj,  injury,  poisoning  and  procedural  complications;  inv,  investigations;  met, metabolism and nutrition disorders; mus, musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; neo, neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified; ner, nervous system disorders; pre, pregnancy, puerperium  and  perinatal  conditions;  psy,  psychiatric  disorders;  ren,  renal  and  urinary disorders;  rep,  reproductive  system  and  breast  disorders;  res,  respiratory,  thoracic  and mediastinal  disorders;  ski,  skin  and  subcutaneous  tissue  disorders;  sur,  surgical  and medical procedures; vas, vascular disorders. Data are means and error bars represent 95% CIs. 

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A  B 

0 0.080.16 0.280.36 0.480.56 0.680.76 0.880.96










Mean = 0.03Std = 0.09


0 0.080.16 0.28 0.4 0.48 0.60.680.76 0.880.96











Mean = 0.46Std = 0.36


C  D 

0 0.04 0.10.14 0.20.24 0.30.34 0.40.44 0.50.54









nt Mean = 0.04

Std = 0.09


0 0.04 0.10.14 0.20.24 0.30.34 0.40.44 0.50.54









ntMean = 0.25Std = 0.17


E  F 

0 0.1 0.2 0.22










nt Mean = 0.05

Std = 0.06


0 0.1 0.2 0.22









nt Mean = 0.14

Std = 0.07



Fig. S3. Comparative histograms of scores   the observed edges and non‐edges by the three model types. (A and B) NET model, non‐edges (A) and edges (B). (C and D) TAX model, non‐edges (C) and edges (D). (E and F) INT model, non‐edges (E) and edges (F). 


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True positives  False positives 


Fig. S4. Three‐way Venn diagrams for the sets of true positives and false positives generated by models NET, TAX, and INT. Specificity was fixed at 0.95. 

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Pairs predicted as non‐edges  Pairs predicted as edges 

0 4000 10000 16000 22000 28000 34000 40000










0 4000 10000 16000 22000 28000 34000 40000










0 50100 200 300 400 500 600 700










0 50100 200 300 400 500 600 700










0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1











0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1










00.4 1.2 22.4 3.2 44.4 5.2 66.4 7.2 8











00.4 1.2 22.4 3.2 44.4 5.2 66.4 7.2 8










Fig.  S5.  Comparative  histograms  of  selected  network  covariates  or  the  predicted edges and non‐edges. The predictions were generated by fixing the specificity of model NET at 0.95. 


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Pairs predicted as non‐edges  Pairs predicted as edges 

2 4 6 8 10 12











2 4 6 8 102 4 6 8 10 12










2 4 6 8 10

00.3 0.9 1.5 2.12.55 33.3 3.9 4.5 5.15.55 6











00.3 0.9 1.5 2.12.55 33.3 3.9 4.5 5.15.55 6










Fig.  S6. Comparative histograms of  selected  taxonomic  covariates  or  the predicted edges and non‐edges. The predictions were generated by fixing the specificity of model TAX at 0.95. 


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Pairs predicted as non‐edges  Pairs predicted as edges 

010 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210












010 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210
































Fig. S7. Comparative histograms of the intrinsic covariates  or the predicted edges and non‐edges. The predictions were generated by fixing the specificity of model INT at 0.95. 


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A B C D G H J L M N P R S V0.0











ATC top-level category





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2000.0












Regression line

Number of newly associated ADEs





Fig.  S8. Drug‐specific  AUROCs.  (A)  AUROCs were  grouped  by  ATC  top‐level  category. Group means and 95% CIs (error bars) are shown in red. (B) AUROC was plotted against the number of newly associated ADEs. A regression line with slope of 0.00003 and P = 0.86 (F test) is shown. 

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imm inf


























MedDRA top-level category





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400.0












Regression line

Number of newly associated drugs





Fig. S9. ADE‐specific AUROCs. (A) AUROCs were grouped by MedDRA top‐level category. Group means and 95% CIs (error bars) are shown in red. (B) AUROC was plotted against the number of newly associated drugs. A regression line with slope of ‐0.0015 and P < 0.0001 (F test) is shown.