Superconducting quantum bits · 2013-05-21 · S 1 I S 2 I Switching at the critical current! I...

Superconducting quantum bits

Transcript of Superconducting quantum bits · 2013-05-21 · S 1 I S 2 I Switching at the critical current! I...

Page 1: Superconducting quantum bits · 2013-05-21 · S 1 I S 2 I Switching at the critical current! I eV-2D 2D eV I eV-2D 2D overdamped small R and C Q

Superconducting quantum bits

Page 2: Superconducting quantum bits · 2013-05-21 · S 1 I S 2 I Switching at the critical current! I eV-2D 2D eV I eV-2D 2D overdamped small R and C Q


Qubit = quantum mechanical two level system

DiVincenzo criteria for quantum computation: 1. Register of 2-level systems (qubits), n = 2N states: eg. |101..01> (N qubits) 2. Initialization: e.g. setting it to |000..00> 3. Tools for manipulation: 1- and 2-qubit gates, e.g. Hadamard gates: UH|0> = (|0> + |1>)/2, and CNOT gates to create entangled states, UCNOTUH|00 >=(|00> + |11>)/2 4. Read-out : |ψ> = a|0> + beiF|1> → a, b 5. Long decoherence times: > 104 2-qubit gate operations needed for error correction to maintain coherence ”forever”. 6. Transport qubits and to transfer entanglement between different coherent systems (quantum-quantum interfaces). 7. Create classical-quantum interfaces for control, readout and information storage.

Two level system (quasi-spin)

basis, general state by rotation:

Representation : Bloch sphere

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Two level system (quasi-spin)

basis, general state by rotation:

Representation : Bloch sphere

Some simple operations:

Not, bitflip

Bitflip with phase

Phase flip Second bit aquires -1 phase

Hadamard gate

Qubit=½ spin in Z magnetic field (quasi spin )

The dynamics describes Larmor precession. E.g. Time evolution from X

Rotations: e.g. around x axis

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Multiple qubits

Statement: All operations are possible with one-qubit and one two-qubit gates e.g. CNOT: first control bit, second not

Gates: Unitary operators

N-qubit states

Producing Bell state: UCNOTUH1|00> UCNOT (|0>+|1>)|0> =UCNOT(|00>+|10>) |00>+|11> entangled Bell state!

Qubits: 2n basis states, and can be realized simultaneously qm parallelism 2n complex coefficients for a state Try to process superposition of numbers simultaneously in a quantum computer A quantum computer would be more efficient at simulating quantum systems. Faster algorithms like prime factorization linear not exponential

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Relaxation - T1 and T2

Adding a small modulating field in the perpendicular direction, H1

In rotating frame with angular moment (0,0,w) , H1 is static: H1’=(H1, 0 , 0)

If w=wL, than the first term disappears and the magnetic moment will precess around H1’ With short pulses, the moment can be rotated with arbitrary angle E.g. p/2 pulse rotates to y’ axis, which corresponds to a precession in the x-y plane in the lab frame

Classical description Larmor precession of a magnetic moment around a field (H0) in the Z-direction

where the larmor frequency is:

x’ unit vector in rotating system


Rotating frame

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T1 (spin-lattice in NMR) It envolves energy loss, and relaxation to ground state

T2 – dephasing time (spin-spin in NMR)


The time until a superposition preserves its phase. The phase will randomize at the T2 timescale – as a result of eg. fluctuations in magnetic field – larmor frequency (In NMR lot of spins, which precess with different larmor frequency, and the net spin disappears)

Relaxation – Bloch equations (no drive) M:=<m>

Relaxation - T1 and T2

Phase loss comes from relaxation and pure dephasing

T2*: for qubits: huge number of measurements are needed. Even the measurements are nominally identical slow changes in the environment (between several measurements) cause further decrease of the coherence: T2*<T2

T2 can be recovered with echo techniques...

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Solutions of Bloch equation – no drive

Relaxation - T1 and T2



Stationary solutions of Bloch equation with drive

For larmor resonance (Dw=0) Mz decreases from initial value due to the drive At high power (H1

2) it goes to 0. The lineshapes can also be used to characterize T1 and T2

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Josephson junctions

Josephson equations

S1 S2 I





Voltage biased junction:

eV 2D


Applying a constant bias voltage:

An AC current with w=2eV/ħ is flowing. The DC current averages to zero.

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Josephson junctions – Current biasing

Equation of motion

The potential


„washboard potential”

S1 S2 I

The equatin decribes the motion of the phase in a potential If the particle manages to get out of a minimum of the potential, (happens for I>Ic, when the potential have an inflection) the phase changes, and DC voltage appears on the junction (Josephson relation)



Similar to the motion of a particle in potential, with friction – viscous drag force

Some parameters:

Plasma frequency

Quality factor – describes how effective is the damping in the circuit

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S1 S2 I

Switching at the critical current! I










overdamped small R and C Q<<1

Fully undamped

keeps sliding due to kinetic energy

Overdamped: Q<<1 -- second derivative can be omitted Viscous drag dominates – velocity proportional slope of washboard If I>Ic it escapes the potential, however, at I<Ic retraped immediately, no hysteresis Underdamped Q>>1 -- if I goes over Ic than the inertia is bigger than the damping, it will roll down continuously. Hysteresis – only traps at smaller current when kinetic energy=damping. For zero damping only traps at 0 current.

underdamped large R and C Q >>1

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Phase qubit

By tuning the potential of a single Josephson junction (washboard potential) , such, that it is asymmetric, close to the critical current If, I≈Ic and it only houses 2-3 levels, the lowest two forms a qubit

Operation: Anharmonic oscillator, qubit states are separated Make transtions with microwave pulses w01 and prepare state Readout: A pulse with frequency w12 is applied. As the barrier for state 2 is small, the state can tunnel out changing phase finite voltage appears If the qubit was in state 1 it will be resonant for the readout pulse w12, if in state 0 not. For superpositions, it will tunnel out with a probability corresponding to state 1. To measure these probabilities, multiple measurements on the qubit prepared in the same way is needed.

Relaxation processes can be measured eg. (see details later) Populate state 1 and wait before readout The measured signal will decay as the waiting time increased – measure of T1

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integer bias flux

half-integer bias flux

For half integer quantum, two minima: two persistent current states, circulating in different direction

2 ©0

2¼(±1 ¡ ±2) =

Z 2


~A~dl ± = ±1 ¡ ±2 =2¼©


Similarly to DC squid the phase difference equals the flux inside the loop

L loop indctance The flux inside the loop will be partially screened by and induced circulating current

©=©ext¡LIcirc Icirc =1


Equation of motion, with the calculated current:

Potential – junction + magnetic energy

At half quanta the circulating current changes sign and a flux quanta jumps into the loop

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Two wells two levels – for symmetric potential degenerate flux states The two states correspond to opposite persistent current If tunneling is possible between the two wells (D), states hybridize and split up and the macroscopic tunneling determines the separation Hard to fabricate, big loop is needed for inductance matching (big decoherence) 3 JJ-s qubit


potential for half integer flux bias

3-junction flux qubit

the potential is parabolic on the white intersection a tunes the macroscopic quantum tunneling

I. Chiorescu et al., Science 299, 1869 (2003)

Flux qubit

Fext [F0]


Potential and the Hamiltonian near half flux quanta

e detuning, Ip current close to critical current

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Remainder: dc-squid





( ) ( ) ( ) /cossin2/2sin/2sin 00021 F=FF== eIIIII cc ddd

If the critical current of the two qubits are the same The maximal value of the critical current is tuned by the magnetic flux: ( )/cos2max F= eII c

Dependence of the maximum supercurrent (critical current) through the two-junction interferometer on the total magnetic flux through its interior. The strong dependence of Icon flux makes the DC-SQUID an extremely sensitive flux detector.

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The expectation value of the current as a function of the flux Away from half flux quanta, pure flux states

Detection – by DC squid measuring the opposite supercurrents in the qubit Measurement with squid – need to measure critical current – put current pulses on the squid, and observe the switching currents (when the squid switches to finite voltage state). Spectroscopic measurements – irradiate the qubit with microwave field – transition causes supercurrent flowing opposite direction change in field measured by squid (change in switching current)

A small change in the squid signal shows the persistent current states

Caspar H. van der Wal et al., Science 290, 773 (2000)


Flux qubit- readout by DC squid

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During the sweeping of the magnetic field, microwave applied - the resonance seen for different frequencies at different flux points - peaks indicate switching between flux states -the excitation spectra is nicely reproduced - at zero detuning the avoided crossing of the two levels is observed (peaks at finite frequency)

Qubit levels

Transition energies

Caspar H. van der Wal et al., Science 290, 773 (2000)

Flux qubit

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Remark – Phase qubit

Readout: - change the potential , such that 1 can tunnel out (flux pulse to lower barrier) measure the switching voltage of the squid

New design of the phase qubit uses the potential of an RF-squid tuned to near one flux quanta – in this case the potential is tilted, and it only houses a few levels. Readout with DC squid This case the readout from the qubit is separated longer lifetimes



K.Cooper, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 180401 (2004)

Tunable flux qubit – one of the JJ-s is split and put to a loop – like in a DC squid Tuning of Ic

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Josephson inductance

Josephson junctions is a non-linear inductance The energy spectra is anharmonic for this resonant circuit The qubit can be separated from excited states

for small F

LC - oscillator

Josephson junction

Why else superconductors? -Single non-degenerate macroscopic ground state - no low energy excitations

-Superconductor eg.:Nb: 2D/h=725 Ghz, 2D=2.5 meV Tc=9.2 K

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Charging effects: Cooper pair box

Josephson energy:

Electrostatic – charging energy (like for a Qdot): N number of C. Pairs, ng offset charge from the gate electrode Josephson energy:

By making a split Cooper pair box, the charging energy can be tuned with the flux enclosed in the loop:

normal CPB split CPB

Energy scales for phase qbit: EJ>> Ec Josephson energy dominated and the phase was used to represent the states However for small islands charging energy can dominate

Josephson energy

Charging energy

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Phase or charge?

Commutation relation

Phase and number are conjugated variables!


using the Josephson energy

Classical equations:

Commutation relation

By looking at the equations above it follows:

E.g. Phase representation, similar to coordinate

N operator and N eigenstates: and

transfer of Cooper pairs

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Charge qubit

0 -1 1

For EJ << EC

The charging energy states of a quantum dot (with D>>Ec,, for having an unpaired electron on the dot D energy must be paid, which is huge compared to other scales) are degenerate at the crossing point: EJ makes a transition and lifts the degeneracy:

The charge qubit near the degeneracy point

where :

At the degeneracy point the eigenstates are trivial:

Far from the degeneracy points the original states are good eigenstates. Higher order coupling through EJ are negligible

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Y. Nakamura et al., Nature, 398, 786 (1999)

• First the qubit is prepared in state |0> • Fast DC pulse to the gate not adiabatic, it remains in |0> of the original state (middle of gap)

• It starts Rabi-oscillating, and evolves during the pulse length (t)

• If after the pulse, the qubit is in |1> it will relax back and the current is detected (high repetition frequency) – single shot readout • Detection: state 1 decays to probe electrode (properly biased) through 2 quasi particle tunneling events

• By adjusting t, the length of the pulse Rabi oscillation is seen • DC gate is needed to calibrate the pulse gate • Relaxation <10ns, probably due to charge fluctuations

Cooper pair number

Charge qubit

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Rabi oscillations

Special case: Spin ½ in magnetic field If a=1/2 and b=1/2, the oscillation is maximal (spin precesses in the x-y plane – Rabi oscillation between sx eigenstates)

Oscillations for not energy eigenstates energy eigenstates

R is Rabi frequency: R=E+-E-

Probability of being in state (1,0) will oscillate in time

Time evolution

Other readout for charge qbit: with SET The quantum dots are capacitively coupled to the CPB The change of the number of electrons on the CPB shifts the levels of the dot The transport through the dot is measured

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-charge qubits operated at the degeneracy point are not sensitive to charge fluctuations (just in 2nd order – the energy has a minimum/maximum) but to phase fluctuations - for charge-flux qubit there is also a sweet spot in the flux-charge plain (Quantronium)

Quantronium is operated at the sweet point, where Ib=0. Here manipulations can be made Except the sweet point a net supercurrent flows, the direction depending on the state Another, more transparent Josephson junction, with large EJ is added For readout move away from flux sweetpoint: Ib is applied such, that Ib+I0<Ic, but Ib+I1>Ic, and finite voltage is measured (or directly measure the switching currents)

D. Vion et al., Science 296, 886 (2002)

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Characterization of Qubits

Rabi oscillations

Ramsey oscillations

First rotate the qubit to the equator. Apply a phase gate – change of larmor frequency for a given time Dt. The vector will precess in the rotating frame with wl-wl’. After Dt, apply another p/2 pulse, which will rotate up or down, depending on the acquired phase T2* follows from the decay of the oscillation – how it falls out of the new rotating frame

Rotation for t time around e.g. x-axis, drive between the two states with the wl frequency after the rotation measurement of the state. It returns to north pole after a full rotation. Frequency of the rotation depends on the microwave power – the amplitude of the perpendicular field (H1 in Bloch equations). Decay of oscillations go with TRabi

D. Vion et al., Science 296, 886 (2002)

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Measurement of T2 - Echo techniqes After the first p/2 pulse precession for Dt, after a p pulse applied (flips to opposite side of equatorial plane) If there is a slow change happening during the measurement, which causes the phase to advance, after the second pulse it causes a lag and vica versa. After Dt, the echo signal is recovered, which size only contains T2 contribution

-T1 is the longest scale and it has also contribution to T2

- After p rotation measure the population of state one, with different time delays. The decrease gives T1

- Using high power excitation for long time, incoherent state can be produced. For high enough power both states will be populated equally (see Bloch equations) - By letting this state to relax similar measurement can be done for T1

J. Clarke et al., Nature 453, 1031 (2008) Grégoire Ithier PhD Thesis

Characterization of Qubits Measuring T1

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Qubit Coupling

Coupled phase qubits - Capacitive coupling betweem qubits - The levels (splitting) of the single qubits are tunable - If the level spacing is nearly the same (01 and 10 are degenerate) than the states of the two qubits hybridize - First three levels |00>, |01> - |10> and |01> + |10>

Escape probability of either junction is measured Ib1 is fix, f microwave excitation is appliead and tuned and Ib2 is tuned For fix f, Ib2 will tune the coupled levels, and for some Ib2 the condition is fulfilled On the f--Ib2 map avoided crossing is seencoupling Generally: Qubits are coupled if avoided crossing is seen (near degeneracy)

A.J. Berkley et al., Science 300, 1548 (2003)

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Readout of both qubits at the same time Qubits are brought to resonance At resonance |01> and |10> are not eigenstates Prepare |00>, than excite qubit1 |10> This is not an eigenstate and start to Rabi oscillate between |10> and |01> Measurement of the two qubits states for different free oscialletion P10 and P01 is anticorrelated Coherence time is the same as for single qubit

At , |10> goes to i| 01> iSwap

R. McDermott et al., Science 307 (2005)

Qubit Coupling

Rabi oscillation

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A single system is characterized by a wavefunction: Density matrix:

Density Matrix

Two systems are described on the direct product of the Hilbert spaces


iia ||

|| r =



||| HHa j


iji =

21 |||


1| =SLike the Bell singlet state: It can not be written as a product state


If we switch on the interaction the two states can become entangled: The state can not be written as a product of states from the two subsystems

Properties of the density matrix: - Positive, hermetian, projector (r2=r)

- Tr(r)=1

- Tr(rA)=<A>






SrThe density matrix for the singlet state: |




||| |

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The system cannot be described by one wave-function, the spin are either up or down (not absence of konwledge). It means from the state of the total system the state of subsystems can be derived, but this is not true reversely, in general.

Pure system: it can be described with a single wave-function

Mixed system: cannot described by a single wave function, rather with probabilities

The system is in the state with a probability pi

The density matrix can be still defined:

In case of mixed states , for pure systems it is 1.

Mixed states can arise, when we investigate an entangled state on the subsystem.

Density Matrix

Nii ...1,| =


iiip || r

12 rTr






)(21 rr Tr=We trace out for the second subsystem, qubit, and get the reduced density matrix for the first subsystem: For the spin-singlet case – using the definition of trace:


1| =


1 =rTr



2/12/1rr =


Mixed state

Different as: Pure state

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Density Matrix




1sr rk is the Bloch vector

Pure state |r|=1 Mixed |r|<1

2/)1()( 22 rTr =r


Mixed ssr == )(Trr

Decoherence – offdiagonal elements



TTTTT abbabar ==TTr

Interference: The offdiagonal elements of density matrix describe the ability to interfere The dissapperance of these elements show decoherence This can come from entaglement with the enviroment, which can became perpendicular as for a path detector

21 ba =
















eabadpRR zjjzj a



E.g. decoherence from flux noise, fluctuations in the magnetic field


pa 42



= ep

With Gaussian noise, with standard deviation a:


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State tomography – Reconstruction of density matrix

For a single qubit =









rrr and

























1|)00|( 00 zz rTrP === ssr

Idea: by projective measurements (Stern-Gerlach measurement) reconstruct the density matrix Usually measurements are only possible in one direction. Eg. In z-direction

Other components, eg. rx comes from the rotation around y by p/2 so, that x and z are interchanged. Or by rotating with q angle and measuring fitting the angle dependence, rx is obtained.

For multi-qubit systems similar measurements are needed with measuring double correlations like XX, XY, YY etc.

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Coupled phase qubits

At resonance: oscillation with S/h=10MHZ frequency between |01> and i|10> 2-qubit operation

|00> -> |01> not eigenstate, starts to evolve

= 10|)





- tfree=25 ns: entangled state: - after tfree=16 ns 90z rotation: eigenstate, does not show any oscillations To show it is not the destruction of coherence: -> 180z pulse, and starts oscillating again


1| = i


1| =


1| = i

10int |)0110||1001(|2



SH x==

State tomography – Reconstruction of density matrix

M. Steffen et al., Science 313, 1423 (2006)

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1| 1 = i

State tomography on the state:

Single qubit fidelities (how well the state is prepared, overlap between state and the inteded state): F0=0.95, F1=0.85 Fidelity for |ψ1> F=0.75 After correction with single qubit fidelities: F=0.87 Estimated maximal fidelity: F=0.89 Cause of fidelity loss: • single qubit decoherence








State tomography – Reconstruction of density matrix

Density matrix reconstructed! Shows quantum entenglament

M. Steffen et al., Science 313, 1423 (2006)

From two qubit rotations and two qubit projective measurements:

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Nobel Prize 2012 Serge Haroche, David J. Wineland

Interaction of atoms with the photons of the cavity

Similar possible with SC qubits?

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Coupling CPB to Cavity – CQED (Circuit Quantum Electro Dynamics)

Double Josephson junction


Idea: Readout of the qubit with microwave cavity Measure the resonance frequency of the cavity The qubit can be envisioned as an effective capacitance which shifts the resonance frequency of the qubit The capacitance is state dependent Resonators – metallic waveguides, act as LC resonators Quality factor controlled by coupling capacitors

Measurement of resonance frequency


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Jaynes-Cummings model

Hphoton = ~!raya

Hint = ¡~d~E d =



µ0 1

1 0


2(¾+ + ¾¡) E =


²0Vsin(Kz)(a+ ay)

g =d




H =1


µ1 0

0 ¡1

+ ~!raya+ ~g(ay¾¡ + a¾+)

Hatom =1


µ1 0

0 ¡1



± = !r ¡!aH = (n+ 1=2)!r

µ1 0

0 1


µ¡±=2 g

pn+ 1

gpn+ 1 ±=2

Hint =» ~g(ay¾¡+a¾+ +a¾¡+ay¾+)

In a new basis:


Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian

Rotating wave approx. – Only keep the terms with wa-wr and neglect the ones with wr+wa - these terms will average out


2 level atom - Qubit


Photon field

Electric field Dipole moment – offdiagonal because of parity

Without interaction e, n and g, n+1 are degenerate for wa=wr

g qubit decoherence rate, k cavity decoherence rate, for g>>k,g strong coupling regime

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H = (n+ 1=2)!r

µ1 0

0 1


µ0 g

pn+ 1

gpn+ 1 0

En = (n + 1=2)!r §R=2

R = 2gp

(n+1) Not an eigenstate, mixed photon and cavity excitation Rabi oscillations between the fixed photon number states

Pe(t) =1

2(1 + cos(Rt))

± = 0 Resonant case

Jaynes-Cummings model

Without the interaction the levels are degenerated. The interaction causes a splitting of the levels – vacuum Rabi splitting

the eigen energy

New eigenstates: µ




2(je; ni+ jg; n+ 1i)




2(je; ni¡ jg; n+ 1i)

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En = (n+1=2)!r §p±2=4 + g2(n+1)


(n!r + !a=2¡


±(n + 1)

(n + 1)!r ¡ !a=2 + g2

±(n + 1)

N photons in the cavity, excited atom

N+1 photons, ground state atom

En » (n+ 1=2)!r § (±=2 +g2

±(n+ 1))

± 6= 0 Off-resonance

H = ¡1

2(~!a +


±)¾z + (~!r ¡




The Hamiltonian after the perturbation calculation

Stark shift Lamb shift

Jaynes-Cummings model

d >> g

No direct energy transfer, perturbation in g/d possible

Away from the resonance

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Measurement of qubit state – Quantum Non-Demolishion measurement

The resonance frequency of the cavity is shifted, depending on the qubit state

Measurement done usually at fixed frequency, and from the phase shift, the qubit state can be determined CPB parameteres tuned by tuning Ng (Vg - gating ) and F (flux – magnetic field)

Off-resonant case for every gate voltage. Highest shift observed for the smallest detuning.

Resonant for some gate voltages Highest signals for resonant case

Drive not included in JC- but trivial: at wa rotates qubit At wr populates the cavity

D. Schuster , PhD Thesis

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Spectroscopy of CPB

The resonance frequency of the cavity is shifted, depending on the qubit state Two tones: one measuring the phase shift at resonancy frequency, and another which excites the qubit (which is detuned from the cavity) Measurement as a function of Vg, and f excitation frequency – the excitation spectra is well reproduced

D. Schuster et al., PRL 94 (2005), 123602.

Backaction of the resonator

~!a =!a +2ng2=±+g2=±

Number of photons shift the qubit frequency

Measure level separation as a function of input power – increases linearly The number of photons in the cavity can be well calibrated

Stark effect – weak dispersive regime

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Resonant regime: Measuring the cavity transmission amplitude as a function of frequency

Only resonant at ng=1 case Resonant for two gate values

Splitting at the degeneracy point: superposition of qubit and photon states : Phobit and Quton Far away from the degeneracy point photon and qubit states recovered A slice at fixed gate voltage showing the two resonances. From fits it can be shown, that the cavity is in the ground state. For higher photon numbers (light blue) the fit strongly deviates

A. Wallraff et al., Nature 431, 162 (2004)

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Similar work for phase qubits

Mika A. Sillanpaa et al., Nature 449, 438 (2007)

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Quantum algorithms realized

New transmon design: individual flux bias lines Grover search algorithm

+ 4 coupled qubits + first error correction measurements

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Superconducting Circuits and Quantum Information J. Q. You and Franco Nori Phys. Today 58(11), 42 (2005) Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Qubits and Computing G. Wendin and V.S. Shumeiko arXiv:cond-mat/0508729v1 Superconducting quantum bits John Clarke & Frank K. Wilhelm Nature 453, 1031 (2008)