Super Reading Workbook Week 2

Super Reading Week 2 Workbook Your Quest on Becoming a Smart Reader

Transcript of Super Reading Workbook Week 2

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Super Reading Week 2 Workbook

Your Quest on Becoming a Smart Reader

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2Week 2 Overview 3Day 8 - Overcoming Subvocalization 4Day 9 - Using Your Left Hand 6Day 10 - Introducing Speed Drills 7Day 11 - Activating Your Peripheral Vision 9Day 12 - Boosting Comprehension Part 1 11Day 13 - Frequently Asked Questions 14Day 14 - Boosting Comprehension Part 2 16

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Week 2 Overview

“You are developing your superpower!”

Welcome to your second week of becoming a Super Reader. Below you can find an overview of what you will encounter this week. We will start the week by tackling the 4th and biggest obstacle to speed reading, called subvocalization. Mid-week you will learn a new daily habit called Speed Drills. Furthermore, we will start a deep dive into improving your comprehension.

This week builds on what you have learned and practiced last week. You will learn more and more tools to use during your daily reading. So make sure to keep up the good spirit, as you will progress only by daily practice.


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Day 8 - Overcoming Subvocalization

“Having your inner voice reading along with you is unnecessary.”


1. The 4th obstacle to speed reading is _________________. 2. You can reduce subvocalization with _______ ______ and the 1-2-3 technique. 3. Don’t try to _____________ subvocalization because what you resist persists.


1. Read for 2 minutes. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4. If you have started a new book, calculate the average number of words per line. If you’re using the same book, use your previous number from Day 1.

1. Count the number of words in 3 lines. 2. Divide this number by 3.

________ lines / 3 = ________ average words per line in my practice book.

5. Multiply your lines per minute times the average words per line in your book. ________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

6. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


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Feel free to use the 1-2-3 technique to reduce subvocalization. Remember that subvocalization will decrease naturally once your reading speed exceeds your talking speed. If you decided to engage fully in the Quest, we encourage you to give this a try.Warm up with the Infinity Technique, read for 10 minutes, and measure your reading speed afterwards.



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Day 9 - Using Your Left Hand

”As your body moves, your brain grooves.”


1. Moving your body _____________ different parts of your brain. 2. The fastest readers are ________________, musicians and women. 3. ____________ with your left hand will activate your creative brain side.


From now on, only use your left hand for pacing while you read. Warm up with the Infinity technique and use the Indentation technique while pacing. Remember to tilt your book and sit with a straight back. Use your left hand throughout the day to stimulate your brain power. This will benefit your reading.



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Day 10 - Introducing Speed Drills

”We’re gonna stretch you mind in new ways.”


1. Read for 2 minutes using your finger as a pacer. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4.5. Multiply your lines per minute by the average words per line.

________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my new words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

6. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


1. Reading the same material you read in 4 minutes in 3, 2, and 1 minutes is a ________ ________.

2. It helps to ___________ your reading speed to new heights. 3. Speed Drills train your brain to _________ faster.


Compare your W.P.M. score from day 1 with today’s score. Celebrate your new score and post about your progress in the Tribe. Use today, to acknowledge each other’s efforts and realise that reading smart is really just about the proper training.


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If you follow this Quest on the full engagement level, practice the 1-2-3 technique for 3 minutes to reduce subvocalization.



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Day 11 - Activating Your Peripheral Vision

“Training your soft focus will activate your peripheral vision.”


1. Read for 2 minutes. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4. Multiply your lines per minute times the average words per line in your book. ________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

5. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


1. Using your _____________ vision quickens your reading. 2. Practice your soft focus by _____________. 3. Speed Drills train your brain to ___________ faster.


From now on, instead of reading new text for 10 minutes each day, use the 4-3-2-1 Speed Drill technique. Measure your reading speed afterwards with the W.P.M. Tracker PDF.

If you follow this Quest on the full engagement level, practice the 1-2-3 technique for 3 minutes to reduce subvocalization.


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Day 12 - Boosting Comprehension Part 1

“Questions are the answer.”


1. Let go of _________________. 2. Your reticular activating system ___________ on what you are asking for. 3. Ask powerful questions before each chapter for __________ comprehension.


1. Read for 2 minutes. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4. Multiply your lines per minute times the average words per line in your book. ________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

5. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


Come up with 4-6 powerful questions you can ask yourself before you start reading the next chapter in your book. For example, you can start your question with who, what, where, when, why, or how. From now on, ask yourself powerful questions each time before you start your daily reading.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________


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2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________________


Share with your fellow Super Readers the top 3 questions you are asking yourself for the next chapter in your book. Draw inspiration from what others are asking themselves and deepen your skill of asking better questions. Use this social learning component for you own good and help everybody to stay on track.


Read for your scheduled 10 minutes today using the 4-3-2-1 Technique. Juggle and do the Infinity exercise to warm up before you start. Ask yourself 4-6 questions about what you are about to read.Use the Indentation Technique while pacing. Remember to tilt your book, breathe, and sit with a straight back.

Measure your reading speed afterwards with the W.P.M. Tracker PDF.

If you follow this Quest on the full engagement level, practice the 1-2-3 technique for 3 minutes and learn how to juggle.


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Day 13 - Frequently Asked Questions

“Practicing with light fiction helps all of your reading.”


1. Do a daily Speed _________ or 20 minutes of reading. 2. Measure your W.P.M. _________. 3. Ask _______ questions before reading.


1. Read for 2 minutes. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4. Multiply your lines per minute with the average words per line of your book. ________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

5. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


Read for your scheduled 10 minutes today. You can choose between the 4-3-2-1 Technique or reading 10 minutes at a comfortable level. Remember to warm up your brain and to ask powerful questions before you start reading.

Measure your reading speed afterwards with the W.P.M. Tracker PDF.

If you follow this Quest on the full engagement level, practice the 1-2-3 technique for 3 minutes and learn how to juggle.


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Day 14 - Boosting Comprehension Part 2

“Taking notes is a process that teaches you how to understand, how to retain information better, so you can remember and teach it to others. ”


1. 80% of what you read disappears within ____ hours. 2. Organize what you learned by taking _______. 3. Taking notes leads to better comprehension and ____________.


Always handwrite your notes to benefit most from your note taking.

1. Capture - CreateDraw a vertical line down the middle of your page. Use the left side for capturing notes: facts, step-by-step, how something works. Use the right side for creating notes: questions concerning the material, when and how you will apply this knowledge, how the notes on the left side relate to something you already know. Use the left side for logical and the right side for creative note-taking.

2. Mind MapWrite the main idea in the center of your page. Put the sub-ideas around it and draw lines to connect them to the main idea. Now, add details to your sub-ideas and connect them with a line to the corresponding sub-idea. Use icons or symbols if you can, because the mind thinks in pictures.

3. Quadrants Divide your page in 4 equal quadrants by drawing a horizontal and vertical line on your page. Divide each quadrant again into 4 equal quadrants. Now you have 16 quadrants. Put the main idea (e.g., title of your book) in the middle of the page. Create a question for each of the 4 major quadrants (e.g., who, what, when, where). Write the question in the middle of the corresponding quadrant and take structured notes.


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1. Read for 2 minutes. 2. Count the number of lines you just read. 3. Divide this number by 2.

________ lines / 2 = ________ are my lines per minute.

4. Multiply your lines per minute with the average words per line of your book. ________ lines per minute X ________ words per line = ________ is my words per minute base rate (W.P.M.).

5. Add this number to your W.P.M. tracker.


1. Celebrate yourself for following through with the second week! How can you reward yourself for your progress and persistence? Collect ideas.

2. Reflect on what you learned this week. What were your 3 main take-aways?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________


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Share your 3 main take-aways with the Tribe and check out what others learned. If you have any questions, post them in the group and get the discussion going.

Most importantly, share how your W.P.M. score changed. Post your base rate from Day 1 and from today. Celebrate each other and get ready for one more week of Super Reading training!


Read for your scheduled 10 minutes today. Use what you learned so far: Pacing with the indentation technique, proper posture, tilting the book, soft focus, and warming up with juggling or the Infinity Technique.Make sure to ask your 4-6 questions before you start reading. Read for 10 minutes or do the 4-3-2-1 Speed Drill. Then, take notes about what you read using the method you learned in today’s lesson.


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How can I use this? Why must I use this? When will I use this?