Super Active Leaflet - Pitrashishthe 100% natural Ayurvedic power house for stronger, healthier and...

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Transcript of Super Active Leaflet - Pitrashishthe 100% natural Ayurvedic power house for stronger, healthier and...

Page 1: Super Active Leaflet - Pitrashishthe 100% natural Ayurvedic power house for stronger, healthier and energetic life. With the power of 1. Provides energy and prevents fatigue - st imu

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Tried everything else & failed. It’s time for the 100% natural Ayurvedic power

house for stronger, healthier and energetic life.With the power of 1. Provides energy and prevents fatigue -

stimulates physical and mental activity among weak and tired people.

2. Improves cognitive function - improve thinking ability and cognition.

3. Has anti-inflammatory effects -ginsenosides, which have immune-suppressive effects.

4. Help men with erectile dysfunction.

With rejuvenating 1. Protects the immune system.2. Helps combat the effects of stress.3. Improves learning, memory and reaction

time.4. Reduces anxiety and depression.5. Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration.6. Stabilizes blood sugar.7. Helps lower cholesterol.8. Offers anti-inflammatory benefits.9. Contains anti-malarial properties.10. Enhances sexual potency for both men and


With Magical Anabolic benefits.Immune benefits.Inhibition of painkiller tolerance development.Anti-toxic and anti-radiation.Anti-inflammatory.Energy production. (activates mitochondrial respiration)Tissue regeneration. (Bones, skin, organs, muscles)Mental and physical performance enhancer.Sex Stimulant.

With Nourishes every part of the body specially the reproductive organs.Safe natural remedy to increase the production of milk in mothers.Nourish the vocal cords and improves voice (a herb for singers).Rectifies the working of the urinary system.Herbal remedy for Diabetes and associated infertility.Improves memory and works on anxiety and depression.Good for Menstrual Disorders.

With - a female rejuvanitiveNutritive tonic, rejuvenative, Aphrodisiac, Galactogogue, Laxative, Antispasmodic, Antacid, Diuretic, Antitumor, Demulcent.







Œgtud ;tu cýnw; nwyt vh ymVUÖt...yc mbg yt dgt ni...

ôJô:, Wstogwÿ J

1. Œr;hGt ;àºt mu cat;t ni>2. ;ltJ fuU ŒCtJ mu bwfUtcÖtt fUhlu bü mntg;t fUh;t ni>3. gt= fUhlt, gt= hFlt ;:t Œr;rf{Ugt Nrÿ fUtu

c\Zt;t ni>4. raà;t J n;tmtvl fUtu fUb fUhlu bü mntgfU ni>5. brô;ífU fUtru NfUtytü fUu rJfUth fUb fUhlu bü mntgfU n>i6. çÖtz mqdh fUtu rô:h fUh;t ni>7. fUtpÖtuôx[tÖt fUtu rlgrb; fUhlu bü mntgfU ni>8. Qútuslt htuÆtfU fUtu ŒCtrJ; fUh;t ni>9. bÖturhgt Œr;htuÆtfU Gb;t fUtgb fUh;t>10.¯te J vwÁMtü bü gtil Nrÿ c\Zt;t ni>

1. rlbtoK bü ÖttC>2. Œr;htuÆtfU Gb;t bü ÖttC>3. ==o rlJthfU ytiMrÆtgtuk fUe ytJˆgfU;t fUtu htufUlu bü

mGb nî>4. rJM rJhturÆt J rfUhKvt;e nî>5. rlöl-Qútuslt htuÆtfU nî>6. Qsto rlbtoK - (ˆJml bü btRxtufUtràz[gt fUtu Yr¢xJ

fUhlt)7. QútfUtü fUt vwl& rlbtoK (nrzTzgtü, abo, J btmkvuNe

ykdtu fUt) 8. NtherhfU J btlrmfU rf{Ugt fUtu c\Zt;t nî>9. fUtb-Nrÿ fUtu c\Zt;t nî>

Nheh fu mCe ydk tu rJNMu fUh sllru àŠgtü fUt vtMu K fUh;t n>îbt;t fu Nheh bü mwhrG; J Œtf]Ur;fU =qÆt fu rlbtoK bü c\Ztuúthe fUh;t nî>dÖtu J ytJt\s fUtu vtuMK =u;t nî (dtgfU Wvgtude)>bqºt rlfUtm fUe Œrf{Ugt fUtu rlgrb; fUh;t nî >fUb Œsll Gb;t JtÖtu bÆtbw nu fu htru dgtü fUt gn ytMi rÆt n>îgt= fUhlu fUe Gb;t c\Zt;t ni J raà;t J n;tmt fUtu =qh fUh;t nî>yrlgrb; brmfU Ætbo fu rÖtY Wvgtude nî>

vtiríxfU stuN-JÆtofU vugfUtbtuútusltdtpÖtu¢xtudtpsfUtubÖt;tyrlgrb;;t rJhtuÆteybÖtÀJ ltNfUbqºt-JÆtofUVUtu\zt ltNfUNtrà;=tgfU

rvºttNeM mqvh Yr¢xJ

stuNJÆtofU yˆJdàÆtt fuU mt:...

abÀfUtrhfU rNÖttse; fuU mt:...

rJ=thefUà= fu mt:...

r¯tgtu fUt stuN m;tJhe fuU mt: ÖttC...

Nrÿ JÆtofU =tövÀg seJl fuU rÖtY 100% Œtf]Ur;fU ytgwoJur=fU vtJh ntWm!!!

1. Wsto Œ=tl fUh;u ýýýnwY :fUtl rbxt;t ni - NtherhfU J btlrmfU Áv mu fUbstuh Öttudtu fUt stuN c\Zt;t ni>

2. mtualu-mbSlu fUe gtuÉg;t c\Zt;t ni>3. RåAt-Nrÿ c\Zt;t ni - rslmultumtRz, stu =blfUthe

ŒCtJ fUtu fUb fUh;t ni>4. vwÁMtu bü stuN fUt rlbtoK fUh;t ni>

rslmukd Nrÿ fuU mt:...

Page 2: Super Active Leaflet - Pitrashishthe 100% natural Ayurvedic power house for stronger, healthier and energetic life. With the power of 1. Provides energy and prevents fatigue - st imu

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With For Men - Health Sexual, infertility, Impotence, Low Sperm Count, Sexual Strength Rejuvenation, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Nightfall, Low Libido, Hormone Disorder, Prostate Enlargement.F o r Wo m e n - B r e a s t E n l a r g e m e n t , Endometriosis, Female Inferti l ity, Low Libido, Menopausal Syndrome, Irregular menstruation, Leucorrhea (Discharge), Cervicitis, Dyspareunia.

With An aphrodisiac ,a vital tonic and Nervine tonic.It is also used to treat anemia.Decoction of root is utilized in treating stomach troubles.Is reputed as expectorant and good for cough and chest congestion.Root paste is often used in promoting growth and blackness of hair.

With Natural Sex Booster.Inflammation Fighter avenanthramides reduce inflammatory cytokines.Heart Health Booster. Lower the “bad” low density lipoprotein, or LDL.ADD Helper (attention deficit disorder /hyperactivity disorder).Potentially promote better thyroid function (it is rich in minerals).Avena sativa seeds are not only a rich source of carbohydrate and soluble fibre, they also have the highest content of Iron, Zinc and Manganese. It is said to be useful as a nerve restorative.

With Muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and erectile dysfunction (ED).Prevent Alzheimer's disease.Stop the destructive process of multiple sclerosis (MS).Lower the negative effects of high fat meals.

With (Spilanthes acmella Murr)I t s e f fe c t s o n s e x u a l p e r fo r m a n c e , spermatogenesis, and in the increase of sperm count with positive effects. Akarkara is also known to heal age-related sexual deficiencies.

With It vitalizes the sex hormones and reproductive system Safed Musli promotes libido and sexual endurance thus improving the overall lovemaking performance. Reduces anxiety and tension during sexual act.

For Capsules : Take one capsule everyday morning and evening (two capsules daily) with milk or water. Super Active Ointment - Almond oil, Conium & Camphor in it helps to increase blood circulation to the penis. Apply a small amount of Super Active Ointment over the male organ 25 minutes prior to love making. Wipe it off with soft tissue paper or cloth before the act.


Salam Panja

Avena Sativa



Safed Musli


fUtika fuU mt:...

mÖtb vtàst fuU mt:...

yJelt m;eJt fu mt:...

=tÖtaele fuU mt:...

yf{UfUtht fuU mt:...

mVuU= bwmÖte fuU mt:...

Œgtud rJrÆt

mwvh Yr¢xJ bÖtnb fUe Œgtud rJrÆt&

vwh¥Mtuk bü - mövqKo stuN, mà;tl l ntult, lvwkmfU;t, dwKmwºttü fUe fUbe, ô;öCl, rlbtoK bü rlíf]Ug;t, NeÎt{v;l, ôJËl=tuM, ntbtuoàm fUe fUbe ;:t Œtpôxix d{à:e bü J]rõ RÀgtr= fuU yGb;t bü fUtVUe ŒCtJfUthe nî>

r¯tgtü bü - yltJˆgfU ô;lJ]rõ, dCoÆtthK Gb;t, ctpSvl, stuN fUe fUbe, yrlgrb; J yôvíx btrmfU Ætbo, ‹ttJ, ;:t d{eJt möcràÆt; rf{Ugt bü fUtVUe ŒCtJfUthe>

gn ;ràºtfUt ;àºt fuU rÖtY YfU cÖt-JÆtofU ytiMrÆt nî>Yrlrbgt htud fu Wvath bü ÖttCfUthe nî>mÖtb vt?st fuU s\z fUt fUt\Zt vux fUe mbôgt fu rÖtY ÖttCfUthe nî>At;e bü sbü cÖtdb J Ftpme fuU Wvath bü ÖttCfUthe nî>ctÖttu fUe mbôgt J fUtÖtt Wdlu bü ÖttCfUthe nî>

Œtf]Ur;fU stuNJÆtofU...Wútuslt JÆtofU, WútusfU fUturNfUtytu fu rJCtsl fUtu fUb fUh;t nî>rfUme Ce ŒfUth fu †=g möcràÆt; mbôgt fuU rÖtY ôJtôÚg JÆtofU nî>gn dÖtd{à:e (:tghtgz) Œrf{Ugt fUtu XefU fUh;t nî>yJelt m;eJt fu =tltu bü fUtctuontRz[uxTm ytih DwÖtlNeÖt VUtRch nî crÖfU Rmbü Iron, Zink and Manganese Ce nî, mt: ne gn > ;ràºtfUt ;àºt bü cÖt-JÆtofU nî>

btkmvume bü yfU\zl, =ô;, WÖxe, mkf{UbK, m=eo, CqF l Ötdlt ytih gtuÉg rf{Ugt ytr= fu Wvath bü Ce fUthdh nî>yÖsntRbh htud mu cat;t nî>líx fUhlu JtÖtu fUrXl Œrf{Ugtytü fUtu htufU;t nî>aceo - gwÿ Ctusl fu =wôŒCtJ mu catt nî>

(Spilanthes acmella Murr)

yf{UfUtht blwíg fu gtilrf{Ugt fUtu ŒCtrJ; fUh;t ni> Spermatogenesis, gn ôJô: mwf{UtKwytü fUe J]rõ fUh;u nwY Wra; ŒCtJ ztÖt;t ni> yf{UfUtht c\Z;e Wb{ bü gtilrf{Ugt fUe Gb;t c\Ztlu fu Áv Ce stlt st;t ni>

gn gtil ntbtuol ytih Œsll Nrÿ fUtu mf{Ueg fUh;t ni>mVuU= bwmÖte fUtbuåAt J gtil rô:h;t fUtu c\Zt;t ni, fwUÖt rbÖttfUh gn gtil-rf{Ugt fUtu mw=]\Z ctl;t ni>gtilrf{Ugt fu =tihtl Ôgd{;t ytih ;ltJ fUtu fUb fUhlu bü Ce mntgfU ni>

mtbtàg;& ôJtôÚg ytih WÀmtn fu rÖtY YfU fiUvmqÖt mwcn ytih Ntb fUtu Ctusl fu ct=>vwÁM yvlu slluràŠgtuk vh bÖtnb fUt Œgtud fUhü>Rmbü ytpÖtbtuàz, fUturlgb ;:t fUvqoh fUt rb¶K ni stu vwÁM slluràŠgtuk bü hÿ -mkath c\Zt;t ni>

mwvh Yr¢xJ bÖtnb :tu\ze btºtt bü nt:tü bü ÖtufUh vwÁM yvlu slluràŠgtü fu yd{ Ctd bu ŒubtÖttv fuU 25 rblx vnÖtu Œgtud fUhü> gtil rf{Ugt mu vnÖtu lhb fUv\zu gt xeNq vuvh mu vtuA Ötü>