Sunkist 10[1]


Transcript of Sunkist 10[1]

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Executive Summary

• Our Campaign with Sunkist Ten sets out to introduce this new product to the public, with the expansion of the 10 calorie sodas.

• The campaign allots 91,300,000 over the course of the calendar year, specifically January 1,2013 through December 31, 2013.

• Our goal is to inform the public of this new soft drink that is only 10 calories but still has that same great taste of the original orange Sunkist soda.

• We also hope to generate a high ROI and claim more market share in the Diet soft drink sector. This can be attained by a vigorous national campaign that is also concentrated in our top markets. This campaign will involve advertisements on all the major media facets.

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Executive Summary • Our target audience consists of late teens to young adults 17-28.

Characteristically they enjoy having a good time and are all about being smart but also enjoy to kick back. An increase in soft drink sales is our main goal in this campaign; these targets are the best audience to go after.

• Our campaign will also research the target audience using surveys telling us how strong the customer base is and possible potential new targets. The Sunkist Ten campaign will rely heavily on national television, magazine, social media and outdoor advertising plan. The television ads will be featured generally on cable channels but will also run on network television as well.

• We will position our ads during programs that attract our target group of young and upbeat individuals. The same strategy will apply to when putting out the ads that will be seen in outdoor, magazines, and digital.

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Competitive analysis

• Pepsi Next is a soft drink that is similar to Sunkist Ten in that it is also a soda that is not quit diet and not regular it is somewhat in between. It contains both artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.

• All other various diet soft drinks would also be considered as competition due to its low caloric content.

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Market Situation

• In 1979, Sunkist Soda was launched nationally and quickly became the #1 orange soda on the market. Now it has expanded and has many brand extensions including: Sunkist Ten.

• Sunkist Ten is targeted to individuals who enjoy soft drinks and want to cut back on calories but don’t like the taste of diet beverages. People are more conscious about the amount of calories they take in now, and this product should be well in demand due to this. There's an overabundance of diet soft drinks on the market but there isn’t enough drinks that are somewhat in the middle: “light soft drinks”. Sunkist Ten provides that balance between a full flavored soda and a diet one. With this you can get both great taste and low calories.