Sunday Slides 12-13-2020 - slides...

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Transcript of Sunday Slides 12-13-2020 - slides...

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  • Order of ServiceDecember 13, 2020

    3rd Sunday of Advent, 2020-21


    Prayer of InvocationJeff Teal

    Hymn “Emmanuel”

    Lighting of Advent Wreath The Candle of JoyLuke Tuck

    Call to Worship The Joy of ChristmasTrey Tuck

    Hymn (vs. 1, 2, 4) “Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come”

    Children’s TimeTrish Bryan

  • Hymn (vs. 1, 2, 3) “Good Christian Men, Rejoice”

    Pastoral Prayer

    Hymn (vs. 1, 3) “O Come All Ye Faithful”

    Scripture Reading Luke 1:26-35Terry Turner

    Scripture Reading Luke 2:4-12Carynn Davis

    Special Music “Strange Way to Save the World”Mike Cone

    Message “Getting Back to Normal for Christmas- Finding Joy”

    Hymn (vs. 2) “Go, Tell It on the Mountain”


    Instrumental Music as We are Dismissed Row by Row

  • Ongoing Prayer Concerns



    ...Pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

    ~ 1 Timothy 2:1, NLT

    • Bob Conrad• Ruth Parrish• Pauline Bishop• Hank Plott• Mattie Goodwin• Martha Garrison• Edwin Ray Kirby• Robert Haynie• Eleanor Foster

  • HOMEBOUND• Curtis Boone• Edna Yates• Hazel Lyon• Susie Ortmann• Jack & Ruth Parrish• Kenneth & Sylvia

    Strickland• Mae Ray• Nona Spencer

    MILITARY• Kyle Rose (US Army

    - Pentagon)• Benjamin Clark

    (US Navy)

  • • Nancy Rogers• Marshall Dixon• Nanette Carpenter• Mike Ellis• Brenda Adcock• Frank Marcinowski• Alvin Gates• John Evers• Dennis Lester• Mike Harris• Donna Sempsrott• Bill & Teresa Craig• Jim Brooks• Virginia Adcock

    • Bill Birdsong• Deborah Ferrell• Barbara Whitlow• Hayley Woodcock• Goldie Woodlief• Marge Miller• Colleen Lang• Mary Ellen Forsythe• Arthur & Maxine

    Byrd• Paulette Duke


  • • Kenny McCray• Dwain Dixon• Ricky Dixon• Leigh Ann Toulson• Dean Eubanks• Jackie Newton• Janet Harwell• Ryan Lee• Ava Slaughter• Pam Smoak• Bobby Loving• Charlie Cone• Harold Ellis

    EXTENDED FAMILY PRAYER CONCERNS• Dawn Lemons• Gene & Jackie Rogers• Mary West Becker• Priscilla Cox• Janet Blotzer• Tracy Hill

    SYMPATHY• The Family of

    Randy Hamilton

    • The Family of Yvonne Cooper

  • Thank you for your continued financial support during these difficult times.

    As a reminder, tithes and offerings may be placed in the offering box located in the

    vestibule, mailed to the church, placed in the “IN” box at the outside entry to the church

    offices, or you may contribute online.

  • Cards and Notes of Encouragement

    Remember those in nursing homes, rehab centers and our homebound during this Thanksgiving season.

    Take a moment to send them a card or note of encouragement to let them know they are being thought of.

  • Dear First Baptist Church Congregation,

    Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

    It has been a tradition to collect a CHRISTMAS LOVE OFFERING for the staff of First Baptist Church. We are asking for your continued support in showing our thankfulness and appreciation to the people that serve our great body in Christ.

    There is a call of God to the individuals to be “set apart” as God’s servant(s) in ministry.

    We will be accepting offerings through Sunday morning, December 20. We are tentatively planning on presenting the CHRISTMAS LOVE OFFERING during our service on December 20.

    A special envelope can be picked up in the vestibule or outside the church office or you can mark any envelope “Christmas Love Offering”. Gifts may be placed in the offering boxes in the vestibule, mailed to the church, or dropped off in the “IN” box outside the office entry. You may also give online. The link can be found on our website. Choose “Staff Gifts” under Fund.

    On behalf of your Deacon Body at First Baptist Church, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    In Christ Love,

    First Baptist Church Deacons

  • We hope you will join us TONIGHT at 6:00 P.M.

    in the Sanctuaryfor our Children’s Christmas Pageant

    (all safety protocols will be followed)

    Children’s Christmas Pageant

  • We will be doing Christmas cards this year although it will be different. This year we will not pass out cards during Church. We will be placing all cards in bags for each family in the gym and they will be given out

    prior to Christmas. We wanted to continue this ministry as it is enjoyed by so many. We understand there may be some who may not feel safe

    to participate and we understand those concerns. If you let Stacy Ayscue or Teresa Walker know we will withhold your cards. We hope that this

    will bring smiles to our Church family in these trying times all while remembering the real reason for the Christmas season.

    Christmas Card Express

    through December 13 (TODAY)

  • Friday, December 18from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.

    in the Family Life Center(all safety protocols will be followed)

    Please contact Liz Davis or Stacy Ayscue if you have questions.

  • GOAL: $1,000

  • CCM Toy Ministry

    Items for December

    Decorated Boxes and Gift Bags

  • Donations to the Butner Food Pantry can be made at the pantry on Tuesdays from 1:30-3:00 p.m. or Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 p.m. We will also collect items at the church office during regular office hours.

    Most Needed Items This Week:

    All-Purpose White Flour White RiceUnsweetened Applesauce Canned PineappleDry Lentil Beans