Sunday Roundtable #2: Wordless Chorus

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Transcript of Sunday Roundtable #2: Wordless Chorus

  • 7/30/2019 Sunday Roundtable #2: Wordless Chorus


    Sunday Roundtable #2Wordless Chorus

    Why are you so afraid of silence? Silence is the root of everything. If you spiral into its

    void, a hundred voices will thunder messages you long to hear.


    People often ask me questions that I cannot very well answer in words, and it makes me

    sad to think they are unable to hear the voice of my silence.

    -Inayat H. Khan

    Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is

    deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time.-Thomas Carlyle

    Language can only deal meaningfully with a special, restricted segment of reality. The

    rest, and it is presumably the much larger part, is silence.

    -George Steiner

    The water in a vessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark. The small truth has words

    which are clear; the great truth has great silence.

    -Rabindranath Tagore

    To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you

    need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you

    hear the truth and know the solutions.

    -Deepak Chopra

    Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life

    has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us

    to learn from.-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

    And now there is merely silence, silence, silence, saying all we did not know.

    -William Rose Benet
  • 7/30/2019 Sunday Roundtable #2: Wordless Chorus


    When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become

    inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

    -Ansel Adams

    After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

    -Aldous Huxley

    Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is

    full of music.

    -Marcel Marceau

    Silence is more musical than any song.

    -Christina Rossetti

    You know whats the loudest noise in the world, man? The loudest noise in the world issilence.

    -Thelonious Monk

    The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pause s between the notes ah,

    that is where the art resides!

    - Arthur Schnabel

    I sat there singing her

    Songs in the dark.

    She said,

    I do not understand

    The words.

    I said,

    There are

    No words.

    -Langston Hughes, Songs

    To a poet, silence is an acceptable response, even a flattering one.

    -Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

    To listen to your own silence is the key to comedy.

    -Elayne Boosler
  • 7/30/2019 Sunday Roundtable #2: Wordless Chorus


    Silence is so accurate.

    -Mark Rothko

    Most of the conflicts and tensions are due to language. Dont pay so much attention to

    the words. In loves country, language doesnt have a place. Love is mute.-Shams Tabrizi

    Love is an emotion. Totally silent and inexpressible with words.


    We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the

    friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars,

    the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch

    souls.-Mother Teresa

    Stop the words now. Open the window in the center of your chest, and let the spirits fly

    in and out.


    There are people and nations, Mother, that I would like to say to you by name. I entrust

    them to you in silence, I entrust them to you in the way that you know best.

    -Pope John Paul II

    All the masters tell us that the Reality of life which our noisy waking consciousness

    prevents us from hearing speaks to us mainly in Silence.

    Karlfried Graf Durkhelm

    In prayerful silence you must look into your own heart. No one can tell you better than

    yourself what comes between you and God. Ask yourself. Then listen!

    -Johannes Tauler

    "There is a voicethat doesn't use words. Listen!"
