Sunday, October 4, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Garden Patio · 1 Larry Bernardez 8 Ryan Bangs 16 Connor...

Northminster Presbyterian Church “Caring for all with God’s love and grace.” 315 E. Alvin Drive _ Salinas CA 93906 831-449-2717 _ Community Outreach Faire Reaching out with practical love to our neighbors! Sunday, October 4, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Garden Patio Details inside! From the Pastor From the Pastor From the Pastor From the Pastor Vol. XIX, No. 10 Vol. XIX, No. 10 Vol. XIX, No. 10 Vol. XIX, No. 10 October1, 2015 October1, 2015 October1, 2015 October1, 2015 Dear friends, On September 23, Pope Francis canonized Junipero Serra (founder of the California Mission trail, and buried at Mission San Carlos Borromeo here in Monterey County) making him a saint. At the end of this month, we will celebrate “All Hallows Eve” (that is, “Halloween”), the evening before “All Saints Day” on November 1. Throughout the calendar year, there are any number of days dedicated to one saint or another, including St. Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day, with All Saints Day included to catch any saint who didn’t get his own day! But, what is a “saint?” Is a saint someone who was extra special? Or can just any one be a saint? According to the Roman Catholic Church, for someone to be sainted, there are certain criteria: at least two miracles must have been performed through the saint’s intervention, the individual must have led an exemplary Christian life of service, and of course, they must be dead. It is an amazingly long process (Serra was beatified, the third step in the four-step process, in 1988!), and only the Pope can canonize someone. (Continued on back page)

Transcript of Sunday, October 4, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Garden Patio · 1 Larry Bernardez 8 Ryan Bangs 16 Connor...

Northminster Presbyterian Church

“Caring for all with God’s love and grace.”315 E. Alvin Drive _ Salinas CA 93906831-449-2717 _


Outreach Faire

Reaching out with practical

love to our neighbors!

Sunday, October 4,

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Garden Patio

Details inside!

From the Pastor From the Pastor From the Pastor From the Pastor

Vol. XIX, No. 10Vol. XIX, No. 10Vol. XIX, No. 10Vol. XIX, No. 10 October1, 2015 October1, 2015 October1, 2015 October1, 2015

Dear friends,

On September 23, Pope Francis canonized Junipero

Serra (founder of the California Mission trail, and

buried at Mission San Carlos Borromeo here in

Monterey County) making him a saint. At the end

of this month, we will celebrate “All Hallows Eve”

(that is, “Halloween”), the evening before “All

Saints Day” on November 1. Throughout the

calendar year, there are any number of days

dedicated to one saint or another, including St.

Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day, with All

Saints Day included to catch any saint who didn’t

get his own day!

But, what is a “saint?” Is a saint someone who was

extra special? Or can just any one be a saint?

According to the Roman Catholic Church, for

someone to be sainted, there are certain criteria: at

least two miracles must have been performed

through the saint’s intervention, the individual must

have led an exemplary Christian life of service, and

of course, they must be dead. It is an amazingly

long process (Serra was beatified, the third step in

the four-step process, in 1988!), and only the Pope

can canonize someone.

(Continued on back page)

1 Larry Bernardez8 Ryan Bangs16 Connor Bangs18 Autumn Thornton21 Karen Bohn

Ed McKinney23 Debbie Palmer25 John Gutekunst28 Jim Vincent29 Jean Monarque31 Caity Michels

Jessica Montero

November Early Birds

3 Rachel BiesingerJuliette Loder

6 Grace Bryan7 Doreen Graham8 Venita Miltz

October October October October


6 Jeff & Felisa Hoogendyk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47th

7 Louis & Jane Hembree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48th

8 Jessica & Tino Montero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11th

13 Carolyn & Robbie Bohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8th

21 Don & Vee Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64th

23 Ken & Pat Tunstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44th

November Early Birds

5 John & Diane Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49th

* If your name is missing from this list and you wouldlike to add it, please contact the church office.


Regular Events(Check the Sunday bulletin for updated info)

Sundays8:45 am Adult Sunday School - Rm 1110:00 am Traditional Worship - Sanctuary11:30 am Cribbage Club - Lobby11:00 am Children’s Sunday School - Rm 21

Mondays12:30 pm Senior Singers - Geneva Rm

Tuesdays9:30 am Women’s Bible Study - Rm 1110:30 am Staff Meeting - Library5:30 pm Youth Connection -Youth Rm (Rm 24)

Wednesdays12:00 pm Lunch Bunch - Library3:30 pm F.L.O.C.K./Satellite - Ministry Center5:30 pm Middle School Youth - Youth Rm5:45 pm* Chancel Bells Rehearsal - Bell Rm 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Choir Rm

Thursdays7:00 am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

Other Events


4 11:00 am Outreach Faire5 6:30 pm Board of Deacons10 9:30 am Walk to Defeat ALS - Monterey11 10:00 am “Holy Cow” Offering in Worship11 11:00 am Worship & Arts Committee12 10:15 am Finance Committee15 Newsletter Deadline15 8:30 am Personnel Committee18 10:00 am Worship - Children’s Sabbath18 11:00 am Fellowship Potluck18 2:00 pm Hartnell College Orchestra Concert20 5:30 pm Mission Committee22 Preschool Pumpkin Patch (3's/KP)22 1:30 pm Priscilla Circle23 Preschool Pumpkin Patch (4's)26 6:30 pm Session




Wanda Stark - home (Alaska)Dorothy Cavanagh, Doreen Graham - Katherine

Emma Price - Brookdale Ann Binns - The Ridge

Bonnie Ish - Recently moved fm Serra Village


Outreach Faire

Sunday, October 4,

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Garden Patio

Bounce HouseHot Dog Lunch

Police Reps (with Child Safety Kits)Fire Department Reps

Alliance on AgingChristian Ed Booth

City Officials (to be confirmed)

Fellowship Potluck

Sunday October 18

After Worship!

Bring your favorite potluck dish for great, around-the-table greetin’ and eatin’, just the way Jesus did!

If you can’t bring a dish to share, still please join us; welove your cooking, but we love YOU more!!

See you there!


October 10El Estero



9:30 a.m. Registration Opens11:00 a.m. Walk Begins

Post Event BBQ

This is your chance to join together to eliminate ALS,a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease. ALS is a neurodegenerativedisease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinalcord, robbing the victim of mobility and, ultimately, breathand life.

NPC will continue to fight in memory of Ernie Smith,who struggled with ALS for over a decade. “Ernie’sElephants (We Never Forget)” will take up the mantle to“Defeat ALS” remembering Ernie and others, who havebeen taken by this cruel killer.

Don’t miss this vital AND inspirational event! Wehave a lovely walk around Lake El Estero (appx. two miles)and enjoy music and ascrumptious BBQ. Bringyour family, friends - eventhe furry kind - as we helpthe ALS Association bringan end to the sufferingc a u s e d b y A L S . Registration forms areavailable in the churchoffice! If you can’t attendbut would like to donateto the cause, contact Micki.

Hartnell College


In ConcertOctober 18, 2:00 pm

To honor Children’s Sabbath, the orchestra willpresent a delightful program for the young atheart including:

++++ Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz++++ Selections from The King and I++++ The Polar Express++++ The Synchopated Clock++++ First Movement of Mozart’s

Flute Concerto in G++++ ...and more!

The orchestra is made up of members of ourcommunity ranging in age from 13 to 90, includingfolks from Northminster, such as flute soloist,Dana Vivit! Don’t miss this afternoon of great,kid-friendly music, followed by cookies and punch. Admission is free!

From the Pastor


Lunch With the Bunch!!You’ve seen them on the calendar and wondered, what isthe “Lunch Bunch”? This is a group of ladies who meeteach Wednesday at noon in the Church library to enjoyfriendship and lunch. After lunch, we work on ComfortPillows for surgery patients at Salinas Valley MemorialHospital. We’re always interested in expanding our group, so ifyou’ve got an opening onWednesdays, and wouldlike to join our circle offriends as we help to givecomfort to others, bring abag lunch and a smallsewing kit and we’ll seeyou there at noon!

However, Protestants believe that we are all saints.Paul concludes his letter to the Philippians with“Greet every saint in Christ Jesus.” Psalm 31proclaims, “Love the Lord, all you his saints.” Iencourage you to look up the word “saints” in yourConcordance or online and see how many times itis used to refer to all believers. One of the greathymns of our faith begins, “For all the saints, whofrom their labors rest,/Who Thee by fair before theworld confessed,/Thy name, O Jesus, be foreverblest./Alleluia! Alleluia!”

We are all saints. We have all been made holythrough the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And asGod’s holy people, we live out our life and oursainthood by caring for others. John Calvin, thefounder of our branch of the Reformed Church,wrote that we should “treat everyone as membersof the elect;” that is, we should treat everyone as ifthey are one of the saints of God, even if they don’tknow it yet!

So, my fellow saints, live your life as a chosen oneof God, made holy through Jesus’ love andatonement. Care for others; give generously to thework of the church; and love God!

See you in church!


Coffee Time is Happy Time!!

The Board of Deacons islooking for hospitable folksto help them in the CoffeeHour/Fellowship time afterworship. We are looking forhosts/hostesses to preparecoffee, punch and the other refreshments that we enjoyduring that special time of fellowship. There are a fewSundays not spoken for; if you are interested in helpingin this vital ministry that keeps us connected, please signup in the narthex. If you have any questions, please seeDeacon Ilsa Afoa, or contact the church office. Thankyou!

It’s time to bring your talent forsinging out of the shower and shareit with your church family on Sundaymornings (and other worshipservices)!! Our Chancel Choir islooking for folks who love making ajoyful noise in praise to God!

If you need a little encouragement totake this big step, Dana Vivit,

Director of Music, is standing by to provide just the rightinspiration to start you up. Rehearsals are Wednesdaysat 7:30 pm.


The Salinas Valley Rock and GemClub invites you to join this fun andeducational association! They willmeet at Northminster, in theGeneva Room, at 7:00 pm onMonday, October 19.

The meetings feature information and oftendemonstrations on tumbling, faceting, beveling and othertechniques. They also hold an annual Rock and GemShow.

If you’re a “rock hound” you will love these folks!

We are in the process ofre-establishing our Children’sSunday School program! Withthe increase of children in ourcongregation (Hallelujah!!), wewould like to have a dedicatedBible time on Sunday morningsjust for them.

We believe that it is necessary for children to be inworship on Sunday mornings with their parents, learningwhat the worship of God is, so unlike other churches wewill never have Sunday School during worship.

We are hoping there is a group of people who lovechildren and would be willing to teach a class afterworship for about a half hour, while parents are enjoyingcoffee and “tall talk”. Would that be you? If we haveenough people respond, a different teacher could takeeach week of the month, or two weeks out of eachmonth.

If you feel the tugging of God to minister to ourchildren, please talk to Pastor Andy or to Elder AimeeCuda.

Dear friends,

Once again, I would like tothank you all for yourgenerous gifts that youbestowed on the cowboys,cowgirls, their families andfriends (during the California

Rodeo). They are always very thankful for them and theyso appreciate your generosity. This year we had 13churches and Spring 4-H participate in our cookieoutreach. The variety that you come up with is truly ablessing. They love the standards like chocolate chip,oatmeal, sugar, snicker doodles and peanut butter, butthey also like the unusual and varied ones too. We keepfour large jars stocked with the standards and put thosespecialty kinds on trays. And when you take that extraeffort to put your cookies in boxes or plastic containers,or on trays, it makes transporting them easier and resultsin less damaged cookies. For that we are grateful.

I have loved my job as “Cookie Lady” and have beenblessed by your contributions each year. Your gifts donot go unnoticed. When you give anything of yourself,you are bestowing it upon the Lord. “Verily I say untoyou, inasmuch as ye have done it (fed and quenchedthirst) unto the least of these my brethren, ye have doneit unto me.” Matthew 26:40

Thank you again for your participation this year. Wehope you will join us again next year.


June Cornell, Cookie ChairmanBonnie Stoeberl, Contestant Center Chairman

Church Staff / Participants

Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy RauschOrganist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claire VincentDirector of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dana VivitChoir Accompanist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adrienne NoggleDaycare: . . . . . . . Laura Hunter-Michels, Michelle Dominguez,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tasha Layman, Stephanie Dominguez,. . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Robles, Jennifer Moore, Susan Neilson,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danielle Tetreault, Jessica MezaChildren’s Ministry Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margarita PerezSunday Nursery Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rita RoblesPreschool/KinderPrep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura, Krynda MichelsCustodian, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pete Gomez, Alan BalchGroundskeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dotty PetroskyAudio/Visual Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom FolliardChurch Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micki Brown