Sunday Liberty · Web viewVol.2....

Sunday Liberty Pole Vol.2. No.23; June 4, 2016 Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW). This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records 1

Transcript of Sunday Liberty · Web viewVol.2....

Sunday Liberty Pole

Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No.23; June 4, 2016

Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots

Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW).

This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.

Muhammad Ali

Editor’s Note: Here are three of the top You Tube documentary videos on the champion’s life. Godspeed to an American legend.

Muhammad Ali Highlights: Best Movements (VIDEO); 11/29/2013: Opponents: Moore, Liston, Frazier et al: 2.5 million views.

Top 10 Greatest Boxers of All Time (VIDEO); 8/30/2015: From Ali to Tyson: 11.4 million views.

Muhammad Ali: "This is Your Life" (VIDEO); 6/28/2011 a Thames (British production) includes Ali's parents, surprise guests and Joe Frazier: 2.2 million views.

Editor’s Note: Special Event, pg. 5


Project X: The Clinton's First Email Scandal (Commentary); 5/31/2016 by Jeff Dunetz at Constitution: Electronics don't lie, people do? (KK)

ACLU Leader Quits after Men Enter Daughters' Restroom; 6/2/2016 by Warner Todd Huston at Breitbart (GA): What's good for the goose? (AP)

Trump Plans Visit to Israel before GOP Convention in July; 6/1/2016 DEBKAfile Exclusive Report: Location, location, location. (DB)

U.S. Navy Develops "Railgun" Magnetic Pulse Super weapon; Geoffrey Grider at Now the End Begins: You read it right-picked off conspiracy and ultra-conservative site.

GOP "Social-Conservative" Turncoats Side with Obama on TG Potties; 5/27/2016 by Maggie Gallaher at National Review: GOP betrayal in another form. (DW);

 Obama Names Official Linked to Terrorist Group as Liaison to Muslims; 5/30/2016 by Ryan Mauro at The Clarion Project: 5th-column movement is alive and well.

FL Professor Touts Sharia Law: Supports Severing Hands, Blasphemy Laws; 5/31/2016 by Ryan Mauro at The Clarion Project: Sharia creep? Hey, doc, find the Constitution.

Executive expresses outrage to Obama: Visit Pearl Harbor, not Hiroshima. (Commentary); 5/27/2016 by Dan Riehl at Breitbart: Executive scolds Obama on radio show. Powerful. (DB)

Islam in the United States: Before Obama and Now. (News/Commentary); 5/27/2016 Truth Revolt: This "Then" and "Now" on Islam in America is stunning. (KK)

National (continued):

Open Primary Questions for GOP: Check Rule 16-(d) (e); 5/28/2016 by The Conservative Minuteman on Face Book: Will CA GOP votes count? Only registered Republicans can vote for President and Central Committee here. Are other states in jeopardy? Article raises lots of questions. (NB)

Government Study: Cell Phone Radiation Linked to Brain Cancer (Commentary); 5/30/2016 by Ian Greenhaigh at DC Clothesline:

Hang onto Your Wallet: the 2016 Real Price of Obamacare State-by-State; 5/30/2016 by Bob Bryan at Business Insider AOL News:  And some folks think this is a good idea.

Animal Rights Activists feel "the Bern" in Oakland: Rush stage. 5/30/2016 by Adelle Nazarian at Breitbart California: OK, too much inbreeding at PETA?

In Case You Missed It:

U.S. Unemployment Statistics: Analysis answers Larger Questions. No surprise. 4/30/2016 by Chuck Vollmer at Job Economics Blog: Unemployment analysis stands Alone. (MN)

Lost Couple cut Gate Chains at Nuclear Site to find Road; 5/29/2016 curated by Carly Hoilman at the Blaze from an AP story: Thank God these yahoos weren't Islamic terrorists. Any lesson learned?

Why CA's Experiment in $15 hourly Minimum Wage can backfire; 4/4/2016 by Mark J. Perry at American Enterprise Institute: Minimum wage standards will backfire. Surprise!

California/Los Angeles:

Gun Owners of CA: Legislative Listing: A soup-to-nuts compilation of the laws that legislatures propose to shrink the 2A. Stunning. (DW)

CA Top Two Primary Choices: One-party rule by "Donkeys"; 5/31/2016 by Steven Greenhut in Eureka publication of the Hoover Institution: Goodbye GOP?

Thanks to Obama for Importing Crime into CA; 5/2/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: So much for national security, Mr. O.

Zombie Voter Apocalypse: CA in Fog over Voter Fraud; 5/26/2016 by Hans von Spakovsky at The Daily Signal: Is CA the tip of this iceberg? Here's a follow-up to last week's story with some good links--including the one following the one below.

Remember the Help America Vote Act? Guess even Minimum Standards Unmet


Aussie Parents Pissed-off: Muslims leave during National Anthem; 5/30/2016 by William Chase at The clock is ticking...

Islamic State Plotting to Attack Euro 2016 Games in France; 5/31/2016: Captured Computer of Paris Terrorist reveals Plans to Target Soccer Fans

Patriot’s Corner:

Special Event:

IRS v First Amendment: Time to Intimidate the IRS!

The IRS scandal began with Lois Lerner and continues under John Koskinen.

Let’s use Free Enterprise to expose the IRS: Pre-order this book and meet its author.

“The Intimidation Game: How the Left is Silencing Free Speech” by Kim Strassel, documents how a corrupt and partisan IRS targets conservative and ’Tea Party’ groups.

The San Fernando Valley Patriots is one of the grassroots groups included in this investigative work by one of the most respected Wall Street Journal columnists and Beltway pundits seen on the Fox News Channel and read at WSJ’s “Potomac Watch.”

The SFV Patriots will host Ms. Strassel at a presentation/book tour promotion on Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. at Emle’s Restaurant, 9250 Reseda Blvd., Northridge, CA 91324; 818-772-2203. Seating limited: first-come, first-served. Cover charge: Order an entrée off the menu!

Do this Now!

Pre-order the “Intimidation Game” at Amazon—better with Amazon Prime--to receive it by June 21, 2016 in time for the book-signing event. The SFV Patriots will order 10 books to buy at below-cost donation of $20.

Eagle Action:

CA Voter Information

Also check: under ‘election’:

To vote Republican, you must be registered Republican! Registration (Postmarked) Deadlines: Oct. 24/2016 for Nov. 8 National Election CA Secretary of State Online Voter Registration L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk:

The Highlight Reels:

 Viral Video: 1992 Brown v Clinton Democrat Debate; Brown attacks Hillary, Rose Law Firm. Fun watch: File under Sex, Lies and Videotape.

 Top 10 Assassinations in History (VIDEO)

Glen Campbell plays William Tell Overture (VIDEO)

Truth about the CA Drought: Farms or Famine (VIDEO) "Dead Harvest" chronicles the truth about dying farms and Sacramento water policies: The Golden State’s reality show on man-made disasters. Take 30 minutes. Outstanding! Editor’s Note: This is a primer will repeat until SFVP July meeting featured speaker: Kole Upton of FPV.


D-Day: A Critical Moment in History (Narrated Video/Graphics) 6/6/2014: Less than 5 minutes but a solid “sampler.”

History Channel Documentary: "Surviving D-Day" (VIDEO); 5/28/2015: High-definition drama with behind-the-scenes engineering/manpower. (Time: 1:30)

D-Day Normandy (1944-2014): Hollywood Portrayal (VIDEO); Scenes with a then-and-now format. More powerful and reverent than you'd think (Time: 29 minutes.)

Veterans Commemorate Normandy: "The Battle Beyond" (VIDEO); 7/16/2014: The 77-day Battle for Normandy that followed the invasion (Time: 59 minutes)

At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.

American Apocalypse: Let's Count 13 Ways (Commentary); 5/2/2016 by Michael Snyder at DC Clothesline: Recommend two shots of bourbon with 1 aspirin.

Democracies End with too much Democracy? (Commentary); 5/2/2016 by Andrew Sullivan at New York Magazine's "Daily Intelligencer": Left, Right, Left.

Kerry Promoting a "Borderless" World (Commentary); 5/9/2016 by Tad Cronn at Constitution: Utopia from a catsup bottle.

Is "Trumponomics" Simply a Zombie version of "Bushonomics" and "Obamanomics"? 5/2/2016 by Willis L. Krumholz at The Federalist: OK. It’s time for a calculator and a reality check.

Keep "Civil Rights" out of Education (Commentary); 4/12/2016 by Gerard Robinson at American Enterprise Institute (AEI): Did "Dick" and "Jane" have equality? Nah. They just knew the 3 "R's" and which bathroom to use. Interesting read.

A Conservative's Guide for Trump: Try a sprinkling of Populism v Marxism; 5/4/2016 by D.C. McAllister at The Federalist: How about a new acronym? PINO: Populist in Name Only? Just asking.

At the Hearth (continued):

Freedom Riders v BLM; 5/4/2016 by Bill Bennett and John T.E. Cribb at The American Patriot's Daily Almanac: You were alive. Hey, #BlackLivesMatter activists, these were true civil rights’ leaders.

Left-Wing’s May Rant: 5 Worst Right-wing Moments (Commentary); 5/14/2016 by Janet Allon at Alter Net: Just to remind you that we are not alone.

Chomsky: Two-Party Identity Fading (News/Commentary); 5/15/2016 by Alexandra Rosenmann at Alter Net: Left, Right, Left foot in mouth disease.

Faith in America: Christianity and Church Attendance; 3/7/2016 by Arthur C. Brooks at American Enterprise Institute "AEIdeas": The "nones" have it.;

A Conversation with a Bernie Campus Co-Ed (Commentary); 6/2/2016 by Tad Cronn at Constitution;

Editor’s note: Two commentaries from Susan Shelley in the San Fernando Valley’s own Los Angeles Daily News. Catch her conservative column twice weekly.

High-Speed Rail Goes off Track, Again (Commentary); 5/17/2016 by Susan Shelley at Los Angeles Daily News: Jerry's train to nowhere. (DB)

CA New Gun Laws Headed to Supreme Court? (Commentary); 5/26/2016 by Susan Shelley at Los Angeles Daily News: Ready, Aim, SCOTUS.

Time to Resist the "Pothole Tax" (News/Commentary); 6/3/2016 by John Moorlach, CA State Senator (37th SD)

Time to Resist the "Pothole Tax" (News/Commentary); 6/3/2016 by John Moorlach, CA State Senator (37th SD)

Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to [email protected] for a future edition.

New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at