Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition

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  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition



    American Almanac

    American Roots of the New Revolution in China

    Sun Yat-sen:

    The Father of China's Republican Tradition

    b !ichael "illin#ton

    EIRNS/Charles Hughes

    Chinese-Americans rall in New Yor$ Cit's Chinatown on !a %& in sup-

    port of the student demonstrators in "ei(in#)

    The spectacua! !e"#ut$#% seep$%' (h$%a, a%) a**ect$%' the e%t$!e #!)

    p#$t$c, has *#!ce*u+ !eact$"ate) the %at$#%a$st t!a)$t$#% h$ch 'a"e $!th t#

    the Repu$c #* (h$%a, a%) the p!$%c$pes #* the *athe! #* that t!a)$t$#%, D!-

    Su% .at/se%- The c#u!a'e#us stu)e%ts a%) 0$$#%s #* c$t$e%s h# #"e!/

    ca0e the *ea! $%)uce) + p#$ce/state p#e!, ha"e, th!#u'h the$! act$#%s,

    $!!e"e!s$+ )a0a'e) the !ue #* c#00u%$s0 $% (h$%a a%) "$!tua+ )es/

    t!#+e) the ca!e*u+ %u!tu!e) *!au) #*glasnost.

    Th$s !e"#ut$#%, h$ch s# hu0$$ate) the "$s$t$%' 2$3ha$ G#!ache" a%)th!eate%s h$s #% c#00u%$st !ue, has ee% "$!tua+ %e'ecte) + P!es$)e%t

    4ush, h# "aues h$s c#%)#0$%$u0 a!!a%'e0e%t $th the cu!!e%t c#00u%$st

    ea)e!s 0#!e tha% the *$'ht *#! *!ee)#0- .et the $%sp$!at$#% *#! th$s c#u!a'e/

    #us 0#"e0e%t $s, t# a s$'%$*$ca%t )e'!ee, p!ec$se+ the A0e!$ca% (#%st$tu/

    t$#% h$ch P!es$)e%t 4ush $s s#!% t# uph#), h$ch D!- Su% .at/se%

    !#u'ht t# (h$%a %ea!+ 1 +ea!s a'#-

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    The (h$%ese ha"e tu!%e) the$! 'ae t# Ta$a% he!e )!a0at$c ec#%#0$c

    success e0e!'e) *!#0 the app$cat$#% #* D!- Su%6s $)eas, u%)e! the ea)e!/

    sh$p #* the pa!t+ he *#u%)e), the 7u#0$%ta%' 72T, h$e the 0a$%a%)

    has ee% )!$"e% th!#u'h c+ces #* cha#s a%) c#apse-

    The stu)e%ts ha"e !e*e!!e) t# the$! 0#"e0e%t as a :Ne 2a+ ;th 2#"e/0e%t,: $% !e*e!e%ce t# the 0#"e0e%t au%che) #% 2a+ ;, 1919, he%

    1, (h$%ese stu)e%ts 0a!che) $% )e*$a%ce #* the ecte)- Sha%tu%' p!#"$%ce as a#cate) t# Japa% as he! :sphe!e

    #* $%*ue%ce-: I% sh#!t, (h$%a, a% a+ #* the G!eat P#e!s, as t!eate) as a%e%e0+-

    The China Press !#te 2a+ 1, 1919@ :(h$%a, h# ha) ##3e) *#! the )a%

    #* a %e e!a, sa that %# su% #u) !$se *#! he! $% the West@ e !ea$e) that

    the este!% )e0#c!ac$es e!e '!eat $a!s the% e 3%e that a%#the! #!)

    a! #u) c#0e, a%) that a '!eat a! #u) e *#u'ht $% the East-: A%

    A0e!$ca% 0$%$ste! t# (h$%a, Pau Re$%sch, !#te@ :N#he!e ese $% the

    #!) ha) eBpectat$#%s #* A0e!$ca6s ea)e!sh$p ee% !a$se) s# h$'h- - - - The

    (h$%ese t!uste) A0e!$ca-:

    Thus, #% 2a+ ;, 1919, 1, #* (h$%a6s stu)e%ts a%) $%teectuas !#se $% a

    '$'a%t$c )e0#%st!at$#% $% Pe3$%'- I00e)$ate+ *##$%' th$s, $% CC c$t$es

    #* (h$%a, )e0#%st!at$#%s e'a%, $% h$ch C 0$$#% pe#pe pa!t$c$pate)-

    That stu)e%t 0a!ch p!ec$p$tate) a s#c$a eBp#s$#%, !eeas$%' theaccu0u/

    ate) #ut!a'e #* a %at$#% su>ecte) t# =5 +ea!s #* >#$%t ##t$%' a%) )ete!$#!a/

    t$#% + %ea!+ e"e!+ %at$#% #% ea!th $th $0pe!$a a0$t$#%s- The #!3 #*

    D!- Su% .at/se% a%) h$s ass#c$ates, h# ha) *#! C5 +ea!s 0#$$e) the$!

    c#u%t!+0e% a%) a%+ *#!e$'%e!s h# #u) $ste%, e) the !esut$%' 0ass

    *e!0e%t $%t# a %at$#%a$st 0#"e0e%t h$ch ut$0ate+ succee)e) $% u%$t$%'(h$%a u%)e! the ea)e!sh$p #* D!- Su%6s success#!, Ge%e!a$ss$0# (h$a%'

    7a$/she3, $% 19C8-

    S$0$a!+, he% the stu)e%ts6 c#u!a'e #"e! th$s past 0#%th e0#)e%e) the

    c$t$e%s #* (h$%a t# sta%) up a'a$%st the (#00u%$st Pa!t+ ea)e!s, the

    s#'a%s )e0#%st!ate) the$! #%'/*este!$%' hat!e) #* the !u$%' t+!a%%+ a%)

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    the ec#%#0$c )$saste! !ap$)+ )est!#+$%' the$! %at$#%s@ :We6"e a$te) ;

    +ea!s t# sa+ th$s: s$%ce the (#00u%$st ta3e#"e! $% 19;9, :Th$s $s %#t a

    *eu)a c#u%t!+(h$%a e#%'s t# the pe#pe, %#t the ea)e!s,: :De%', $ts

    t$0e t# '# see 2a!B,: a%) :.#u ca%6t *## a #* the pe#pe a the t$0e-:

    *r) Sun and Abraham +incoln

    The ast s#'a%, a cea! !e*e!e%ce t# the *a0#us A!aha0 L$%c#% ?u#te,

    c#%"e+s a 0essa'e t# each a%) e"e!+ (h$%eseSu% .at/se% $s ac3- D!-

    Su%6s *u%)a0e%ta c#%t!$ut$#% t# the !e"#ut$#% as e0#)$e) $% h$s Three

    Principles of the People, h$ch e!e a )e"e#p0e%t #* the $)ea, *$!st $%t!#/

    )uce) + A!aha0 L$%c#%, #* '#"e!%0e%t :#* the pe#pe, + the pe#pe,

    a%) *#! the pe#pe,: a% h$st#!$ca c#%%ect$#% h$ch D!- Su% %e"e! *a$e) t#

    p!ese%t, p!#u)+, t# a%+ au)$e%ce- I% *act, Su% .at/se% c#%s$)e!e) th$s c#%/

    cept t# e the c!uc$a $%3 etee% h$s c#%cept$#% #* a #!) t!u+ '#"e!%e)

    + !eas#% a%) the h#pe #* the a%c$e%t sa'e (#%*uc$us *#! a :'!eat c#00#%/

    eath-: These Th!ee P!$%c$pes st$ *u%ct$#% t#)a+ as the p#$c+ #* the

    !u$%' 7u#0$%ta%' pa!t+ $% Ta$a%, a%) a!e !esp#%s$e *#! the )e"e#p0e%t

    #* the $sa%) #"e! the ast ; +ea!s-

    The Th!ee P!$%c$pes #* the Pe#pe a!e Nat$#%a$s0, De0#c!ac+, a%)

    Pe#pes L$"e$h##)- As D!- Su% )e"e#pe) $% h$s !$t$%'s a%) ectu!es $% the

    191s a%) 19Cs, the *$!st !e*e!s t# the as#ute %ecess$t+ #* %at$#%a

    s#"e!e$'%t+, '#"e!%0e%t :#* the pe#pe,: *u%)a0e%ta t# a %at$#% h$ch ha)

    ee% !$ppe) asu%)e! + at east te"e *#!e$'% p#e!s- 4+ )e0#c!ac+, D!-Su% 0ea%s a )e0#c!at$c !epu$c, $th eect$"e !ep!ese%tat$"e '#"e!%0e%t, a

    )$"$s$#% #* p#e!s etee% !a%ches #* '#"e!%0e%t, a%) the !$'ht #* !eca

    a%) !e*e!e%)u0 + the c$t$e%s :+ the pe#pe:-

    The th$!) p!$%c$pe, the Pe#pe6s L$"e$h##), #! :2$% She%',: '#"e!%0e%t

    :*#! the pe#pe,: susu0es the #the!s $% the sa0e a+ as )$) (#%*uc$us6s

    c#%cept #* the :G!eat (#00#%eath-: D!- Su% !e*e!s he!e t# the c#%sta%t

    eBpa%s$#% #* 0a%6s 0aste!+ #* %atu!e th!#u'h sc$e%ce a%) tech%##'$ca

    )e"e#p0e%t as the #%+ 'ua!a%tee #* 0a%3$%)6s eBpa%s$#% $th c#%t$%ua+

    h$'he! sta%)a!)s #* $"$%' *#! the c$t$e%s- I% h$s #!)s@ :F!#0 a%c$e%tt$0es u%t$ %# 0a% has eBe!te) h$s e%e!'$es $% #!)e! t# 0a$%ta$% h$s

    eB$ste%ce- A%) 0a%3$%)6s st!u''e *#! c#%t$%u#us eB$ste%ce has ee% the

    !eas#% *#! s#c$et+6s u%ceas$%' )e"e#p0e%t, the a #* s#c$a p!#'!ess-:

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    The +incoln !emorial in ,ashin#ton *)C)

    :It $s !athe! *#! us t# e he!e )e)$cate) t# the '!eat tas3 !e0a$%$%' e*#!e us

    that *!#0 these h#%#!e) )ea) e ta3e $%c!ease) )e"#t$#% t# that cause *#!h$ch the+ 'a"e the ast *u 0easu!e #* )e"#t$#% that e he!e h$'h+

    !es#"e that these )ea) sha %#t ha"e )$e) $% "a$% that th$s %at$#%, u%)e!

    G#), sha ha"e a %e $!th #* *!ee)#0 a%) that '#"e!%0e%t #* the pe#pe,

    + the pe#pe, *#! the pe#pe sha %#t pe!$sh *!#0 the ea!th-:

    The Gett+su!' A))!ess, N#"e0e! 19, 18

    :u! Th!ee P!$%c$pes #* the Pe#pe 0ea% '#"e!%0e%t 6#* the pe#pe, + the

    pe#pe, a%) *#! the pe#pe6that $s, a state e#%'$%' t# a the pe#pe, a

    '#"e!%0e%t c#%t!#e) + a the pe#pe, a%) !$'hts a%) e%e*$ts *#! thee%>#+0e%t #* a the pe#pe-:

    Lectu!es #* Su% .at/se%

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    The Sun Yat-sen !emorial in Taipei Republic of China

    *r) Sun's nemies

    Su% .at/se% as c#%sc$#us #* the *act that these p!$%c$pes e!e %#t the

    !esut #* h$s, #! a%+#%e6s a!$t!a!+ $, ut e!e h$st#!$ca+ p!#"e% t# e the

    %ecessa!+ pa!a0ete!s *#! c$"$$at$#%6s c#%t$%ue) eB$ste%ce- He use) th$s

    t!uth !uthess+, t# eBp#se a%) )est!#+ the 0a%+ e%e0$es c#%*!#%t$%' h$s

    p!#"$)e%t$a a%) h$st#!$ca tas3 #* sa"$%' (h$%a-

    %e eBa0pe #* th$s 0eth#) ?u$c3+ )$spes the p#pua! (h$%ese (#00u%$stPa!t+ 0+th that Su% .at/se% as p!#/c#00u%$st, a%) #%+ the :!$'ht/$%'

    )$ctat#!: (h$a%' 7a$/she3 h# succee)e) h$0 tu!%e) a'a$%st the c#00u%/

    $sts, a'a$%st Su%6s $shes- N#th$%' c#u) e *u!the! *!#0 the t!uth- I% h$s

    !$t$%'s a%) $% the *##$%' ?u#te *!#0 h$s ectu!es s##% e*#!e h$s )eath

    $% 19C5, D!- Su% $%s$ste) that, h$e tact$ca a$a%ces a!e %ecessa!+, p!#"$)e)

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    the+ a!e ase) #% %at$#%a$st p!$%c$pes, c#00u%$st c#%t!# #"e! p#$c+

    #u) e a )$saste! *#! (h$%a-

    :(ass a!,: Su% sa$), :$s not the cause #* s#c$a p!#'!ess, $t $s a disease

    )e"e#pe) $% the c#u!se #* s#c$a p!#'!ess- What 2a!B 'a$%e) th!#u'h h$s

    stu)$es #* s#c$a p!#e0s as a 3%#e)'e #* )$seases $% the c#u!se #*s#c$a p!#'!ess- The!e*#!e, 2a!B ca% #%+ e cae) a s#c$a path##'$st, %#t

    a s#c$a ph+s$##'$st-: Su% accuse) the 2a!B$sts #* :*a$$%' t# !ea$e that

    (h$%a $s su**e!$%' *!#0 p#"e!t+, %#t *!#0 u%e?ua )$st!$ut$#% #* eath-:

    The sa0e p#e0$ca app!#ach as use) t# )e*e%) the A0e!$ca% (#%st$tut$#%

    a'a$%st the $e!ta!$a%$s0 ass#c$ate) $th R#usseau, 2$, Th#0as Je**e!s#%,

    a%) the F!e%ch Re"#ut$#%- Je**e!s#%, sa$) D!- Su%, e$e"e) that :$* the

    pe#pe e!e '$"e% c#0pete )e0#c!at$c p#e!, the+ #u) e )$sc!$0$%at$%'

    $% the use #* the$! *!ee)#0, )$!ect th$s p#e! t# the acc#0p$sh0e%t #* '!eat

    tas3s, a%) 0a3e a the a**a$!s #* the %at$#% p!#'!ess t# the *uest eBte%t-:

    T# th$s he he) up the actua 0#)e #* >ust such a s#c$et+Re"#ut$#%a!+

    F!a%ce he!e :the !esut as that a 0# t+!a%%+ as $%st$tute)- A%a!ch+

    *##e), s#c$et+ as pa%$c st!$c3e%, a%) %# #%e as su!e #* h$s $*e *!#0

    0#!%$%' t$ e"e%$%'-:

    An conomic .olic for A !odern China

    D!- Su% !ec#'%$e) AeBa%)e! Ha0$t#% as the t!ue s#u!ce #* A0e!$ca6s

    ec#%#0$c '!eat%ess- Ha0$t#% eca0e the :*#u%)e! #* a% as#ute+ )$*/

    *e!e%t p#$t$ca pa!t+ - - - h$ch #% #ut, *#!0e) a *e)e!a u%$#% a%) p!#0u/'ate) the (#%st$tut$#% #* the U%$te) States, the *$!st c#0pete c#%st$tut$#% $%

    hu0a% h$st#!+- - - - The U%$te) States6 eath a%) p#e! ha"e %#t c#0e #%+

    *!#0 the $%)epe%)e%ce a%) se* '#"e!%0e%t #* the #!$'$%a states, ut !athe!

    *!#0 the p!#'!ess $% u%$*$e) '#"e!%0e%t h$ch *##e) the *e)e!at$#% #*

    the states-:

    D!- Su% pu$she) h$s ec#%#0$c p#$c$es *#! 0ass c$!cuat$#% u%)e! the t$te

    Plans of National Reconstruction, $th the )$!$'$st 0easu!es )e"e#pe) +

    AeBa%)e! Ha0$t#% as h$s 0#)e- The :!e'uat$#% #* cap$ta: as h$s ce%/

    t!a c#%cept$#%, ut$$$%' #th !e'uate) p!$"ate cap$ta a%) the )e"e#p0e%t

    #* state cap$ta t# p!#0#te $%)ust!+ a%) au%ch a!'e $%*!ast!uctu!e p!#'!a0s

    $% c#00u%$cat$#%, !a$, ate!a+s, 0$%es, a%) 0a%u*actu!$%'-

    Th$s )e"e#p0e%t #* $%*!ast!uctu!e a%) $%)ust!+, h#e"e!, as p!$0a!$+

    *#cuse) #% $%c!eas$%' a'!$cutu!a )e"e#p0e%t- F##) p!#)uct$#% as

    c#%s$)e!e) ce%t!a t# $e!at$%' the peasa%ts- T# )ea $th the h#!!e%)#us

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    p!#e0 #* the c#%ce%t!at$#% #* a%) #%e!sh$p, D!- Su% !e>ecte) the

    c#00u%$sts6 c#%*$scat$#% p!#p#sas, a%) )e"e#pe) a pa% t# )ea $th the

    actualp!#e0@ $%*ate) a%) "aues a%) specuat$#% $% '!#u%) !e%t- F$B

    a%) "aues at s#0e *a$! e"e, he p!#p#se), a%) the% )ec!ee that a suse/

    ?ue%t $%c!eases $% a%) "aues #u) !e"e!t t# the community, s$%ce a%+

    "a$) $%c!ease $s :)ue t# $0p!#"e0e%t 0a)e + s#c$et+ a%) t# the p!#'!ess #*

    $%)ust!+ a%) c#00e!ce-: I% th$s a+, th#se $th a!'e! a%) h#)$%'s #u)

    0a$%ta$% the$! h#)$%'s, ut the$! eath c#u) c#0e only *!#0 the $%c!ease

    #* p!#)uct$"$t+ #* the a%), a%) %#t th!#u'h specuat$#% $% a%) "aues-

    D!- Su% as p!#*#u%)+ !e$'$#us, a%) 'u$)e) h$s ec#%#0$c p#$c$es #% that

    as$s- He "$ee) the (#%*uc$a% c#%cept #* :#"e $th#ut )$sc!$0$%at$#%: t#

    e the sa0e as Jesus6 :u%$"e!sa #"e-: G#tt*!$e) Le$%$ $% h$siscourse

    on the National Theology of the Chinese as# )e*e%)s the c#he!e%ce #* these

    t# c#%cepts- Sc$e%ce, D!- Su% pe!ce$"e) $% the $'ht #* the 4$e6s Ge%es$sc#00a%) *#! 0a%3$%) t# ta3e )#0$%$#% #"e! %atu!e- :The a)"a%ce #*

    sc$e%ce,: he sa$), :has 0a)e $t p#ss$e *#! 0a% t# usu!p the p#e!s #*

    %atu!e a%) t# )# hat %atu!a *#!ces ha"e )#%e-: Th$s, he e$e"e), $s the

    as$s *#! s#c$a p!#'!ess-

    The /pium ,ars and The Foundin# of China

    4e*#!e )$scuss$%' D!- Su%6s !#e $% *#u%)$%' the Repu$c #* (h$%a, s#0e

    h$st#!$ca ac3'!#u%) $s %ecessa!+- Th$s $s pe!haps the 0#st h$)e#us chapte!

    #* 0#)e!% #!) h$st#!+the %$%etee%th/ce%tu!+ !ape #* the #%e/*$*th #*hu0a%$t+ $"$%' $% (h$%a-

    The 4!$t$sh )$sc#"e!e) $% the ea!+ 18s that the (h$%ese ha) $tte %ee) #!

    )es$!e *#! a%+th$%' the 4!$t$sh ha) t# #**e! $% eBcha%'e *#! the (h$%ese teas

    a%) s$3s the+ )es$!e) s# )ea!+- The )!a$% #* s$"e! as pa+0e%t as a p!#/

    e0, #th $% L#%)#% a%) t# the 4!$t$sh East I%)$a (#0pa%+, h$ch as $%

    e**ect the c##%$a '#"e!%0e%t #* I%)$a ut as# !a% the (h$%a t!a)e- The$!

    s#ut$#% as t# c!eate a 0a!3et + a))$ct$%' a a!'e p#!t$#% #* the (h$%ese t#

    the #p$u0 e$%' p!#)uce) + The (#0pa%+ $% I%)$a-

    p$u0 s0u''$%' as st!$ct+ $e'a $% (h$%a, pu%$shae + )eath- 4ut the

    (h$%' D+%ast+, $% p#e! s$%ce 1;; he% the %#!the!% 2a%chu t!$e se$e)

    the Peac#c3 Th!#%e *!#0 the )eca+e) 2$%', e%>#+e) $tte p#pua! supp#!t

    a%) )$) $tte t# 0a$%ta$% #! a)"a%ce the %at$#%- Th!#u'h (a%t#%, the #%+

    t!a)$%' p#!t pe!0$tte) + the E0pe!#!, the 4!$t$sh eas$+ u$t up a c#te!$e #*

    (h$%ese t!a)e!s h# *ac$$tate) the eBpa%s$#% #* the #p$u0 t!a)e- The

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    (h$%ese, ea!%$%' the ha!) a+ hat the 4!$t$sh 0ea%t + :*!ee t!a)e,:

    *$%a+ 0#"e) t# c!ush th$s 'e%#c$)e a'a$%st the$! %at$#% a%) the$! pe#pe-

    The '#"e!%0e%t ha) se%t L$% Tse/hsu as c#00$ss$#%e! t# (a%t#% $th

    $%st!uct$#%s t# st#p the #p$u0 t!a**$c- L$% $%*#!0e) the 4!$t$sh a%) the

    s0ae! %u0e! #* A0e!$ca% a%) #the! #p$u0 s0u''e!s #* the E0pe!#!6s$%te%t t# e%*#!ce the a, $%cu)$%' the eBecut$#% #* th#se (h$%ese h# e!e

    acc#0p$ces- He !#te a pu$c ette! t# uee% u!e a%#the! $% #!)e! t# p!#*$t #%ese*- The *ee$%'s #* 0a%/

    3$%) a!e %#t )$"e!se *#! $s the!e a%+#%e h# )#es %#t hate

    sau'hte! a%) #"e $*e I% +#u! h#%#!ae %at$#%, these a+s

    #* G#) a%) *ee$%'s #* 0a%3$%) a!e the sa0e- - - -

    Is the!e a%+ s$%'e a!t$ce *!#0 (h$%a that has )#%e a%+ ha!0 t#

    *#!e$'% c#u%t!$es - - - The!e $s, h#e"e!, a cass #* t!eache!#us

    a!a!$a%s h# 0a%u*actu!e #p$u0, s0u''e $t *#! sae, a%)

    )ece$"e #u! *##$sh pe#pe $% #!)e! t# $%>u!e the$! #)$es a%)

    )e!$"e p!#*$t the!e*!#0- F#!0e!+ s0#3e!s e!e *e $% %u0/

    e!s, ut #* ate the c#%ta'$#% has sp!ea), a%) $ts *#$%' p#$/

    s#% has )a$+ $%c!ease)- - - - N#t t# s0#3e +#u!se"es ut +et t#

    )a!e t# p!epa!e a%) se t# a%) e'u$e the *##$sh 0asses #* the

    2$))e 7$%')#0such eha"$#! $s !epu'%a%t t# the *ee$%'s #*hu0a% e$%'s a%) $s %#t t#e!ate) + the a+s #* G#)- - - -

    I %# p!#p#se that e sha u%$te t# put a *$%a st#p t# th$s cu!se

    #* #p$u0 $% the 2$))e 7$%')#0 + p!#h$$t$%' $ts use, a%) $%

    +#u! )#0$%$#%s + p!#h$$t$%' $ts p!epa!at$#% D# %#t sa+ that

    +#u e!e %#t a!%e) $% t$0e-

    Whe% the 4!$t$sh !e*use) t# c##pe!ate, L$% es$e'e) the *#!e$'% t!a)$%'

    c#0p#u%) a%) se$e) the e%t$!e #p$u0 st#c3 #% ha%), #"e! C, chests,

    h$ch he )est!#+e)- L$%6s a))!ess, up#% ca!!+$%' #ut th$s act, h$ch he

    )e$"e!e) t# the Sp$!$t #* the Sea, ap##'$e) *#! the p#ut$#% a%) e'a%@

    :Sp$!$t h#se "$!tues 0a3es +#u ch$e* #* D$"$%$t$es, h#se )ee)s 0atch the

    #pe%$%' a%) c#s$%' #* the )##!s #* Natu!e, +#u h# ash aa+ a sta$%s

    a%) cea%se a $0pu!$t$es: a%) $t e%)s $th a p!a+e! that the Sp$!$t $ :ta0e

    the est$a %atu!e #* the *#!e$'%e!s, a%) 0a3e the0 3%# the$! G#)-:

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    The 4!$t$sh the% u%eashe) hat as t# e ace%tu!+ #* escaat$%' e%sa"e/

    0e%t a%) )est!uct$#% #* the :2$))e 7$%')#0,: p!e0$e!e) + the $%*a0#us

    p$u0 Wa! #* 189/18;C- The a!'est, 0#st 0#)e!%, a%) p#e!*u %a"a

    atte '!#up e"e! see% $% As$a as asse0e) a%) th!#% at the a%c$e%t

    (h$%ese )e*e%ses, a t# e%*#!ce 4!$ta$%6s *!ee)#0 t# $0p#se )!u's #% the

    (h$%ese pe#pe-

    As the sp#$s #* "$ct#!+, the 4!$t$sh )e0a%)e) the esta$sh0e%t #* *$"e 0#!e

    *!ee t!a)e p#!ts spa%%$%' the c#ast, #e!e) ta!$**s #% the #p$u0 a%) #the!

    '##)s t# 5 pe!ce%t, $0p#se) a% e%#!0#us $%)e0%$t+, a%) se$e) H#%'

    7#%', a% $sa%) $% the Pea! R$"e! Estua!+ %ea! (a%t#%, as a 4!$t$sh (!#%

    c##%+- The!e the #p$u0 *a0$$es set up the$! hea)?ua!te!s, Ja!)$%e

    2athes#% the a!'est #* the0- A%) the!e, st$ t#)a+, these *$!0s !u% the

    As$a% *$%a%c$a ce%te! #* H#%' 7#%' a%) the 0ass$"e As$a% )!u' t!a**$c-

    It sh#u) e %#te) that the suse?ue%t t!eat0e%t #* (h$%a as %#t the t+p$ca

    :c##%$a$at$#%: + a s$%'e %at$#% that cha!acte!$e) the $0pe!$a se$u!es

    esehe!e $% the #!)- Rathe!, $t as 0#!e $3e the cu!!e%t :)et *#! e?u$/

    t+: app!#ach #* t#)a+, a sche0e #* "a!$#us Weste!% p#e!s t# s$0uta%e#us/

    + se$e e%t$!e $%)ust!$es, 'e#'!aph$ca a!eas, #! state e%te!p!$ses #* )e"e#p/

    $%' sect#! %at$#%s h$ch ca%%#t 0eet the$! )et pa+0e%ts- I% the (h$%a #*

    the 18;s, the U%$te) States a%) F!a%ce !#)e the a3e #* the 4!$t$sh 0a%/#6/

    a! + eBt!act$%' *!#0 the (h$%ese '#"e!%0e%t a the c#%cess$#%s '!a%te)

    t# the 4!$t$sh-

    p$u0 a%) cheap teBt$es *!#0 E%'a%) a%) the 4!$t$sh c##%$es *##)e)

    (h$%a- Wh$e the )#0est$c $%)ust!$es c#apse), the %at$#%6s s$"e! st#c3s

    e!e )epete) a%) )#0est$c taBes !#se )!a0at$ca+ t# 0eet the $%)e0%$t+-

    ut #* th$s h#!!#! a!#se hat $s 3%#% as the :W#!)6s G!eatest ($"$ Wa!:

    the Ta$p$%' Ree$#%-

    ut #* the (a%t#% a!ea $% the ate 18;s '!e a (h!$st$a% s#c$et+ cae)

    Ta$p$%' h#se c!ee) as the Te% (#00a%)0e%ts a%) h$ch p!#"$)e) *!ee

    4$es he!e"e! $ts 0e0e!s e%t- Whe% *a0$%e sp!ea) th!#u'h#ut (h$%a

    $% 1851, the Ta$p$%' au%che) a !ee$#% )e)$cate) t# c!ush$%' the #p$u0t!a**$c, e%)$%' sa"e!+ a%) c#%cu$%a'e, a'!a!$a% !e*#!0, a%) !a$!#a)


    Th$s a!0+ !ap$)+ '!e t# #"e! a 0$$#%, se$$%' Na%3$%' $% 185; as the

    cap$ta #* the #%e/ha* #* (h$%a h$ch ca0e u%)e! the$! c#%t!#, a%) "e!+

    %ea!+ succee)e) $% ta3$%' Pe3$%'- Wh$e the 2a%chu ea)e!s $% Pe3$%'

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    e!e ea3, the *#!e$'% p#e!s p!e*e!!e) th$s %#/)#c$e E0p$!e #"e! the

    th!eat #* a Ta$p$%' "$ct#!+-

    H#e"e!, t# consolidate that p#e! #"e! Pe3$%', the c#0$%e) p#e!s !a% a

    Second p$u0 Wa! etee% 185 a%) 1858- Whe% a 4!$t$sh s0u''$%' sh$p

    as s$e'e), a >#$%t 4!$t$sh/F!e%ch *#!ce se$e) T$e%ts$%, )#% the !$"e! *!#0Pe3$%'- Whe% the 2a%chu he)'e) at the e%#!0$t+ #* the c#%cess$#%s )e/

    0a%)e), a! as !esu0e), Pe3$%' as s$e'e), a%) the Su00e! Paace as

    ##te) a%) u!%e) t# the '!#u%)-

    The 2a%chu, %# a)e?uate+ suse!"$e%t, e!e the% a!0e) a%) ac3e) +

    the *#!e$'% p#e!s t# c!ush the Ta$p$%'- Wh$e the 4!$t$sh e!e supp#!t$%'

    the U-S- (#%*e)e!ates a%) the$! 4#st#% 4!ah0$% a$es a'a$%st A!aha0

    L$%c#% $% the U-S- ($"$ Wa!, the 4!$t$sh/e) tas3 *#!ce $% (h$%a as sp#%/

    s#!$%' the $?u$)at$#% #* the Ta$p$%'- I% 18;, a*te! ee"e% +ea!s #* !ue #"e!

    ha* #* (h$%a, Na%3$%' *e a%) 0$$#%s #* Ta$p$%' e!e 3$e)- N# #%e


    4etee% the Sec#%) p$u0 Wa! $% 1858 a%) the e%) #* the ce%tu!+, sc#!es

    #* t!eat$es $th 0#!e tha% a )#e% *#!e$'% p#e!s e!e *#!ce) #% the (h$/

    %ese- The pe% D##! p#$c+ spea!hea)e) + the U-S-A- eca0e esta$she)

    p#$c+he%e"e! #%e %at$#% #% a c#%cess$#% *!#0 (h$%a, + any 0ea%s,

    e!ery other *#!e$'% p#e! as aut#0at$ca+ '!a%te) the sa0e !$'hts-

    T# 0#!e a!s #* su0$ss$#% c#0pete the p$ctu!e #* p!e/!e"#ut$#%a!+

    (h$%a- I% 189;, the )e"e#p$%' p#e! #* Japa% e0e!'e) $% a a! #"e!c#%t!# #* 7#!ea- (h$%a6s )e*eat as hu0$$at$%', a%) th$s e"e%t $s 'e%e!a+

    !ec#'%$e) as the spa!3 h$ch 'a"e $!th t# the (h$%ese !e"#ut$#%a!+ 0#"e/

    0e%t- The Japa%ese se$e) %#t #%+ 7#!ea, ut Ta$a% a%) the Pesca)#!es,

    a%) >#$%e) the #the! p#e!s $% ta3$%' c#%cess$#%s, $%)e0%$t$es, a%) #the!

    !$'hts #% the 0a$%a%)-

    The sec#%) a! as a%#the! c$"$ up!$s$%', 3%#% as the 4#Be! Ree$#% $%

    19- The "$!ue%t+ a%t$/*#!e$'%e! a%) a%t$/(h!$st$a% S#c$et+ #* R$'hte#us

    a%) Ha!0#%$#us F$sts, #! 4#Be!s, u%eashe) 0u!)e!#us !$#ts a'a$%st 0$s/

    s$#%a!$es a%) *#!e$'% e'at$#%s- Whe% the !#tt$%' E0p!ess D#a'e!6s c#u!t

    th!e $% $th the 4#Be!s, the *#!e$'% e'at$#%s >#$%e) *#!ces, c!ushe) the0,

    a%) #ccup$e) Pe3$%'-

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    *r) Sun's Three +evels of !an

    F!#0 D!- Su% .at/se%6sThe Three Principles of the People@

    F$!st Le"eth#se pe#pe #* supe!$#! $s)#0 h# ta3e #%e ##3 at a th$%'

    a%) see %u0e!#us p!$%c$pes $%"#"e), h#se $%s$'ht $%t# the *utu!e a%)

    h#se 0a%+ ach$e"e0e%ts ma"e the #orld ad!ance a%)gi!e man"ind its

    ci!ili$ation. These 0e% #* "$s$#% a%) *#!es$'ht a!e the c!eat#!s, the )$sc#"/e!e!s #* 0a%3$%)-

    Sec#%) Le"ethese ca%%#t c!eate #! )$sc#"e!, ut ca% #%+ *## a%)

    $0$tate, ea!%$%' *!#0 hat the *$!st '!#up has a!ea)+ )#%e-

    Th$!) e"eth#se h# )# %#t see #! pe!ce$"e, e"e% th#u'h #%e t$es t# teach

    the0 the+ s$0p+ act-

    I% p#$t$ca a%'ua'e, the *$!st a!e the )$sc#"e!e!s, the sec#%) a!e the p!#0#t/

    e!s, a%) the th$!) a!e the #pe!at#!s-

    P!#'!ess $% e"e!+th$%' )epe%)s up#% act$#%, s# the !esp#%s$$$t+ *#! the

    #!)6s p!#'!ess !ests up#% the th$!) '!#up-

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    China's Soverei#nt liminated

    T# su00a!$e, + 19 the *##$%' t!eat+ c#%)$t$#%s '#"e!%e) (h$%a@

    Concessions: Hu%)!e)s #* a!eas e!e )es$'%ate) as *#!e$'% c#%cess$#%s $%

    0#st 0a>#! c$t$es- These a!eas e!e %#t #%+ u%)e! economic c#%t!# #* thec#%sua! %at$#%, ut as#%udicial c#%t!#- (h$%ese e!e arrested+ *#!e$'%/

    e!s a%) tried+ *#!e$'%e!s u%)e! the$! #% ass#"e!e$'%t+ as e$0$%/

    ate)- A%+ c$"$ case $%"#"$%' a *#!e$'%e! c#u) #%+ e t!$e) $% a:>#$%t:

    c#u!t $th a *#!e$'% !ep!ese%tat$"e c#/#**$c$at$%'- (ases $%"#"$%' #%+

    *#!e$'% su>ects e!e %#t t# e $%te!*e!e) $th + (h$%ese #**$c$as-

    0ndemnities: A*te! each )e*eat, the (h$%ese e!e *#!ce) t# pa+ e%#!0#us

    $%)e0%$t$es- F$!st the c#u%t!+6s !ese!"es e!e ta3e%- The%, "a!$#us ta!$**s

    a%) taBes e!e $0p#se)- The *$%a # ca0e a*te! the 189; Japa%ese

    $%)e0%$t+- W$th %#th$%' e*t t# '$"e #! !a%s#0, (h$%a &orro#ed 55 0$$#%p#u%)s s$"e! *!#0 4!$ta$% p!$0a!$+, F!a%ce, Ge!0a%+, a%) Russ$a, t# pa+

    Japa%- The $%te!est #% th$s #a% a#%e eBcee)e) the t#ta '#"e!%0e%t $%/

    c#0e, s# $% eBcha%'e *#! )et !e)uct$#% the+ 0#!t'a'e) hat as e*t #*

    the$! a%), 0$%es, %atu!a !es#u!ces, *act#!$es, a%) !a$!#a)s-

    Tariffs and Ta1es: A*te! the Sec#%) p$u0 Wa!, the 4!$t$sh )e0a%)e) that

    a 4!$t$sh c#00$ss$#%e! !u% the (ust#0s H#use- He #th set the ta!$**s a%)

    ha) auth#!$t+ t# )$"e!t the p!#cee)s t# )et pa+0e%ts e*#!e t!a%s0$ss$#% t#

    the (h$%ese '#"e!%0e%t- EBp#!ts as# *e t# 4!$t$sh c#%t!#- E"e% internal

    t!a%s$t as taBe) u%)e! the 4!$t$sh H$'h (#00$ss$#%e!6s c#%t!#, th!#u'h atoll taB #% $%a%) !#a)s- Wh$e (h$%ese %at$#%as e!e *#!ce) t# pa+ these

    eB#!$ta%t t#s t# t!a%sp#!t '##)s, *#!e$'%e!s e!e '!a%te) passes t# eBe0pt

    the0- The !esut as that (h$%ese #*te% pa$) *#u! t$0es 0#!e *#! the$! #%

    p!#)ucts tha% *#!e$'%e!s )$) t# eBp#!t th#se sa0e p!#)ucts-

    Forei#n 2arrisons: F#!e$'% t!##ps e!e '!a%te) 'a!!$s#% !$'hts, *$!st #%+

    $% the c#%cess$#%s, the% a#%' the !a$!#a)s, a%) ut$0ate+ "$!tua+ a%+/


    Forei#n ,arships: F#!e$'% a!sh$ps e!e '!a%te) the !$'ht t# pat!#(h$%a6s sh#!es usua+ p!#tect$%' the #p$u0 t!a)e, a%) ate! the $%a%)


    .ostal: I% 1898, F!a%ce *#!ce) the '#"e!%0e%t t# pace *#!e$'%e!s $% the

    p#st #**$ces, a%) s##% the %at$#%6s c#00u%$cat$#%s e!e u%)e! *#!e$'%


  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    Factories: 4+ the t$0e #* the 1895 Japa%ese T!eat+, *#!e$'% %at$#%s ha) the

    !$'ht :*!ee+ t# pu!sue "a!$#us $%es #* 0a%u*actu!$%' a%) *!ee+ t# sh$p a%)

    $0p#!t a 3$%)s #* 0ach$%e!+-:

    Sun Yat-sen mer#es

    Su% .at/se% e0e!'e) $00e)$ate+ a*te! the 189; )e*eat + Japa%- He

    e$e"e) that, $3e Japa%, (h$%a c#u) :cause the ast t# e *$!st: $% a sh#!t

    t$0e + )e"e#p$%' $ts #% sc$e%ce a%) $%)ust!+-

    Su% ha) ee% !a$se) $% a peasa%t *a0$+, ut ha) '#%e $th a !#the! t#

    Haa$$ $% h$s tee%s- The!e, he e%t t# ahu (#e'e, a%) eca0e *a0$$a!

    $th (h!$st$a%$t+, t# h$ch he c#%"e!te) ate! $% 189;-

    I%)$cat$"e #* hat Su% .at/se% e%"$sa'e) *#! (h$%a, a!e the c#%te%ts #* a

    ette! h$ch the +#uth*u Su% !#te t# the )#0$%a%t *$'u!e $% the N#!th, the#)

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    %eBt *$*tee% +ea!s- Wh$e a e%)e) $% *a$u!e$% te!0s #* $00e)$ate

    #>ect$"esa%) s#0e e) t# hu%)!e)s #* c!uc$a ca)!es e$%' utche!e)

    he% captu!e)the cu0uat$"e e**ect as a% e%ha%ce) se%se #* c#u!a'e

    a%) )$!ect$#% $% the p#puat$#%- Su% $%s$ste) that the )+%ast+ e #"e!th!#%,

    that %# !e*#!0 as p#ss$e $th such !etche) c#!!upt$#% a%) *#!e$'%

    )#0$%at$#%- As "a!$#us !e*#!0 e**#!ts *a$e) a%) the p#puat$#% eca0e

    )espe!ate, D!- Su% eca0e the s+0# t# a h# #u) %# #%'e! c!a, #!


    Su% h$0se* spe%t 0#st #* h$s t$0e #"e!seas- L$3e 4e%>a0$% F!a%3$%, he

    sa the %ecess$t+ #* '#a supp#!t a%) *$%a%ces as p!e!e?u$s$tes t# "$ct#!+-

    He t#u!e) Japa%, the U%$te) States, L#%)#%, a%) Pa!$s, 0eet$%' #th #"e!/

    seas (h$%ese a%) %et#!3s #* *#!e$'% c#a#!at#!s, aa+s !a$s$%' 0#%e+

    a%) c$!cuat$%' h$s pa0phets a%) %espape! #th at h#0e a%) a!#a)-

    A nuclear power plant under construction in the Republic of China)

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    A modern inte#rated steel mill in Taiwan one of the countr's ten ma(or

    industrial development pro(ects)

    The 3433 Revolution

    I% ct#e! 1911, a !ee$#% $% Wucha%' #* #%e #* 0a%+ #ca !e"#ut$#%a!+

    '!#up$%'s succee)e), spa!3$%' $% !ap$) success$#% a% up!$s$%' #* ##se+

    c#%%ecte) 0#"e0e%ts $% the 0$$ta!+, $%teectuas, a%) the sec!et s#c$et$es-

    Wh$e these appea!e) !athe! )$sc#%%ecte) a%) )ece%t!a$e), $t as the

    c#%ce!te) ca *#! %at$#%a u%$t+ a%) )e0#c!at$c !epu$ca%$s0 #* Su%6s

    Th!ee P!$%c$pes #* the Pe#pe h$ch $%sp$!e) a%) u%$te) the %at$#%- The

    (h$%' D+%ast+ c#apse), a%) the Repu$c #* (h$%a as *#u%)e)-

    D!- Su%6s )et!act#!s, h# atte0pt t# p#!t!a+ h$0 as a u0$%' ut e/

    0ea%$%' ecce%t!$c, #*te% sa+ that Su% as )eca!e) P!#"$s$#%a P!es$)e%t #*

    the Repu$c a0#st + cha%ce- Such %#%se%se $s $%te%)e) t# #scu!e the

    !ea$t+ that the p!#*#u%) p!$%c$pes h$ch he cha0p$#%e) e!e $%)ee) the

    $%sp$!at$#% that 0#"e) the %at$#%, a%) ea!%e) h$0 the t$te Fathe! #* the


  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    4ut e*#!e D!- Su% !etu!%e) t# (h$%a t# ta3e h$s p#s$t$#%, he ?u$c3+ t#u!e)

    Wash$%'t#%, L#%)#%, a%) Pa!$s t# 'a$% supp#!t *#! the *e)'$%' !epu$c-

    The !esuts e!e a% #0e% #* the atte ahea)- U-S- Sec!eta!+ #* State 7%#B

    !e*use) t# see h$0- The 4!$t$sh *#!e$'% 0$%$ste! #u) %#t u)'e *!#0 h$s

    supp#!t *#! the A!0+ ch$e* u%)e! the 2a%chu, .ua% Sh$h/3a$- I% Pa!$s, he

    0et P!es$)e%t (e0e%ceau, ut 'a$%e) %#th$%' #* susta%ce- The %e !e/

    pu$c as %#t ec#0e $% the West-

    The %at$#%a u%$t+ $% 1911 as *!a'$e, $th .ua% Sh$h/3a$ 0a$%ta$%$%'

    p#e! #"e! the 0$$ta!+ #ith 'ritish &ac"ing.

    .ua%, h# ha) !u% the 2a%chu !ep!ess$#% #* se"e!a !ee$#%s a%) !e*#!0

    0#"e0e%ts *#! te%t+ +ea!s, c#%t!#e) the a!0+ a%) %#!the!% p!#"$%ces-

    He 0a%eu"e!e) t# ta3e c#%t!# #* the "a!$#us !epu$ca% a%) 0$$ta!+ *ac/

    t$#%s, a%) #**e!e) t# >#$% D!- Su%6s %e+ *#u%)e) Nat$#%a$st pa!t+, the

    72T- Ath#u'h he #**$c$a+ !#3e *!#0 the 2a%chu, he !eta$%e) the ch$)

    e0pe!#! Pu/.$ as a puppet *$'u!ehea)-

    D!- Su% 3%e that the 2a%chu ha) !ue) (h$%a $% %a0e #%+, as the c#!!upt/

    e) e%*#!ce!s *#! the *#!e$'% p#e!s- Th#se p#e!s, $th#ut eBcept$#%, %#

    ac3e) the 4!$t$sh !e*usa t# supp#!t the !epu$ca% !e"#ut$#%, a%) )epe%)e)

    #% .ua% Sh$h/3a$ t# 'ua!a%tee the$! c#%t$%ue) ##t$%' !$'hts- D!- Su% *#!e/

    sa that he ha) %# p#e! t# #"e!tu!% the *#!e$'% c#%t!#- He ch#se t#

    atte0pt t# a"#$) c#%t$%ue) c$"$ a! th!#u'h a% a'!ee0e%t $th .ua%- H$s

    )ec$s$#% as ase) #% the e$e* that t# p!ec#%)$t$#%s e!e !e?u$!e) t#ach$e"e (h$%a6s *!ee)#0 a%) $%)epe%)e%ce@ the as#ute e%) t# the $0pe!$a

    !ue #* a%+ *utu!e e0pe!#!, a%) the !ap$) ec#%#0$c )e"e#p0e%t #* a #*


    W$th$% a 0#%th #* h$s assu0$%' the p#st #* P!#"$s$#%a P!es$)e%t, D!- Su%

    !es$'%e) $% *a"#! #* .ua% Sh$h/3a$, #% c#%)$t$#% that .ua% #u) *#!ce the

    *$%a a)$cat$#% #* the ch$) e0pe!#! Pu/.$- Th$s acc#0p$she), Su% eca0e

    )$!ect#! #* the %at$#%a !a$!#a)s- He e$e"e) that the U%$te) States ha)

    )e"e#pe) $ts eath a%) st!e%'th th!#u'h a''!ess$"e !a$!#a) )e"e#p0e%t

    a%) he $%te%)e) t# #"e!see the sa0e *#! (h$%a- He t#u!e) the %at$#%6s eB$st/$%' !a$ $%es, c!$ssc!#sse) the 0ap $th h$s pa%s, a%) %e'#t$ate) $th *$%a%/

    c$e!s ac!#ss the '#e t# ach$e"e h$s '#a-

    The #ut!ea3 #* a! $% Eu!#pe $% 191; )$s!upte) that pa%- .ua%, 0ea%/

    h$e, ha) !ap$)+ assu0e) )$ctat#!$a p#e!s- A c#%st$tut$#% as a)#pte)

    $% 191C, ut as a!'e+ a sc!ee% *#! .ua%6s supp!ess$#% #* the !epu$ca%

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    Late!, Su%6s $)# (h$%'/$%' S##%', h# as c#/#pte) + the c#00u%$sts

    a*te! Su%6s )eath, as )$scuss$%' Su%6s )ec$s$#% t# e%te! a% a$a%ce $th the

    Russ$a%s $th auth#! E)'a! S%#- :Was Russ$a h$s ast cha%ce: S%#

    as3e)- :We, +#u 0$'ht sa+ h$s ast ch#$ce,: she !ep$e)-

    Su% ha) ee% ?u$te eBp$c$t $% ta3$%' t# Weste!% !ep#!te!s at the t$0e #*4#!#)#%6s a!!$"a $% ct#e! #* 19C- Acc#!)$%' t#Ne# (or" Times

    c#"e!a'e at the t$0e, D!- Su% sa$)@ :We ha"e #st h#pe #* hep *!#0

    A0e!$ca, E%'a%), F!a%ce, #! a%+ #the! #* the G!eat P#e!s- The #%+

    c#u%t!+ that sh#s a%+ s$'%s #* hep$%' us $s the S#"$et '#"e!%0e%t #*


    Whe% a Weste!% %es !ep#!te! as3e) h$0 h# 4#!#)#% as@ :H$s %a0e $s

    La*a+ette: Su% sh#t ac3- I% 19;, Su% ha) appeae) t# the U%$te) States

    *#! *$%a%c$a hep, a%) ha) e%)e) h$s !$tte% appea@ :We h#pe t# *$%) 0a%+

    La*a+ettes a0#%' +#u-:

    F!#0 the e'$%%$%', D!- Su% a%) Ge%e!a (ha$%' 7a$she3 t##3 se"e!e a%)

    !epeate) p!ecaut$#%s t# p!e"e%t the S#"$ets *!#0 us$%' the 72T a%) Wha0/

    pa# Aca)e0+ t# c!eate a Re) A!0+ #! t# se!"e as a ase *#! u$)$%' the

    (#00u%$st Pa!t+- Su% ha) app#$%te) (h$a%' 7a$/she3 t# )$!ect the Wha0/

    pa#, ut e"e% e*#!e the #pe%$%', (h$a%' te0p#!a!$+ !es$'%e) h$s p#s$t$#%

    t# p!#test the eBte%t #* Russ$a% $%*ue%ce- The Russ$a%s pue) ac3 a%)

    (h$a%' e%t #% t# esta$sh the pat!$#t$c a%) #+a ea)e!sh$p e$te h$ch has

    0a$%ta$%e) the sp$!$t a%) $)eas #* Su% .at/se% $th$% the 72T #* t#)a+-St$, se"e!a #* the *utu!e Re) A!0+ ea)e!s e!e as# t!a$%e) at Wha0pa#-

    D!- Su% 0a+ ha"e e$e"e) that the Russ$a%s a%) the (#00u%$st Pa!t+

    #u) !e0a$% a :#+a #pp#s$t$#%: $th$% the 72T u%)e! the Th!ee P!$%c$/

    pes #* the Pe#pe, #! he 0a+ ha"e 3%#% the+ #u) atte0pt t# tu!% $t $%t#

    a% a!0 #* the (#00u%$st I%te!%at$#%a- 4ut $th the Weste!% )e0#c!ac$es

    a$'%e) a'a$%st h$0, he ha) t# ta3e the !$s3 a%) p!epa!e *#! a p#te%t$a


    The pa% t# 0a!ch %#!th t# u%$*+ (h$%a as %#t au%che) u%t$ a*te! D!-

    Su%6s )eath $% 19C5- Su% $s !ep#!te) t# ha"e sa$) :%# that e ha"e

    Wha0pa#, I 0a+ )$e peace*u+-: 4e*#!e the 0a!ch e'a% $% 19C the

    (#00u%$st Pa!t+ #!'a%$e) a st!$3e $% (a%t#% h$ch %ea!+ sa#ta'e) the

    p!epa!at$#%s- (h$a%' 7a$/she3 0#"e) *#!ce*u+ t# )$sa!0 the :W#!3e!6s

    Gua!): c#00u%$st *!#%t a%) a!!este) se"e!a c#00u%$sts a%) s#0e

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    Russ$a%s- E"e% 4#!#)$% $s !ep#!te) t# ha"e supp#!te) (h$a%' a'a$%st these

    :eBt!e0e e*t$sts-:

    Whe% the 72T a!0+ sept %#!th $% 19C a%) 19C=, the S#"$ets 0a)e the$!

    $%te%t$#%s cea!- Sta$%, $% N#"e0e! 19C, t#) the (h$%ese (#00$ttee #*

    the (#00u%$st I%te!%at$#%a that :"a!$#us 0$$ta%ts h# ha"e %# c#00#%'!#u%) $th the 72T ha"e %# a**$$ate) $th the (a%t#% '!#up - - - )e/

    s$'%e) t# c!ush the (h$%ese pe#pe - - - !$%'$%' c#!!upt$#% t# the t!##ps-

    KWe 0ust esta$sh 0eth#)s #* !e"#ut$#%a!+ supe!"$s$#% a'a$%st the0-:

    The 72T ha) ta3e% Wuha%, Na%3$%', a%) Sha%'ha$ + 2a!ch 19C=- Sta$%

    $s !ep#!te) t# ha"e sa$) #% Ap!$ 1 $% 2#sc# that (h$a%' as !ea)+ t# :tu!%

    a'a$%st us a'a$% - - - ut he $ e c!ushe)- We sha s?ueee h$0 $3e a

    e0#% a%) the% e !$) #* h$0-: Te"e )a+s ate!, (h$a%' 0#"e) a'a$%st the

    c#00u%$sts $% Sha%'ha$, a%) #"e! the %eBt 0#%ths )!#"e the0 #ut #* the

    72T a%) se%t the Russ$a%s ac3 t# 2#sc#-

    Wh$e 0uch ca% e sa$) a#ut the c#%t$%u$%' c$"$ a!, the Japa%ese

    $%"as$#%, W#!) Wa! II, a%) the *ate*u *a #* (h$%a t# 2a#6s (#00u%$st

    Pa!t+ $% 19;9, the 0e0#!+ #* Su% .at/se% ca% %#t e eBt$%'u$she) #% e$the!

    s$)e #* the Ta$a% St!a$ts-

    Sun's 5iew of !an

    What 0a)e Su%6s th$%3$%' uni!ersal, as h$s c#%cept$#% #* 0a%- Re>ect$%'

    the *ase e?ua$t+ #* e'a$ta!$a%$s0 a%) $e!ta!$a%$s0, Su% put *#!th a %#t$#%#* th!ee e"es #* 0a%, c#he!e%t $th s$0$a! c#%cepts #* Pat# a%) Da%te-

    He e$e"e) that, h$e e 0ust a st!$"e t# pe!*ect #u! #% $s)#0 a%)

    c!eat$"e p#e!s, e ca% )# s# #%+ $% the c#%teBt #* #u! !esp#%s$$$t+ t#

    a)"a%ce the p#te%t$a #* a, espec$a+ th#se #* the !#a) 0asses h#se

    act$"$t+ $s c!uc$a t# c#%t$%ue) p!#'!ess-

    A#"e a, Su% .at/se% 0a$%ta$%e) as h$s p!$0a!+ 'u$)$%' "$s$#% a $*e $%

    $0$tat$#% #* (h!$st- At h$s *u%e!a, the eu#'+ ?u#te) *!#0 D!- Su%6s #%


    K(h!$st as a !e"#ut$#%$st s# a0 I- He ca0e t# sa"e the p##!,

    a%) the u%*#!tu%ate, a%) th#se $% #%)a'e- S# ha"e I as# t!$e)

    t# )#-

  • 8/13/2019 Sun Yat-Sen - The Father of China's Republican Tradition


    He )ec!$e) the t!a)$t$#%s 0a$%ta$%e) + the a0a3e!s #*

    Ju)ea, a%) pea)e) *#! u%$"e!sa !#the!h##)- It $s ecause #*

    s$0$a! shac3es that $%) (h$%a that I ha"e 0a)e 0+ c!usa)e-

    It $s ecause the #!'a%$e) (hu!ch has ee% s# )$"$)e) a%)

    )$"$s$"e that I ha"e #%' '$"e% up 0+ 0e0e!sh$p $% thechu!ch, ut I e$e"e $% (h!$st a%) h$s teach$%'s a%) ha"e

    e%)ea"#!e) t# 0a3e the0 0+ #%-