Sun Flare - Book 1

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  • 8/10/2019 Sun Flare - Book 1


    Chapter OneToby Edison 1 8 9326

    Ivetried forgetting that day, for as long as I can think, that day has haunted me, haunted Naomi.

    Mum told me that if the Raven were to as much as see us, we would be dead. When I asked her why,she said: Revenge is a cruel mistress. Dont let them get you. And that night she walked out into the

    open and handed herself over, not knowing what the Raven would do. He talked for a moment, said

    some strange things about duty, and the law. He then drew out his gun and next thing I knew, Naomi

    was out of bed, and my mother was lying dead in the sand. I froze, I did what I was told though.

    Toby, Im going out to hand myself in, Ill tell them you kids have died, and hopefully hell believe

    me. Keep out of sight, and make sure Naomi doesnt know. Tell her Ive gonehunting, and after a few

    days, move to a new place and say youre looking for me, get as far away from here as possible. Look

    after your sister, she is all you have, but no matter what, dont let them catch you, you are way too

    important. Then she left, she went and never came back. I went on playing hide and seek with Nims,

    but I couldnt get Mum out of my mind, so I went outside to wait for her, to see if she had changed

    her mind. When I saw her I almost called out but I could see The Raven talking to her, they talked for

    a long time, then Naomi stood beside me.

    I remember the sounds, Nims breathing, the wind hitting the corrugated iron shed, but the thing I

    remember the most was that gunshot, the loud bang ringing out and hitting my ears. I cant forget

    the look on The Ravens face as he turned away and looked at me. He just smiled. He left my mum

    lying in the dirt.

    I dragged her body out to where she taught us to catch our own food. When she taught us to swim,

    that was a luxury that little people knew these days.

    Naomi and I grew apart, we had nothing to say sometimes. The only thing Naomi wanted to say was

    what did mum say? Where are we going? Or Im hungry, thirsty, why cant we stay here? I would get

    so tired of the questions I would go hunting, for days sometimes, setting traps and waiting for

    something, a wild pig, and bunny. I would also wait till I had no energy left, I became an empty


    I tried to be happy when Naomi made a necklace out of stones and carved Trish into it. That was our

    mums name, Trish Edison. She was the bravest woman I ever knew. She promised me on the night

    before my 15th

    birthday that I would be free. I didnt understand then but I now get it, she and dad

    promised me freedom, I never knew freedom came with such a high price.

    Back at the camp every boy was tested at 15 and paired with a girl, sometimes he would be able to

    choose between girls. I never had the chance. I was meant to go to the mill with my father and start

    my lives work, and retire at 65 and die with a family, two kids, and a beautiful wife. But instead I had

    freedom and a little sister. My father died when we escaped, mum cried for days, weeks even.

    Naomi was little so mum told her that dad stayed behind to distract them. Truth, he was dragged

    away and most likely put in the cells till he was trial and then executed for treason. The raven would

    have personally done it. Tied him up and lit the flame.

    Let him have mercy on your soul. The chant rang out as my father screamed till his own flesh burnt

    like wood. I still hear the words, I say them before killing, and it has been ingrained into humanity

    since the Government changed, since I can remember. I slit the wildpigsneck saying those words.

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    Let him have mercy on your soul. Before eating, Let him have mercy on your soul. Before

    sleeping. Let him have mercy on your soul. I didnt want whoever him is to forget who was saying

    those 7 words. Toby Edison praying to keep his soul pure. Naomi doesnt say them, she never did.

    She couldnt go to school because she was too young. I have to teach her to my best abilities.

    Oi mate you want a drink or are you just gonna sit there doin whatever you is doin. I was at a

    rebel bar sitting on a stool writing.

    Yeah, just the Usual Juan. Juan was probably the closest I could call a friend, he had a daughter

    once but the Raven got her, she turned up now and again in her uniform. She was one of the Ravens

    little birds, his league of assassins. She was my age. Pretty girl but I had no time for pretty girls when

    I still had Naomi to care for. One day I had said to her.

    One day, then maybe we could that was when she told me to shove my someday up my ass. In a

    more vulgar way. Juan says that even now he would call me his son if it helped him sleep at night. I

    miss Katy, she was cool.

    Ya know kid I bet that if you and that sister of yours head over the mountains you could actually

    find someplace nice. Settle yourself down. Juan brought my bottle of whiskey over, I had almost

    killed myself last time drowning my sorrows.

    You know what is up there, little birds like Katy. We both know I cant dodge them, even with Nims.

    Its impossible. I complained pouring another drink.

    I never said over mate, I heard from a bloke the other day, he was on about some passage, all you

    need was a key, and the little birds have those keys on their uniforms. All you need it a little bird and

    hey presto youve got to the other side. Juan seemed genuinely proud of his research skills.

    Thats still quite a task, just get a Little bird. How do you expect me to do that? I was tipsy now,

    getting onto my third full glass.

    Mate you dont think I havent seen your traps outside, you killed a hog the other day. Betcha one

    of them could get a Little Bird good. He made a good argument when he had been analysing on his

    lonely days. Having a bar nowadays was hard, whenever the Ravens little army of birds came flying

    in he had to trash the place pretending that it was abandoned. The amount of times that I had come

    into the bar to drink and forget was countless, but it was nothing compared to the amount of times

    spent cleaning glass off the floor.

    I better get back to Nims, shell be up soon. Naomi usually fast asleep when I left for the bar, shewas normally waking up when I stepped through the door. I would let her see me for a while, then I

    would go out and sit near a trap. Waiting, watching, and even sometimes getting a wild pig or bunny

    for dinner.

    Toby, at least try it mate.You have nothing to lose mate. Juan called out after me. I waved my

    hand back like a wet towel, I was more than a little tipsy today. But the pain was gone.

    Naomi, NIMS! Hey Nims, whatchadoin I slurred when I saw Naomi fiddling with a trap. The world

    was moving around me, and I almost puked, but I held myself together.

    The traps are going missing Toby, you were supposed to watch them. You have been drinking, I can

    smell it on you. She said without looking up.

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    I would have said some cruel thing about her but all I could think of was a one syllable word; Yup.I

    then fell over and laughed, yeah not a fine moment. Juan said something bout birds, mountains,

    and keys, Ill remember it later. I am just gonna rest here for a while. I just stared up at the sky,

    most days I would stare at the sky. Waiting for a sun flare to burn me up. I would normally walk

    inside with sunburn.

    Just try not to get burnt, and if a sun flare does get you, dont scream, I quite like this place.

    Naomi had lost her childhood so I never complained about her humourless attitudes. But it was

    boring some days, I liked Juan because he knew a good joke or two.

    Mountains Nims, mountains. I slurred as I fell asleep.

    I woke up an hour before the sun set, I had been moved through. I was now out of the sun and

    leaned up against a tree, I looked around dazed and confused. I saw a figure in the distance, it was

    headed back to Juans place. I could hear something squealingin a trap behind me, a bunny. I felt so

    angry at Naomi so I recued the creature. I was really hungry and sad, today was my birthday. That is

    why I was drinking so heavily, Juan knew now days not to say anything, today would have been the

    day I would have gotten permission to have a child. I rarely sit and brood over things like how

    different my life would have been. Today was also the day my father was captured and hung above

    the camp like a warning sign, if caught rebels will be executed on sight that was what played

    through the sirens, and the loud speakers embedded in the walls. From inside the walls everyone

    believed the walls were protecting them, from where I sat now, they reminded me of a prison.

    I say beside the tree holding the bunny, I was tempted to let it go. I held the bunny close as I

    rambled through broken rubble, looking for a box I had seen earlier. I placed the bunny in the crate

    and I picked grass and leaves for it. I had always wondered what it would have been like before the

    flare, Mum said that she had a pet bunny called Peter. She fed him grass and carrots, her cat had

    caught Peter and she saved him. Mum was great at story telling. I knew that Peter and her cat wasjust a story made up because the day of Naomis birth, two people came to see mum, they were

    elders, she called them Mum and Dad.

    They were killed along with Dad. Three skeletons hung over the camps walls, along with others, The

    Raven had been hanging the bodies of rebels for years, but my mothers was never up there. I had

    made sure of that.

    I carried the box into the shed we called home, I saw Naomi cooking up the last of the wild hog I had

    caught last week. Hey, sorry about before. I really dont remember what I said but sorry. I placed

    the box in the back corner, and smiled if I told Naomi now that I had spared her dinner she would

    probably kill it there and then.

    Its fine, you said something about Birds and Mountains, and a key. Mostly drunk babble. She was

    actually really mad because she was cutting the meat as if she were stabbing someone. I looked at

    her hunched over shoulders, they were shaking. She was crying. So I did what any big brother

    should have done years ago. I turned her around and grabbed the knife from her small hands. What

    are you doI cut her off with a hug, I held her against me as if she was about to break, which she

    did, I could feel her tears soaking my top.

    We are going to be okay, we are fine. Nims, hey, look at me. Naomi lifted her small head, her eyes

    were red and puffy. We are going to be alright, look I got you something. I still held onto her as I

    walked us over to the box in the corner. Hewas stuck in the trap, I was being all sentimental and

    saved him. I lifted the topoff the box and Naomi smiled, she hated it when I brought home skinny

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    bunnies and baby hogs. I was going to let him go but if you want we can keep him, at least for a

    while. I looked at Naomis reaction go from sad to happy then back to sad. Well I had tried. Nims

    whats wrong, oh god you hate him, you probably think Im stupid, its okay Ill go and get the knife

    you stay here and make sure he doesnt run away, well make a stew or something. I stood up and

    left Naomi looking at the bunny, walking over to where the knife was I looked at Naomi, It worked.

    She was now holding the bunny, and smiling.

    Toby. Stop, we can keep him. Hes kind of cute. Naomi said turning around as I cut into the meat

    on the table. You arse. You never were going to kill him. You are an idiot. She buried her head into

    the bunnys soft fur,and went to sit in the corner. Im calling her Darcy. She called out to me. That

    was her middle name.

    Fine but you have to feedher. I said placing what little meat we had left in our makeshift pot.

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    Chapter Two.

    I was out watching the sun set while Naomi slept, it was peaceful and a lot quieter for some reason. I

    was picking grass from the small burnt patches of earth when I saw the convoy of military vehiclesthundering towards us. I jumped up and ran inside dropping the grass for Darcy in her box as I called

    out. Naomi! Wake up! We gotta go. Ravens here! I shouted as I packed up what I could. This

    wasnt normal, usually theyd come past Juans place and you would see the smoke rising from the

    small shack. This time they had come straight here.

    I knew of rebels that had been shot on sight and hung above the camp walls. I wasnt about to let

    that happen to us. Naomi came running down from the loft with her bag, she grabbed hold of

    Darcys crate and shoved it in. What do we do? Toby? Where are we going? she was confused and

    I was acting as I thought. It wasnt ideal. I should have planned better.

    Mountains, head for the mountains I am right behind you. I started to climb the ladder to the loftand dispose of whatever was up there. Naomi was far gone and I was up in the loft when Raven

    stormed in, crushing the ground with his boots. He wasnt worried about who heard him, he had no

    one to hide from. I cowered down in the hay and tried to cover myself.

    Find him, I want the boy found. The girl I couldnt care less about. Just get me that boy. He

    commanded. I had fought him back for years leaving many of his solders in the dust with their

    dignity just as low. So when corned I decided to fight back. If the Raven wanted me, he would have

    quite a fight on his hands.

    Sir, what about this? He pointed at where I had cooked us dinner for the past few months, I hadnt

    cleaned up the food from last night. If they were here then they didnt leave long ago. The ravenlooked up to the hay loft almost right at me.

    Check everywhere. And with that he had gone, but his minions hadnt. One climbed the ladder and

    almost stood on my hand, he poked into the hay with the head of his gun, and I looked right down

    the barrel and saw the end, a Taser. He wanted me alive. Big mistake on his part.

    Over the years I had learnt to defend myself. Admittedly I had hoped to be welcomed back into the

    camp and be a Guard. But now I knew that there was another thing they wanted from me. Naomi

    was able to run fast so I never expected her to have to fight, but for me, running had involved

    tripping and arsing up in the dirt. So now I fight. The guy didnt expect a fully grown boy to jump out

    at him and disarm him so quickly. I pointed the Taser gun at him and slid past him. I wasnt a killer.Let me go, dont call out. Also strip, I need your jacket and shoes, oh and the pants. The man

    listened to me, oddly he did as I said and gave me his clothes and shoes. Sit down in the hay and

    dont move until the others leave, then run. Run home and tell them that I gave you mercy, I spared

    your life so that I could get a message to the Raven; Leave us alone, Or else. I knew it probably

    wouldnt work but I had to try, I threw on the Jacket and transformed myself into guard. I grabbed

    the helmet of the guards head, he was only a boy. Much younger than me, he had tears in his eyes. I

    almost felt sorry for him.

    I left down the ladder and looked around the back door that Naomi left out of. A guard was slowly

    making his way over to it poking at the rubble laying around. I raced over to the door giving the

    guard a strange look, I recognised him, he was probably in my class at school or maybe he had come

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