Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd Land at Touchstone Lane, Chard...

27 creative minds safe hands Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd Land at Touchstone Lane, Chard, Somerset Statement of Community Involvement May 2013 Hawkridge House, Chelston Business Park, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 8YA Tel: 01823 666150 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd Land at Touchstone Lane, Chard... creative minds safe hands

Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd

Land at Touchstone Lane, Chard, Somerset

Statement of Community Involvement

May 2013

Hawkridge House, Chelston Business Park, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 8YA

Tel: 01823 666150

Email: [email protected] creative minds safe hands

Document Control

Project: Land at Touchstone Lane

Client: Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd

Job Number: A046527

Document Checking:

Prepared by: Peter Grubb Signed: Peter Grubb

Checked by: Peter Grubb Signed: Peter Grubb

Verified by: Peter Grubb Signed: Peter Grubb creative minds safe hands

Contents Page

1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

2.0 The Site and Surroundings .................................................................................................. 2

3.0 Consultation ........................................................................................................................ 3

3.1 Pre-application Consultation ........................................................................................................ 3

3.2 Consultation and Notification ...................................................................................................... 3

4.0 The Exhibition ...................................................................................................................... 5

5.0 Feedback from the Public Consultation ............................................................................... 7

5.2 Feedback ................................................................................................................................... 7

5.3 Response to Comments .............................................................................................................. 8

6.0 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 10

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


1.0 Introduction

1.1.1 This report summarises the pre-planning application community consultation undertaken in respect

of proposals for the development of land at Touchstone Lane, Chard. It should be read in

conjunction with the other application documentation.

1.1.2 The consultation meets the principles for greater consultation with the public and other stakeholder

groups contained in the South Somerset District Council Statement of Community Involvement,

National Planning Policy Framework and as recommended in the Planning & Compulsory Purchase

Act 2004.

1.1.3 In addressing the need for pre-application consultation (between the applicants and the local

community) the Framework states:

“Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

the planning application system for all parties. Good quality pre-application discussion

enables better coordination between public and private resources and improved outcomes

for the community. 189. Local planning authorities have a key role to play in encouraging

other parties to take maximum advantage of the pre-application stage. They cannot require

that a developer engages with them before submitting a planning application, but they

should encourage take-up of any pre-application services they do offer. They should also,

where they think this would be beneficial, encourage any applicants who are not already

required to do so by law to engage with the local community before submitting their


The more issues that can be resolved at pre-application stage, the greater the benefits. For

their role in the planning system to be effective and positive, statutory planning consultees

will need to take the same early, pro-active approach, and provide advice in a timely

manner throughout the development process. This assists local planning authorities in

issuing timely decisions, helping to ensure that applicants do not experience unnecessary

delays and costs.”

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


2.0 The Site and Surroundings

2.1.1 This 0.98 ha site is located at the north western edge of Chard. The site adjoins residential

development to the south and east and open fields to the north and west. To the south of the site is

a single storey dwelling known as Croft Orchard. To the north of the site is agricultural land. An

intermittent hedgerow runs across the site from east to west.

2.1.2 The site relates well to the existing settlement and the level of services that are provided within

Chard, as detailed in Section 2.2 of the Design & Access Statement and Section 6 of the Transport


Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


3.0 Consultation

3.1 Pre-application Consultation

3.1.1 A The applicant engaged the Local Planning Authority in detailed pre-application discussions in order

to discuss the principle of the proposals and the detailed matters.

3.1.2 An initial meeting was held with a Planning Officer to discuss the principle of the development in

light of the Redrow Homes appeal decision which established that the Development Plan was out of

date and that the Council should now consider housing proposals on the basis of the presumption in

favour of sustainable development.

3.1.3 Officers provisionally supported the principle of development on the basis that the Council had

demonstrably fallen behind with its housing land supply. Following this initial meeting, a design

meeting was held on 22nd February 2013 with Officers, to discuss the layout of the scheme. Detailed

comments were received from Officers which were informed by comments from the Council’s

landscape and urban design officers. Among which, officers agreed to offsite open space provision.

3.1.4 Following the meeting, the scheme layout was amended and resubmitted to Officers for further

comments. The amendments were strongly supported by Officers and the proposals therefore

progressed based upon the provisionally agreed layout. The proposals now submitted reflect

comments made by Officers on the detailed layout, density, landscaping and design.

3.1.5 Separate pre-application discussions were also held with the County Highway Authority and the

scope and detail of the draft Transport Statement and proposed access design were provisionally

agreed by Officers.

3.2 Consultation and Notification

3.2.1 Summerfield Homes (South West) Ltd held a public exhibition on Monday 22nd April 2013 at the

Choughs Hotel, High Street, Chard between 2pm and 8pm. The event provided an opportunity to

provide local residents and key stakeholders information on the emerging proposals, respond to any

questions or comments relating to the site and record feedback from attendees.

3.2.2 Summerfield Homes (South West) Ltd sent invitations to all properties in close proximity of the site,

all key stakeholders including the Town Council and all District Councillors. A newspaper advert was

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


taken out in the local paper (the Chard & Illminster News) to capture the attention of any other

interested parties in the area.

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


4.0 The Exhibition

4.1.1 Upon arrival members of the local community and key stakeholders were met by Summerfield

Homes (SW) a member of the WYG consultancy team and a member of the design team from

Focus. The applicant’s team were on hand to explain the proposal in more detail and respond to any


Display boards photogrpahed prior to the start of the event.

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


4.1.2 Four boards comprising a mixture of text, plans and sketches were displayed at the consultation

event to provide attendees with a better understanding of the proposal. A copy of the boards is

provided in Appendix A. A photograph of the boards erected in the venue is provided at Appendix


4.1.3 The exhibition boards addressed a series of key headings, including:

1. Welcome

2. Planning Context

3. Site & Wider Context

4. Site Evaluation

5. Design Principles

6. Scheme Details

7. Feedback & Next Steps

4.1.4 Attendees were invited to register their attendance and record their comments and opinions via

feedback forms. A copy of a feedback form is provided at Appendix C. The feedback forms could

be completed at the exhibition, returned by post or emailed to the WYG office.

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


5.0 Feedback from the Public Consultation

5.1.1 While 50 local residents signed the attendance register many more attended the public consultation

event; the total attendance was estimated to be around 100 people. A copy of the attendance

register is attached at Appendix D.

5.1.2 A total of 37 completed feedback forms and email comments were returned. Hard copies of the

feedback forms and email comments are available upon request from WYG Planning & Environment.

The following represents a summary of the responses that were received on the feedback forms:

5.2 Feedback

5.2.1 A summary of the feedback from local residents is provided below. It is set out in a chronological

order with the most commonly raised issue first and the least commonly raised issue last:

Increased traffic along Touchstone Lane – concerns over the capacity of the Lane to

accommodate more cars and concern over existing dangerous road conditions due to parked


Dangerous access on a corner of the Lane

Not a suitable location for development as there are limited footways in the locality

Concerns over houses being built when the area is predominantly bungalows

Proposals will increase flood risk, particularly run off from the hill

Overdevelopment – the density is too high and should be reduced to 10 dwellings

Impacts on local habitats on the site

Disruption of quiet retirement neighbourhood by families with children

Concerns over the possible impact of affordable housing on the locality

Concerns over potential overlooking into existing properties

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


5.3 Response to Comments

5.3.1 The purpose of the consultation event was to gain the views of local residents and key stakeholders

which can then be fed into the design process. Following the consultation event it was clear that the

key issues include the impact on highway safety, the potential effects on surface water flooding, the

density of development and scale of houses, overlooking and the impacts of introducing affordable


5.3.2 The proposals including a comprehensive Transportation Statement which has been prepared in

consultation with the Highways Authority and following extensive traffic survey data collection. While

we acknowledge the concerns of local residents in respect of a potential highway capacity and safety

issue, the evidence we have prepared demonstrates that the highway is currently only at 5% of its

capacity and the development would increase this to around 6%, leaving 94% spare capacity.

Likewise there have been no accidents recorded on the Lane and the proposed access can deliver

technically sufficient visibility splays to enable vehicles to manoeuvre to and from the development

safely. The highway safety issue raised by residents appears to be based on perception, but the

evidence contradicts these concerns and confirms that the development can in fact proceed without

causing any highway safety issues.

5.3.3 In relation to surface water flooding, the applicants have undertaken extensive percolation testing

and have submitted a drainage proposal with the application. It demonstrates that surface water

can be managed through soakaways to ensure the surface water run off remains at Greenfield run

off rates. Any pre-existing off site issues in relation to this matter cannot reasonably be addressed

by the development but should be addressed separately by the relevant authority. Overall therefore,

the submission demonstrates that the proposals will not increase the risk of surface water flooding

to existing properties.

5.3.4 In terms of the development layout, the density of development the proposal for two storey houses

instead of bungalows, the applicants have met with Officers to discuss these issues in the context of

planning policy. Planning policy at all levels requires development land to be used efficiently and

national policy confirms that development should not necessarily replicate its surroundings. In this

case, the development density is 23 dwelling per hectare, which is considered to be an appropriate

balance between using the site effectively and efficiently and responding to the density of the

surrounding area. The two storey dwellings ensure that the site can be used efficiently without the

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


higher land-take of bungalows and without causing any harm to the character of the area. The two

storey dwellings also enable a high quality streetscene to be achieved.

5.3.5 In respect of residential amenity, the proposed layout ensures that dwellings have been carefully

sited specifically to avoid any amenity issues, including overlooking, overshadowing and overbearing


5.3.6 Finally in respect of affordable housing, this is a planning policy requirement to address an identified

shortage in housing in the local area and is considered a significant benefit of the scheme and is not

considered to give rise to any adverse impact on the local environment.

Touchstone Lane, Chard


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


6.0 Conclusions

6.1.1 The public consultation succeeded in positively engaging with members of the local community.

6.1.2 Invitations were sent to the site's nearest neighbours, key stakeholders and advertised more widely

across Chard in the local paper.

6.1.3 Over 100 local residents are estimated to have attended the public consultation event on Monday

22nd April 2013, with 50 signing the attendance register. 37 completed feedback forms were


6.1.4 The main concerns raised by the local residents who completed the feedback forms, relate to

potential highway safety, flooding and overdevelopment.

6.1.5 Evidence is provided in the application submissions to demonstrate that the proposals will not give

rise to local impacts identified by local residents as potential issues.

Land at St Michael's Gardens, South Petherton


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd



Land at St Michael's Gardens, South Petherton


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


Appendix A

Land off Touchstone Lane, Chard


Site Location plan

1. Introduction


The purpose of this exhibition is to gain an understanding of the community’s views on the emerging development proposals for the site at Touchstone Lane, Chard prior to the formal submission of a planning application. The feedback received today will be taken into consideration and will help to inform the planning application that will be submitted to South Somerset District Council.

The land in question is controlled by Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd who are experienced

local house builders and keen to hear your views on the emerging plans for the site.

Members of the team are here today to help explain the proposals and answer any questions you may have.

Please take some time to view the boards and we would encourage you to complete a feedback form.


The proposal is for 23 new dwellings. Access to the site will be provided from Touchstone Lane. The development of the site will form a natural extension to the existing residential area and will round off the settlement boundary.

Initial consultation with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) started early in 2013. A pre-application meeting was held with Officers at South Somerset District Council. The meeting and subsequent correspondence have provided useful background information which have helped to guide the development proposals to date.

Planning background

Planning authorities are required to demonstrate that they have a 5 year housing land supply to ensure that the quantum of housing that is needed within that area is actually delivered. Recent appeal decisions in South Somerset have concluded that the Council do not have a sufficient housing supply to meet the demonstrated need. Consequently, there is currently a pressing need for housing to be provided across South Somerset to meet the identified need.

The emerging Local Plan identified Chard as a sustainable and appropriate location for new housing and requires 1,861 new dwellings in Chard over the plan period to 2028. The plan is yet to be adopted and therefore this figure is subject to change, but the proposed development will help the LPA to address the housing shortage .

The site has been identified by the South Somerset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) as being suitable for housing.

Land off Touchstone Lane, Chard


Constraints and issues plan

2. The site, wider context and opportunities

FALL 1:8

FALL 1:8

FALL 1:8

FALL 1:8



field to the north. This hedge has significant breaks within it.

There are a number of over-mature fruit tree within the site but are in poor condition, leaning or overrun with bramble.

There appears to be a wooded area located at the western end of the garden area and this has become overgrown with a variety of mature native trees and shrubs.

The site slopes, at an approximate fall of 1 in 8m, towards the east and provides significant long distance views.

The site is 1.03 ha area in total.


The development of the site provides an opportunity for a number of enhancements to be made including:

• improving the access from Touchstone Lane

• incorporating and enhancing existing hedgerows into the development.

• integrating footpath and cycle routes.

• encouraging a mix of house types to refl ect local demand and provision.

• build on the site’s strengths to create an attractive residential development within the existing context.







The site

The site is located along the north western edge of Chard. Chard lies along the A30 between the A303 to the west and Crewkern.

The site is located north on Touchstone Lane, and situated as the road turns east towards Crimchard. This is a suburban residential area predominantly developed in the 1970s.

The site comprises two parts. The southern part includes a single storey dwelling (Croft Orchard) and is located along Touchstone Lane. The northern half is in low intensity agricultural use and accessed via a hedge lined lane running along the eastern boundary of the site.

There are significant established hedges along the access lane into the field, as well as along the west and north site boundaries. A hedgerow runs through the centre of the site, which separates the dwelling and its garden from the

Land off Touchstone Lane, Chard


The street widths proposed for the scheme, will allow naturally for on street casual parking so in addition to those allocated; the scheme is very well catered for.

2. Transport

We have undertaken a draft Transport statement in consultation with the Highways Authority and we can provide the following initial conclusions:

• Touchstone Lane is relatively lightly traffi cked and has a good safety record;

• The proposed site access arrangement will improve the existing arrangement, provide adequate visibilities and associated pedestrian facilities;

• The site is sustainably located with high levels of accessibility to local facilities on foot and by bus;

• The additional trips generated from the proposed development will have a negligible impact on the surrounding network in the future.

• Therefore, there are no highways or transportation reasons why the development should not proceed as proposed.

3. Key issues to addressA series of investigations and studies have been undertaken so that the constraints and opportunities presented by the site can be fully understood. This work has informed the proposed scheme. The studies that have been carried out relate to the following:

• Design• Transport• Ground Investigation• Flood risk and drainage• Ecology• Landscape Assessment

1. Design

The vision for the site is for an intimate, inclusive and visually attractive scheme where people will aspire to live.

The buildings on the site layout are arranged around a simple and legible route that has regard for the sites particular topography and character in the way that is ‘meanders’ around the site. It has developed in consultation with council offi cers.

Buildings are placed to guide people through the development, with little or no rear elevations prominent and will all be proposed as 2 storey in scale.

A good mixture of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom dwellings are proposed, of varying plot depths, widths and confi gurations. Some homes will be provided as ‘affordable housing’ to accord with local policies. The affordable housing will be designed and integrated into the scheme accordingly.

The public realm is designed to appear as a traditional street, with integrated landscaping, tree features at key points around the development and also a mixture of high quality boundary treatments such as low walls and shrub planting.

High walls will enclose rear gardens for dwellings that face onto the public realm and a clear public to private realm relationship will ensue, to enhance the general legibility of the scheme.

A feature of the scheme is the retention of the northern hedgerow/hedge bank and will be managed and included as part of rear gardens.

The architectural style of the dwellings is very much a traditional approach, as is the external facing and roofi ng materials; both refl ecting the historic character of Chard.

Materials include red brick, stone and render to the main facades, with predominantly profi led tile to the roofs.

Parking will be well catered for around the scheme and for the dwellings proposed. A minimum of 2 spaces each (some with garage) will be provided for 2 and 3 bed properties, with 3 spaces each for the 4 bedroom properties. Some of the larger 4 bed dwellings will benefi t from 2 spaces and 2 garages.

Potential street scene facing south

Land off Touchstone Lane, Chard


4. Key issues and next steps

Proposed layout

Your comments

This exhibition provides information on the progress we’ve made on preparing a planning application for the site at Touchstone Lane, to help ensure the local community is kept fully informed. It also gives you a chance to discuss the proposals with our experts should you wish to and for you to provide us any feedback you may have at

this stage.

Planning application

It is intended that the planning application will be submitted sometime in May 2013. Once the application is formally registered, the Council will then proceed with its own statutory consultation. This will last for a minimum of 21 days. The Council will notify the local community about the consultation process and explain how you can participate. Copies of the application will also be distributed to a number of statutory consultees for scrutiny and comment, including Somerset County Council Highways, Education and Ecology Departments, Natural England and the Environment Agency, as well as being publicly available on the Council’s website

and at the Council offices.

Thank you for visiting this exhibition.

3. Landscape

The initial Landscape Assessment of the site confi rms that the site has capacity to accommodate built development and residential development proposals are unlikely to be intrusive to public views. The emerging landscape proposals are currently being developed but will ensure that the boundary hedges will be retained and a new hedgerow provided along the eastern boundary to enhance the enclosure of the site.

4. Ecology

Ecology surveys on the site have been undertaken. There are no over-riding ecological constraints to the development of the site and no designated sites of nature conservation would be affected by the proposals.

5. Flood Risk

The site is located with fl ood zone 1 which means that it is at the lowest risk of fl ooding and is a location where planning policy seeks to direct new development. The proposals will provide a suitable drainage strategy to deal with foul and surface water.

Land at Touchstone Lane


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


Appendix B

Land at Touchstone Lane


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


Appendix C

Land at Touchstone Lane


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd


Appendix D

Land at Touchstone Lane


Summerfield Homes (SW) Ltd
