Summer/Fall 2011 - The World Tang Soo Do Association

WORLD TANG SOO DO ASSOCIATION Newsletter No. 80 Summer/Fall 2011 O n May 12, after years of dreaming and struggling we finally broke the ground for construction of our new headquarters building. The gray and misty weather did not dampen the mood of the emotional event for members of the World Tang Soo Do Association. This day marked the beginning of a new era that was 20 years in the making according to Grandmaster Jae C. Shin. The official Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new World Headquarters was happening at last. Master Dunn served as the MC for the event. Accompanying Grandmaster Shin and the Masters of Region 7 were the Mayor of Burlington, NC, and representatives from the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce, BBT, the general contractor and builder for the new World Headquarters, Master Jim Mars, Chairman of the construction committee and the WTSDA Treasurer, Master Sandy Lipstein. Burlington was carefully chosen due to the location and the facilities the city has to offer for our international events. Sasser Construction Company has been hired for the job and we expect that phase one will be completed by March 2012. This dream started in 1990 when we started to raise funding for this enormous project. For the past twenty years, we have raised more than two and a quarter million dollars with the help of over 9000 contributors. Grandmaster Shin expressed his gratitude to the officials before he began to explain his vision for the headquarters and for the WTSDA. He wanted to make sure that everyone understood that he was not building a soccer field or sports facility. According to Grandmaster Shin, the problem with martial arts in the past had been that one Master and his followers could only go on for so long before the succession stopped and the art was lost. His dream was to build a Mecca or spiritual place to cultivate our art and culture. A place where martial arts can change a person’s mind, body and spirit regardless of their physical capability. A place where there will be enough knowledge to help people live a happy and healthy life and where Tang Soo Do can grow to meet the needs of the next generation. Another milestone for next year is our 30 year anniversary. We will celebrate thirty years for WTSDA, and at the same time, we will have our grand opening of the new headquarters building right after our 14th World Championship in July, scheduled to be held at Greensboro Coliseum, North Carolina. Near the end of his speech, Grandmaster Shin gave recognition to the hard work that Master Mars has put into this building process and named Master Mars as being in charge of the construction. Master Mars will be making weekly visits to check on the building progress for Grandmaster Shin. As WTSDA members, we can all do our part by contributing to the building fund and help make the Grandmaster’s dream a reality. To conclude the ceremony, the attending Masters, Chief Instructors and students gathered to sing our WTSDA anthem. As everyone parted ways, the construction equipment began to roar, preparing the field for our dream to arise. This lasting legacy will be our pride. Article contributors, Master Chuck Vaughn, Vaughn’s Dojang Cassandra Kimmerly, Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness (additional photos on page 3) BREAKING GROUND ON A NEW ERA

Transcript of Summer/Fall 2011 - The World Tang Soo Do Association


Newsletter No. 80 Summer/Fall 2011

On May 12, after years of dreaming and struggling we finally broke the ground for construction of our new headquarters building. The gray and misty weather did not dampen the mood

of the emotional event for members of the World Tang Soo Do Association. This day marked the beginning of a new era that was 20 years in the making according to Grandmaster Jae C. Shin. The official Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new World Headquarters was happening at last. Master Dunn served as the MC for the event. Accompanying Grandmaster Shin and the Masters of Region 7 were the Mayor of Burlington, NC, and representatives from the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce, BBT, the general contractor and builder for the new World Headquarters, Master Jim Mars, Chairman of the construction committee and the WTSDA Treasurer, Master Sandy Lipstein. Burlington was carefully chosen due to the location and the facilities the city has to offer for our international events. Sasser Construction Company has been hired for the job and we expect that phase one will be completed by March 2012. This dream started in 1990 when we started to raise funding for this enormous project. For the past twenty years, we have raised more than two and a quarter million dollars with the help of over 9000 contributors. Grandmaster Shin expressed his gratitude to the officials before he began to explain his vision for the headquarters and for the WTSDA. He wanted to make sure that everyone understood that he was not building a

soccer field or sports facility. According to Grandmaster Shin, the problem

with martial arts in the past had been that one Master and

his followers could only go on for so long before the succession stopped and the

art was lost. His dream

was to build a Mecca or spiritual place to cultivate our art and culture. A place where martial arts can change a person’s mind, body and spirit regardless of their physical capability. A place where there will be enough knowledge to help people live a happy and healthy life and where Tang Soo Do can grow to meet the needs of the next generation. Another milestone for next year is our 30 year anniversary. We will celebrate thirty years for WTSDA, and at the same time, we will have our grand opening of the new headquarters building right after our 14th World Championship in July, scheduled to be held at Greensboro Coliseum, North Carolina. Near the end of his speech, Grandmaster Shin gave recognition to the hard work that Master Mars has put into this building process and named Master Mars as being in charge of the construction. Master Mars will be making weekly visits to check on the building progress for Grandmaster Shin. As WTSDA members, we can all do our part by contributing to the building fund and help make the Grandmaster’s dream a reality. To conclude the ceremony, the attending Masters, Chief Instructors and students gathered to sing our WTSDA anthem. As everyone parted ways, the construction equipment began to roar, preparing the field for our dream to arise. This lasting legacy will be our pride.

Article contributors,Master Chuck Vaughn, Vaughn’s Dojang

Cassandra Kimmerly, Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

(additional photos on page 3)


2 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

The Official Newsletter of the World Tang Soo Do Association

709 Oregon AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19148

Voice: 215.468.2121Fax: 215.336.2121

e-mail: [email protected]

M-F: 9 AM TO 5 PM

FOUNDER & PUBLISHERGrandmaster Jae Chul Shin


KIDS KORNER EDITORMaster Carla Bennett

15325 Yankee Blade Rd.Reno, Nevada, USA, 89511

or [email protected]

SEND ARTICLES [email protected]

or 208 New StreetMillersville, PA 17551


a CENVEO Company

WEB PAGE The web committee has been working diligently to keep the page updated and consistently improving. Visit the page today. We are always looking for new and creative ideas to make our page the best of its kind on the web, so send your suggestions to us at [email protected]. Also, be sure to have your studio page approved to be linked to the association page. It is very interesting to read and learn about the many studios we have. Approval is easy, simply follow the directions on the page and your studio will soon be linked to the association page. If you have any comments or ideas, we would love to hear from you. If you would like to volunteer to assist in any of the areas on the site, or you have news or anything you would like to have reproduced on our site, contact us.

Gideon Lee

Web Committee Chairman

[email protected]


Studios Owner Region

Dojang Koguryo .................................. Kees Mommers .................... 11

Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A. ............... George W. Maybroda ............ 8

Suncoast Tang Soo Do ........................ Carole Yoder ........................ 21

Dojang Cho-Hwa ................................ Karijo Partosoebroto ........... 11

Pyung Ahn San Luis Dojang ............... Jesus R. Mendez ................... 12

Pellice Studio ....................................... Bernardo Pellice ................... 12

Tae Kyum Oh Yi, Costa Rica ............... Jovel Zuniga Hernandez ....... 18

Fire Dragon Karate I ........................... Jimmy Bailey ......................... 4

Fire Dragon Karate II .......................... Jimmy Bailey ......................... 4

Coastal Canyon Tang Soo Do .............. Kelly D. Goodwin ................ 20

Iacovella Studio ................................... Marcelo Iacovella ................. 12

Shins Tang Soo Do Villalba ................. Luis R. Torres ...................... 18

Causby Karate Academy ..................... Stephanie Causby .................. 7

Clubs Owner Region

In Nae Tang Soo Do ............................ Gerardo Picado Arias ........... 12

Tang Soo Do Karate Academy II ........ Mark C. Causerano ............... 8

Arrowhead Tang Soo Do-Tempe ......... Sarah R. Roberts ................... 2

Grupo Tae Kyun .................................. Aldo Zalazar ........................ 12

University Cordoba TSD ..................... Fernando Jose Ivancich ........ 12

Cheonsa Tang Soo Do ......................... Jovel Zuniga Fernandez ........ 18

Young Tang Soo Do - Madison ........... Ricky D. Young ..................... 6

Two Tigers Tang Soo Do ..................... Kathleen B. Speaker .............. 5

Gihae Tang Soo Do Club III ............... Melissa Noguera .................. 18

Jama Joly Nederland ............................ Jacob de Graaf ..................... 11

K.E.A. Tang Soo Do ........................... Andrew Hassapis .................. 11

Lopez TSD Family Martial Arts .......... Melodie C. Lopez .................. 1

TSD-Chemnitz ..................................... Arnold Falk .......................... 11

visit for world and regional information 3WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011



El día Domingo 22 de Mayo del corriente, se llevó a cabo la “Quinta Clínica Regional, Alvarez Studio”

en las instalaciones del Club 25 de Mayo, sito en la Av. Fabian Onsari 1250 de Wilde, Bs. As. – Argentina. Las actividades dieron comienzo a las 08 Hs., en el salón principal, en donde se explicó el cronograma de actividades, sus horarios, la importancia de este tipo de eventos y de la manera que debemos proceder y actuar para poder obtener el mejor resultado en cada una de las actividades del día. Las actividades del día trataron los siguientes temas:Formas con Bong (palo) I, II, III (Gup y Cho Dan), Hyung (formas) en dos etapas (1st hasta Sip Soo, 2nd de Avanzados). Reglas de arbitraje (Preparatorio para una futura certificación). Sae Kya Jang Gum Hyung (Forma con Boken). Marqueting y metodos de comercialización en escuelas.. Jun Koop Jang Gum Hyung (Primera forma de Katana). Forma Básica (Programa Completo). Introducción y Técnicas de Vale Todo. El día de actividades finalizó con una merienda, en donde se entregó a cada participante el certificado de

participación, así como también un diploma de reconocimiento a las personas que nos asistieron a lo largo del día para que podamos dedicarnos solamente a entrenar. Ellas son Patricia, Lorena y Mary. Como tantas veces lo he hecho, quiero felicitar a este excelente grupo que trabaja arduamente con una única finalidad que es la superación y por haber demostrado una vez mas que “querer es poder”. Como organizador quiero agradecer y resaltar la labor de cada uno de los instructores que han aportado sus conocimientos y con gran vocación al arte, hicieron de este evento un éxito mas para nuestra escuela. Tradicionalismo, Profesionalismo y Hermandad, tres principios que destacan a un maestro de nuestra Asoc. Nos vemos en el próximo evento ¡!!!

Submitted by,Master Christian H. Alvarez


4 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

When I first started attending Mr. Lacy’s Tang Soo Do class in Richmond, VA, I had just completed five months of intensive therapy following major shoulder surgery.

It was my intent to merely use Tang Soo Do as a means of getting my then, 68 year old body, back into decent condition. My wife, Friederike, 69 at the time, had started the class a few weeks earlier. Additionally, there was one other student, Mr. Wayne Dunn, a youngster of 70 years, who had started only a few weeks before her. I don’t know how Mr. Lacy felt about having a bunch of geriatrics starting roughly all at the same time. I do know this, Tang Soo Do has become a lifetime pursuit for me, my wife and Mr. Dunn. We may never become black belts, but that isn’t the most important thing in the world. What we have done is commit our minds and bodies to a new discipline. To quote something I heard, “we aren’t conditioning our bodies to live to be a hundred, we are conditioning our bodies in case we live to be a hundred.” When we had our first gup test, we didn’t even want anyone to watch us. We had very little confidence in our own ability. However, Mr. Lacy was always so encouraging that by the time we had our second test we wanted people to see us perform and we wanted to be videotaped. We have gained a lot of confidence in a short time. Now we don’t care who watches us, in fact, we want them to watch us. Hopefully, they will decide that they would like to learn to do the neat things that we do. Mr. Lacy convinced us to compete at the Region 7 Fall Championship in Myrtle Beach in November, 2010. We were very confident that we would be competing with people in our age group and at the same level of expertise. So, we were quite surprised to learn that we would be competing in a group starting at the very young age of 35. I had to spar against a gentleman who was younger than our youngest daughter. I didn’t win, but I did score a point. That, in itself, was a thrill. What we did get from that tournament was fellowship. We met some of the nicest people imaginable. I am bad with remembering names, but two names will always stand out for me and Friederike, they are Mr. Jim Young from Carolina Martial

Arts, and Mrs. Francis from Moo Son Tang Soo Do. Mr. Young was our center judge and Mrs. Francis was one of the corner judges. They were so appreciative that we had committed ourselves to Tang Soo Do. The proudest moment was at the Championship banquet that night, both Mr. Young and Mrs. Francis came to our table to tell Mr. Lacy that he could be proud to have us as students. If that doesn’t encourage you, nothing will. From that tournament until the spring of 2011 we worked hard with one goal in mind, to have a good showing at the Spring Tournament in Taylors, SC. Unfortunately, a week before the tournament, I broke a bone in my foot executing a spin-back kick. This knocked out my hopes of competing. It would have been easy at

that time to give up, but that isn’t my mindset. Disappointment is a major part of achievement. The more disappointment you endure, the greater the accomplishment when you reach a goal. Friederike was able to compete in the tournament and did reasonably well. She was still, by far, the oldest participant in her group. The only reason we are older than the others in our group is because we were born before they were.

Now we have the summer and Fall to get ready for Myrtle Beach again. I will hit the mat as soon as the doctor tells me my foot is sufficiently healed. Regardless of whether we win a medal or not, we will have competed against participants much younger than ourselves and that makes us feel younger. The more Mr. Lacy trains us, the younger we feel. Because of the nature of my injury I may have jeopardized my chances of ever earning a Black Belt, but I have no problem with that. I will continue to do what I can do, and try to do it well. Most of all, we are grateful to God for giving us the ability and desire to push our bodies beyond limits that others our age would never dream of attempting. We like to think that we are encouraging others to get into any kind of a program that will help them to attain a stronger body, regardless of their age.

Submitted by,Jim Holbrook, Commonwealth Tang Soo Do


visit for world and regional information 5WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011

In 2012, we have several historic events during the World Championship. First of all, we’ll have a Grand Opening Ceremony of our new World Headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina. The ceremony will be held on Sunday, with a group picnic at 2436 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Also, we’ll have the 30th Anniversary Celebration with 30 year Dedication Masters’ Dinner.

The Championship Hotel is Sheraton Hotel 3121 High Point Rd., Greensboro. Once these hotels are full we will have several more that will be provided. When booking your rooms please make sure you tell them that you are with the World Tang Soo Do Association. You should receive the special rate, and we will receive credit for the booking. The Association is making prior reservations to hold the rooms. Doing so will ensure that we get as many rooms close together as possible. The information on the first block of hotels is below:

I look forward to celebrating and enjoying the Grand Opening Ceremony and 30th Anniversary with you and having another successful World Championship in 2012.

Submitted by,Master Jim Mars, Region 7 Director




3121 High Point Rd.Greensboro, NC 27407

Rate : $99.00(800)242-6556

Doubletree Hotel3030 High Point Road, Greensboro, NC 27403

Rate $99.00 (800) 222-8733



2436 Handford Rd.Burlington, NC

July 22, 201212:00 PM

6 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

A smoke-like, foggy mist rose from the Lehigh River in the early morning hour as if it were awakening and trying to reach for the sky. Ducks and geese quacked vigorously,

puncturing the silence of this pre-dawn hour. This New Year’s Day, the peaceful area of Sand Island would serve as an outdoor dojang for over twenty students and instructors of the Bethlehem Martial Arts Academy. Master John Gallagher initiated the tradition of outdoor training on New Year’s Day approximately twenty years ago. He eloquently explains the theory that exposing oneself to hardship is excellent for the building of spirit and character. Each year he scouts an appropriate venue to start the New Year, to truly become one with nature. His protocol requires the venue to be close to water. All black belts and adult gups are invited to train and this year included students ranging in age from 11 to 70. Do bahks are the uniform of the day, with allowance to wear thermal clothing underneath along with sneakers. Weather conditions have no influence on the training. Through the years we have experienced all types of weather conditions, snow, rain, sleet and even unseasonable warmth. Deep snow is especially welcomed as an opportunity to have the students practice throws and break falls in less than comfortable conditions. Positive reactions come from all the students. Gavin Maura, Cho Dan, age 11 offered the following comments, “It wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be. I had a little numbness in my legs. I have been waiting for years to do this; it was amazing.” Gavin’s mother, Amy, said, “he has been taking cold showers and baths to prepare himself.” That attitude reflects a true warrior spirit. Colton Bove, Cho Dan, age 11 stated, “I have always seen pictures of New Years training and now I finally had the experience myself. If you don’t think about the cold that much, it doesn’t get to you.” This young man practices mind control. The official bowing in coincided with the sunrise. Sah Bum Nim reviewed walking meditation and breathing methods. The meditation walk on a path through a wooded area on the banks of the Monocacy Creek brought the

class to a point where the creek flows into the Lehigh River. Master Gallagher suggested we sit in a meditation posture facing the east towards the direction of the rising sun for an additional twenty minutes of meditation and deep breathing. Sah Bum Nim conducted a typical class in an open area amongst the trees. Typical, that is, in addition to the environmental conditions of some snow, mud and ice. Master Gallagher had the class literally experience becoming one with nature by finishing the class with pushups and abdominal exercises on the snowy ground. Moving back to the river’s edge, Sah Bum Nim explained “Misogi,” a method of purification by immersion in water which serves to renew one’s spirit or “Hwal” (Korean for vitality or reenergize). He explained that this

practice of water immersion can be found in many different cultures throughout the world and has been adopted by practitioners of various martial arts as a way to

renew their spirits and commitment to the martial arts and to place themselves into hardship. Entering the river is voluntary, but most students that were able, did participate. Once in position and in unison, the students cupped their hands, gathered cold river water and splashed their heads, faces and necks. This was repeated three times, affording the students ample opportunity to renew their spirits. Of course, the tradition would not be complete until we sang the World Tang Soo Do Anthem. As the class emerged from the water, Sah Bum Nim thanked each participant and gave each a piece of a white belt. He urged all students to return to their days as a white belt, when all learning was new, put aside any ego-driven traps of knowledge and go confidently and enthusiastically forward into the New Year. Another New Years training has passed and the students had literally become one with nature and will continue to walk the Tang Soo Do path with a renewed spirit and commitment.

Submitted by,David Cuddy, Sam Dan

Bethlehem Martial Arts Academy


visit for world and regional information 7WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011

Sedona is a magical little town in northern Arizona. People also call it Red Rock Country, properly so due to the red earth and red-rock formations. The contrast between the red rocks, occasional yellow

sandstone, the various shades of the green vegetation and the blue sky create an incomparable beauty only to be accentuated by the changing sunlight throughout the day. This was the perfect place to hold the combined West Coast and East Coast World Ki Gong Clinic, June 24-26. As a first time attendee, I had no real idea of what to expect. My only guess was that we were going to be doing non-stop ki gong exercises all day; however it was much more than that. The clinic was a very well-balanced combination of indoor ki gong exercises, informative lectures and outdoor ki gong related activities. In the mornings and in the evenings, we were mostly outdoors. During the middle of the day on Saturday, we were indoors sheltered from the heat, listening to interesting lectures on Types of Breathing and Meditation by Grand Master Shin and Nutrition by Michelle Ross. For the outdoor activities, we visited four vortex points: Airport, Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock and Chapel of the Holy Cross. Friday evening, before experiencing the first vortex, Ron McLain, a vortex specialist, told us about them in a short lecture. After arriving at each vortex, an experienced World Ki Gong Club member, such as Master Sandy Lipstein, Grand Master Shin and Mary Mars, would lead us in some ki gong exercise. The ki gong exercises done before and after coming back from the vortex trips at the conference center and at the hotel were led at different times by Grand Master Shin, John

Robertson, Master Tim Schroeder, Mary Mars and Rolf Godon. Saturday night after coming back from Bell Rock, we were divided into two groups: beginners (who were wearing white shirts) and non-beginners (who were wearing yellow and blue shirts). While the more advanced members were having their meeting, the beginners were at a hands-on, feet-washing lecture led by Lupe Thomas. After a long day, massaging our own feet while washing, rinsing and drying them, felt like a little piece of heaven. Then we switched groups. With Master Schroeder, we had a chance to learn about how we can advance in the

World Ki Gong Club if we want to, the different levels within the club, and the club’s site content. We also had the opportunity to play around with our ki in order for us to be more aware of it and be able to scan a person to feel their ki and possibly their current or previous injuries. The clinic’s atmosphere was calm yet upbeat, charged with a lot of positive energy. Everyone was very nice, helpful and welcoming. For being my first time, it did not

take long before I felt at home with everyone, regardless of level in the World Ki Gong Club or rank in Tang Soo Do. It was great meeting people from all over the United States and even Germany. Overall, I had a great time and would highly recommend others to go to the World Ki Gong Club clinics. It was an amazing hands-on learning experience. Thank you to all who were involved in one way or another for making this clinic possible.

Submitted by,B. Ruth Avilés-Vieyra, E Dan


8 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

REGION 8 SPRING CHAMPIONSHIPThis year’s Spring Championship was a great success. With

nearly 400 competitors, the event was completed in record time. This was in large part due to the folks at the head table. Kudos to Mrs. Peterman and her team for a very professional and efficient job, and for keeping things moving in an orderly fashion. We were blessed with fair weather for the tournament. Mr. Altiere and his set-up crew did a great job of getting the gym ready the night before. Mr. Fernandez & helpers got started early Sunday morning (7:30 a.m.) preparing the kitchen for the long day ahead. At 8:30 a.m. the judges meeting was held, where Master Mimidis made announcements, applications for the up-coming Black Belt Camps were handed out, and instructions were given to judges on protocol, and the finer points of scoring. Grandmaster Shin closed the meeting with words of encouragement and directions for everyone to do their best to make the Championship a success. After opening ceremonies, the Tiny tigers/Little Dragons division performed. Of course, they stole the show. Next the Black Belt divisions were called, so the Black Belts who were assigned to judge would be free to do their job. The rest of the day was an exciting day for the happy competitors walking from their respective rings carrying their

trophies. All participants seemed to be having a good time, while striving for the gold. It makes one proud to a part of an organization such as ours, where students can honestly compete while maintaining the unique style of Brotherhood/Sisterhood prevalent in World Tang Soo Do. The competition wrapped up at about 3:30 p.m. with the Championship cup winners receiving their awards.On my drive home, I had a warm feeling that the teamwork of Region 8 had accomplished another event in grand style. I reflected that most all of the members who attended this year’s event, were also basking in the spirit of martial art. I felt proud to be a small part of it.

Submitted by,Master Chuck Vaughn, Vaughn’s Dojang

4TH ANNUAL MASTER MASSARONI MEMORIAL CLASSNate Gordon’s Black Belt Academy, in Bensalem,

Pennsylvania, held its 4th Annual Master Massaroni Memorial Class in May. There was a great deal of advanced preparation done by Ms. Gordon-Mazur and Ms. Bambushew to make the class a success. There were new memorial t-shirts, BBA Magnets and Master Mass Trading Cards available. The class started at 6pm and ended at 9pm, with Grandmaster Shin visiting the school for the first time since the grand-opening in 1993. He stayed for the entire event! He was very impressed with the goal writing activity that occurred during the first hour under the direction of Ms. Gordon-Mazur and personally spoke to the class for some time about his memories of Master Massaroni. He then took time to autograph every student’s uniform. During the 2nd hour, the class trained under Ms. Bambushew as she taught them the Demo form used several times while Master Mass was the Team Captain. The 3rd hour was spent watching old videos of Master Mass preparing for and competing at tournaments as well as leading the Demo Team to 4 straight Regional Championships. Many of the participating families brought snacks and drinks which made the hour even more enjoyable. It was a great honor to have Master Massaroni’s parents attend for the first time and to have Grandmaster Shin take

photographs with many of the students. This year 4 of the school’s Black Belt students made the run in his honor: Marc Frishman, Drew Mayberry, Jacob Francisco, and Sean Fields. Congrats to all of them for having the desire, dedication, and determination to enter and finish this event.

Submitted by,Master Nate Gordon

Barbara and Roland Massaroni with Faith Gordon-Mazur

The last picture ever taken of Master Massaroni as he crossed the finish line of the Broad Street Run.

Master Gordon & Grandmaster Shin

Adult Dan Female Jennifer M. Luneau; Adult Dan Male Geoffrey E. Dorrell Setyanto; Senior Dan Female Kristen Nolan Winsko; Senior Dan Male Kwame O. Cooke; Youth Dan Female Cassandra R. Primo; Youth Dan Male Kyle G. Leon; Adult Gup Female Stephanie JS Turner; Adult Gup Male

Bryan M. Olson; Senior Gup Female Patricia T. Gauani; Senior Gup Male Patricio Lueza; Youth Gup Female Keara R. Dugey; Youth Gup Male Matthew Meredith

visit for world and regional information 9WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011


We packed up our gear, uniforms, street clothes, snacks, and reading materials into our vehicles just after noon on Friday. We proceeded to jam five dans, a cho dan bo

and five gups into whatever space we could find, and started our many-hour, 400+ mile drive to Waverly, IA. Range Martial Arts students were headed to the spring WTSDA Region 3 clinic and dan test hosted by Mr. Glenn Engel. We had a smaller group this trip, but we were still able to bring a variety of ages and ranks to learn and have some fun. We were all smiles as we left on a warm, sunny day and were still all smiles as we rolled out of our vehicles to stretch our legs at the hotel while Mr. Bryan Fagerstrom, our head instructor, checked us in. To help ease nerves and get some positive energy flowing after sitting for so long, several of us decided to do Ki Cho Ki Gong with Mrs. Ramona Wickstrom, our Level III Ki Gong instructor, in the hotel’s corridor before retiring forthe night. We woke up early, ate our breakfast, did our personal morning routines, and met to cram back into the vehiclesfor the much shorter drive to the facilities where the clinic was being held. You could feel the energy level rising within our group as we unloaded our gear and weapons. Most of us had been to many clinics before, but anticipation turned to nervous energy as we entered the gymnasium floor in our dobohks. The spacious gymnasium started to fill with many belts of all colors as we patiently waited for the masters towalk in and get started. Approximately 60 gups, black belts and instructors were greeting each other as we heard a distant call to line up. The masters were looking for a high-energy day of Tang Soo Do instruction and fun. They would not be disappointed! Our guest, Master Scott Homschek, WTSDA Region 22 Director, shared a fraction of the knowledge he has acquired over more than a decade working with rope as a weapon. All students were able to participate in drills

using this ancient flexible weapon – including adapted versions of some of the WTSDA’s il soo sik. He also gave the black belts some ideas to help spark creativity in not only personal training, but also for instruction of students. Our regional masters, Mr. Robert Grissom, Mrs. Teresa Grissom and Mr. Dennis Day, along with the assistance of Mr. Phillip Mattox led instruction sessions on hyungs with various groups throughout the day. Master Teresa Grissom worked with groups of gups stressing technical applications for ho sin sul techniques to help make them work more effectively for women and teens. Master Robert Grissom pulled the sam dans for

a special jang gum session and to review hyungs, sword control, and etiquette. Master Teresa Grissom and Master Day instructed the rest of the dans and cho dan bos, focusing on the technical aspects of some of the advanced hyungs.In keeping with true Region 3 spirit, all the masters reminded attendees of the importance of having fun in our training. Master Homschek reinforced this idea simply by asking, “Is

everyone still having fun?” many times during his sessions. Every reply to this question was a loud, “Yes, sir!” As the clinic portion of the day concluded, participants were able to come together in a semi-casual atmosphere to take photos, meet with the masters, and talk with others they had worked with throughout the day. A high-energy dan test followed an hour or so later with seven cho dan bos and two cho dans testing. An abundance of knowledge was passed from the masters to students over the weekend. New friends and memories were made, and a lot of fun was had by all. Master Homschek complimented us all when he told me he “saw the great camaraderie that binds WTSDA so strongly together.”

Submitted by, Justin Koivisto, Cho Dan

Range Martial Arts

10 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011


Friday, March 25th, 3:00 AM, bags are packed with 2 uniforms, several WTSD tee-shirts, dan gum, sparring gear, and boards, I depart for Master Lipstein’s house dressed in dress

blues. Mr. Altiere and Ms. Winsko arrive shortly after I do. We meet Master Vaughn and Prof. Weinberg at the airport and depart for Florence, Alabama, location of the Master’s Camp. The more observant of you may have noticed the Friday departure date rather than Thursday – there are camp activities that start on Thursday. Well, suffice it to say the airline gremlins were against us… It’s close to noon when we check into the hotel and my fellow candidate, Prof. Weinberg and I very quickly put on dobahk pants and tee-shirts, grab the rest of our uniforms and head for the University of Northern Alabama, site of the camp. Shortly after we arrive the candidate group comes in, 39 candidates, the largest group ever from all over the world and a true representation of the global reach of the WTSDA. We line up and Master Britt appears as the line counts down. Master Britt asks where the two late-comers are and zeros in on the Prof. first, then laughs and gives him a big hug slapping him on the back – glad you made it, where’s Doc? I receive the same treatment. All is right with the world, the force is back in balance, life is good and we’re ready for anything at this point. The candidates enter into the cafeteria for all meals as a group and meet with Masters Britt, Fisher, and Valentin. When all of the masters have been through the cafeteria line, we come in and sing the anthem as a team before we start through. The rest of Friday passes in a blur of activity for which wonderful clinic choices abound. We do the usual meal routine (our singing of the anthem improves with each rendition), then board the shuttle buses for the hotel to change and listen to the evening program. Prof. Weinberg and I are roommates, so we finally have time to compare notes and reaffirm for each other what an incredible opportunity this is to bond with our fellow candidates and learn from such an amazing group of people. Following the presentations, the candidates are strongly advised by Master Britt to hit the sack, which we all gratefully do. Saturday starts with Ki Kong, meditation, the candidate’s meal routine, and breakfast. All the

candidates are acutely aware that the day will culminate with the Master’s candidate test that night. There’s time for another couple of clinic choices before Master Causerano takes the candidates aside to learn a new form. We attempted to perfect the form by repeating it 50 times under the watchful eyes of Masters Causerano, Britt, Fisher, and Valentin. Saturday evening is here; we sing the anthem once again and settle into our own thoughts at dinnertime – quiet reflections on what is to come. The written test is administered and then there is a long break before the physical test. I decide this is part of the test – how do the candidates handle this period of waiting? The Shim Sah Masters file in, assume their seats, conductors are

introduced, and the test begins. Four hours later it’s over, adrenaline still pumping, muscles sore, we board the buses for the hotel expecting bed and a short sleep before Sunday’s events. But no, we arrive at the hotel to find all the Masters awake and awaiting our arrival! Firm handshakes and hugs all around as we come through the doors. The

Prof. and I spot Master Lipstein and Mr. Altiere who greet us with smiles, warm hugs, and slaps on the back. We’re ushered into the hotel banquet room where Master Vaughn greets us similarly. It’s all almost surreal and I find tears welling up (as I do even writing this article). We’re being welcomed into the Master’s fraternity. Sunday dawns to Ki Kong, meditation, time to pack and checkout. We ride the buses one more time to the University for brunch and concluding remarks before departure. Pointedly, the candidate group is not expected to sing the anthem again this time. Prof. Weinberg and I sit with Master Vaughn’s group for brunch; the candidates group has been absorbed by the larger brotherhood. This is what it is all about – the Master’s belt at the bottom of our insignia which signals the ultimate student goal of Tang Soo Do. Thank-you Grandmaster Shin, Grandmaster Beaudoin, Master Vaughn, Master Britt, Master Lipstein, all the Region 8 Masters, Mr. Altiere, Ms. Winsko, and most especially my comrade in arms, Prof. Weinberg.

Submitted by,Wayne Rosenkrans, Sam Dan

visit for world and regional information 11WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011


When you attended your first tournament, you were most likely a junior ranking student, lined up all the way in the back of the gym, craning your neck and straining

to see and hear everything. However, once you’ve had the privilege of attending a few tournaments, you get to know the routine. You’ve seen the demos, heard the music, won a medal or two and it’s tempting to take the entire process for granted. This weekend, I had the opportunity to see the tournament through the eyes of my students, many of which were attending their first tournament. The nervous energy as they wait to compete in hyung for the first time, the anticipation of seeing so many Masters and the chance to finally meet the man in the photo they’ve been bowing to for months! There is the excitement that comes with receiving a medal for the first time, celebrating the successes of your fellow students and the resolve to do better “next time.” There is the feeling of pride you get when someone you know is promoted to the ranks of Sah Dan and to Master, coupled with the thought that one day, you could find yourself standing in front of your peers as Grandmaster Shin ties a new belt around your waist. Beyond the medals and championship cup, this is a day for memories and new friendships; a chance to see Tang Soo Do beyond the confines of your dojang and to see how your school is part of something even bigger. This is why the Championship is such an important event to a Region, and why so much work goes into its success: to make sure that those students get to create those memories. On a chilly February morning, Region 22 did just that. As competitors streamed into the Beaver Falls Middle School gymnasium, they began to shake off the cold and prepare for the 2nd Annual Region 22 Championship. This year, we had the pleasure of witnessing a handful of awards. 2011 marked the first year of the Region 22 Hall of Fame awards for Student, Instructor and Family of the Year. Congratulations to Ms. Jenna Giraulo (Cho Dan, Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do), Mrs. Rikki Jorgensen (Sam Dan, Keystone Martial Arts) and the Ilko Family (Steel Dragon Martial Arts) for their hard work and dedication leading to winning these respective awards. In addition, two of our Senior Black Belts had the unique opportunity to receive promotion in front of

their peers. Ms. Linda Russo (River Valley Tang Soo Do Academy) was promoted to the rank of Sah Dan, and Master Julia Harvey (Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do) was promoted to Sah Dan Master. Both were presented their new ranks and gave their oath of loyalty to Grandmaster Shin.

The audience was treated to several creative and highly technical performances put forth by the Creativity group. Tri-County Tang Soo Do led the way with their colorful and high-flying performance. Throughout the day, students of all ages and ranks were determined to showcase their skills and have their hard work pay off. Rings moved very smoothly as all contestants displayed their Tang Soo Do skills while emphasizing their brotherhood and traditionalism. Amongst the cup winners were our Grand Champions: Mr. Brandon Haney (Sam Dan, DJ Studios) and Ms. Elise Casello (Sam Dan, River Valley Tang Soo Do Academy) Indeed, many memories were created, along with the dream to accomplish more. In the background, a group of highly dedicated individuals put months of planning into action to ensure a smooth and extremely professional event. From the efforts of the head table to the quiet and humble work of the security team, many people worked hard to build an environment that would allow the competitors to focus on their task and perform at their very best. Already, we look to next year’s Regional Championship with the resolve to improve and strengthen our young Region and to continue to provide our students, new and veteran alike, the opportunity to create memories.

Submitted by,Thomas Marker, Sam Dan

Columbus Tang Soo Do Academy

Beyond the medals and championship cup, this is a day for memories and

new friendships;

12 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011



Do you hate bullying? Are you bullied? Do you feel like no one cares? You should take karate if you said yes to any of these things. My name is Montana, I am 14 years old and I was bullied. Master Gary Josefik’s karate class has made me feel more

secure. I don’t worry about being bullied because I know now I can protect myself. It has also helped me to get better grades in school. If you join, one of the three Herron’s, blackbelt’s in his studio, will help you out. All students in the class make you feel ok and welcomed. If you don’t get it right, they will tell you how to fix it. When I first started they helped me out a lot. When I forget something all I have to do is ask and someone will help me out. In Master Josefik’s studio you have people that make you feel proud and this makes you believe in yourself. Taking class is the best thing I ever did. No one picks on me now. I love Master Josefik’s Korean Tang Soo Do, it has made my life change a lot. You too can be like me, join the Tang Soo Do class. I still do not like bullies but everyone in school now knows not to hit me or else. If I get mad I take it out at karate class. I like doing all the moves and one-steps, no matter what if you have a problem a blackbelt will help you out. If you don’t get it the first time, someone will help you till you get it right, as Master Josefik says, practice in your idle time. If you need some confidence do as I did, I went to Master Josefik, or you can go to a karate class near you.

Submitted by, Montana Cole, 6th gup, Josefiks Korean T.S.D.

Dear Grandmaster Beaudoin, We wanted to send a note of thanks to you and the entire WTSDA. Our boys Tom and Mike have been training with Master Valentin and the entire Valentin family for the last 5 ½ years (most weeks 4 – 5 days) and recently were honored with their E Dan ranks. You have been, and continue to be, a great inspiration and role model with your hardwork, dedication, and kindness to so many. Michael was so proud to see you in the halls of Tyrell Middle School. With the influence of many in the association, the boys are growing to be great young men. We are proud and honored to be part of this wonderful family. Congratulations on your beautiful promotion and thank you for the opening prayer at all your events.

With much respect, The Rossi Family, Thomas, Wendy, Thomas Jr. & Michael

BASICS & FIREWORKSFor the second consecutive year, in April 2011, “Sunrise Tang Soo Do Montefeltro” had the honor of hosting 6th Dan Master,

Klaus Trogemann from Germany, who trained us in his very special way in order to teach new techniques and fix old ones. His attitude is always helpful, answering our many questions and taking the opportunity to make us laugh with some nice examples, though this often meant interrupting our hard workout. It’s always amazing to see how a “big one” of Tang Soo Do can be both a professional and fun person (a perfect um-yang kind of character indeed!). During the two days of his visit, he spent a lot of time explaining the difference between “basics” and “fireworks.” He told us that, in Tang Soo Do, basic techniques are like the foundation of a house, if they are not strong it’s useless to build walls and a roof because the whole house will crash down. Fireworks, are what he calls the most spectacular techniques and they can be compared to those walls and roof. The history of basics and fireworks is to explain that many people come to martial arts without the patience to create something solid. If you want to learn, you need time and discipline to test the effectiveness of the techniques, even the most simple ones, otherwise yours will be a fragile Tang Soo Do. After hours of training, we had the pleasure of offering Master Trogemann some typical products of our country, like wine and sausages with truffle, not to mention one of the things Italy is famous for, spaghetti. We all think that this was a great experience and we’d love to repeat it next year, maybe hosting Master Trogemann along with some of his students.

Submitted by, Sara Mezzanotti, 5th Gup, Sunrise Tang Soo Do, Montefeltro, Italy

visit for world and regional information 13WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011


Mr. Jim Young, Sam Dan, chief instructor from Carolina Martial Arts, hosted the Region 7 Championship, demonstrating again not only Brotherhood and Professionalism,

but southern hospitality. A chilly weekend provided the back drop for great food, fun, training and competition on November 12-13, 2010 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Region 7 Masters, black belts and cho dan bo’s worked out Friday night with Grandmaster Jae C. Shin. The Grandmaster emphasized the Yin and Yang of movement, using one’s whole body, and the mental and physical benefits of training. The Grandmaster also provided insight and instruction on the “how to” and benefits of meditation. Grand Master Shin helped students understand the need for mental and emotional discipline and how this is developed through the art and practice of meditation and the martial arts.

Master Randy Kuehner was the Master of Ceremonies for the event which began bright and early Saturday morning with Black Belt competition. The sixteen participating schools from Region 7 were joined by Pal

Che TSD from Region 8 and The Dojang, Sun Coast TSD and Rock Solid TSD from Region 21. Region 7 was pleased and honored to compete with students from other regions! The Hall of Fame winners were announced at opening ceremonies and are as follows: Instructor of the Year: Mrs. Mary Mars, Chapel Hill TSD, Family of the Year: The McMahon Family, Chapel Hill TSD, Student of the Year: Ms. Jackie Forrester, Gilreath Karate, Studio of the Year: Scota Karate Academy, Community Service Award: Twin Dragons Martial Arts, and Mr. Andy Golla, Scota Karate Academy, was awarded the fall-cycle black belt test “Spirit Award”. This year’s Grand Champions were awarded based on rank and points earned during this year’s regional competition. Emily Pierce, Palmetto Panther TSD, Spencer Selmon, Carolina Martial Arts, and Brian Lininger, Scota Karate Academy were the Gup Division Champions. Advanced Gup winners were as follows: Logan Tillotson, Scota Karate Academy, Maxim Williams, Scota Karate Academy and Lisa Scota, Scota Karate Academy. Black Belt Division champions were Junior Black Belt champion-Mr. Jonathan Hall, Scota Karate Academy; Adult Black Belt champion-Mrs. Stephanie Causby, Causby Karate Academy; and Senior Black Belt champion-Mr. David Henderson, Scota Karate Academy. Saturday night family and friends shared a seafood buffet dinner, beverage and games after the competition and returned home Sunday renewed, reconnected and challenged!

Submitted by, Kathy Scully, Regional Program Director

The Grandmaster emphasized the Yin and

Yang of movement, using one’s whole body, and the

mental and physical benefits of training.

HAVE AN IDEA?Do you have an idea for the newsletter? Is there something you would like to see

included that we currently do not print? This is a publication for the members and we want to make sure we are providing everyone with the information they want.

We welcome any articles, comments or suggestions you may have.

Please send your suggestions to:[email protected] or via postal mail:

Mike Black • Attn: WTSDA Newsletter • 208 New Street • Millersville, PA 17551

14 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

6th Dan Master

D20496 Jeffrey Edwin Green ............ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D20533 Christopher R. Carter ........... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

5th Dan Master

D22652 Sjef Lamens ..........................Chung Shin - Nederland

4th Dan Master

D21318 Mark W. Taylor .....................Puget Sound Tang Soo Do

D23720 Charles E. Richards.... The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D26191 Andrew G. Ewing ...................... Goteborg Tang Soo Do

D26588 Robert D. Wootton ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D27006 Jorge E. Gauitimalt ..................Kyum Son Tang Soo Do

D27113 Anatoly Katyushin ....... Russian Tang Soo Do Academy

D27701 Miguel A. Soto .............. Dragon Masters Karate Studio

D28121 George W. Maybroda ........ Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D28675 Mary A. Treacy-Jansa ............................... Eagle South

D29174 Todd D. Oyen ....................North Alabama Tang Soo Do

D30014 Leslie A. Dercole Salinas ... Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D30250 Christopher M. Pacini .......Pacini Martial Arts Academy

D30280 Gildavid D. Cartagena ...Shins Tang Soo Do Barranquitas

D30750 Ross A. Lindsay ...Lindsays Tang Soo Do Karate Center

4th Dan Instructor

D20406 Dudley C. Snyder .................Northeast Martial Arts, Inc

D21627 Roy James Orr, Jr ............Josefiks Korean TSD Altoona

D22239 Michael F. Porco Jr. ............................... Porcos Karate

D22291 Gregory A.Blum .............. Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do

D25132 Daniel T. Marcko......................... Sweden Tang Soo Do

D25506 Scott T. Jones ........................... Glenbrook Martial Arts

D25584 James G. Young ........................... Carolina Martial Arts

D25639 Veronica Amorim ................South African Tang Soo Do

D26018 Vanesa A. Frattini ................................ Frattini Studio I

D26092 Holly E. Inoshita .........................Elmhurst Tang Soo Do

D26518 Robert Ochwat ................................Tang Soo Do Solln

D26627 Geert Van Slooten ....................... Si Nan Ju Nederland

D27069 Kevin J.P. O’Reilly .......... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D27174 William C. Glenn ..........................Caltech Tang Soo Do

D27175 Ricardo J. Hassan .......................Caltech Tang Soo Do

D27571 Ian Glickman ............ Bethlehem Martial Arts Academy

D27727 Petros P. Tragakis ...............Hellas Athens Tang Soo Do

D28081 Kristie J. Gebhardt ...Fairbanks Academy of Tang Soo Do

D28136 Rashaud A. Olson ...River Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D28640 Stephen Bradbury ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D28644 Linda Bradbury ................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D29645 Scott D. Sandt ................................. Rock Solid Karate

D29716 Jimmy Bailey ...............................Fire Dragon Karate I

D30173 John Roumanis V.M.D. ........... Woodbury Family Karate

D31196 Ricky D. Young .............................. Young Tang Soo Do

3rd Dan

D24568 Robert E. Beck ...............A Mountain Wind Martial Arts

D29736 Stephen H. Paddock ............ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D31693 Victor Lampasona .................... Suncoast Tang Soo Do

D31744 Norma Teresa Lira de Ramirez ...Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D32005 Pablo Scottino ............................ Unidad y Hermandad

D33050 Laura Bustaamante Sauma .......... Cariari Tang Soo Do

D33635 Thomas Uriah Woodworth ... Lindsays TSD Karate Center

D35228 James K. Nash ....................Black Springs Martial Arts

D35687 Ronald W. Rodgers ............ Soldotna Tang Soo Do Club

D35707 Robert J. Albert ...........................................Ts Karate

D36058 Alberto A. Giardini.................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D36284 Jeanette Anani ...............................Anani Tang Soo Do

D36548 Nicholas W. D’Amato ...................Pal Che Tang Soo Do

D36564 Jeffrey C. Ruddell ........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D36737 Inderdeep S. Bening ............ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D37068 Maria Gimena Solari ................................ Pal Che Club

D37089 Sarah Lyder ............. NJ Eagle Star Korean Karate, LLC

D37090 John Lyder .............. NJ Eagle Star Korean Karate, LLC

D37147 Brian J. Bell .................... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D37195 Carole Yoder ............................. Suncoast Tang Soo Do

D37249 Mark P. Holtman ........................ Buckeye Tang Soo Do

D37261 Kent A. Thomas ............................... Starworld - AMAF

D37579 Koreen Lyder ........... NJ Eagle Star Korean Karate, LLC

D37602 Jennifer L. Fichter .............. East Coast Karate Institute

D37672 Ahmed Hernandez ............................... Valentin Karate

D37730 Claire Pennington ........Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D37731 Ola Myszka .................Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D37739 Sheraad Karimoeddin ..............Chung Shin- Nederland

D37740 Safer Karimoeddin ..................Chung Shin- Nederland

D38000 Andres Emiliano Volpini ... Lorenzo Tang Soo Do Studio

D38055 Jerry T. Thompson ..................D.J. Tang Soo Do Studio

D38070 Samantha Dyer ..................East Coast Karate Institute

D38076 Wilson A.H. Geaman ........... East Coast Karate Institute

D38087 Ricardo Rodriguez ......... Godwins Shin Karate Institute

D38126 William C. Klein .............. Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D38181 Remy De Kooter ......................Chung Shin- Nederland

D38205 LaCinda P. Oyen .........................North Alabama YMCA

D38261 Andrew B. Dockstader .............Lion Heart Tang Soo Do

D40296 Duke Dunham .....Lindsays Tang Soo Do Karate Center

2nd Dan

D37653 Angel S. Morales ............. Lorenzo Tang Soo Do Studio

D41050 Antonio N. Marolla .................................Alvarez Studio

D41055 Melina G. Salme ....................................Alvarez Studio

D41052 Marcelo Salme ......................................Alvarez Studio

D41060 Solange Anahi Pacheco ....................... Frattini Studio I

D28005 Marcelo Flavio Iacovella ..................... Kick-Fire Studio

D40003 Leopoldo Vidal .........................Kum Kang Tang Soo Do

D41059 Oscar Lopez ...........................................Lopez Studio

D40850 Jesus Ramses Mendez ..... Pyung Ahn San Luis Dojang

D40020 Diana Laura Andujo Chavez .......Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D32728 Norma Delia Castillo Gandara ....Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D31759 Daniel Jesus Ramirez Rios ........Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D38012 Juan Antonio Cano Ramos .........Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D41051 Luciano Rossi ........................................Alvarez Studio

D41011 Alec Foxx ......................................... Valentin Karate I

D39681 Kimberly A. Rodriguez .......................Valentin Karate II

D40736 Jacob Burt ........................................Valentin Karate II

D41012 Thomas Rossi ..................................... Valentin Karate

D41013 Michael Rossi ...................................... Valentin Karate

D40741 Leslie Bates ................................................Ts Karate

D40763 Steven Roseberry ......................... Costas Tang Soo Do

D41073 Heidi A. Arruda ............................. Artecas Martial Arts

D41074 Hannah E. Batdorf ........................ Artecas Martial Arts

D37647 Cyndy C. Weiner ...................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D40067 Joseph A. Montana ...............Brandywine Martial Arts I

D40254 Alyce G. Deakin ....................Hines Eagles Nest Karate

D40535 Brennan A. Ganteaume .... Lititz World Tang Soo Do,Inc.

D40539 Evan R. Crawford ............ Lititz World Tang Soo Do,Inc.

D41088 Stephen M. Nispel ............ Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D41090 Andrew M. Hunt ............... Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D41104 John T. DeStefano .............. Morning Star Tang Soo Do

D36789 Alan Shwartz ..........................Rising Star Tang Soo Do

D40530 Kimberly Mah ..............Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D41105 Ryan M. Potuck ..........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

R40572 Adam Sacerdote ..............Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

R40573 Matthew R. Summers .....Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

D40574 Stacey Magner ................Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

2011 Spring Cycle Dan Testing Results

visit for world and regional information 15WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011

D41113 Jordan Mudd ...................Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

D41114 Jenifer A. Mudd ...............Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

R39534 James Gould III ...............................Riverwinds Karate

D41566 Mitch T. Jennings ...C & Js Mountain Warriors Karate Inst.

D40100 Zach A. Geiple ..................................... Mimidis Karate

D40101 Amanda J. Millar ................................. Mimidis Karate

D40559 Sarah J. Geiger ................................... Mimidis Karate

D40562 Steve Dailey ........................................ Mimidis Karate

D40623 Evelyn Maguire ..................East Coast Karate Institute

D40624 Thomas Hourican ...............East Coast Karate Institute

D41149 Mitchel W. McGowan ..........East Coast Karate Institute

D41152 Tony Moy ...........................East Coast Karate Institute

D40128 Dianne R. Greco .........................Keystone Martial Arts

D41093 Katlyne Lutz ...............................Keystone Martial Arts

D39153 Andrew C. Becker ..........Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do

D41166 Jared Adams ................................. Chapin Martial Arts

D41271 Isaac F. Montgomery ................Scota Karate Academy

D41272 Samuel T. Montgomery .............Scota Karate Academy

D41273 T. Lynn Montgomery .................Scota Karate Academy

D41185 Cassia Larson ......Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

D41186 Janet E. Davis ......Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

D40659 Jennifer Huff ................. Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D41190 Scott Beard .................... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D41198 Eddy Yue ....................... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D41201 James B. Marcus ........ Korean Martial Arts Institute VII

D41219 Mia C. Moore .................. Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D41227 Brittany N. Emenhizer ... Korean Martial Arts Institute VI

D40743 Michael Van Den Berg ................ Si Nan Ju Nederland

D40744 Deborah Van Den Berg ............... Si Nan Ju Nederland

D41062 Ron Rullens .............................Chung Shin- Nederland

D41063 Robijn Sjoerd ..........................Chung Shin - Nederland

D41067 Jacqueline de Charon de Saint Germain ..Chi Ban Nederland

D41069 Patricia Partosoebroto .......................Dojang Cho-Hwa

D40777 Michael Hahn ................Eagle Academy of Martial Arts

D41264 John Lenoir ....................East Mississippi Tang Soo Do

D41265 Johnathan D. Best ..........East Mississippi Tang Soo Do

D39751 John D. Dale ...............Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D40710 Monica A. Smith ..........Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D41268 David M. Estacio .........Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D40727 Caitlin E. Haddock ......................North Alabama YMCA

D40729 Logan D. Haddock ......................North Alabama YMCA

D40713 Caleb Henry ........................ All American Tang Soo Do

D41239 Cristian Buck .....The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D41238 Ashleigh N. Randolph ....The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D40843 Andre Lee ....The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D40221 Jared A. Callalway ....The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D40220 Xzavier A. Smith... The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D41158 Jessica D. Wilson ........... Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D41159 Derrick Penwarden ......... Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D41034 Gerardo Tellez Alvarez ...Pyung Ahn Tang Soo Do Costa Rica

D41035 Jose Pablo Motero.................. Keom-Son Tang Soo Do

D41036 Adrian Gonzalez Calvo ..................Dan Kyul Costa Rica

D41042 Mauricio Mora .......Pyung Ahn Tang Soo Do Costa Rica

D41044 Maria Jose Vega Campos ...Pyung Ahn TSD Costa Rica

D41046 Andreina Malavassi ............... Keom-Son Tang Soo Do

D39306 Eduard L.J. DeVeer ...............Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D39241 Michael C. Vileno ........................... Nevado Karate Arts

D29501 Michael Katyushin ....... Russian Tang Soo Do Academy

D41250 John Karl Shawcroft .........Pacini Martial Arts Academy

D41247 Benjamin S. Ballard .......Zion Academy of Tang Soo Do

D38491 Robert A. Grissom ............ Circle Pines Karate Institute

D39196 Robert L. Kerr Jr. ...................Ft. Madison Tang Soo Do

D34234 Sarah J. Fletcher ................. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D38525 Virginia Tilson ...................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D39278 Steven R. Dovey .................. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D40268 Mohammed Islam ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D40269 Dominic MJ Wskin .............. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D40277 Stacey Anne Fricker ............ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D40281 Jennifer Dehany-Bates ........ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D41290 Skop Wall .......................... Northern Spirit Martial Arts

D41287 Eugene J. Mirauete .................Austin Karate Academy

D39289 Eric S. Tyler ........................................Fitness Fanatics

D41291 James W. Lopez ........................ Roseburg Martial Arts

D41292 Mark D. Hamel .......................... Roseburg Martial Arts

D40837 Evaggelos C. Patsis ..............................Dojang Greece

D40838 Kassandra P. Ioannidi ...........................Dojang Greece

D40502 Gregory Cerezo ............United States Karate Academy

D40770 Patricia J. Maddams ..........Mountain Lion Tang Soo Do

1st Dan

D43000 Brian G. Marino .....................................Alvarez Studio

D43001 Franco Damian Alvarez ..........................Alvarez Studio

D43002 Sergio Alan Duarte ................................Alvarez Studio

D43003 Agustin Ezequiel Dorta ..........................Alvarez Studio

D43004 Juan Ramon Narvaez .......................... Frattini Studio I

D43005 David Pellice ..........................................Pellice Studio

D43006 Alejandro Pellice.....................................Pellice Studio

D43007 Daniela Barrilari .....................................Pellice Studio

D43008 Rodrigo Martin Dondo Kozak ......... Best Fighter Studio

D43009 Guillermo David Velay .................... Best Fighter Studio

D43010 Ignacio Bearzotti ........................... Best Fighter Studio

D43011 Alexis Ivan Velay ............................ Best Fighter Studio

D43012 Federico Lautaro Vidal ................... Best Fighter Studio

D43013 Leandro Daniel Borlandelli ......... Kick Fire Tang Soo Do

D43014 Miguel Solident Segovia ..... Kyum Son TSD Catamarca

D43015 Miguel Angel Scottino ................. Unidad y Hermandad

D43016 Maria Dela Paz Moline .................Serapio Tang Soo Do

D43017 Victor Ramirez ...........................Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D43018 Oscar Ortega Herrera ................Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D43019 Ricardo Alberto Munoz Castillo ..Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D43020 Raul Enrique Manriquez Gardea ..Tang Soo Do Ryun Ma

D43021 Silvia Carolina Gomez Cornejo ....Escuela TSD Hermosillo

D43022 Lauren E. Porsch ................................. Valentin Karate

D43023 Steven Sokolowski ............................Valentin Karate II

D43024 Michael Valentin ................................Valentin Karate II

D43025 Aden Valentin ....................................Valentin Karate II

D43026 Donna P. McNeill ...............................Valentin Karate II

D43027 Ashley N. Wasel .................................Valentin Karate II

D43028 Emily E. Wasel ...................................Valentin Karate II

D43029 Alex J. Rodriguez ..............................Valentin Karate II

D43030 Abe J. Neudorf, III ..........................Tri-City Martial Arts

D43031 Naomi R. Neudorf ..........................Tri-City Martial Arts

D43032 Mark F. Dressel ...........................................Ts Karate

D43033 Dean D. Riccuito..........................................Ts Karate

D43034 James R. Filippone ......................................Ts Karate

D43035 Rahul Walia .................................................Ts Karate

D43036 Evan J. St. Arnauld ......................................Ts Karate

D43037 Noelle T. Bates ............................................Ts Karate

D43038 Halle I. Rogers .............................. Costas Tang Soo Do

D43039 Austin J. Boucher ........................ Costas Tang Soo Do

D43040 Danielle A. Silin ..........................................J.C. Karate

D43041 Alexis L. Shanok .........................................J.C. Karate

D43042 Vianca Colon ..................... Shin Tang Soo Do Orocovis

D43043 Jerome Berdecia ....... Shins Tang Soo Do Barranquitas

D43044 Luis A. Fragoso ..................... Black Belt Fitness Center

D43045 Seina De Leon Santos .......... Black Belt Fitness Center

D43046 Gretchel Y. Vega ................... Black Belt Fitness Center

D43047 Edwin Portalatin .............Torres Tang Soo Do Academy

D43048 David Cruz .....................Torres Tang Soo Do Academy

2011 Spring Cycle Dan Testing Results

16 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

D43049 Elba E. Rosario Vazquez ...Dragon Masters Karate Studio

D43050 Franelliz E. Gonzalez Rosario .... Dragon Masters Karate Studio

D43051 Michael L. Soto ............ Dragon Masters Karate Studio

D43052 Angel G. Soto ............... Dragon Masters Karate Studio

D43053 Ben Hernandez .................. Shin Tang Soo Do Orocovis

D43054 Sarah A. Batdorf ........................... Artecas Martial Arts

D43055 Robert S. Hughes ......................... Black Belt Academy

D43056 Deion Cheng ........................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D43057 Daniel Cheng .......................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D43058 Jonathan L. Hoyt ..................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D43059 Joshua W. Neill .....................Brandywine Martial Arts I

D43060 Daniel P. Rotella .............. Lititz World Tang Soo Do,Inc.

D43061 Spencer M. Pellegrino ...... Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D43062 Ethan Hill ......................... Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D43063 Sean P. German ................ Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D43064 Drew N. German ............... Maybroda’s Iron Circle M.A.

D43065 Evan M. Bowers .................Northeast Martial Arts, Inc.

D43066 Seamus C. Farrell ...............Northeast Martial Arts, Inc.

D43067 Mason Quirk ...............................Northern Star Karate

D43068 Birte Selvaraj ..............................Northern Star Karate

D43069 Thomas S. Kugler ........................Northern Star Karate

D43070 Nicholas M. Pilaitis ................... Oxford Karate Institute

D43071 Amanda Cole ............................... Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43072 Kar K. Choo ................................. Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43073 Carolyn M. Kloiber ....................... Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43074 Omari Pierre-Louis ...................... Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43075 Tijuana Summers ........................ Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43076 Jesse Hwang .............................. Pocono Tang Soo Do

D43077 Drake S. Vosburg .........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43078 Rachel L. Phinney ........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43079 Holden B. Cole .............Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43080 Jack K. Donnelly .........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43081 Myriah A. Crane ...........Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43082 Betsy K. Cole ...............Robinsons Martial Arts Institute

D43083 Quiara L. Wheeler ... Double Dragons Tang Soo Do Academy

D43084 Gail E. Zanecosky ................................Top Kick Karate

D43085 Casey Schmidt ............... Vaughns Dojang II-Pottstown

D43086 Luis R. Rosas ............... Vaughns Dojang I-Phoenixville

D43087 Arturo Rosas ................ Vaughns Dojang I-Phoenixville

D43088 Debanik Purkayastha ..... Vaughns Dojang II-Pottstown

D43089 Subhanik Purkayastha .... Vaughns Dojang II-Pottstown

D43090 Megan Schmidt .............. Vaughns Dojang II-Pottstown

D43091 Viet D. Le ........................Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

D43092 Walter R. Reeve Jr. ..........................Riverwinds Karate

D43093 Matthew West .................................Riverwinds Karate

D43094 Clayton J. Francis ........................Pal Che Tang Soo Do

D43095 Dan Lyons ...................................Pal Che Tang Soo Do

D43096 Keara R. Dugey ... C & Js Mountain Warriors Karate Inst.

D43097 Rohan J. Suriyage ............................... Mimidis Karate

D43098 Jessica L. Hoyman .............................. Mimidis Karate

D43099 Daniel Fulmer ...................................... Mimidis Karate

D43100 Andi R. Good ....................................... Mimidis Karate

D43101 Sierra Hogan ....................................... Mimidis Karate

D43102 Cameron C. Saunders......... East Coast Karate Institute

D43103 Francesca Hourican............ East Coast Karate Institute

D43104 Sarah Curtius .....................East Coast Karate Institute

D43105 Nathan J. Lipiarski ............. East Coast Karate Institute

D43106 Tanner Monigal ..................East Coast Karate Institute

D43107 Jacob Dockery ...................East Coast Karate Institute

D43108 Grant Block ........................East Coast Karate Institute

D43109 Daniel T. Powers .................East Coast Karate Institute

D43110 Gregory S. Horne ................ East Coast Karate Institute

D43111 Hannah A. Miller .........................Keystone Martial Arts

D43112 Ciara N. Hegadorn .....................Keystone Martial Arts

D43113 Michelle M. Bohn .......................Keystone Martial Arts

D43114 Jonathan E. Simoes ....................Keystone Martial Arts

D43115 Alex Nolte.......................Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do

D43116 Sarah Becker .................Imperial Dragon Tang Soo Do

D43117 Jacob R. Clark ........................... Summers Martial Arts

D43118 Matthew D. Millard .................... Summers Martial Arts

D43119 Robert T. Lawhead .................... Clearfield-D.J. Studios

D43120 Luke W. Ferragine....................Tri-County Tang Soo Do

R43121 Austin F. Quinn ............... Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do

D43122 Cole J. Rooney ................ East Coast Karate Institute II

D43123 Lili Burger- Lentz............. East Coast Karate Institute II

D43124 Alexis Goolsby ..........................Scota Karate Academy

D43125 Charles W. Hudson ...................Scota Karate Academy

D43126 Logan S. Tillotson .....................Scota Karate Academy

D43127 Andrew W. Absher ....................Scota Karate Academy

D43128 Natalie B. Lennon .....................Scota Karate Academy

D43129 Jacob H. Kelley ....Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

D43130 Haydon R. Larson ... Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

D43131 Samantha R. Larson .... Twin Dragons Martial Arts & Fitness

D43132 Cameron J. Carr ............ Godwins Shin Karate Institute

D43133 John J. Matisa,Jr. .......... Godwins Shin Karate Institute

R43134 Wilmarilys Velazquez ..... Godwins Shin Karate Institute

D43135 Zunny Castillo ............... Godwins Shin Karate Institute

R43136 Andrew J. Caraballo ...... Godwins Shin Karate Institute

D43137 Jordan Huneke ............ Korean Martial Arts Institute VII

R43138 Nicole A. Novak ............. Korean Martial Arts Institute V

D43139 Brooke R. Knieriem ...... Korean Martial Arts Institute VI

D43140 Bethany Alpaugh ............ Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43141 Paul E. Karcher ............ Korean Martial Arts Institute VII

D43142 Fran Godwin ................... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43143 Nicholas J. Coviello ....... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43144 Manu Kumar .................. Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43145 Joseph J. Sincavage ... Korean Martial Arts Institute VII

D43146 John Brooks .................. Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43147 Robert Vawter ............... Korean Martial Arts Institute V

D43148 Taylor K. Douty ............. Korean Martial Arts Institute IV

D43149 Gregory A. Fraczkowski ... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43150 Cooper D. Pampuch....... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43151 Anthony J. Graffanino .... Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43152 Ryan A. Russell .............. Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43153 Kai A. Barniak ................ Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43154 Maxim Pronin ............... Korean Martial Arts Institute IV

D43155 Scott J. Molle ............... Korean Martial Arts Institute VI

D43156 Bryce G. Chopko .......... Korean Martial Arts Institute III

D43157 Jake H. Kreckmann ...... Korean Martial Arts Institute III

D43158 Emma Yue .................... Korean Martial Arts Institute VI

R43159 Adriana Catalan-Olais ..... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43160 Keyshan J. Patel ............ Korean Martial Arts Institute II

D43161 Hunter S. Parker ............. Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43162 Sonia M. Kloss ............ Korean Martial Arts Institute VII

D43163 Marion E. Irwin ............. Korean Martial Arts Institute III

D43164 Andrew J. Liss .............. Korean Martial Arts Institute II

R43165 Geovani Catalan-Olais .... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

R43166 Abril Catalan-Olais ......... Korean Martial Arts Institute I

D43167 Mario DiAlessandro ...... Korean Martial Arts Institute IV

R43168 Bobby DelleDonne ........ Korean Martial Arts Institute IV

D43169 Aaron L. Garduno .......... Korean Martial Arts Institute V

D43170 Chandler Brooks........... Korean Martial Arts Institute IV

D43171 Shane Hertog den ....................Velo Ryu Ha Nederland

D43172 Victor Horbowiec ............................Chi Ban Nederland

D43173 Calvin Eble ...............................Velo Ryu Ha Nederland

D43174 Rick Mommers .......................Chung Shin - Nederland

D43175 Raoul Dirkzwager ...................Chung Shin - Nederland

D43176 Jesper Nass ....................... Dojang Ki Kong Nederland

D43177 Nicholas D. Walters ....Grand Tradition Martial Arts-Plymouth

2011 Spring Cycle Dan Testing Results

visit for world and regional information 17WTSDA NewsSummer/Fall 2011

D43178 Evan F. Ferweda ...........Double Dragons TSD Academy

D43179 Urundi A. Knox ..............Double Dragons TSD Academy

D43180 Marco Suarez ............................Elmhurst Tang Soo Do

D43181 Samuel S. Bond ......................Strahans Karate Center

D43182 Jeremy A. Johnston ................Strahans Karate Center

D43183 Susan M. Starke .....................Strahans Karate Center

D43184 Micah Lewis ...........................Strahans Karate Center

D43185 Bipul B. Mainali ...........Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D43186 Aquarius A. Burwell .....Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D43187 Laura S. Cooley ...........Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D43188 Alexandra C. Liever .....Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D43189 Gwendolyn Adams.......Young Tang Soo Do - Huntsville

D43190 James N. Sherman ... Millers North Alabama Tang Soo Do

D43191 Katie E. Sherrill..... Millers North Alabama Tang Soo Do

D43192 Samantha Miller ... Millers North Alabama Tang Soo Do

D43193 John M. Massey ......................... Tuckers Tang Soo Do

R43194 Colin E. McCullough ....................Pal Che Tang Soo Do

D43195 Michael G. Henschel ................Middleburg Martial Arts

D43196 Maxim R. Davis .......................Middleburg Martial Arts

D43197 Joshua L. Brown .....................Middleburg Martial Arts

D43198 Nikki Smith .............................Middleburg Martial Arts

D43199 Mark E. Leimbach ........................... Rock Solid Karate

D43200 Amanda Galloway ........................... Rock Solid Karate

D43201 Christian Skye Cline ........................ Rock Solid Karate

D43202 Haley L. Van Steenbergh .................. Rock Solid Karate

D43203 Sean R. Preston ............................... Rock Solid Karate

D43204 Aaron Smith ... The Dojang Korean Martial Arts Academy

D43205 Trent W. Heineken ...Fairbanks Academy of Tang Soo Do

D43206 Larsen Singleton ............ Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43207 Ryann Patnode ............... Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43208 Hunter T. Minnick ........... Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43209 Kalei M. Minnick............. Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43210 Zachary N. Kahalioumi ... Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43211 Tabitha M. Heck ............. Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43212 Kimberly R. Dietz ............ Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43213 Gilbert Lee Gavitt............ Valley Tang Soo Do Academy

D43214 Matthew S. Titus ............... Soldotna Tang Soo Do Club

D43215 Lebogang Ramhago ................ Botswana Tang Soo Do

D43216 Emma Stone ........ Fairbanks Academy of Tang Soo Do

D43217 Martin Bravo Bonilla .........Nehgong Studio, Costa Rica

D43218 Jorge Arroyo Jimenez ...................Moo Do Chung Shin

D43219 Luis D. Van Der Linden .........Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43220 Gino R. Angela ......................Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43221 Kaydee Arcaya .....................Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43222 Jovanka Martis ....................Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43223 Wilyenie C. Croes .................Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43224 Jonathan R. Romero .............Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43225 Switberti Giovanni Hoek .......Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

D43226 Gilberto Boerleider ............ Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba II

D43227 Anthony D. Yoder ...................... Suncoast Tang Soo Do

D43228 Steven S. Holmes ..................... Suncoast Tang Soo Do

D43229 Dillon Hillary .................... Treasure Coast Tang Soo Do

D43230 Charles H. Hillary ............. Treasure Coast Tang Soo Do

D43231 Alexander Sylvia .............. Treasure Coast Tang Soo Do

D43232 Alexander V. Blajri ........ Russian Tang Soo Do Academy

D43233 Vlad Kuchinskii ............ Russian Tang Soo Do Academy

D43234 Ylya Temnikova ........... Russian Tang Soo Do Academy

R43235 Barbara J. Jennings .................. Red Rock Martial Arts

D43236 Franklin H. Jennings .................. Red Rock Martial Arts

D43237 Gabrielle Cottam ...........Zion Academy of Tang Soo Do

D43238 Kirk W. Davis ............. N.E. Minnesota Karate Academy

D43239 Gregory B. Goodrich ....N.E. Minnesota Karate Academy

D43240 John M. Ion ...................... Circle Pines Karate Institute

D43241 Kyler A. Zech .................... Circle Pines Karate Institute

D43242 Matthew A. Grothe............ Circle Pines Karate Institute

D43243 Chanelle F. Cruz ............... Circle Pines Karate Institute

D43244 Rebecca Ekmark ............................ Range Martial Arts

D43245 William G. Carr .................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43246 Kimberley E. Evan ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43247 Jack G. Hallworth ................ Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43248 Matthew P. Pringle............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43249 Nathan Maggs..................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43250 Waheed Mehmood .............. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43251 Ian Carnichan ...................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43252 Emma Morgan .................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43253 Samuel J. Morgan ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43254 Claudia R. Fraser ................. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43255 Thomas J. Roberts .............. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43256 Elizabeth L. Watson ............. Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43257 Chloe M. Dodd .................... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43258 Jeremy P. Thomas ............... Great Britain Tang Soo Do

D43259 Lindsey Christian-Hack ...Northern Spirit Karate Academy

D43260 William Sausman .... Texas Tang Soo Do Karate School

D43261 Arik Liane ................ Texas Tang Soo Do Karate School

D43262 Christopher W. Knox .....................Fire Dragon Karate I

D43263 Nathaniel D. Fousek .....................Fire Dragon Karate I

D43264 Kenneth W. Knox ..........................Fire Dragon Karate I

D43265 Zach Kley ......................................Karate Masters, Inc

D43266 Kendall R. Gonzalez .......................Karate Masters, Inc

D43267 Karen Walker-Tunoa ...........................Fitness Fanatics

D43268 Jacob M. Ortiz ....................................Fitness Fanatics

D43269 Jason W. Cabitac ................................Fitness Fanatics

D43270 Mackenzie L. Freeman ............Evergreen Tang Soo Do

D43271 Dominic G. Freeman ................Evergreen Tang Soo Do

D43272 Joseph R. Erickson ..................Evergreen Tang Soo Do

D43273 Jay C. Steben ..........................Evergreen Tang Soo Do

D43274 Lorena Cortez ........................Dragon Fire Tang Soo Do

D43275 Laura Garcia .........................Dragon Fire Tang Soo Do

R43276 Jesus Garcia .........................Dragon Fire Tang Soo Do

D43277 Taylor M. Lewis ......... Tahoe City Martial Arts Academy

D43278 Alan Shaw .................................... Positive Karate USA

D43279 Karlie Olson ........................Dragon Heart Tang Soo Do

D43280 Marianna M. Zaharia ..........Hellas Athens Tang Soo Do

D43281 Stefanos Kollias ....................................Dojang Greece

D43282 Vasilis Sgouros .....................................Dojang Greece

D43283 Charalampos Vossos ............................Dojang Greece

D43284 George N. Vourlos .................................Dojang Greece

D43285 John Georgiades ..................................Dojang Greece

D43286 Jose Figueroa .................Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D43287 Laurence A. Dercole ........Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D43288 Isabel Molina ...................Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D43289 Andres F. Gonzalez ..........Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D43290 Dafne M. Avila .................Tang Soo Do Karate Institute

D43291 Richard Cajka ...............United States Karate Academy

D43292 Juliana Guidi ................United States Karate Academy

D43293 Michael V. Polan ...............Central Florida Tang Soo Do

Special Rank

S-119 Marina N. Khzana ................................................KMAI

Honorary Rank

H-143 Sharon L. Vaughn ............Vaughns Dojang IV-Audubon

H-144 Charlene Theysen.................Gihae Tang Soo Do Aruba

2011 Spring Cycle Dan Testing Results

18 WTSDA News Summer/Fall 2011

WTSDA Sanctioned Events The events listed below have been officially sanctioned by the World Tang Soo Do Association. This means that all rules and regulations of the Association will be followed during the course of the event. Any event which is not listed herein may not be an officially sanctioned event, and, as such, may differ in the content and rules from an officially sanctioned event. Should you have any questions regarding sanctioning, please contact Headquarters at 215-468-2121 or by email at [email protected]. Should you have any questions regarding a particular event, please contact the Regional Director for that region.

Region #1, Master John Auer, [email protected]

Region #2, Master Johnny Williamson, [email protected]

Sept 30-Oct 1 Regional Black Belt Testing & Tournament; Goodyear, AZ

Region #3, Master Robert Grissom, [email protected]

Region #4, Master Allen Sharpe, [email protected]

Sept. 17 Black Belt Pre-Test/Leadership Seminar; Houston, TX

Oct. 14-16 Regional Championship; Houston, TX

Region #5, Master Chris Anderson, [email protected]

Aug.-19-21 Black Belt Camp; Brookston, IN

Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Master’s Extravaganza; Bruton, MI

Region #6, Master Thomas W. Strahan, [email protected]

Sept. 16-17 Regional Black Belt Test & Championship; Florence, AL

Region #7, Master Jim Mars, [email protected]

Nov. 4-5 Regional Championship & Workout; Myrtle Beach, SC

Region #8, Master Paul Mimidis, [email protected]

September 10 Black Belt Test; Phoenixville, PA

October 7 Leadership Class; Audobon, PA

October 28-29 Regional Championship; Split Rock, PA

November 19 Leadership Class; Lancaster, PA

November 20 Instructors Class; Lancaster, PA

Region #9, Master Efrain Valentin, [email protected]

Region #11, Master Mujahid Khan, [email protected]

Region #12, Master Larry Dercole, [email protected]

Nov. 11-13 Mexico National Championship; Chihuahua, Mexico

December 11 South American Championship; Mar Del Plata, Argentina

Region #14, Master Alex Goule, [email protected]

Sept. 1-3 African Championship; Maputo, Mozambique

Region #15, Master Larry Wick, [email protected]

Region #18, Master Wilfredo Burgos, [email protected]

Region #19, Master Roy Uttech, [email protected]

Region #20, Master Patrick Marsch, [email protected]

Oct. 7-9 Regional Championship; San Diego, CA

Region #21, Master Matthew Hutchinson, [email protected]

Oct. 21-22 Regional Black Belt Test & Clinic; St. Augustine, FL

Region #22, Master Scott Homschek, [email protected]

*Dates for marked events are tentative.







WTSD Foundation NEWS WTSD Foundation NEWS

The students of Mimidis Karate answered the call to help conquer kids’ cancer by hosting a St.

Baldrick’s event on May 14, 2011. The St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity that funds research to find cures for childhood cancers and improve the treatments to give survivors long and healthy lives. Funds are raised through head shaving events such as the one held at Mimidis Karate. Individuals known as “shavees” volunteer to have their heads shaved to raise funds as well as to show solidarity to the children who lose their hair during their cancer treatments. Worldwide approximately160,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. One in five children diagnosed with cancer will not survive. We had a total of 12 individuals, including 2 women, who “Braved the Shave” to help to raise funds. Included in the 12 “shavees” were 9 karate students, 2 karate student’s parents, and a young lady from Millersville University who spotted our event on the St. Baldrick’s website and

joined in the event. Our youngest shavee was Nolan Stauffer, a 10 year old 1st gup. In addition to the shavees, many other students from the studio participated by donating and encouraging friends, relatives, and co-workers to donate to the event. Others donated their time and talents in the roles of barber and treasure. Our lead fund raiser was Michelle Gibbons 2nd gup, who raised $1,930. Michelle’s son, Jase 4th gup, also participated in fund raising. A few weeks prior to the event Jase celebrated his 9th birthday. Jase asked all of his party guests to donate to St. Baldrick’s rather than bring gifts for him. Jase’s generosity yielded $202 for our event. As part of the St. Baldrick’s event our studio honored a young girl from the Lancaster area, Sydney Bush, who at the age of 2 was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Sydney had the tumor surgically removed followed by 7 weeks of daily radiation treatments. The tumor returned 1 ½ years later requiring a 2nd surgery. Sydney is now an active 7 year old who enjoys participating in sports and girl scouts. She recently celebrated her 4th anniversary of being cancer free. Sydney and her family were able to attend our event and share their story. It was an honor to meet such a strong and courageous young lady.

At the end of the day, all who participated were smiling. Our event raised $8,139. We had loads of fun, met a wonderful young lady and her family, and helped many children to have brighter futures.

Submitted by, Katrina Fausnacht, Sam Dan

Mimidis Karate

Brave The Shave

The Official Newsletter of the World Tang Soo Do Foundation

709 Oregon AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19148

Voice: 215.468.2121Fax: 215.336.2121

e-mail: [email protected]

M-F: 9 AM TO 5 PM

FOUNDER & PUBLISHERGrandmaster Jae Chul Shin

EDITORLinda Russo

SEND ARTICLES [email protected]


Mike Black


a CENVEO Company

20 World Tang Soo Do Foundation News Summer/Fall 2011















2010 & 2011 WTSDA Scholarship Award RecipientsEach region may sponsor its own scholarship program. At this time there are 10 regions with scholarship programs that actively raise funds to support students in their quest for education. Contact your Regional Director or your Regional Scholarship program for application details.


Elijah Stevenson, E Dan, of Fitness Fanatics was awarded $3000 in 2011. He is a Business Administration Major at Santa Rosa Junior college. His ultimate goal is a degree in Business Administration and then Law school. He started training in 1998 at Fitness Fanatics. “I can not separate areas of my life. Everything becomes integrated into Tang Soo Do. The higher my ranking, the more responsibility there is to demonstrate the principles of Tang Soo Do in all aspects of life.”


Treacy Madden, Cho Dan , of Eagle Academy of Martial Arts was awarded $750 in Spring 2011. A member of the WTSDA since 2000, Treacy attends The Ohio State University studying Social Work and General Psychology. Ultimately Treacy’s goal is to become a licensed social worker. “WTSDA gave me a home and a family that I could turn to no matter what was wrong. It has provided the greatest outlet that I could ever have asked for, and I have no idea how I would have survived without it.”


Jael Valentin, Sam Dan, of Valentin Karate was awarded $1500 in 2010. He is attending the University of Maine (Orono) as an Electrical Engineering Technology major. He hopes to attain a masters degree after finishing his bachelors program. He has been training in Tang Soo Do for 15 years. He states, “I look at everyone in the karate school as family, and I want them to be just as good, if not, better than the person I ever was or dreamed to be.”


Benjamin Gary Causby, E Dan, From Causby Karate Academy was awarded $1000 in 2011. He is attending East Carolina University working toward his Masters in Business Administration. His goals are to pursue a corporate executive position and to continue to expand Causby Karate Academy. His training in World Tang Soo Do started under Mr. Eric King and Causby Karate Academy was started when Mr. King moved. He received his E Dan in 2010. In his essay he wrote, “Tang Soo Do changed my life in the following ways: By helping me get through my undergraduate studies, by helping to make me a better person, by providing me my best friend and wife, and by being my life’s passion and ministry.”

Brent Lacy, Sam Dan, of Commonwealth Tang Soo Do, was awarded $1000 in 2011. He is an Education Major at Virginia Commonwealth University and hopes to become a school counselor. He has trained in Tang Soo Do for 14 years. In his essay he states, “Although I have accomplished grand goals in my Tang Soo Do career, such as obtaining Sam Dan and opening my own club, it is the ways that I conduct myself in day to day affairs which I feel are some of the best effects that practicing in Tang Soo Do has had on my life.”

21World Tang Soo Do Foundation NewsSummer/Fall 2011
















Justina DaRosa, Cho Dan, of Costa’s Tang Soo Do was awarded $1500 in 2010.She is attending the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is studying Kinesiology and will be attending Simmons College for Physical Therapy. She has trained in Tang Soo Do for 12 years and in her essay she comments, “I appreciate the habits of exercising that were instilled in me at a young age.”

Orlando Valentin, Jr., Cho Dan of Valentin Karate was awarded $1500 in 2011. He is attending the University of Connecticut as an Electrical Engineering major. He began training at 3 years old and received his Cho Dan in 2010. In his essay he wrote, “The class will only be as enthusiastic as you; you must lead by example.”

Rebecca Frutos, Cho Dan Bo, of Porco’s Karate Academy was awarded $1000 in 2011. She is an International Business Major at the University of Connecticut. Her goal is to become an International Business Lawyer. She has been training in Tang Soo Do for 8 years. She states in the essay, “What started as another experimental activity evolved into a way of life.”

Robert O’Connor, 2nd Gup, from Northern Mountain Tang Soo Do, was awarded $500 in 2011. He is attending Colby College as a History and Government Double Major. He hopes to look for jobs in politics or teaching history. He began his training in 2008. His essay reads, “While I didn’t notice it at first because of everything else that was changing at the same time, Tang Soo Do has had an important effect on my life. It helps me with structure and discipline while trying to juggle so many new things at once, and it has also changed how I view martial arts.”

Adianis Matias, 6th Gup, of Valentin Karate was awarded $500 in 2011 This will help support her study of Criminal Justice Forensic Psychology at the University of New Haven. Her goal is to become a detective for the FBI as a profiler. She has been training in TSD since early 2010. Her essay quotation is “A black belt is a white belt that never quit.”


Aaron Kaye, Sam Dan, of Penn State Martial Arts Group, was awarded $1500 in 2010. He attends Colby College and started Northern Mountain Tang Soo Do on campus. He is an Economics major with a Math minor and plans on graduating but then returning to school for an MBA. He joined the WTSDA at 4 years old and has been a member of the China delegation and has taught Tang Soo Do in India. In his essay he writes, “One of the most rewarding things Tang Soo Do has given me is the ability to make a positive difference in other peoples lives. I have experienced this during my time in India, in the dojangs at home and at my own studio. It is incredible to be able to watch my student’s progress and see how far they have come since walking through the door for their first class.”

Michael Holcomb, E Dan, of River valley Tang Soo Do Academy, was awarded $1500 in 2010. He is an Actuarial Science Major at Robert Morris University with the goal of becoming an actuarial consultant and eventually obtaining an MBA. He began training in 2000 and received his Cho Dan in 2005. He states, “It is not about breaking the board, nor is it about getting to the next test and being the highest rank. Tang Soo Do is about the way of life.”

22 World Tang Soo Do Foundation News Summer/Fall 2011















227 Richard Arteca228 Cereana Roberts229 Sjef Lamens230 Mark Morrissey231 Kevin Tolderlund232 Veronica Amorim233 Jon Hazelden234 Stephen Bradbury

235 Linda Bradbury236 Vanessa Frattini237 Charles Richards238 Patrick Marsch239 Wahing Lee240 Robert Meegan241 Wayne Dunn242 Joseph Erickson

243 Christopher R. Carter244 Rashaud A. Olson245 Michael F. Porco, Jr.246 Jeffrey Edwin Green247 William C. Glenn248 Ricardo J. Hassan249 Madelyn Valentin


Wildfire Almost Takes World Tang Soo Do StudioStudents Rally for Firefighters

Had it not been for the citizens of Sierra Vista, Arizona and the firefighters who spent day and night, for weeks on end, keeping our community safe during the

recent fires in Arizona (Monument and Antelope fires) one of Starworld’s Martial Arts Academies (AMAF) located in Sierra Vista, Arizona may have been destroyed. Starworld Martial Arts Academy has been in Sierra Vista, Arizona since 1994. As it appeared that the fires would be contained, WTSDA students in Sierra Vista, AZ in an attitude of gratitude decided to show their support and appreciation to the firefighters. It started with

combined ideas and efforts of Green Belt, Spencer Courturier, and Chief Instructor Lupe Thomas, 3rd Degree Black Belt. Students collected water, hydrating drinks and

prepackaged nutritious snacks for the firefighters each night. The first night collections exceeded 17 cases of water and snacks! Then the winds picked up and the fire again raged out of control. Now the studio along with many homes in the area where ordered and placed in the evacuation stage. Everyone scrambled to keep their families and property safe. After many days and nights of stress, finally the word was given that

the studio and neighboring homes were saved by the firefighters. In appreciation for the firefighters courageous efforts, Senior Master Williamson evolved the Sierra Vista citizens’ feeling of gratitude into a community board breaking fundraiser. Where, students collected a set amount of donations per board that would be broken and the proceeds given to the firefighters for all they do and did in saving lives and property. Two Starworld studios, Starworld Academy of Martial Arts & Fitness and Starworld Goodyear Martial Arts, collectively raised approximately $2,500.00 for the Firefighters Foundation.

Submitted By, Senior Master Williamson, 5th Dan

Starworld Martial Arts Academy

23World Tang Soo Do Foundation NewsSummer/Fall 2011















Community Service & Fundraising around the RegionsREGION 1Region 1 Championship Fundraising This year, while the Region One Championship was going on in Seattle, Washington, a crew was raising money for the Region One Scholarship Fund. Becky Rupp, Chair, and her crew manned a table selling Masters Cards and binders as well as sold raffle tickets for a 50/50 raffle. The winner wins half the money collected at the end of the day. Students from several different studios and a Grandparent were this crew! When the raffle was called, the winner, Mr. Mike Gasser, donated his winnings of $550.00 back to the Fund. Because of his and many others generous donations, we raised $1432.00 that day and were given a $500.00 anonymous donation for a total of $1932.00 towards next year’s scholarship awards. A huge THANK YOU to everyone for your help and generosity!!! Submitted by Master Becky Rupp

Dragon Heart Kick for a Cure Wood or brick? Most grocery stores offer a variety of options but Rays Shop Smart in Redway offered more than groceries last Saturday, they offered martial arts demonstrations. Students were smashing and breaking the customer’s choice of materials in return for a small donation to a great cause--The St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Chief instructor and owner of Dragon Heart Tang Soo Do, Master Becky Rupp, has been a proud supporter of St. Jude’s for ten years, hosting fundraisers annually to help in the fight against childhood cancer. This year’s event was organized by members of the Dragon Heart Black Belt Club. The newly formed club consists of black belts training at Dragon Heart Tang Soo Do. Through fundraisers and events like this one, they strive to make a difference not only in their studio but in the community as well. At this particular event they offered up goods that could either satisfy your sweet tooth, or build your

confidence. Displayed on a table just outside the Shop Smart doors was an arrangement of baked goods tempting even the strictest health-nut. The excitement, however, was found a few feet away, accompanied by calls of “five bucks for a board, ten for a brick. We’ll break it any way you want, except with our heads.” Men, women, adults and youths, all in bright white uniforms stood at attention, waiting for the chance to display their skill. Curious patrons stepped up with their requests, often hanging around to catch a glimpse of the next performance. Again and again, boards were broken in splinters and bricks were smashed into dust by vulnerable body parts, but these trained practitioners walked away with only minor scrapes and bruises. This year’s event was a success and Master Rupp was able to donate $900 to help in the fight against childhood cancer. On behalf of Master Rupp and Dragon Heart Tang Soo Do, we’d like to extend our Thanks to the Dragon Heart Black Belt Club, Shop Smart and the numerous generous donations that helped support this distinguished cause.

REGION 5Karate Students Add ‘Sweet’ Touch to Fundraiser Grand Tradition Martial Arts-Linden, Michigan students provided assistance to local the VFW on June 18, 2011, providing yummy desserts and convincing people to buy them! The Full Circle Breast Cancer Motorcycle Ride Progressive Poker Run, organized by a group from Flint, MI decided to also honor veterans by guiding over 500 participants through VFW and American Legion Posts in Genesee County to raise funds for cancer treatment centers. Price-Crane-Robinsons VFW Post 4642 was the third stop on the tour. At each stop, participants were greeted with different offerings of food and entertainment. VFW Post 4642 offered desserts, a 50/50 raffle and a band in the gazebo beside the mill. GTMA-Linden students, Jeff Kotalik, Cho Dan; Jesse Kotalik, Cho Dan; Brandon Shaffer, 4th Gup; Kipp Verner, 6th Gup; Gracie Verner, 8th Gup and Genie Munch, Sam Dan, all brought plates and bowls full of desserts to sell at the event. The bake sale at Post 4642 contributed $100 to the $4,000 raised overall. Sah Dan, Master Chris Anderson was delighted with the turnout and dedication of his GTMA-Linden students. A Certificate of Appreciation was received by all students from members of VFW Post 4642.

REGION 7Break-A-Thon for St. Jude The Twin Dragons’ Demo Team established an annual fundraising Break-a-Thon for St. Jude Children’s Hospital six years ago as part of our commitment to community service. Thanks to the efforts of the students, parents and instructors, Twin Dragons did it again! Our 2011 St. Jude Festival and Break-a-Thon brought in another $1,365 for cancer research and treatment. Five children from our own Aiken County were treated this year at no cost to the families thanks to fund raising efforts like this. Also joining our efforts this year were our friends from Palmetto Panther Martial Arts under the instruction of Mr. Chad Smith. Combining our Break-a-Thon, yard sale and games has been the best way we have found to raise money. Thanks to all the people who contributed to this event by sponsoring a student or donating items for the sale. Another thank you goes out to Ms. Miller who ran the knife and star throwing activities. We are setting our goals even higher for next year! Events like this show the students and the community the true meaning of our martial arts. We all grow stronger when we reach out to help others. Submitted by Ms. Cassandra Kimmerly, Sam Dan

24 World Tang Soo Do Foundation News Summer/Fall 2011















JOIN OUR $1,000 DONOR’S CLUB!In January of 2005, the WTSDF Construction Committee began selling 1000 pillars. So far we have 226 pillars sold and 808 left to sell. Market trends for purchasing and building new properties has risen astronomically over the past few years and our original budget for construction, which was set in 1993, does not match the reality of actual costs in 2010. In

order to accelerate our fund raising, we established the $1,000 Donors Club. Anyone who wishes to join this effort should contact Headquarters or their local Building Fund Chair Person for the pledge form. Those who wish to purchase a pillar may pay in installments. If anyone has already donated a significant amount less than $1,000 and would like that

money applied towards a pillar, contact Headquarters with your donor #’s and dates and it can be applied to the pledge form. Keep in mind that the pillars are for individual contributions, not regional or studio contributions. We appreciate all of those who have joined in our efforts to date and will commemorate them with pillars in the new building.

REGION 22Breaking Boards for Charity Tri-County Tang Soo Do held it’s 4th annual Break-a-Thon which benefits St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network of Elk County Pa. The students sign-up to participate, pledge the amount of boards they wish to break, and receive a sponsorship application. They then proceed to gather people to sponsor them with donations for the amount of boards they have pledged to break. They may gather either a given price per board or a specific donation from their sponsors. I, in turn, pledge 50 boards and gather local business sponsors who’s donations are used to purchase the wood to be used, this covers the material and allows all student donations to go directly to the two benefits. Lowe’s home center of Dubois Pa. generously sells us the wood at cost, Brigss Contracting of Ridgway, Pa. lends us a lowboy trailer which we set up as a staging area on Main street in front of the school to hold our event. This year we raised $2,410.00 with $1,206.50 going to each charity. To date we have raised approximately $6500.00 total dividing the proceeds between both charities. Prizes are given for specific amounts raised by individuals and a fun time is had by all from Little Dragons to Black Belts. Submitted by Master Rick Panebianco

Kicking Cancer On Thursday, March 31st, students of D.J. Studios Karate hosted a Kick-A-Thon to raise money for the Relay For Life Organization. Each student acquired donations from sponsors, who pledged to pay a certain amount for each kick that was performed. The students then performed 1,000 kicks in 35 minutes. The event, which was held at the Philips Hotel in Philipsburg PA, drew in over 60 kickers, and over 100 spectators. At the end of the event, the students of D.J. Studios raised $5,100.00 for the cause! Submitted by Mr. John Hubler

WTSDF Building Fund DonationsAs of July 31, 2011, we have increased the building fund total to $2,180,749.77. An individual donation report will

no longer be part of the newsletter. We thank you for your support and wish for your future support.