SUMMER RESORTS. CAPE MAY, N. J. THE CHALFONTE, CAPE MAY, N. J.. NOW open; appointments first-class. FRANK H. RAY, late of the Continental, Phila. FRANK L. WAL- LINGFORD. Jyl1-m STAR VILLA, CAPE MAY, x. J., NOW OPEN. Direetly on the beach Liberal terms for families for the season. be-ln F. L. RICHARDSON. HOTEL LAPAYErEE, CAPE MAY. N. J. Situated directl on the beach: service of the highest standa Jel-3m JOHN TRACY & CO. CONGRES HALL, CAPE MAY-THIS POPULAR Lote1 opens June 29. New hydraulic elevator' perfet sanitary arrangements- rates from pe day up, and $15 per week and upward, ac- tef~ to location of rooms. A H P. . S. CA Normandie. city, or L. P. CARCape May. je12-2m CARLTON, CAPE MAY POINT.-DIRECTLY ON beach; all modern conveniences; orchestra; se- com., 800; $8 to $12 weekly. jy8-Im L. MADDOCK. THE ELBERON, CAPE MAY, N. J. Nelw il1oa ining; close to beach; oppo- 7-I1sa J. B. WILSON. THE BREXTON. Ocean avenue, Cape May. Near the beach. Breed plasas; modern improvements. myS0-2mo Mrs. J. A. MYERS. THE FINIHT OCEAN HOTEL IN AMERICA CAN only a "THE STOCKTON HOTEL." Cape May, . ., which opens Monday, July 1, 1895, unuer news and popular management. European D Cde and american. $3 and up. -HORACE M.CAK. THE COLONIAL, CAPE MAY, N.J.-NEW HOTEL; modern appointments: full ocean view and close to beach; large plasas. myll-2mo W. H. & C. S. CHURCH. SEASIDE-MISCELLANEOUS. SELDEN COITAGES. Comfortable rooms, with good board, at mod- erate rates. Apply to Mrs. ROSALIE SEI.DEN, Virginia Beach, Va. .yl-2t* THE BOLINGLY. One of the most delightful resorts on Chesapeake bay; 2% boors by steamer (twice daily) from Bal- timore. Fine, large mansion, ample grounds, splendid shade, pure drinking water, salt bathing at foot of lawn, fishing. crabbing, boating, tennis and excellent cuisine. Rates very low. Accom- modations for 100 guests. For city refs.. clrcu- lars and terms, address CHAS. HILLYARD. Man- ager, Queenstown, Md. Jy16-Oteo* "THE BALTIMORE." PT. PLEASANT. N.J.. AT- lantic avenue, near the beach: fne view of ocean; electric ears to and from station; first-class ac- commodations. P. O)., Box 267. jy13-3t* HOTEL BELLEVIEW. CHAPEL PONT. MD.; management first-class; salt water bathing, dsh- tag sad crabbing; terms reasonable; special rates to families. Address A. P. KRCETCHMA. hapel Peint, Md., or E. S. RANDALL, River View of- fce, city. Combination round trip excursion tick- et, via steamer Harry Randall, to Chapel Point. includiig transportation. sapper, lodging and breakfast at hotel, for $2; strictly first-class. myl4-3m LOCK EDEN COITAGE, ON THE POTOMAC, near Piney Point Hotel; salt water bathing. fish- ing, -rebbing and sailing; terms. $1 per day or r per week. For further information address AS. D. HAYDEN. Propr., Piney Point P. 0.. St. Mary's county, Md. jy10-6t* HOTEL TOLCHESTER - BEAVTIFLtLY SIT- usted on a high bluff, overlooking Chesapeake bay; shady parks: salt water bathing and fish- ing; a g health resort; a sure cure for hay fever. F amphlet, rates, etc., address G. E NOLAND, Telchester Beach, Kent county, Md. jylo-1m* "THE ALVIN." COLONIAL BEACH (PRIVATE boarding), now open: directly on water front: beautiful grounds, new pavilion, etc.; most at- tractive place on beach; cuisine first-class; no liquons sold: 5 minutes' walk from either wharf. Address PROPRIETOR. Colonial Beach. jell-1m THE ENGLESIDE Beach Haven, N. 3., Now Open. Send for new illustrated book of Engleside and Beach Haven. ap2-llt ROBERT B. ENGIZ, Prop. Arundelmon-the-Bay. The only place near Washington that can be reached in the evening by taking the 4:28 B. and O. train, arriving there at 6;5, takng abath and arriving bomn, at 10 p.m. to $154 each-25x150 ft. Cottage for rent. $125. This cottage part- ly furnished, has six rooms, near beach. Apply to F. G. AUKAM, $00 F St. N.W., or LAWRENCE CAVANAUGH, Je10-Sm,16 Arundel-on-the-Bay. Md. Colton-on-the-Potomac. The must delightful salt-water resort near Waslngton; finest table and best beds on the river; rn by owners this season; sterling attrac- tions engaged no pains and expense spared to render itaet-class resort for business men, -journalists and their families. Rates, t200 r day; reduction by the week or month. Stra, sowsmith and Wakefield daily; newly fitted up; swiftest boat on river. je21-lm R1VER SPRINGS SUMMER RESORT. ON THE Potomac. For beauty of location, excellence of water, and for general advantages, it has few equals and no superior in Md. Come and see. B. P. BLACKISTONE. M. D., Proprietor. je7-3m WALNUT POINT SUMMER RESORT OPENS JULY 1.-Good boating, bathing, fishing, crabSing, &c.: table first-class. Address W. P. COWAIRT, Cow- art, Va. je29-1m* JORDAN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, 4 Frederkk county,. Va. Open JUNE 1. Many new and attractive im- poments. Capacity, 250. Ten minutes' drive rt. B. station to hotel. Write for pamphlets. my20.2m E. C. JORDAN, Propr. POTOMAC HOTEL. ST. GEORGE'S ISLAND. MD.- Open June 25. Rates, 81 to $1.50 per day; to $5 per week. Splendid sailing, bathing, era; bing and Abling. Music and dancing. Take steamer Potomac. Sue or Arrowsmitb, all of which stop at Adams' wharf. See Evening Star for sailing hours. Address Adams Bros.. St. George's Island, St. Mary's county. Md.jel9-lm' SPRINGS AND BATHS. Buena Vista Spring Hotel, Franklin Co., Pa. Western Maryland R. R. Blue Ridge mountains; dry atmosphere: 1,500 feet elevation. Capacity, 500 guests. All modern conveniences. Elevators, private baths, livery, bathing pool, abundant water supply. Terms moderate. Open tinl October 1. B. & O. and Penna. R. R. connect with Western Maryland B. B. at Baltimore and Hagerstown, Md. Address W. M. REAMER, Manager. Buena Vista Spring P. 0., my.-.. Washington Co., Md. Bedford Springs Hotel BEDFORD, PA., THE CARSAD OF AMERICA. This popular Summer Resort will open with in- creased attractions for the season of 1896, FRI- DAY. JuS 21. For terms and booklets address my2-3m* J. T. ALSIP, Manager. BERKELEY SPRINGS, W. VA.-THE BERKELEY Springs Hotel has been open since June 1 for the reception of guests. Many improvements have been made since last season and It is in first- class order. The baths of these celebrated soig nodfor the cure of rheumatism, gout, ki &.For further information apply to CHAS. P. JACK & A. B. UINGER, jy10-lm* Props. Berkeley Springs Hotel, W. Ye. Rock Enon Springs,Va. A lovely mountain resort; cool ad dry; fl% hcors from Washington; in the great North mnountains, near Winchester, Va.; mineral waters for ever trouble; mineral baths end large swin- wing polsteasm heatedy gfrst-class tab.'e: large ~rior admusic rootn; fine band; good livery, tlaccommodates 800; terms muoderate. Hotel now oe.For illustrated circulsa and terms apply toA. S. PRtATT, myg~mBock Eo Springs, Vs. C. W. CULLEN & SON, Owners and Proprk-tors, Collen Pest Ofiee. White Sulphur Springs, * Virginia. Season of 1895 opens June 1. Terms: Per week, one person, $15; per month, one persofh, $40; two persons in one room, $70; special rates to parties of three or more. The oldest summer resort In the United States. Established 1734. Good Fishing, Seating a~ ah Distance from Hfchmond and Danvile B., 1 n.le; distance from Norfolk and Western. 3 mdes; distance from paltimore and Ohio. 4 miles. Eight different waters, narrely: White. red and blue sulphur, alum, iron, arsenic, chalybeate and lithia. On top of the "Three Top Range" of the Masa- neitten chain of mountains. Elevation. 2,100 feet above the sea. No mosquitoes, gnats or malaria. my2-3m1 Monterey Springs Hotel, SUMMIT OF THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS, PA. $ 1.500 feet above sea level. Three hours from Washington. Magificent ecenery. *No malaria. Nto mosquitoes. Pre spring water. New na modern sanitary arrangements. Newly painte and renovated. Terms moderate. Open till Oct. 1. WrIte for descriptive booklet. Mt. A. & H. S. MILNOR. P. 0., Blue Ridge Summit. Pa. my14-tf CARROLL SIRINGS SANITARIUM. FOREST Glen. Md.. for invalids. convalescents and those desirinr rest, For partieulars address Dr. 0. H. WRIGHT. Forest Glen. Mid. ap22-3m* SEASIDE-NEW ENGLAND. "A SUMER T SEA." BLOCRC ISLAND R. I. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL Opens June 27. Overlooking the ocean, having all modern ap- poinment, Including hot and cold sea water noh,&.Address- CUNDALL & BALL. OCEAN GROVE, N. J, OCEAN HOUSE, Ocean Grove, N. 3, One minute from Auditorium; three minutes from ocean; lrrts Je13-2m .RNIS rp T~l' CARItOLLTON. 2S OCEAN PATHWAY, omOCEAN GRIOVE, N. 3 SUMMER RESOBT. ATLANTIC CITT. HdTEL BERKELEY. Extreme ocean end of Kentleky ave., ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Elevator, an prlors and all modern emven- lances. Greatly improved. k13-26t JAMES AND GEORGE3EW. METROPOLE. Ocean end New York are.. Atlantic City, N. J. All modrn Improvements; elevator Ac.; terms, $f10 to $18 week, hire. A. S. THOMi'Sti.jylZ-25t LA FONTAINE. Kentucky ave., near the beach; a thoroughly modern honse, with rcasonable rates. Address jys-83t 0. S. WRIGHT. Proprietor. HOTEL TRAYMORE, Atlantic City. N.J. Appointments complete. Location anexcelled. jy6-20t D. . WHITE, Jr., Proprietor. SAGINAW INN, ATLANTIC CITY Ocean end of Connectient ave. Newly furnished throughout. All modern conve- niences. Cuisine unexcelled. KATHARINE McCUNE, Jy4-12t Of 112 So. 12th it., Philadelphia, Prop. THE ALItEMARLR WITH NEW ANNEX. VIR- avenue near beach. Beautiful structure; t location; modern conveniences. The terms are reasonable. Illustrated booklet mailed u a llc tion. Capacity, 260. CHA. M. COPE. BRADY HOUSE ARKANSAS AVE.-NEAR OCEAN; board; large garden; mod. rates: circular my15-78t THE WINGFIELD. OCEAN AVE., Atlantic City, N. J. Near the beach. Terms remanale. 3e52-86t MRS. CAMEO. OCEAN VY-.A. Pacific and South Carolina avenues. Strictly first class. $1.50 to $2 r day. Special weekly rates. HOPKINS A HOPI'S. Je24-26t THE LEHMAN-OCEAN END OF PENNSYLVANIA avenue. Atlantic City, N. J. Al2ways open. Alwcya opn F. W. LEHMAN k 00. HOTEL EVERS- s, Oar. Atlantic and Georgia aves. Terms $7 to 5el2t Mrs. C. T. BUZBY of Balts., Props. COLUMBIA HOTEL. Missouri ave. and teach, Atlantic City, N. . Strictly dfst-class. Moderate terms. j3049t PAUL BTEINNAGEN, Prep. KEW'S HOTEL, ILINOIS AVE. AND BEACH, Atlantic City. N. J. Undoubtedly the Snest loca- tion. Every modern appointment. lnclnding eleva- tor; hot and cold sea water baths in hooe; r- feet service. RICHARD BEW. Je10- DEDLEY ARMS, PENNA. AND PACIFIO AVE., Atlantic City, N. J., one block from beach; ap- peintments fast-class; rates moderate; ton patronage solicited. B. LLOYD. je8-eo28t HOTEL RICHMOND. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Appointments first-class. Elevator, sua parlor, te. Je4.ecflm J. D). PEAKS HOTEL DEL MONTE. NORTH CAROLINA AVR.. near beach. Atlantic ity, N. 3. CentraL Terms. $1.50 and $2 day: $7 to $12 week. Mrs. H. Y. MOYER. late of Hotel Ituscombe. my25-stuth2t IOTEL CENTRAL- - Atlantic Cty. N. S. Near depot and ocean. Now open Sur the lsamn of 1815. je27-eolt L. A. ROWAN. THE METROPOLITAN Massachneetts and Atlantle ayes. Near warm ba hs and Inlet. Complete sanItar ara t. FORRESCUE HOUSE, Car. Arkansas ave. and ocean front, Atlantic City, N. J.; nearest home to beach. jel.eol8t J. FOITESCUR, Prop. E IItVINGTON. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Broad verandas; cheerful roonra; excellent table; one of the most popular hotels la Atlantic City. }18-20t CHAMBERS & HOOPER. HOTEL BERKELEY, Extreme ocean end of Kentucky ave., ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Elevator. son parlors and all mdern enven- Sinces. Greatly improved. 3s15-26t JAMES AND GEORGE BMW. THE BERKSHIRE INN. Virginia ave. sear the beach. Table ad appoint- -nts l first-class. Beduced rates for June. Foe 1- inoutaf this city. THE WAVERLY. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A first-las family hotel. Terms moderate. je14-52t L T. BRYANT. The Rudolph. Accommodates NOJ pn Ronom en suite. Late adnser. Orchestra end cafe attaced For lnfcrmation apply 1. W. CfLaLTAWAT. j18-52t Atlantic City, N. J. Hotel Imperialand Cottages Maryland avenue, 100 yards of beach. Enlarged, Remodeled, Refurnished. A pintment and Table Frst-lass. KENDRICK. Speia pae y~ tofmls or th aon. a2B-6m OSBORNE. ONE SQUARE FROM READING depot and beach, cor. Ar. and Pacife ares. rasienger elevator; $8 to $14 pr week. 355.86 hits. H. J. HBORNE. THE MARYLAND. New York avenue near the beach. Atlantic aty, N. . JeS-Et F. S. OREN,. Prop. KE.'ILWORTH INN, KENTUCKY AVE. NEAR beach, Atlantic City. N. J. Every modern eon. venienc. including passenger elevator to street level. iull view of ocean from all apartments. Terms reamnale Circular mn ld. Cpaiy 250. 0. F. CUPE & BRO. 452t THE CLIFTON, COl. ATLANTIC AND CONN. a aces.. Atlantic Cty N. J.; family house; enter- ta'u 15 guesa . rm. A to $perd 8o $10 per week. Circular mailed. Ms HOTEL ROYAL, Kentucky ave Atlantic City. N. . headtg class frvie Falo rat wid emormatly a 0 t~e ndI Ifoma Sap otlatrward to Hotel Bopal, . C. Jhneo. ogr. toJ. C.J SO o HOTEL WARWICK, baeth Carolina ave., Atlantie C N. J. 10 fest from board walk. Newly fit and furnished, myS1-52t M. W. TRUITT. GRINER'S HOEL. Atlantic and Connsectl.t aves., Atlantic City. 21.3. Excellent locato. FIrst-else servIce, Blea- eeamble rates. MA 0. LUKAS. PM r. my29-dt THE BItEVOORT. 18 So. Carolina ave.. Atlantic City. NJ.; $160 my7-3m B. B. NORRiS. rE LI.ANDE, Ocea front, nlrmas netta av sna. Atlantie tyN. 5. Blred andmoeued 2t SAMUEL WAGNER & SON. HOTEL ,ALDIN , PACIFIC AVE. NEAR OHIO, Atlantle City. N. 5. Strctl frat-elass. Ters illqtrated a AbRk n. wAWrMA. my24-78t MOTEL SAN MAROOS- Pacide and Mas eves.. Atlantic City, N. J.; elevator; hot and cold sea water baths; private farm and dairy. E. W. LIPPINCOPT. my28-O2t MOTEL MT. VERNON, PACIFiO AVE THE EN- tirear and 1.0 fiet of b erh room fin Extelsi Improvements. Term. , to 1 e week; $1.50 to $2.50 per day. 5 .S OS Prep. mytlt THE PEINNHURST, SOcean end MIhn ave., Atlantie City, N. I. Remoeled enlaged.AllconvenIences. Eevator. (my1342t) JAMES MOOD. Pacific and Tenoesse aies. Atlanle City, NJ. Apply at h123 18th at. n.'w. myI078t ji. J. UCKEBT. HOTEL SEIWY, New Jersey ave. near beach, Atlantic City NJ. per wek. BENRZ I,ECEER. Mgr. mylO-tf THE ELKTON, Kentuck avenar beach. Atlautle City. NJ.; newl{ funse; new manigement; steam heat. HMEL KENDERtTON, OCEAN END) TENNEE ave., Atlantic C~ty, N. J.; sun parlor; first-class; tes.104 Mrs. 3. P. NEALLT of Tiega. HOTEL ATGLEN MICHIGAN AVE., NEAR echAtlntc 3,'.. J.; rates, $8 to $10; tr.20-104t 3. ft RE. HOTEL WELL-INGTON. EeteyaeAtlantic City. N. 3 !26-tt K. A. & H. U. 31ILNOR. SEASIDE-JERSEY COAST. VORt RENT-AT REDUCE RATES, FURN18HED cttages at Briganine, aa cetto Atlatie Cty CNtJ. Alj6-1I Melrose-Inn-on-the- Beach BELMAR, N. J. OPEN JUNE IS. my2t)-2m A. EAVERTICK. Long Branch. WEST END HOTEL AND COTTAGES. COTTAGES1 OPEN SATURDAY, JUXE 15. HryTEL OPENS TUESDAY, JUNE 25. Plans may beseen n rooms enrged at N. Y. 6). M. A W. H. HILDRETH, Proprietari, my23-tu&th17t SPRING LAKE, N. 4. SPRING LAKE. N. 1. *Wilburton-by-the-Sea. New elevator and other improvements. Open Jone 1 for the seamen. je1-Pm 3. K. LITCHWORTH. SPRING LAKE, N. 3., THE CARLETON. Open June I. All al pointments first-clams. 3e1-tu.thiu&s2m S. H. SION. TH LLAIRE DIrectly on the beach. Opens June 16. 1.7-781 B. M. RICHARD8SON. SPRING LAKE. N.J., "THE LU'CA COTTAGE." near .Mguamonth House; 150 faet from cean; pe-- feet drainage; large rocms; handsomely farnished; esehlkant cuIsIne; spcchil rates to fiamilles who will r-maIn three weeks or longer.Adrs ...S-O.. Mr.. . WArP. SUMMER RESORTS. IN WTE MOUNTAINS. HOTEL ESICK. HIGHLAND LAKE, PA. Summit of Alleghenies; dry, bracing atmos. phere; sanitation perfect; cnisine excellent. Ap ply (jy16-im*) H. M. ESSICK, M.D. ROCKINGHAM, VA., SPRINGS. Mountain home resort; 5 bours from Wash.; flm mineral waters; cool climate; fare and accommo dations unsurpassed for prices charged. Circulars. -Address E. B. HOPKIN McGaheyaville, Va. jy13-1m* MOUNTAIN HOUSE-COOLFST ACCESSIBLE RE- sort to Wash.; only 2% hrs.' ride from city cveE the W. & 0.; 40 minutes' drive from Round Hill; house, at elevation of 1,000 ft., commands 'mag nificent views of both Piedmont and Shenandoah valleys; pure spring water; fine bass fishlng is Shenandoah. Terms, $1.50 per day; $7 to $10 per wk. L. O. H.&MMELEY, Pror. jyl-2w Round Hill. Va. Bolivar Mountain House. Highest, coolest and most Picturesque of the ars Ferry resorts. Shady groves. Woodland walks to the Potomac. Erellent cuisine; good rooms; reasonable rates. SUMMER SCHOOL Will be held JULY 29 to AUG. 24. Languages Sciences, History, Music. Painting. &c., by first class instrnetors, under an ex-p ent of a state university. For circulars a at Star o ce o to F. PENNOCK. 1e25-im Bolivar, W. Va. Hotel Powhatan, CHARLESTOWN. W. VA Finest summer resort offered to Washington] new house; elegantly furnished; only 2 hours bl the B. and O. R.; 4 trains daily; under ne management. First-class table at reasonable rates. 3e22-lm W. L. SHEPARD. Manager. Pine Heights Inn & Cottages ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. Main line Pennsylvania railroad. Flrat-clan appointments, with moderate rates. Steam heat, te nls, bowling, e. Purest spring water. Write for illEstrated booklet giving full information. A. R. GRIER, Birmingham Huntingdon Co., Pa. my25-s,tu,th-20t HOTEL ESSICK, HIGHLAND LAKE. PA. IN the cool, dry and bracing air of the Alleghenies; 2 500 feet above sea level. Write for descrip tive ctrcnlas, H. M.. ESSICK, M.D., Prop. je17-1mo- PR!ESTON'S SUNNYSIDE, ON' THE SOUTH MOUNTAINS. Magnificent scenery; extensive park; table am appointments excellent; seven hours from Wash iagton; illustrated booklet free. JAMES H. PRESTON. ap27-m,w&s3St WERUNERSVILLE. PA. GREAN'S MOUNTAIN HOUSE. Harper's Ferry, W. Va.-Located on Fruit Hill Farm, Blue Ridge mountains; 20 minutes' drive from depot. Rates-$5, $0 and $7 per week; $1 and $1.50 per day. Send for circular. Convey ances meet all trains. G. W. GREEN, Prop. jyl-ti HATAKAWANNA INN, LAKE HATAKAWANNA, N. J., on Schooley mountains; mountain, lake and sea air combined; coolest, healthiest resorl in the east; paradise for amateur photographers; six hours from Washington; no malaria: no mo. guttoes; every modern convenience. Address A. W. BROWN, Budds Lake P. 0., N. J. Rates moderate. For information apply to H. H BROWN, 528 12th at. n.w.. Washington, D.C. jy6-2w* PATAPSCO HEIGHTS, ELLICOTT CITY P. 0., Md., now open; six miles from Relay station, or main stem B. and O. R. R. For terms. etc., apply as above. jy6.3w* AURORA, W. VA., MOUNTAIN VIEW HOUSE, IN Alleghenies; large rooms; good board; saddle and driving horses; bowling alley: tennis grounds; reasonable rates. J. A. LANTS, Proprietor. my24-2m HILL TOP HOUSE, HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.- Now open. Most breezy pint. First-class table ard beds. One and one- If hours from Wash, irgton. Telegraph oSce in house. T. S. LOVE1T my6-5m MORRELL HOUSE. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA., will open June 15 under now management; airy rooms; irEt-class table; grand Shenandoah view, my16-4mo B. E. McDOWELL. AURORA, W.Va. On top of the Alleghanies-whe're cool breese, blow ALWAYS. An ideal family resort. Bowll alley, tennis and croquet grounds. Saddle ad driving horses. Fishing and gunning in season. large, airy rooms. Excellent table. Moderate rates. Telephone connections. Several desirable rooms still unengaged. Apply at Rooms 157-151 Ian and Trust bldg or address je26 J. H. hAFFER, Anrora, W. Va. THE LOCKWOOD, HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA., Mres. S. 3. Iovett, Poretress, will opens d. L iaps. leat shade,gra views; table Ert-class. Batesa my84m WHITE COTTAGE. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA. Best view qn the Shenandoah river. Open to board (adolts. Sand for circular and terms. jy2-24t* WM. H. BELL, Prop. THE MOUNTAIN HOJISE. CRESSON, PA. On top of the Allegheny mountains, main ia Penna. R. B.. 103 miles east of Pittsburg. All trains stop. OPENS JUNE 25. Delightful location. Ercelent drives. Pure ah and war.~ Appointments the best. Write circulars. W . DUNHAM, Sept. myl-7St Savage Mountain Cottage, FROSTBURG, MD. On the crest of the Alleghanies. The climate is delightfully cool and healthy. No No mosquitoes. No malaria. This resort rds an exceptionally attractive and pleasant summer home, with large shaded grounds for all outdoor amusements. Reasonable terms and fall particulars will be given upon application to Mrs. RICHARD BEALL jyll-4t* , Frostburg. MR. TRY THE SUMMIT HOUSE; BLUE RIDGE MOUN- tan region; highest point in Harper's Perry. W. Va.; spacious lawns; abundant shade' opena June 12. Send for circulars and terms. Miss M. J. BAKER. Clerk. my23-3m* "CLAREMlONT." BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT STA- tion, Western Maryland R.i. This well-known family hotel is now open for the season; terms moderate; views charming. Address DAVID MII, LER. Proprietor. jy93w* Brookside, Altitude, 3,100 feet. West Virginia. An ideal family resort. Hotel and cottagea. Tennis, bowling billiards and swimming pool. U- ery attached. send for circular. S. P. WRIGHT. jy4-tf Brookside, W. Ya. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL; NEW AND SUPE nor management; excellent accommodations; san- itary plumbing and drainage; hot and salt baths; 2.800 feet above sea; Erne cottage for rent. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL CO., Mountain Lake Park, Md. 3y62w ASBURY PARK, N. J. ASBURY PARK. N J Hotel Albion, 50 yards from surf; sixteenth season; table and apointments the best; accommodates 200- $2 to $2.50 a day; $8 to $15 a week. C.H.PEMBERITON. je22-lm THE LEADLEY, ASBURY PARK, N. J. Centrally located. With modern improvements. One block from ocean. Address PROBST & LEADLEY. fe1-2m The Lafayette, ASBURY PARK, N. I. Dslhfol location; artisthialy furnished; con. eertsla en; cusin nexcelled. Send for paup let. Cpcty, 300. WRIGHT & FROST. -jeB-' - ASBURY PARK, N. 3. "The Victoria." Famsily hotel, fronting the ocean. All improve meats. 15th season. Accommodates 200 gesta. Terns moderate. Miss S. KDiPR. je1 m THEW FN iAORE. Je1-2m For circulars address THOS. NOBIfl. ASBURY PARK. N. 3. HOT'EL COLUMBIA. Directly on the ocean, at 6th avenue; enlarged and refitted; all modern imprvments, including elevator and baths, capacit 800. Opn June 1. my.5-2m W. HARVE JONES. MIISCELLANEOUS. SIMMER BOARD AT PRESTON, MD., ON TiHl B. C. & A. IL R.; large house, with airy ronu and porches; large shdy lawn: fruit, ice, milk, poultry, vegetables, fih and crabs; terms, $5 pei .week. $20 per ma.; children, less, according it age; city reference, Mrs. R. S. Mussey, 470 La. ave. n.w.. who haa photo. and plans of buildings. Address Mrs. M. B. DOUGLASS. Preston, hid. jy9 ,1,3,6,1* Hygela Ihiotel, Old Point Cornfort, Va. Unrivaled as a health and plesure reort. I vigorating ocean breexes, full of life-giving esons New plumbing, perfect drainage and all the com- forts of the modern home. Send for descriptive pamphlet. my28-eo3m F. N. PIKE. Manager. BRIGHT VIEW COTTAGE, OLD POINT COM. fort. Va.; board for private fam~lies, $10 per week; boating, bathing and fishing. jy6-eolm MORE GUESTS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED A'I Locust Lawn; abiundance of shade, fruit, milk, ihe. etc.; terrns moderate. Address Mrs. W. 2. GREEN. Boyd's, Mid., -B. and 0. Rl.R. jy11-6t* The "lingieside,' Randolph, Montgomery Co., Md. jyfi1m FRANK REPP, Prop. THE AESCULAPEAN, Wiehle, Fairfax County, Va., Located on the Washington and Ohio Rt.R., withit 25 miles of Washington, D. C., Is an entirely new hotel, and will be open for the first time for the reception of guests July 15. 18915. This beautiful hotel is situated within 200 yards of the railroad station, in a grove of fine oalk and chestnut trees; has ecellent water, high location, entirely free from malaria; extensive parks; excellent table; hot and cold water biaths; also basthing and fishin;; inte lake near te hotel For terms ete. appyj TEACHERS APPOINTED Next Year's Pedagoges Named by the School Board Oommittee. HALF THENORMAL GRAI)lATFS CHOSEN A Long List of Nanes of Great In- terest to the School Ma'ams. MANY ARE POMOTED The various committees of the board of school trustees met at the Franklin School building last night for the purpose of ar- ranging the schedules of assignments of teachers for the ensuing school year. The first twenty-four of the forty-eight gradu- ates of the normal school, in the order of their graduation percentages, were appoint- ed teachers, and will be assigged later to the various divisions. It is probable that some of the remaining twenty-four will be appointed in the fall, as vacancies occur. The amendnrent of the rules was postponed until the September meeting. The nomina- tions for teacherships were made last night as follows: First Division Supervising principal-C. S. Clark, Eighth grade-E. G. Kimball, B. W. Murch, K. E. Rawlings, C. L. Garrison, M. C. McGill, C. B. Smith, M. 6. Raven- burg, F. S. Fairley, N. E. S. McLean. Seventh grade-K. R. McQueen, S. ,F. Sparks, M. E. R. Nevitt, B. L. C. Pattison, A. H. Fuller, Janet Mc William, A. L. Sar- gent, Mary McWilliam, A. L. Galeski. Sixth grade-C. K. Finkel, E. M. Fisher, Josephine Burke, M. 4f. Maher, L. P. Spackman, J. S. Campbell, M. L Simpson, L. Y. Arrick, M. N. Lovejoy. Fifth grade-H. C. Lasser, S. G. Hickey, Eleanor Laster, H. M. Lamb, M. E. Sheads, L. H. Clements, Jennis Hodges, J. E. Baker, K. J. Riley, Emily Dyer. Fourth grade-L. M. McElfresh, M. V. Morgan, C. H. Hall, L. M. Bishop, A. O. Sagar, F. A. Stedham. Third grade-Rosa Stuts. T. M. Crew, C. P. Dulin, G. C. Anderson, C. F. Carrothers, Nora Moyer, Margaret Lasier. Second grade-B. L. Teel, K. M. Raber, F. L Galeski, H. T. Draper, B. M. Gibson, Mary Lackey. A. G. Getty. First grade-M. W. Hoover, Mamle Smith, Alice Pollok, G. S. Altschu, F. M. Thomson, M. L. Sherman. Secobd Division A. Supervising principal-N. P. Gage. Eighth grade-S. J. Thomson, F. L. Hend- ley, A. Davis, M. King, B. K. Scott, E. M. Mett, S. B. Kent, F. M. Roachs, A. L. Howard. Seventh grade-M. A. Tait, S. C. Collins, S. K. White, S. S. Smith, W. C. Hartmann, J. C. Donovan. L. R. Nowlin, S. B. Sipe. Sixth grade-S. B. Brown, E. Robinson, A. M. Getchell, M. B. Mc~auslen, M. F. C. Walker, H. P. Hoover, K. E. Kaiser, C. A. Johnson. D. E. Rogers, L. 0. Fishback. Fifth grade-E. V. Boss, E. C. Drane, M. I. Furmage, A. E. Burlingame, M. J. Ma- lone, M. V. Potter, B. E. Parsons, F. E. Towner, B. Campbell. . Fourth grade-H. Heinrichs, H. J. Free, E. Caton, M. W. Cameron, M. R. Lyddane, M. M. Hendley, D. W.. Boyd, B. Harts tall, G. M. Parker. Third grade-F. A. Grahame, G. M. Mar- tin. K. M. Jaquette, B. H. Caron, K. Don- ovan, E. Scrivener, A. '-Lamborne, B. E. Lutz. L. L. Lockhart.-B M. Dove. Second grade-A. Raleenan, M. A. Draney, C. Chapman, F. R. Rupit, B. C. Laramore, B. Street, M. S. Murphy, S. Lamborne, M. Clifton. . First grade-M. A. Keltom, M. Breuninger, F. A. Reeves, F. Shuffle. M. E. Drown. G. K. Ballard, A. M. Williams, M. E. Young, M. V. Montrop. Second Division B. Walter B. Patterson,. iSupervising prin- cipal. - Eighth grade-Kate . "Brown, Miranda Steele, Mary E. Bond, Ellep F. Goodwin, Ellen C. Dyer, Virginia Emory. Seventh grade-Hannah P. Johnson, Fran- ces M. Moore. Anna J. Bell, Grace S.. Sil- vers, Alice M. Glayton, Louisa G. Nash, Elizabeth P. Kirk, Miriam J. Austin. Sixth grade-Blanche M. Pearson, Marga- ret Bayly, Augusta K. Keyser, Katherine Babbington, Helen A. Duffy, Helen M. Knighton, Mary C. Garst, Alice E. Has- lup. Fifth grade-Edith M. Meloy, Ottillie A. Ebert, Catherine V. Allen, Annie E.Walker, Emma Mueden, Mary E. Bannon, Emelie Devlin, Ellen J. Durham, Julia T. Cavan- nagh. Fourth grade-Susie Purcell, Jang R. Fur- mage, Emma F. Quinlan, Alice H. Peabody, Maud E. Garner, Gertrude A. Phillips, Aida M. Doyle, Alcesta M. Stevenson, Min- nie R. McCormick, Mary E. Dodge, M. R. O'Brien. Third grade-Wilhelmina E. Barton, In- diana E. McPherson, Lucie E. Mortim er, Annie S. Tucker, Rosalind Moore, Margaret L. Brosnahan, Abbie M. Sisson, Gertrude Kelsey. Elizabeth A. Caspari. Louise E. Emmermann. Second grade-Emma L. Wilson, Mary K. Wood, Mae D. Jack. Elizabeth T. Schutt, Mary Keogh, Fannie B. Slater, Emma B. Spies, Julia P. Fernald, Alice Butler, Daisy C. Alwine, Ida R. Garrett, Florence B. Holmes, Marie G. Mahr. First grade-Lizzie M. Warman. Mary T. Ennis, Clara Ulke, Margaret Williamson, Laura E. Glenn, Celia P. Mayse, Maude S. Ewer, Mary C. Bresnahan, Lillian A. Rit- ter. Ivah M. Bennett Third Division., Supervising principal, Alex. T. Stuart. Eighth grade-Mary A. Aukward, Annie Beers, Mary G. Kelly, Victoria L. Nourse, Amanda L. Grant, Nellie M. Mack, M. Emma Little, Julia May Rawlings. Seventh grade-Mary L. Packard, Mae Jenkins, Mary E. Stockett, Martha B. Armistead, M. Alice McNantz, arah B. McNants, Abby K. Hopkins, Mary B. Kea- ley, Alice, P. Stromberger. Sixth grade-Clara Willenbucher, Annie L. Ambrose, Lyda Dalton. Emogene Bear, Sarah F. TDindle, Annie K. Leonard, Marga- ret E. Forbes, Emily E. Hunt, Helena L. Johnson, Agnes K. McNaught. Fifth grade-Magdalena C. Bock, Sarah 3. Kealey, Lillian A. Bassett, Elizabeth V. Snowden. Daisy E. HeDlitrn, Carie Stew- art, Isa Vanderworker, Hattie Ik White, Annie M. Foley, Leonora Merritt, Kath- erine McNaught.- Fourth grade-Mary V. Lithgrow, Lillian 0. Burroughs, Mdrgaret H. Wasney, Mary A. Kulmet, Elizabeth B. Purmnan, Miary B. Graves. Charlotta S. Willenbucher, Cath- erine W. Koontz, Minnie Ho lkins, Eliza- beth J. Bock. Third grade--Annie A. Hinkel, Mary L. Stephens, Imogene W. Bohrer, Bertha W. Hunter, Rose G. Carraher, Masie M. Gard- ner, Ada C. Hyam, Floredce Hopkins, Mary B. Brady, Florence Dev~in, Katherine A. Bohrer, Flora G. Steinbsrg. Second grade--Maria J. McCathran, Mary E. Yount, Antoinetto Ceents, Mabel H. Swingle, Nunice. Welch, Daisy Cook, Anna R. Williams, Minnie R. Baiiey. First grade-Edith C.. ebster. Irene K. Kehr, Sara West, Emia L. Smith, Mabel H. Fisher, Eleanor U. Am' onds, Lula B. Thorn. Frances W. Potter. Addle T. Lyon, Mary Holmes. Daisy K pumphrey, Wilma Willenbucher, B.. A. Hil'ton. Fourth Di1rision. Supervisirg principal, Isaac Fairbrother. Eighth grade-H. T. A. Lemon, S. K Kramer, M. E. Martin,~ Annie Van Horn. Seventh grade-S. E. Wise, E. J. Riley, K. P. Wilscn, K. L. Strobel. Sixth grade-C. N. Tiomnpson, Chiarles F. Zimmele, M. L. Smith, 5. C. Dulin, A. B. Newmeyer, K. C. J. Johnson, V. V. Trook. Fifth grade-S. K. Halley, A. M. Hobbs, Laura Shackelford, R. A. Garrett, E. K. Halliday, A. M. Whiemore, L. H. Cohen. Fourth grade--M. B. Garrett, M. M. Hines, A. E. Crump, I. V. Durfee, K. C. Fawcett, Caroline Rtanney, Alice McDade. Third grade-Minnie Harper. M. M. Wil- son, K. K. Brewer, Jeannette Cohen,.- K. K. Moorv, F. J. Campjbell, Belle Allen. Second grade--L. K. Tweedale, Elizabeth Barnes, Nettie Scheinghammer, M. A. Law, B. L. Chace, Katherine Cornwell, J. P. McCauley, J. A. Bicksler, I. D. Daniel.- First g-ade--B. M. Hipkins, M.-'C. Ever- ett, Flora Ulke, Lillan Halley, Mary A. FOR HEAVY, SLUGGiSH FEELING Une Horsfordl's Acid Phosphate. It piroces healthy activity of wtak or disorder- ed stomachis that ne.ed stuirulating, and acts as tni on nerves anI bhann Mack, F. G. Whitney, SE E. Rose, Annie Campbell, Marguerite Barnes, Margaret Carraher, Susan Waters. lith Division. Supervising principal, B. T. Janney. Eighth grade-L. A. Bradley. S. M. Ryder,- T. C. Roeser, E. M. Chase, F. L. Reeves, E. L. Godey. E. Macfarlane. Seventh grade-M. F. Gore, A. F. Perris, H. G. Nichols. B. Beckham, S. M. Farr, G. L. Wilson, K. S. Proctor. Sixth grade-M. C. McCarthy, C. A. Ossire, B. J. Young, E. A. Norton, Maggie Noud, M. C. O. Lasenby, M. F. McGowan, Kate Robertson. Fifth grade-H. G. Watt, G. Musson, E. E. Breed, J. W. Douglass, H. A. Brecht, K. E. Darneille, M. J. Watts, G. B. Leevis, E. A. Hayden, M. A. McMonigle. . Fourth grade-. J. Good. H. B. Bell, C. E. Tour, S. J. Oliphant, E. L. Duvall, M. H. Berry, M. F. Ossire. G. L. McCul- loch, M. A. Connelly. Sara Hattstall. Third grade-M. E. Hedrick, Virginia Taylor. B. jL. Pulizzi, M. E. Mallon, C. M. Toomey. Roberta Ossire, A. T. Wilston, -F. A. Rcbertson, A. M. Dutton. Second grade-H. H. Gibbs, ,. Rodin, Kate Brewer, C. L. Bremierman. g. Thomas, M. C. Fistetits. H. E. Stock- bridge, B. H. Thompson, M. H. Llufrio, J. K. Wharton. First Grade-F. M. Gilbert. M. A. Doug- less, B. E. Taylor, Nellie Fisher, Nellie Ossire. Belle Turkenton, L. J. English, Maria Tavenner, N. B. Huntington, C. L. Jones, B. C. Beale, C. F. McKee. Sixth Division A. Supervising principal, Joseph R. Keene. Eighth grade-Charles A. Johnson, Con- duit road, Little Falls; Ulysses G. Black, Tenleytown; William B. Ireland, M. Agnes Clancy. Maggie Muntz, Margaret G. Cal- laghan, Cora H. Pimper, Grant road; Francis L. Cardona, jr., Edgar H. Beckley, Military road; Alfred P. Lewis, Albert Ridgley, Brightwood; Washington E. Nalley, Henrietta J. Schlerf. Sallie F. Rob- inson, Marion E. Oliver, Mt. Pleasant; Clara G. Brewer, Frances M. Harmon, Kate H. Brevard. Helen G. Walsh, Mary J. Davenport, Mary W. Frank. Katherine W. Hcbgood, Annie L. Clft Wilson, Laura I. Hawkesworth, Martha B. Fisher, Susan J. Peters, Lavana J. Moss, Florence O. Tal- bot, Chalney E. Scott, Orphans' Home; Nellie A. Plummer, Mary R. Goines Mott, Wilson B. Evans. Alice ~D. Johnson, Jennie K. Spears, Charity A. Hathman, Nancy M. Atwood. Anna D. Bell, Matheil Williams. Emma V. George. Jessie A. Wormley, Mon- roe Horton Simpson, Sarah G. Otterbach, Kate U. Neale. Minnie Riggles, Florence F. Laster, Soldiers' Home; Henrietta K. King, Ft. Slocum; Robert L. Mitshell. Brookland; Annie L. Chesney, Lillie P. Bailey, Mary E. Given. Mary A. Riley, E. H. Rose, Ivy City; Alphonso O. Stafford, Eleanor Robinson. Siatt Division B. John T. Freeman, supervising principal. Van Buren and annex-Selden K. Ely, H. Burroughs, Myrtle G. Young, Blanche E. Seaver, Nannie B. Croswell, Minnie N. Mc- Cormick. Lillie L. Zimmerman, Francis. Hartstall, Elizabeth L. Erb, M. Katherine Espey, Esther J. Lackey. Ethel E. Foster. Benning-Joseph H. Voorhees, Ida A. Green, Helen M. Alden. Congress Heights-Henry F. Lowe, Emma C. Hinkel, Clara M. T. Brandt. Good Hope-Elsie E. Troutman, Elie G. Brewer. Tyler-Susan A. Langley. Mary K. Dyer, Bertha Buehler, Charlotte C. Dessez,.Con- stance A. D. Luebkert, Margaret E. Sher- man. Ada M. Farrington, Mary Macauley, Cornelia Whitney. Emma G. Crook. Buchanan-Barbara L. Woodward. Sarah A. Tichenor, Cornelia I. Mathis, Lizzie J. Burrough, Mary C. Dallas, Annie R. Wil- liamson, Sarah Musson. Cranch-Florence W. Layton, Martha J. Peabody. Jessie M. Walling, Saidee B. Hol- land. Ruth E. Rucker, Eleanor B. Reiley, Bernice A. Stockbridge. Birney and Hillsdale-Florence J. Smith, Emma Patterson, Emma V. Smith, Georgiana R. Simpson, Laura A. Robinson, Alice M. Waring, Alexander B. Coleman, Esther E. Contee, Mary C. Burks, Mary E. Hite. Garfield-Frances J. Cardona, Abrahem L. Smith. Marie B. Thomas. Ella Green. Benning road-John E. Syphax. Fannie B. S. Johnson, Emma F. Blackwell. Burville-Harry W. Lewis,' Henry W. Freeman, jr. Central High School. Principal, F. R. Lane; assistants, N. Ii Reynolds, W. Bernhart, P. M. Hughes, J. H. Prindle, C. Fontaine, H. English, W. A. Hendrick. J. S. Mills, S. A. Rainey, H. E. Morgan, M. Weddell, W. E. Priest, N. Hcegelsbeger, B. D. Sherburne, L. B. Mul- len, H. C. Cheston, E. M. Pitts, H. M. Hayes, M. R. Hampson, E. Golden, W. P. Hay, 3. H. Liebert, H. M. Cushing, C. K. Orr. D. P. Mussey, F. E. M. Hall, J. L. Ditto, L. M. Parker, E. G. Brosius, E. R. Walton, Paul Finkel, S. G. Saxton' E. Liebschutz, G. J. Smith, C. B. Yount, E. L. Compton, R. W. Test, L. H. Reichelderfer, R. R. Upton, Bessie M. King. Eastern High School Principal, C. M. L. Sites; assistants, 1L F. F. Swartzell, M. M. Johnson, L K. Daly, J. P. Gerry. L. E. C. Colliere, E. W. Will- iams, P. Holmes, William Bromwell, L. Wilkins, I. I. Summerscales, F. S. Shipman, M. Spalding, C. M. Burchard, K. W. Wil- scn, D. Lattimore, C. Van Doren, D. L. Gardner, May Dean. Western High School. K. C. Westcott, principal; assistants, H. B. Ofiley, E. C. kane, H. C. Buchly, E. L. Norris, A. Ulke, I. O. Young, Gertrude A. McNulty. A. M. Robinson, B. T. Town, B. Guillaume, Helene Martin. Business High School Principal, A. Davis; assistants, P. W. Robertson, L. Connolly, F. V. Baldwin, A. M. Graham, E. A. Clark, Mary J. Gibson, J. C. Butler, E. K. Culver, E. F. Throck- morton, Anna L. Harman, A. B. Snyder, E. L. Thurston, Collier Merriwether, Miss Hazelton. Normal School. Principal, Idalla G. Myers; assistants, Elizabeth V. Brown, Annie M. Goding, Helen D. Wise. S. Ella McMahon, Eliza- beth A. Hummer, May C. Breen. Music, Teachers, Joseph H. Daniel, Annie B. Scammell, Alys K Bentley. Amy Law, Ed- win S. Tracy, Lena C. Freea:n. Drawring. Directress, Susan E. W. Fuller; assistants, Annie M. Wilson, Hilda North, Lily A. Chester. A. Mae AtLee, Annie A. M'wnaw, Mary P. Shipman. Manual Training. Director, John A. Chamiberlain; assist- ants, Addison I. Gardner, William R. Sheid, Edward Baldwin, Eliss J. Dakin, James A. Degges, Theodore W. Fuller, John A. Mont- gomery, Patrick L. O'Brien, James K. Potter. Richard T. Pumphrey, Francis Schweinhaut, Roy B. Hayes, Frank B. Skinner, Fred. L. Harries, Harry B. White. Cooking. Direotress, Emma S. Jacobs; assistants, Anna C. Pollok, Fannie AtLee, Hamie A. Douglass, Anne G. Horton, Margaret Keogh, Margaret Marriliat, Mary E. Davis, Mary A. Burns. Florence Jenkins, Annie McDanis, E. K. Cross. Sewing. Directress, Margaret W. Cate; assistants, Elinor M. Colhoun,- Amelia Dalton, Sarah IL Davidson, Hannah Draney, Kate Gra- ham,Mary C. Henry, Annie L. Norris, Mary R. Smith. Isabelle Solomons, Clara L. Stan- ton, Ernestine R. Thornton. Artie KL Wells, Jennie V. Cassin, Charlotte White. Physical Culture. Directress, Rebecca Stoneroad; assistants, Zue Hi. Brockett, Mary L. Squier, Ruth IL Oberly, Rose B. Holmes. Special. Supervisor, primaEd grades, Elisabeth A. Denney; assitant, primary grades. Madeline A. Blandy; librarian, primary grades, Mina Goeti. Seventh Division. Supervising priracipal, H. P. Montgomery. Eighth grade-E. W. Brown, IL B. Gibbs, 3. D. Clark. Seventh grade-A. T. Howard, C. A. Pat- terson, F. A. Martin, M. L. Washington, M. E. Tilgtman, Rt. A. Boston. Sixth grede-G. F. Smith, A. IL Mason, F. S. Bruce, M. V. Tibbs, IL F. Fletcher, C. J. Payne, A. P. Spencer, A. B. Cole, A. L. Cost:n. Fifth grae-L. A. Barbour, E. F. Wil- son, P. Woodson, K L. Fisher, E. F. Shinn, L. L. Welah, J. V. Norris. H. M. Orme. Fourth grade-R. C. Wheeler, A. Ross. H. L. Beason, H. F. Barker, S. E. Dorsey, M. L: Watson, U. V. Brooks, C. A. Arniold, M. B. Bowle, E. . Francis. 'Lit D(1 Of .the (Ire Tomorrow will be the last day lipping sale ever inaugurated by a e Ware, Drugs, Medicines and Tenet to 10 per cent below real value to a Toilet Articles Reduced. Iot Assorted Combs. Were 25e......10e. Iot Cat-glsow Scent Battles.........10e. Lot French Oil-dressed raoiate Sihs, 25e. to 30e. Lot Whisk Baooms. Were 35 & 25c..13c. Lot Imported Violet Soap, 3 ekes to tios. Per Lex.....................2e. Lot Fine Toilet Soap, 3 eakes to bog, 'wrappers soiled. Per box.........16e. Quadruple Perfume Extracts in bulk, all odors..29c. per os.. 4 ass. for $1. -1 lot Fine Toilet Atomizez, Were 98c. To close................29e. 1 lot Pine Toilet Atomisera Were $2 and 12.50.......................79e. 1 lot Fine Toilet Atomizeis. Were $3 and $3.50................$1.19. Roses and Myrrh, for the teeth and ge's..................17e., 3 for Soc. Extra large ize Queen Anne Tooth Powder................17c., 3 for 6oe. Soe. White's Dentine...............33e. (Bottle, liquid and powder.) 25e. Queen Anne Lotion..17e., 3 for 50e. S5c. Comber and Lettuce Cream. 13c., 2 for 25e. Talc i Powder..........6 boles for 38c. (For Infants.) $1 Queen Anne Cologne..........83c. 50e. Queen Anne Cologne............29c. 59c. Lavende Water.......... .3c. Witch Hazel............... e. pt. Crown Lavender Salta..............36e. Imported Roe Water, pints........32. Large also Eau do Quinine, hair tonie.49e. $1 Imported Violet Water..........49c. 2c. Merts's Carlbg Flid.l3e., 2 for 25e. Julie's Toilet Powder... .2e., 5 for $1. $1.25 Plnamd's Fine Perflne Extraetas all oders......................... Pure Violet Water, reduced to 21c. bet. $1 Esbatean's Sin Food...........Te. tfomoves wrinkles and skia baimtee n Soc. Rabateeu's Face Powder........3c. Cot Glass Lavender Salts Bottles, with Lavender Salts. Only ............48e. (The bottle alone to worth double the Price.) 10c. Clark's Corn Salve......&. box; 5 for 25c. Kennedy's Foot Powder. fore and tender feet. Only 17e. box; a for oe. Julie's Face Bleach. Reduced from $1 to .............................73e. (The great tae and frekle remover.) Rnihfret's Toilet cerate, recommended by Shirley Dare as the ideal face food. Removes freckles, pimples, etc. Was Soc. Daring this sale only... .37e. Jar. Naphtha Camphor (better than camphor, moth balls, etc.) ..............19c. lb. Moth Bf.,lb.. .e. a package, 6 for 2e. Lot of Crown Perfume Extract (erab apple). Was 75e. To Lot of Neewman' Extracts. Were Soc. To cee ....................3Ec. 50e. bottles of Florida Wter.......2c. lnc.boxes Saw..dow. Sace Powder. all shagies. Tomorrow............e. owem...c sal Lettuee Toilet only ...... bo. Wild Cherry Beverage, tomorrow only- 10e. Rise far.......................45. 5e. sine for......................14e. flertz's Roder nith and F Sts, S. Bell, J. L. Cox. . E. Hif, K K Somer- ville, M. E. Shorter. M. A. Shelton, I. L Smit--, A. E. Johnson, E. H. Dockett, J. IL Walker. Second grade-M. K Brocks, K. L. Pope, M. V. Ruty, L. B. Crusor, S. E. Schooler, H. Shepherd. F. M. Woodson. C. C. Thom- as. L. E. Wilkes. S. Hall. First grade-M. E. Beckett. V. A. Jones, L Wormley, H B. Quander, R. 'J. Gray, L. Peters, A. G. Shorter, B. E. Hall, V. A. Pierre, L. A. Chisolm, J. E. Lewis, J. 0. Weston, M. N. Shelton. A. Goines, T. Mar' shall Eighth Divimiem A. Supervising principal, W. S. Montgomery. Eighth grade-E. F. G. Merritt, J. W. Cromwell, L. Cook, J. C. Nalle. Seventh grade-K. C. Lewis. K. U. Alex- ander, E. A. Chase, S. C. Lewis, E. D. Bar- rier. J. R. Bush. Sixth grade-D. N. Coleman, H. V. Bruce, A. T. Bowen, K. A. Martin, C. B. Thomas. Fifth grade-G. A. Dyson, A. R. Bowen, F. K. Costn, K. W. Lewis, S. J. Janifer, H. A. Hebbron, E. Davis, C. T. Chase. Fourth grade-L. S. Chase, K. R. Martin, D. E. Smith. R. J. Baldwin, A. V. Smith, K. J. Hill, G. Brooks, H. K. Beason, K Lig gons, S. B. Ratcliffe. Third grade-J. M. Alston. M I. Williams. R. L. Moten, K L. Tancil, K E. Barney, I.. G. Arnold. L Kinner, E. E. Perry, M. A. Madre, M. G. Lucas. K E. Clarke, E. G. Lewis. Second grade-M. E. BenjamIa, J. M.Tay- Ior, J. Ashton, C. Johnson, 'A. A. Gray, 0. Oromwell, A. C. Waller, K. Matthews, L. Coleman, H. L. Hill, A. B. Brooks, R. B. Martin. C. G. Jones, W. Whipper, B. Young, B. Colder. First grade-H. R. Clarke. A. 8. Payne, A.' V. Williams, L. A. Terrell, B. Johnson, M. 'B. Williamson, A. K Bush, K B. Burre, N. H. Hyman, K A. Lucas, K. L. Brown. F. J. Barney, A. O'K. Williamnom. J. A. Young, B. I. K Hawkins, K. F. Mor' ris, K A. Guilbery, K. B. Tajieur, K. G. Taylor, C, H. Smnyti, K. C. Brown. SEighth Divisien B. Supervising prinejpal, 3. H. N. Waring. Eighth grade, K. P. Shadd, H. 3 Tuck- er, L. F. Dyson. Seventh grade, L. A. Smith, A. V. Thomp- kins, K A. Wheeler, 3. NI Page. Sixth grade, 3. C. Grant, H. A. Saunders, A. El Alexander. Fit ttL grade. A. S. Bailey, K. B. Bruce, A. V. Saunders, J. K. Cropper, H. V. Lee. Fourth grade. J. K Taylor. B. V. Camp. bell, R. A. Lee. K. H. Slade, L. Waring, A. L. Browne, S. A. Tyler. Third grade, B. K. Collins, A. E. Hughes, G. B. Shlmm, N. T. Jackson, KI H. Lynch. L. L Saunders, F. P. Martin, K. L. Way- man, A. V. Shorter, 3. Wheeler, S. B. JackSon. Sicond grade, M. A. Gray, S. B. Tucker, S. E. Dyson. H. V. Morton. F. D). Smith, 3. M. Fraction, B. Bruce, K F. Quander, B. L. George, L. G. Stewart, L S. Lacy, H. S. Parker, KI 3. Jones. First grade, M. R. Toy, A. TI. Brown, S. C. Johnson, B.C. Reed, S. Spencer, K. Kirk- land, C. L. Piper, L. C. Randolph, J. O'D. Shepperson, N. M. Frazier, L. Mason, I. K. Wipper, I. S. Countee, L. A. Peebles, E. B. Grimshaw, J. C. Williamson, A. S. Sim- mons, L. A. I)lckerson, C. E. George, A. L. Manning, 3. NI Brooks. Normal SchooL. L. E. Hoton, principal; asistants, A. C. Hand, K B. Smith, A. K Thompson, K B. Crusor. High School. F. L. Cardoso, principal; L. F. Barney, assistant principal; assistants,HKM.Browne, C. B. Parke, A. 3. Cooper, P. N. Bailey, H. H. Riggs, K Nalle, J. Storum. H. L. Bal- ley.,J. B. Datcher, W. T. S. Jackson. D. B. Thompson, W. B.- Mayson. L A. Gibbs. J. L. Love. C. K Thomas, L. G. Fletcher, C. B. Hunter, P. D. Brooks, A. C. Newman, F. 3. Allen. ' Drawiug. Director, T. W. Hunster; teachers, W. S. Wormley, W. D. Nixon, B. C.. Dodson. Manual -Traintiug. Director. 3. H. Hil; teachers, 3. D. Bal- timore, d. Forrester, S. W. Madden, C. H. Madella, L. A. Cornish, S. Keys. Cookingr, Directress, K B. Cook: teachers, C. 0. Arnold, KM. Ware, K. K. Nalle, H. John.- son. Sewing. rtz's Modern Pharmacy, iith and F Sts. at Sale. of the greatest stai-eding and peke etail druggist. a~as. Dat MveeS. Articles have been reduced pew m el at aoce. Medicines Reduced. ae bottles "C. s ," DtIntee. 21e.. Sfoe . This is the best aihttectaat mds thr general use.) arge bottles Crbele Acid..........11+s, 25e. Lese's Little Iver PIDs. ber ae. 25e. bottles Jamaiea Gimmer.........18a i0e. botthe (loper's Hair Sre.. 2 ba e . (Keep the bait from fatning sad produces new growth.) 25e. Cooper's slampoo..lSe., a ter se. so. Uebig's Malt Extract.15e..$1.PJ den. lie. Pare Grape Juice.............484 ( r.. feom -tme~a 75e. Iottles Eir Pegpdn..........30e. $1 Hanl's Nervise..................t6l. (or dleel a endnteravm.) 41 Werner's (elery Bitten..........4Ie. (leer.. IONI.) Pelt bottles Witeb ae...........l. 25c. Deve's Mada'. Pe11. bur te Beer sbedsbwel..................4 br 7. 25c. Bale's Cll PBi..16e., ! bs..5s. pure oa.. 26. aeamlse........ S bpe $ e. (e..a everptaJ. $1 Beef, Len and wise, pats ......44c, $1 Mertz's Wine at Causpa sad Iom.4e. fineon-r apt! ag-mshdsal bale.) re. Yruo Ft ...Se.. 5 har $1. (--ea-at a'. e lO. tablets e Soda Mist... a er 76, $1 Pge's Sarsaparlia..............47. (Pertles the blood.) $1 Heed's hinrsarifle Iage bottles Phem 1ymo........ e. (A 1s1enst month and teeth wash. Settee then an otber atiseptks.) 7e. Miner's Dyspepsia Tbiets. te., ! ter se. (Quii relief fr a lgestis.. $1 'reu.a-. Wie . Coca............. (Good for the nerves.) It. bottles Root Beer..13.. ! the se, (Bach bottle rante I gallama daeine root beer.) Pomd bones efned Bogar..........Se. W Eliae'. Kld'y and Liver Remiy.48e. ( .nd egnetive s i..) Clearing the Store of Odds and Ends. A by o thos 61.0 Deeb Colyer Corn Knives. Toss. Cutles Xutres. T cose.............3e. Oely two er thorse Bernetteli Deday suver statoen Hnke set te sell at.6..12 (They are wel worth SLI5.) Two Ivory-hasdle Poewder Pu. Worth 46 Te close....................$1.4 Gee l.eats Measem. Csadsell let. Worth $2.50. To elose........ .3 hat of Beautif l White. Pink and BiM. Celluloid Trats. Were 41.17. To oe ............................. (he elt Beatifl W Cat Glas Bet- ties. Tb close...................$5.11 legant $10 cut Glmm Bottles. Pair. to .se .. .................. Boeglt pair at Cut Glose Bottles, large uets ea garter of as te (heap a$l. Te eese.....s4L He. Oe Daby Bluer Tray. Werth 4 .E r eoss............... s n Pharmacy, Grifi. A. Alesandr. L. A. H==mer. 1. A. Goinse. . Y. Thomas. I. G. Lewis. Phyaneal culture. Directress. H B. George; teacies A. &, Turner. L. B. Love Missie. Teachers H. F. Grant J. T. Layto. T. L; Furbi. ST. AoNDUW's Uaon'ssemma.- A Prepos=tio to Estahiebi a me hm This 4Cty. As a usual thing a ndima. r mae meeting of a reglous ere nrmtna Is not apt to draw out a large ettendance, but the case was exactly the reverse ot this last evening at the Brotherhood ot St. Andrew. local courcoi, aia= meeting in the pariah hall of Trinity Church. Amesn those present were nearly a does clergy- men. including Her. Drs. J. IL lott and G. F. Wiams, and rep estatwvee fem the chapters at Rockville, Hyattavinl. Beltsvlle and Upper Martboro'. together with the rectors of the churches at thse pia.ces. Beginring at T:10 o'clock the test hour of the meeting was devoted to the trans. action of.budness. President P. B. Pier.s preside& Messrs. Paret and Webster et the notel committee both spoke about the work acecepiehed since its organi=atio. four or Sie months ago, showing that much has been done In the direction of looking after the strangers who come to the city's hotels. A plan was proposed and adopted by which the guests at the hotls will receive from the local council cards of invitation to be preent at the meetlage of the various chapters and at the ser- ices of the churches. It was decided to cotinue the hotel cnosmiteema it in at piesent constituted. A Bre.therheoed Eemn. Chairmnan Plaes rea a letter stating that a lady of mepipny Chureb is to opes a bearding house fer weembare et th, brother'hoed simply as a phtlaatbropgo en- terprise and not with the idea of making money. The eeornell at Cicag=no Isreusing a smilnar home, though em a much larger seale, end It in proving an amened ago. cees. There the brothrthod reisted a couple of houses, furnaished them through-. out, and added pioety ef inneesmt amuse. maent for' the inmates. The friends of such a project in. Wansingtea have always rult that this is the city at all ethers for a hmea as seny' juing mem came hae et tire strangers. Much piussure wa ez- paramed Lat evening that a bsegnin=gl to he mae of such an enterprise to this etty. ThE huners- smeeting closed with the roE call, In which twenty-three chapters were regresented by gentlemen from annong the large audfence present. Papers of the Eventag.* The opening topic of the eventng, *"The Brotherhood In thec Country." was intro- duced by M~r. W. Tyler Pegs of St. Georges Chapter. Baltimore, who prefaced his ad-- dress by etating that he Is ase of .thes fcunders now living of the preseent ut. Andrew's Church of this city. Mr'. Page considered it the duty of every mener. of the local coencil of Waehington. ad to fact. of ever'y. local counen, to devote a certain portion of his timae in going out end taking en interest in thme country chapters, where such encouragement Is often Et great value. Othser gmee spoke-in the same Steele as Mr. Pg.and then Mr. IL S. Chids of St. Andrew's Chapter, Washington, was introduced s the speaker as 'How to Secure a Good Attendance at Brotherhood Meetngs." Mr'. Childs considered that ass of the best ways to eecure the constant presence of absen- tees Is to note every one of their asmces end then to speak to them personally and Inquire their reason for non-attendanoe. He said he has put this plan to practical test and found it to operate auccesefully. Short addressee on this end kindred sutb- jects were made by the Revs. G. F. Will- iams, A. I. Hilliker, T. I. Sontag, Walter Mitcheil, Ellott, Rich and others from among the laymen. To Prevent Trouble -In Brenil. The Politique Coloniale of Paris en- nlounces that with the view of avoiding a repetition of the recent conflict betweag French and Brazilian settlers in the dIs- puted territory of Amapa, the fovernmanie= of France and Brasil have decided to es. tanlel med pnsts In et..t r...



THE CHALFONTE, CAPE MAY, N. J.. NOWopen; appointments first-class. FRANK H. RAY,late of the Continental, Phila. FRANK L. WAL-LINGFORD. Jyl1-m

STAR VILLA, CAPE MAY, x. J., NOW OPEN.Direetly on the beach Liberal terms for familiesfor the F. L. RICHARDSON.


Situated directl on the beach: service of thehighest standaJel-3m JOHN TRACY & CO.

CONGRES HALL, CAPE MAY-THIS POPULARLote1 opens June 29. New hydraulic elevator'perfet sanitary arrangements- rates frompe day up, and $15 per week and upward, ac-tef~ to location of rooms. A HP. . S.CA Normandie. city, or L. P. CARCapeMay. je12-2m

CARLTON, CAPE MAY POINT.-DIRECTLY ONbeach; all modern conveniences; orchestra; se-com., 800; $8 to $12 weekly.jy8-Im L. MADDOCK.

THE ELBERON, CAPE MAY, N. J.Nelwil1oa ining; close to beach; oppo-


Ocean avenue, Cape May. Near the beach.Breed plasas; modern improvements.

myS0-2mo Mrs. J. A. MYERS.THE FINIHT OCEAN HOTEL IN AMERICA CANonly a "THE STOCKTON HOTEL." CapeMay, . ., which opens Monday, July 1, 1895,unuernews and popular management. European

D Cde and american. $3 and up.-HORACE M.CAK.

THE COLONIAL, CAPE MAY, N.J.-NEW HOTEL;modern appointments: full ocean view and closeto beach; large plasas.myll-2mo W. H. & C. S. CHURCH.


Comfortable rooms, with good board, at mod-erate rates. Apply to Mrs. ROSALIE SEI.DEN,Virginia Beach, Va. .yl-2t*

THE BOLINGLY.One of the most delightful resorts on Chesapeake

bay; 2% boors by steamer (twice daily) from Bal-timore. Fine, large mansion, ample grounds,splendid shade, pure drinking water, salt bathingat foot of lawn, fishing. crabbing, boating, tennisand excellent cuisine. Rates very low. Accom-modations for 100 guests. For city refs.. clrcu-lars and terms, address CHAS. HILLYARD. Man-ager, Queenstown, Md. Jy16-Oteo*"THE BALTIMORE." PT. PLEASANT. N.J.. AT-lantic avenue, near the beach: fne view of ocean;electric ears to and from station; first-class ac-commodations. P. O)., Box 267. jy13-3t*

HOTEL BELLEVIEW. CHAPEL PONT. MD.;management first-class; salt water bathing, dsh-tag sad crabbing; terms reasonable; special ratesto families. Address A. P. KRCETCHMA. hapelPeint, Md., or E. S. RANDALL, River View of-fce, city. Combination round trip excursion tick-et, via steamer Harry Randall, to Chapel Point.includiig transportation. sapper, lodging andbreakfast at hotel, for $2; strictly first-class.myl4-3m

LOCK EDEN COITAGE, ON THE POTOMAC,near Piney Point Hotel; salt water bathing. fish-ing, -rebbing and sailing; terms. $1 per day orr per week. For further information addressAS. D. HAYDEN. Propr., Piney Point P. 0.. St.Mary's county, Md. jy10-6t*

HOTEL TOLCHESTER - BEAVTIFLtLY SIT-usted on a high bluff, overlooking Chesapeakebay; shady parks: salt water bathing and fish-ing; a g health resort; a sure cure for hayfever. F amphlet, rates, etc., address G. ENOLAND, Telchester Beach, Kent county, Md.jylo-1m*

"THE ALVIN." COLONIAL BEACH (PRIVATEboarding), now open: directly on water front:beautiful grounds, new pavilion, etc.; most at-tractive place on beach; cuisine first-class; noliquons sold: 5 minutes' walk from either wharf.Address PROPRIETOR. Colonial Beach. jell-1m

THE ENGLESIDEBeach Haven, N. 3.,

Now Open.Send for new illustrated book of Engleside and

Beach Haven.ap2-llt ROBERT B. ENGIZ, Prop.

Arundelmon-the-Bay.The only place near Washington that can

be reached in the evening by taking the4:28 B. and O. train, arriving there at 6;5,takng abath and arriving bomn, at 10 p.m.

to $154 each-25x150 ft.Cottage for rent. $125. This cottage part-

ly furnished, has six rooms, near beach.Apply to F. G. AUKAM,


Je10-Sm,16 Arundel-on-the-Bay. Md.

Colton-on-the-Potomac.The must delightful salt-water resort near

Waslngton; finest table and best beds on theriver; rn by owners this season; sterling attrac-tions engaged no pains and expense spared torender itaet-class resort for business men,-journalists and their families. Rates, t200 rday; reduction by the week or month. Stra,sowsmith and Wakefield daily; newly fitted up;swiftest boat on river. je21-lm

R1VER SPRINGS SUMMER RESORT. ON THEPotomac. For beauty of location, excellence ofwater, and for general advantages, it has fewequals and no superior in Md. Come and see.B. P. BLACKISTONE. M. D., Proprietor. je7-3mWALNUT POINT SUMMER RESORT OPENS JULY1.-Good boating, bathing, fishing, crabSing, &c.:table first-class. Address W. P. COWAIRT, Cow-art, Va. je29-1m*


Open JUNE 1. Many new and attractive im-poments. Capacity, 250. Ten minutes' drive

rt. B. station to hotel. Write for pamphlets.my20.2m E. C. JORDAN, Propr.

POTOMAC HOTEL. ST. GEORGE'S ISLAND. MD.-Open June 25. Rates, 81 to $1.50 per day;to $5 per week. Splendid sailing, bathing, era;bing and Abling. Music and dancing. Takesteamer Potomac. Sue or Arrowsmitb, all ofwhich stop at Adams' wharf. See Evening Starfor sailing hours. Address Adams Bros.. St.George's Island, St. Mary's county. Md.jel9-lm'


Buena Vista Spring Hotel,Franklin Co., Pa. Western Maryland R. R.Blue Ridge mountains; dry atmosphere: 1,500

feet elevation. Capacity, 500 guests. All modernconveniences. Elevators, private baths, livery,bathing pool, abundant water supply. Termsmoderate. Open tinl October 1. B. & O. andPenna. R. R. connect with Western Maryland B.B. at Baltimore and Hagerstown, Md. Address

W. M. REAMER, Manager.Buena Vista Spring P. 0.,

my.-.. Washington Co., Md.

Bedford Springs HotelBEDFORD, PA.,

THE CARSAD OF AMERICA.This popular Summer Resort will open with in-

creased attractions for the season of 1896, FRI-DAY. JuS 21. For terms and booklets addressmy2-3m* J. T. ALSIP, Manager.

BERKELEY SPRINGS, W. VA.-THE BERKELEYSprings Hotel has been open since June 1 for thereception of guests. Many improvements havebeen made since last season and It is in first-class order. The baths of these celebrated soig

nodfor the cure of rheumatism, gout, ki&.For further information apply to

CHAS. P. JACK & A. B. UINGER,jy10-lm* Props. Berkeley Springs Hotel, W. Ye.

Rock Enon Springs,Va.A lovely mountain resort; cool ad dry; fl%hcors from Washington; in the great Northmnountains, near Winchester, Va.; mineral watersfor ever trouble; mineral baths end large swin-wing polsteasm heatedy gfrst-class tab.'e: large~rior admusic rootn; fine band; good livery,tlaccommodates 800; terms muoderate. Hotelnow oe.For illustrated circulsa and terms

applytoA. S. PRtATT,myg~mBock Eo Springs, Vs.

C. W. CULLEN & SON,Owners and Proprk-tors, Collen Pest Ofiee.

White Sulphur Springs,* Virginia.

Season of 1895 opens June 1.Terms: Per week, one person, $15; per month,

one persofh, $40; two persons in one room, $70;special rates to parties of three or more.The oldest summer resort In the United States.

Established 1734.Good Fishing, Seating a~ ah

Distance from Hfchmond and Danvile B., 1n.le; distance from Norfolk and Western. 3 mdes;distance from paltimore and Ohio. 4 miles.Eight different waters, narrely: White. red and

blue sulphur, alum, iron, arsenic, chalybeate andlithia.On top of the "Three Top Range" of the Masa-

neitten chain of mountains.Elevation. 2,100 feet above the sea.

No mosquitoes, gnats or malaria. my2-3m1

Monterey Springs Hotel,SUMMIT OF THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS, PA.$ 1.500 feet above sea level. Three hours fromWashington. Magificent ecenery. *No malaria.Nto mosquitoes. Pre spring water. New namodern sanitary arrangements. Newly painteand renovated. Terms moderate. Open till Oct.1. WrIte for descriptive booklet. Mt. A. & H. S.MILNOR. P. 0., Blue Ridge Summit. Pa. my14-tf

CARROLL SIRINGS SANITARIUM. FORESTGlen. Md.. for invalids. convalescents and thosedesirinr rest, For partieulars address Dr. 0. H.WRIGHT. Forest Glen. Mid. ap22-3m*



Overlooking the ocean, having all modern ap-poinment, Including hot and cold sea water


OCEAN GROVE, N. J,OCEAN HOUSE,Ocean Grove, N. 3, One minute from Auditorium;three minutes from ocean; lrrtsJe13-2m .RNIS rp



Extreme ocean end of Kentleky ave.,ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.

Elevator, an prlors and all modern emven-lances. Greatly improved.k13-26t JAMES AND GEORGE3EW.

METROPOLE.Ocean end New York are.. Atlantic City, N. J.All modrn Improvements; elevator Ac.; terms,$f10 to $18 week, hire. A. S. THOMi'Sti.jylZ-25t

LA FONTAINE.Kentucky ave., near the beach; a thoroughly

modern honse, with rcasonable rates. Addressjys-83t 0. S. WRIGHT. Proprietor.

HOTEL TRAYMORE,Atlantic City. N.J.

Appointments complete. Location anexcelled.jy6-20t D. . WHITE, Jr., Proprietor.

SAGINAW INN,ATLANTIC CITY Ocean end of Connectient ave.Newly furnished throughout. All modern conve-

niences. Cuisine unexcelled.KATHARINE McCUNE,

Jy4-12t Of 112 So. 12th it., Philadelphia, Prop.THE ALItEMARLR WITH NEW ANNEX. VIR-

avenue near beach. Beautiful structure;t location; modern conveniences. The terms

are reasonable. Illustrated booklet mailed ua llc tion. Capacity, 260. CHA. M. COPE.

BRADY HOUSE ARKANSAS AVE.-NEAR OCEAN;board; large garden; mod. rates: circular


Atlantic City, N. J.Near the beach. Terms remanale.3e52-86t MRS. CAMEO.

OCEAN VY-.A.Pacific and South Carolina avenues.

Strictly first class. $1.50 to $2 r day. Specialweekly rates. HOPKINS A HOPI'S. Je24-26tTHE LEHMAN-OCEAN END OF PENNSYLVANIAavenue. Atlantic City, N. J.Al2ways open.Alwcya opn

F. W. LEHMAN k 00.

HOTEL EVERS- s,Oar. Atlantic and Georgia aves. Terms $7 to

5el2t Mrs. C. T. BUZBY of Balts., Props.COLUMBIA HOTEL.Missouri ave. and teach, Atlantic City, N. .Strictly dfst-class.Moderate terms.

j3049t PAUL BTEINNAGEN, Prep.KEW'S HOTEL, ILINOIS AVE. AND BEACH,Atlantic City. N. J. Undoubtedly the Snest loca-tion. Every modern appointment. lnclnding eleva-tor; hot and cold sea water baths in hooe; r-feet service. RICHARD BEW. Je10-

DEDLEY ARMS, PENNA. AND PACIFIO AVE.,Atlantic City, N. J., one block from beach; ap-peintments fast-class; rates moderate; patronage solicited. B. LLOYD. je8-eo28t

HOTEL RICHMOND. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.Appointments first-class.

Elevator, sua parlor, te.Je4.ecflm J. D). PEAKS

HOTEL DEL MONTE. NORTH CAROLINA AVR..near beach. Atlantic ity, N. 3. CentraL Terms.$1.50 and $2 day: $7 to $12 week. Mrs. H. Y.MOYER. late of Hotel Ituscombe. my25-stuth2tIOTEL CENTRAL-

- Atlantic Cty. N. S.Near depot and ocean. Now open Sur the lsamnof 1815.je27-eolt L. A. ROWAN.

THE METROPOLITANMassachneetts and Atlantle ayes. Near warmba hs and Inlet. Complete sanItar ara t.

FORRESCUE HOUSE,Car. Arkansas ave. and ocean front, AtlanticCity, N. J.; nearest home to beach.jel.eol8t J. FOITESCUR, Prop.E IItVINGTON. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.Broad verandas; cheerful roonra; excellent table;

one of the most popular hotels la Atlantic City.}18-20t CHAMBERS & HOOPER.

HOTEL BERKELEY,Extreme ocean end of Kentucky ave.,

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.Elevator. son parlors and all mdern enven-

Sinces. Greatly improved.3s15-26t JAMES AND GEORGE BMW.

THE BERKSHIRE INN.Virginia ave. sear the beach. Table ad appoint--ntsl first-class. Beduced rates for June. Foe1- inoutaf this city.


A first-las family hotel. Terms moderate.je14-52t L T. BRYANT.

The Rudolph.Accommodates NOJ pn

Ronom en suite.Late adnser.Orchestra end cafe attaced

For lnfcrmation apply 1. W. CfLaLTAWAT.j18-52t Atlantic City, N. J.

Hotel Imperialand CottagesMaryland avenue, 100 yards of beach.

Enlarged, Remodeled, Refurnished.A pintment and Table Frst-lass.


Speia pae y~tofmls or th aon. a2B-6mOSBORNE. ONE SQUARE FROM READINGdepot and beach, cor. Ar. and Pacife ares.rasienger elevator; $8 to $14 pr week.355.86 hits. H.J. HBORNE.

THE MARYLAND.New York avenue near the beach.

Atlantic aty, N. .JeS-Et F. S. OREN,. Prop.

KE.'ILWORTH INN, KENTUCKY AVE. NEARbeach, Atlantic City. N. J. Every modern eon.venienc. including passenger elevator to streetlevel. iull view of ocean from all apartments.Terms reamnale Circular mnld. Cpaiy250. 0. F. CUPE & BRO. 452t

THE CLIFTON, COl. ATLANTIC AND CONN.a aces.. Atlantic Cty N. J.; family house; enter-ta'u 15 guesa . rm. A to $perd8o $10 per week. Circular mailed. Ms

HOTEL ROYAL,Kentucky ave Atlantic City. N. . headtgclassfrvieFalo rat wid emormatly a

i.sfr0 t~endIIfomaSapotlatrward to Hotel Bopal, . C. Jhneo. ogr.toJ. C.J SO o

HOTEL WARWICK,baeth Carolina ave., Atlantie C N. J. 10 festfrom board walk. Newly fit and furnished,myS1-52t M. W. TRUITT.

GRINER'S HOEL.Atlantic and Connsectl.t aves., Atlantic City.

21.3. Excellent locato. FIrst-else servIce, Blea-eeamble rates. MA 0. LUKAS. PM r.my29-dt

THE BItEVOORT.18 So. Carolina ave.. Atlantic City. NJ.; $160

my7-3m B. B. NORRiS.rE LI.ANDE,Ocea front, nlrmas netta av sna. Atlantie

tyN. 5. Blred andmoeued2t SAMUEL WAGNER & SON.

HOTEL ,ALDIN , PACIFIC AVE. NEAR OHIO,Atlantle City. N. 5. Strctl frat-elass. Ters

illqtrated aAbRk n.wAWrMA.my24-78t

MOTEL SAN MAROOS-Pacide and Mas eves.. Atlantic City, N. J.;elevator; hot and cold sea water baths; privatefarm and dairy. E. W. LIPPINCOPT. my28-O2t

MOTEL MT. VERNON, PACIFiO AVE THE EN-tirear and 1.0 fiet of

berh room fin

Extelsi Improvements. Term., to 1 eweek; $1.50 to $2.50 per day. 5 .S OSPrep. mytlt

THE PEINNHURST,SOcean end MIhn ave., Atlantie City, N. I.

Remoeled enlaged.AllconvenIences.Eevator. (my1342t) JAMES MOOD.

Pacific and Tenoesse aies. Atlanle City, NJ.Apply at h123 18th at. n.'w.

myI078t ji. J. UCKEBT.HOTEL SEIWY,New Jersey ave. near beach, Atlantic City NJ.

per wek. BENRZ I,ECEER. Mgr. mylO-tfTHE ELKTON,Kentuck avenar beach. Atlautle City. NJ.;newl{funse; new manigement; steam heat.

HMEL KENDERtTON, OCEAN END) TENNEEave., Atlantic C~ty, N. J.; sun parlor; first-class;


echAtlntc 3,'.. J.; rates, $8 to $10;tr.20-104t 3. ft RE.

HOTEL WELL-INGTON.EeteyaeAtlantic City. N. 3


VORt RENT-AT REDUCE RATES, FURN18HEDcttages at Briganine, aa cetto Atlatie CtyCNtJ. Alj6-1IMelrose-Inn-on-the- BeachBELMAR, N. J. OPEN JUNE IS.my2t)-2m A. EAVERTICK.



Plans may beseen n rooms enrged at N. Y.6). M. A W. H. HILDRETH, Proprietari,my23-tu&th17t


*Wilburton-by-the-Sea.New elevator and other improvements. OpenJone 1 for the seamen.


Open June I. All al pointments first-clams.3e1-tu.thiu&s2m S. H. SION.TH LLAIRE

DIrectly on the beach.Opens June 16.

1.7-781 B. M. RICHARD8SON.SPRING LAKE. N.J., "THE LU'CA COTTAGE."near .Mguamonth House; 150 faet from cean; pe--feet drainage; large rocms; handsomely farnished;esehlkant cuIsIne; spcchil rates to fiamilles whowill r-maIn three weeks or longer.Adrs...S-O.. Mr.. . WArP.


HOTEL ESICK. HIGHLAND LAKE, PA.Summit of Alleghenies; dry, bracing atmos.

phere; sanitation perfect; cnisine excellent. Apply (jy16-im*) H. M. ESSICK, M.D.ROCKINGHAM, VA., SPRINGS.

Mountain home resort; 5 bours from Wash.; flmmineral waters; cool climate; fare and accommodations unsurpassed for prices charged. Circulars.-Address E. B. HOPKIN McGaheyaville, Va.jy13-1m*

MOUNTAIN HOUSE-COOLFST ACCESSIBLE RE-sort to Wash.; only 2% hrs.' ride from city cveEthe W. & 0.; 40 minutes' drive from Round Hill;house, at elevation of 1,000 ft., commands 'magnificent views of both Piedmont and Shenandoahvalleys; pure spring water; fine bass fishlng isShenandoah. Terms, $1.50 per day; $7 to $10 perwk. L. O. H.&MMELEY, Pror.jyl-2w Round Hill. Va.

Bolivar Mountain House.Highest, coolest and most Picturesque of thears Ferry resorts.Shady groves. Woodland walks to the Potomac.Erellent cuisine; good rooms; reasonable rates.

SUMMER SCHOOLWill be held JULY 29 to AUG. 24. LanguagesSciences, History, Music. Painting. &c., by firstclass instrnetors, under an ex-p ent of a stateuniversity. For circulars a at Star o ce oto F. PENNOCK.1e25-im Bolivar, W. Va.

Hotel Powhatan,CHARLESTOWN. W. VA

Finest summer resort offered to Washington]new house; elegantly furnished; only 2 hours blthe B. and O. R.; 4 trains daily; under nemanagement.First-class table at reasonable rates.

3e22-lm W. L. SHEPARD. Manager.Pine Heights Inn&Cottages

ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS.Main line Pennsylvania railroad. Flrat-clan

appointments, with moderate rates. Steam heat,te nls, bowling, e. Purest spring water. Writefor illEstrated booklet giving full information.

A. R. GRIER,Birmingham Huntingdon Co., Pa.

my25-s,tu,th-20tHOTEL ESSICK, HIGHLAND LAKE. PA. INthe cool, dry and bracing air of the Alleghenies;2 500 feet above sea level. Write for descriptive ctrcnlas, H. M.. ESSICK, M.D., Prop.je17-1mo-

PR!ESTON'S SUNNYSIDE,ON' THE SOUTH MOUNTAINS.Magnificent scenery; extensive park; table am

appointments excellent; seven hours from Washiagton; illustrated booklet free.


GREAN'S MOUNTAIN HOUSE.Harper's Ferry, W. Va.-Located on Fruit HillFarm, Blue Ridge mountains; 20 minutes' drivefrom depot. Rates-$5, $0 and $7 per week; $1and $1.50 per day. Send for circular. Conveyances meet all trains. G. W. GREEN, Prop. jyl-ti

HATAKAWANNA INN, LAKE HATAKAWANNA,N. J., on Schooley mountains; mountain, lakeand sea air combined; coolest, healthiest resorlin the east; paradise for amateur photographers;six hours from Washington; no malaria: no mo.guttoes; every modern convenience. Address A.W. BROWN, Budds Lake P. 0., N. J. Ratesmoderate. For information apply to H. HBROWN, 528 12th at. n.w.. Washington, D.C.jy6-2w*

PATAPSCO HEIGHTS, ELLICOTT CITY P. 0.,Md., now open; six miles from Relay station, ormain stem B. and O. R. R. For terms. etc.,apply as above. jy6.3w*

AURORA, W. VA., MOUNTAIN VIEW HOUSE, INAlleghenies; large rooms; good board; saddle anddriving horses; bowling alley: tennis grounds;reasonable rates. J. A. LANTS, Proprietor.my24-2m

HILL TOP HOUSE, HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.-Now open. Most breezy pint. First-class tableard beds. One and one- If hours from Wash,irgton. Telegraph oSce in house. T. S. LOVE1Tmy6-5m

MORRELL HOUSE. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.,will open June 15 under now management; airyrooms; irEt-class table; grand Shenandoah view,my16-4mo B. E. McDOWELL.

AURORA, W.Va.On top of the Alleghanies-whe're cool breese,blow ALWAYS. An ideal family resort. Bowllalley, tennis and croquet grounds. Saddle addriving horses. Fishing and gunning in season.large, airy rooms. Excellent table. Moderaterates. Telephone connections. Several desirablerooms still unengaged. Apply at Rooms 157-151Ian and Trust bldg or addressje26 J. H. hAFFER, Anrora, W. Va.

THE LOCKWOOD, HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.,Mres. S. 3. Iovett, Poretress, will opensd. L iaps.leat shade,gra views;table Ert-class. Batesa my84m

WHITE COTTAGE. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.Best view qn the Shenandoah river. Open toboard (adolts. Sand for circular and terms.jy2-24t* WM. H. BELL, Prop.


On top of the Allegheny mountains, main iaPenna. R. B.. 103 miles east of

Pittsburg. All trains stop.OPENS JUNE 25.

Delightful location. Ercelent drives. Pure ahand war.~ Appointments the best.Write circulars. W . DUNHAM, Sept.myl-7St

Savage Mountain Cottage,FROSTBURG, MD.

On the crest of the Alleghanies.The climate is delightfully cool and healthy. No

No mosquitoes. No malaria. This resortrds an exceptionally attractive and pleasant

summer home, with large shaded grounds for alloutdoor amusements.Reasonable terms and fall particulars will be

given upon application toMrs. RICHARD BEALL

jyll-4t* , Frostburg. MR.TRY THE SUMMIT HOUSE; BLUE RIDGE MOUN-tan region; highest point in Harper's Perry. W.Va.; spacious lawns; abundant shade' openaJune 12. Send for circulars and terms. Miss M.J. BAKER. Clerk. my23-3m*

"CLAREMlONT." BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT STA-tion, Western Maryland R.i. This well-knownfamily hotel is now open for the season; termsmoderate; views charming. Address DAVID MII,LER. Proprietor. jy93w*

Brookside,Altitude, 3,100 feet. West Virginia.An ideal family resort. Hotel and cottagea.

Tennis, bowling billiards and swimming pool. U-ery attached. send for circular.

S. P. WRIGHT.jy4-tf Brookside, W. Ya.

MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL; NEW AND SUPEnor management; excellent accommodations; san-itary plumbing and drainage; hot and salt baths;2.800 feet above sea; Erne cottage for rent.MOUNTAIN LAKE HOTEL CO., Mountain LakePark, Md. 3y62w


ASBURY PARK. N JHotel Albion,

50 yards from surf; sixteenth season; table andapointments the best; accommodates 200- $2 to$2.50 a day; $8 to $15 a week. C.H.PEMBERITON.je22-lm


Centrally located. With modern improvements. Oneblock from ocean. Address PROBST & LEADLEY.fe1-2m

The Lafayette,ASBURY PARK, N. I.

Dslhfol location; artisthialy furnished; con.eertsla en;cusin nexcelled. Send for pauplet. Cpcty, 300. WRIGHT & FROST. -jeB-'

- ASBURY PARK, N. 3."The Victoria."

Famsily hotel, fronting the ocean. All improvemeats. 15th season. Accommodates 200 gesta.Terns moderate. Miss S. KDiPR. je1 m

THEWFNiAORE.Je1-2m For circulars address THOS. NOBIfl.


Directly on the ocean, at 6th avenue; enlargedand refitted; all modern imprvments, includingelevator and baths, capacit 800. Opn June W. HARVE JONES.

MIISCELLANEOUS.SIMMER BOARD AT PRESTON, MD., ON TiHlB. C. & A. IL R.; large house, with airy ronuand porches; large shdy lawn: fruit, ice, milk,poultry, vegetables, fih and crabs; terms, $5 pei.week. $20 per ma.; children, less, according itage; city reference, Mrs. R. S. Mussey, 470 La.ave. n.w.. who haa photo. and plans of buildings.Address Mrs. M. B. DOUGLASS. Preston, hid.jy9 ,1,3,6,1*

Hygela Ihiotel,Old Point Cornfort, Va.Unrivaled as a health and plesure reort. I

vigorating ocean breexes, full of life-giving esons

New plumbing, perfect drainage and all the com-forts of the modern home.Send for descriptive pamphlet.my28-eo3m F. N. PIKE. Manager.

BRIGHT VIEW COTTAGE, OLD POINT COM.fort. Va.; board for private fam~lies, $10 perweek; boating, bathing and fishing. jy6-eolmMORE GUESTS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED A'ILocust Lawn; abiundance of shade, fruit, milk,ihe. etc.; terrns moderate. Address Mrs. W. 2.GREEN. Boyd's, Mid., -B. and 0. Rl.R. jy11-6t*

The "lingieside,'Randolph, Montgomery Co., Md.


Wiehle, Fairfax County, Va.,Located on the Washington and Ohio Rt.R., withit25 miles of Washington, D. C., Is an entirely newhotel, and will be open for the first time for thereception of guests July 15. 18915. This beautifulhotel is situated within 200 yards of the railroadstation, in a grove of fine oalk and chestnut trees;has ecellent water, high location, entirely freefrom malaria; extensive parks; excellent table;hot and cold water biaths; also basthing and fishin;;inte lake near te hotel For terms ete. appyj

TEACHERS APPOINTEDNext Year's Pedagoges Named by

the School BoardOommittee.


A Long List of Nanes of Great In-terest to the School Ma'ams.


The various committees of the board ofschool trustees met at the Franklin Schoolbuilding last night for the purpose of ar-ranging the schedules of assignments ofteachers for the ensuing school year. Thefirst twenty-four of the forty-eight gradu-ates of the normal school, in the order oftheir graduation percentages, were appoint-ed teachers, and will be assigged later tothe various divisions. It is probable thatsome of the remaining twenty-four will beappointed in the fall, as vacancies occur.The amendnrent of the rules was postponeduntil the September meeting. The nomina-tions for teacherships were made last nightas follows:

First DivisionSupervising principal-C. S. Clark,Eighth grade-E. G. Kimball, B. W.

Murch, K. E. Rawlings, C. L. Garrison,M. C. McGill, C. B. Smith, M. 6. Raven-burg, F. S. Fairley, N. E. S. McLean.Seventh grade-K. R. McQueen, S. ,F.

Sparks, M. E. R. Nevitt, B. L. C. Pattison,A. H. Fuller, Janet McWilliam, A. L. Sar-gent, Mary McWilliam, A. L. Galeski.Sixth grade-C. K. Finkel, E. M. Fisher,

Josephine Burke, M. 4f. Maher, L. P.Spackman, J. S. Campbell, M. L Simpson,L. Y. Arrick, M. N. Lovejoy.Fifth grade-H. C. Lasser, S. G. Hickey,

Eleanor Laster, H. M. Lamb, M. E. Sheads,L. H. Clements, Jennis Hodges, J. E. Baker,K. J. Riley, Emily Dyer.Fourth grade-L. M. McElfresh, M. V.

Morgan, C. H. Hall, L. M. Bishop, A. O.Sagar, F. A. Stedham.Third grade-Rosa Stuts. T. M. Crew, C.

P. Dulin, G. C. Anderson, C. F. Carrothers,Nora Moyer, Margaret Lasier.Second grade-B. L. Teel, K. M. Raber,

F. L Galeski, H. T. Draper, B. M. Gibson,Mary Lackey. A. G. Getty.First grade-M. W. Hoover, Mamle Smith,

Alice Pollok, G. S. Altschu, F. M. Thomson,M. L. Sherman.

Secobd Division A.Supervising principal-N. P. Gage.Eighth grade-S. J. Thomson, F. L. Hend-

ley, A. Davis, M. King, B. K. Scott, E. M.Mett, S. B. Kent, F. M. Roachs, A. L.Howard.Seventh grade-M. A. Tait, S. C. Collins,

S. K. White, S. S. Smith, W. C. Hartmann,J. C. Donovan. L. R. Nowlin, S. B. Sipe.Sixth grade-S. B. Brown, E. Robinson, A.

M. Getchell, M. B. Mc~auslen, M. F. C.Walker, H. P. Hoover, K. E. Kaiser, C. A.Johnson. D. E. Rogers, L. 0. Fishback.Fifth grade-E. V. Boss, E. C. Drane, M.

I. Furmage, A. E. Burlingame, M. J. Ma-lone, M. V. Potter, B. E. Parsons, F. E.Towner, B. Campbell. .

Fourth grade-H. Heinrichs, H. J. Free,E. Caton, M. W. Cameron, M. R. Lyddane,M. M. Hendley, D. W.. Boyd, B. Harts tall,G. M. Parker.Third grade-F. A. Grahame, G. M. Mar-

tin. K. M. Jaquette, B. H. Caron, K. Don-ovan, E. Scrivener, A. '-Lamborne, B. E.Lutz. L. L. Lockhart.-B M. Dove.Second grade-A. Raleenan, M. A. Draney,

C. Chapman, F. R. Rupit, B. C. Laramore,B. Street, M. S. Murphy, S. Lamborne, M.Clifton. .

First grade-M. A. Keltom, M. Breuninger,F. A. Reeves, F. Shuffle. M. E. Drown. G.K. Ballard, A. M. Williams, M. E. Young,M. V. Montrop.

Second Division B.Walter B. Patterson,. iSupervising prin-

cipal. -

Eighth grade-Kate . "Brown, MirandaSteele, Mary E. Bond, Ellep F. Goodwin,Ellen C. Dyer, Virginia Emory.Seventh grade-Hannah P. Johnson, Fran-

ces M. Moore. Anna J. Bell, Grace S.. Sil-vers, Alice M. Glayton, Louisa G. Nash,Elizabeth P. Kirk, Miriam J. Austin.Sixth grade-Blanche M. Pearson, Marga-

ret Bayly, Augusta K. Keyser, KatherineBabbington, Helen A. Duffy, Helen M.Knighton, Mary C. Garst, Alice E. Has-lup.Fifth grade-Edith M. Meloy, Ottillie A.

Ebert, Catherine V. Allen, Annie E.Walker,Emma Mueden, Mary E. Bannon, EmelieDevlin, Ellen J. Durham, Julia T. Cavan-nagh.Fourth grade-Susie Purcell, Jang R. Fur-

mage, Emma F. Quinlan, Alice H. Peabody,Maud E. Garner, Gertrude A. Phillips,Aida M. Doyle, Alcesta M. Stevenson, Min-nie R. McCormick, Mary E. Dodge, M. R.O'Brien.Third grade-Wilhelmina E. Barton, In-

diana E. McPherson, Lucie E. Mortim er,Annie S. Tucker, Rosalind Moore, MargaretL. Brosnahan, Abbie M. Sisson, GertrudeKelsey. Elizabeth A. Caspari. Louise E.Emmermann.Second grade-Emma L. Wilson, Mary

K. Wood, Mae D. Jack. Elizabeth T. Schutt,Mary Keogh, Fannie B. Slater, Emma B.Spies, Julia P. Fernald, Alice Butler, DaisyC. Alwine, Ida R. Garrett, Florence B.Holmes, Marie G. Mahr.First grade-Lizzie M. Warman. Mary T.

Ennis, Clara Ulke, Margaret Williamson,Laura E. Glenn, Celia P. Mayse, Maude S.Ewer, Mary C. Bresnahan, Lillian A. Rit-ter. Ivah M. Bennett

Third Division.,Supervising principal, Alex. T. Stuart.Eighth grade-Mary A. Aukward, Annie

Beers, Mary G. Kelly, Victoria L. Nourse,Amanda L. Grant, Nellie M. Mack, M.Emma Little, Julia May Rawlings.Seventh grade-Mary L. Packard, Mae

Jenkins, Mary E. Stockett, Martha B.Armistead, M. Alice McNantz, arah B.McNants, Abby K. Hopkins, Mary B. Kea-ley, Alice, P. Stromberger.Sixth grade-Clara Willenbucher, Annie

L. Ambrose, Lyda Dalton. Emogene Bear,Sarah F. TDindle, Annie K. Leonard, Marga-ret E. Forbes, Emily E. Hunt, Helena L.Johnson, Agnes K. McNaught.Fifth grade-Magdalena C. Bock, Sarah

3. Kealey, Lillian A. Bassett, Elizabeth V.Snowden. Daisy E. HeDlitrn, Carie Stew-art, Isa Vanderworker, Hattie Ik White,Annie M. Foley, Leonora Merritt, Kath-erine McNaught.-Fourth grade-Mary V. Lithgrow, Lillian

0. Burroughs, Mdrgaret H. Wasney, MaryA. Kulmet, Elizabeth B. Purmnan, MiaryB. Graves. Charlotta S. Willenbucher, Cath-erine W. Koontz, Minnie Ho lkins, Eliza-beth J. Bock.Third grade--Annie A. Hinkel, Mary L.

Stephens, Imogene W. Bohrer, Bertha W.Hunter, Rose G. Carraher, Masie M. Gard-ner, Ada C. Hyam, Floredce Hopkins, MaryB. Brady, Florence Dev~in, Katherine A.Bohrer, Flora G. Steinbsrg.Second grade--Maria J. McCathran, MaryE. Yount, Antoinetto Ceents, Mabel H.Swingle, Nunice. Welch, Daisy Cook, AnnaR. Williams, Minnie R. Baiiey.First grade-Edith C.. ebster. Irene K.

Kehr, Sara West, Emia L. Smith, MabelH. Fisher, Eleanor U. Am'onds, Lula B.Thorn. Frances W. Potter. Addle T. Lyon,Mary Holmes. Daisy K pumphrey, WilmaWillenbucher, B.. A. Hil'ton.

Fourth Di1rision.Supervisirg principal, Isaac Fairbrother.Eighth grade-H. T. A. Lemon, S. K

Kramer, M. E. Martin,~Annie Van Horn.Seventh grade-S. E. Wise, E. J. Riley,

K. P. Wilscn, K. L. Strobel.Sixth grade-C. N. Tiomnpson, Chiarles F.

Zimmele, M. L. Smith, 5. C. Dulin, A. B.Newmeyer, K. C. J. Johnson, V. V. Trook.Fifth grade-S. K. Halley, A. M. Hobbs,

Laura Shackelford, R. A. Garrett, E. K.Halliday, A. M. Whiemore, L. H. Cohen.Fourth grade--M. B. Garrett, M. M.

Hines, A. E. Crump, I. V. Durfee, K. C.Fawcett, Caroline Rtanney, Alice McDade.Third grade-Minnie Harper. M. M. Wil-

son, K. K. Brewer, Jeannette Cohen,.- K.K. Moorv, F. J. Campjbell, Belle Allen.Second grade--L. K. Tweedale, Elizabeth

Barnes, Nettie Scheinghammer, M. A. Law,B. L. Chace, Katherine Cornwell, J. P.McCauley, J. A. Bicksler, I. D. Daniel.-First g-ade--B. M. Hipkins, M.-'C. Ever-

ett, Flora Ulke, Lillan Halley, Mary A.

FOR HEAVY, SLUGGiSH FEELINGUne Horsfordl's Acid Phosphate.

It piroces healthy activity of wtak or disorder-ed stomachis that ne.ed stuirulating, and acts astni on nerves anI bhann

Mack, F. G. Whitney, SE E. Rose, AnnieCampbell, Marguerite Barnes, MargaretCarraher, Susan Waters.

lith Division.Supervising principal, B. T. Janney.Eighth grade-L. A. Bradley. S. M. Ryder,-

T. C. Roeser, E. M. Chase, F. L. Reeves,E. L. Godey. E. Macfarlane.Seventh grade-M. F. Gore, A. F. Perris,

H. G. Nichols. B. Beckham, S. M. Farr, G.L. Wilson, K. S. Proctor.Sixth grade-M. C. McCarthy, C. A.

Ossire, B. J. Young, E. A. Norton, MaggieNoud, M. C. O. Lasenby, M. F. McGowan,Kate Robertson.Fifth grade-H. G. Watt, G. Musson, E.

E. Breed, J. W. Douglass, H. A. Brecht,K. E. Darneille, M. J. Watts, G. B. Leevis,E. A. Hayden, M. A. McMonigle. .

Fourth grade-. J. Good. H. B. Bell,C. E. Tour, S. J. Oliphant, E. L. Duvall,M. H. Berry, M. F. Ossire. G. L. McCul-loch, M. A. Connelly. Sara Hattstall.Third grade-M. E. Hedrick, Virginia

Taylor. B. jL. Pulizzi, M. E. Mallon, C. M.Toomey. Roberta Ossire, A. T. Wilston, -F.A. Rcbertson, A. M. Dutton.Second grade-H. H. Gibbs, ,. Rodin,

Kate Brewer, C. L. Bremierman. g.Thomas, M. C. Fistetits. H. E. Stock-bridge, B. H. Thompson, M. H. Llufrio, J.K. Wharton.First Grade-F. M. Gilbert. M. A. Doug-

less, B. E. Taylor, Nellie Fisher, NellieOssire. Belle Turkenton, L. J. English,Maria Tavenner, N. B. Huntington, C. L.Jones, B. C. Beale, C. F. McKee.

Sixth Division A.Supervising principal, Joseph R. Keene.Eighth grade-Charles A. Johnson, Con-

duit road, Little Falls; Ulysses G. Black,Tenleytown; William B. Ireland, M. AgnesClancy. Maggie Muntz, Margaret G. Cal-laghan, Cora H. Pimper, Grant road;Francis L. Cardona, jr., Edgar H. Beckley,Military road; Alfred P. Lewis, AlbertRidgley, Brightwood; Washington E.Nalley, Henrietta J. Schlerf. Sallie F. Rob-inson, Marion E. Oliver, Mt. Pleasant;Clara G. Brewer, Frances M. Harmon, KateH. Brevard. Helen G. Walsh, Mary J.Davenport, Mary W. Frank. Katherine W.Hcbgood, Annie L. Clft Wilson, Laura I.Hawkesworth, Martha B. Fisher, Susan J.Peters, Lavana J. Moss, Florence O. Tal-bot, Chalney E. Scott, Orphans' Home;Nellie A. Plummer, Mary R. Goines Mott,Wilson B. Evans. Alice ~D. Johnson, JennieK. Spears, Charity A. Hathman, Nancy M.Atwood. Anna D. Bell, Matheil Williams.Emma V. George. Jessie A. Wormley, Mon-roe Horton Simpson, Sarah G. Otterbach,Kate U. Neale. Minnie Riggles, FlorenceF. Laster, Soldiers' Home; Henrietta K.King, Ft. Slocum; Robert L. Mitshell.Brookland; Annie L. Chesney, Lillie P.Bailey, Mary E. Given. Mary A. Riley, E.H. Rose, Ivy City; Alphonso O. Stafford,Eleanor Robinson.

Siatt Division B.John T. Freeman, supervising principal.Van Buren and annex-Selden K. Ely, H.

Burroughs, Myrtle G. Young, Blanche E.Seaver, Nannie B. Croswell, Minnie N. Mc-Cormick. Lillie L. Zimmerman, Francis.Hartstall, Elizabeth L. Erb, M. KatherineEspey, Esther J. Lackey. Ethel E. Foster.Benning-Joseph H. Voorhees, Ida A.

Green, Helen M. Alden.Congress Heights-Henry F. Lowe, Emma

C. Hinkel, Clara M. T. Brandt.Good Hope-Elsie E. Troutman, Elie G.

Brewer.Tyler-Susan A. Langley. Mary K. Dyer,

Bertha Buehler, Charlotte C. Dessez,.Con-stance A. D. Luebkert, Margaret E. Sher-man. Ada M. Farrington, Mary Macauley,Cornelia Whitney. Emma G. Crook.Buchanan-Barbara L. Woodward. Sarah

A. Tichenor, Cornelia I. Mathis, Lizzie J.Burrough, Mary C. Dallas, Annie R. Wil-liamson, Sarah Musson.Cranch-Florence W. Layton, Martha J.

Peabody. Jessie M. Walling, Saidee B. Hol-land. Ruth E. Rucker, Eleanor B. Reiley,Bernice A. Stockbridge.Birney and Hillsdale-Florence J. Smith,

Emma Patterson, Emma V. Smith,Georgiana R. Simpson, Laura A. Robinson,Alice M. Waring, Alexander B. Coleman,Esther E. Contee, Mary C. Burks, Mary E.Hite.Garfield-Frances J. Cardona, Abrahem

L. Smith. Marie B. Thomas. Ella Green.Benning road-John E. Syphax. Fannie

B. S. Johnson, Emma F. Blackwell.Burville-Harry W. Lewis,' Henry W.

Freeman, jr.Central High School.

Principal, F. R. Lane; assistants, N. IiReynolds, W. Bernhart, P. M. Hughes, J.H. Prindle, C. Fontaine, H. English, W.A. Hendrick. J. S. Mills, S. A. Rainey, H.E. Morgan, M. Weddell, W. E. Priest, N.Hcegelsbeger, B. D. Sherburne, L. B. Mul-len, H. C. Cheston, E. M. Pitts, H. M.Hayes, M. R. Hampson, E. Golden, W. P.Hay, 3. H. Liebert, H. M. Cushing, C. K.Orr. D. P. Mussey, F. E. M. Hall, J. L.Ditto, L. M. Parker, E. G. Brosius, E. R.Walton, Paul Finkel, S. G. Saxton' E.Liebschutz, G. J. Smith, C. B. Yount, E. L.Compton, R. W. Test, L. H. Reichelderfer,R. R. Upton, Bessie M. King.

Eastern High SchoolPrincipal, C. M. L. Sites; assistants, 1L

F. F. Swartzell, M. M. Johnson, L K. Daly,J. P. Gerry. L. E. C. Colliere, E. W. Will-iams, P. Holmes, William Bromwell, L.Wilkins, I. I. Summerscales, F. S. Shipman,M. Spalding, C. M. Burchard, K. W. Wil-scn, D. Lattimore, C. Van Doren, D. L.Gardner, May Dean.

Western High School.K. C. Westcott, principal; assistants, H. B.

Ofiley, E. C. kane, H. C. Buchly, E. L.Norris, A. Ulke, I. O. Young, Gertrude A.McNulty. A. M. Robinson, B. T. Town, B.Guillaume, Helene Martin.

Business High SchoolPrincipal, A. Davis; assistants, P. W.

Robertson, L. Connolly, F. V. Baldwin, A.M. Graham, E. A. Clark, Mary J. Gibson,J. C. Butler, E. K. Culver, E. F. Throck-morton, Anna L. Harman, A. B. Snyder,E. L. Thurston, Collier Merriwether, MissHazelton.

Normal School.Principal, Idalla G. Myers; assistants,

Elizabeth V. Brown, Annie M. Goding,Helen D. Wise. S. Ella McMahon, Eliza-beth A. Hummer, May C. Breen.

Music,Teachers, Joseph H. Daniel, Annie B.

Scammell, Alys K Bentley. Amy Law, Ed-win S. Tracy, Lena C. Freea:n.

Drawring.Directress, Susan E. W. Fuller; assistants,

Annie M. Wilson, Hilda North, Lily A.Chester. A. Mae AtLee, Annie A. M'wnaw,Mary P. Shipman.

Manual Training.Director, John A. Chamiberlain; assist-

ants, Addison I. Gardner, William R. Sheid,Edward Baldwin, Eliss J. Dakin, James A.Degges, Theodore W. Fuller, John A. Mont-gomery, Patrick L. O'Brien, James K.Potter. Richard T. Pumphrey, FrancisSchweinhaut, Roy B. Hayes, Frank B.Skinner, Fred. L. Harries, Harry B. White.

Cooking.Direotress, Emma S. Jacobs; assistants,

Anna C. Pollok, Fannie AtLee, Hamie A.Douglass, Anne G. Horton, MargaretKeogh, Margaret Marriliat, Mary E. Davis,Mary A. Burns. Florence Jenkins, AnnieMcDanis, E. K. Cross.

Sewing.Directress, Margaret W. Cate; assistants,

Elinor M. Colhoun,- Amelia Dalton, SarahIL Davidson, Hannah Draney, Kate Gra-ham,Mary C. Henry, Annie L. Norris, MaryR. Smith. Isabelle Solomons, Clara L. Stan-ton, Ernestine R. Thornton. Artie KL Wells,Jennie V. Cassin, Charlotte White.

Physical Culture.Directress, Rebecca Stoneroad; assistants,

Zue Hi. Brockett, Mary L. Squier, Ruth ILOberly, Rose B. Holmes.

Special.Supervisor, primaEd grades, Elisabeth A.

Denney; assitant, primary grades. MadelineA. Blandy; librarian, primary grades, MinaGoeti.

Seventh Division.Supervising priracipal, H. P. Montgomery.Eighth grade-E. W. Brown, IL B. Gibbs,

3. D. Clark.Seventh grade-A. T. Howard, C. A. Pat-

terson, F. A. Martin, M. L. Washington,M. E. Tilgtman, Rt. A. Boston.Sixth grede-G. F. Smith, A. IL Mason,

F. S. Bruce, M. V. Tibbs, IL F. Fletcher,C. J. Payne, A. P. Spencer, A. B. Cole, A.L. Cost:n.Fifth grae-L. A. Barbour, E. F. Wil-

son, P. Woodson, K L. Fisher, E. F. Shinn,L. L. Welah, J. V. Norris. H. M. Orme.Fourth grade-R. C. Wheeler, A. Ross.

H. L. Beason, H. F. Barker, S. E. Dorsey,M. L: Watson, U. V. Brooks, C. A. Arniold,M. B. Bowle, E. . Francis.

'Lit D(1Of .the (Ire

Tomorrow will be the last daylipping sale ever inaugurated by a e

Ware, Drugs, Medicines and Tenetto 10 per cent below real value to a

Toilet ArticlesReduced.

Iot Assorted Combs. Were 25e......10e.Iot Cat-glsow Scent Battles.........10e.Lot French Oil-dressed raoiate Sihs,

25e. to 30e.Lot Whisk Baooms. Were 35 & 25c..13c.Lot Imported Violet Soap, 3 ekes to

tios. Per Lex.....................2e.Lot Fine Toilet Soap, 3 eakes to bog,'wrappers soiled. Per box.........16e.Quadruple Perfume Extracts in bulk,all odors..29c. per os.. 4 ass. for $1.

-1 lot Fine Toilet Atomizez, Were98c. To close................29e.

1 lot Pine Toilet Atomisera Were$2 and 12.50.......................79e.

1 lot Fine Toilet Atomizeis. Were$3 and $3.50................$1.19.

Roses and Myrrh, for the teeth andge's..................17e., 3 for Soc.

Extra large ize Queen Anne ToothPowder................17c., 3 for 6oe.

Soe. White's Dentine...............33e.(Bottle, liquid and powder.)

25e. Queen Anne Lotion..17e., 3 for 50e.S5c. Comber and Lettuce Cream.

13c., 2 for 25e.Talc i Powder..........6 boles for 38c.

(For Infants.)$1 Queen Anne Cologne..........83c.50e. Queen Anne Cologne............29c.59c. Lavende Water.......... .3c.Witch Hazel............... e. pt.Crown Lavender Salta..............36e.Imported Roe Water, pints........32.Large also Eau do Quinine, hair tonie.49e.$1 Imported Violet Water..........49c.2c. Merts's Carlbg Flid.l3e., 2 for 25e.Julie's Toilet Powder... .2e., 5 for $1.$1.25 Plnamd's Fine Perflne Extraetasall oders.........................

Pure Violet Water, reduced to 21c. bet.$1 Esbatean's Sin Food...........Te.tfomoves wrinkles and skia baimtee n

Soc. Rabateeu's Face Powder........3c.Cot Glass Lavender Salts Bottles, withLavender Salts. Only ............48e.(The bottle alone to worth double the

Price.)10c. Clark's Corn Salve......&. box;

5 for 25c.Kennedy's Foot Powder. foreand tender feet. Only 17e. box;

a for oe.Julie's Face Bleach. Reduced from$1 to .............................73e.(The great tae and frekle remover.)

Rnihfret's Toilet cerate, recommendedby Shirley Dare as the ideal face food.Removes freckles, pimples, etc. WasSoc. Daring this sale only... .37e. Jar.

Naphtha Camphor (better than camphor,moth balls, etc.) ..............19c. lb.

Moth Bf.,lb...e. a package, 6 for 2e.Lot of Crown Perfume Extract(erab apple). Was 75e. To

Lot of Neewman' Extracts. WereSoc. To cee ....................3Ec.

50e. bottles of Florida Wter.......2c.lnc.boxes Saw..dow. Sace Powder.all shagies. Tomorrow............e.owem...csal Lettuee Toiletonly ...... bo.

Wild Cherry Beverage,tomorrow only-

10e. Rise far.......................45.5e. sine for......................14e.

flertz's Rodernith and F Sts,

S. Bell, J. L. Cox. . E. Hif, K K Somer-ville, M. E. Shorter. M. A. Shelton, I. LSmit--, A. E. Johnson, E. H. Dockett, J. ILWalker.Second grade-M. K Brocks, K. L. Pope,

M. V. Ruty, L. B. Crusor, S. E. Schooler,H. Shepherd. F. M. Woodson. C. C. Thom-as. L. E. Wilkes. S. Hall.First grade-M. E. Beckett. V. A. Jones,

L Wormley, H B. Quander, R. 'J. Gray, L.Peters, A. G. Shorter, B. E. Hall, V. A.Pierre, L. A. Chisolm, J. E. Lewis, J. 0.Weston, M. N. Shelton. A. Goines, T. Mar'shall

Eighth Divimiem A.

Supervising principal, W. S. Montgomery.Eighth grade-E. F. G. Merritt, J. W.

Cromwell, L. Cook, J. C. Nalle.Seventh grade-K. C. Lewis. K. U. Alex-

ander, E. A. Chase, S. C. Lewis, E. D. Bar-rier. J. R. Bush.Sixth grade-D. N. Coleman, H. V. Bruce,

A. T. Bowen, K. A. Martin, C. B. Thomas.Fifth grade-G. A. Dyson, A. R. Bowen,

F. K. Costn, K. W. Lewis, S. J. Janifer, H.A. Hebbron, E. Davis, C. T. Chase.Fourth grade-L. S. Chase, K. R. Martin,

D. E. Smith. R. J. Baldwin, A. V. Smith, K.J. Hill, G. Brooks, H. K. Beason, K Liggons, S. B. Ratcliffe.Third grade-J. M. Alston. M I. Williams.

R. L. Moten, K L. Tancil, K E. Barney,I.. G. Arnold. L Kinner, E. E. Perry, M. A.Madre, M. G. Lucas. K E. Clarke, E. G.Lewis.Second grade-M. E. BenjamIa, J. M.Tay-

Ior, J. Ashton, C. Johnson, 'A. A. Gray, 0.Oromwell, A. C. Waller, K. Matthews, L.Coleman, H. L. Hill, A. B. Brooks, R. B.Martin. C. G. Jones, W. Whipper, B. Young,B. Colder.First grade-H. R. Clarke. A. 8. Payne,

A.' V. Williams, L. A. Terrell, B. Johnson,M. 'B. Williamson, A. K Bush, K B.Burre, N. H. Hyman, K A. Lucas, K. L.Brown. F. J. Barney, A. O'K. Williamnom.J. A. Young, B. I. K Hawkins, K. F. Mor'ris, K A. Guilbery, K. B. Tajieur, K. G.Taylor, C, H. Smnyti, K. C. Brown.

SEighth Divisien B.

Supervising prinejpal, 3. H. N. Waring.Eighth grade, K. P. Shadd, H. 3 Tuck-

er, L. F. Dyson.Seventh grade, L. A. Smith, A. V. Thomp-

kins, K A. Wheeler, 3. NI Page.Sixth grade, 3. C. Grant, H. A. Saunders,

A. El Alexander.FitttL grade. A. S. Bailey, K. B. Bruce, A.

V. Saunders, J. K. Cropper, H. V. Lee.Fourth grade. J. K Taylor. B. V. Camp.

bell, R. A. Lee. K. H. Slade, L. Waring,A. L. Browne, S. A. Tyler.Third grade, B. K. Collins, A. E. Hughes,

G. B. Shlmm, N. T. Jackson, KI H. Lynch.L. L Saunders, F. P. Martin, K. L. Way-man, A. V. Shorter, 3. Wheeler, S. B.JackSon.Sicond grade, M. A. Gray, S. B. Tucker,

S. E. Dyson. H. V. Morton. F. D). Smith,3. M. Fraction, B. Bruce, K F. Quander,B. L. George, L. G. Stewart, L S. Lacy, H.S. Parker, KI 3. Jones.First grade, M. R. Toy, A. TI. Brown, S.

C. Johnson, B.C. Reed, S. Spencer, K. Kirk-land, C. L. Piper, L. C. Randolph, J. O'D.Shepperson, N. M. Frazier, L. Mason, I. K.Wipper, I. S. Countee, L. A. Peebles, E. B.Grimshaw, J. C. Williamson, A. S. Sim-mons, L. A. I)lckerson, C. E. George, A. L.Manning, 3. NI Brooks.

Normal SchooL.L. E. Hoton, principal; asistants, A. C.

Hand, K B. Smith, A. K Thompson, K B.Crusor.

High School.F. L. Cardoso, principal; L. F. Barney,

assistant principal; assistants,HKM.Browne,C. B. Parke, A. 3. Cooper, P. N. Bailey, H.H. Riggs, K Nalle, J. Storum. H. L. Bal-ley.,J. B. Datcher, W. T. S. Jackson. D. B.Thompson, W. B.- Mayson. L A. Gibbs. J.L. Love. C. K Thomas, L. G. Fletcher, C.B. Hunter, P. D. Brooks, A. C. Newman,F. 3. Allen.

' Drawiug.Director, T. W. Hunster; teachers, W. S.

Wormley, W. D. Nixon, B. C.. Dodson.Manual -Traintiug.

Director. 3. H. Hil; teachers, 3. D. Bal-timore, d. Forrester, S. W. Madden, C. H.Madella, L. A. Cornish, S. Keys.

Cookingr,Directress, K B. Cook: teachers, C. 0.

Arnold, KM. Ware, K. K. Nalle, H. John.-son.


rtz's Modern Pharmacy,iith and F Sts.

at Sale.of the greatest stai-eding and pekeetail druggist. a~as. Dat MveeS.Articles have been reduced pew mel at aoce.


ae bottles "C. s,"DtIntee.21e.. Sfoe .

This is the best aihttectaat mdsthr general use.)

arge bottles Crbele Acid..........11+s,25e. Lese's Little Iver PIDs. ber ae.25e. bottles Jamaiea Gimmer.........18ai0e. botthe (loper's Hair

Sre.. 2 ba e .

(Keep the bait from fatning sadproduces new growth.)

25e. Cooper's slampoo..lSe., a ter Uebig's Malt Extract.15e..$1.PJ den.lie. Pare Grape Juice.............484

( r.. feom -tme~a75e. Iottles Eir Pegpdn..........30e.$1 Hanl's Nervise..................t6l.

(or dleel a endnteravm.)41 Werner's (elery Bitten..........4Ie.

(leer.. IONI.)Pelt bottles Witeb ae...........l.25c. Deve's Mada'.Pe11. bur te Beersbedsbwel..................4 br 7.

25c. Bale's Cll PBi..16e., ! bs..5s.pure oa..

26. aeamlse........ S bpe$ e.(e..a everptaJ.

$1 Beef, Len and wise, pats ......44c,$1 Mertz's Wine at Causpa sad Iom.4e.

fineon-r apt! ag-mshdsal bale.)re. Yruo Ft ...Se.. 5 har $1.(--ea-at a'. e tablets e Soda Mist... a er 76,$1 Pge's Sarsaparlia..............47.

(Pertles the blood.)$1 Heed's hinrsarifle bottles Phem 1ymo........ e.(A 1s1enst month and teeth wash.Settee then an otber atiseptks.)

7e. Miner's Dyspepsia Tbiets.te., ! ter se.(Quii relief fr algestis..

$1 'reu.a-. Wie . Coca.............(Good for the nerves.)

It. bottles Root Beer..13.. ! the se,(Bach bottle rante I gallama daeine

root beer.)Pomd bones efned Bogar..........Se.W Eliae'. Kld'y and Liver Remiy.48e.

( .nd egnetive s i..)Clearingthe Store of Odds

and Ends.Aby o thos 61.0 Deeb ColyerCorn Knives. Toss. Cutles

Xutres. T cose.............3e.Oely two er thorse Bernetteli Deday suverstatoenHnke sette sell at.6..12

(They are wel worth SLI5.)Two Ivory-hasdle Poewder Pu. Worth46 Te close....................$1.4

Gee l.eats Measem. Csadsell let.Worth $2.50. To elose........ .3

hat of Beautif l White. Pink and BiM.Celluloid Trats. Were 41.17. Tooe .............................

(he elt Beatifl W Cat Glas Bet-ties. Tb close...................$5.11

legant $10 cut Glmm Bottles. Pair. ..................

Boeglt pair atCut Glose Bottles, largeuetsea garter of as te(heap a$l. Teeese.....s4L He.

Oe Daby Bluer Tray. Werth4 .E reoss............... s

n Pharmacy,Grifi. A. Alesandr. L. A. H==mer. 1. A.Goinse. . Y. Thomas. I. G. Lewis.

Phyaneal culture.Directress. H B. George; teacies A. &,

Turner. L. B. LoveMissie.

Teachers H. F. Grant J. T. Layto. T.L; Furbi.

ST. AoNDUW's Uaon'ssemma.-A Prepos=tio to Estahiebi a me hm

This 4Cty.As a usual thing a ndima. r mae

meeting of a reglous ere nrmtna Is notapt to draw out a large ettendance, butthe case was exactly the reverse ot thislast evening at the Brotherhood ot St.Andrew. local courcoi, aia= meeting inthe pariah hall of Trinity Church. Amesnthose present were nearly a does clergy-men. including Her. Drs. J. IL lott andG. F. Wiams, and rep estatwvee femthe chapters at Rockville, Hyattavinl.Beltsvlle and Upper Martboro'. togetherwith the rectors of the churches at thsepia.ces.Beginring at T:10 o'clock the test hourof the meeting was devoted to the trans.action of.budness. President P. B. Pier.spreside& Messrs. Paret and Webster et thenotel committee both spoke about thework acecepiehed since its organi=atio.four or Sie months ago, showing thatmuch has been done In the direction oflooking after the strangers who come to thecity's hotels. A plan was proposed andadopted by which the guests at the hotlswill receive from the local council cards ofinvitation to be preent at the meetlageof the various chapters and at the ser-ices of the churches. It was decided tocotinue the hotel cnosmiteema it in atpiesent constituted.

A Bre.therheoed Eemn.Chairmnan Plaes rea a letter stating

that a lady of mepipny Chureb is to opesa bearding house fer weembare et th,brother'hoed simply as a phtlaatbropgo en-terprise and not with the idea of makingmoney. The eeornell at Cicag=noIsreusinga smilnar home, though em a much largerseale, end It in proving an amened ago.cees. There the brothrthod reisted acouple of houses, furnaished them through-.out, and added pioety ef inneesmt amuse.maent for' the inmates. The friends of sucha project in. Wansingtea have always rultthat this is the city at all ethers for ahmea as seny' juing mem came haeet tire strangers. Much piussure wa ez-paramed Lat evening that a bsegnin=gl tohe mae of such an enterprise to this etty.ThE huners- smeeting closed with the roEcall, In which twenty-three chapters wereregresented by gentlemen from annong thelarge audfence present.

Papers of the Eventag.*The opening topic of the eventng, *"The

Brotherhood In thec Country." was intro-duced by M~r. W. Tyler Pegs of St. GeorgesChapter. Baltimore, who prefaced his ad--dress by etating that he Is ase of .thesfcunders now living of the preseent ut.Andrew's Church of this city. Mr'. Pageconsidered it the duty of every mener.of the local coencil of Waehington. ad tofact. of ever'y. local counen, to devote acertain portion of his timae in going outend taking en interest in thme countrychapters, where such encouragement Isoften Et great value. Othser gmeespoke-in the same Steele as Mr. Pg.andthen Mr. IL S. Chids of St. Andrew'sChapter, Washington, was introduced sthe speaker as 'How to Secure a GoodAttendance at Brotherhood Meetngs." Mr'.Childs considered that ass of the best waysto eecure the constant presence of absen-tees Is to note every one of their asmcesend then to speak to them personally andInquire their reason for non-attendanoe.He said he has put this plan to practicaltest and found it to operate auccesefully.Short addressee on this end kindred sutb-jects were made by the Revs. G. F. Will-iams, A. I. Hilliker, T. I. Sontag, WalterMitcheil, Ellott, Rich and others fromamong the laymen.

To Prevent Trouble -In Brenil.The Politique Coloniale of Paris en-

nlounces that with the view of avoidinga repetition of the recent conflict betweagFrench and Brazilian settlers in the dIs-puted territory of Amapa, the fovernmanie=of France and Brasil have decided to es.tanlel med pnsts In et..t r...