Summer Challenge Enrolment Form 2014

UCL Horizons Summer Challenge 2014 Student code of conduct form I have read and understood the code of conduct in the Summer Challenge information sheet. I agree to follow the rules and regulations listed. I also agree to follow any additional rules or instructions explained to me at Summer Challenge by any UCL staff. I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on Summer Challenge in the event of serious misbehaviour on my part, or if I am late or absent without good reason. Student’s name (print) Student’s signature Date Summer Challenge course (give title): Parent / guardian consent form I have read the information sheet about the UCL Horizons Summer Challenge 2014 and I give permission for my son / daughter to attend it. I understand that I am responsible for my son / daughter when they are travelling to and from UCL during Summer Challenge 2014. I give permission for UCL to collect and store photographs of my son / daughter and / or audio visual material of his / her image and voice during Summer Challenge. I understand that this material will be used to advertise and promote UCL activities in the future, and that it will not be used for any other purposes. OUTREACH OFFICE



Transcript of Summer Challenge Enrolment Form 2014

UCL Visit Evaluation Form

UCL Horizons Summer Challenge 2014Student code of conduct form I have read and understood the code of conduct in the Summer Challenge information sheet. I agree to follow the rules and regulations listed.

I also agree to follow any additional rules or instructions explained to me at Summer Challenge by any UCL staff. I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on Summer Challenge in the event of serious misbehaviour on my part, or if I am late or absent without good reason. Students name (print)

Students signature


Summer Challenge course (give title):Parent / guardian consent form I have read the information sheet about the UCL Horizons Summer Challenge 2014 and I give permission for my son / daughter to attend it. I understand that I am responsible for my son / daughter when they are travelling to and from UCL during Summer Challenge 2014. I give permission for UCL to collect and store photographs of my son / daughter and / or audio visual material of his / her image and voice during Summer Challenge. I understand that this material will be used to advertise and promote UCL activities in the future, and that it will not be used for any other purposes. Parent / guardians name (print) Parent / guardians signature
