Summary of Technical Sessions Session Chairmen & Wim van der Bijl Chairman Technical Programme...


Transcript of Summary of Technical Sessions Session Chairmen & Wim van der Bijl Chairman Technical Programme...

Summary of Technical Sessions

Session Chairmen

& Wim van der Bijl

Chairman Technical Programme Committee

Round Table Session: The present and future of

telecommunications services in Spain

• New traffic patterns are here to stay:– Exponential network traffic growth– Interest in symmetric connections– Mobile data connections are increasing

• Mix of fixed and mobile connections New competition scenario

• Decoupling between data growth and operator revenues– So far, operators have struggled to monetize content– End of “all-you-can-eat” flat rates– Innovation in business models is needed

• to reduce network costs and increase revenues

• Network neutrality?– Has there ever been network neutrality?– Internet neutrality served “Best-effort”– In order to manage traffic you have to discriminate

Round Table Session: The present and future of

telecommunications services in Spain

• Challenges deploying New Generation Networks– Technical challenges

• Extra signalling load• Need for off-load techniques• Spectrum changes would help

– Business and social challenges• Current model is not sustainable Business model innovation• “Gray and black areas” not profitable for operators• Possible two-sided business models• Investment-friendly regulation Regulators are key actors

• A number of forces are shaping the future of telecommunications industry into 2015

• Industry structure

• Usage / services

• Access

• Business model

Round Table Session: The present and future of

telecommunications services in Spain

• Customer experience is more important than ever!– Customers trust other customers– Social networking spreads opinions– Operators have to focus on customer experience

• 3 key strategic areas for Telcos– Enable new services and business models– Manage and differentiate the customer experience– Improve operational efficiency and reduce costs

Session 1: A New World for Services

• Changes in the business model of all players in the ICT sector will bring changes to the economic scales of the businesses

• Open systems vs. closed ones may prove to bring new players in the market and increase the revenues of all the sectors in the market

• Future Internet advances will bring a large change in the way of our everyday communication

Session 2: Should the Access to NGN be open?

• In new world of converged services industrialised approach is needed, the suppliers can offer such tools for network operators, service providers and application producers giving them open access to service platforms.

• At the level of FTTH access networks holistic aproach to cost optimalisation is needed. Interesting cost calculation model for Ethernet P-to-P network was presented showing the benefits both for operators and users.

Session 3: New Advanced Applications

• New advanced applications world is at an early stage• Technologies, devices, networks, etc. are fundamental in

today’s world but the key source are the persons• A relevant factor of Programs, Institutions, Universities,

and Telecom Engineer is to attract the best students to this sector. “Rebeca: a 3D programming language environment for arising ICT vocations in young students” is a way to do that.

• Intelligence and Innovation paves the way to Telcos future.

Session 3: New Advanced Applications

• Advanced Applications is the driving force for Information Society in general and for life improvement of impaired elderly and handicapped persons. “System for automatic assisting living applications” is a reality of this.

• Audiovisual and Entertainment are promising areas for accessibility to digital services and will broaden the scope of everybody preventing social exclusion. “Monitoring accessibility in digital television” represents a fact of these possibilities.

• Internet of things is already clear and flourishing reality. Industry is a way to be explored. “RFID Integration in packaging system” for food and vegetables is a good example of the wide chances of this technology.

• Advanced application is one of the driving forces of the way to be followed and this will be only possible with software and hardware. “GNU Radio: A new paradigm for Software Defined Radio” presents a way to advance to the future.

• New advanced applications are a testbed for services and sector convergence and integration.

Session 4: Intelligent Road Infrastructures (1)

• “Smart cities” become a reality due to the availability of small and cheap sensors and transducers, but there is still a lot of standardization to do.

• Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are expensive to implement with the on-board unit (OBU) as the most expensive component. Re-use of existing equipment has a small positive cost impact while combination of applications (recreational) has a huge positive effect.

• GSM/UMTS rollout in tunnels on high-speed railway lines should be handled according to a formal process whereby roles and responsibilities are clearly defined amongst the operators and the railway infrastructure administrations. This leads to a shared infrastructure implementation.

Session 4: Intelligent Road Infrastructures (3)

• Creative new ways to implement automated traffic guidance and signalling systems become possible (eg using radio beacons)

• As vehicles become more and more complex and rely on in-car data networks there is a need to provide formal education on the behaviour of those network and have appropriate support tools to facilitate training.

Session 5: Living in the ICT Age




With ICT making the world smaller, and the need for physical travel becoming ever lower as telecommunications systems develop and spread, ICT can be best used by sites of pilgrimages to benefit their followers, their faith and themselves.

Providing support and information to encourage and help with physical pilgrimages and providing remote, interactive spiritual connections to the site of pilgrimage and between pilgrims.

The current role ICT plays in pilgrimage does not threaten the continuation of the traditional form of pilgrimage

An established site of pilgrimage acts as a foundation from which spiritual based ICT services can be provided.

Session 5: Living in the ICT Age


The jump, is mainly based on the web 2.0 concept and therefore on the interaction between the subjects and the internet.

Attendind this, the importance of web 2.0 and social media technology on the society current behaviour and the way the technology has changed the concept of relationships are changing in our behaviour and environment. It also shows the path for the next evolution in personal and business communications.

Spontaneous and scattered information generation is the base of our current world and the principle for the progress in the future.

Session 5: Living in the ICT Age



We are at unique moment in history when the ICT revolution and its application to Smart cities can act as a catalyst for improving the real quality of live in urban areas. Businesses that adopt the described model will be positioned to take an important part in this revolution.

The Broadband Revolution can be the engine for a new age of genuine growth.

We have defined a unique process for generating business models which create a virtuous cycle of quality growth.

A win-win-win model: sustained benefits for Enterprise, Society and Government

Session 6: Access networks for tomorrow

• Josep Segarra (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Spain) presented the results reached within the SARDANA project, an important multinational research initiative (Spain, France, Finland, Greece, Portugal and Italy), regarding the set-up of an all-optical access network utilizing WDM / TDM – PON techniques.

• Fernando Martin Rodriguez (University of Vigo – Spain) approached the session theme from the opposite end analizing the possibility of adopting structured cabling also in residential building for carrying voice, data and TV signals

• George Agapiou (OTE Research and Development Dpt. – Greece) came back on the PON subject proposing a WDM solution to be combined with wireless nodes in order to provide adequate bandwith to the upcoming access services.

• Ilias Politis (University of Patras - Greece) ended the session illustrating how to model the provisioning of VASs when they have to be provided over inter-technology radio access networks

Session 6: Access networks for tomorrow

In summary the session has evidentiated the deep interest that academy and industry have to come up with access networks solutions more than adequate to support the high speeds made possible, for an example, by NGN on the long distance.

Session 7: Challenges for the regulator

• Identity, liberty and accountability in the information society– Various examples, illustrate how the current policy and regulatory framework with respect to

online accountability has become much more control oriented over the last decade

– European policies are incongruous: while reiterating the importance of privacy and data protection, a monitoring society with universal logging is constructed

• Universal Service– Universal service directive disposed that universal service content will be revisited more

than once due to technological developments and competitive market conditions

– The universal service still play an important role in ensuring all citizens social inclusion

• Digital Dividend– Europe is involved in a process of transition to digital terrestrial television aimed to replace

all analogue broadcasting infrastructures for digital ones by year 2012

– Public Administrations at the European and national level will play a leading role in deciding to which services this 'digital dividend' will be granted and at which costs

• eHealth– Consent play an important role in eHealth environments

– The use of patient consent keeps growing -> solutions need to be found in order for the consent to continue to attain its goal: inform and involve the patient

Session 8: The road to next generation broadband

1) NGA roll-out situation in EU:– Overview of current NGA rollouts in Europe: Europe

lags behind.– Commercial challenges are related to evolution of the

business models and the positioning on internet ecosystem.

– We need:• clear, stable and predictable framework for NGA• a collaborative environment between Government and

private agents.

Session 8: The road to next generation broadband

2) Self-Manageability in context of NGN– Cognitive networks and self-aware functionalities

introduce a great degree of autonomy.– Self-management techniques facilitate automating

processes based on specific circumstances and remediation of identified malfunctions with minimum service interruption.

– Self-NET develops self-management features that alleviate consequences of events (for which the system would require various invocations of remedy actions and/or significant human intervention)

Session 8: The road to next generation broadband

3) Efficient Echo and Parameters estimation.– Most important impairment with digital communication

is multipath: Multipath can generate Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), which is one of the biggest problems in digital communication systems.

– Proposed method is able to estimate echoes of the channel even when the ISI is so strong that is impossible to demodulate the signal. It can be used to obtain the modulation parameters of multicarrier modulation systems.

Session 9: QoS Solutions

• Providing differentiated network performance:– Using converged networks– QoS evolution with requirements of applications

• Model for QoS based on:– IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Next Generation

Networks– “Parameter reconfiguration” in VoIP sessions– Least Cost Routing based on RTP packets

Session 9: QoS Solutions

• New research field for the new decade:– Provision of QoS by innovative mechanism called

“Network Coding”– Mathematical underlying concepts– Advantages over classic routing strategies

• Techno-Economic Validation– Challenges for providers of bandwidth– Content delivery with QoS using less peak-bandwidth

Findings of Poster sessions

• 11 Poster Presenters & Coffee Drinker Audience• Direct contact between Presenter and Questioners• Issues: Studies of Antenna Beams, Measurements

of Electromagnetic Field Exposures for the Public and for Workers, Power Supply lines for Telco Services, Teaching and Learning Tool as Computer-Based-Learning

• 11 Posters within 4 coffee breaks; The alternative would have been 11x25min = 275 min “Session-presentations!! Posters are still an important part!

Findings of Poster sessions

Overall conclusions

• Many Questions – No real answers

• Business model?• Revenue versus growth?• Legal questions

– Interesting Reseach Subjects• Focus on improving life & improving traffic• New concepts in network technology• Which technology development will break through?

Future topics

• Flip-Chart “Ideas from FITCE members”:- All participants are invited to contribute on the structure of the next Congress due to delivering an abstract of their idea to be presented:- European Patent Register at ETSI- Information Stands from ICT Industry- Studies about ICT future services impact- Ensure accessability /rural and/or skilled