SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute...


Transcript of SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute...

Page 1: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which





for the period

July 1, 1997 – June 30, 1998

Page 2: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

September 1998

This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers theperiod July 1997 through June 1998, which coincides with The University of Iowa’s fiscal year.Lists of the active grants, publications, conference presentations, theses and awards of IIHR staffand students are included. Some other highlights and accomplishments of the period aresummarized below.

One of the unquestioned highlights of the report period was the success of the first courseon International Perspectives in Water Resources Planning. This course was developed by IIHRin collaboration with two universities in India, Dharamsinh Desai Institute of Technology,Nadiad, Gujarat and University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh. It involved weeklymeetings and seminars at IIHR that focused on how cultural, historical, societal, economical andpolitical considerations have impacted water resources development in India and culminated in a20-day visit to India between semesters of the academic year. Eleven students (ten from TheUniversity of Iowa (UI) and one from a Florida university) participated in the course.

Other new international initiatives included the effectuation of cooperative agreementswith Danish Hydraulic Institute, which has resulted in reciprocal visits and plans for substantivecollaborations, and Istituto Nazionale per Studied Esperienze di Architecturi Navale (INSEAN)in Italy. The INSEAN agreement promotes cooperation between it and IIHR on research thatcombines computational and experimental ship hydrodynamics and uncertainty analysis. Also,IIHR hosted students from abroad under agreement for them to conduct their thesis research herewhile receiving their degrees from their home institutions. These included two students fromKaiserslautern in Germany and one from Danish Maritime Institute.

Work on the Iowa Mobile Rainfall Laboratory, comprising vertically pointing radar withdoppler capability, a disdrometer for rain-drop analysis, and rain gages mounted on a speciallyequipped trailer, was completed. This facility allows IIHR’s participation in the currentTEFLUNB field experiment, which is part of the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission(TRMM), in Florida. The mobile laboratory with its specialized instrumentation can be towed toexperimental sites across the nation.

IIHR underwent an external review during the report period. This included a self-review,as well as a review by a committee external to IIHR. The external review report affirmed IIHR’smission and research and suggested areas, such as environmental fluid mechanics, in which IIHRis well positioned to focus future research efforts. Other suggestions related to the necessity forIIHR better to promote itself and to the need for UI assistance to accelerate the modernization ofthe Hydraulics Laboratory Building.

Construction was completed on the extension of the Wind Tunnel Annex mezzanine,which added 1,655 sq ft to IIHR’s floor space. The university approved the use of space justwest of the Model Annex for construction of an undergraduate fluids laboratory and designs arebeing considered for it.

Page 3: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

IIHR expended a total of $3,717,213 during FY 1998 in pursuit of its education andresearch mission. Of this amount, $2,298,563 was expended for research through grants andcontracts proposed and administered by IIHR staff and $1,186,748 was expended for IIHR’sadministration and laboratory and equipment maintenance. The remaining $231,902 wasinvested by IIHR in its infrastructure ($11,168 for construction and remodeling and $220,734 forequipment). IIHR received an additional $150,000 in equipment- and renovation-matchingfunds from the university and college administrations.

The IIHR staff looks forward to the challenges and rewards that surely will presentthemselves in 1998-99.

V.C. PatelDirector

Participants in the course on International Perspectives in Water Resources Planning, with instructor S.C. Jain. Course included

cultural excursions, seminars, and field trips.

(1-r) Iowa Mobile Rainfall Laboratory; Instrument Rack; 2-D video disdrometer (foreground) and dual rainguage platform, with

tipping buckets (background)

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* Research projects initiated between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.** Research projects completed between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.



IOWA CITY, IOWAJuly 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998


Study Subject Sponsor Investigator(s)

CASC2D Enhancements for Long Duration Simulations withNEXRAD Data

Army/UCONN Krajewski, Kruger

Simulation of the Passage of a Blade Through a Vortex in aViscous Fluid

ARO Marshall

Three Dimensional Vortex-Body Interaction in a Viscous Fluid ARO Marshall

** High Resolution Rainfall Observing System for Support ofRemote Sensing Studies

ARO Krajewski, Kruger

** Construction of an Advanced Wind Measuring Lidar ARO Eichinger

** IAHR SF Congress 1997 ASCE Holly

* Pump Intake Physical Model Study for the Meizhou WanPower Station

Bechtel Nakato

** Hydraulic Model Study of Circulating Water Pump Structurefor Marmara Erglisi Power Plant

BVI Ettema

* ** Implement Leafgate Coefficients in CanalCad Cal Poly Holly

* Investigation of Design for Hooked Groin Considered forPlacement Near Waukegan Station

CECo Ettema, Nakato

Edit Center for Global and Environmental ResearchNewsletter


* ** Bonneville Dam Second Powerhouse Physical GuidanceDevice

CH2M Hill Nielsen

* Physical Model Study of Stilling Basin for YELM HydroelectricSpillway #3

CH2M Hill Nielsen/Weber

CIPS Thermal Model for Newton and Coffeen Lakes CIPS Holly, Sinha

Water Quality Study of Coralville Lake COE-RI Johnson

* Development of Prototype Data Warehouse for CoralvilleReservoir

COE-RI Weirich

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Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 2

* Research projects initiated between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.** Research projects completed between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.

** Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway CumulativeEffects Study

COE-RI Nakato

** Bank Erosion Impact Assessment Study for the UpperMississippi River/Illinois Waterway



Three-Dimensional Modelling of Suspended-SedimentDiffusion


Provide Drawings and a Cost Estimate of a Special DesignCirculation Flume for Fish Behavior

COE-WES Nakato

* ** Improvements in the CH3D Non-Cohesive Sediment-ProcessModelling


* ** Serve as a Reviewer for the USAE Waterways ExperimentStation Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Technical program


** Lower Granite Dam SBC Numeric Interpolation COE-WW Weber

** Lower Granite Dam SBC Physical Modeling of BehavioralGuidance Structure

COE-WW Weber/Nielsen

** Effects of Channel Modifications and Project Operations onIce Conveyance in Rivers

CRREL Ettema, Holly

** Aerodynamics of Phonation DHHS Patel

* Aeroacoustics of Voice DHHS Patel

* Ott Meter Calibration and Development of Cosine ResponseCurves

ENSR Weber

Enhanced Performance and Reliability of Water Intakes forGenerating Stations

EPRI Ettema, Nakato,Odgaard, Patel

** Techniques for Weakening the Ice-Runway Interfacial Bond FAA Nixon

** Hydraulic Model Study to Determine HydraulicCharacteristics of Screen

HSC Weber

** Optimal Usage of De-icing Chemicals When Scraping Ice IDOT Nixon, Wei

** Test Plan for Snowplow Cutting Edge IDOT Nixon, Wei

** Determining the Optimal Usage of Chemicals in WinterHighway Maintenance

IDOT Nixon Wei

** Maximizing the Use of Roadway Weather InformationSystems

IDOT Nixon

* ** Development of a Computer Controlled Underbody Plow IDOT Nixon, Wei

** Full-Scale Field Measurements of Ice Scraping Loads IHRB Nixon

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* Research projects initiated between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.** Research projects completed between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.

** Use of Raman Lidar to Assist in Measuring Water Vapor andComplete Modification of Lidar Software for Flux EstimationOver Complex Terrain

LANL Eichinger

** Development of Ground Radar Rainfall EstimationMethodology for Validating TRMM Satellite Rainfall Estimates

NASA Krajewski, Kruger

Validation of Rainfall Estimates from Space-Borne Radars NASA Krajewski

* Ground-Based Radar-Rainfall Estimation for the Guam andKey West TRMM

NASA Krajewski, Kruger

Icing of Planar Surfaces NASA Ettema

* Short Term Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting UsingMulti-Sensor Remote Sensing and Eta Model DataAssimilation

NASA Krajewski

* A Priori Testing of a Subgrid Scale Model in Buoyancy DrivenFlow


** Investigate WSR-88D Radar Range Effects in Radar-RainfallEstimation

NOAA Krajewski

* Rainfall Estimation Uncertainty Studies in Support of theSurface Reference Data Center

NOAA Krajewski

** Development of RADAP-II Radar Database for the UnitedStates

NSF Krajewski, Kruger

** Rain Drop-Size Distribution and Rainfall Measuring System NSF Krajewski, Kruger,Bradley

US-Japan Cooperative Science: Development andApplications of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Ship Design

NSF Paterson, Stern,Longo, Patel

** US Student Participation at the 27th Congress of the IAHR,1997

NSF Nakato

* Application of High Performance Computing in EnvironmentalHydrology

NSF Patel, Weirich,Holly, Wilson

* CAREER: Improved Estimation of Extreme Rainfall for FloodHazard Assessment

NSF Bradley

* Radar Rainfall Database Development and RaingageNetwork Design for the Catskill Mountains

NYC Bradley

Near-Field Ship Hydrodynamics (Augmentation Award forEngineering Research Training)

ONR Stern

** Free-surface Effects on Boundary Layers and Wakes ONR Stern

Unsteady Ship Boundary Layers and Wakes ONR Stern, Paterson,Longo, Wilson

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* Research projects initiated between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.** Research projects completed between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.

CFD Methods for Complex Marine Propulsors ONR Stern, Paterson

* International Collaborations on Combined Computational andExperimental Ship Hydrodynamics and Uncertainty Analysis

ONR Stern

** Design & Fabrication of Flume for Penn State University PSU Ettema

Hydraulic Model Studies for Juvenile Fish Bypass System atRock Island Dam

PUD-CC Weber

Model Study to Site Juvenile Fish Bypass OutfallsDownstream of Wanapum and Priest Rapids Dams and 3-DNumerical Simulation of Flows in the Study Reaches

PUD-GC Odgaard, Patel,Weber

* Numerical Modeling for Lower Granite Dam Surface Bypassand Collection

Sverdrup Weber

History of IIHR UI Mutel

* Virtual Fluids Laboratory UI Muste

** Large Eddy Simulation of Convective Planetary BoundaryLayer Flows

UI Lin

** Real-Time Estimation and Prediction of Radar Rainfall USAID Krajewski

** Cooperative Agreement for Technical Assistance for GrandValley Water Management Study with IIHR, UI

USBR Holly, Parrish

* Hydraulic Evaluation of Erosion Processes in Rivers Coveredwith Ice and Fixed Debris

USDA Ettema


Army/UCONN Army/University of ConnecticutARO U.S. Army Research OfficeASCE American Society of Civil EngineersBechtel Bechtel Overseas CorpBVI Black and Veatch, Inc.Cal Poly California PolytechnicCECo Commonwealth Edison CompanyCGRER Center for Global and Regional Environmental ResearchCH2MH CH2M Hill, EngineersCIPS Central Illinois Public ServiceCOE(RI) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island DistrictCOE/SENES U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, SENES Oak RidgeCOE-WW U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla DistrictCOE-WES U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment StationCRREL U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering LaboratoryDHHS Department of Health and Human ServicesENSR ENSR CorporationEPRI Electric Power Research InstituteFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationHSC Hendrick Screen Co.

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* Research projects initiated between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.** Research projects completed between 7/1/1997-6/30/1998.

IDOT Iowa Department of TransportationIHRB Iowa Highway Research BoardLANL Los Alamos National LabNASA National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNSF National Science FoundationNYC New York CityONR Office of Naval ResearchPSU Penn State UniversityPUD-CC Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County (Washington)PUD-GC Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County (Washington)Sverdrup Sverdrup Civil IncUI The University of IowaUSAID U.S. Agency for International DevelopmentUSBR U.S. Bureau of ReclamationUSDA U.S. Department of Agriculture

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Institute of Hydraulic ResearchThe University of Iowa


386. “Cohesive Sediment Capability in CH3D Phases II and III: Formulation andImplementation,” M. Spasojevic and F.M. Holly, Jr., September 1997.

387. “Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Pump-Bay Flow: Documentation and UserGuide,” G. Constantinescu, V.C. Patel, M. Ansar, and T. Nakato, September 1997.

388. “Field Measurements of Ice Scraping Loads on Front Mounted Plow Blades,” W.A.Nixon, Y. Wei, and A.E. Whelan, October 1997.

389. “Subsurface Vortex Suppression in Water Intakes with Multiple-Pump Sumps,” D. Bauerand T. Nakato, October 1997.

390. “Hydraulic Model Study of Union Electric’s Keokuk Dam Ogee Spillways,” T. Nakato andM.P. Cherian, November 1997.

391. “Numerical Simulation of Near-Field Mixing in Ice-Covered Channels,” C.A. Tan, R.Ettema, and S. Sinha, January 1998.

392. “The Potential of Friction as a Tool for Winter Maintenance,” W.A. Nixon, February1998.

393. “Lower Granite Dam Surface Bypass and Collection (SBC): Physical Modeling ofBehavioral Guidance Structure,” K. Nielsen and L. Weber, March 1998.

394. “Numerical Simulation of Flow in Pump Bays Using Near-Wall Turbulence Models,” S.G.Constantinescu and V.C. Patel, March 1998.

395. “Application of Suction Scoops to Improve Pump-Approach Flow Distributions in Three-Pump Intake Bays: Hydraulic Model Studies of St. Louis County Water Company’sMeramec Plant Intakes 1 and 2,” T. Nakato and J. Goss, March 1998.

396. “Characterization of Vortices in a Model Pump-Bay Using Particle Image Velocimetry,”V.P. Rajendran and V.C. Patel, April 1998.

397. “Development of a Methodology to Identify Areas Subject to Commercial Navigation-Related Bank Erosion for the Upper Mississippi River/Illinois Waterway,” T. Nakato, M.Wilson, and S. Schroeder, May 1998.

398. “A Review of International Literature of Design Practice and Experience with Low-HeadAlluvial-Channel Grade-Control Structures,” T. Nakato, June 1998.

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262. “Improvements in the Non-Cohesive Sediment Modeling of the CH3D Program,” M. Spasojevicand F.M. Holly, September 1997.

263. “Hydraulic Model Studies for Fish Diversion at Wanapum/Priest Rapids Development. Part XV: AStudy of the Effect of Surface Attraction Facilities on Flow Over Fish Diversion Screens atWanapum Dam,” A.I. Sirviente and A.J. Odgaard, November 1997.

264. “Hydraulic Model Studies for Fish Diversion at Wanapum/Priest Rapids Development. Part XI:Spillway Deflector Design,” C.O.M. Mannheim and L.J. Weber, November 1997.

265. “Hydraulic Model Studies for Fish Diversion at Wanapum/Priest Rapids Development. Part XII:Physical model Data for Development of a Gas Concentration Computational Model,” C.O.M.Mannheim and L.J. Weber, November 1997.

266. “Hydraulic Model Studies for Fish Diversion at Wanapum/Priest Rapids Development. Part XIII:Physical Modeling of Wanapum Spillway Bulkhead,” C.O. Mannheim and L.J. Weber, December1997.

267. “Coralville Reservoir Water Quality Study,” J.K. Johnson, D. McDonald, A. Pagano, and P.CaVan, December 1997.

268. “CS2 Model and its Application to Analysis of Dresden Station Blowdown Temperatures,” F.M.Holly, Jr. and J.B. Parrish, III, January 1998.

269. “Hydraulic Model Studies for Fish Diversion at Wanapum/Priest Rapids Development. Part XIV:Surface Collection Concepts for Wanapum Dam Forebay,” D. DeJong and L. Weber, February1998.

270. “Report on a Course on International Perspectives in Water Resources Planning,” S.C. Jain,April 1998.

271. “Hydraulic Design of Vertical Drop Structures,” S.C. Jain, May 1998.


115. Macagno, E.O., “Leonardian Fluid Mechanics in the Codex Atlanticus VIII-IX,” Iowa Institute ofHydraulic Research, August 1997.

116. Macagno, E.O., “Leonardian Fluid Mechanics in the Codex Atlanticus X-XII,” Iowa Institute ofHydraulic Research, January 1998.

117. Kennedy, J.F. and Nakato, T., “Assignment Problems on Sediment-Transport Lectures at IowaInstitute of Hydraulic Research,” Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, February 1998.

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Anagnostou, E.N. and Krajewski, W.F., “Calibration of the WSR-88D Precipitation Processing Subsystem,American Meteorological Society, 13, 2, June 1998, pp. 396-406 (Reprint 1329).

Barkdoll, B.D., Hagen, B., and Odgaard, A.J., “Experimental Comparison of Dividing Open-Channel withDuct Flow in T-Junction,” J. Hydraulic Engineering, 124, 1, January 1998, pp. 92-95 (Reprint 1303).

Borga, M., Anagnostou, E.N., and Krajewski, W.F., “A Simulation Approach for Validation of a BrightbandCorrection Method,” Applied Meteorology, 36, 11, November 1997, pp. 1507-1518 (Reprint 1289).

Bradley, A.A., “Regional Frequency Analysis Methods for Evaluating Changes in Hydrologic Extremes,”Water Resources Research, 34, 4, April 1998, pp. 741-750 (Reprint 1310).

Bradley, A.A., Holly, F.M., Walker, W.K., and Wright, S.A., “Estimation of Water Temperature ExceedanceProbabilities Using Thermo-Hydrodynamic Modeling, J. American Water Resources Association, 34, 3,June 1998, pp. 467-480 (Reprint 1312).

Coleman, H.W. and Stern, F., “Uncertainties and CFD Code Validation,” J. Fluids Engineering, 119,4, December 1997, pp. 795-803 (Reprint 1300).

Collins, W.D., Wang, J., Kiehl, J.T., Zhang, G.J., Cooper, D.I., and Eichinger, W.E., “Comparison ofTropical Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes with the NCAR Community Climate Model CCM3,” J. Climate, 10,December 1997, pp. 3047-3058 (Reprint 1349).

Constantinescu, G.S. and Patel, V.C., “Numerical Model for Simulation of Pump-Intake Flow and Vortices,”J. Hydraulic Engineering, 124, 2, February 1998, pp. 123-134 (Reprint 1308).

Den Bleyker, J.S., Weber, L.J., and Odgaard, A.J., “Development of a Flow Spreader for Fish BypassOutfalls,” North American J. Fisheries Management, 17, 3, August 1997, pp. 743-750 (Reprint 1293).

Elliott, S., Blake, D.R., Rowland, F.S., Lu, R., Brown, M.J., Williams, M.D., Russell, A.G., Bossert, J.E.,Streit, G.E., Santoyo, M.R., Guzman, F., Porch, W.M., McNair, L.A., Keyantash, J., Kao, C.Y.J., Turco,R.P., and Eichinger, W.E., “Ventilation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Components from the Valley ofMexico," J. Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 102, D17, 20 September 1997, pp. 21197-21207(Reprint 1347).

Ettema, R., Fujita, I., Muste, M., and Kruger, A., “Particle-Image Velocimetry for Whole-Field Measurementof Ice Velocities,” Cold Regions Science and Technology, 26, 2, 1997, pp. 97-112 (Reprint 1296).

Ettema, R., Melville, B.W., Barkdoll, B., “Scale Effect in Pier-Scour Experiments,” J. Hydraulic Engineering,124, 6, June 1998, pp. 639-642 (Reprint 1316).

Fujita, I., Muste, M., and Kruger, A., “Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry for Flow Analysis inHydraulic Applications,” J. Hydraulic Research, 36, 3, 1998, pp. 397-414 (Reprint 1307).

Haferman, J.L., Smith, T.F., and Krajewski, W.F., “A Multi-Dimensional Discrete-Ordinates Method forPolarized Radiative Transfer. Part I: Validation for Randomly Oriented Axisymmetric Particles,” J.Quantitative Spectroscopy Radiative Transfer, 58, 3, September 1997, pp. 379-398 (Reprint 1295).

Lin, C.-L., Moeng, C-H., Sullivan, P.P., and McWilliams, J.C., “The Effect of Surface Roughness on FlowStructures in a Neutrally Stratified Planetary Boundary Layer Flow,” Physics of Fluids, 9, 11, November1997, pp. 3235-3249 (Reprint 1283).

Marelius, F. and Sinha, S.K., “Experimental Investigation of Flow Past Submerged Vanes,” J. HydraulicEngineering, 124, 5, May 1998, pp. 542-545 (Reprint 1311).

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Marshall, J.S., “The Flow Induced by Periodic Vortex Rings Wrapped Around a Columnar Vortex Core,” J.Fluid Mechanics, 345, 25 August 1997, pp. 1-30 (Reprint 1279).

Marshall, J.S. and Grant, J.R., “A Lagrangian Vorticity Collocation Method for Viscous, AxisymmetricFlows With andWwithout Swirl,” J. Computational Physics, 138, 2, December 1997, pp. 302-330 (Reprint1305).

Marshall, J.S. and Krishnamoorthy, S., “On the Instantaneous Cutting of a Columnar Vortex with Non-ZeroAxial Flow,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 351, 25 November 1997, pp. 41-74 (Reprint 1298).

Meselhe, E.A. and Holly, F.M., “Invalidity of Preissmann Scheme for Transcritical Flow,” J. HydraulicEngineering, 123, 7, July 1997, pp. 652-655 (Reprint 1248).

Meselhe, E.A., Sotiropoulos, F., and Holly, F.M., “Numerical Simulation of Transcritical Flow in OpenChannels,” J. Hydraulic Engineering, 123, 9, September 1997, pp. 774-783 (Reprint 1267).

Muste, M., Fujita, I., and Kruger, A., “Experimental Comparison of Two Laser-Based Velocimeters forFlows with Alluvial Sand,” Experiments in Fluids, 24, 4, April 1998, pp. 273-284 (Reprint 1322).

Muste, M. and Patel, V.C., “Velocity Profiles for Particles and Liquid in Open-Channel Flow withSuspended Sediment,” J. Hydraulic Engineering, 123, 9, September 1997, pp. 742-751 (Reprint 1266).

Mutel, C.F., “Secrets from the Home Front,” Iowa Alumni Quarterly, L, 4, Winter 1997, pp. 34-37 (Reprint1348).

Mutel, C.F., “Introduction to the 1997 Symposium on Iowa’s Declining Flora and Fauna,” J. Iowa Academyof Sciences, 105, 2, June 1998, pp. 33-34 (Reprint 1350).

Nakato, T. and Ogden, F.L., “Sediment Control at Water Intakes Along Sand-Bed Rivers,” J. HydraulicEngineering, 124, 6, June 1998, pp. 589-596 (Reprint 1315).

Parrish, J.B., “Idealized Automated Control of Sloping Canals,” J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,123, 4, July/August 1997, pp. 270-278 (Reprint 1278).

Sinha, S.K., Sotiropoulos, F., and Odgaard, A.J., “Three-Dimensional Numerical Model for Flow ThroughNatural Rivers,” J. Hydraulic Engineering, 124, 1, January 1998, pp. 13-24 (Reprint 1302).

Smith, B.T. and Ettema, R., “Flow Resistance in Ice-Covered Alluvial Channels,” J. Hydraulic Engineering,123, 7, July 1997, pp. 592-599 (Reprint 1249).

Sreedhar, M. and Stern, F., “Prediction of Solid/Free-Surface Juncture Boundary Layer and Wake of aSurface-Piercing Flat Plate at Low Froude Number,” J. Fluids Engineering, 120, 2, June 1998, pp. 354-362(Reprint 1314).

Tsintikidis, D., Haferman, J.L., Anagnostou, E.N., Krajewski, W.F., and Smith, T.F., “A Neural NetworkApproach to Estimating Rainfall from Spaceborne Microwave Data,” IEEE Trans. on Geoscience andRemote Sensing, 35, 5, September 1997, pp. 1079-1093 (Reprint 1277).

Weber, L.J. and Nixon, W.A., “Fatigue of Freshwater Ice,” Cold Regions Science and Technology, 26, 2,1997, pp. 153-164 (Reprint 1297).

Wilson, R.V. and Demuren, A.O., “Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section,” J. Fluids Engineering, 120, 2, June 1998, pp. 285-290 (Reprint 1313).

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Zhang, Y-K., “On the Variances of Second Spatial Moments of a Nonergodic Plume in HeterogeneousAquifers,” AGU Water Resources Research, 33, 8, August 1997, pp. 1893-1900 (Reprint 1265).

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Ansar, M., “Analytical Predictions of Weakly Swirling Turbulent Pipe Flow,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, John F. KennedyStudent Paper Competition, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 55-60 (Reprint 1325).

Ansar, M., Constantinescu, G., Nakato, T., and Patel, V.C., “Numerical Simulation of Three-DimensionalPump-Approach Flow Distributions at a Two-Pump Intake,” Proc. Symposium Saint-Venant, Paris, France,28-29 August 1997.

Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., and Tsou, J., “Sediment Control at Riverside Water Intakes,” Proc. ASME JointPower Generation Conf., PWR, 32/2, Denver, CO, 2-5 November 1997, pp. 227-232 (Reprint 1285).

Bauer, D.I., Nakato, T., and Ansar, M., “Vortex Suppression in Multiple-Pump Sumps,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics,D, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 549-554 (Reprint 1272).

Braileanu, F., Ettema, R., and Muste, M., “Laboratory Study of Suspended-Sediment Transport in Ice-Cover Flow,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, B, 27, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 1239-1244 (Reprint 1263).

Chen, B. and Stern, F., “Computational Fluid Dynamics of Low-Quadrant Marine-Propulsor Flow,” Proc.ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington DC, 21-25 June 1998, Paper FEDSM98-4872 (Reprint 1341).

Constantinescu, G. and Patel, V.C., “Influence of Approach Flow Non Uniformity on Vortices at a PumpIntake,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, D, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 537-542 (Reprint 1271).

Constantinescu, G.S. and Patel, V.C., “Role of Turbulence Model in Prediction of Pump Intake Vortices,”Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington DC, 21-25 June 1998, PaperFEDSM98-5003 (Reprint 1338).

Constantinescu, G., Patel, V.C., Ansar, M., Nakato, T., and Tsou, J., “A Numerical Simulation Code forPump-Bay Design,” Proc. ASME Joint Power Generation Conf., PWR, 32/2, Denver, CO, 2-5 November1997, pp. 221-226 (Reprint 1284).

Ettema, R., “Adrift in the Curriculum,” Proc. ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, 59, Iowa City, IA, 9-11October 1997, pp. 1B1.1-7 (Reprint 1281).

Ettema, R., Muste, M., and Kruger, A., “Factors Influencing Ice Conveyance at River Confluences,” Proc.9th Workshop on River Ice , Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 25-26 September 1997, pp. 111-124(Reprint 1280).

Ettema, R., Fujita, I., Muste, M., and Kruger, A., “Particle-Image Velocimetry for Ice-Field Velocities Proc.XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, B, 27, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 137-142 (Reprint 1263).

Ettema, R., Tsao, J., Huebsch, W., Prusa, J., Hindman, R., and Rothmayer, A., “Icing of Planar andCurved Surfaces,” Proc. 7th Annual Iowa Space Grant Conf. , Des Moines, IA, 24 October 1997, pp. 31-40(Reprint 1320).

Hay, D., Stronach, J., Weber, L., and Sweeney, C., “Linking Kinematic and Physical Hydraulic Models,”Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, D, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 393-398 (Reprint 1269).

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Johnson, T.A. and Patel, V.C., “Computational Visualization of Sphere Wake Structure at a ReynoldsNumber of 300<” Proc. 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference , Snowmass Village, CO, 29June-2 July 1997, Paper 97-2130 (A97-32474).

Krajewski, W.F., Kruger, A., and Nespor, V., “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Small-Scale RainfallMeasurements and Variability,” Proc. 3rd Intl. Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas , Pontresina,Switzerland, 4-7 December 1997, pp. 69-76 (Reprint 1299).

Krajewski, W.F., McCollum, J.R., and Keck, J.C., “Paperless Course: an Engineering TeachingExperiment,” Proc. ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, 59, Iowa City, IA, 9-11 October 1997, pp. 11A-2.1-5 (Reprint 1282).

Lin, C.-L., Moeng, C.-H., McWilliams, J.C., and Sullivan, P.P., “The Study of Coherent Structures inNeutrally Stratified Planetary Boundary Layer Flows of Various Surface roughness,” Proc. 12th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 28 July-1 August 1997.

Meselhe, E.A. and Weber, L.J., “Validation of a 3-Dimensional Numerical model Using Field Measurementin a Large Scale River Reach,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, B, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 827-832 (Reprint 1324).

Muste, M., Braileanu, F., and Ettema, R., “New Insights into Particle-Laden Turbulent Boundary-LayerFlows,” Proc. Wind Engineering Conf., Bucharest, Romania ,7-8 May 1998, pp. 63-70.

Muste, M., Fujita, I., and Kruger, A., “Whole-Field Diagnostic in Flows with Suspended Sediment UsingParticle Tracking Velocimetry,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, B, 27, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp.125-130 (Reprint 1261).

Nixon, W.A. and Wei, Y., “Field Comparison of Snow Plow Cutting Edge,” Proc. PIARC Intl. Winter RoadCongress, 2, Lulea, Sweden, 16-19 March 1998, pp. 477-486 (Reprint 1306).

Nixon, W.A., Novotny, C., and Kruger, A., “Developing an AI Based Expert System to Control anUnderbody Plow,” Proc. PIARC Intl. Winter Road Congress, 2, Lulea, Sweden, 16-19 March 1998, pp.571-576 (Reprint 1308).

Parrish, J.B. and Khalsa, R.D., “Calibration of Open Channel Flow Computer Simulations,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics,A, 27, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 338-342 (Reprint 1260).

Patel, V.C., “Flow at High Reynolds Number and Over Rough Surfaces-Achilles Heel of CFD,” Proc. 3rd Osaka Colloquium on Advanced CFD Applications to Ship Flow and Hull Form Design, OC-98 Osaka,Japan, 25-27 May 1998.

Paterson, E., Wilson, R., and Stern, F., “Verification/Validation of Steady Flow RANS for Model 5415,”Proc. 1st Symposium on Marine Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics , McLean, VA, 19-21 May1998.

Rajendran, V.C. and Patel, V.C., “Measurement of Subsurface Vortices in a Model Pump Sump,” Proc.XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, D, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 555-560 (Reprint 1273).

Rajendran, V.P., Constantinescu, G., and Patel, V.C., “Experiments on Flow in Model Water-Pump Sumpto Validate a Numerical Model,” Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, WashingtonDC, 21-25 June 1998, Paper FEDSM98-5098 (Reprint 1340).

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Rhee, S.H. and Stern, F., “Unsteady RANS Method for Surface Ship Boundary Layers and Wakes andWave Fields,” Proc. 3rd Osaka Colloquium on Advanced CFD Applications to Ship Flow and Hull Form Design, Osaka, Japan, 25-27 May 1998, pp. 67-84 (Reprint 1328).

Sreedhar, M. and Stern, F., “Investigation of Developing Juncture Flows Using Large Eddy Simulation,”Proc. 1st AFOSR Intl. Conf. on DNS/LES , Ruston, LA, 4-8 August 1997, pp. 417-424 (Reprint 1326).

Streitz, J., Ettema, R., and Muste, M., “Tiltable Icing Windtunnel,” Proc. Wind Engineering Conf.,Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 May 1998, pp. 249-254.

Stern, F., Longo, J., Maksoud, M., and Suzuki, T., “Evaluation of Surface-Ship Resistance and PropulsionModel-Scale Database for CFD Validation,” Proc. 1st Symposium on Marine Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics, McLean, VA, 19-21 May 1998.

Tan, C-A., “Numerical Modeling of Flow Over Dunes in Ice-Covered Channels,” Proc. ASME FluidsEngineering Division Congress, 244, Dallas, TX, 16-21 November 1997, pp. 291-296 (Reprint 1306).

Weber, L. and Mannheim, C., “A Unique Approach for Physical Model Studies of Nitrogen GasSupersaturation,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, D, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 518-523 (Reprint1270).

Wilson, R.V. and Demuren, A.O., “On the Origin of Streamwise Vorticity in Complex Turbulent Jets,” Proc.ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Washington DC, 21-25 June 1998, Paper FEDSM98-5004 (Reprint 1339).

Zhang, Y-K. and Lin, J., “Monte Carlo Simulations of Non-Ergodic Solute Transport in Random PorousMedia,” Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: Environmental and Coastal Hydraulics, C, 27, San Francisco, CA, 10-15 August 1997, pp. 240-245 (Reprint 1264).

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Anagnostou, E.N. and Krajewski, W.F., “On-Site Adaptation of the WSR-88D Precipitation ProcessingSubsystem Parameters,” 4th Intl. Symposium on Hydrologic Applications of Weather Radars , San Diego,CA, 5-9 April 1998.

Bradley, A.A., “Application of the Peak-to-Volume Statistical Analysis in DuPage County, Illinois,” ASCE25th Conf. on Water Resources Planning and Management , Chicago, IL, 8-10 June 1998.

Bradley, A.A., “The Influence of Large-Scale Climate Variations on Flood-Producing Rainfall in the CentralUnited States,” GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conf., St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June 1998.

Bradley, A.A., “Precipitation Estimation and Hydrologic Forecasting Using NEXRAD Data,” Symposium onClimate Variability, Climate Change, and Water Resource Management, Colorado Springs, CO, 27-29October 1997.

Bradley, A.A., “Recalibration of Hydrologic Models for Use with WSR-88D Precipitation Estimates AMSSpecial Symposium on Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ, 11-16 Jan 1998.

Cooper, D.I., Eichinger, W.E., and Hipps, L., “Spatial Properties of Water Vapor Scaler and Flux Over aRiparian Corridor,” AMS Special Symposium on Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ, 11-16 January 1998.

Grecu, M., Krajewski, W.F., and Georgakakos, K.P., “A Stochastic-Dynamic Framework for Real-TimeRadar Rainfall Estimation,” 4th Intl. Symposium on Hydrologic Applications of Weather Radars , San Diego,CA, 5-9 April 1998.

Ettema, R., “Transportation and Mixing Processes in Ice-Covered Rivers,” Short Course on River IceScience and Engineering, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 23-24 September 1997.

Habib, E., Krajewski, W.F., Nespor, V., and Kruger, A., “Numerical Simulation Based Studies of RaingageData Correction due to Wind Effect,” GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conf., St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June1998.

Hipps, L.E., Cooper, D., and Eichinger, W., “Estimation of Evaporation Rates for Riparian Vegetation,”AMS Special Symposium on Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ, 11-16 January 1998.

Holman, J.K., Bradley, A.A., and Sturdevant-Rees Paula, “Effect of Temporal Sampling of Precipitation onHydrologic Model Calibration,” GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conf., St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June 1998.

Kerr, Y.H., Chehbouni, A., Hipps, L.H., Schieldge, J., Cooper, D.I., Eichinger, W.E., Scott, R., Goodrich,D.C., Shuttleworth, J., Lee, K.H., and Watts, C., “Flux Aggregation Over Heterogeneous Surfaces in aSemi-Arid Region: Modelling and Validation,” AMS Special Symposium on Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ, 11-16January 1998.

Krajewski, W.F., “Flood Forecasting in the United States,” Meeting of Independent Insurance Agents ofJohnson County, Iowa City , IA, 24 February 1998.

Krajewski, W.F., Grecu, M., Kucera, P., and Ciach, G.J., “On Comparison of Radar-Rainfall EstimationAlgorithms, 4th Intl. Symposium on Hydrologic Applications of Weather Radars , San Diego, CA, April 1998.

Krajewski, W.F., Kruger, A., and Kucera, P., “Status Report of Rainfall Estimation for the TRMM GroundValidation at Guam,” NASA TRMM Science Meeting, Greenbelt, MD, May 1998.

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Krajewski, W.F., Grecu, M., Kruger, A., and Smith, J.A., “Database of Radar-Rainfall Estimates Based onRADAP II System in the Southern Plains,” GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conf., St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June1998.

Krajewski, W.F. and Kruger, A., “Efficient Storage of NEXRAD Reflectivity Data,” WSR-88D Data User’sWorkshop, Asheville, NC, 19-20 November 1997.

Krajewski, W.F., Kruger, A., and Nespor, V., “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Small-Scale RainfallMeasurements and Variability,” 3rd Intl. Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas , Pontresina, Switzerland, 4-7December 1997.

Kruger, A., “A Browser for NEXRAD Reflectivity Data,” WSR-88D Data User’s Workshop, Asheville, NC,19-20 November 1997.

Kruger, A., “Hydraulic Modeling and Measurement Using Video Images,” 36th Annual ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Design Conference, Ames, IA, 1-2 April 1998.

Kruger, A., and Krajewski, W.F., “A Comprehensive Approach to Managing Weather Radar Data,” 4th Intl. Symposium of Hydrologic Applications of Weather Radar, San Diego, CA, 5-9 April 1998.

Kruger, A., Krajewski, W.F., and Bradley, A.A., “Experimental Studies of Small-Scale RainfallMeasurement and Variability at Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research,” GCIP Mississippi River ClimateConf., St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June 1998.

Kucera, P.A., Krajewski, W.F., and Kruger, A., “Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of TOGA COAREShipborne Rainfall Data,” 28th Conf. on Radar Meteorology , Austin, TX, 7-12 September 1997.

Marshall, J.S., “Vortex Turbulence and Mechanisms for Sound Generation,” FAA Review Meeting forSOCRATES Program, Washington, DC, 17-18 June 1998.

McCollum, J.R., Krajewski, W.F., and Seo, D.-J., “Use of the National Stage II WSR-88D Analyses forValidation of Satellite Estimates,” 4th Intl. Symposium on Hydrologic Applications of Weather Radars , SanDiego, CA, 5-9 April 1998.

Meselhe, E.A., Bradley, A., Kruger, A., and Muste, M., “PIV and Numerical Modeling for Flow Estimationand Analysis in Coastal Marshes,” Recent Research in Coastal Louisiana: Natural System Function andResponse to Human Influences Conf., Lafayette, LA, 3-5 February 1998.

Muste, M. and Kruger, A., “Image-Based Instrumentation for Monitoring Processes in Flows with AlluvialSand,” Sediment Technology for the 21st Century , St. Petersburg, FL, 17-20 February 1998.

Mutel, C.F., “Restoration Ecology,” Keynote presentation, Iowa Prairie Network Annual Meeting, SiouxCity, IA, September 1997.

Nespor, V., Krajewski, W.F., and Kruger, A., “Wind Effect on the Measurements of Drop Size Distributionand Rainfall Rate,” Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Precipitation , Mauna Lani Bay, HI, 29 June-1 July 1998.

Tsintikidis, D., Haferman, J., Anagnostou, A.N., Krajewski, W.F., and Smith, T.F., “Rainfall Estimation fromSpaceborne Microwave Data Using Neural, 7th Intl. Meeting on Statistical Climatology , Whistler, BC,Canada, May 1998.

Young, C.B., Nelson, B.R., Bradley, A.A., Smith, J.A., Peters-Lidard, C.D., and Baeck, M.L., “EvaluatingNEXRAD Precipitation Estimates in Complex Terrain,” GCIP Mississippi River Climate Conf., St. Louis,MO, 8-12 June 1998.

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Holly, F.M. and Alsaffar, A, Eds. Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community, Themes A, B, C, and D, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997, 3685 pp.

Krajewski, W.F., “Rainfall Estimation Using Weather Radar and Ground Station,” contribution to the bookWeather Radar Technology for Water Resources Management, Eds. Braga and Massambani, UNESCOPress, 1997.

Macagno, E.O., “The Meaning of Leonardo’s Images in the Codex Leicester,” contribution to the bookScritti e immagini in onore di Corrado Maltese, Edizioni QUASAR, Roma, Italia, 1997, pp. 111-150.

Macagno, E.O., “Esegesi e valutazione della Scienza dell acqua nel Codice Leicester,” contribution to thebook Cose Acqua, Libri Schweiller, Milan, Italy, 1997, pp. 82-140.

Nakato, T. and Ogden, F., Eds. Proc. XXVIIth Congress of the IAHR: Water for a Changing Global Community: John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition and Specialty Seminar Summaries, AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers, 1997, 107 pp.

Paterson, E.G. and Stern, F., Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science andTechnology, 8th edition, 1997, Vol. 4, pp. 267-270.

Paterson, E.G. and Stern, F., Kelvin Circulation Theorem, McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science andTechnology, 8th edition, 1997, Vol. 9, p. 554.




Barkdoll, B.D., Ettema, R., and Odgaard, A.J., “A Laboratory Investigation of Sediment Control atRiverside Water Intakes,” TR-108621, Electric Power Research Institute, Final Report, August 1997(Reprint 1294).

Bradley, A.A., “Nonrandomness Due to Climate Variability and Its Implications for Regional PrecipitationFrequency Analysis,” EOS Transactions, 79, 17, 1998, S91.

Bradley, A.A., Holman, J.K., and Ogden, F.L., “Effect of Spatial and Temporal Sampling of Precipitation onHydrologic Model Calibration,” EOS Transactions, 78, 17, 1997, S125.

Eichinger, W., book review, “Nonlinear Mathematics and Its Applications,” by P.J. Aston, Optics &Photonics News, 8, 9, 1997, p.56.

Ettema, R., book review, “River Ice Jams”, S. Beltaos (Ed.), ASCE J. Hydraulic Engineering, 123, 7, July1997, pp. 672-673.

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Ettema, R., book review, “Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics,” by Ryan, W.L. and Crissman, R.D.,ASCE J. Cold Regions Engineering, 11, 3, December 1997, pp. 252-254.

Ettema, R., Muste, M., and Kruger, A., “Factors Influencing Ice Conveyance at River Confluences,”CRREL Special Report, 97-34, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and EngineeringLaboratory, Hanover, NH, December 1997, 30 pp. (Reprint 1290).

Krajewski, W.F., book review, “Agricultural Uses of Occult Precipitation,” by Andres N. Acosta Baladon,1995, Agrometeorological Applications Associates, Ornex, France, Bulletin of American Meteor. Society,79, 5, pp. 6.

Krajewski, W.F., Grecu, M., Kruger, A., and Smith, J.A., “Database of Radar-Rainfall Estimates Based onRADAP II System in the Southern Plains,” poster presented at GCIP Mississippi River ClimateConference, St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June 1998.

Kruger, A., Krajewski, W.F., and Bradley, A.A., “Experimental Studies of Small-Scale RainfallMeasurement and Variability at Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research,” poster presented at GCIPMississippi River Climate Conference, St. Louis, MO, 8-12 June 1998.

Kucera, P., Kruger, A., and Krajewski, W.F., “Statistical Analysis of TOGA COARE Shipborne RainfallEstimates,” poster presented at Sixth International Conference on Precipitation: Predictability of Rainfall atthe Various Scales, Mauna Lani Bay, HI, June 1998.

McCollum, J.R., Kondragunta, C., and Krajewski, W.F., “Bias Correction of the GOES Precipitation IndexUsing the ISCCP Dataset,” poster presented at Sixth International Conference on Precipitation:Predictability of Rainfall at the Various Scales, Mauna Lani Bay, HI, June 1998.

Mutel, C.F., IOWATCH, Newsletter of the Center for Global and Regionall Environmental Research, TheUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Fall 1997; Annual Report, Spring 1998.

Mutel, C.F. , “Althea Sherman Resurrected,” Oberlin Alumni Magazine, 93, 2, Summer 1997, pp. 18-22.

Mutel, C.F., “Foreword,” Loess Hills Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, Golden Hills ResourceConservation and Development, Oakland, IA, Spring 1998, pp. iv-viii.

Nespor, V., Krajewski, W.F., and Kruger, A., “Wind Effect on the Measurement of Drop Size Distributionand Rainfall Rate,” poster presented at Sixth International Conference on Precipitation: Predictability ofRainfall at the Various Scales, Mauna Lani Bay, HI, June 1998.

Nixon, W.A., “Winter Highway Maintenance,” Editorial in ASCE J. Cold Regions Engineering, 9, 3,September 1995, pp. 105-106.

Patel, V.C., book review, “Introduction to Turbulence,” by Paul A. Libby, Taylor and Franciss, Bristol, PA,1996, AIAA Journal, 35, 12, December 1997, pp. 1899-1900.

Zufelt, J.E. and Ettema, R., “Unsteady Ice Jam Processes,” CRREL Report, 97-7, U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH, December 1997,100 pp (Reprint 1301).

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Anagnostou, Emmanouil, “Real-Time Radar Rainfall Estimation,” August 1997 (W.F. Krajewski).

Ansar, Matahel, “Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Pump-Approach Flow Distributions at WaterIntakes,” August 1997 (T. Nakato and V.C. Patel).

Chen, Hongbo, “Lagrangian Vorticity Method for Simulation of Two-Phase Flows with Two-Way PhaseCoupling,” May 1998 (J.S. Marshall).

Ciach, Gregorz, “Radar Rainfall Estimation as an Optimal Prediction Problem,” August 1997 (W.F.Krajewski).

Constantinescu, Serban George, “Numerical Simulation of Flow in Pump Bays Using Near-WallTurbulence Models,” December 1997 (V.C. Patel).

Krishnamoorthy, Srikanth, “Normal Vortex-Body Interaction in Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow,”December 1997 (J. Marshall).

McCollum, Jeffrey, “Error Analysis of Global Rainfall Estimation Algorithms,” August 1997 (W.F.Krajewski).

Rajendran, Veera P., “Experimental Investigation of Vortices in a Pump Bay Using Non-IntrusiveMeasurement Techniques,” May 1998 (V.C. Patel).


Cole, Matthew David, “Investigation of Forebay Influence Zones at Dam Surface Spill Structures,” May1998 (L.J. Weber).

Sun, Meihong, “A Study of Vortex Interaction with a Sphere Wake,” May 1998 (J.S. Marshall).

Tan, Cheng-Ann, “Numerical Simulation of Contaminant Mixing in Ice-Covered Channels,” December1997 (R. Ettema and S. Sinha).

Zhao, H. “Detection of Nonstationarity in Heavy Precipitation Series,” August 1997 (A.A. Bradley).



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National and International Recognitions

NEW IN 1997-98

Research StaffEttema

Editor, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997-2001.Member, Review Panel for the Center for Computational Hydrosciences and Engineering,


Member, Danish Hydraulics Institute External Review Committee, 1998.Special Adviser for the Meghna Estuary Study (Bangladesh) relating to surface/bottom

vanes, 1998.Academic Guest, Department of Civil Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de

Lausanne, 1997.Patel

Invited presentation at Osaka Colloquium, 1998.Paterson

Invited Lecturer Hiroshima University, Kyushu University, Yokohama University, andTokyo University, 1998.

SternInvited Lecturer Universita Degli Studi di Firenze, 1998.Tutorial on Experimental and Numerical Uncertainties and CFD Code Validation, 1st

Symposium on Marine Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics, McLean, VA,1998.

Invited Lecturer Hiroshima University, Kyushu University, Yokohama University, andTokyo University, 1998.

StudentsMatahel Ansar

3rd Place in the International Association for Hydraulic Research John F. Kennedy StudentPaper Competition, 1998.


Research StaffKrajewski

Member, National Atmospheric and Space Administration Tropical Rainfall MeasuringMission Science Team, 1993 - .

NakatoMember, Panel of Experts for the Upper Indravati Hydroelectric Project for the State of

Orissa, India and the World Bank, 1993 - .

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PatersonParticipant in the U.S. Department of Defense’s Computational Grand Challenge Program,

1996 - .Stern

Participant in the U.S. Department of Defense’s Computational Grand Challenge Program,1996 - .

Editor, Journal of Marine Sciences and Technology, 1995 - .

StudentsJennifer Holman

NSF Fellow, 1996-99.C. Bryan Young

NSF Fellow, 1996-99.Paul Kucera

NASA Fellow, 1997-99.

Offices, Committees, Editorial Boards in National and International Professional Societies;Conference Organizations

NEW IN 1997-98

Research StaffEichinger

Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, 1998 - .Patel

Member, International Scientific Committee for 3rd International Conference onHydrodynamics, Seoul, Korea, 1998.

Member, International Scientific Committee Seventh International Symposium on FlowModeling and Turbulence Measurements, Tainan, Taiwan, 1998.

NixonChair, A3C09 Winter Maintenance Committee, 1998-2001 (Member since 1995.)

PatersonMember, SNAME Propeller Hydrodynamics Panel (H-8), 1997 - .

SternEditorial Committee, Journal of Ship Research, 1998 -.Organizer, 25th American Towing Tank Conference to be held in Iowa City, IA, 1998.Member, Organizing Committee, 7th International Conference on Numerical Ship

Hydrodynamics, to be held in Nantes, France in 1999, 1997 - .Member, Organizing Committee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Forum on CFD

Codes: Verification, Validation, and Uncertainties, 1999 FED Summer Meeting, to beheld in San Francisco, CA, 1997 - .

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Research StaffBradley

American Geophysical UnionMember, Large-Scale Field Experimentation Committee, 1994 - .Chair, Precipitation Committee, 1995 - .Member, Hydrology Awards Committee, 1995 - .

Chair, American Society of Civil Engineers Task Committee on Measurement Errors inHydraulic Engineering, 1995 - .

Member, GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project Science Panel, Large-Scale AreaNorth-Central, 1996 - .

HollyVice President, International Association for Hydraulic Research, 1995 -

KrajewskiMember, Organizing Committee, Fourth International Symposium on Hydrologic

Applications of Weather Radar, 1998.Member, GEWEX Working Group on Radiative Fluxes, 1995 - .Member, Hydrologic Research Center Board of Directors, 1993 - .Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology, 1996–2000.Associate Editor, Advanced Water Resources, 1997 - .

KrugerMember, Organizing Committee, Fourth International Symposium on Hydrologic

Applications of Weather Radar, 1998.Nakato

Member, ASCE Hydraulics Division Technical Committee on Hydraulic Measurements andExperimentation, 1994-99.

OdgaardMember, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Panel, 1994 - .

PatelMember, Editorial Board, Computers & Fluids, 1990 - .

SternCo-organizer, 3rd Osaka Colloquium on Advanced CFD Applications to Ship Flow and Hull

Form Design, Osaka, Japan, 1998.Member, Organizing Committee, Gothenburg 2000: Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics

CFD to be held in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2000, 1996 - .Chair, Resistance and Flow Committee, International Towing Tank Conference, 1997-99.

Local and State Recognitions and Appointment to Committee

NEW IN 1997-98

Research StaffEttema

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Member, Engineering Faculty Council, 1997 - .Marshall

Chair, Engineering Faculty Council, 1998-99.Nixon

Chair, College of Engineering Ad Hoc Core Curriculum Committee, 1998 - .University of Iowa College of Engineering Service Award, 1998.

PatelCollege of Engineering Campaign Steering Committee, 1996 - .Chair, College of Engineering Curriculum Advancement Task Force, 1997-98.University Strategic Planning Committee, 1997-98.University International Linkages Committee, 1997 - .

StudentsLaura Beninati

University of Iowa Fellow, 1997-01.


Research StaffBradley

Faculty Delegate to Universities Council on Water Resources, 1994 - .Marshall

Member, Executive Committee, ASME Northeast Iowa Professional Section, 1996 - .Mutel

Consulting Editor for Natural History, University of Iowa Press, 1994 - .Board of Directors, Johnson County Heritage Trust, 1987 - .Science Advisory Board, Iowa Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, 1995 - .Member, University of Iowa Collections Coalition, 1996 - .Special Editor, Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, Endangered Species Symposium,


Member, Iowa Highway Research Board, 1993 - .Chair, College of Engineering Building Planning Committee, 1995 - .

Page 26: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 23


Date Speaker Affiliation Topic

7/11/97 Dr. Vladan Babovic Danish HydraulicInstitute

Integrated Modelling - Case Studies fromthe Oresund

8/5/97 Prof. Zengnan Dong Tsinghua UniversityChina

The Three Gorges Project - A Key toHarnessing and Developing the YangtzeRiver

8/21/97 Dr. Hiroyoshi Suzuki Osaka University Reynolds Stress Distribution in Series 60CB = 0.6 Stern Flow Field

8/21/97 Dr. Yusuke Tahara Osaka PrefectureUniversity

Application of Computational FluidDynamics to Ship Hull OptimizationProblem

8/29/97 Ms. Connie Mutel IIHR Historical Highlights of IIHR Part II: TheMiddle Years

9/5/97 Dr. Vladislav Nespor ETH, Switzerland Estimation of Wind Induced Error ofPrecipitation Measurements UsingNumerical Simulation

9/12/97 Mr. Marshall H. Bridges University of Florida Erosional Hot Spots on NourishedBeaches

9/15/97 Dr. Mahesh Bala Virginia PolytechnicInstitute & StateUniversity

Correlation Between Incipient SedimentMotion and Instantaneous FluidVelocities in a Turbulent Open ChannelFlow

9/17/97 Prof. Manuel G. Velarde UniversidadComplutense, Spain

A Toy Model for the Air-Sea Interaction;Surface and Internal Waves Driven bySurface Tension Gradients

9/19/97 Prof. Kenneth Potter University of Wisconsin Science and Practice of HydrologicRestoration

9/22/97 Dr. Charles Seal Lehigh University Juncture Flows and Their Control

9/26/97 Dr. Hong-Yuan Lee Department of WaterConservancy for Taiwan

Water Conservancy Practice in Taiwan

10/10/97 Dr. David Hibbs University of Minnesota Dissolution: Mass Transfer at the Slick-Water Interface

10/24/97 Prof. PatrickO’Shaughnessy

The University of Iowa,Preventative Medicine

Technical Aspects of Automatic ValveControl

10/31/97 Dr. Philip Buelow Penn State University Development of a General Purpose CFDCode

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Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 24

10/30/97 Prof. Richard Pletcher Iowa State University Large-Eddy Simulation of Flows withHeat Transfer

11/7/97 Dr. Sivaram P. Gogineni Innovative ScientificSolutions, Inc.

Investigation of Fluid Flows Using Two-Color Digital Particle Image Velocimetry(DPIV) and Holographic (3-D) FlowVisualization (HFV) Techniques

11/21/97 Prof. Allen Bradley IIHR Use of Weather Radar in StreamflowPrediction

12/5/97 Prof. OrlandoAndersland

Michigan StateUniversity

Frozen Ground Engineering: AnIntroduction

1/16/98 Mr. Owen Kubit Harza Engineering Inspection & Evaluation of a 100-YearOld Aqueduct Tunnel

1/29/98 Dr. Eddy Langendoen USDA-ARS NationalSedimentationLaboratory, Oxford, MS

Modeling of Channel Evolution inGoodwin Creek, Mississippi

1/30/98 Dr. Andrew Simon USDA-ARS NationalSedimentationLaboratory, Oxford, MS

Bank Mechanics and the Role ofChannel Widening in ChannelAdjustment

2/20/98 Dr. Daniel I. Cooper Los Alamos NationalLab

Observations and Comparisons of LidarData with Models

3/6/98 Dr. SrikanthKrishnamoorthy

IIHR Normal Vortex-Body Interaction in aViscous Fluid

3/13/98 Dr. Yong G. Lai Southwest ResearchInstitute

An Unstructured Grid CFD Model withArbitrary Shapes

3/27/98 Ms. Jane Mork Gibson Historian of Technology,Morristown, PA

Developing a Water Supply System inPhiladelphia in the Nineteenth Century:The Centre Square and FairmountSystems, 1800-1876

3/31/98 Dr. Weiming Wu University of Mississippi 3-D Numerical Modeling of River Flowand Sediment Transport

4/3/98 Dr. Stephen Coleman The University ofAuckland

Contemporary Sedimentation Issues inNew Zealand

4/10/98 Dr. Marian Muste IIHR Status and Trends in ExperimentalTechniques for Hydraulic Application

4/17/98 Prof. Subhash C. Jain IIHR International Perspectives in WaterResources Planning in India

4/24/98 Dr. Vladan Bobovic Hydro InformaticsCentre Danish HydraulicInstitute

Data Mining for Hydroinformaticians

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Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 25

5/1/98 Dr. Stephen Coleman The University ofAuckland

Alluvial Bedforms

5/8/98 Mr. Kevin Nielsen IIHR Lessons Learned from the People andLife Style of India

5/21/98 Dr. Donald M. McEligot Idaho NationalEngineering andEnvironmentalLaboratory

Signatures of Coherent Structures in theViscous Layer of Converging Ducts

6/15/98 Dr. Douglas Moog Case Western ReserveUniversity

Air-Water Gas Transfer in Uniform andNonuniform Flows

Page 29: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 26

* Started employment between 7/1/97-6/30/98.** Terminated employment between 7/1/97-6/30/98.


Below, Paul, Sr. AccountantBradley, A. Allen, Assistant Professor, Research Engineer

* ** Bridges, Marshall, ResearcherChen, L.D., Professor, Chairman, Mechanical Engineering

* ** Choi, Taehoon, Postdoctoral Associate* ** Coleman, Stephen, Visiting Associate Professor* ** Constantinescu, Serban George, Postdoctoral Associate

DeJong, Darian, Engineer IEichinger, William, Associate Professor, Research EngineerEttema, Robert, Professor, Research EngineerGoss, James, Engineer IIIHolly, Forrest M. Jr., Professor, Chairman, Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Research EngineerHouser, Douglas, Engineer IIJain, Subhash C., Professor, Research EngineerJanssen, Marlene, Administrative AssociateJohnson, J. Kent, Assistant Research Engineer

** Kim, Hyoung-Tae, Visiting Professor* Kim, Hyun Goo, Visiting Researcher

Krajewski, Witold F., Professor, Research Engineer* ** Krishnamoorthy, Srikanth, Postdoctoral Associate

Kruger, Anton, Assistant Research EngineerLin, Ching-Long, Assistant Professor, Research EngineerLongo, Joe, Postdoctoral AssociateMacagno, Enzo O., Professor EmeritusMacagno, Matilde, Scientist EmeritusMarshall, Jeffrey S., Associate Professor, Research Engineer

** Matel, Mark, Systems Programmer IMcDonald, Donald B., Professor Emeritus

** Meselhe, Ehab, Postdoctoral AssociateMuste, Marian, Postdoctoral AssociateMutel, Cornelia, Program AssociateNakato, Tatsuaki, Adjunct Professor, Associate Director, Research Engineer

* ** Nespor, Vladislav, Visiting Postdoctoral AssociateNielsen, Kevin, Engineer IIINixon, Wilfrid A., Associate Professor, Research EngineerOdgaard, A. Jacob, Professor, Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Research Engineer

* Pahlow, Markus, Visiting ScholarPatel, Virendra C., University of Iowa Foundation Distinguished Professor, DirectorPaterson, Eric, Assistant Research Engineer

* ** Rajendran, Veera, Postdoctoral AssociateSchnoor, Jerald, Miller Distinguished Professor, Research Engineer

* Shiotani, Shigeaki, Visitor** Sreedhar, Madhu, Postdoctoral Associate

Stern, Fred, Professor, Research EngineerWeber, Larry, Assistant Professor, Research EngineerWei, Yingchang, Postdoctoral AssociateWeirich, Frank, Associate Professor of Geography, Adjunct Professor Civil and Environmental

Engineering, Research EngineerWilson, Mark A., Data Systems CoordinatorWilson, Robert, Postdoctoral Associate

Page 30: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

Summary of Activities, 7/1997-6/98, Page 27

* Started employment between 7/1/97-6/30/98.** Terminated employment between 7/1/97-6/30/98.

Zhang, D.H., Postdoctoral AssociateZhang, You-Kuan, Professor of Geology, Research Engineer

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Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 28

* Began association with IIHR between 7/1/97-6/30/98.** Terminated/left between 7/1/97-6/30/98.


** Anagnostou, Emmanouil Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Ansar, Matahel Ag Mohamed Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Azcona, Alejandro Graduate Student C.E.E.* ** Bacotiu, Ciprian Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Bagherzadeh Graduate Student C.E.E.Barry, Robert Graduate Student C.E.E.

* Beninati, Maria-Laura University of Iowa Fellow M.E.* ** Benner, Andreas Visiting Graduate Student C.E.E.

Blank, Jeff Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Braileanu, Florin Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Chahande, Ashutash Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Chen, Bin Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Chen, Chiow-Chuyan Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Chen, Li-Chuan Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Chen, Hongbo Graduate Research Assistant M.E.

* Chen, Zhiming Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Cheng, C.C. Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

** Choi, Taehoon Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Ciach, Grzegorz Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Cole, Matt Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.* Colton, Chase Graduate Student C.E.E.** Constantinesu, George Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Cui, Jie Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Dung, Ta Graduate Student C.E.E.Gil, Irene Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Gossler, Al AASERT Fellow M.E.Grecu, Mircea Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Greimann, Blair AASERT Fellow C.E.E.Habib, Emad Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

* Haug, Pete Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Hamdy, Usama Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Holman, Jennifer NSF Fellow C.E.E.Huang, Hanping Graduate Research Assistant M.E.

* Huang, Heqing Graduate Research Assistant C.E.Huang, Jianchun Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

** Johnson, Tim Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Kim, Jin Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Kim, You-Gon Graduate Research Assistant M.E.

** Krishnamoorthy, Srikanth Graduate Research Assistant M.E.* ** Kruetten, Markus Visiting Graduate Student C.E.E.

Kucera, Paul NASA Fellow C.E.E.** McCollum, Jeff Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Mohammad, Ejaz Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.* Nelson, Brian Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Novotny, Carrie Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

Ouyang, Huei-Tan Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Rajendran, Veera Graduate Research Assistant M.E.

Rhee, Shin-Hyung Graduate Research Assistant M.E.Shi, Zhongwei Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Shumate, Eric Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Streitz, Jeff Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.

** Sun, Meihong Graduate Research Assistant M.E.** Tan, Cheng-Ann Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.* Tang, Wei Graduate Research Assistant M.E.

Page 32: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

Summary of Activities, 7/1/97-6/30/98, Page 29

* Began association with IIHR between 7/1/97-6/30/98.** Terminated/left between 7/1/97-6/30/98.

Unnikrishna, P.V. Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.Young, C. Bryan NSF Fellow C.E.E.

* Young, Nathan Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.** Zhao, Hongbiao Graduate Research Assistant C.E.E.


* Kuhl, David Undergraduate AASERT Fellow M.E.* ** Mansheim, Jon Undergraduate AASERT Fellow M.E.* Metcalf, Bryson Undergraduate AASERT Fellow M.E.* Rose, Rebecca Undergraduate AASERT Fellow M.E.** Schroeder, Sarah Undergraduate AASERT Fellow C.E.E.

Page 33: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES - IIHR · September 1998 This report of the activities of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR) covers the period July 1997 through June 1998, which

Summary of Activities, 7/1/1997-6/30/1998, Page 30

* Began association with IIHR between 7/1/97-6/30/98.** Terminated/left between 7/1/97-6/30/98.

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The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment or in its educationalprograms and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex,age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associationalpreference. The University also affirms its commitment to providing equal opportunitiesand equal access to University facilities. For additional information on nondiscriminationpolicies, contact the Coordinator of Title IX, Section 504, and the ADA in the Office ofAffirmative Action, (319) 335-0705 (voice) or (319)335-0697 (text), 202 Jessup Hall, TheUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242-1316.