
Summary The contemporary period is characterized by technological and material progress of human society, coupled with demographic growth of the population (3.4 billion between 1950 and 2015). Both trends causes increasing pressure on natural ecosystems. These statements are supported by the fact that global gross domestic product has doubled in a short period of time, ie in 18 years, especially in developed countries and developing ones. An example of this is accounted for by the countries of southeastern Europe; thus, in our country, gross domestic product increased by 10% compared to the previous year, with 20 billion dollars respectively. There are experts who say that already existing ecosystems on Earth can not sustain the current level of economic development and consumption. In this sense, people are faced with an unprecedented challenge to date. To meet this challenge and enable the further development of mankind, worldwide, there is a growing interest in the development of new economic strategies that integrate trade in unrestricted cash and values with the natural environment. Thus it appeared the concept of sustainable development as a way to integrate with the future needs of current resources. The most famous steps in this direction is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, which has developed since 1969 a system to preserve the riches of nature for future generations so that in future people to enjoy at least the same conditions as exists today. Arinis from Horlăceni was originally framed as our national classification in a fourth category, county or local areas of interest, due to its small surface, becoming then the national interest as protected habitat R 4402 - Geto-Dacian forests of alder hilly meadows (Alder glutinosa) with Stellaria nemorum having equivalent within the classification of specific European Habitat Directive, which is the habitat of 91 E * natural habitat of Community interest Natura 2000 site could be so qualified as second reserve community interest, but having a surface remained so low national interest. Nationally 1



Transcript of Summary


The contemporary period is characterized by technological and material progress of human society, coupled with demographic growth of the population (3.4 billion between 1950 and 2015). Both trends causes increasing pressure on natural ecosystems. These statements are supported by the fact that global gross domestic product has doubled in a short period of time, ie in 18 years, especially in developed countries and developing ones. An example of this is accounted for by the countries of southeastern Europe; thus, in our country, gross domestic product increased by 10% compared to the previous year, with 20 billion dollars respectively.

There are experts who say that already existing ecosystems on Earth can not sustain the current level of economic development and consumption. In this sense, people are faced with an unprecedented challenge to date.

To meet this challenge and enable the further development of mankind, worldwide, there is a growing interest in the development of new economic strategies that integrate trade in unrestricted cash and values with the natural environment. Thus it appeared the concept of sustainable development as a way to integrate with the future needs of current resources.

The most famous steps in this direction is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, which has developed since 1969 a system to preserve the riches of nature for future generations so that in future people to enjoy at least the same conditions as exists today.

Arinis from Horlceni was originally framed as our national classification in a fourth category, county or local areas of interest, due to its small surface, becoming then the national interest as protected habitat R 4402 - Geto-Dacian forests of alder hilly meadows (Alder glutinosa) with Stellaria nemorum having equivalent within the classification of specific European Habitat Directive, which is the habitat of 91 E * natural habitat of Community interest Natura 2000 site could be so qualified as second reserve community interest, but having a surface remained so low national interest. Nationally in this category are over 900 areas that provide important species conservation. Reserve at Horlceni aims to protect species of Alnus glutionosa, and habitats with high conservation value, which occupies an area of 0.7 ha. Around this area was created a buffer zone with an area of 4.3 ha.

This reserve was initially established in the area because this species is not present even in disseminated. From the tourist point of view it is of particular interest reserve the unusual appearance of the trunk, which grown on some bumps formed as a result of annual fluctuations in water floods1