Sumerians and Anunnaki

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  • Sumerians and Anunnaki part of the Keep It Simple Series. 1

    The Sumerian Tablets and The Anunnaki (A brief alternate history of human beings)

    The Sumerians depicted our solar system with 12 main objects The Sun (Apsu) in the centre, and

    the following bodies around it: Mercury (Mummu), Venus (Lahamu), Earth (Ki), Moon (Kingu),

    Mars (Lahmu), Jupiter (Kishar), Saturn (Anshar), Uranus (Anu), Neptune (Nudimmud /Ea), Pluto

    (Gaga), and Niburu (Marduk). This was written on Sumerian clay tablets, around 5000 years ago,

    and was said to be copies of much older texts. Note that we supposedly only discovered Uranus,

    Neptune and Pluto in 1781, 1846, and 1930 respectively, and until Copernicus (16th Century), we

    believed the Earth was at the centre, not the Sun.

    Niburu was regarded by the people of Anu (who called themselves Anunnaki when they settled on

    Earth around 450,000 years ago all written in the Sumerian tablets, and corresponding to the

    people/gods called Nephilim

    in the Old Testament) as the

    twelfth object in this solar

    system, and hence the

    importance of the number 12

    in our culture (they also

    created the 12 symbols of

    the zodiac because of the

    importance of the number 12

    to them).

    The Sumerian tablets tell the

    story of these beings, the

    Anunnaki (literally those

    from heaven who came to

    Earth), who first visited Earth

    about 120 shar ago (1 shar =

    3600 years), before there

    were humans on Earth. They

    created a city called Eridu in

    the near East (which is why so

    many cultures now call our

    planet Earth). The Anunnaki came here to get gold, which they needed (probably in monatomic

    form) to repair their planets (Niburus) atmosphere. Niburu is now regarded by many scientists to

    be the elusive tenth planet of our solat system, Planet X, and it has an elongated oval orbit,

    coming close to the Sun only once every 3600 years.

  • Sumerians and Anunnaki part of the Keep It Simple Series. 2

    The Anunnaki claimed that they, when tired of

    the hard labour of mining for gold themselves,

    decided to manipulate the DNA of the upright

    apes (Homo Erectus) to create advanced slaves

    (who they called Adamu or Lulu Amelu,

    meaning worker), with the ability to speak and

    understand their commands, to work the gold

    for them, around 200,000 years ago. It is

    generally accepted by archaeologists today that

    the appearance of homo sapiens (modern humans) was very sudden at this time and seemed to

    have happened far too quickly in the usual long-term evolutionary cycle.

    Later on, Enki, one of the original gods, fathered a hybrid human boy (Adapa) and girl (Titi). He

    sent these two Earthling/Anunnaki beings to live and procreate in a place called Edin in the middle

    East. The Anunnaki gave the humans a stunted genome, and didnt allow them immortality or

    extended lifespans (like they had themselves). When Enki gave them knowledge he shouldnt have,

    his brother, Enlil and the other Anunnaki were angry, and the two Eathling/Anunnaki mixed

    beings were thrown out of Edin. Enki was also banished to the underworld, ie. the Southern

    hemisphere. Adapa and Titi had twins, Ka-in and Abael, who were taught agriculture and animal

    herding. The rest of the story of Cain and Abel appears in many scriptures, including the Bible.

    The Sumerian tablets describe all

    kinds of advanced technology, and

    this is depicted in relief sculptures

    all over the world, such as flying

    machines, helicopters,

    communication devices, antennae,

    astronaut-type clothing, submarines, rockets, rays, and terrible weapons (possibly even nuclear

    weapons, such as those used to decimate Sodom and Gomarrah). They tell of

    how they called themselves gods, and

    many ancient scriptures and

    mythology tell the same stories,

    sometimes simply with different

    names (reflecting how different

    cultures called the gods with words from their own


  • Sumerians and Anunnaki part of the Keep It Simple Series. 3

    The Anunnaki describe how the great flood (deluge), circa 10,500 BC, came about because Niburu,

    on one of its inner orbit routes, came to close to Earth. Both Mars, once a watery and habitable

    planet which they also colonised (and there is still evidence of water on Mars today), and Earth

    suffered. The Anunnaki gods, however, feeling that they had enough gold

    and that there were now too many humans, told the humans that they

    (the gods) were bringing a great flood because they were unhappy with

    the evil ways of the humans!

    The Anunnaki ascended to their aircraft to watch the flood. They

    speak of the ice cracking and falling into the sea, the poles shifting,

    and a huge tidal wave sweeping across the entire Earth,

    destroying everything in its path. This is probably why vast

    underwater cities have been discovered near the current

    shorelines. They also speak of a half-human/ half-god

    son of one of the rulers, Enki, called Ziusudra (the

    Biblical Noah) who was told by Enki to build a boat/submarine, and take on board DNA/elements

    of life, to survive the flood. It settled on Mount Ararat after many months. The Anunnaki found

    that the closeness of orbits of the planets had also damaged Nirbirus atmosphere again. The fact

    that some humans had survived the flood suited the Anunnaki, who put them to work again.

    After lots of arguments among the gods, they agreed to impart advanced

    knowledge to some chosen humans (including astronomy/astrology, how

    to grow crops and domesticate animals, advanced medical knowledge, and

    writing). It is still baffling scientists today, how all sorts of advanced

    knowledge and culture very suddenly and inexplicably appeared in

    Sumeria a few thousand years ago.

    The Anunnaki also decided to build the

    Egyptian and other pyramids after the

    floods, as indestructible beacons, with

    signal-emitting crystals, to help them

    land their spacecraft on Earth. They

    describe how they built the pyramids,

    using their spacecraft to cut and

    manoeuvre the extremely large stone

    blocks. How the pyramids were built, especially regarding their huge scale and extreme accuracy,

  • Sumerians and Anunnaki part of the Keep It Simple Series. 4

    is still unexplained by traditional archaeologists today. Note that the detailed description of when,

    how and why the pyramids were built was laid down in stone tablets BEFORE current historians

    claim the pyramids were even built (around or after 2500BC)!

    This is a brief recount of some human history from a few of the

    tablets. There are thousands of Sumerian and other clay and stone

    tablets, and some are even coming to light that are much older than

    the originals.

    Some of these stories and myths we already know, because they

    have come down to us via various religious scriptures and

    mythological tales over the ages. Perhaps they tell the real and tragic

    history of human beings, rather than simply being amazing and imaginary stories of the ancients?

    Further reading / information: