Sula by Toni Morrison Part I I. Vocabulary Directions ...

Sula by Toni Morrison Part I I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. allot (verb)- to give (something) to someone as a share or task. Equal playing time was allotted to the sophomore line backers. pry (verb)- To inquire too closely into a person's private affairs. Sorry, I did not mean to pry, but I could not help but notice the tears in your eyes. sinew (noun) a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament. We could hear the sinews in Charlie’s shoulder snap as the opposing defender fell on Charlie’s shoulder with the force of a freight train. . linger (verb) To stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave She lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine. II. Short Answer 1. What two berry plants were torn from the earth to make way for the Medallion City Golf Course? ____________________ ____________________ 2. Compare and contrast the above berry plants. (Suggestion: use a Venn Diagram). 3. What is the “Bottom?” 4. Explain how laugher was a part of the negro’s pain. 5. Explain how a “nigger joke” brings comfort to both white people and black people. 6. How did the slave masters trick the slaves in regards to the land promised to the slaves? 7. Which character is mentioned at the end of Part I? Why do you think Morrison chooses to end the chapter this way?

Transcript of Sula by Toni Morrison Part I I. Vocabulary Directions ...

Page 1: Sula by Toni Morrison Part I I. Vocabulary Directions ...

Sula by Toni Morrison Part I

I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example.

allot (verb)- to give (something) to someone as a share or task.

Equal playing time was allotted to the sophomore line backers.

pry (verb)- To inquire too closely into a person's private affairs.

Sorry, I did not mean to pry, but I could not help but notice the tears in your eyes.

sinew (noun) a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament.

We could hear the sinews in Charlie’s shoulder snap as the opposing defender fell on Charlie’s shoulder with the force of a freight train.

1. linger (verb) To stay in a place

longer than necessary because of a

reluctance to leave

She lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine.

II. Short Answer

1. What two berry plants were torn from the earth to make way for the Medallion City Golf Course?

____________________ ____________________

2. Compare and contrast the above berry plants. (Suggestion: use a Venn Diagram).

3. What is the “Bottom?”

4. Explain how laugher was a part of the negro’s pain.

5. Explain how a “nigger joke” brings comfort to both white people and black people.

6. How did the slave masters trick the slaves in regards to the land promised to the slaves?

7. Which character is mentioned at the end of Part I? Why do you think Morrison chooses to end

the chapter this way?

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I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. adangle (adj or adv)- dangling The chords were all adangle, causing knots to form.

exhilarate (verb)-To make (someone) feel very happy, animated, or elated.

The members of the choir were exhilarated to learn that they had been selected to perform for the president at the White House.

repugnance (noun) intense disgust. Our growing repugnance at the bleeding bodies made us lose our appetites.

2. equilibrium (noun) state in which

opposing forces or influences are


The maintenance of behavioral equilibrium within the classroom is often difficult.

Without equilibrium in congress, needed laws will not get passed.

II. Short Answer

8. Who is the founder of National Suicide Day? ___________________________________

9. What was Shadrack like before he went to war?

10. Based on the following quote, how would you characterize Shadrack? Why? “A young man of hardly twenty, his head full of nothing and his mouth recalling the state of lipstick…”

11. What was alarming (scared him) to Shadrack about himself after he woke up in the hospital?

12. Why was Shadrock bound in a straightjacket?

13. What three things is Shadrack given when he leaves the hospital after his yearlong stay?

14. Describe what it is like for Shadrack right after he is released from prison.

15. Based on Shadrack’s above actions, what conclusions can you draw about Shadrack’s state of mind?

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16. List some of the reasons, Shadrack becomes an emotional tower of tears.

17. Why is Shadrack arrested?

18. What is Shadrack like after the war, after he founded National Suidcide Day? Find evidence to

support your answer.

19. Cite one example of how Suicide Day has become a part of the “fabric of life” up in the

Bottom of Medallion, Ohio.


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. dolesome (adj )- Expressing sorrow;


The dolesome look of the doctor’s face foretold the sad news to come.

1. substantial (adj)- of considerable

importance, size, or worth.

A substantial amount of cash was left on my doorstep after the

neighbor accidently ran over my dog with his lawnmower.

perpetual (adj) never ending or changing.

The rare diamonds can only be found in deep caves that stay in perpetual darkness.

3. indifference (noun) lack of

interest, concern, or sympathy.

Natalie shrugged, faking indifference—she acted like she did not care that Melissa was wearing Jackson’s football jersey.

II. Short Answer

20. Who is Helen Sabat?

21. Why does Helene's grandmother want her away from Sundown House?

22. Why does Helene get married to Wiley Wright?

23. Helen has raised her daughter Nel to be _________________ & _________________.

24. Why does Helene return to see her grandmother?

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25. What does the white porter call Helene that makes Helene feel vulnerable, bringing forth painful memories? _______________

26. Why do the black soldiers hate Helene for smiling? Explain the context of the smile.

27. Why did Helene and the other women and children have to go to the bathroom in the woods?

28. Who is Rochelle? How is she different than Helene?

29. What does Nel think about her grandmother (Helene’s mom)? Cite evidence to support your


30. What has been sparked in Nel? Explain.

31. How is Nel’s house different than Sula’s house?


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. sovereign (noun)- a supreme ruler, especially a monarch

The creator and sovereign of the house demanded that all visitors take off their shoes before entering the dining room.

scrounge (verb)- to seek to get something, (typically food or money), at the expense or through the generosity of others or by stealth.

The homeless man was able to scrounge enough change to get a cup of coffee.

Rem scrounged enough allowance to go to the movies with his friends.

exude (verb) to discharge steadily (usually a smell or moisture).

The dark room exudes a feeling of fear and anger.

4. imminent (adj) about to happen. They were in imminent danger of being swept away by the urging tide.

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II. Short Answer

32. What has Eva Peace done to her house over the past five years?

33. Why does Eva sit in a wagon?

34. What are the names of Eva's children? What have you learned about them?

35. What three things does Eva’s husband BoyBoy like best?

36. After BoyBoy leaves Eva, what does Eva have to do to survive?

37. What is Eva’s response to her daughter Hannah when Hannah accuses Eva of hating colored people?

38. Who are the Dewey’s, and what is unusual about them?

39. What is the story of Tar Baby?

40. How would you characterize Hannah? Cite evidence from the text.

41. What does Sula learn about sex from her mother, Hannah?

42. What does Eva do to her son, Plum? Why do you think she does this?

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I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. haunches (noun)- The buttocks and thighs in a human or animal

Afraid and nervous, the young girl tucked in her haunches as she walked past the older boys.

awry (adj)- away from the appropriate, planned, or expected course; when something goes wrongly.

I got the impression that something was awry, so I called 911.

acquiesce (verb) accept something reluctantly but without protest.

Sara acquiesced in his decision because she did not have enough years on the job to protest.

saunter (verb) walk in a slow,

relaxed manner, without hurry or


Adam sauntered into the room like he did not have a worry in the world.

II. Short Answer

43. Describe Sula and Nel in terms of their physical features and temperaments.

44. How does Sula show her protectiveness when the boys approach her and Nel? What does this illustrate about her?

45. What is the newest interest of Sula and Nel as they go off on their random adventures?

46. What does Sula overhear when she is using the toilet at her house?

47. What happens to Chicken Little?

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I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. stamina (noun)- the ability to withstand continued physical or mental effort.

The secret to winning cross country races is stamina, not speed.

euphoria (noun)- a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

The euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue


camaraderie (noun) mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.

There is a genuine camaraderie on the hockey team.

respite (noun) a short period of

rest or relief from something

difficult or unpleasant.

The refugee camps will provide some respite from the suffering of war.

II. Short Answer

48. What is the second strange thing that happens in the town?

49. What is Eva’s response to Hannah’s question: “Mama, did you ever love us?”

50. Why did Eva say she killed Plum? How do you feel about her answer?

51. What does Hannah dream of after she cleans the beans for dinner and sees the Deweys with their laces tied together?

52. How does Hannah die?

53. How does Eva almost die?

54. According to Eva, what is significant about Hannah’s dream, meaning what is Eva’s

interpretation of the dream?

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55. Why does Sula’s reaction to watching her mother (Hannah) burn alive bother Eva?


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. stamina (noun)- the ability to withstand continued physical or mental effort.

The secret to winning cross country races is stamina, not speed.

1. euphoria (noun)- a feeling or

state of intense excitement and


The euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue


camaraderie (noun) mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.

There is a genuine camaraderie on the hockey team.

respite (noun) a short period of

rest or relief from something

difficult or unpleasant.

The refugee camps will provide some respite from the suffering of war.

II. Short Answer

56. Who does Nel marry in this section?

57. Using your own words, describe Jude Green’s desire to be chosen to help build the new road.

58. Why does not being chosen to build the new road fuel Jude’s need to be married, meaning how

are they connected?

59. Why does Sula love the attention that Jude gives to Nel?

60. Describe Nel’s friendship with Sula.

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61. Reread the last paragraph of this chapter. Why do you think Sula is smiling?

Part II: 1937

I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. annihilate (verb)- to destroy utterly; obliterate.

A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.

2. askew (adj)- not in a straight

or level position.

After a brief encounter with the wind, her hat was knocked

slightly askew.

insouciant (adj) showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.

The failing senior gave her teacher an insouciant shrug, not caring that she would not walk across the stage with her classmates on graduation day.

commiseration (noun) sympathy

and sorrow for the misfortunes

of others; compassion.

The other actors offered Janet commiseration when they learned that Janet had broken her leg and would nt be able to perform.

II. Short Answer

62. What accompanies Sula when she returns to Medallion? Why is this ironic?

63. What is Eva's response when Sula comes to visit her?

64. Describe the tone of Sula’s and Eva’s verbal interaction with one another. Offer textual

evidence to support your answer.

65. What does Sula threaten when she is talking with Eva?

66. What does Sula eventually do to Eva?

67. How is Sula’s interaction with Nel different than it is with Eva? How does Sula make Nel’s life better?

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68. Why does Jude leave Sula, and why does this leave Sula so conflicted?


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. bile (noun)- a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid that aids digestion.

I felt the bile raise to my throat when I learned how my best friend died, making me feel more sick…

3. reprobate (noun)- an immoral

person (often used humorously or


The town drunk was known more as a reprobate than he was a


aberration (noun) departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.

They described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration of evil.

provoke (verb) stimulate or give

rise to (a reaction or emotion,

typically a strong or unwelcome

one) in someone.

The decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights organizations.

II. Short Answer

69. What are some of the rumors that begin to fly about Sula, to include the rumor started by the men?

70. What happens to Teapot, the five-year-old boy that knocks on Sula's door?

71. Why does what happened to Teapot make Teapot’s mom (Betty) a better mom?

72. Why do the people of Medallion believe that Sula is evil?

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73. Who is Ajax. And why does he leave Sula?

74. Based on Sula’s history with Nel, do you believe Sula feels regret after Ajax leaves Sula? Explain


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. inflection (noun)- a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender.

The inflection of my voice changed drastically once I learned that my son had purposely disobeyed me.

4. retribution (noun)- punishment

inflicted on someone as vengeance

for a wrong or criminal act.

Employees asked not to be named, saying they feared

retribution by those who were fired.

disintegrate (verb) break up into small parts, typically as the result of impact or decay.

When the missile struck, the car disintegrated in a sheet of searing flame.

billow (verb) fill with air and

swell outward.

Her dress billowed out around her.

II. Short Answer

75. What is happening to Sula when Nel finally visits her for the first time in three years?

76. Why does Nel act so cordial toward Sula after all these years?

77. What is Sula's defense for the actions she has taken in her life, to include why she “took”

Nel’s husband?

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78. Even though Sula’s explanation seems insensitive, is there any truth you can relate to? If yes, explain. If no, explain.


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. venture (verb)- dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or unpleasant.

She ventured out into the blizzard.

5. malevolence (noun)- the state or

condition of being wicked and/or


His eyes were glowing with a malevolence that could kill.

flaccid (adj)- soft and hanging loosely or limply, especially so as to look or feel unpleasant.

Knowing that her friend was in shock, he took his flaccid hand in hers.

haggle (verb)- dispute or bargain

persistently, especially over the

cost of something.

The two siblings are haggling over the estate because the parents did not leave a Will.

II. Short Answer

79. Why do many people attend Sula's funeral?

80. What are some signs that the Bottom is improving after Sula's death?

81. What turns Medallion 'silver'? What is symbolic about this “silver”?

82. What is revealed about Shadrack and Sula that explains why he told her “always” when she visited him after accidently drowning Chicken Little?

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83. How does Sula’s death affect Shadrack?

84. What is ironic about National Suicide Day after Sula dies?


I. Vocabulary Directions: Write original sentences for the below vocabulary words in the space below the definition and sentence example. careen (verb)- to turn something on its side for cleaning, caulking, or repair.

Realizing that she was about to say something ugly, she careened her jaw and walked away.

6. luxurious (adj)- extremely

comfortable, elegant, or

enjoyable, especially in a way

that involves great expense.

The bedrooms have luxurious marble bathrooms.

fastidious (adj)- very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.

Hhe chooses his words with fastidious care.

1. serenity (noun)- the state of

being calm, peaceful, and


An oasis of serenity amidst the bustling city made life

blissful instead of busy.

II. Short Answer

85. What amazes Nel as she considered the way things have changed?

86. What is Nel taken aback by when she visits Eva?

87. What does Nel do because she is so upset about her interaction with Eva?

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88. What does Nel realize she feels about Chicken Little's death?

89. Why does Nel cry for Sula at the end of the novella?

90. Reread your answer to question #1. Who symbolizes the nightshade berry, and who symbolizes the blackberry? Cite textual evidence to support your answer.

91. What do you believe Toni Morrison’s intention was when she published this book, meaning what do you believe she wanted her readers to gain from the novel?