Suit of Cups Complete Reference Guide

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Suit of Cups Complete Reference Guide

Complete Cup Tarot Card MeaningsThe Suit of Cups is the suit of the soul. It reflects our emotional journeys and refers to the emotional elements in our daily lives. The cup cards reveal the nature of our relationships. They also have the unique ability to disclose the emotions of those who are close to us. Because this suit is connected to the soul, their tarot card meanings can reveal past traumas that permeate our everyday lives and perspectives. The Suit of Cups is also associated with the element of water. Water is a symbol of the unconscious, the world of dreams, and the intuitive parts of our psyches. Water can serve as a mirror. This mirror reflects our self-images, the wounds we have endured, and the gifts we can emotionally give to others. In a tarot reading, the Suit of Cups can shed light on the areas in our lives that our fluid as well as reveal the areas where we are stuck. In essence, the Cup cards reflect our overall sense of well being. For more in depth meanings of any card below, please click on the card image.

Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning This is a period of new beginnings, particularly with your relationships. The Ace of Cups may indicate an engagement, marriage or pregnancy. You may also experience an abundance of creative energy or ideas. Expect abundance in all areas of your life. Investments and projects will prosper. No matter which career path you choose, Ace of Cups success is sure to follow. (Click card image to read more about The Ace of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the Ace of Cups can indicate the loss or separation of a significant relationship. However, this is not always the case. On an emotional level, you may feel discord or disappointment with your partner or friendships. A relationship may lack the commitment that you desire. This may be a period in which you must deal with your emotions. In some cases, the Ace of Cups reversed can refer Reversed Ace of Cups to past trauma or grief that needs to be dealt with. (Click card image to read more about the Reversed Ace of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Love and partnerships are in the air. The Two of Cups can refer to marriage, proposals, or the start of a new romantic relationship. If there has been a conflict with someone you care about, you can expect a resolution. Cooperation and negotiation may be needed. Working as a team may further your endeavors. In some cases, the Two of Cups can indicate a new contract or agreement. In business matters, you may Two of Cups meet an important associate. This is a period of emotional balance and inner wellbeing. (Click card image to read more about The Two of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning There may be a separation of an important relationship. In some cases, the Two of Cups reversed can indicate broken trust or hurt feelings. Its important to remember to communicate your feelings. You may feel as though you have been abandoned or rejected. Arguments and miscommunications may be affecting your relationships. Its important to remember to pay attention to those you care about. (Click card image to Reversed Two of Cups read more about the reversed Two of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning This is a period of celebration and joy. The Three of Cups refers to marriages, engagements, births, family gatherings, reunions and religious ceremonies. Expect some good news and an abundance of good luck. Dont be surprised if you hear news of a job promotion, a new birth, an engagement or anything else that brings joy into your life. You might meet an important business relationship through the attendance of Three of Cups some type of ceremony such as a wedding or a religious service. (Click card image to read more about The Three of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Three of Cups Tarot Meaning Be careful not to overindulge. The Three of Cups reversed can indicate too much emphasis on pleasure seeking. Something that once brought you happiness now brings new troubles. A celebration may be postponed. There could be issues of infertility or poor health. You may experience a period of sadness or dissatisfaction. A romantic Reversed Three of Cups relationship may encounter a period of difficulty. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Three of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning This is the time to turn inward and truly explore your feelings. You may be going through a period of apathy or confusion. If you have been uncertain as to which direction you need to take, this would be the time to contemplate on what truly makes you happy. In some cases, the Four of Cups can indicate the need to explore your options. You may be confronted with a new situation that you are unsure about. In Four of Cups love Tarot, the Four of Cups sometimes indicates that there are mixed feelings about ones relationship. (Click card image to read more about The Four of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Now is the time to get into action. Things are starting to look up. You may be presented with an exciting opportunity. There is a new found sense of motivation and willingness to take some initiative. You may be invited to new social events or suddenly feel as though you want to engage with others. A period of isolation is ending. In Love Tarot, there may be a revival in your relationship. You may feel more Reversed Four of Cups committed to your partner and there is a new willingness to work things out. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Four of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The Five of Cups can refer to feelings of loss, disappointment and remorse. It often indicates that there is grief that you have not yet completely processed. In some cases, the Five of Cups can indicate an inability to move on from your past. The Five of Cups urges you to move beyond your former sufferings. It is a warning that a negative outlook about the future is preventing you from moving forward. This is the time to let Five of Cups go of regrets. In love tarot, the Five of Cups can indicate a separation or the need to let go of a relationship that may not be working for you.(Click card image to read more about The Five of Cups tarot card meaning.).

Reversed Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning An emotionally painful period is now over. You are on the road of recovery and healing. This is a period in which you must find self-acceptance. You may need to finally come to terms with the fact that a relationship is over. In some cases, a reversed Five of Cups can indicate an over-attachment to ones past. You can not move forward until you are willing to let go of old hurts and wounds. Be careful that you are not Reversed Five of Cups projecting your past experiences into your present situation.(Click card image to read more about the reversed Five of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning This is a period of reminiscence, childhood memories, and the fond sentiments of your past. You may rediscover an old relationship. A lover from your past may suddenly reappear. Relationships may need to become more playful and innocent. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner. In some cases, The Six of Cups denotes a resurgence of opportunities that were once missed. This may be a time of emotional Six of Cups renewal. Old acquaintances may offer you new opportunities. Your past efforts will prove to be successful. (Click card image to read more about The Six of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Six of Cups Tarot Card Meaning It is important to uncover the memories of your past, but do not get stuck there. Your ideas and beliefs that were established in the past may be blocking your personal development. It would be wise to use your past as a guide for your future. The Six of Cups reversed can indicate the need to live in the moment. You may need to break Reversed Six of Cups from past obligations that have been holding you back. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Six of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Numerous opportunities present themselves, yet you are unsure as to which direction you should take. The best approach would be to thoroughly explore all your options before you take any action. Initial appearances may be misleading. You may be unrealistic about a certain goal you wish to achieve. In some cases, the Seven of Cups indicates that you are spending too much time day dreaming and are not taking the Seven of Cups necessary actions to achieve your goals. In Love tarot, there may be some confusion about your partner or a love interest. (Click card image to read more about The Seven of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Its time to get into action. Your determination and tenacity will pay off. You are now able to see things as they really are. If you get clear about your goals, they can be easily achieved. Confusion has been replaced with clarity and you can now pursue a new direction. Focus on what is essential and act decisively. The more realistic you are, the better the chances are for a successful outcome. If your efforts have failed in Reversed Seven of Cups the past, now is the time to take what you have learned and try again. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Seven of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Now may be the time to move on or let go of a situation. You need to leave the past behind you. Free yourself and start something new. You may have to deal with the relationships that are no longer working for you. This may be a time where you need to explore your own independence. In some cases, the Eight of Cups can indicate a change in residence or travel. In love tarot, the Eight of Cups can refer to a separation Eight of Cups or hurt feelings. One partner may let the other down. (Click card image to read more about The Eight of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning You may be struggling with letting go of a relationship. The reversed Eight of Cups can indicate co-dependency or the fear of being alone. There is too much emphasis on the past. Its time to look towards your future. Its important get in touch with your inner voice and inner truth. You may need more clarity about a specific situation. Your Reversed Eight of Cups fears may be preventing you from seeing things as they really are. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Eight of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Your wishes will come true. The Nine of Cups often refers to happiness, well-being, financial comfort, pleasure and personal fulfillment. This is a period of personal satisfaction and gratification. Important projects are completed with successful outcomes. You may receive a marriage proposal or land the perfect job. If you are single, you just Nine of Cups may meet the perfect partner. In business matters, there is growth and expansion. Remember to have some fun and enjoy the labors of your hard work. (Click card image to read more about The Nine of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Your expectations may be unrealistic. You may be overindulging in things that are not good for you. There may be too much of an emphasis on material gain and possessions. In financial matters, there could be a loss or setback. In love Tarot, selfcentered behavior is causing conflict within the relationship. One partner may not be Reversed Nine of Cups considering the feelings of others. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Nine of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The Ten of Cups is the card of prosperity and contentment. This is a period where there will be harmony and unity within your relationships. You may attend social events or family gatherings. In love Tarot, the Ten of Cups can denote a marriage, birth or pregnancy. Business endeavors will thrive and your undertakings will bet met with success. You may get a salary increase or promotion. There will be a sense of Ten of Cups well-being in all areas of your life. When the Ten of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, one can expect all things to improve. (Click card image to read more about The Ten of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Its important to remember to appreciate the things that you have and not take those that you care about for granted. On an emotional level, the Ten of Cups reversed can indicate feelings of sadness or loss. There may be some disturbances in your home environment. There may be family quarrels or disagreements. In love Tarot, there may be conflicts that come up in a significant relationship. The Ten of Cups reversed urges Reversed Ten of Cups you to share your feelings about the things you do appreciate about your partner. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Ten of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The Page of Cups is an artist. He lives in the realm of his imagination and is highly intuitive. He is often the messenger of births and pregnancies. When he appears in a Tarot reading, it usually is an indicator that something new will emerge in your life. This is a great time for creative endeavors. You may receive and important message. A current relationship may develop towards a deeper level of intimacy. In love Tarot, the Page of Cups Page of Cups can indicate a new romantic relationship.(Click card image to read more about The Page of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Page of Cups Tarot Meaning You may be hesitating in taking an important risk. In some circumstances, a reversed Page of Cups can refer to not living up to your potential. Your insecurities are prohibiting you from growing. Remember to remain open to new opportunities, particularly to those that relate to relationships. In love Tarot, the Page of Cups reversed can refer to a fear of rejection or an unwillingness to get vulnerable. You may Reversed Page of Cups be ignoring your feelings. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Page of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The Knight of Cups loves a challenge and appreciates anything that tests his mind. He is sensitive and emotional. He is extremely romantic and falls in love easily. His appearance in a Tarot reading urges you to follow your heart. There may be a significant situation that concerns your emotions or your relationships. You may meet a new love interest. In some cases, the Knight of Cups can indicate a new offer or Knight of Cups business opportunity. Your idealism and imagination set you apart from others.(Click card image to read more about The Knight of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The reversed Knight of Cups can be a warning that you are being overly influenced by others. Be careful of those who offer you something that seems like it is too good to be true. It would be wise to explore new relationships before you commit to them. In business matters, make sure you thoroughly review contracts and agreements. You may need to stand your ground or be firm in your negotiations. In Love Tarot, a Reversed Knight of Cups reversed Knight of Cups can indicate a partner that has a fear of commitment or intimacy. He or she may be irresponsible or lack direction. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Knight of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The Queen of Cups is intuitive by nature. She tends to be sensitive to those around her. Her ability to connect to others enables her to have an abundance of close relationships. When she appears in a Tarot reading, there may be a need to tune into your emotions and feelings. There may be a situation in which you need to let go of your intellect and listen to your heart. Its also important to become aware of your Queen of Cups dreams and intuition. Creative endeavors can give you great emotional satisfaction at this time. There may be others that come to you for emotional support.(Click card image to read more about The Queen of Cups tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Your emotions may be influencing your perspectives. Its important to remember to not overlook the negative behaviors of others. You also need to be careful with whom you go to for advice. A reversed Queen of Cups can indicate a woman who can not keep secrets. In Love Tarot, a reversed Queen of Cups can indicate betrayal or a relationship that lacks emotional satisfaction. There could also be a tendency towards Reversed Queen of Cups having too high of expectations from your partner. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Queen of Cups tarot card meaning.)

King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning The King of Cups reflects our initiative and desire to get things done. He is incredibly creative and tends examine things from a unique perspective. This is the time to channel your creative energies into concrete actions. Set your goals as high as you can expect for successful results. This will be a period of emotional balance and stability. In a Tarot reading, the King of Cups can indicate a compassionate friend or wise King of Cups advisor. You may get recognized for your leadership abilities. In love Tarot, the King of Cups represents a mature, responsible and compassionate man. (Click card image to read more about The King of Cups card meaning.)

Reversed King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning You may have issues with a controlling or manipulative person. Its important to remain cautious of the advice you are given. There could be deception or foul play. This is also a time to manage your emotions. You may be confronted with a situation that can trigger your emotions. It would be wise to take some time to evaluate your feelings. Acting impulsively can cause some regret. In love Tarot, a Reversed King of Cups reversed King of Cups can indicate a partner that is not authentic or who tends to be out only for himself. (Click card image to read more about the reversed King of Cups tarot card meaning.)