Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition

29 Phone: 1-888-813-0444 Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition


Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition. Agenda. General Upgrade Principles Types of CA Upgrades Types of Upgrade Projects Steps in a Traditional and Fresh Start Upgrade Keys to Success Lessons Learned - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition

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Successful Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition

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● General Upgrade Principles● Types of CA Upgrades ● Types of Upgrade Projects● Steps in a Traditional and Fresh Start Upgrade● Keys to Success● Lessons Learned

○ Liberty Mutual (John), Gamestop (Marc), Chubb (Danette) , Emerging Health (Tammi)

● Upgrading to 13.2 and 13.3 – Things to Watch For● Appendix

○ Rego Estimates for Upgrades


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● Communication ○ Have a comprehensive and aggressive communication plan to ensure that the

upgrade is viewed as an investment that will benefit the user community○ Create release notes and communication deck and plans○ Create a Marketing Campaign that re-sells Clarity

● Reconnect with Users○ Take the opportunity to ‘reconnect’ with user base and take in requirements

for future releases○ You have their attention – use a major release as an opportunity to find out

how they are using Clarity – ask for what functions you need to test● Share the Vision

○ Show overall Clarity Road Map○ Outline the next functionality to be updated (post conversion) that will

introduce new capabilities

General Upgrade Principles

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General Upgrade Principles● Stay Current, but not TOO current

○ Stay within 2 releases if possible○ Do not be on the bleeding edge unless needed; wait for a release to be “solid”○ Generally, we advise clients to wait until the first “dot” release after a major

release● Like for Like

○ Upgrade Release focused on ‘like-for-like’ plus maybe some new data views (reports/portlets)

○ Easier to validate data within the upgraded environment when processes and functions are the same as previous version

○ Target a NEW functionality release within a reasonable time after the upgrade (able to leverage the same communications plan, set expectations, show additional progress, etc.)

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Types of CA UpgradesMajor Release Minor Release Fix Pack

Examples 13.0 13.2 13.2.02

Frequency 12-18 months 6-9 months 2-3 months

Complexity High Medium-High Low

Currency Never More Than 1 Behind

(if on 8.1 – move to 12.x before 13.x releases)

Never More than 3 Behind

(if on 13.0 – do not wait past


Stay Completely Up To Date

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● Traditional Upgrade○ Apply the upgrade to the current environment

● Fresh Start Upgrade○ Install a new environment and migrate specific data and configuration

from the old environment into the new version environment

● Why a Fresh Start○ Advantages of Fresh Start

• The biggest advantage is for clients that have a lot of legacy data or configuration that isn't relevant in their environment anymore. We can choose what data and what configuration to leave behind and what to migrate to their new system.

• This can substantially clean up and streamline environment. • In some instances this approach is a lot easier especially if the client is trying to jump many

versions in their upgrade. ○ Disadvantage of Fresh Start

• The biggest disadvantage is that users will lose all of their configurations, saved filters, etc. since they cannot be ported to the new system.

• Typically more labor intensive than a standard upgrade.

Type of Upgrade Project

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● Validate the Infrastructure – HW and SW Stack● Install Clarity and BO in Development

○ Smoke and Regression Testing○ Issue Resolution and Remediation

● Install Clarity and BO in Test○ Smoke and Regression Testing○ Migration of Remediation○ UAT○ Training Materials and End User Training

● Install Clarity and BO in Production○ Smoke and Regression Testing○ Migration of Remediation○ Training

Steps in a Traditional Upgrade

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● Validate the Infrastructure● Architecture – What to Bring Over

○ Decide on Configuration – Fields, Objects, Processes, Portlets, Reports○ Decide on Data – Time, Projects, Ideas

● Migrate Configuration○ Install Base Application in Development, Test, and Prod○ Base Configuration in DEV○ Migrate Configuration from existing PROD to new DEV○ Validate/Approve Configuration in DEV○ Move configuration to new TEST/PROD○ UAT○ Develop Training Materials

● Migrate Data○ Migrate Data from existing PROD to new DEV○ Validate/Approve Data in DEV○ Migrate Data from existing PROD to new TEST○ UAT

● Go Live○ Training○ Migrate Data from existing PROD to new PROD

Steps in a Fresh Start Upgrade

Note: A fresh start upgrade is not plug-and-play. Each one has to be tailored to the specific versions of the source and destination environments and to the configurations each environment.

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Keys: Pre-Implementation

● Review Release Notes○ Take the time to review CA’s documentation showing the bugs fixed, data model

changes, etc.

● Where the Most Trouble Comes○ Data Model changes – Search portlet queries for fields used (we can give you the code)○ Interfaces/Feeds – CA periodically will change the XOG properties○ GEL Scripts – Some GEL has DB queries, others have XOG calls

● Environment○ On Premise – Review the technical architecture○ On Premise/SaaS – Microsoft product integration support (MSP, Excel, etc)

● Be An Informed Consumer○ Perform your own assessment first if possible – pull in the experts only for the tough

stuff and for things they may have seen elsewhere

● Training/Change Management Impact ○ Determine impact to ‘New Screen Shots’ needed for Clarity and Open Workbench○ Overall content updates for training

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Keys: Testing● Basic Testing

○ Interfaces / Data Feeds○ Views (Portlets/Reports/WEBI) – Run everything once○ Scheduler connections○ User Interface – menu, pages, subpages,/tabs object edit screens○ Create 1 of everything (project, resource, incident, idea, action item, etc.)○ Check that jobs running (check job run time differences)○ Customizations○ Run through all workflow processes

● Advanced Testing○ Review your defects that were marked as resolved – don’t assume it works ○ Review defects fixed for potential impacts to your use of the tool○ Performance testing – without scripts, do random testing comparing to current for

things like timesheet processing, resource planning views (use OBSs), scheduler connection (OBS filters use more advanced SQL)

○ New CA features○ If multiple browsers are used at this customer, perform testing in all accepted browsers.

Repeat for multiple O/S (Vista vs. Windows7 as an example)

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Keys: Go-live and Post Go-live● Involve SMEs

○ Train a group of SMEs in each functional area of the organization to be point representatives at the onset of the project

○ Leverage SMEs to feed the requirements process and be part of UAT for the upgrade○ Engage SMEs throughout the implementation process so that they are learning as it


● User Interaction○ Execute multiple demos of the new functionality in Open Forums (Web Ex Sessions,

Lunch and Learns, etc.)○ Before cut-over, begin formal training (1-2 weeks out) with SMEs as support○ Training documentation should have an as-is / to-be reference (this is what it looked like

before / what it looks like now)

● Expect the Unexpected○ Extermination of bugs is never complete

● Post Implementation○ SMEs should continue to be primary contact points for the areas and keep a Open Help

Line / Email box

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Lessons Learned – Liberty Mutual

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John Murphy – Liberty Mutual Insurance

• Upgraded from 13.0 to 13.1 over 3 months– DEV (2 months) to TEST ( 2 weeks) to PROD (2 days)– Suspended monthly enhancement deliverables

• Lessons Learned– Work with experts – Clarity upgrade experience and your own Infrastructure team– Create a cookbook to excruciating detail– Record all Admin settings, especially PMO Accelerator and Customer Support Pack– Don’t stop asking for clarification from CA– Business Objects

• Poorly documented instructions• Customized user parameter pages will be reset to OOB

– Pause to learn what you are getting from the upgrade• CA documentation of new functions is vague• Users will ask

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Lessons Learned - Gamestop

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Lessons Learned - Chubb

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Chubb IT – v13.1 upgradeKeys to success and lessons learned

Keys to Success:• Engage Rego Consulting • Review lessons learned/points to remember from last upgrade • Understand functionality changes that are related to what the users need to know• Clarity v13 Open house • Work with local PMOs to identify testers to help with regression testing (2 per functionality)• Freeze environments – no changes allowed (facilitated testing of upgrade)• Regularly review issues log (2x/week) to be on top of problems identified• WBT – a few short courses that are role based - navigation oriented (where do I find…?)• Saved our “old” prod v12.1 version for a few months (helpful in understanding if a problem

after the upgrade was always there, just not discovered)

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Chubb IT – v13.1 upgradeKeys to success and lessons learned

Lessons Learned:• Prior to the upgrade ensure that the admin user is unlocked and has all global permissions.

The upgrade uses the admin user to execute xogs. If the admin user does not have all global permissions the xogs will fail and result in a fatal error for the upgrade.

• Pause all jobs prior to the upgrade. This will allow you to un-pause the jobs in the order you want them to process after the application is back online. If you don't do this there is a good chance that many jobs will kickoff immediately once the application is back up.

• Run the Post Timesheets, Post Transactions, and Post to WIP jobs.• After shutting down the application prior to the upgrade restore the caches.xml file in the

<clarity_home>/config directory using the version at <clarity_home>/.setup/template/config. (This was previously attributed to a bug.)

• “ISO” files provided by CA are rather large – keep on a shared drive (may need if bad install)• Make sure to review the install.log file regardless of the outcome of the upgrade. It provides

invaluable information especially in the event of an upgrade failure. Many times the information provided in the install.log file is enough to resolve the issue without having to open a support case.

• Provide more time than you think you need for testing – If upgrade issues are encountered CA support time could take longer than expected

• Test functionality that you are moving to soon just in case there are issues with it

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Lessons Learned – Montefiore IT

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19 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

On Demand Customers Get Results: CA Clarity PPM at Montefiore IT Early 90s: Installed OnPremise (i.e. installed at Emerging Health, Montefiore IT) model of

ABT 2003: Upgraded to Niku 6.5.2 to web based application 2006: Upgraded to CA Clarity PPM 7.5.2 2008: CA introduces Clarity OnDemand (i.e. Clarity in the Cloud)

2009: Detailed On Premise vs. OnDemand analysis conducted for planned upgrade(Software Licenses & Configuration, Hardware, Support, Upgrades, Data Integrity

&Security and Cost)

2010: Migrated to Clarity v12.0.4 OnDemand 2012: Upgraded to Clarity v13.0.2 OnDemand

IT PortfolioManagement


IT FinancialManagement

Business Relationship Management

Project & ProgramManagement

Project PortfolioManagement



Cost and TimeManagement

Dashboards & Reporting

Currently ImplementedClarity Modules

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20 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Montefiore IT- OnDemand Analysis/Benefits

15% average annual cost savings over initial 3 years No hardware purchases, server setup, software installation, network setup, etc. CA responsible for hardware, operation support, system integrity and security

based on SLA 24/7 support from CA Hosting Team

Increased system performance, stability & scalability Major initial performance improvement (e.g., timesheet entry, accessing project

plans in open workbench) Any additional performance issues are addressed promptly CA maintains performance and stability as number of users and functionality


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21 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Montefiore IT- OnDemand Analysis/Benefits

Easier access and implementation of new functionality Always on the current software version Upgrades are completed automatically by CA using a standard methodology and

processes Easier method to leverage functionality developed by CA for other clients Multiple environments to develop and test functionality Easy deployment across environments such as Development to Production Lower cost for professional services (i.e., fewer travel and expense cost, easier

access to application, etc.)

Cost and Overall Benefits Made OnDemand the Correct Choice for Emerging Health, Montefiore IT

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22 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Montefiore IT, OnPremise Upgrades

Challenges Upgrade Cost include Hardware, Software and External Consultants Due to budgetary reasons project end dates would be pushed Small PMO Team (2 resources) Development of Training content In house resources for App and DB servers to assist with upgrade Deployment of Clarity, OWB and Java Moving from MS Access to SQL Server, all reports were created as stored

procedures Development of Training material

Successes Project delivered On Time Minimal user issues

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23 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Montefiore IT, OnDemand Upgrades

Challenges Missing Clarity v13 icon and issue with 3rd party toolbar on IE7 browser (i.e.

Google ToolBar, Ask ToolBar, AIM Toolbar, etc.) Issue with native install of Open Workbench and Schedule Connect on Win 7. Mixed deployment solution-427 virtual solution deployed and 78 native installs

(Open Workbench) Internal issue with OnDemand caused a new goal live date Technical Issues with user views i.e. cost plans and project list page Going from SQL server to Oracle All reports moved from SQL stored procedures to Webi reports

Successes Out of 600 users only 28 Requests and Issues opened in Service Manager from

users Created Training Videos and uploaded to our Learning Management System Leveraged Gel processes to assist with automation

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24 Copyright © 2013 CA. All rights reserved.

Montefiore IT, OnDemand Upcoming Upgrade

Tentative Goal Live Date 4th Qtr. Company standard will be Windows 7 this year IE 10 will be deployed to all machines Desktop will need to work on a solution for the rollout due to our current version,

IE 9 is supported but not IE 10 Users would need to import their OWB views, OWB defaults would need to be

configured Leverage RegoXchange for training content and portlets

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● Task Baseline Field Change● Data model Change in Financial Plans● GEL Script Changes● New Portfolio With No Data Migration● New Cost Type vs. Charge Code (But not in Rate Matrix)

13.2 and 13.3 – Things to Watch For

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Effort – Traditional Upgrade(On Premise)

Phase Work

On Premise Standard Upgrade 190-230 hrs

Architecture & Management 25 hrs

Development Upgrade 55 hrs

Test Upgrade 40 hrs

Production Upgrade 30 hrs

Post Production Support 40 hrs

Training and Document Updates (Optional)

20-40 hrs

Each upgrade may vary depending on the complexity of the implementation and the current release path: • 12.0 to 13.3 • 12.1 to 13.3 • 13.1 to 13.3 • 13.2 to 13.3

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Effort – Fresh Start Upgrade(On Premise)

Each upgrade may vary depending on the complexity of the implementation and the current release path: • 12.0 to 13.3 • 12.1 to 13.3 • 13.1 to 13.3 • 13.2 to 13.3

Phase Work

On Premise Fresh Start Upgrade 255-295 hrs

Architecture & Management 35 hrs

Dev Environment 105 hrs

Test Environment 40 hrs

Production Environment 35 hrs

Post Production Support 40 hrs

Training and Document Updates (Optional)

20-40 hrs

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Effort – Traditional Upgrade(On Demand)

Each upgrade may vary depending on the complexity of the implementation and the current release path: • 12.0 to 13.3 • 12.1 to 13.3 • 13.1 to 13.3 • 13.2 to 13.3

Phase Work

On Demand Upgrade 67-107 hrs

Upgrade Preparation 15 hrs

Project Management 18 hrs

Upgrade Dev Environment 18 hrs

Upgrade Test Environment 14 hrs

Upgrade Prod Environment 2 hrs

Training and Document Updates (Optional)

20-40 hrs