Success Beginner Student 's Book

,,-. 't *J Stuart McKinlay Jennifer Parsons # { ffi €Jl

Transcript of Success Beginner Student 's Book



Stuart McKinlay

Jennifer Parsons



What's your

My name's ...

Ft \\-:..t:0

<(Jaro 1

-r--' :" Fmrrr€€ 'Vnq\ag

Londonls rr' - -

-r-. ,^ F'raI\cP'

r ^n 1( IIt ! '

Lon0ut' '*






r Horil are Y?1! rndyou?: H;". thanks'



-r- rT

Londonis inBns".' (



rcEffiffi W

WWffiffi%wwreffiffi 6

. t- :...: .B-9 to be: l/gou (all forms) l

lo-ir-- - - -, I Numbers 1-1002 Jobs --i1r-:n1 he's/shek., ht;/n;;:r/*" * --

J"b.- -'--1---------





3 Family life

4 Places

5 Likes and dislikes r 34-35--i 36-37L-_i 38-39

32-33 Think Eack Revision 2 | r.::rr

The alphabet

r trood and drink


6 Routines %ib. for;"ut-esqqU







46-47 Think Saclt Revision 3 | irir:,1TTalent W;Carrfoi'

) -^ Fl 1 ', DU-CI \ nADe tO/nAS tO

il"sjeLq@_es.!/!_@llJerrnL50-51 | haue to/has to

8 Free time e+_FS I pt"rg$ qo4 (affirmat-iLe)*___

.s J:9! srsl enl Q.g_@d _que$iqry)r 3q o.n! ?$,l1111{ur-e,58-59 i j Verbs for free-time activities

I Ghanges60-61 Think Back Revision 4 | ;:,i:,i i' ..-ri

oi_ss = i 9 be :ig s/ W/ (au_ qqrlli)o4-b5oo-o / Months; Ordinal numbers

10 Travel 68-69 Past Si r verbs7o*n Past Simple: affirmative (regular and

irregular verbs-)I A-tO

74-7511 Ghildhood 76-77 Past Simple: negative and short answers

and ir

School subjects; School things

12 Shopping 82-83 j Questions : I4\tere/Whg /Who/What/lTherlHou/Hou much?t hi,s/th at/t he s e /tho s e

86-87 i

88-89 Think Back Bevision 6 |

I Clothes

Culture Shocks p.90

&iqllmqe sgy$lqfi s | **ilr, {i"-'t;i,





Tapescript p.94 Word List p.104 Student Activities p. 109

spqq.[99_eq\1"_s, elqgtyg]llg eUe!_tlgtrybgUlp*"-qpte_e_lq J9!. * _jl i$g!l11g,*\4gy1ry$ !gth_!q$ about their rcr€luqg:Speaking: Spelling namesil-istening: At a hotel

I Social English

nqQsi-i{qesQriarlq-spn ----_-_- -__j__ _____-:_ -=llistglglg; $l_cF gs-rtf igffq!Speakingi_Asking_and

iReading: Article (Mg poreton!)lLis!911919.,P-ggplg_qq\:lgulUeg-e-p+,t!l19!l_9s151!1%-!-epk_Speaking: Asking and answering questions anout p6ae; *

Asking fofana Ei"i"S directio-ns

[qqd! ns: Ar lNLg-@yslqryq - 9!r aJ lgopl-", Terri.ble Coffee!)----'*-f


Speaking: Talking about likes and dislikesI

spgqlstg!_F"elepby_e! a eel€ Ordering and buying food

Listening: Anne and MlLggie*lalt auout nolt jqn; RqU?kq_tg hi!-!rtq!-e!q[1!ql9!'fListeninq: Alison's routine I TallListening: Alison's routine I Talking about the timeSpeaking: Talking about daily routine

.i $eq1g i4! ?t-?!qr_t19l'_Reading: Article (Young, talented people)Speaking: Talking about obligatlons



Spg4_119: Trtki"e "b""Ubilll 1___ I Requests--t--'---qeq4g; e},gl,d?x !9$9919_ j-tistening: Tim tells his Mum what he and his sister are doing

r$peaking: Talking about things that people are doing at the moment I Making arrangements

jstening: Millie talks to her gran about her new MP4

Speaking: Talking about important dates Birth dates and placesMadng; Article (SchoolboA sa_ilt_ tW Atlg[rri)4eading: Story (He u,nnted to see the mountains ...)Speaking:TalkingaboutthethingSyoudid}astwe'e!--.Jstening: Three people talk about their holiday I Bu5,rng travel tickets

leading: Article (Hard to be a geni,us?)

4eading: Article (The cool 1990s?)

Jstenins m) "

tatt<s aUout his div at sChool

@Speaking: Talking about shopping habits

SmaII talk

?eading: Gary and Susie shop for clothes,oqaklngi Talking about clothgsjstening: Judy doesn't know what to wear Buying clothes


: :nival trnglish p.114 Check it out p.116 Irregular Verbs p.126 Promrnciation Table n.127

g-t-)\r'\ -)r




fr**d, |ir:l*;r ;:*.d txt{l nb*xt countries and nationalities.Fraoti':;* my/your; to be: I/**r:* ** numbers 1-100; introductions and greetings.




fi $q&r'fi &{rin f*,si g} spgeK{ ruffi

cor.z Read and listen.

A Hi!B Hello! I'm Kai. What's your name?A My name's Luis.B Nice to meet you, Luis!A Nice to meet you too!

cor.z l-islsp again. Then practise in pairs.

{l}l**k !t **t

l'ff = l*{nMy name'x = My name *xwhat,s = what i*

cn.3 Complete the conversation. Then listenand check.

A Hi. 1l'nr Darek. What's '- name?B Hello. '- name's Lucio. Nice to

meet you!A a_ too!

Write the conversation again using short forms.

A Hello. My name is Linda. What is your name?B Nice to meet you, Linda. I am Fiona.

A Hello. l'/ty name's Linda.

Practise in pairs.

Hil My name's Marta. r

What's your name? ;.-ry.#""4 dts.*mtu,ry"Uf""

Hello! My name's ... i,i

Nice to meet you! pi,t,r"h. : ! tj @fl Nfr 4 *ffi r irwl;ft fl {! r,,"rrr*,+, r rrn *g,$ili

.,,, Nice to meet you too! fr

, :x pNMt eft Mmw!ffi flit 4,{ ltw g+lgtrlt w + vN ,ilffi


ffi ffi&ffi &qeK &reffi Wffi ffi&?$i:le*Ycor.+ Match photos A-H with countries 1-8.

Then listen and repeat.

1 England tr2 France tr3 Italy I4 Argentina I5 Mexico I6 Poland I7 Ttrrkey IB Spain Icor.s Listen and write the name of the country.

1 Hello! My name's Daniel. I'm from2 Hi! I'm Edmondo. I'm from3 Hi! Mv name's Helen. I'm from4 Hello! I'm Aziz.I'm from

cor.o Read and listen.

A Hello! I'm Robert.B Hi! My name's Carlos. Where are you from,

Robert?A I'm from France. And where are you from?B I'm from Madrid.

*h**k i€ *ar?

Where er€ y&sr frrlm?i's$ fr*sx France/Paris.

cot.z Qsmplsle the conversation. Then listenand check.

A Hi. lMy name's Mark.B Hi Mark! I'm Diego. Where are'

from?AI'm3 London. And a

rrnrr frnrn?

B t_ from Mexico

5 Hi! I'm Pablo. I'm from are



1 Italy2 Thrkey3 France4 England5 Spain6 Germany7 Mexico8 Poland9 Argentina

10 Canada

cor.a [!13{sll countries 1-10 with nationalities a-j.Then listen and repeat.


d a T[rrkishn b Englishn c Argentinianf, d Italianf, e PolishI f MexicanI g GermanI h CanadianI i FrenchI j Spanish

Complete the sentences with the nationalities fromExercise 5.

1 I'm from Spain. I'm Spanlsh2 I'm from F rance. I'm3 I'm from England. I'm4 I'm from Argentina. I'm

Complete the sentenceswilh I'm/l'm from.

1 l'm English. 6 _ P,rlanci.2_Paris. 7 _Canada.3 _IzabeIla. B _\Ielcan.4 _German. g _-\'gentna.5 _ John. 10 _ Spanish.

Practise in pairs.


: l*€&xx* d;&ae *waagpS

!'nr fr*r:n Poland.l'ce Polish. NOT I'm f#s*:i-Ps*{**.


I'm from Cracor.r-.Where are you fi'om?


, j,i,fiitil;&{t fa$*ffi *ipil&f.f ii*fi

cor.s Read and listen.

A Helio!Kirsten Helio. Are you John Smith?A Yes, I am. John Smith from Montreal!Kirsten Oh, you aren't English ... you're


B Ilello! I'm John Smith too!Kirsten Oh! Where are you from? Manchester?B No, I'm not from Manchester. I'm

from London!Kirsten Oh!

r'},{*;k i'1 *x1

Look at the underlined words in Exercise 1. Completegaps 1-6 in the table. Then check on page 116.

to be: I/you

+ | 1'm {am} from London.

You '_ {;rrn} Canadian.

| '_ {an* **1} from Manchester.You 4_ {xr* xoii English.

? &n; I in Frankfurt? Yes, you nr*./No, you -i:rag:'t.

you John Smith? Yes, I 6_/No,l'= r:erl.


Complete the sentences.

1 I _ Spanish - I'm ltalian!2 A _you English?

B Yes, I3 A _ you from Germany?

BNo, I4A-IinOxfordStreet?

B Yes, you Qsrnplste the conversations. Then listenand check.

1 A t_ you Tim Brorr,n?B No, I t_. I'm Tim Green.

2 A Where t_ you from? France?B No, I ^_ from Naples.A Oh sorry. You t_ French - you6 Italian! Listen and repeat the dialogues in Exercis: lPractise in pairs.

Practise in pairs. Answer with Ies, I am./No, l'm noi

1 Are you from London?2 Are you German?3 Are you a student?

A Are ycu fromLondcn?B No i'm nof.l'mfrornDudapeet.

Complete the conversation for you. Then practisein pairs.





I'm Eduardo. What's loLrf l1i:i .:

Nice to meet you! Are 1-or-t f i"

I'm from Spain. I'nr rr

a teacher?5

3 A Are you Spanish?B Yes, I t_ . I'm from Madrid.A Oh! Are you at university?B Sorry? Oh, t_ I a student? Yes,



U 0 CABtiL:'.*Yert.r* Listen and repeat. Then write the word next to the number.

eight five four nine one seven six ten three two

*qFi*'u.='* gF



<17L-] U


/1 /1_lt_ll|| tlLJ LJ



U \Y/ f,g

{1 6it i\tJ t",thirteen

flEoi ohtaan



cDi:12 Listen, read and repeat.


Say numbers 1-20 around the class.


.20,19,18...r in twos: 2. 4. 6 ... Qemplste the gaps. Then listen and repeat.



Listen to the numbers your teacher says. Say thenumber next to it.

/l/a I//l I




4r=: I L,l\U ellflfteen

6,'-tl'/Z\'.,, It- t\_-r



























Say the numbers around the class.

. 1-50 in threes: 3, 6,9, l2 ...

. 1-100 in fives; 5, 10, 15 ...






cor.r+ Listen and repeat.

A 13/30 B 14/40 C 15/50 D 16/60 lislsp and write how old the people are.

lSimon- 2Tlish_ 3Ricky_Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

How old are you? g

**-*****# ['m nineleen. And you?'ryFs**"ry*Fs*"F*crqs'"Jg$

I'm nineleen, too! .;

eigh$ninetya hundred

! t:l- "r

lit*,.3{i'lv lt'il {t t,. ii r:i{},L,\,Yi tl [{3ls[ photos A-B with dialogues 1-2.

Match words 1-3 with pictures A-C

1 afternoon I2 evening E3 morning I

t5.iln l'1.":!il

cor.rz L00k at i***ati *r!. Complete the conversations.Then listen and check.

Then listen and check.

1 orrernoon,


'__:T"1"1*_G"" " ,"" "' "- .f

2Good morning, $

Robert. J

,"" ".'"s

Oh, hi T?ish. +

How are |ou? g1..*.


Good morning, =5Mrs Berger.

How are you? S===



A How are you? A How are you?B I'm very well, thank B I'm fine, thanksl

you. And you? And you?

Good morning, Robert.Cood tmarninQ. Mrs Berger.t_ are you?

Mrs Berger I'm t_ , thank you.

And you?Rob Yes, I'm very well, thank you!

$rL*s s#T I

Formal/politeGood morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!

2 TrishRob

Afternoon, Rob!Oh, hi Trish. How are you?



1 Mrs BergerRob

.. , Trish I'm fine, *_. And59

Rob Y"il* ^- , thanks. Listen and complete the conversations with thephrases from *pea* {"}r;1. Then listen and check,

1 Mr Blick Good afternoon, Robert!Rob Oh, r aood aflernoon , Mr Blick.

2)Mr Blick I'm very well, 3- . And you?Rob Yes, *_

, thank you.

2 Rob Evening, JillJill Evening Rob! Horv t- you?Rob Yes, I'm fine, 6-


Practise the dialogues in Exercises 3 and 4 in pairs.

Greet students in your class. Then greet your teacher

- be polite!

Afternoon, Anna. g

_::::::_r.":5 JGood afternoon. \h's Ii'a

How are 5-ou?:rri--::r-r+:rj:-r: : -r:: -- i _


Jobs'.': r.:.,:, i,t:-il :;:l:l .l; )': l.;1;ii .,r l, tll":, 1 pgOple and jObS.

:r'l :r:i,iirr: to be: he/she/i,t; a/a,n; h'is,4ter'.f r:,:r.r!r, :u,..r the alphabet; spelling; social English.




- .'..'4i,.:..:..::.,._,,:,,..-

- "':' --.' -

-,: .::' .i

+ ',t d', -.,O.-1r..1. -::1

-;.. l;'5-, i

. .:-':*'::=

:. :, :,:,:, :,,.,,,,.1,, .::,;lili r,tti]i; ll.lli:i,,ti.,i;,,iii'; fts4fl and listen, Match people A-E with texts 1-5.

Her name's Olivia and sbe's q secret3.ry'

Sfres 20 and she's from Scotland' Ll,l:,,il Uu..rlu^e,s Sadie and she,s 26.Shes a cloctor iro.""a


iJ gic name's Daniel and he's from IrelandHe's 28 and he's a police officer. I

He's Boris from Russia.He's 24 and he's an actor. tr

His name's Ardv and he's a mechanic.He's 19 and he's trngJish. n

::r:r:. - - r rif+ ;:r L_ . . ..-r:iil.j-.! +r

i; -: .:r ri--. .i-:.:, "i.;-!_.:r::l::i r r , . ::::


Wwrk $t *utLook at the underlined words in the texts,Complete the table with his/her. Then check onpage 116.


Heis {*si a mechanic.She's {}s} a doctor.


He's Andy. t_ name's (is) Andy.She's Sadie. name's (is) Sadie,

cor.zo Circle the correct answers. Then listenand check.

I Anoys ty anou?Psl/ sne s a mecnanrc.2 Daniel's Irish and he's / hi,s 28.3 She's a doctor andher / she's name's Sadie.4 Hi,s / her name's Boris and he's an actor.5 Olivia's Scottish and he's / she's 20.

cor.r Write 's in two places in each sentence,Then listen and check.

1 She Sadie and she 26.)he's )adie and she'a 26.

2 His name Daniel and he from Ireland.3 Her name Olivia and she a secretary.4 He Boris and he Russian.5 He English and lls name Andy.

cor.zz [!l4ls[ questions 1-4 and answers a-d,Then listen and check.

1 What's her name?2 What's her job?3 Where's she from?4 How old is she?

a She's 26.b Her name's Sadie.c She's from Canada.d She's a doctor.

Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

Exercise 5 about photos B-E.

Match iobs a-f rruith oictures 1-€

cl .tI t-L:.n qr n dtrr'

c u-alter

A"- u -: :- -:-:

A :r- :''- - r":-:Ll I r:dr..T:




. ';pi-'..=. : r...! ':

-:i,'*. ",r '.2


kud*r'k it *xtcor.zs Ssmplste the table with the jobs fromExercise 7. Then listen, check and repeat,

His name's Andy. #"

'f s+Mi-I*14)d?@'lq#:!'!6'a

* Soctor 1

x nnechanic 2

a xecretary 3

x police officer 4


a* rctor5


Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

about pictures 1-6 in Exercise 7.

What'e hie/her narte? \Nha--= ' . ' .' , ,


What's his name?

&ffieWM&K ri;t.cor.zr ftsafl and listen. Then tick true (/) and

cross false (l).

Mavis Look, Beth. It's Sean Connery!Beth Mavis, it isn't Sean Connery. It's NIr Ke111-.

Mavis Mr Kelly? Is he an actor?Beth No, he isn't an actor, Mavis. He's a doclorMavis Oh, yes! Is he single?Beth No, he isn't. He's married, Mavis.

Mrs Kelly's an artist.Mavis An artist? Oh! Is her name Helen?Beth Yes, it is.Mavis Ah yes! And ... is she Canadian?Beth No, Mavis, she isn't Canadian. She's

from France.Mavis Oh, yes. Sorry.

1 Mr Kelly is a doctor.2 He is single.3 Mrs Kelly is an actor.4 She's French.

&&*xx.# t|X**,$,xllx,gpli*r - a married/single man,{l$=amarriedwomanii:ir:rri - a Single Woman:,,: :,: = a married/single woman


?$r:rk i{ *rtf

Look at the underlined words in Exercise 1.

Complete the table. Then check on page 1 17.

to be= he/shelit

He/She : :iril it doctor.It . .,, Mr Kelly.

He/She t


l't*t! an actor,Itr-i;.; ,1{"rrt sean connery.

t_ he/she/it Canadian?Yes, he/she/it o_.No, he/she/it u-.

Circle the correct answer about Mr and Mrs Kelly.

1 It zs /6m,T]]Sean Corurery.2 Mr Kelly i,s / 'isn't an actor.3 He zs / i,sn't single.4 Mrs Kelly i,s / 'isn't an artist.5 Her name zs / i,sn't Mavis.6 Helen i,s / i,sn't French.

c0i.25 Answer the questions. Use short answers.Then listen and check.

1 Is Mr Kelly an artist?No, he isn'i.

2 Is he a doctor?3 Is he married?4 Is Mrs Kelly an actor?5 Is her name Helen?6 Is she Canadian?

cor.zo Listen and find Pablo, Sandy and Maria inthe picture.

cor.zo Look at the table. Then listen again andcomplete.

Pablo Maria

nalionalily Spanish



,-l I,t: S

Read the table in Exercise 6. Write questions aboutPablo and Maria.

1 Pablo / Italian? 4 Maria / Spanish?le Tablo ltalian? 5 she / single?

2 Where / he / from? 6 What / iob?3 he / married?

Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the questions fromExercise 7.

No, he isn't. S

He's Spanish F'- '


Write six sentences (three true and three false) aboutPablo and Maria.

Maria's married.?ablo'EEnqlish.

Read your sentences to a paftner.

A Maria'E married.B frue.A Tablo'sEnqlish.B False. He ien't, E nglish. He's gpanish.



T T '*-=

trg fr &_#


cor.zz lis{s1 and repeat the alphabet.

cor.zo $s6plste gaps 1-8. Then listen and check'

leil a h j'-litl b c t- e g t- t v

lel f I m t- s u- z

lail u- y

tot o

lu,l q t- L,'

latl o-

cor.zs Look at Exercise 2. Listen and circle the

letters you hear. Then check your answers onpage 95.

Practise in pairs. Take turns to read lines 1-6,


t b-V-c-u-p-D-C_e_rl * ,

''t -o,c-d_g_p-t-g-c

z t-\-m-n-s-x-z-fle_)i-o,_ , n.^ o_x_Z_l_I


4 i{-0-q-U-14r-I-r-r. ^' .v'Q-u_w_r_i

b a-e-i-o-u-,I-e-o-i-.

' r: ^ q-o-e-j-Y-e

6 a-0-t-t-u-Q-i'-O_rl_1,- '-1'x-q-r-t-h-u

-rccor.eo $psll the names. Then listen and check.

Jane n Anthony IWilliam tr Stuart nEmma I Marianna trBrian I Charles li5ls5 and complete the form.





&X{.xx.s& d,Xxe *vxaeeX

My name's GiovannaG-i-o-v-a-****/* *-a


First name:1 Anqelina


NationalitY: 3

Job/OccuPation: s-_.--

cor.rz Qspplste the questions. Listen and check.

Then listen and repeat.

1 What's your first , Please?2 What your surname?t lrom?4 How old



-iob?Work in pairs. Student A, look at page 109.

Student B, look at page 1 1 1.

His/Aer nameie ... Ae'slehes .,.





st$ffiw8w&e_ ffiruffir9$ffi

Look at Jimmy in photos A-C. What's his job? Read iii:,*;ir ulli. Check the phrases in yourdictionary. Then listen and repeat.

$pf&K *s?' I

Excuse me.Pardon?Sorry,/l'm sorry.Thank you very much.You're welcome.I don't understand,I don't know

cor.o+ lislgp and match conversations 1-3 withphotos A-C.

1I zn 3Icor.r+ f,smplgte the conversations with the wordsfrom litruk iji:i. Then listen and check.

1 A Excuse t_ . Is this your bag?B Yes, it is! Thank you 2_ much.A You're 3

2 An_me. Where's the banco. nlease?B T'm'-. I don't u_.A Oh - the bankl Where's the bank?B Sorry, I don't 7

3A8 e Are you Hugh Grant?Br0A Are you Hugh Grant?B No, tt_. My name's Jimmy White.

Practise the conversations in Exercise 4 in pairs.

Work in pairs. Look at page 109 and write adialogue. Then read it to the class, Use the phrasesfrom iii:*;f {)ut. %-**_t}f"

w*&&m&3wmw &&sm &K&ffiw&ffiPut the words into the three categories. Then add

three more words from Units 1 and 2 to each group'

Petand waiter Italy engineer TtrrkishGermany Mexican Canadian secretary

Circle the correct answer in the sentences.

1 He's a / an, englneer.2 She / Her teacher is American.3 He's / Hi,s a police officer.4 I / Ma name's Felipe.5 Is he you're / your manager?6 What's she / her name?7 He i,s / 'i,sn't French - he's from London.

Choose the right answer: a, b or c.

1 What's your name?a Spain

@Maxinec I'rench

2 Where's he from? He's froma Canadianb Argentinac Polish

3 How old is she? She'sa seventeenb Germanc married

4 What's her job? She'sd twelveb an actressc good

5 Are you Spanish?a Yes, I am.b Yes, Spanish.c Thank you.

Look at the table and write four questions and

answers about Diana.

Look at the pictures and complete sentences 1-3.

student andteacher.

I receptionist.


and2 Shei


2Age 21

3 Nationality Canadian

4 Job musician

1 What's her name ? Her name

2 How3 Where4 What




c0135 Listen and repeat the words ineach group.

1 bag, b4nk, Canada, Italian, m4rried,Spanish, thanks

2 gngineer, Mexico, receptionist,secretary spell, ten, twelve Listen to the pronunciation of the wordsfrom the box. Put them in the right group.

alphabet Canada Italianmechanic Mexican thirr v

On Orr nOn Onracxor Italy

cor.ez liglgJl and circle the correct answers.

i NAME: 1 Gabriela / Gabriella, SURNAUE: 2 Suskand / Suskind. AGE:313/30. NAT|oNALITy: a ltalian / Canadian, FROM: 5 Winipeg / Winnipeg' OCCUPATTON:6 secretary / student

Write a description of the woman in Exercise 1.Use the information from the card,


Choose the correct response, a-c, forsentences 1-4.

1 Hi, Jake? How are you?a Good morrung.b Fine thanks, and you?c Thanks!

2 My name's Marie. Nice to meet youla I'm Alec. Nice to meet you too!b What's your name?c Excuse me.

3 Oh, my bag! Thank you very much!a I don't know.b Fine thank you.c You're welcome!

4 Excuse me. Where's the university?a I don't know.b Sorry, I don't know.c Pardon, I don't know.

tu&sYKru8ru& &rum WKXYX&&&


-.e' ',aa'.a a

ffiK&mgru& &p-em &m&$wM&K


F,.,- +.L 'Jl

i: I

I Her lHls name'sFrancis. No, itI' is I isn't an English

name - Francis3 ls / ls from French!He's nineteen and he'sa o I on student atGreenwich Universityin London. ln the

. evenings he'ss o I onI*.,,-_r,-€- waiter in a bar:





6 Hs I Her name's Agaand she 7 's from I 's

Poland. In the morningsshe's a student at; North LondonUniversit;z In theafternoons she's asecretary ing o I onofflce in centralLondonl

Circle the correct word or phrase.

--=:=--=<.n$_JrE:-r::::-r: --.-,=€i-rs:r€rE-.-i-s-*-a!-,-:,_.:-.:.+s---,::r:-,i:-.e:-+!,.1-,.:itras.-j_€-:..:+_ffer






i-;lia i::,-l'rl,l i:.ti!.ri,',,!-l.rl :k*

''.1cF fffi"* ffiffi

&m&Msw&m &p$m mK&mrs\{&

cn3s Read the article. Tick true (/) and cross false (l).

1 Victoria is an actress from New York. tr2 Darren's from a big family. f3 Sam isn't from Manchester.4 Rachel isn't a teacher.5 Rory is 2 and Summer is 4.

Complete gaps 1-B in the photos with theunderlined words from the text.

Gloria and Mike 5


Family life

Wcrk *t sxs** Complete the table with the underlined wordsfrom the text. Listen and repeat. Then check onpage 1 1 7.



* husband 3



Ffind, *,Eae *a"ag*3husband I husband=

j child I childr*i: NOT €hild+

X&fork !t **tFind the sentences in the text and complete the gaps.

1 Where you and your family from?2 His sisters musicians.3 How old _ they?4 We _ very rich but we

very happy!

Complete the table with 're/are/arent Then checkon page 117.

to be: welyoulthey

We/You/Theyt_ {ere} from New York.

Weffou/They 1_ {ane m*t} musicians.

3-we/you/they happy?Yes, we/you/they o_.No, we/you/they 5_.

Circle the correct form in the sentences aboutthe text.

1 Victoria and her parents are /ftre;n\frontManchester

2 Her grandparents are / aren't American.3 Sam and Dave are / aren't teachers.4 Rory and Summer are / o,ren't music,ar'L-.5 Victoria and Darren are / aren r \ et-. :ai.a .

Write the plural form of the words in brackets.

1 How old are your broLAe:= ? (-t'l'-,il rr'2 We aren't his _ . (srsttr'3 Are her from Austla-,ra.


4 Where are her frol'-- 'llar-L, iLar'-r..5 My _ aren't teachels. '-1i..


Work in pairs. Look at page 109 and complete thetext with is/isn'Uare/aren't.

Write five sentences about you and your family,

Mynarr,es...ert -.John and Martha a

a{ Lt, .XY-!

ia *,,F Es?

*ffiewweffi &rum


Tlrini,. &a*klTick (/) the wordsyou know.

grandmother I son Imother ! father !parents ! sister Ibrother f husband Iwife I uncie fdaughter f, aunt !

cor.+o Read and listen. Complete gaps 1-4 in the photos with the words

from Exercise 1.

Julie Oh, Rick! Photos of your sister's wedding!Rick Oh, no! They're boring!Julie No, they aren't. Look at thls photo. Are they Wal'ne's aunts?Rick No, they're his grandmothers.Julie Ohl Their hats are very pretty ...Rick No, they aren't - they're ugiY!Julie And this photo? Are they Wa;me's aunt and uncle?Rick No, they're our parents.Julie Oh, the-v're very tall!Rick \-es, $'e're a tall family.Julie But look at you and your brother ln this photo.Rick It's a good photo!Julie Yes, but vour friends are tall, and you and your brother

are short.Rick No, we aren't!




i,,j*r'k lt ***Match the sentences with the same meaning.Then check on page 118.

1 They're Wagne's grandmothers. I2 They're Sharon's brothers. na They're herbrothers.b They're hzs grandmothers.

Replace the words in italics with hr.s or her.

1 Sharon is Wayne's wlfe.Sharan ie hrE wife.

2 Rick is Sharon's brother.3 Wayne's grandmothers are happy.4 Ri,ck's friends aren't short.5 Shcr,ron's parents are ta\l.

tV*r* !t **";'[

Complete the box with the underlined words in thedialogue in Exercise 2. Then check on page 118.

Subject pronouns

tr'm Wayne.?,i:g're Sharon.f{*'s Rick.*h*is my friend.ff*'re short.

Yr:*'re tall.

'[&*y're mygrandmothers.

Possessive adjectives

ffiy name's Wayne.Y*uf name's Sharon.Xis name's Rick.}{*r name's Julie.1_ parentsare short.

parentsare tall.r_hatsare pretty.

Complete the sentences with our, your, their.

1 A'Is he Bill and Sally's father?'B'No, he's uncle.'

2 James and I are brothers. parentsare American.

3 A 'What are _ jobs?'B 'I'm an artist and Joe's a mechanic.'

4 A'Are your friends rich?'B'No, they aren't, but

grandparents arel'

L,^r1-. .r aJ,Ir _ Tick (/) the correct sentence. Listen andrepeat the answers.

1 a They're from Russia Vb Their from Russia n

2 a He's Japanese. Ib His Japanese. I

3 a Your our friends. nb You're our friends. I

4 a We're they're parents. nb We're their parents. I

cor.+z lssft at the photo and listen. Correct the falsesentences.

1 It's a photo of Jack's brothers and sisters.\Ns a phoLo ol )ack'E lr\ende.

2 Adam is Jessica's brother.3 Richard's sister is very pretty.4 Jessica and Richard's father is a doctor.5 Suzie isn't Jack's girlfriend.

Write five pairs of names. Then askquestions in pairs.

Who are MarLa ano -:'.:,. - ' . .3t5Tef9.Whoore-lor--. :




Iand answer

t*'tiS* t,:'

man in a big car.


tr#se,ffi *}g"&ffiv e$*ffi #ffieww&ffil"r;;l ii;::kl Look at the pictures, Complete thegaps with the words from the box.

short pretty tali rich

*t*irk rt *xtComplete the table with the words fromthe pictures. Then check on page 118.

Singular Plural



* childi' person



1-i**;# 6#;"*xex

s mani*r


She's .i :,grrtri ','rirrr;+"i. :lperson.

They're _ men.

Put the words in the correct order.

1 pretty I my I aren't I sistersMy sisLers aren'L prelty.

2 happy / they / children / are?3 parents I ow I aren't lpeople / tall4he/richlislalman?5 uncles I and I ugly / are / lheir i short

Match a word in A with an opposite word in B.

A happy tallpretty big oldrich good

B small sad newbad ugly poorshort

Complete the sentences with the opposite words.

1 My sister's a ehorL person but herchildren are


2 They're very rich people but their parentsare_.

3 Their father's car is old but their mother'scaris-.

4 Our family is small but my friend's family:^

S f\lv OtUtirit is good but my Spanish

She's a sad woman.

They're happy children Therr're rrolrr nconle

See r-or,r soonl

-S- -.:e-

, l;F.,'e-,


. a:l

*:,1.-r:- i

i:,i l liii;r i;,tl,l f ir: i:,i r ii i,;

R€ad ::i.,,,,,:., :,rr. TiCk (,/) the SentenCeS fromthe photo.

,1!r.''.",:, l'l :::1 i I

Goodbye./Bye.Goodnight.See you.See you later!See you tornorrow!See you soon.Take care.

Work in pairs. Write a dialogue about the photo,Read it to the class, Use phrases from

rrnTIlT f,spplste the conversations with words from

',1;,11:,'r r.;.;r. LiSten and check, Then practise in pairs.

1 A Bye Karl,B t_ Mandy. t_ you later.A \es. see ''_

2Al Mum.B Goodby", George. Take'A And you, Mum.

3 A Goodnight, Granddad.B o-

, dear. Sleep rvell.A Thanks. And you.'__you tomorror,ri Say goodbye to your classmates/teacher,


':.::.'.,:;::l rrl;pi ,t'.:1,,- t.::, t:1., tOWnS; plaCeS, ShOpS and SefViCgS.

:,:".:i:,.,. there is/there are; a,/some/any; prepositions of place.

'':r:,.' :: : positive and negative adjectives; asking for and giving directions.

t )?:t!, i)i|i i:it:, i::,.it: 7;r'i';'{,';': il I rti i ,: i lll i.,

cor.+q Listen and repeat, Tick (/l the things you find on the map. In your opinion, is Boreton an interesting town?

t H

hospilal V caf6 ! 10 h& cinema I*'&11 ..:.,ry

church tr

hotel I { park ! 12 W supermarket !

postofficel t m club!

,ffi \uu."ul"r, r 7

2 3&gg

museum !

E theatre trI




ZabaSupermarket' '

Tourist Information S&

r.r.1ss Streetvr-- ;-\ri-

Antonio's Caf6



Lavender Caf6

Albert Hotel


Saint Mark's"&,&;.:_& :

. ',1: l.l



Post Office


Regina Hotel LondonRoad


G'-Tesda Superstore


Spart Supermarket


Grand Hotel

u"'h o%er


MY BORETON!Wendy, 70

Boreton is small but it's great! There's a nice park and there's zvery interestingmuseum. Boreton church is very pretty - it's seven hundred years oldlThere are also some nice caf6s in the town centre and three supermarketslOh, and the new hospital is fantastic - the doctors are very good!


Jon, 16

Boreton is a sad place!There are a lot of hotels and that's it!There arenr a:-r'good shops. There isrit a cinema or a theatre. And there isnt even a librml.There is only one club in town - Testosterons.It's terrible! Oh, and there aren'lany buses in the evening! Boring Boreton!

cor.+r lislsp and read about Boreion. Who is happyin Boreton?

&V*rk it *xtLook at the underlined phrases in the texts inExercise 2. Complete the box with is/isn'Uare/aren't.Then check on page 119.

there is/there aret allirmalive and negative

Singular + Tlrer*'s {Yhere $*} a/one park.Y*xers 1_

a cinema.

Plural + TXtsr* 2_ some/three caf6s.3"&*r* 3_ a lot ofleight hotels.Th*re 4_ anv buses. Listen and repeat the sentences from the boxin Exercise 3.

i &K*xx& *Ka* *rxap?I rnere !s = There's; BUT

] There are NOT There'r*;-*---',---

Tick (,2) the true sentences about Boreton, Cr:ss iXthe false sentences and correct them.

1 There are two parks ur B' :'- : 7There E one park ir 3c'",: . '

2 There are three qlt al:: ..'-' -:3 There ate t',vo chrtt'cl-,-s4 There isn'f a ho'r i : -5 There ar'6rrrt atL\'-: -, :

6 There ar',- r l, - -:7 Thele al'e L, .Ll '- - :: ,


Circle the correct answers.

1 There'slO / some park in the city centre.2 There i,s / are some shops but there aren't

some / anA sttpetmarkets.3 There ts / ctre a iot of churches in my tov,n.4 There i"s / are a good restaurant in the park.5 There 'i,sn't / aren't any hotels.6 There are a / some people here.7 There isn't a / some caf6.B There is / are a lot of students in my tov'n.

Make negative sentences using the words in


1 There's a restaurant. (ctub)There isn'I a club.

2 There are some shops. (supermarkets)3 There's a library. (museum)4 There's a theatre. (cinema)5 There are some hotels. (caf6s)

Practise in pairs. Ask and answer questions aboutyour town.

6hotels ----../ cmemas \f churches \J srrnermarkcrs \ are Lhere in.^.""\-"

How many- clubs your torm?restaurantscaf6smuseums

Tho-eq 66p q1 no-a2rl7al.

There isn'x a cinema.There arefivehoLels.There are a lot of clubs.

Tick (/) the words that have positive meaning.Look at the text on page 27 to help you.

boring fanrastit greal ilrlerestLngnice terrrble

Work in pairs. Write five sentences about your town,Use Exercise 3 and 9 to help you,

In my torm there is a fantastic ... /rn intpreqfinoThere are some greal ...There isn't a good ...Thp is horins/terrible ...

ffi ffi&wffi &re,&r*m wffiffieK&$L&mw

cor.rz lislsp and repeat the words. Then look althe plan and complete the sentences withis/isn'Uare/aren't,

bookshop burger bar cinemaclothes shop internet caf6 post officeshoe shop sports shop supermarkettoilets record shop telephones

1 There is a post office.2 There a cinema.3 There two telephones.4 There any record shops. lislsl to people at the Information Desk.

Which things from Exercise 1 do they ask about?

Cath Good morninglShopper 1 Hellol Is there a bookshop here?Cath Yes, there is. Dy\anb. Hete's a plan

of the shopping centre.

Cath Good afternoon!Shopper 2 Afternoon! Are there any toilets?Cath Yes, there are. They're over there!

Shopper 3 Hello. Is there a cinema here?Cath A cinema? No, there isn't. Sorryr

Wsrk !t *axt

cor.+s lgsft at underlined words in the conversationsin Exercise 2, Complete the sentences withis/isn'Uare/aren'f. Listen and repeat. Then checkon page 1 19,

there islthere are questions



ls tkarc abookshop?

3_ tkereany toilets?

Yes, ttlcr*No, thee'e 2




Yes. {kere are.No, ?|ler* 4

Complete with rs there or are there.

any supermarkets in Boreton?a record shop in the tov"rL?

a book shop?any telephones?

Put the words in the correct order to make questions,

Write the short answers.

1 any there are caf6s?AreLhere any cafes? Yes,f,here are.

2 shoe shop there a is? Z3 there shop clothes a is? tr4 are any buses there? 85 museums are any interesting there VPractise the conversation in pairs. Student A, lookat page 1 1 0. Student B, look at page 1 1 1 .


: lu lFl-'i! -'j ' Ff-**-{. g-^-r-- .-. :-_^_- * *_-_ **.:*i!&*fry&$ **Y?|,*Yq&{d/ \r1,7:!j













,r. SP,IA,|









.*,i-*u,Sti*, *q,S.*

p"r':g;tslft#r.€:fu.,.,,..s *.,*


Listen and rePeat.

Complete the sentences with the words trom the box'..,-

opposite next to in on the lgft

1 The internet caf6 isto the shoe shoP

3 The record shoP isCross Street.

4 The museum is

i.c, 'ffiListenand write the numbers of places a-d'

achurch I bcinema tr ccaf6 X dtheatre Lpractise the conversation in pairs. studentA, look at page 110.

Student B, look at Page 112'


It's on King Street/Wilson Square.

It's next to thesupermarket.

It's oppositethe church.



It's ontu left.

It's onthe right.

2 The hotel is the caf6'

l%i:Excuse me. \\'-here's

the muserurL?"'



*;ffirxw&w&*_ ffiruffi$."esM

Look at pictures A-C. In which picture can the mannot help the tourist? 166[ at :i*rnir *i;1,. Listen and tick (/) thephrases you hear.

$Pii:,{ *l,i? |

Asking for directionsExcuse me.Where's the .,.?ls there a ... near here?

Giving directionsIt's over there on the lefUright.It's not far.It's next to the ...It's opposite the ...It's on ,.. Street.

l'm sorry. I don't know!

A frx*uxc rx*. Where's the library?B lt's over there on the riqht.A .|h*n& yr*.

A ,*x**;* r**. Where's the library?B Sorry. I don't know!A Ykrt's ff{. NOT Listen and repeat. Practise the conversationsin Exercise 2 in pairs. f,66plste the conversations. Use the wordsfrom $t;:;L l}:1.. Then listen and check.

1 A Excuse '_ . Where's the church?B It's over there r_ the right.A Thank ''_

2 A Excuse me. Is there a bookshopa_ here?B I'm o_ . I don't knowA That's t'_


3 A Excuse me. 7 's the cinema?B It's 8 (trnqq Stropt novi 9

the supermarket. It's not 10

A Thank you.

Practise the conversations in Exercise 4 in pairs.

Work in pairs. Look at the map 0n page 26. You arenext to the Tourist lnformation 0ffice on Nodh Street.Give directions to these places. Use the phrasesfrom 5;:;;:la ll1.

Gossips Caf6 Spart SupermarketVictoria Hotel the hosnital

That's OK.

Work in pairs, Say where these things are in yourtown. Use the phrases from $p*ak ilul.

an interesting museum a good cinemaa nice park a good club a nice caf6an interesting bookshopa good sports shop an internet caf6a good, but cheap clothes shop

There's a nice caf6 on Queens Squale.It's opposite Lhe posr office. i::.r::!::!-:j:::i.::ij:rr:i!r:i.!:]-:-n:i::]]l::::::]:i::::].:i.:


r, al'




Ercusea club


me. Is thereneal herel


Excuse me. Is therea bank near here?


I'rn qnrnr

don't know!



wffi*effiwmffiY &ruffi ffiffiewffieffiCircle the wrong word in the group.

1 brother parents father uncle2 inlerest ing nice lerrible great3 caf6 burger bar library restaurant4 club theatre post office cinema

Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

You can see the first letter of each word.

1 There's a bank o_ the cinema.2 She's ninety-five - she's very o_ !

3 There are a lot of shops in the shoppingc_.

4 She's only eleven years old but she's veryt_.

5 The caf6 is next t_ the theatre.6 The museum isn't interesting - it's very

b!Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.

- :i.i-:- -

i.r Kitty's bro+.her

encl Anne Kitty's:r iit'entS.-


sister., - : -, -l--- -..^ T^ ^t-r^.r .i ., i'ckr- are Jack's

Krttl"s mother]tusband.

Jackr"s children

Circle the correct answer in the sentences.

1 Thei,r / They're grandparents are American.2 My classmates are / our great.3 Thei,r / They're our children.4 He's my ctunt's / aunts husband.5 Our daughter's / daughters are at

university.6 Is there a / some bank near here?7 Is / Are there any bookshops on

London Road?8 There are solne / any good shops on

Market Street.

Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e.

1 Are you happy? I2 Is French interesting? I3 Are there any clubs in your tov,n? I4 Is there a bank near here? tr5 Are they rich? Ia Yes, there are. TWo!b Yes, we are.c Yes, they are. Very!d Yes, there is. It's over there!e No, it isn't - it's boring!

Change the sentences into questions.

1 They're teachers.2 There's a school on King Street.3 They are your children.4 Tom and Ben are happy.5 There are some musicians in the caf6.

pffiffiruffiruffi$es*&px lislsp and repeat the words in each group.

1 children, him, six, sister, rich, big, prelty

2 me, speak, peeple, three, she, teacher, we Listen and repeat. Underline three words witha different sound.

brother falher mother theatrethere lhirty this three Listen and complete the table with the wordsfrom the box.

parents sisters libraries toiletshusbands cooks cinemassunermarkets clubs

/s/ tzt lizl

aunf,9 uncles counNries




- a.


i${:tt{3$,N{;i ib{,,{ * {* ffi ,i,&q el}&K

MY CAMBRIDGE - Nadia codina )

';fiia Codina, 79, is a student at the-:llum School of English in Cambridge.j

".e's from Cadiz, in Spain.


-: school is oreatl 0rrr teacher verv nice: my classmates are fantastic. My best

,=nds 'Z_ Itaiian - t_ names are Claudia-: Loretta. There are also a lot of students-n Turkey - and Spain too! And of course

= colleges in Cambridge 4_ very old and

=:ty and there 5_ an interesting museum.


,.:bridge is a little boring - sorry! Yes, there

= '_ nice pubs for students but there aren't_ interesting clubs. The clothes shops and

,e shops are boring too.

Circle the correct word or phrase for each gap.

1 ais bare2ais bare3aher btheir4als bare5ais bare6asome banyTasome bany

mr,sz lislsp and tick (./) the sentences thatare true.

1 F ortrose is in England.2 It's a big tovm.3 There's one hotel.4 There isn't a post office.5 There is a little shop.6 There's a club.7 Fortrose is near a hio citv

, Pf:&,${,*n fr


Choose the correct response, a-c, forsentences 1 and2.

1 Ercuse me. Is there a post officenear here?a Yes, there is.b Yes - it's on King Street. oppl,sr r

the holel.c Yes, I know.

2 Bye, Jo. See you soon.a Bye, John. Take care.b Goodnight. Ancl5-ou.c Evening, John. See 1-ou.



Likes and dislikesl:it:;:::.t . tt:i::r'::: *ll,l iltilt. ;:lllrl. likes and dislikes, sports and leisure, food and't';"::l;.i::.t, the Present Simple: I/you; me/you,4tim/lzer/i't/us/them.lfii,':l ril food and drink; ordering food and drink.




Where aneyou from?

What d*r youdo in England?

Do you likeEngland?

What are thebad things aboutlife in England?

Do you likeEnglish food?

I'm from Malmo in Sweden.

I'm a footballer: I play football forManchester City,

Yes. I do. lt's a very interesting countryunC th" p"ople ale great,

English people don't speak any

languages - only Englishl I speakSwedish, English and German!

The food isn't badl But English peopledon't eat English food - only ltalian,

Indian or Chlnese foodl

I'm Argentinian - l'm from San Rafael,

a small town near Mendoza inArgentina.

I live with my sister in London.We're models.We work in the centreof London,

It's OK.The clubs in London are good* we don't have any interesting clubsIn )an Kalael,

It's very expensive and very cold

- there isn't any sunl And English

people speak very fast!

No, I don't - it's terrible! | don't eat alot, Also, I don't like the coffee here,


? '_you :i:.,.i;

English food?,,,, thgy ;' :.:,:::i English?

itl! ;r!tr1.i1 !ikif C0ffee,

Yes,l3_/No, I o-.Yes, they tt{]./No, they rlll;''1. Read and listen, Who is very happy in England:Per or lzabela?

',;:,;,.: ,': ,'.,,

Look at the underlined words in the text. Completethe table with do/don'f. Then check on page 119.

Present Simple: l/youlwelthey

+ fffouAl\lelThe! :::;'i' ivlLondon.


Make the sentences negative.

1 We play tennis.\,'','3 ltci t Vti3'; ig1"^';5.

2 I drink coffee.3 They speak Spanish.4 I live in Tlrrkey.5 We work in London.6 They llke pizza.

Tick (,2) the correct sentences.

1 a I speak German and Polish.b I am speak German and Polish.

2 a PIay you football?b Do you play football?

3 a They not hke pizza.b They don't like pizza.

cor.oo Write the sentences in the correct order.Then listen and check.

'l and./f'rench/spealJE nglish/I.. :i : i. =:'..'.,1 '' ,'nl':'.,'-

2 bananas/I/like/don't.3 food/they/Italian/do/eat?4 do/have/you/a computer?5 irVf'rance/don't/live/the5r.6 speak/English/you/do ?

7 you/where/do/live?

Make questions. Then ask and answer thequestions in pairs.

Iike coffee? like sport? have a car?have any brothers or slsters?speak Spanish? live in England?iive rn the centre of tou'n? play football?

Do you iike coffee? 5


No, I don't!:!!L::ia-:.:E:: l


TTTTfT fts3fl, listen and repeat. How do you say theunderlined words in your language?

1 They don't eat English food.2 We don't have any interestrng clubs.3 I live with my sister in London.4 What do you do?5 I don't like the coffee here.6 I play football.7 I speak GermanB We work in the centre of London.

Look at the texts in Exercise 1 again, Who says eachsentence? Write P for Per and I for lzabela.




have a sister.speak three languageslike sport.

English people are nice.England isn'l boring.I live in Manchester.I don'l like English food


English people don t eat English'ood


ffi ffi&P-ryffi &'ffi &,ru* " PX,&X*t{*

cnr.or lislsp and repeat. Tick (./) the things in thephotos you like and cross (X) the things you don't like.

cor.oz Listen and repeat. Practise in pairs' Talk about

the things in Exercise 1.

t 1 Ilove lazz.

sO 2 I really like jazz.3 t like jazz.

e 4 I quite like iazz.

@ 5 I don't like jazz.

@t 6lhate 1azz.

I love baekeLball. I qu\Le like fooLball.

cor.os Listen and read. Tick (/) what Kelly likes/loves.

jazz Iclassical musir- IJohnny Depp films INicole Kidman

Damon Do you ltke iazz music, KellY?Kelly I hate it. I really like classical music.Damon Oh! Mozart?Kelly I quite like him. But I love Vivaldi.Damon Oh! Mmm. And films?Kelly I love films with Johnny Depp.Damon Oh yes! I love them too! Johnny Depp is

great! And do you like Nicole Kidman?Kelly Damon, I hate her!Damon Mmm ... Kelly. I really like you. Do you

like me?Waiter Spaghetti?Kelly Pardon?Damon Spaghetti? No, it isn't for us!


ffi*i,* r

Italian I


i'i::::,r::, .1" '',li:i,r,,,,,,.,.

bVxrk !t *mt

Match subjects 1-4 with opinions a-d fromExercise 3.

1 Jazz music2 Mozart3 Johnny Depp films4 Nicole Krdman

quite like him.hate them.hate it.

Complete the table with the words in bold fromExercise 4. Then check on page 119.

I you he she it we they

rc* yeri *s

Circle the corect words,

1 Do you like Kate Winslett?I quite tike s,ha /FC.

2 Do you like German cars?I love ll / them!

3 Do you like your teachers?Yes, I really like us / tlzem.

4 Do you like Eminem?I quite llke him / |rc.

5 Do you like hip hop?Yes, I really Ilke ltim / it.

6 Do you like Madonna?Yes, I really llke lzim / herl

Complete the sentences.

1 She's a lovell,' person - I really like her2 They're my friends I really like _ .

3 You're very pretty - I realiy like _ .

4 He's a terrible actor - I hate _ .

5 They're fantastic photos - I really like

O ftt gr"at ^usic -

I love

cor.o+ Qsmplste the conversation with words fromExercise 5. Then listen and check,

Damon Is your pizza good?Kelfy Yes, it is. I really ltke pizzas.Damon I love 1_ too! And do you

like London?Kelly I love 2_


Damon Yes, London's fantastic. Kelhdo you like me?Yes. Damon, I really likeC)h orearr Er t his is for :

ur, !r rru ru r

Flowers! For -_ lThank you!

Damon/Kelly To us!

Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the quesiionsabout these things,

\/nrrr tn\rm Rritnor ('Jlla l I''the Tnternet jazz Sll *'' . - :: - r.]pizzas school clubs \l:.t'. r.-:: -: l--: -teclTom Hanks

Tlo vott likp tnrl lo\\ti.'

I 1or-e it.




5Xf*.? #


:&.* - ",*.Gil... *_+.,.,.F,r!. jii:s!,!.! j+;,, -*"{: --. .".-

.,i l;'. . "* #F.rk















"".,,*."!;-:r . ,, 'rl

'' l':t '

f},. ''ir'


Do you like fast food? What things do you like? Tell your paftner.


+:r e: Match the items in thephoto with the words fromthe box, Then listen and repeat,

cor.oo lislsp and tick (/) thethings in Exercise 1 that Beckylikes and cross (X) the thingsshe dislikes.

What's your favourite food anddrink? Complete the sentences.Then compare your answersrn parrs.

lovereally likequite likedon't like

Ex 1 Ex2



Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Which things from Exercise 1 and 4 arer good for you? r bad for you?


$wffi wxi;ts,{_ fr f*&$,,$sffi

cD1.6i Match the written and spoken forms of theprices. Listen and repeat.

Likes and dislikes

s1.ic L00k at Listen to the hvoconversations, Ccnplete'lhe table .'n,'ith the t^/ordsfrom the box,

:.. . - - i: _ :

'-i ;: -,


Customer A coffee.Man Sure.ljK t_ e s":tCustomer No, t_ . \:: : =a;= I -----:;

sandwich.Man Here you are.Gustomer How o_ is that?Man That's (t4.10), please.

cot.zr Qgpplste the conversation, Use

help you. Then listen and check.

1 25p2 S1.603 54p

4 99p5 53.556 58.997 526.89


a one pound sixtyb eight pounds ninety-ninec twenty-six pounds

eighty-nined twenty-five pence/'p'e fifty-four pence/'p'f three pounds fifty-fiveg ninety-nine pence/'p'

3$3axs:? *Xe* *.x'x*pf1 pound - 10 poundxi1 pence t 10 l:t?{ia NOT pei****;





cor.oe $3y these prices. Then listen and check.

1 55p2523 52.794 56.25

5 532.506 80p7 519.998 53.30



A mineral water, pleaset_ . An;,'thing lYes, ''_ . T\r,,o cofiee.,OK. Here you4_ .

How much is u- ?

That's three pounds eighty. pleaso

cor.og Look at the menu. Listen and completeprices 1-4.


Work in pairs, Roleplay the conversation. Student A,

look at page 1 1 0. Student B, look at page 1 1 2.


coffee e1'5O

@a f.1'25orange juice'.^^t^ 2


In"t"" sandwich e2'

chicken sandwich "-lgg ="nO*lcr'


chocolate caKe --





A nnffoo nle:qe

Routinestt: t:::,::':.a,,t :a':..,.. .,, r,..ii t i]l ll:,:;,t tl,::ll f OUtineS.

',:':,:..:':1,.:,:::: the Present Simple: he/she/it; adverbs of frequency.i' f::1.,,:::. t::: days of the week; prepositions of time; telling the time.

{1 ?? r'$ }?1,&, x fi {i! li iii,r i,i I ri I il,, {lfltY

Match phrases 1-2 with definitions a-b,

1 a.m. (1.00 12.00r I2 p.m. (12 00-24.00) na rn the morningb in the afternoon/in the evening/at night

Put photos A-H about Rob's day inchronological order 1-8.

til'|xv:!:; rL r:r;i

Look at the verbs in the sentences in the photos.

Complete the table. Then check on page 120.

Ilyoulwelthey he/she/it

coz.r lislsp and repeat the words in Exercise 3.

Circle the correct verb.

1 We€laiil/ starts school at 9.2 She-uahe / wakes up at B in the morning.3 They haue / /zas breakfast at 7.

4 My father go / goes to bed late.5 IJin'isl"t / Jintslzes work at 5.

6 My boyfriend really Li,ke / likes Italian food

Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets.

'l I always wake up at B in the morning. (She)the alwaye wakes up at B tn Lhe morninq.

2 We start schooi at 9. (My brother)3 They have breakfast at 7. (He)4 You go to bed late. (Jane)5 I finish work at 5. (Rob)6 I really like Italian food. (My boyfriend)

getstartwake upleavefinishg0have

qo v2

ROD'9DNM lE.';';

€^ He usu?llYlie! home at 6'

He wake:_;a$gk :i:;i.',1.:i j:.r!

up at T.




W*li{ ii, *lliLook at the underlined words in the sentences inthe photos. Complete gaps 1 and 2, Then check onpage 120,


Put the words in brackets in the correct place.Look at the sentences in the photos to help you.

1 My sister wakes up at 7. (usua11y)My sister usually wakee u? af,7,

2 She leaves home at 9. (sometimes)3 I have dinner at 10. (never)4 Their uncle starts work early. (usually)5 They finish work at B in the evening.


lnterview your partner, Tick (,2) usually (U),

sometimes (S), neuer(N) in the table,

sometimes 2

Do you ,,.?

have tea for breakfast

go to bed after lunch

finish school at 3 p.m.

olf hlmhrrroprq

speak English in class

wake up eariy



Do you wake up early? i.1,:.

Yes, usualiy/sometimes.No, nevet.

.,, i \, .,. I r :, | ! -t | : | $ : | \ | I | !:i:,,,! .1.\ \l titr,j,: : :' t'

Write about your paftner. Then tell the class,

"r' ar<. : e'",a1,.,t uo early,

; '4..


_,_ i

@:r':'***,, -&1e some[lmes I-,nish*:,' work at 5




He never it,,r,,,. breakfast. ,,1

.' :;'5t,::i;Wffi$&:.Sry,t -,r;W:1....e:i"


dinner at 8.





i' t,*t*ru*reffiLook at the photo, Where's Rob?

d at home b at u-olk c at school

coz.z fts3fl and listen. Then answer the questions.

1 Who's Maggie? 2 \\l:rat's Rob's job?

How's your son, N{aggie?Rob? He's fine.Does he like his job in the bank?He doesn't work in the bank nor,r'.F{a hqc q norrr inhl

Anne Oh! Does he wear a uniform?Maggie No, he doesn't. He wears a very

smart suit.Anne Oh, that's interesting. What does he do?Maggie I'm not sure - but it's in advertising.Anne Does he work in an office?Maggie No, he doesn't. He works in different

places every day.Anne Does he like it?Maggie Yes, he does. He loves it!

bV*;'k it *utLook at the underlined words in Exercise 2 andcomplete the table. Then check 0n page 120.

Present Simple: he/she

He/She *vc&*'$ a very smafi suit.

He/She t_ {*o*x a*xt} w*riq in the bank.

'_he/she vs*ar a uniform?Yes, he/she 3

No. he/she 4

Correct the sentences about Rob.

1 Rob works in a bank.Rob doesn'L work ln a bank.

2 He wears a uniform3 He doesn't wear a suit.4 Rob works in an office.5 He doesn't like his job.


I ,:l

Write the questions in the correct order,

1 play does tennis she?Daee she play tennie?

2 in do iive you London?3 he what speak languages does?4 do food like they Italian?5 your in a father does work bank?6 your where friend does live?

coz.a lislsp and repeat the questions and answers.In pairs, ask and answer questions about Rob frompages 40-41.

Does Rob wake uo at 7? "\.-'*- *;***d


coz.s Ssrnplsle gaps 1-6 with the correct forms ofthe verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.

Yes. he does.***.***S*

No, he doesn't..***'*****ff'Complete the sentences wllh do, don't,does, doesn't.

1 _ she like her job? Yes, she

2 _you wear a uniform at school?No, I-.

they eat Mexican food? Yes,they



he have a computer? No,

5 What she do? She's an engineer.

6 _ his father work in adverLising?Yeq hp

coz.+ lislsp and write the name of the speaker insentences 1-8, Rob (R) or his mum (M).

1 R Fine, thanks.2 _ You're not very happy today.3 _ There aren't any problems.4 _ Yes, I love it.5 _ Do you wear a uniform?6 _ You never talk about it.7 _ I go to different piaces every day.$ _ It's very boring - I hate it!

Hi Anne, this is Maggie.Oh, hi Maggie. Are you all right?I know about Rob, Anne. He'_ (not/have) a good job!Oh, Maggie. I ... .

And he t_ (not/wear) a smartsuit! He '_ (wear) a chickencostume ...

Anne But t_ he _ (like)his job?

Maggie No, he t_ (hate) itl Heu_ (think) it's boring.Anne Don't worry, Maggie. He's yonng :.t -

there are a lot of other jobs!

Work in pairs. Student A, look at page 1'10.

Student B, look at page 1 1 2.

Talk about a person you know. Use the phrases Ithe table in Exercise 10 to help you,

My friend's dad is an acf,or, l: , ' : -:




Does he )eave home at 9?

9-66 A-$,.' 8.0a A-.w\. - '1.A0 A-:l.w. - il.aO A-.W\ ' 8.aa 7-.y.v\. '1-[,a?h\. ^____-__PiK u- o-'/v., 3ao?w\ 3oo?v^

sc,l.tout sehoot lrp,vtch sehoot



Et IItesday

w&&eKtxx-&mY &r1xm spK&Kxru&

: :iapa6;j Listen and repeat the days of the week in

Alison's diary.


' reDfi;l Look at Alison's diary. Listen and read.What day is it?

A Alison, why are you stil in bed?B Oh, Mum!A Come on, get up! Your lessons start at 8.00!B No, Mum. I start school at 11.00 today. I want

to sleep!

crza Look at clocks 1-6. Listen and repeat the times.

1 eight o'clock 2 quarter past four

3 half past nine


r iffi# Listen and circle the time you hear.




c 11.00c 10.30c 9.15c 5.15c 5.50c 8.40

3.Q0 D'/.v.



4q' +:s D.Vw. ho Lo bed, 800 A-.w --- p.y'\ '- Pw\ '--- VwT-r r-lffrl^[ 7",:;f^ ?:nT *,o,,,# **0,,:"c,^*,:^

";; lffi-


@quarter to eight

1 a 3.002 a 4.303 a 2.154 a 4.455 a 6.106 a 8.20

b 7.00b 8.30b 5.15b 4.r5b 10.06b 7.40





wHffiP; Listen and write the times.

*SF*iF.i Listen to Alison. Complete times 1-7 in her


Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions aboutAlison. Student A, look at page 1 1 0. Student B,

look at page 1 12.

Answer the questions about you. Then interviewyour partner and write his/her answers.

What time do you usually ... ? ; You : Your partner

f"ut" rlor." o" llo"Auv I g lst,have lunch

get home from school

have dinner

go to bed on Saturday

wake up on Sunclay

What time doyou usually leavehome on Monday?

I usuaily leave li,

home at ouarter o'

past eight. t ""

'*:,=.-:-*,*#Tell the class about your paftner.

Tedro usually leaves home at quarLer past eiqhlonMondav.




5 ren to slr 6 twenty past ten

ff1ifs$UPIR f,OIIL-rNH[$TffTIl{


$#$qv$1fAfi- SfldfiL;$l*

coz.rz l-islsl to conversations 1-3 and match themwith photos A-C.

coz.rz lislsp again and read the conversations.Complete times 1-6.

1 Brian Look, Alisonl Frr,ends Again doesn'tstart at t- .

Afison No, it starts at2- I We'retoo late!

Brian No problem. Super Agent 3 s|arts at

Rtison Creutt f tou e Super Agent fl1msl

2 Alison Oh, the caf6's closed!Brian What trme does rt usually close?Alison At 1_lBrian Yes, but look at the sign. Il closes at

on Saturday nowAlison Oh nol

3 Alison Excuse me, what time does the nextHarlow train leave?

Man Sorry, you're too latel The last Harlowtrain always leaves at o- onSaturday..

Alison Oh, no! lesft at $p*ak *rl and listen to the questions.

Circle the verbs you hear. Listen again and repeat.

$rreK **? |

A What time does ... (Super Agent) starUfinislf?the (cafe) open/closd?the (Harlow trainl leave/arrivdl

B lt starts/finrshes at ...It opens/closes at ...It arrives/leaves at ...

Work in pairs. Student A, look at the informationbelow. Student B, Iook at page 112.

Student A1 You are a tourist in Smalltov'n. It's 1.30 p.m.

on Wednesday. Ask Student B questions withWhat ti,me ... ? Use the prompts below.

fhe n:rklr.lnse? the internet caf6lcloseour L! v@r r!/ vrvvL .

the club/open? the museum/open?

2 You live in Newtov,rr. It's 9 a.m. on Saturdav.Answer Students B's questions. Use theinformalion belor,v.

auIItUA!!{ltr8.15 - 8.45

Saturday 8.15 - .,l0 p,m.

Look at the clocks and write the correct times./ftr\m1'' Qly

1.. -tL,-rJ .'t


-1 nine o'clock 4 _- m/f ll r( | \(n-!,tl q?\ /e5.J\, U 'tL



,. i-t*31* l",&lit'f &f1$ $3 {}ffi,&f* &ryeffi

Write the days of the week. Then put them in order.

a atudesyb oydanmc yartsdaud dwseeydnae dusyanf uadryhstg rdfyai


Write items 1-12 from the pictures in thecorrect column.

Match verbs 1-5 with nouns a-e. Then write threesentences with the phrases.

1go2 start3 have4 meet5 speak

I a lunchI b FrenchI c homef d friendsI e work/school

We ueually starl school aI; ei7ht o'clock.

Complete the sentences with the prepositions.

at (x 2) in (x 2) to (2) on (x 2) with

1 I usually meet my friendsSrtrrrrlrrr nioht

2 Steve isn't here - he's _ school now.3 He lives his parents _ the

toum centre.4 I usually get home quarter

_ four.5 They never drink tea _ the evening.6 She sometimes goes bed late


Write questions 1-7 in the correct order, Then matchthem with answers a-9.

1 like Mark does French lessons?2 like you do milk?3 does like her Kay job?4 oranges you do like?5 do you Susan love?6 food they Mexican like do?7 girlfriend like your does your dad?

a Yes, I love her very much.b Yes, they love it.c No, he hates her.d No, we don't like them.e Yes, I love itlf No, he hates them.g Yes, she likes it very much.



Food Drinks

1 - nrilk


c02.14 Listen and count how many syllablesthere are. Listen again and repeat.

chocolate 2 different _Wednesday _ language _usually _ vegetables Listen to the pronunciation of thedouble letters in the words below Listenagain and repeat.

coffee pizza cully faqtballtennis spaghetti usually

mK&m&ru& &rum &K&Mrw&KRead the afticle and circle the correct answers.

Tick (/) the true sentences about the text.

1 Andy doesn't live in Scotland. n2 He never works in the morning. I3 He celebrates Christmas in the

afternoon. I4 He sometimes opens his presents

before breakfast. n5 He doesn't eat Christmas pudding

for lunch. f


Put conversation a-d in the correct order 1-4.

a Here you are. That's four poundstwenty please.

b OK. Anything else?c TWo coffees, please.d Yes, a cheese sandwich, please.

Choose the correct response a-c tosentences 1-3.

1 What time does the film start?aIt's Star Wars VIII.b On Wednesday.c Ar 8.15.

2 A sandwich, please.0 Sure. Anything else?b Yes, please.C How much is that?

3 What time does the London train leave?a It arrives in the evening.b At quarter past seven.c Tonight.

Page 47

Mr ChristmasBy Michael Reindeer

Andy Parks I lives / live in Melksham, a lovelyold English town, and 2 has / have a veryunusual life. He's an electrician and worksevery morning but he3 never / doesn't works inthe afternoon. He celebrates Christmas then -evel dav!

There's a Christmas tree in his house andhe puts Christmas presents under a it / them.Hesometimes opens 5 it / them before breakfastand sometimes after lunch.

He has the same Christmas lunch every day.He 6 usually eats / eats usually Christmaspudding, too.

'Why t does / do you do it, Andy?''Because I love Christmas. It's sreat fun!'

:s-:.+:==€-E--*=ss5..€:s="i''+=F.€=*s<=:.*::..-_-,-.s-::=--=:.==:--..- -









1-6 withlisten and

. , t.,.;.,:': abilities and obligations.cctrt/ccnt't, haue to/ltcr,s ro.

adjectives and adverbs; requests.

coz,ro [113{6h js[5photos A-F. Thenrepeat.

coz.rz lisfsp and read the conversation. Does Julia get the job?

Richard Hi, I'm Richard and this is Megan. And you are .....Julia I'm Julia ... Julia Price.Richard OK, Julia. Can you play tt-re guitar or the prano?Julia No, sorry, I can't. Btit I can dance very rvel1.Richard Great. Go aireacl.

Megan Ver5r goocl, Julia. And can you act?Julia Well ... yes . . a bit.Megan OK, r,r,.hat can you do?Julia I can clo Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet.Megan Goocl. Please stalt.

OK, OKI Thank you, Julia. A-rd fina11y, can you sing'lYes, I canl I can silLg well.Great. Please sing to us.

Vei'y good, Julia - thank 5's11. That's all for nor,rr.

Thank you. Bye.

1 r qin oor

2 a dancer3 a pianrst4 an actor5 a guitarist6 a violinist

IIIITn Richard



,-, ','


W*rk *? nst

Look at the underlined words in Exercise 2 andcomplete the table wilh can/can'f. Then check onpage 121.



cozrz ftssfl and listen to the conversation inExercise 2 again, Then ansvier the questions aboutJulia. Use short answers,

1 Can she pla1 ti.r -:-.- :,.:

No, she canL2 Can she dancel3 Can she plar 1y * I,ict4 Can she act?5 Can she sing?

coe.ra Listen and check your anstver to E"r:e,c sg 2 Qspplste the conversation with cen :ar :Then listen and check.

Richard So what do you thrnk abc,.r.Megan Well, she t_ pla5- a r:-

instrument and she 2

Richard Yes, but she 3_ clance at-.,i - --=

very wel1.Megan Right. That is very important ... br-nRichard Good! So she has the jobl

cozrs Listen and circle the word you hear. Then listenagain and repeat the sentences,

1 TheyGaDl/ can't speak Spanish.2 She can / can't play football.3 We can / can't dance.4 I can / can't play the guitar.5 He can / can't play tennis.6 Yo..l cctn / can't speak Russian.

coz.zo lislsp and tick (/) the things Matt and Janecan d0.

Jane You Yourpanner

+ l/You/He/She/ltAr1/e/They 1_dance,lffou/He/She/ltMe/Ihey,-- ptaythe guitar.

?'_l/you/he/sheiiVweltheysing?Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/th ey 4

No, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they 5_.

Complete the sentences with can and the phrasesfrom the box.

sing play the violin danceplay the piano act ptay the gurtar

1 A singer can sinq.2 A dancer ...3 A pianist ...


I,-*****,..'.' J

j ffi&&xa*K *Xx* *xxxgp3

I She rxx't act. = She ca*x;l*t act.

4 An actor ...E A d,.;+--i^+u

^ SulLdtrDL ,..

6 A violinist ...


play the guitar

play the piano

play the violin




speak f'rench

speak Italian

play tennis

play football

Gomplete the You column in Exercise g. Theninterview your parlner. Tell the class about him/her.

I can play tennis buf,Ellie can't

No, I can i:


GRAMffiem &ruffi ffiK&ffieruffi

Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer thequestions.

1 Are there any famous chefs, racing drivers orcomedians in your country?

2 Do you know any famous foreign chefs, racingdrivers or comedians? Who are they?

coz.zr Read the article and match the words with thejobs. Write A for a chef, B for a racing driver and Cfor a comedian.

CAIS cook f dish I drive I

Check the meaning of the phrases in the box. Put

them in the correct column in the table.

do homework get home by 12 p.m.take exams help in the houseplay with your brother/sisterwear a uniform go food shoppingwalk the dog

school rules

do hornework

home rules

Ydx:lrk $t *sxt

Look at the underlined words in the article.Complete the table wilh have t0, don't have to.

Then check on page 1 21.

have to/has to

lffouMe/They 1- love food,He/She kss tq: know a lot about cars.

lffouAll/elThey 2-kxwe tc go to college.He/She *ses*'t kxws t* be funny all the time'

** l/you/we/they Yes, theY d*.*ravs ?c be very fit? No, theY ***'?.

Yes, he/she r**cx.No, he/she ***xca'*.

What d* you 3- do?

Read the sentences about the article. Tick true (/)and cross false (X).

1 A chef doesn't have to like food.2 Chefs have to study at college. E3 Racing drivers don't have to drlve go-carts. l---l

4 \bu have to learn about cars to be agood driver I

5 \ comedian always has to be funnY.6 Con-Ledians have to perform in clubs. trrzn:,ltl


Write the sentences in the correct order. Then

and repeat.

:-,.r. il speak ciass lve to have.': : t: =ceakEn4liehin


- - -ir learn at have I'rench school?:r- j-.a\-e she to everY cook daY.

- : =s lo he u-ork to have?':: :. . ,-.'l-Lr- chef be have?

food f, go-karts ! jokes !laugh at f sense of humour I

Write a list of things you have to/don't have fo do atschool/home. Use Exercise 6 and your own ideas,

I have ta lake exams aL schocL1 don'l; have to help

inthe house.

Work in pairs. Find three things you have to do butyour partner doesn't. Tell the class.

Do you have to help ;,

" in the house? $--:e=i.:-sn:s::a:\*=a=a=*===--*--€.1-E

No. I don't.==**.*==.**:*S'


Ol6a doesn'l have to help in the hause buT, I do.



'irql- nn fnlif I'

young talented people @e

{_} home {t tips and adv"ice i_.) expert opinion forum

€ Do your friends laugh at yourjokes? You have to have a goodsense of humour - but you don'thave to be funny all the time!

* You have to find new jokes allthe time and watch othercomedians.

*3 You have to find a club where youcan pedorm in front of people.





* Many famous racing drivers learnto drive go-karts when they arevery young - but you don't haveto do this!

2 To be a racing driver. you have todo sports and be very fit,

S You have to know a lot about cars.Learn all you can about it.

4 You have to practise driving a loti

You have to love food!People usually learn to cookfrom their parents. Ask them toteach you.

You don't have to go to colleqeto cook well.

You have to ask for people'sopinions when you cook a newdish.

\i 0 [$1 * s LF.F.E' &ruffi KpffieKgruffi

They play their guitars

He plays football She drives

Match adjectives 1-6 with adverbs a-f.

1slow n aloudly2 bad l-'l b fast3quiet - cwell4loud n dquietiy5fast I eslowly6good I f badly

Look at pictures 1-6 and complete the sentenceswith an adverb from Exercise 1,

Complete the sentences with the words fromExercise 1,

1 She is a Qood musician. She can play thepiano very well.

2 Her children play . They arevery quiet.

3 The waltz is a slow dance. You have to danceit_.

4 That band plays loud music. They play it

5 He plays the guitar very slowly. His muslc ts




6 The samba is a


dance. You have todance it fast.


He drives very


coz.zr ffislsfl questions 1-4 with answers a-d. Then




listen and check,

1 Can your friends speak trnglish?2 Is your brother a good tennis player?3 Can you sing?4 Do you play the violin?

a No, I can't. I sing very badly.b Yes, he plays it well.c Yes, but I don't play it very well.d Yes, but they speak rt slowly.

Write the sentences in the correct order.

1 slowly speak please?leaee speak slowly.

2 fast very my always sister eats!3 speaks very friend slowly Spanish his.4 i violin the very play badly.5 iike but English very I can't speak I it well

Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

What things can you do. very well?. well?. badly?

I can stng very well buN I dance badly.

Tell the class about your paftner.

Aelena can einq very well buL ehe dances badly



She cooks very


He sings


se3&wsw&$_. sru&ffis$€

c02.24 Listen to dialogues 1-3 and match them tophotos A-C.

1I 2n 3Jcoz.z+ $fgfly fip*ak *r:t and complete theconversations with the correct phrases. Thenlisten again and check.


coz.zs [Jss the phrases from $peak {]ui and completethe conversations. Listen and check. Then oractisethe conversation in pairs.

1 A Excuse me. 1

please?B There's a nice caf6 or-el tl-rti: -'.:

the cinema.

2 A Sorry, I don't undelsiatplease?

B That's 52.50.


spfl&K *t.3. I

RequestsCan you help me, please?Can you give her a message, please?Can you repeat that, please?Can you speak slowly, please?Can I have (a top-up card), please?Can I speak to (Emma), please?

ResponsesYes, no problem.Yes, sure.Yes, of course.

mpqcr ata?


B Yes, lA Here

'rZ:j.. l, ,::LS a

1 MarkGirlMark




trtwnrrco mo l

Yes, sure.2

\tr-here can I buy a top-up card formy mobiie?I'm not sure but I think you can buyone in'Cheapos'.Sorry, where? 2

Oh, sorry. In the supermarket,'Cheapos'. It's over there.Thanks a lot.

holn rrnrr?

Yeah. That's 55Snrnr? lIt's 55.Oh, right. Here you are

Hello, this is N{ark. 5

No, sorry. She's out.o_?

you a]'€

Work in pairs. Write three dialogues. Use the phrasesfrom Srrax i.:ul and the rdeas below. Read yourdialogues to the class,

You wa't t c auy a a'cT cr2rj J '- i jtz ..some stamps buL you don'L knoll ',,itere.

2 WomanMarkWomanMarkWomanMark

3 MarkManMarkManMarkMan

Can IYes. 3

Yes, of course. Whal 's theI can't come tonight.OK. No 7

Er'rF r.F

Free timefree time, houses and furniture.

the Present Continuous.verb collocations; making arrangements.


I %..

, ],:. iil.:r

":' , ?ltr r

{"i..{ ,,

FI9: tiTl ,_

&Ke$wM,&m &rum m&&&xr1x&

Look at the photo and read the postcard. Circle thecorrect answers.

1 The Green family is Engti,sh / Spani;h.2 The couple's holiday is ni,ce / terri,ble.9 Tit" couple's children are in England, / Spai,n.4 Tim and Jacky go to work / ari stud,enti.

Work it sa$

Match sentences 1-2 with time expressions a_b.

1 I drink a lot of water. n2 I'm drinking water - it,s hot! -a noWat the momentb often/every day

cnz.zo Look at the examples in the box and completethe grammar rule. Then listen and repeat. Check onpage 122.

Find more examples of Present Continuous in thepostcard. Underline them, Then check on page 122.

Are w^ OK hotwe( -r- /.)' I/wo e ' vvv t,vt,L(/? ), W\ SlLy€- Wk,yetorLirv,y hnrd_ (or u6or^r

"ro^st",* Wn rtext we-ey_!

Write the verbs in fte present Continuous.

l Ueat l'n- ea-,.-: 4 he cook2 we/sing3 they/drink

Look at the photo in Exercise 1. Tick (/) the tuesentences and correct fie false ones.

1 Mr and Mrs Green are eatirg.Falee.\Ar and Mrs Green a:= ,l-, - .,

2 Mr Green is talking on his telephone.3 Mrs Green is writing a post"-d.4 Mrs Green is wearing a hat.

coz,zr lislgp and make sentences for each sihrdionwith the verbs from the box.

cook drink play the guitar sing sleep

1 They2It3 She4He5He

5 she srud1-6 1-ou work


Choose three of the ideas from the box, Mime yourverb to your paftner. What is your partner OoinlZ

cook drive laugh eat spaghettiplay the guitar/piano play with a dogstudy use a computer wake up

No, I'm using a computer. '_*


DeAr -fryw aytj, JAU_06

Hetto {ron Se_vil

t^a,,w ",;;

",:f |ffK : -T,nTl,::', "oa,(d in n sfurare tn the towrt ee_+Mre Vot"trd"a^d's Criytrin7 oo{lee buf- ,,wa-ter - tt, s

^ri t ii; JS'ffi

tN€n-nw lky Skt/wt/v\€_y oto+h&S! Slne fwetru vrtl,thry,rl,tbrs a,re 31,11

pa#_w t,^;y^::: #f r##fo, "S.WW - v&ru|- yatwA.t*|c,!

{rn and JaUt6- hree,n

A4 North Stree*


-r-r, iPN

tu+ Lnryland / [ A_dj,t,,,c err,_;_

tu\d Dai.JJilD

=aE Listen and repeat the words. Look at the

: :r..lres and complete the names of the rooms'

, -,: -,n bedroom kitchen iiving room

' -: = -iog is sitting in the2 - :-: grrls are sitting in the3 lr,e boy ls talking on the phone in the

4 The cat is sleeping in the

coz.zg Check words 1-10 in a dictionary. Match

them with objects A-J in the picture. Then listenand repeat.

armchair f bed I chair Icooker I fridge I shower Isofa ! table I toilet I TV I Listen and read. Tick (/) the true sentences.

1 Trm's parents are having fun. E2 Tim and Jacky are making iunch. L-l3 Tim has exams at college. L-l4 Jacky is studying with friends XTim Hi Mum! How are you? Are you eniol'tng

vour holiday?Mum Yes. we are - thank you. We aren't doing

a lot - we're tired and we just want torelax today. And what are you doingrAre you studying?

Tim No, not at the moment. I'm cooking lunchnow! Chicken currv!Nice! Is Jacky helning vou?No. she isn't. I think she's studying in herbedroom. Or she's sleeping.Good! And how are your exams, Tim?Oh, fine!Great! Just a minute - who's that? I canhear music and people. I can hear Jackytoo! She isn't studying in her bedroom -she's having fun with her friends! Really,you two!

Change the sentences into questions.

1 He's enloying his he enjoying his holida'y?

2 She's playing computer games.

3 You're going to bed.4 They're sitting on the sofa.5 He's having a shon'er.6 It's drinking water.

Make negative sentences.

1 He's having fun.Ae iEn'Lhavingfun.

2 They're wearing T-shirts.3 We're doing homework.4 I'm playng football5 She's sleeping.

Tick (/) the correct sentences.

1 a He not playing basketball withhis frlends.

b He isn't playing basketball withhis friends.

2 a Are you studying English?b Studying you trnglish?

3 a My father is sit at the table now.b My father is sitting at the table now

4 a You're having breakfast now?b Are you having breakfast now?

5 a Is he usrng the computer?b Is using he the computer? Write questions. Then listen and check,


1 you/work hard?Are you workin1 hard'l

2 you/sit next lo a friend?3 you/sit at a table?4 your teacher/talk?5 the students,4rave fun?6 you,4relp your partner?7 you/speak English all the time?8 the students/learn English fast?

In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions

from Exercise B.

'i*rk i? **tLook at the underlined sentences in Exercise 3.

Complete the table. Then check on page 122.Are you working hard?


Yes, I am. Of course!Present cgilijryf:"1'g-1iy9-1-lq 9-19:Ji:l-: ,,,,,,,, ,;-:-;.,:; -i,1.-" ,,,

- | 1 rn noL {*r;i ;e,ll studYing.He/She'


lr*ii studYing.YouMe/They'- 1*1"*l t*tl doing a lot'



you/we/theyenioying yourholiday?

sfrefne/ithelping you?

Yes, I ;:llt.Yes, youiwe/they 6

Yes, heishe/it i*.No, l'if! :**?.No, you/we/they *r**'1.No, he/she/it 7

Free time



i/ilil&fiiji.$ftYFp Complete gaps A-lwith the correct verbs from the box.

Then listen and check.

-ii have listen phone play read surf visit n'ateh

a video


a snower


magazrne a newspaperz-1\.?I

a book






PaulMarkFionaScottPaul l-i5{91 tO the COnverSatiOn.

What are Justin's friends doing?Use the verbs from Exercise 1.

?aul ie walkinq, Lhe doq.

What do you do in your freetime? Choose six activities fromExercise 1 and put them on theline. Compare with a partner.

very interesting


very boring

Think of four of the people belowWhat do you think they are doingnow? Make sentences in thePresent Continuous.

o parents/grandparentsr brother/sister/friendr favourite sports star/pop/

film star

I think my brother'e sleeping andry favottrir,e pop buying clof,hesl

lmagine you are doing somethingyou enjoy in your free time. Yourpartner calls you on your mobilephone. Make a conversation.

A I'i Greq? Where are you?WhaL are you doin4?

B /'i Adarnl I'm aIIhe OynamosLad,ium. l' m w atchin q Lh e

foolball maLch.Are you having fun?No, l'm not. Dynamo areplaying very badlyl WhaL areyou doinq?

- h^+ha uoLt I

to music

the guitar




homework @ @


Write a sentence for each picture in the Present Continuous. Use thephrases from Exercise 1,



to the radio

They're waNchingTV.

o. ou^




,e t

swffiir$we$_ Kru&x_$sffi

In pairs, look at the photo and answer the questions.

. How old do you thrnk the people are?

. What are they doing?

coz.a+ $lufly ":tt;;;17 t;1i.11.. Then listen and tick (./) thesentences you hear,

:ipl|,&r, *l.t? |

Checking if somebody is freeA Are you free/busy this evening/tomorrow?B Yes, I am./No, l'm not.Why?

A Do you have any plans for Saturday/tonight?B No, I don't. Why?

Making and responding to suggestionsA There's a Shams concert on/a good film on at

the cinema/a party at Jim's this evening.Do you want to go?

B Great!/0Kl

A Do you want to meeilgo shoppingtoday?B Good idea!

Arranging a time and place

A Let's meet at 5 o'clock nert fu the cinema/at my house/at the cafe.

B 0K. See you later!/tomorrow! f,6pplste the conversations. Use $;:*ak *ii tohelp you. Then listen and check.

1 Ross Hello?Dan Hi Ross! Do you have any

for thrs evening?Oh, hi Dan! No, I'_. Why?Well, there's a party at Vic's. Do you3 tn on?

_ "" -v.a_ idea!OK. Let's u_ at half past se\-eltat my house.

rrnrr lrfarl Rr-ol

Hello?Hi Megan! '_1-on fi'eetomorrow? In the aftelno,:,r'r.'

Megan Yes, I am. Whl-?Jade t_ u.ant ro go shoppilg uith

me? I r,vant to bu1-a ltresent for Josh.Megan OKIJade '_ at t\\-ent)- past one next to

the citrema. OKiMegan OK. rl

Jade Bvelfnmnrrnurl Rrrol

In pairs, practise the conversations in Exercise 3.

In pairs, roleplay the situations. Use $peek **1 tohelp you. StudentA, look at page 110, Student B,

look at page 1 1 3.



Ross OK. 6

Dan Bye!

2 MeganJade




f g-*€-F :-:

S o F(=LD A T -i R o n M

l C T'l A A R F C T A

T n E K B R r) n R

a) A r\ S L M

K T a T-l E N D L C

L R a) l\ M K u E E -S E B A E R T A

S E B E T'\ R ^ M

F D E R n K T R

A L N R - M


Circle eight more furniture words down (9) andfour rooms across ()).

Write the correct jobs.

1 to act - an acf,or2tosing-a3 to dance - a4apiano-a5aviolin-a6acomedy-a

Which word is differentr'l football / basketball /fsJ.-aciiuml2TV lvideo i D\Ds3 funny / slowly / badly4 chef / stamp i postcard5 lired / loudly / important

Match the verbs in the box with phrases 1-8.

listen watchplay cook

to musict anmntttor

a magazlnethe Internetluncha filmcomputer gamesa friend

Write questions 1-6 in the correct order. Then matchthem to answers a-f.

1 you play can guitar the?

2 learn school do to have French you at?

3 she well tennis can play?

4 wake up does early he to have up?

5 brother can cook your?

6 have your now do homework you to do?

a Yes, she can. Very well!b Yes, he does. At 6!c Yes. he can. And he really enjoys il.d No, I don't. Not today!e No, we don't.f Yes, but very badlyl

Complete gaps 1-B in the phone call. Use thewords in brackets and the correct form of thePresent Continuous.

Brian Hi Andy! What 1_ (youido)?Are'- (you/study) for the testtomorrow?




Hi, Brian. No, I3_ . I *_(practise) the guitar now. And you?i'm in the car with Rob and we 5

(drive) to a party ... Andy, is your sisterat home?Yes, she is. Why?o_ (she/s1eep)?No, she'- . She *_ (sing)in the showerl it's terrible! $rhy?Well, I want to invite her to the party ...









coz.:o Listen and circle the word with adifferent sound.

1 can't fast lactoil2 bed play table3 car have can4 drink drive dish5 slqw sofa shqwer6 fqad bo_ak cook

eoe.ez Listen and underline the stressed word(s) inthe sentence.

1 I can srng.2 I have to go.

3 She can't cook.4 They're having fun.5 Are you having lunch?6 We don't have to sing.


ffiffi&ffi*ruffi er*ffi *ffi&wffi&&

-ii Mum and Dadl-ranks for your email. l'm fine - reallyll!

_in my bedroom in my new student house wjth four girls and they all 2_a fantastic sense

,= humour. We all like the same jokes. Gill and Sally'-: English but Chiara 3_from ltaly and Jung's from- rina. They can speak a_ English and I practise my:alian with Chiara - when she speaks 5_


I niara and Jung cook very 6_ , lt's great - llecause-_cookl (you know I'm a very e_cookl)-=2a aara annl caa rrnrryJ SOOn,


Read the email. Circle the correct answers.

i ;::;'=;i i i; i; ,* i'* tl 'i i: '. : , ,. , , Listen and match descriptions 1-3 torooms A-C.


Choose a room from Exercise 1 and write adescription 0f it. Read it to the class. They guesswhich room it is.


Complete the conversation with phrases a-j.

Paul Are I youbuey this evening, Tess?Tess No, I'm not. '_?Paul Do you 3_ see a film?Tess 4_

, Paul. There's a great neu-film on at five.

Paul Oh, I can't go then. I have 5

l.cnniq nr:ctinpOK. 6- give me lhe ne,'.-.1 ',

' -,'

Yes, t_ . Here you at'e.Look! The *_ at B.3t-t. .,Great. o_ here at 8.llOK, see 10

a you busyb Can youc film's ond Good icleae let's meet

l-rv I


1 a am sitting2 ahave3 a is coming4 a good5 a slow6 a good7 a doesn't have toSabad

b sitb have tob comesb wellb slowlyb wellb don't have tob badly


t &*{







Read the email again. Tick true (/) and crossfalse (X) sentences.

1 Judy's a new student. f2 Judy lives with five students. I3 She can't speak Italian very well. I4 She can cook very wel1. I


f suregtogotoh \ .ant toi \\hr-.1i --^,, t-r. ,.J .\ VU 14Lgr

Changes,;;:{. }::i{:l *rd i*fit *boxf changes.

l,rx:tls* uas/ttasn't; tuere/tueren't.fst** slr technology; colours; seasons and months; talking about dates.

l;= *tut&$&ffi &ruffi w*ffi&ffiwx-&&Y

Look at the photo. Answer the questions in pairs.

. Who are the people, do you think?

. Where are they?

. What are they doing/talking about?








€. , 's'i'i'


cD2.3s Read, listen and repeat the words in the box.

Then write them in photos 1-6.

a cassette player D\Ds a CD playera video LPs (an LP) a portable radio


coz.eo Read and listen to the conversation. Check your

answers to Exercise 1.

What are you listening to, Millie?It's my new MP4 player. It was abirthday present from Uncle Sam.I can listen to al1my music on it- 1500 songsl And I can put 500photos on it - and watch videos, too!That's amazing. I remember my flrstradiogram when I was your age ...Radiogram? Was it a radio?Yes, but it wasn't jusl a radio. it was a

record player, too. I was very Proudof it.Was it small like my MP4?No, it wasn't. It was very big! It was inthe living room, next to the table.Records, or LPs, weren't like CDstoday. They were very big, too - withabout 10 songs on them.Were radiograms popular?Oh yes, they were. But they - about 5100. It was a lot ofmoney then!

- -', '-:..

W*r{q ${ su€

Look at the underlined words in Exercise 3,

Co m pf ete the table wilh was/was n' Uw e re/w e r e n' t,

Then check on page 123.

to be= was/were



wasl/HelShe/lt wrax popular,liHelShe/lt'_ {vwas n*t} big.2 llhe/she/it small?yesJfrysne/it was.lNo, l/he/she/it 3

were+ Weffou/They a- proud.

Weffou/They u- {w*re ete*} expensive.? &Ser* we/youithey popular?

Yes, we/you/they wrere./No, we/you/they 6_.

Circle the correct answer about Exercise 3.

1 Mitlie's MP4@1il/ u)asn't a present.2 A radiogram'LDCLS / wasn't just a record player3 Millie's granddad was / u;asn't happy with his

radrogram.4 It was / wctsn't very big.5 LPs uere / u-teren't smaIl.6 Radiograms were / u:eren't popular but they

were / tueren't cheap.

Put the questions in the conect order.

1 you where were when you ten were?Where were you when you were t'en?

2 where grandparents your were from?3 your who at school primary best was friend

your?4 Saturday where you on were night?5 tired were morning you this?

coz.+r lislsp to Rick and circle the correct answers.

1 When I was ten, I l utas / wasn't at scho,- 1 "-.Manchester.

2 My dad was from Manchester but m1

grandparents 2 Luasn't / weren't. Thel- -' -1.3 from / inLondon.

3 My primary school was 4 grea,t / b',,'best friend was Michelie. She : tt r.English, she was 6 French / Ati,,. ''

4 On Saturday 7 afternoon / tt igl, . - '' ...,o home / tt'ork.l was at a l,;il- --'

friends.5 Last night, I was in bed at ui.: - : - . . :

morning, I wasn't tired bul l r llate for school!

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the oJ:st :-s -Exercise 6 about Rick,

Where was Rick rvhr - ': i. -. a :'. "

In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6

aboul you. Then tell the class about your partner.








@€ Read, listen and repeat phrases 1-3. Thenmatch them to years A-C in the photos.

1 trvo thousand and four I2 nlneteen ninety five f3 two thousand and seven I*z:,e Listen and write years 1-6.

1 19842_3

:qt'& Listen and repeat the colours.

red black white siiver

.ds,* &'r Read the article. Correct the false sentences,

'1 TVs were usually black in 1995.2 Cars weren't red in 1995.3 f'ridges were white in 2004.4 Silver was the new colour for mobile phones


;*rn:.l6.l 66ssk the meaning of the underlined wordsyou do not know. Then listen and repeat.


Circle the correct word in the sentences.

1 I like your T-shirt. It's very smart / enpenszue.2 My new mobile phone is a lovely glossy /

perfect black.3 The cameras in the shop i,vere very

seri,ous / smart.4 I think hts netu / l4opular car is very ugly.5 His MP4 wasJantctstic / erpensi,ue.Il,was

s150!6 Where were you last night? The party was

grectt / modern.

Complete the sentences about the article. Use was/wasn't/were/weren't.

1 In 2005, TVs _ usually black.2 Red cars _ very popular in Britain rn

the 90s.3 Fridges and D\D players silver in

2004.4 Silver a serious colour. It

modern and smart.5 Glossy black _ smart in 1995 but it

smart in 2007

Discuss the questions in groups.

1 What are the popular colours for mobilephones etc inyo:ur country now?

2 What colours were popular in 2005?



summer I 3 springwinter I 4 autumn

coz.c7 Look at the pictures andphrases 1-12. Complete thephrases with the correct colours.Then listen, check and repeat,

l^t ^ ^1, ^i-1,ul4L A Ur 4r r5E Prr rN

white blue goldgreen red yellowgrey silver brou'n

a _ piano


Match sentences 1-4 to the seasons in pictures A-D.

1 The trees are orange and brown. n2 The flowers are yellow and the trees are green. n3 The clouds are grey. n4 The trees are green and the sky is blue. nWork in pairs. What colours do you associate with the seasons inyour country?

In the cumme n, ihe ro aro lois of gree n tneea.

Answer the questions in groups.

1 Whal's your favourite colour? Why?2 What colour is your TVA4P3/mobile phone/fridge/computer/car?3 What's the colour of happiness in your country?4 What's the colour of sadness in your country?5 What's the colour of luxury in your country?"V* *%y${



Check words 1-4 and matchthem with pictures A-D.







:ri s-F


a _ fridge



o JnNuRnY Fr,snuanY12

94 5 6 71910 11 12 13 14 15 '16

17 18 19 20 21 22 2s

24 25 26 27 2A 29


567412 13 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29

234910 11

ro@ra23 24 25

30 31


123456 7 8 910 1'1 12

13141516fi1A1920 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 2A 29 30


a789101112'3 14 15 16 17 18 19

2A 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 2A 29 30 31


678913 14 15 16

20 21 22 23

27 2A 29 30

34510 11 12

17 18 19

24 25 26


f ul-v


13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 2A 29 30 31

1238 910

15 16 17

22 23 24

29 30


456711 12 13 14

18 19 20 21

25 26 27 28


1234 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 '15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 2A 29 30 31

@ oi'.il;;;Sepmanern Ocroeen

123 4

5 6 7 a 910'1112 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31


12 3 4 5 6

7a910 11 12',13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30


2g 4 5 6 7 8

910111213141516 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29



141516fi1A192021 22 23 24 25 26 27

2A 29 30 31

wffi ffiewe$tu&mY &ruffi r$KYffi ru gru{i

co*& Look at the calendar. Listen and repeat themonths.

Write the months in the correct column for yourcountry.

Spring Summer Autumn Winter lislsl and repeat the numbers in the box.Then match them with a-1.

a sl\.ir e first i thirdb nnri: f fourth j fifthc :ighih g twenty-first k tenthd :n-entrelh h secoird I seventh

*o Write the numbers. Then say, listen and check.

a --:l d 15thb -i -r- e 23rd: : fl1th Look at l,{iil* ll* lr*t1 Say the dates. Thenlisten and repeat them.

Ii KX*xad 6,Xae *rex.gq3

i We write:1xt **tsb*r or'{llii.I We say:{*:* tirr{ *f **tr*hsr..-.__..'-.

1 20t042 24/03318t724 31t05

5 22t066 03t027 12t07B 20t09

lsr@ 2ndf 3rd[ 4tht]5 rL! 6th fl 7rh E 8rh ne , ! 10th n zfth fl 21st !

1 f,he twentieth of April lislsp and circle the dates on the calendar.

1 Lhe sevenl;eenth of l./tarch

Circle four dates on the calendar. In pairs, take it inturns to say them to your paftner. Circle the datesyou hear.

Work in groups. Decide on four important dates inyour townicountry.

4th July - lndependence Oay in Xhe UOA.

g 27thh 30rhi 12th

a'l.r rn ooc

co,zs+ ful3f6r cL3s: :rs '-3 ,,, :- a^s,1 3.sThen lrsten anc:'r::.r

1 Hor', , . -,r'- -

2\\lrpt..;-'t. :

3 \\-hple r-. .- : __.

4 Horr o1'l rr, r '

5 \l-herr \\ as ), , .t - -'

a In Ireland.b On the 21st o[-\u..-c 24.d I rvas 18.e In 1938. Qgmplste the conversation. Use

help you. Then listen and check.

:i.', l t,',,t' r,';,i t',: t:, " lt' f* {,i i,,,i li ${

Look at the photo. Discuss the questions in pairs,

. Who are the people?o Where are they?r Holv old are they?. What are they doing? Read and listen to the conversation.Complete gaps 1-3

Jane When's your birthday, Alice?Alice On '_.Jane Really?'_lvere you born?Alice In 1990.Jane Amazing. And where were you born?Alice In ''_Jane Me, too! We were born in the same place

on lhe sct'me dayt

Read I ):. :..t . .),:., and tick (,2) the questions fromExercise 2.

When were you born?Where was your father/motherbon?When is/was your birthday?How old are/wereyou?Were you born in Spain?Was she bornin 1992?

Alice Your dad's pizzeria is great, Jane.Jane Thanks. I like it too, the pizzas are

delicious.Alice t_ your father '_ inJane Yes, in Rome! And you know u'hat?

'_ today, too!t-he'twentv-seconci

1960rAfice We have to singHappy Bti'r;

Work in groups. Write the names 0f four people a"lshow them to the group. Ask and answer quesiions

from $i:*ak mother

When/Where nas, your mother bornl

She ii-aS j',-,1'l^- '-l-. ta,a

She u-as bc,rtL u-. .

Tr.- l - -:t- - , , -t\

theAlice No! a

Jane 7


fu *b*'-qffi#


T?avel&*;:ri, ilsi**r erd l*ik *b**i travel.f;';ri!r.* the Past Simple - affirmative (regular and irregular).{*t:u* *ll transport and holidays; buying tickets.

Daily Post, Thursday, January 4,2007 Paae 1z

Schoolbrysails theAtlantic- with a guitar and hisMaths homework

YESTERDAY morning,Michael Perham finishedhis solo trip across theAtlantic and sailed intothe Guinness Book OfRecords. He arrived inAntigua after six weekson his boat. Michael isonly fourteen.

He started his tripon November 18th inGibraltar and sailed fivethousand kilometres acrossthe Atlantic. Sometimes

By Terry Bleater

the weather was terrible- it was cold at nightand the winds werevery strong, sometimeseighty kilometres anhour. His satellite phonestopped working ... andthe problems with hisboat started. A bad timefor Michael?

'No, I loved it. I wasn'tlonelv - even on Christmas

fulichael's route across the Atlantic

FINISH: Jan 3, Antigua

Day. Sometimes I talkedto my family and friendson my satellite phone.Sometimes dolphins playednext to my boat * it wasfantastic. And sometimesI played my guitar orlooked at my schoolbooks.But not very often!'

Michael is now relaxingin Antigua before heflies home to England.Yes, he has to go back toschool!

ffiffi,&wffi&ffi &rum ffiK&ffisru*

cD2.56 Check the words. Listen and repeat,

sa il a rrlve t rip fly boa t

Look at the pictures and the map. Answer thequestions.

1 How old do you think Michael is?2 When was the start of his journey?3 When was the finish?

coz.v ftsafl the text. Tick (/) the sentences thatare true.

1 Michael started his trip in Antigua.2 His journey was very easy.3 He plays the guitar.4 He was often sad.5 He is a university student.6 Michael comes from England.

W$*rk'. i? m**t

Look at the sentences. Are they about the present orthe past?

He started his trip on November 18th.Sometimes doiphins played next to my boat.

Find the Past Simple of these verbs in the text aboutMichael Perham. Write them in the table. Then checkon page 123.

Past Simple: affirmative (regular verbs)

+ l?*!k ed to my family.He xrrlvc_ in Antigua on January 3rd.They p**y_ next to his boat.


What letters do lre add to the end of regular verbsto make the Past Simple? lVhat happens lvhen theverb ends in -e?

Find more examples of reEular '*enbs in thePast Simple in ffe text. Underlre them, Qhssk the meanings of hese regu ar n'erbs

in a dictionary, Write the Past S np e Then stenand repeat,

lalkea \1-a - t-CCrO-{

ftl talkwalk

ldl livestay



ltdl hatewant


Write the sentences in the Past Simple.

1 I talk to my parents on the phone on Sr.mdal-I f,alked No my parenls on Ihe phone on gunday.

2 He sometimes waiks in the park.3 We watch TV in the afternoon.4 They visit France very often.5 She arrives in London at half past eight.6 He finishes school at four o'clock. ligfsp and circle the correct answers.

't Yesterday morning Dan and Kate arcit;ed in /started thezr joutneg to Sydney.

2 Yesterday afternoon they watched aconcer[ at / uistted the Opera House.

3 Yesterday evening they arriued / relaned atthe hotel.

4 Last night they walked / cooked d'inner e,,ii.

the beach.

Tick the things you did yesterday. Tell your partner,

finish your homework f watch T\- [relnv l-l listcn tn mrrsir./the r;ldio l--phone a friend ! surl the Internet -visit a friend ! stay at home ILasI nighL, I listened to t.he radtc.' . . ' . .- ' .

homework and relaxed.

Tell the class about your partner's evening.

Al ex w alke d Ihe do q, w atch e :

KS.m&-*&as &r*p3 '---*He arrived yesterd€*y.

ys$tsrtiay r?,tx:rrx i# g/a**rnesn/*i{*$*$$.

BUT He arrived Saxt nigkt. NOT y*$*eed*#-{$S&8.


c82,60 Read and listen to the story. Was the Farmers'holiday a success?

l#*rk it m*?

Look at the sentences from the story and answerthe questions.

A N{r Farmer wanted to see the mountains.B They went home and had a cup of tea.

1 Are the sentences about the present orthe past?

2 Which verb(s) are regular?3 Whjch verb(s) are irregular?

coz.or f,srnplste the table with the irregular verbs in

the Past Simple from the pictures. Listen and repeat.

Past Simple: atfirmative (irregular verbs)

Present Past Simple

l/you/h e/sh e/iVwe/youith eylefL


coz.oz L00k at the irregular verb list on page 126.

Complete the table. Then listen and repeat.

Past Simple




Past Simple Verb

aIe wear

{ 'it,ii

knew sleepmade


Write the verbs in brackets in thePast Simple.

1 They (leave)Spain on Saturday..

2 I (buy) a ticket toT,nndnn rrpqtprdrrr

3 She (go) _ toScotland last year.

4 We (have) a lovelyholiday rn the mounlains.

5 I'm tired I (sleep)badl5r last night'

6 It r'vas hot in Spain - u''e(wear) T-shlrtsevery day!

Underline the irregular verbs. What are their forms? Look at page 126 t0help you.

do homework go to bed late go to the town centre/churchhave a shower have breakfastAunch sleep a lotstay at home surf the Internet meet a friend

Write what you did at these times in the table. Use the verbs inExercise 6 or your own ideas, Tell your partner about your week.

Last night i Last Sunday Last;,'

i t\aA, a, :;l.cvier : I pl^onel- a- lrtudf we.Yt.L Lo btA trtte

On Saturday I wenlLo Lhe I;own cenLre.l




1sail I 5gobybus n2 cycle I 6 go by train n3 drive I 7 go by tram n4fly f Sgoonfoot !

Use the ideas to write about your last holiday/trip.

Last year/summer/wi,nter/ApriL, i went tothe mountatns/the sectstde/.. .

I went talthfriends/my fami,l,y/my gi,rlfri,end/...We drou e/fleu:/cy cled/uent by. . .

We stayed for ... days/the weekendWe uzszted .../uoLked/lzct d JunWe often ate fzsh/sandu;i,che s/hamburgers/pt zzs,/..I loved people/the tou,n/the beach...I hated ...It was a great/fo,ntastzckorzng/terrzb\e ttme.

Work in pairs. Tell your paftner about your holiday.

Check these words in a dictionary.

sea sun submarine waves

coz.o+ fssft at the words of the song on page 109,Underline the verbs in the Past Simple. Listen and sing,


Match phrases 1-8 with pictures A-H. What are thepast forms of these verbs?

In pairs, answer the questions,

. Honr do you usually go to schooVwork?. Hou- do you usually go on holiday?e \hat's your favourite way to travel?

pze Listen to the three people and completethe table,

Tom Vicky Michelle

t- . -,, ?oiand.']:^].

" : " - '1

i -i {;;;,

In pairs, answer the questions,

o Whal is molo 1 o1 ulal irrtorrr. Iegiotr- tlalelby bus or b1, 11311,7

r Do you often travel b1- train.' Do 1'ou like it?. Hor,v manl- railu.ay stations are there rn

your lorm?

Jane has to meet her Dad at six o'clock in theevening in Glasgow, Look at the train timetable andanswer the questions.

r What's the best train for her?r What lime does it arrive in Glasgow?. Does she have to chanqe trains?

Look at the maps and tickets, Match tickets A and Bwith maps 1 and 2.

**61 *outt tru*'ffi*oo*, KrN6r3 cRoSS

t*'arorao, ' duEEN's


coz.os lislgp and decide which ticket, A or B, Jarebuys.

coz.os g{gfly ri1;rl:lli itr;r. Then listen again and circlethe correct words.

$p[&K **l I

A (student) 1 single/return to ,,. , please.

0K. When do you want to travel?2Today/tomorroMon Saturday.l'm coming back on , , ,

coz.oo Qsrnplgte the conversations. Use ,, tohelp you, Then listen and check.

Greg A single 1_ Manchester, pleaseMan OK. '_ do you want to travel'Greg On Saturday.Man That's twenty pounds please.

A student return to Chester. 3

OK. And when do you want to a

Tomorrow. I'm t_ back onThursday.

Man That's thirty-five pounds please.

coz.oo Listen again, In pairs, practise theconversations in Exercise 6.

Practise the conversation in pairs. Use ;ii:rtr:'r ..:r:, tohelp you, StudentA, look at the information below.Student B, look at page '113.

Student A1 You are buyrng a ticket. You want to go to

Leeds tomorrow. You want a studenl singleticket. Start the conversation.

2 You n'ork at the ticket office. The ticket costssixty pounds.






fi,,it" .rj;!#






o,Sq Noveflaen

o LoNDoNr KrN6,s cRoss

uutfi.,$Ei,t RETURN

6LAS60U, dUtEN,S STRrrr


l G Write the dates in full, Then listen and check,

1 1st Jan2 2nd Sep3 3rd Aug4 9th Feb5 12th Dec6 25th Apr

Ihefirst of January

Write the Past Simple of these verbs in thecrossword.

Match the adjectives in the box with nouns 1-6.

besi digital Iong mobileraijway return

1 a _ phone2 my _ friend3 a _ ticket4 a


5 a _ camera6 the _ station

Complete the sentences with the prepositions fromthe box.

on (x 2) oI wilh to aL in (x 2) by

1 The beach was very near so we went_ foot.

2 Her parents are very proud _ her.3 My birthday is _ July 7th.4 We went Spain last summer and

stayed friends.5 I was tired on Saturday evening - I stayed

home and I was bed athalf past nine!

6 They went to F rance train - theyarrived Paris last night.

i" Write questions 1-5 in the correct order. Then matchthem to answers a-e.

1 born where your mother was? IWhere was your molher born?

2 expensive your was mobile phone? I3 his when birthday was? I4 you born were where? I5 she was at university lonely? Ia On June 15th. He was threelb No, it was really cheap!c in Glasgow. I'm Scottish!d In Madrid. She left Spain when she was

a child.e No, she wasn'tl She was very popular!


'3 eat4 see5go7 know8 buy

11 leave

DOWN 91 drink2 make4 sieep6 thinkt have

10 wear

Circle the wrong word in the group.

1 bus tram train ticket2 autumn spring wind surruner3 grey silver brov,n colour4 arrive cycle drive fly5 amaziltg special lonely perfect6 proud modern glossy digital

Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

You can see the first letter of each word.

1 A Are tickets to Canada cheap?B No, they're really e_ !

2 Look at the blue s - the weather'sperfect!

3 It's often hot in surnmer in Warsaw but it'ssometimes very cold in w_ .

4 I m tired this morning - I was at a partyl_ night.

5 It rras autumn and the trees were oand broxn.

6 Radio uzs popular in the twentiethe


ffi Listen and circle the word with adifferent sound.

1 special stallon faghion happiness2 mountain August brown proud3 summer colour month clqthes4 centuqr walid birthday f4st

ffi Can you hear the underlined letters in thesewords? Listen and repeat.

whole autumn frlend answer clothes

iffi# Underline the stressed syllable in each word.Listen and check.

amazing expensive journey Julyperfect surprise video yesterdaytimetable remember return denart



': ,Nere (be?) you at home yesterday, Lord Price?':he police officer asked.

Lord Price looked at him.'Yes, I '- (be). I was in my office all

:norning. I'm a busy man and I always have a lot of:hings to do.'

, 'Of course. Can you tell me more about yourfavi

tW.11, in the morning I '- (study):ny papers. At about one otlock Mrs Jones

(make) me some sandwiches and I(eat) them here in my office. We

:rlked about the weather and she' (go)--ack to the kirchen.'

And that was the last time you talked to her?''Yes, it '_ (be). We talked every day.

She wasnt just my cook - we 8_ (be):11enos.

'Of course, Lord Price. And after lunch?''Ie


in my chair.You understand- I'm an old man.'

'Of course, Lord Price. And where were you at:hree o'clock? AIso. in vour chair?'

Lord Price quicklv looked around his office.'No I wasn'i. At't.n to three I to-

leave) the house and I tt_ (cycle) to the:ost office. Usually Jenkins goes to the post office:or me, but yesterday afternoon he was ... I mean,:re wasnt ...'

He stopped.The police officer looked at the medal on Lord

Price's jacket.Are you sure, Lord Price? You see, the post office

. '- (close) last year.'

Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Read the story again, Correct the sentences.

1 Lo|d Pt',:= -,',-..-.:-- .i' t-.-t-:-.: IL the mOrtfing

coz.zr lislsp and write the dates (years or month,'days) you hear.

1 The first BBC TV programmes \\-el'ein-.

2 The boss's birthday is on _ .

3 The businessman wants to fly to Milan on

4 The woman asks Toby about where heworked in _

5 Mrs Jones's date of birth is

Choose the correct response, a-c, tosentences 1-3.

1 When's your birthday?a Nineteenb Nineteen ninety-sevenc The fifth of June.

2 When were you born?a In nineteen ninety-three.b In Autumn.c In London.

3 When do you want to travel?? A return ticket, piease.b Manchester.C Tomorrow.

-a a-::'--. --'a2H- ^'=..:. : ''. - .-.r.-.:. .

3\l:..' t'-.-- - : l:...-- -: -

4 U-*r'-' I L : ll:: :-'' .-'5 Lold Prlce -ir':,-''- I- -:- ' - r- jj:

ChildhoodRcne5, !ist** al,ld t*!&a x&aqra* childhood and growing up.

Fraetise the Past Simple - negative, questions and short answers'

F**ets *n school; small talk.

sRewm&&e &p*m mm&mxrx&

coa.r $/;ils the schools in the order pupils startthem. Then listen and rePeat.

secondary school nprimary school trnursery school truniversity I

cos.z ftsafl and listen. Answer the questions'

1 How old are British children when they startschool?

2 How old are British students when theyfinish university?

3 Are these ages different in your country?4 How old was Ruth when she finished

university?5 Why was she famous?6 Does she teach her children at home? Why?/

Why not?7 Is it popular in your country for children to

learn at home?


Hard to beagonius?

By Sylvia King

[\ /IOST British childrenI V lstart school at theage of five and finish whenthey're eighteen. About50% go to universitYand finish when theY aretwenty-one or twentY-two.

=-r Ruth Lawrence - one ofl-:an's top professors of'.'::.ematics - had a veryl-3'ent childhood.

,'-;en Ruth was five, she: :- : stait primary school'3 ::-er- children. Her

:.a-=-:s r,{/ere computer: -:':-=-?'rers. TheY didn't

- :: .',:.< - they taught=-:- a: .ome every day.=.-= ^:q...r^i her A-leVel'.'::-s

=xam when she was

- -= - - ^e years early! She::=.'-31 3,.<-crd University

-:- s-= .'.'as eleven and' - : - =l ".

-:- S^= '.a,ras OnlV

thirteen - and she was thetop student in her Year.Ruth was famous and shewas often on TV and in thenewspapers.

Ruth had an unusualchildhood but was it haPPY?Even when she was ayoung girl, Ruth didn't haveany friends the same age.When she was a studenther father went to classeswith her - she didn't meetother students and shedidn't go to parties or havefun in the evenings.

Today Ruth is married,she has two children andshe's very happy now.Her children have a lot offriends and Ruth doesn'twant to teach them athome. 'l want them tohave a normal childhood,'she says.


Look at the sentences and answer the questions.

A Ruth doesn't want to teach her childrenat home.

B Her parents didn't go to work.

Which sentence is about. nou-/the present? tr o the past? ILook at the underlined words/phrases in the text.Complete the table. Then check on page 124.

Pasf simnlg: nesaliye lreoutal11i irreslll)

lffou/He/She/lUWe/Ihey (did not) ,;,r;;s11.

lffou/He/She/lVWe/Ihey (did not) ';'ri,

I .4. ." .l:1. ,.a a.l :l

We didn't .. .. NOTWe-didF'r+.We didn't .,r':, , NOTWe didn't r, ','',', '.

Correct the sentences

1 I didnt n':a: t-.--,' -t'--r'. i: -' -r -d o't ' ...

2Hedidntl,nt:- ,. -' .-,3 Thel didr - r -.-- : .

4 She didn't passe l :'-t .'-.,,...5 I didn t leli rerl \' - - -'-6 I didn't \lrent to nllt'::t-. : ,

Make the sentences negative Then reac :-: i:ilagain and correct them.

1 Ruth had a normal childhoo-i?:tt o dr\ \a,/e _.j o n ) ..- ..

very differenL chil dhood.1 Her teachers taught her at hon'Lt.3 She passed her Alevel Maths erar,-. ','': :, : :

lvas sixteen.4 She started secondary school lr'hen siL= -- --.

eleven.5 She finished university when she r,vas

twenty-one.6 When she r,vas a strrdenl her mother il'ent to

classes with her.

Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

1 I went (go) to bed early but Ididrit elee? (NOT sleep).

2 She _ (go) to nursery school but she(NOT like) it.

3 They (have) exams in June butthey _ (NOT study) for them.

4I _ (work) at the weekend but I(NOT finish) my homework.

5 He _ (have) a shower but he(NOT have) breakfast.

Think about your life when you were ten years old.Make sentences about what is different now, Use

the ideas in the box to help you, Tell your paftnerabout the changes.

listen to understand drink driveeniov have learn like

I didn'"> IiEl:en Lo hip-hop when I was t e: -I didn't underslana l'laths tuhen i '',2= : -my favouri->e subject.




prce Girls

!i :iE

ffi-€ ,

-rEC.r' !- ,dJ is-

tI- re g'f:

*ilffi ffirE ryTE - transtormer

=.8 G*

In pairs, look at the photos. Which of the things werepopular in your country when you were a child?

co:.r Read the afticle. Tick true (/) and crossfalse (X).

1 Beth drdn't rvatch TV uhen she lvas little. t2 She liked l,Iy Littk: Porty t;hen she rvas

at nursery school.3 Beth quite iiked the Spice Giris.4 Tom liked the lrlutctltt Tu,rtles and the

TlantsJ o nners carto ons.5 Tom enjo5red music u,'hen he rvas a child6 Beth and Tom enjoyed their chlldhoods.

Look at the underlined phrases in the text and

complete the table. Then check on page 124,

Past Simple: questions and shoil answers(regular and irregular)


'_ l/you/he/she/iVwe/they to music?

' _ l/you/he/she/iVwe/th eythe Spice Girls?

Shod answersYes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they 3

No, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they 4

lff - questions\'/hat programmes you ?

l'1hen he school?'r'/here you to school?

I : ,:u caftoons?tr--@

^ -: +. n|i.scrv snhOOl?', -- I : ra te nursery seheel?

l:,6 *


I loved t}ne Teletubbies. I had Teletubbiesbooks, Telettftbies magazines andTeletubbies pyjamas!

Probably My Little Pony.I even took her tonursery school with me every day. Alt myfriends had them too.

I loved them. When I was seven I wanted tobe a Spice Girt!

Yes. I did! It was a niee time to be a kid!



Ke&, "A#








h Teenage l\{utant Ninja TtrrtlestR!dh{,€ frt ll*f,r t€ I # Jt

I [r- T itt]o Pnrr-a

:: :i-:,,r_..

I loved cartoons! My favourite wasTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

NIy Transformers - they were robots. Andof course I atso loved the Transformercartoons on T\r:

No. I didn't. I thought music was for girls!Some of my friends tiked the Spice Girlsbut I thought they were terribte!

0f course! I have very happy memories.



1- r

2 *,,3_ ,

.-c_ .


Listen and repeat the questions,

-- . ::: -: l ----: -.'=StefdaV?

. ..- : :: -r - ,sn resi iast rveek?

.. - _- _ -t:'.aiasiu-eekend?. ,- io'r''5.

" - -,::: : . : : -.. l',_.,::-'

\A/'*a +tr^ a',-^+l^^- ^ -lvvrr9 rr8 queslj0ns - :rr1 1I ,t -\1_- _ _. -.. .:

2]tz,r'"i Tu..-1:rt.. . .-

3didJo leir lr, l.-\ rr-;- .--4 r'ecrerda,, rrf nr p r-oLt Pl. .- L, I

cos.s Match questions 1-4 in Exercise 6 rvithanswers A-D, Complete the gaps with shorlanswers. Then listen and check,

A No, _. It u'as a reall5'bot'tng pit'r

2 What cartoonsyou were little?

(you?) conr.l:r,r.:r =

rvhen you were young?(you'?) En.-

primary school?

Ask your panner the questions n Exerctse 9 Tell theclass hisiher answers,



' '. | , C Yes, _ . But he wasn't at home.D Yes, _. She went to the cinema

' with them.

Tick (,/) the correct sentences/questions.'l a Did you see the film last night?

b Saw you the film last night?2 a Did you watched television last night?

b Did you watch teler,rsion lasl night?

3 a What they did see?b What did they see?

4 a Did you study f'rench at school?Yes, I studied.

b Did you study French at school?Yes, I did.

5 a What did you on Sunday?b What did you do on Sunday?

Complete the questions with the correct forms ofthe verbs from the box.

go learn play watch



e.Anir:.r ilir::,i


Work in pairs and answer the questions.

. \\hen did you start your secondary school?

. How old were you?

. In which months do you take exams?r When do the school holidays begin?

cos.o Listen and repeat. Match teachers 1-9 withthe subjects they teach

Art Biology Chemistry EnglishGeography History MathsInformation Technology (IT)Physical Education (Ptr)

cos.z Check these words in a dictionary. Tick (/)the things you can see in the picture. Then listenand repeat.

blackboardcalculatordeskkeyspennrrnilstaff roomtextbook

coffee mugclassroomdictionaryrapLvpnonnil


Match the sentences with a word from Exercise 3.

1 You can take textbooks toschool in this. ruCKsaCK

You write tests with this.A good thing to have fordifficult Maths homeworklA room where you have lessons.A place where teachersrelax after lessonsl

6 There are sometimes hundredsof t.hesc nconlc in schools.vr vyrL ur !

7 Teachers usually r.lrite onthis in the classroom.

cos.e Listen and answer the questions.

. Did Wayne enjoy his day at school?r What test did he have in the morning?o What three subjects does he say he

doesn't like?. Does Wayne have a lot of homework

this evening?o What homework does he have to do?

Work in pairs and answer the questions.

o What languages do you learn at your school?r What subjects do you enjoy a iot?r What subjects are difficult for you?r What is your best subject?r What subjects do you have to do a lot of

homework for?o What subject do you want to study in the







,%&3W:\$ &,41 t,i,. i, l,ltil*,*%W

cos.s lislsp, For photos 1-3 decide what the topic ofconversation is.

a What you did last night/weekend.b New clothes or things.c A popular TV programme/sports match.d The weather.o How you are feeling.

Study ;itl'l:: ::lr. Match topics A-E in Exercise 1

with sentences 1-5 ifl iiLt:,:lr: i-r:rl.

l){t{:iai. r,i,i I

Ways of starting conversations:1 Lovely/terrible weather this morning.2 How are you?3 Did you have a nice weekend/evening?4 Did you see .., (on TV) last night?5 | like your T-shirilrucksacl</watch/mobile phonel

How do people start conversations in your country? [\il3ls[ 1-5 with A-E. Then listen and check,

1 Oh! I like your T-shirt, Kate!2 Nice weather this morning!3 Did you have a nice evening?4 How are you, Rob?5 Did you see the Poland-Engiand game

last night? l-la Yes, it's lovely!b I'm tired thls morning. I didn't sieep well.c Yes, I did. It was fantastic!d Thanks! I bought it in Spain IasL yearle Yes, I did, thanks. I went to the cinema with


In pairs, practise the conversations in Exercise 4.

Write your own reply to these comments.

1 How are you?2 Did you have a nice weekend?3 I like your penl4 Did you see that American fiim on TV

last night?

Make smalltalk with another student. Use i.ii.,i:r:i,l ;.:ttto help you. After about ten seconds, start talking toanother student.




Shopping&es{,, listcn a$d ta*k about shopping and clothes.Fraetige Wh- questions: present and past tenses; this/that/these/those.Felgus olt clothes; buyrng clothes.

: Retenr rione


Do you likeshopping?

Write to us!




Where do you usually do your shopping?a in a shopping centre

b on the Internet

C in local shops

Why do you do it there?a because it's cheapb because it's very easy

c because it's near my house

How do you usually go shoPPing?? by bus

b by carc on foot

Who do you usually go with?a my friend/friendsb family/relatives

c alone

When was your last shooping triP?I yesterday

b last weekc I don't remember.

What did you have to buY?a clothesb CDs/DVDs/booksC food













shopping t,""t|#

-=_:.-,"'GRAMMAR A]'ID SPEAKINGDescribe the photos. Answer the questions in pairs.

. Where are the people?

. What are they doing? Are they having agood time?

. Do you like shopping?

Read the questionnaire in pairs. Tick (/) youranswers and your partner's answeis. Tell the classabout your partner.

D ennis usually does his shopping on the lnternet,

Work it out

?" Look at the questionnaire again. Complete the tablewith: do, did, was. Then check on page 125.

ffi Listen and repeat the questions in Exercise 3.

Write questions 1-5. Then match them toanswers a-e.

1 Why lyou /go out?Why areyou goinq oub?

2 S&y / your sister / go to local shops?3 S/hy / they / hate / shopping centres?4 Why / PauI / buy CDs on the Internet?5 Why / your friends I sad lyesterday?

a Because it's easy and cheap.b Because I have to do some shopping.c Because they didn't pass their tests.d Because there are always a lot of

people there.e Because she likes walking in the

High Street.

Read about Paul andwrite questions 1-7.Student A, look at thetext below Student 4look at the text onpage 113.

I hafe shopping! | onty do it wfren I l-rave to.lsometimes go 1_ (tMt*e?1 urSaturdays 2_ (Whyl but I don"t doany shopping there. I usually do it on tfreInternet. I like it because it's very easy -you don't have to 3_ ! (Whaf)And it's cheap, too. I usually do ito_ . (When) | bought a new CDlast night. In the shops, it costs u_(How much?) but I bought it for 86 on theInternet. Amazing! | can't remember mylast shopping trip. I think it was last month.I had to go to the shopping centre withu_ (Who/with) because it was mymum's birthday. We bought her 7_


(What?) lt cost f4O! Later, I saw it on theInternet for f15!

,!-++:.s{$esffi+1€E+sE=..:F,,= r€@e*jn+gryie+.r#ria.:::

Where does Taul sometimes go?

? Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions fromExercise 6.

To the shopping centre. !=M

In pairs/groups, write a questionnaire about one ofthe topics below Write five questions.

surrurrer holidays music sporls books

Whal da you usually do in your ournmer holida5=?

Do the questionnaire with two classmates. Tell fieclass about one of them.

Tetra usually qoee lo the beach in he:ournrne? holidaye,



0n the bus one day ,,.

Theselookgood '"

6rv V.., theY're OK lthink

il.Y ro"x good with tlols shift

Maybe this is it ...


'rir r 63p is expensive. caps are smaft.

co:.rn fislsp, check and repeat the sentences fromthe table in Exercise 4. lisl6p to the sentences and circle the wordyou hear, Then listen again and repeat thesentences.

1 thi,s /684il 4 that / those2 theseT-thi,s S thi,s / these3 these / those 6 those / these

w t'T- #



b _ trousersare ugly.

Jeansare old

ffiw e*&wfr tr,ii; tat*{i3 \g w* &w|f]L&ffi y

cor.rz [llsfsf the words in the box with a-j in thepictures. Then listen, repeat and check,

a suit ! a cap l-l a jacket fl jeans !shoes! ashirt! askirrIa sweater ! trainers ! trousers []Look at Gary, Susie and the shop assistant in thepictures. What are they wearing?

coe.ra fisasl and listen to the story. Answer thequestions,

1 What did Gary have to buy?2 Why did he have to look smart?3 Did he like the trousers in the shon?4 Did Susie like them?5 How much were the trousers?6 Did Gary buy them? WhyAVhy not?

\N*rk !? *l.*t

Look at the underlined words in the text, Completethe box with these/those. Then check on page 12b.


Singular Plural

sdp Qsrnplste the sentences with this, that, these,those.Ihen listen and check,


" bh.k-


d Thig shirtis red.

a _ trousersare great.

sweateris blue.


/llrlx cap is blue.

aat//,/caps are nice.

are new


erp, et isir-e .

Work in groups. Discuss the questions,

1 What are your favout'ite clot]"Les.,2 What colours of cloihes clo 1or-r likel3 What ciothes do 1'ou \\-eat'to school?









glassesa hato lnrreq

watchti ohtq

bootsa tiesocks

v0cAm&}L&ffiY &M& kxsTmrux$&G

coarz f,srnplste the gaps in the picture with thervords from the box. Listen, check and repeat.

a skirt a sweater trousersshoes a jacket

m"rc Listen to Judy and Richard. Tick (/) the truesentences and cross (X) the false ones.

-"- :-.:r'd is late for lhe party.. .-.- ,i,-,esn t knou. u.hat to wear.' r l:.' <nLa11 pal't).

-.- : :r" l','.arr.ts Judl- to u-ear her new suit.. .-- : --:a,- a skilt last u.eek.

:,-- -..'1,:,e.

coe.ra lislgl again and look at the pictures of Judyand Richard at the pafty. Find five differences.

Write three false sentences about the people inyour class. In pairs, correct your paftner's falsesentences.

A Elena's wearing a redT-shirL.B No, ehe's wearing a blackT-shirt.

Work in pairs. Find the differences in the pictures.Student A, look at page 1 1 1. Student B, look atpage 113.

In pairs, talk about what you are wearing today.

I'm wearing leans and Mike is wearing black I'rausers.







I l-l


swffiw$ws-e_ rruffitu$sffi

Answer the questions in pairs.

1 Are sales popular in your country?2 Do you like them? WhyAVhy not?

Match letters 1-5 with sizes a-e.

a largeb mediumC extra smalld smali0 extra large lislsl to the conversations and answer thequestions,

1 What size is Jess?2 What colour does she want?3 Does she like the dress?4 What does Mandy want to buy?

cos.rg Listen again. Complete conversations 1-2 withphrases from $**ak *i:i.

spr&K *t{Y I

CustomerCan I try on that dress, please?Where are the changing rooms, please?Do you have it rn blue/a small?Does it look good?l' m a smal l/medi um/large.It's loo b i g/l o n g/s h o rt.It looks greaUawfull

Shop assistaniWhat size are you?Does it fit?

1 Jess Excuse me. 1_ that dress,please?

Man Yes, of course. ,_ you?Jess I'm a 3_ . Do you have it

in green?Man Yes, we do. Here you are.Jess Thanks. Where are 4_

, please?Man They're over there.Jess Thanks.

2 Jess What do you think, Mandy? Does it

Mandy Y"t it 1- gr"urtJess It's 7_ long but it's very

cheap...Mandy Hurry up, Jess. I need some

new shoes!

cos.zo Listen to the end of the story. Are Jess andMandy happy with their shopping? Why/Why not?

Work in pairs. Student A, look at page 111.Student B, look at page 113.

1s n2Ml3L T4xL Ic,l5 Ll

u0CABUL&*Y &ruffi ffiffi,&Ww&ffi

@Y@YDWg1 English

Write the words for clothes correctly.

1 ketcaj jackeL 7 tobso2 eit B iuts3 egvosl 9 eetasrw4 itksr 10 estruors5histgt 11 kcoss6 inetsrar 12 tihrs

Write the correct words.

1 You studyhere: cl a e 5 r a oa2 You r.rrite with this: p- - - - -3 You can check new words here:


Write the school subjects for pictures 1-8.

4 You learn from this: t- - -5 You can drink coffee from lhis: m- -6 Students don't usually like lhem: e7 A portable computer: l- - - - -8 Your teacher relaxes here: s- - - - r - - -9 You can see better with these: g- - - - - -

10 It tells you the time: w- - - -Match 1-4 with people a-d in the picture. Complete

the conversations with th i s/th at/th ese/th 0 se.

1 A Look! Is


your brother's car?B No. It was his car - but he sold it last week!

2 A What's wrong?B


shoes are too small. I can't walk!

3 A


girls iook awfullB Really? They're my daughters!

4 A


sale is very boring!B Yes, let's go and have a coffee.

Correct questions 1-5, Then match them withanswers a-e.

1 What you did yesterday afternoon?2 Who did you went with?3 What bought you?4 How much they costed?5 Where was it the sale?

a I w'ent shopping.b In the shopping centre.c Bernie and Maria.d Only S30 because there was a sale.

e A lovely jacket and some jeans.

Complete the questions. Use the words in the box

and the Past Simple,

How much Why When Where Who



(you visit) them?Last weekend.



(you buy) that CD?In a record shop.



(he pay) for that bag?s20.



(you stay) at home?Because I don't like romantic films.



(she go) shopping with?Sue and Tom.


cos.zr Put the verbs in the correct column. Listen

and check.

eftj€yed eeeked #s++€t+ finlshedwanted loved walked iived likedhated looked decided stoppedlistened started travelled

coo.zz Underline the stressed syllable in each word.Listen and check,

rucksack classroom blackboard awfultextbook difficult unusual alone sales



ttl tdt tidl

cooKea enJoyed vieiLed


Read the afticle, Complete gaps A-E withquestions 1-5.'l How many shops do you have now?2 Were you a good student?3 What are you working on now?

AUI started young! When I was at secondaryschool, ] hated the uniform! The shirts andties were awful So I designed a new uniform -jeans and a T-shjrt with the name of the schoolon it. The school Liked it - and the studentsloved it!

T-lBLJNot bad. I djdn't like school but I alwayspassed my exams! Maths and Art were my bestsubjects.

T----LCUYes, I did. I studied Fashion Design. My teacherswere great and I met a lot of funtastic people.I didn't have any money and they helped mewhen I first started my own company.

f-LDUI opened my 2Lst shop last week - jnShanghai! I have L0 shops in Britain and i.0 inthe USA, Europe and Asia. But I seLL most of myclothes on the Internet. Thafs where people dotheir shopping nowadays!

r----lEIJI'm not! I'm having a holidayl


cos.n Listen to descriptions 1-3. Match them withpictures A-C.

ffin:a*r ! dfrnldr u &nWMgYXruffi

Write a description of two classmates. What arethey wearing?


Complete the conversation with phrases a-i.

A Can 11 hel? you ?

B Yes. Can I'_ those boots, please?A Of course.B Do you have them 3


A Yes, here a

B Thanks.ADo5B Yes, they do.A They u_ on you.B Thanks. '_ are they?A They're Sl00 8_B Oh! How much are n_ over thelela help you f try onb in red g look very nicec in the sale h you ared how much i the;'flte those boots

Choose the correct response a-c,

1 Terrible $'eaihe| thi: rl."t : i -a No. it isn't. b \-es. i:: -:.-,.,,---. c l:,:'":.-..s1

2 How are 5-ou?a Not bad. tliarr,ks. b 'i=.. _ -,: ..

c I'm John.3 Did r-ou lrar-' a rl + -'.'-: " l

a \-es. it's lor-eii. b i i-;as r.l.:_i.c \-es. thanks. Faliiasiicl

4 Did i ou see tl-Lat hln'L or-r T\- lasr r-Lighr.'a \-es. it \\-as great. b \o. I l-Late T\-.C \-es.

5 I like J-oul rucksacktd \Ie, too. b lt's expensrve.c Thanks. I got it in the sale.







4 How did you do it?5 Did you go to college?


Fred, you'renumber 10

you're 28.





rls! -..$-;z'la




















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ulilT 1

Grammar and Speaking

Exercise 3

A Hi. I'm Darek. What's your name?B Hello. My name's Lucio. Nice to meet you!A Nice to meet you too!

Grammar and Vocabulary

Exercise 2

a Hello! My name's Daniel. I'm from France.b Hi! I'm Edmondo. I'm from Italy.c Hi! My name's Helen. I'm from England.d Hello! I'm Aziz.I'm from Thrkey.e Hi! I'm Pablo. I'm from Spain.

Exercise 4

A Hi. My name's Mark.B Hi Mark! I'm Diego. Where are you from?A I'm from London. And where are you from?B I'm from Mexico.

Grarnmar and $peaking

Exercise 4

0neA Are you Tim Brown?B No, I'm not. I'm TmGreen.

TwoA Where are you from? France?B No, I'm lrom Naples.A Oh sorry. You aren't French - you're Italian!

ThreeA Are you Spanish?B Yes, I am. I'm from Madrid.A Oh!Are you at university?B Sorry? Oh, am I a student? Yes, I am.


Exercise E

0nePresenter How old are you, Simon?Simon I'm 14.

TwoPresenter How old are you, T?ish?Trish I'm 30.

ThreePresenter How old are you, Ricky?B,icky i'm 16.

Survival English

Exercise 3

OneItrs Berger Good morning, Robert.Rd Er, good morning, Mrs Berger. How are you?lffs Berger I'm very well, thank you. And you?Rd \-es. I'm very wel1, thank you!

A-fternoon Rob!Oh, hi Ttish. How are you?I'm fine thanks. And you?Yes, I'm fine, thanks.

Exercise 4

0neMr Blick Good afternoon, Robert!Rob Oh, good afternoon, Mr Blick. How are you?Mr Blick I'm very well, thank you. And you?Rob Yes, I'm very well, thank you.

TwoRob Evening, Jill!Jill Evening, Rob! How are you?Rob Yes, I'm fine, thanks.

ulilT 2Grammar and Uocahulary

Exercise 3

1 Andy's 19 and he's a mechanic.2 Daniel's Irish and he's 28.3 She's a doctor and her name's Sadie.4 His name's Boris and he's an actor.5 Olivia's Scottish and she's 20.

lxercise 41 She's Sadie and she's 26.2 His name's Daniel and he's from Ireland.3 Her name's Olivia and she's a secretary.4 He's Boris and he's Russian.5 He's English and his name's Andy.

Exercise 5

A What's her name? B Her name's Sadie.A What's her job? B She's a doctor.A Where's she from? B She's from Canada.A How old is she? B She's 26.

Exercise Iaana doctor an actora mechanic an artista secretary an engmeera police officera waitera singera teachera receptionist

Grammar and Listening

Exercise 4

A Is Mr Kelly an artist?A Is he a doctor?A Is he married?A Is Mrs Kelly an actor?A Is her name Helen?A Is she Canadian?

Exercise 5




B No, he isn't.B Yes, he is.B Yes, he is.B No, she isn't.B Yes, it is.B No, she isn't.

Sandy Hi, I'm Sandy and this is Bob.Pablo Hello, Sandy. Nice to meet you. My name's

Pablo.Sandy Are you from Italy, Pablo?

Pablo No, I'm Spanish - from Barceiona, in Spain.And who's that?

Sandy Uuh, Maria?Pablo Maria, yes. Is she English?Sandy No, she's Argentinian - from Buenos Aires.Pablo Oh. What's her job?Sandy She's a singer.Pablo Mm ...Sandy And what's your job?Pablo An engineer. I'm an engineer ... and ... is

she married?Sandy Who?Pablo MarialSandy Yes, she is.Pablo Oh, no ...Sandy Are you married?Pablo No, I'm not!


KNer*isc'!r-h-e-d-p-f-o-h-i-i-k-l-m r ^ , 11 r- rr- r-.J ..,rr-l[-o-p-cl-r-s-r-u-v-w-x-y-z

€xercis* *

Exercise 4

0neJimmyWoman guestJimmy

TwoWoman guestJimmyWoman guestJimmy

ThreeTeenage girlJimmyTeenage girlJimmy

Ercuse me. ]s -f:s r-,-,111'f2gl\-es. it isl Thauk \ riJ . .i-:, rruch.\bu re n elcoile.

Excuse me. \\here s i':!= a t1,:, . !-,r:.1s: .1

I'm sorry', l dor L r -u , i-t : .n' l.Oh... the bankl \\l'reles r:.; iar-,...'Sorry, I don't knon-.

Excuse me. Are you Hugh Gt'at ".

Pardon?Are you Hugh Grant?No, sorry. My name's Jimm;. \\hte.

leil ati.^t blel flail ilol o/ur/ qtait r
















mxt'x$!&ru 't

Llst*nirlg amd Writimg

€xcreise tr

A I need to enter some information about you on thecomputer, OK?Yes, OK.What's your name?Gabriella.How do you spell that?G-A-B-R_I-E-L-L-A.Thank you. Gab-riel-la. Ard \vhai's your surname?Suskind. That's S-U-S-K-l-N-D.Thank you. Ok, horr old are ]-ou. GabriellalThirt;'.Thilr r- r'ishr \rrd rr hat's vour nationalit\",'""'.J. '

Oh, I'm Canadian. I'n-L fron'r \\ innipegPardon?Wurnipeg - t hat's \\'-l-\-\-l-P-E-C.Thank 1-ou. Ard u-hat's 1'our occupation?Pardon?\bur job. \\hat's your job?Oh, I'm a secretary.OK. Thank you. We1l, I'm very sorry butDoctor Brown is wlth another patient at the ...

tft*tT 3&rammar amd Readlng

Xxereise 3

Singular Plurala husband grandparentsa mother brothersa father sistersa sona daughter

&ramrsrar amd l"istem*mg

Xxereise 7

1 a They're lrom Russia.2 a He's Japanese.3 b You're our friends.4 b We're their parents.


€xer*isx* 3

1m 2k 3q 4e 5j 6x 7r 8f th 10y11w 12V

KNerciss &

Receptionist Good morning. I'm Jane, the receptionist.What's your first name, please?

Angelina Angelina.Receptionist And your surname?Angelina Vanelti. That's V-a-n-e-double l-i.Receptionist OK ... And are you ltalian?Angelina Yes, i amlReceptionist How old are you?Angelina I'm 20.Receptionist Thank you. Are you a student or . . . ?

Angelina Yes, I'm a student.Receptionist Thank you, Angelina.

Xx*reisc ?

1 What's your first name, please?2 What's your surname?3 Where are you from?4 How o1d are you?5 What's your job?

Sslrv*?ra* Kxtg!*s!l

Kxq:rsise 3

Excuse me.Pardon?Sorry.I'm sorry.Thank you very much.You're welcome.I don't understand.I don't know.





irircise B

Lucy This is a lovely photo, Jack. Are they yourfliends?\-es, they're my classmates from college.Is Adam English?No, he's from Warsaw - he's Polish. He's agood friend.And Jessica's very pretty. Is she Adam's sister?No, she's Richard's sister.Oh, really? Are they English?Yes, they are - but their father's American.Their parents are doctors in London.And Suzie? Is she your girlfriend?No ... she's a very good friend.Oh, good ...

S*rra;lval Kng$i**x

Fx*relsc *0neMandy Bye Karl,Karl Bye Mandy. See you later.Mandy Yes, see you.


George Bye, Mum.Mother Goodbye, George. Take care.George And you. Mum.

ThreeYoung girl Goodnight, Granddad.Grandfather Goodnight, dear. Sleep we1l.

Young girl Thanks. And you. See you tomorrow

&*&*xY e*rarxmar mtid $*cadixag

ex*rc!s* S

1 There's a park. There is one park.2 There isn't a cilrema.3 There are some caf6s. There are three caf6s.4 There are a 1ot of hotels. There are eight hotels.5 There aren't any buses.

Grsr*mmr effi * trf*frefu et**ry

Ex*r*i** f;

Voice '1 Is there a bookshop?Voice 2 Yes, there is.Voice 2 No, there isn't .

Voice 1 Are there any toilets?Voice 2 Y-es, there are.Voice 2 \o. there aren't.


iierrrsu.Jili:r -:sire the museum, there's a theatre. Opposite theirre.rr- there's a cinema. Next to the library, on theriglL:. rhele s a cafe. Next to the library and oppositerhe horel there's a church.

Sqirv*vxX &x:g&*xh

frxsr*ise ?

0neTourist 1 Excuse me. Where's the museum?LM It's over there on the left.Tourist 1 Thank you!

TwoTourist 2 Excuse me. is there a post office near here.LM Yes, there is. It's not far. It's on London Road,

opposite the supermarket.Tourist 2 Thank you!

ThreeTourist 3 Excuse me. Is there a club near here?LM I'm sorry, I don't knowlTourist 3 That's OK.

&xr*r*lss 6

0neA Excuse me. Where's the church?B It's over there on the right.A Thankyou.

TwoA Excuse me. Is there a bookshop near here?B I'm sorry. I don't know.A That's OK.

ThreeA Excuse me. Where's the cinema?B It's on Cross Street, next to the supermarket.

It's not far.A Thank you.

ffiffiw$s$*ru xL*st***xg

€xcr*l*c 1

Emma What a great photo, Keith. Where is it?Keith It's my hometovrn - I'ortrose, in Scotland.Emma Really! Is it nice?Keith Well, a 1ot of my friends and family are from

there, so yes, it's OK!Emma Is 1t a bi,g town?Keith No - in fact, it's very very small! There's just

one hotel and a post office!Emma Oh. So there aren't even any shops?Keith Well, there's one llttle shop. But there aren't

any supermarkets or clubs or thlngs like that.And it's far from any big tovms or cities.

Emma Oh - that's terrible ...Keith Wel1, for me that's good, you know. But I'm

also very happy here in London.

wru&Y s&r*mnxxr xmei &e**e**rxg

€xsr***s ?

1 I speak English and French.2 I don't Like bananas.3 Do they eat Italian food?4 Do you have a computer?5 They don't live in France.6 Do you speak English?7 Where do you live?


Gramrnar and Speaking

Exercise &

Damon Is your pizza good?Kelly Yes, it is. I really like pizzas.Damon I love them too! And do you like


London?I love itlYes, London's fantastic. Kelly ... do youlike me?

Kelly Yes, Damon, I really like youlDamon Oh, greatl Er, this is for you.Kelly Flowers! I'or me? Thank you!Damon/Kelly To us!


lxercise 3

Becky Mummy! Chocolate! I love chocolate!Mum No, Becky. Not today!Becky Why?

Becky Mummyl Orange juice! I really likeorange juice!

Mum No, Becky. Not today.Becky Why?Mum There's mineral water here. Water is very

good for you.Becky But I hate water.

Becky Mummy! Mummy! Pizzal I Iove pizzatMum No, Becky. Not today.Becky Why?Mum Tonight there's lovely fish and nice vegetables

for us to eat.Becky But I hate fish and I don't like vegetables

Becky Mummy! MummylMum NO!

Suruiual [ngli*hExereise 2

1 fifty-five pence/frfty-five 'p'2 two pounds3 two pounds sevenly-nine4 six pounds tr,renly-five5 thirty-two pounds fifty6 eighty pence/elghty 'p'7 nineteen pounds ninety-nine8 three pounds thirtyExerolse 3

Gustomer 1 An orange juice please. Horv much is that?Man That's one pound tr,venty-five, please.

Customer 2 A Cola, please,Man That's ninety-five pence. then.

Customer 3 A chicken sandwich, please.Man That's two pounds seventl--fii-e. please.

Customer 4 A chocolate cake, please.Man That's one pound thirty.

[xereise 4

1 B Yes?A A coffee, please!B Sure. An;,'thing else?A Er, yes please. A cheese sandwich.

B Here 1-ou arelA Hori- much is that.'B Er. that's foru' pc,un,is ter,. L.:ast. Tl-,ar.r r-,_,1r.

2 A HelJo..M oratrge juirc I., :-.B OK. Anlahing else?A No thanks.B Here you are. That's one Lr,-,rn,l I-,r-.t-.:-,-:l " =.please.

[xarcise 5

Customer A mineral water, please.Man Sure. Any'thing else?Customer Yes, please. TWo coffees, please.Man OK. Here you are.Customer How much is that?Man That's three pounds eighty, please.

UrulT SGrammar end ltsoahulary

Exercise 3get - gets finish - finishesstaft - starts go - goeswake up - wakes up have - hasleave - leaves

HNerclse 6

A Does Rob wake up at7?B Yes, he does.A Does he leave home at 9?B No, he doesn't.

Srammar *rld l"ixtening

[xerelse &

Maggie Hello, Rob. How are you?Rob Fine thanks, Mum.Maggie Are you sure? You're not very happy todayRob No, I'm OK, Mum - really.Maggie Is there a problem at work?Rob No, Mum - there aren't any problems.Maggie Do you like your job?Rob Yes, I love it.Maggie Do you wear a uniform?Rob No, Mum - I wear a suit ...Maggie What exactly do you do. Rob?Rob Oh, a iot of things ...Maggie You never talk about ir. Is ,: u-:.Rob Yes. I go to differeni p,le.r:=: :-. .

Oh tr'Ium. ]-ou re rigr r- . - :t . i. -, :.-' t-.a! !. .

\I1-3ob's not utltris_tj= -r'. -.--1. I :'gI hate itl I n ear a :i_:.,tr- , _::'*lt-.: a:-.,i ',r-alkut lht -t t' --. .: . . =tri _=.

Exercise IMaggie f{i \ure. .his rs \laggieAnne Oh. hi -\Iaggte. Ale 1-ou all nghrMaggie i knori- about Rob. ,\inel He doesr-L r har-e

a good joblAnne Oh. \laggi". I .. .

Maggie And he doesn't wear a smart suitl He n ear.s achicken costume ...But does he like his job?No, he hates it! He thinks it's borlrLg.Don't worry, Maggie. He's young and thereare a lot of other jobs!



UacabuNar-v nnd $p*akimg

Excrcis* 4

1 It's eleven o'c1ock. 4 lt's quarter to five.2 lt's half past eight. 5 It's ten past six.3 It's quarter past nine. 6 lt's twenty to eight.

Erer*l** 5

1 quarter past five 4 half past eleven2 len to seven 5 twentY Past six3 twenty-five to eight 6 quarter to four

lxereix* 6

I'm always busy! On Monday, l finish school at 3and go to my Book Club at quarter past four. But onT\resday, we finish school at ten to four. I usually go

to bed early on Thesday night because I have a

French class on Wednesday morning - at 7 o'clock! Itfinishes at twenty to eight - and then I go to school. Idon't Wednesday ... but I love Thursday! We startschool later - at 11 - and then I usually go shoppingwith my friends after school - at quarter to four.We go to the shopping centre and have a great time.On Friday, I have a French class in the afternoon - itstarts at half past three. Then it's the weekend! OnSaturday I relax. I wake up late and usually go to thecinema with my boyfriend in the afternoon' We

usually go at quarter past five. Sunday is a family day.

I visit my grandparents with my parents and brother.We have lunch with them at half past twelve .. ' .

And then it's Monday again!

Scxrtrivs! Kxxg**s!:

&xercise X

0neBrian Look, Alisont Fri,ends Agai,n doesn't start at

quarter past five.Alison No, it starts at quarter to five! We're too late!Brian No problem. Super Agenl 3 starts at

twenty past five.Alison Great! I love Super Agenf films!

TwoAlison Oh, the caf6's closed!Brian What time does it usually ciose?Alison At 10 o'clocklBrian Yes, but look at the srgn. It closes at half past

seven on SaturdaY nowAlison Oh no!

ThreeAlison Excuse me, what time does the next Hariow

train ieave?Man Sorry you're too late! The last Hariow train

ahvays leaves at five to nine on Saturday ..

Alison Oh. no!

Eiircise 3

1 'i.1a: lime does Super Agenf finish?2 -i r-.:.r time does the caf6 open?3

-J,:-.:t time does the Harlow train arrive?

a$rsgY ?&rammar *vtd t-i$t*asisxW

€xcreis* S

Richard So what do you think about Julia?Megan Well, she can't play a musical instument - and

she can't act!Richard Yes, but she can dance and singuery weII.Megan Right. That is very important ... but ...Richard Good. So she has the job!Megan Weil, OK then.

&xereis* E

1 They can speak Spanish.2 She can play football.3 We can't dance.4 i can play the guitar.5 He can't play tennis.6 You can't speak Russian.

Xxenelss S

Jane Can you play the guitar and sing, MattiMatt I can't play the guitar but I can sing well.

Can you?Jane I can't sing but I can play the piano and I'm a

great dancerlMatt Really? I can't dance at all. I hate lt!Jane Oh ... Can you speak any languages?Matt Yes, I can speak Italian and French very well.

My grandmother's French and we go to Italy onholiday every year.

Jane Mm-hmm, that's very good. I can't speak Frenchor Italian.

Matt And do you like sPorts?Jane Well, I love terLnis. I can play well.Matt Can you? I can piay football but I can't piay

tennis. Maybe you can teach me!?

Jane Yes, that's a great idea!

&nar:txtrmr ex?d m*edisjg

&xareisc 5

1 We have to speak English in class.2 Do you have to learn French at school?3 She doesn't have to cook every daY.

4 Does he have to drive to work?5 Does a chefhave to be funnY?

t{scshaslclry alld Spea&<irlg

&xercise 4

0neA Can your friends speak English?B Yes, but they speak it slowlY.

TwoA Is your brother a good tennis player?B Yes, he plays it well.

ThreeA Can you sing?B No, I can't. I sing very badlY.

FourA Do you play the violin?B Yes, but I don't plaY it very well.

{-.t k

Surviw** ffi;tglis*

Xxer*i**'l0neMark Excuse me, can you help me, please?Man Yes, sure.Mark Where can I buy a top-up card for my mobile?Man I'm not sure but I think you can buy one in

'Cheapos'.Mark Sorry where? Can you speak slowly, please?Man Oh, sorry. In the supermarket, 'Cheapos'. It's

over there.Mark Thanks a lot.

TwoGirl Can I help you?Mark Yes. Can I have a top-up card, please?Girl Yeah. That's 55.Mark Sorry? Can you repeat that, please?Girl It's 55.Mark Oh, right. Here you are.

ThreeMark Hello, this is Mark. Can I speak to Emma,

please?Man No, sorry, she's out.Mark Can you give her a message, please?Man Yes. of course. Whal 's the message?Mark I can't come tonight.Man OK. No problem. Bye.

&xereise S

0neA Excuse me. Where can I buy a sandwich, please?B There's a nice caf6 over there ne\l to the


TwoA Sorry, I don't understand, can you repeat that,

please?B That's L2.50.

ThreeA Can I help you?B Yes, can I have apizza, please?A Here you are.

a,xrugY &Srmrwc&er ;xxl*! &*ae!!a:g

€N*reisc i3

I'm drinking. You're playing.He's working. We're pla'rng.She's working. They're pla)'ng.It's working.

&ramm*r xme! Lixt*xxir:g

€Ner*i** &

1 Are you working hard?2 Are you sitting next to a friend?3 Are you sitting at a table?4 Is your teacher talking?5 Are the students hanng fun?6 Are you helping your partner?7 Are you speaking English all the time?8 Are the st,udents learnirg English fast?


Xxsr*!s* :3

Justin Hi, it's me, Justin.Paul Hi Justln.Justin Hi Paul. What are you doing?Paul I'm walking the dog.Justin Oh. Er, do you play football this afternoon

- T'm thinkins about ... .

Paul Chocho! Stop that, now! Sorry, Justin. I haveto finish ...

Justin Oh, OK. Bye.

Justin Hi, Markl It's Justin. What are you doing?Mark Hi Justin. I'm doing my English homeworklJuslin Oh! Are 1'su I'ery busy?Mark Yes - sorry.Justin OK. See you soon.

Fiona Yes?lJustin Oh, hi, I'iona. It's JustLn. Hot-are 1-ou? \\hat

are you doing?Fiona I'm having a shower!Justin Oh! I'm really sorry, Fiona. I ... .

Fiona Bye, Justin!

Scott Hello?Justin Hi Scott. It's me * Justin. What are you doing.'Scott Nolhing really - I'm watching TV.Justin Do you want to play a game of football or

something?Scott Sorry, I can't.Justin But you're only watching TV, Scott.Scott Yes, but Kate's here vuithme.Justin Oh, I understand. Er, see you Scott.

$urvivsaX XngXlsX:

Xxercise ?

Jessica Hello?Alex Jessica?Jessica Oh, hi Alex!Alex Er, Jessica, er ... are you busy thus evening?Jessica Er, no, I'm not. Why?Afex We1l, er, there's a Shams concert on this

evening. At the Cellar Bar. Do you want to go?

Jessica Er ... um ... OK! They're my favourite band.Alex OK. Let's meet at eight o'clock at the caf6.Jessica OK! See you later!

Xx*ra*s* 3

0neRoss Hello?Dan Hi Rossl Do you have anv plans for tfLis pi-eningl

Ross Oh, hi Dan! No, I don't. \\h1-?Dan Well, there's a partl' at \lc's. Do 1-ou s'ant to go?

Ross Good idealDan OK. Let's meet at half pasr se\-en at my house.Ross OK. See 1-ou laterl B1-el

Dan By-el


Megan Hel1o?Jade Hi \Ieganl .\'e 1-gn free tomorrow? In the

afternoon?Megan Yes, I am. \\hy?Jade Do you want to go shopping with me? I want

to buy a present for Josh.Megan OKI

&&et e-F

Jade Let's meet at twenty past one next to thecirema. OK?

Megan OK. See you tomorrow! Bye!Jade Bye!

REUr$'&ru eListen!rxg amd Wnitimg

Exer*ise {0ne\,Iy room's small but it's great. My bed's on the rightand there's a TV next to it, on the left. There aren'tany chairs but there's a sofa opposite the bed, on theleft. I sit on it to watch TV!

TwoMy bedroom's not very big but it's nice. My bed's onthe right and there's a TV next to it. I have a table andchair, too, but I don't have a sofa. I watch TV in bed!

ThreeMy bedroom's great. There's a sofa on the right andmy bed's on the 1eft. My table is next to my bed, onthe right. I can do my homework there. Oh, and Ihave a shower in my bedroom. I don't have to use thefamily bathroom!

wruxY s&rxmr*t*r e,?* !fs&eher*arit

Sx*nslse ?

1 Where were you when you were ten?When I was ten I was at school in Manchester.

2 Where were your grandparents from?My dad was from Manchester but my grandparentsweren't. They were from London.

3 Who was your best friend at primary school?My primary school was great. My best friend wasMichelle. She wasn't English, she was French.

4 Where were you on Saturday night?On Saturday night, I wasn't at home. I was at aparty with my friends.

5 Were you tired this morning?Last night, I was in bed at nine o'clock! Thismorning, I wasn't tired but I was late for school!

H*aelixlg effid 1f8**bffXary

Exer*lse X

1 nineteen eighty four 4 two thousand and one2 sixteen fifty 5 nineteen sixty nine3 eighteen eighteen 6 seventeen forly eight

Vo ca bu!arg

irercise 2

1 :1 xtute planoI ; < llel fridoo3 a q,,id nedal4 r=-i i-egetables5 -.'=,1',,-,r flon ers6 '. L:.:k clog

7 a green chair8 a pink car9 a blue T-shirt

10 an orange ball11 a brornm guitar12 a grey telephone

Kxereise 4.

a twenty-second f eleventhb thirteenth g twenty-seventhc fifth h thirtiethd fifteenth i twelfthe twenty-third

Xxereiss 5

1 The twentieth of April.2 The twenty-fourth of March.3 The eighteenth of December.4 The thirty-first of May.5 The twenty-second of June.6 The third of I'ebruary.7 The twelfth of July.8 The twentieth of September.

&xcr*isc 6

1 The seventeenth of March.2 The second of April.3 The seventh of January.4 The eleventh of October.5 The fourth of November.6 The thirtieth of August.7 The ninth of February.B The fifteenth of May.9 The twelfth of June.

10 The thirteenth of August.11 The twenty-sixth of September.12 The third of July.

S*rvitral Kng!isk

Kx*r*isr? 2

Jane When's your birthday, Alice?Alice On the 22nd of August.Jane Really? When were you born?Alice In 1990.Jane Amazing. And uthere were you born?Alice In Liverpool.Jane Me, too! We were born inthe same place on the

same dayt

Xxcrcise S

Alice Your dad's pizzeria is great, Jane.Jane Thanks. I like it too, the pizzas are delicious.Alice Was your father born in Italy?Jane Yes, in Romel And you know what? It's his

birthday today, too!Alice No! When was he born?Jane On the twenty-second of August 1960!Afice We have to sing Happy Bi'rthdcty to him!

\iccabrllary amd !-i*tening

€xcrsise'!T--,,-*, A^-iI

u 4r ru@r .y nIJr x

February MayMarch June

July OctoberAugust NovemberSeptember December

&5ruXY 1&&rammar amd S*ading

Xxerc*ss &

talked cooked stayed decidedwatched lived phoned wantedwalked listened hated visited

l ll{i



fxsrcise 10

Mum Hello?Dan Hi, Mum. It's melMum Danl Where are you phoning from?Dan We're in Sydney!Mum Oh!Are you OK?Dan Yeah I'm fine. Kate's fine too. She says hello.Mum Oh, that's nice!Dan Yeah - w-e arrived yesterday - at eleven o'clock

in the morning.Mum Oh right. What's Sydney like?Dan It's fantastic. Yesterday afternoon we visited the

Opera House and then, er, in the evening wejust relaxed at the hotel.Right!Ard then at night we walked on the beach -there are a lot of caf6s and bars, it was really niceGrealt 56 whal are your plans for loday?Well, we want to go on a boat to ...

Sramrnar and $peaking

Excreise 3

Leave. Left.Go. Went.

Tim A stuclent retuln to Cirester. please.Ticket seller OK. -\'rcl uhen clo l-{:)u \',-ar,i to Tomorron. I'm c,,,r,-,il-Lg i,ark c,n Thr-trscla1.Ticket seller That's thu'il'-fir-t ;,,_,-i:-. is. r1:as: Tfrank


msl,t$,0tu sSocabulary and &remrnar

Exereise X

1 the first of January2 the second of September3 the third of August4 the ninth of February5 the twelfth of December6 the twenty-fifth of April


fixereise 1

0ne... the new technology. The BBC started its first TVprogranunes in 1936. And back then in 1936 therewere just 4B televisions in the whole of London!

TwoA The boss is happy today! What a surprise!B We1l, it's his birthday today, isn't it?A What, today?B Mm-hmm, the fifteenth of OctoberlA Oh God - the fifteenth of October! That's my

dad's birthday!

ThreeA Good afternoon. I want to buy a ticket to Mi1an,

please?B Certainly sir. When do you want to travel?A The eleventh of August. Erm ... first ciass.B One minule, please, sir.

B I'm very sorry but there aren't any tickets for theeleventh of August.

A What?! But I have very important business in Milatron the eleventh ofAugust!

B I'm very sorry. The surruner is a busy time and ltal-,'is very popuiar.

A Do you know who you are talking to? I hcL t e ! - ', -in Milan on the ...

FourB I linished school when I was eighreen -l-:

worked ilr Dylan's bookshop for the sr-..t j: - .. .

then I worked in an internet cafe f,-,1' :: -.t' t" ' .-A Mm-hmm. I see.B And after that i worked in a thtr..:'- -,: - - =t -

started a job in a bank. Foul ia-.-.- ': : . t: - ..'next job was in a ...

A I see. A lot of jobs, Tobr I r;-. 1 ,, :t: ,-:t: . - -- t.2005?

B 2005?A Yes. I'm lookirg ar: -,',- -u' , i, : -:-

nothing for 20tt5 , r-, .'-'-.r' ,l '. ,_ :.:

where ).ou rr,trkt,,i. T -'l-,-:B Oh 1ts5. 20t)5 . . I ien-,en-..L,er t-.,'-r,.

-,;. =-. - I :..i

little job jl a cLorhes .shop an'i -t'.=:-. i t- , :-,:change jobs irncl ...

Rnv RnrrohtThlnk. Thought

fxeneise 4

Eat. Ate. Know. Knew. Make. Made.Drink. Drank. Wear. Wore. Sleep. Slept.


Exercise 3

0neTom Last year, I rvent to Cracow in Poland with my

girlfriend. I stayed there for one week. Polandwas great and the people were real1y nice. Butwe went by bus - 32 hours! That was terriblel

TwoVicky Last Christmas I went to Germany with my

family. We were in the German Alps. Westayed for four days - it was quite expensive.But r,ve flew to Munich by plane - our ticketswere very cheap.

ThreeMichelle Last spring I went to France wlth my

boyfriend Nlarcus. We went to Paris - it wasso romantic! We stayed for three days - justa long weekend. We went by trah - we tookthe Eurostar from London. It was loveiy.

Survival Fmg!ish

Exersise 4

Jane Morning. Er, a student return to GlasgowQueen Street, please.

Ticket seller OK. When do you want to travel?Jane Er, today. And I'm coming back on Saturday.Ticket seller That's forty pounds, please. Thank you.Jane Thank you.

€xercise 6

Greg A single to Manchester, please.Ticket seller OK. When do you want to travel?Greg On Saturday.Ticket seller That's twenty pounds, please. Thank you.

Have. Had.Take. Took



B 22 Sheep Street, Abingdon.A OK. -\nd your date of birth please, Mrs Jones?B \bs. it's. The twenty-second of March, nineteen fifty.A ... the ... twenty-second ... of ... March.

\ineteen fifteen?B Certainly notl NineteenJi,Jtyl

UruIY "'X

Gramsmar m;xd Sgxeakimg

Exer*ls* ?

1 Dad Did Mel meet her friends at the weekend?Mum Yes, she did. She went to the cinema with


2 Teenage girl Did you have a good lime atTim's party?

Teenage boy No, I didn't. It was a reallyborrng party!

3 Mum Did they do their homework last night?Dad No, they didn't. They watched TV!

4 Teenage boy Did you phone Paul yesterday.Teenage girl Yes, I did. But he wasn't at home ...


Kxersise $

Dad Did you have a good day at school, Wayne?Wayne No, I didn't. We had a French lest in the

morning - it was really difficult. And then inthe afternoon I had all the lessons I don't like

- Maths, Chemistry and Biology. It was a killer!I hate Thursdaysl

Mum Do you have a lot of homework to do thisevenhg?

Wayne Yes, I do. I have to do my Geographyhomework for tomorrow and I have to finishmv Hist nrv homework too.

Dad Well, you have important exams in June's very important that you work hard everyevening and study at the weekends.

Wayne Yeah, yeah!Mum When are the results of your French test,


Surwivx* KllgXXsh

Exer*ixe 1

0neGuy Lovely weather this morninglGirl \-es, 1t'suery n'ice ,.. .


l\{ark Morning, guys!Sieve/Paul Hi Mark!l\f ark Hey - did you see 60 Mi,nutes on TV

last night?Paul No, I didn'tSteve I did! Did you?hf ark \-eah. it was great!Steve \-eah. brilliant!


F: j"JJ


Sue Yes, I did, thanks. Martin and I went to Oxfordfor the day!

Fay Oh ... nice!Sue And what about you, Fay? Did you have a

good weekend?

Xxens!*e 4

0neTina Ohl I like your T-shirt Kate!Kate Thanks! I bought it in Spain last year.

TwoMan Nice weaLher this morning!Woman Yes, it's lovely.

ThreeGirl 1 Did you have a nice evening?Girl 2 Yes, I did, thanks. I went to the cinema

with Justin.

FourWoman How are you, Rob?Man Oh, I'm tired this morning. I didn't sieep well.

FiveBoy 1 Did you see the Poland-England game last night?Boy 2 Yes, I did. It was fantastic.

&8$$XY {X&r*mmar clld $g:*ak*mg

Fxeneise 4

1 Where do you usually do your shopping?2 Why do you do it there?3 Who does he usually go with?4 Where is your local supermarket?5 What are you doing here?6 When was your last shopping [rip?7 How much were they?8 What did you have to buy?9 How did she pay?

Grarxll*ar and Wceafuulary

€xereise &

This cap is red.tlthoco nenc qra nino

That cap is expensive.Those caps are smart.

€Nsr*ise 6

1 I Iike that shirt!2 Do you like these shoes?3 How much are those trainers, please?4 That skirt's arvful!5 Did you buy this jacket yesterday?6 What do you think of those sweaters, Gary?

Xxereiss 7

1 a This shirt is red.b That slurt is black.

2 a Those trousers are great.b These trousers are ugly.

3 That sweater is blue.4 These jeans are old.5 Those shoes are new6 This suit is expensive..< D^--t

S:-: Dld r-ou have a nice weekend?

lfeeabulany and i-istmrxil'lg

€xerciss 3

Richard Hi Judy, where are you?!Judy Oh hi, Richard. I'm ir my bedroom.Richard What? it's late! We have to go to Julian's party

at 8 - and it's quarter to eight now!Judy I know, I know - but I can't decide what to

wear. What areAou wearing?Richard Weil it's a smart party. So I'm wearing my

black trousers and a red shirt. With a blacktiel

Judy What about shoes?Bichard I'm not wearing shoes. I'm wearing nly ne\\-

black boots - with red sockslJudyRichard



Red socks?l Oh no ...Yes, to go with my red shirt! Anl,rra.r. nhatabout your new skirt? You can ll'ear that.What skirt?What skirt?!! We went to about ten clothesshops last Saturday because )-ou $-anted anew skirt!Oh yes ... the brou,n and orange one. I don'tthink I Like it now ... .

Richard Why not?Judy Oh, I don't know - it's too short ...Richard Oh come on, Judy. It's a great skirt! You can

wear it with your brown boots.Judy Oh, OK then ... that's a good idea!Richard Goodl And hurry up, pleasel

$urvilia& &nglisl:

€Nensise S

0neJess Excuse me. Can I try on that dress, please?Man Yes, of course. What size are you?Jess I'm a medium. Do you have it in green?Man Yes, we do. Here you are.Jess Thanks. Where are the changing rooms, please?Man They're over there.Jess Thanks.

TwoJess What do you think, Mandy? Does it look good?Mandy Yes, it looks greatlJess It's too long but it's very cheap ...Mandy Hurry up, Jess. I need some new shoes!

Xxer*lse S

Jess Hi Mandy.Mandy Oh, hi Jess.Jess What's wrong?Mandy These new shoes are too small. I can't walk!Jess Oh no! And I hate this cheap dress. I Iook


m€wx$x&ru s!-istexlimg

*xereis*'!1 This person's wearing trousers, glasses, a shirt,

a cap and boots.2 This person's wearing a cap, jeans, trainers, and

a jacket.3 This person's wearing trousers, shoes, glasses,

a sweater and a hat.


Exercise 3

0neKate 1I1- narr.e's Kar= ai. l I:.:r ::-. a

lo\-\l1 I'l .:L= f-. 1-:. --:::-::.j -],: ll.- r..:- - : .-J. ... . .r- I -t= !:: -:>

-.aI-!- fan-iilusr t--

- - --,



l-:'<l- trrr-n"_ --' -


ThreeTlm \1'. : ":.. . : T-- -.:'. j . :. -:.:

- a1 -':- - Errar. j e:. : - :.: . r'. -

FourDeirdre \I1- name's Deirdre and I'ir, Ir.:-- 3.- I ;.._=. a

small tosrL about 50 miles n,tli _- ::.- _rl_-..*Belfast. I'm a student at the Lr_-,::s_:', _,'



Callum I'm Callum and I'm a student at E,CrL::r-:University. But I'm actually from Glast_.rt -a large city in the west of Scotland.

&x,Xx"Y&,KK $**S&K X€xer*lss 4

James Hi, there! I'm James - the group leader.Welcome to our summer camp!

Mary Hello, James. Thank you - it's good to be here.James Great! What's your name?Mary Mary - Mary O'Donnell.James O'Donnell? So you're from Ireland?Mary Yes - you can tell from my name - and my





accent! I'm from Dublin.Dublin-agreatcity!Yes, I love it too. And you're Scottish, I think.Yes, I am. James MacDonald. Not from thefamous MacDonald family, I'm afraid!Aaah ... But do you know where the nameMacDonald came from?Yes - of course! One of my ancestors y-as theson of a man called Donald. Mac means soii ojRight! And in Ireland we have names riith'O'-llke O'Donnell. And the'O'means'grandson' of a man call.ed DoruteU.!

: ::-:


Word List

uHtT 1 - t{i!r countries. nationalities

Argentina /,old3an'tilna/Argentinian /, ol dSen' t rnien/Canada /'kenede/Canadian /ke'nerdien/England /'rrjglend/English /'rqghJ/France /frqlns/French lfrentflfrom /from/German l'd3stmanlGermany /'d3slmeniiItalian lftr.lienlTtaly l'fielilMexican /'meksrken/Mexico /'meksrkeu/Poland /'peulend/Polish I'peult]./Spain /spern/Spanish /'spanr/student /'stjuldent/teacher l'Iitt[elTtrrkey i 'tsrki/Tlrrkish I'tstkt|university /, j u:nr'vslsrti/

UMIT 2 * -fobso jobs

actor i'aktelalphabet I'a.lfebellartist /'ortrst/bag lbnglbank ibre4kldoctor I'doktelengineer l,end3t'nteljob ld3oblmarried /'mrerid/mechanic /mr'kaenrk/occupation /,okju'perJan/police officer /pe'lils ,oflsa/receptionist /n' sepJenrst/secretary /'sekretri/singer i 'srga/surgle /'s14gel/spell /speVsrJITIame /'ss:nerm,/teacher I'titt[elraiter i'wettel

UltlT 3 - Family. family. adjectir-es

: i-xass 'aktrrs/j--:.: O:ntb,ad bad:'":-t ttend

big /brg/boring I'bcrrqlbrother ft:.rt6elbut lbr.rl,l

child /tJarld/chjldren l'tJl/'dranlclassmates /'klol smelt s/cook /kuk/daughter I'dcftelfather l'fs:^6elfriend lfrend/girlfriend /' g s llfrend/good igudlgrandparent /' grandpeerent/great lgreftlhappy l'hnpilhat lhatlhousewife /'hauswafihusband I'httzbandlmother /'mt6elmusician lmjv^'zt[anlnew injurlold /euld/photo /'feuteu/poor /pJr/pretty l'prfiilfich hftflsad /sed/short {crtlsister /'srste/small /smclVson /s^n/tall ltctUugly /',tgli/uncle /',rpkel/wedding /'wedrq/wife iwarfl

I,NIT 4 - Places. shops and serviceso prepositions ofplacebookshop /'bukJnp/burger bar /'bs:ge bcl/eaf6 l'knfetlchurch lt[sttJlcinema /'srnema/clothes shop /'kleudz [oplclub /'klnb/even /'ilven/fantastic /fren'tastrk/favourite l'fewent"lhere/over there ,ihre. ,auva 'dee/hospital /'hosprtl/hotel /heu'tel/information desk /,rnfe'merJen desk/interesting /' rntrestr4/internet caf6 /,rntenet 'kafer/library /'larbreri, -briimuseum lmju'^'ziemlnext to /'nekst telnice /nars/on /Dn/on the left /on de 'left/on the right ion 6e'rattlonly /'eunli/


opposite I'opezttlpark ipork/place iplers/plan /plrn/post office /'peust ,ofrs/pub ip,tb/restaurant /'resternnt/shoe shop /'Jur Jop/shopping centre / Joplr3 ,sente/sports shop /'spcrts Jop/square iskwee/street /strirt/supermarket /' sulpe,molkrt/telephones I' telefeunzlterrible I'terabelltheatre l'9rcteltoilets /'tcrlets/towr.t /taun/town centre /,taun 'senta/with /wr6, wrO/

Uf\|XY S * Likes anld di*llkeso food and drink. verbs

bad for you /'bad fe ju/basketball /'bor skrtbcrl/buy lbatlcar lkstlcheese lt[itzlchicken i 'tJrken/Chinese/Indian (food) l,t I al nitz,' rndienichips /tJrps/chocolate /'tJoklrt/chocolate cake /'tJnklrt kerkiclassical music /,klasrkel'mjurzrk/coffee I'kofilcola i 'kaule/customer /'k.,t steme/do /dur/dog /dng/eat littlegg tegteggs legztfish /frJiflowers l'flauezlfood /furd/football lTutbctllfootballer /'futbcrle/free time l,fri'^' tarrnlfruit /fru:t/good for you i 'gud fa ju/hamburger /'hambs:gelhate /hert/have /hev/hip-hop / hrp hop/jazz ld3nzllanguage l'lnqgwtd3llive /ltv/love /l,rv/me/you,/h im,&rer/itlus/them l ml I I jut l lhrml lh:. l I tt I

l,tsll6amlmenu /'menjur/milk /mrlk/mineral water /'mrnerei ,wcrte/model /'mndli

music i 'mjurzrk/orange juice /'orandS dSulspizza I'pittselplay /pler/pop/rock /pnp, rok/quite /kwart/really /'rreli/sandwiches /'senwldSrzschool /skurl/snacks /sneks/spaghetti /spe'geti/speak /spirk/sport /spcrtitea ltilltennis /'tenrs/the Internet /di 'rntenet/vegetables I' v ed3tebelzlwant /wont/work /wslk/

&,ruXY & * ffissstirles. routinesr tellin$ the time(at) night inartl(at) weekends /,wilk'endz/a.m./p.m, /,eI 'em, ,pir 'em/advertising I' r,dv et avtq Iafter I'a.'^ftel(in the) afternoon /,clfte'nulrubusy /'brzilclose /kleuzlclosed lkleuzdlCome on! /k,Lm'on/different I'dfierentldinner I'dtnelearly /':rli/(in the) evening /'ilvnrg/every day i,evri 'der/finish school /,frnrJ 'skull/Friday I'fratdilhalf past /,horf 'porst/get home /get 'haum/get up lget'tplgo to bed /,geu te 'bed/go shopping /,geu 'Jopr4/have breaMast ihav 'brekfasthot ihotllate /lert/leave home /,lirv 'heum/Monday /'m,tndi/(in the) rnorning /'mcrniqr'never I'nevelnext /nekst/offlce /'ofrs/open /'eupen/o'clock /e'klok/problem /'problam/quarter past /,kwcrta 'po:stquarter to /,kwcrte 'tur/relax /rr'lrks/Saturday /'sretediisign /sarn/sleep islirp/smart /smqrt/sometimes /'srrmtarmz/


start , stort/study I'st,tdi/suit /sult/Sunday /'s.tndiitake exams l,tetk rg' znmzltalk about /'tcrk e,bautiThursday l'9s'^zdiltoo (late) /tur/trair /trern/T\resday l'Ijutzdilusually I' juryellwake up /,werk'np/wear (a uniform) /wee/Wednesday l'wenzdilwork hard /,ws:k 'hord/

t}fUgYS 7 * Ta&exxt

. verbs

. a4iectives and adverbs

act lrkllbad /bed/badly l'ba,dltlbecome /br'k,rm/be fit /bi 'frt/can /kan/can't /kornt/chef feflcollege l'kohd3lcomedian /ke'mi:dien/cook /kuk/dance /do:nsidancer /'dornsa/dictionary /' drkJeneri/dish /drJ/do (sportsAromework) /dur/drive /drarv/(racing) driver i 'drarve/easy l'itzlfamous /'fermesifast /forst/find /famdifunny l'ftynilGo ahead! /,geu e'hed/go-karts /'geu ko:ts/good /gud/guitar /gr'to:/guitarist /gr'to:rrstihelp (in the house) ihelplimportant I tm' pc'^tent Iin front of /rn 'fr,r.nt evljokes /dSeuks/laugh at l'htf etllearn /lstr/loud,'laud/loudly l'laudlilr. f agazine l,mrege' zt'^nl:ljrjons la'pnjenzl;rrform lpe'ft'^rrl!t:lne card /'faun kord/-:*ricr'nir:nrqt/-';r-, ni rpn:ir/

';,la1 (u-ith 1'our brother/sister) iplerl;,rartise'preektrsiquiet ku'arat/quietly ku'aratli,r


sense of humour /,sens ev 'hjurme/sing /srp/singer /'srgeislow /sleu/slowly /'sleuliistamp /stemp/study /'stndiiteach lti,^tIThat's all. /,6rets 'c:Vthink (about) /0r4k/violin /.vara'lrn/violinist /.vare'hnrst/walk the dog /,wcrk 6e 'dog/well /weV

unil6-rreelilne. rooms and furnitureo free-time activitiesarmchair /'olmtJee/bathroom /'bolOrulm/bed /bed/bedroom /'bedrulm/chair /tJee/cooker /'kukeicouple /'k,rpeVdrink /drr4kienjoy /m'd3criflne (=011171utn7football match /'futbc:l mrtIfridge lfnd3lhave a bath /hrev e 'borO/have fun /hev 'f,tn/have a shower lhrev e'[aualhave an exam /,hev en tg'za;lrtlJust a minute. /,d5,rst e 'mrnrt/kitchen /'krtJrn/listen to music /,hsen te 'mjurzrk/listen to CDs /,hsen te ,sil 'dilzllisten to the radio /.hsan te 6e 'rerdieu/Iiving room /'hvrq rulm/make /merk/meet /mirt/phone friends /,feun 'frendz/phone your relatives /,feun ja'reletwzlplay basketball /,pler'borskltbcrl/play computer games /,pler kem'p jute getmzlplay football /,pler 'futbcrl/play the guitar i,plel de gr'tor/postcard /'peustkord/read a book /,rild a 'bukiread a magazine /,rird e mnge'zitnlread a newspaper i,rild e 'njurs,perpe/romantic /reu'maentrk/room /rurnvsit /sft/sofa /'seufe/surf (the Internet) /s:rfltable /'terbeVtalk on the phone /,tcrk nn 6e 'feun/tired itaredltoilet l'tciletlT-shirt l'tit lsttlTV /,tir 'vi:/use a computer /,julz a kam'pjulte/isit Lvtzttl

watch DVDs /,wotJ dir vil 'dirzlwatch a film i,wntJ e 'frlm/watch a video i,wotJ a 'vrdiau/write hattl

*,8xx&8 S * *8':xxrgxsr technologyr a(iectives

age lerd3lalso /'crlseu/amazing le'metzttjlApril /'erpreVAugust /'c:gest/autumn I'cftam/ball /bcrVbest friend /,best 'frend/birthday /'bsrOde/black ft:lnUblue /blur/brown lbraunlcassette player /ka'set ,plera/CD player/,sir 'dir ,plere/century /'sentJeri/change lt[emd3lcheap lt[itplclothes lkleudzlcloud /klaud/colour I'k':.Jeldate ldefilDecember /dr'sembe/decide /dr'sard/digital camera /,drd3rtl 'krmere/DVD /,dr: vir 'dir/eighth /ert0/expensive /rk'spensrv/fashion l'fa-.[anlFebruary /'februeri/fifth /frfO/flrst /fs:st/flower I'flauelfourth /fcrO/glossy /'glnsi/green lgri:nlgrey tgrerlhappiness /'haeprnes/January /'d3anjueri/July /dgu'la/June /dgurn/Iast (night, week, year) /lorstiIater l'lefielIook (around) lluklLP (Longplay) l,el'pitlluxury /'lnkJeri/March lmttJlMay lmetlmedal l'medllmobile phone /,maubarl'feun/modern /'modn/month /mnn0/MP4 player /,em pi: 'fc: ,plere/ninth /narnO/November /neu'vemba/October /ok'teube/orange l'wand3lparty /'pcrti/

perfect p:rf rktpizzeria ,pi;tsa riepopular'popjulapresent prezentpnnatl sch,-,,,- prarmari sku:1proud (of) praudradiogram rerdiauqr:emrecord 'rekr;drecord player reklld pier:red /red,''remember rr'membasadness /'saednassame /serm/second /'sekend/September /sep'temba/serious /'sreries/seventh /'sevenO/silver /'srlve/sixth /srks0isky /skar/songs /sn1z/spring /sprr4istreet /strirt/surruner /'snme/tenth /tenO/then (= at that time) /den/third /0s:d/thousand l'Oauzendltree ltrlltwentieth /'twentieO/white lwafilwhole world /,heul 'wslld/winter /'wrnte/year ljrclyellow I' jelaulyesterday /'jestedi/

tfxx$t "$& * ?rssr*t. holidays and travelo time expressions

across /a'kros/after I'o;ftelarrive la'rallbeach lbittllbefore lblfctlboat /beut/change train /,tJern d3' tretnlcycle /'sarkel/depart /dr'port/fly lflat/go by bus /,geu bal 'brrs/go by train i,geu bal 'trern/go by tram /,geu bar'trremlgo on foot /,geu on 'fut/journey l'd3snilkilometre s lkt' lomrt" azlIonely i 'leunli/mountain /'maunten/next (Sunday) /nekstioften /'nfen/(railway) station /'sterJen/return ticket /rr,tsrn 'trkrt/sail /serl/seaside /'silsard/single ticket /,srrjgel 'trklt/


: lr-it SaUO/

-.! .':ial ,' 'speJel/sial- stel/

"-rrong /stro4/sr[prise lsa'pratzlthis morning /drs 'mcrnrqiticket I'trkrtlticket office /'trkrt .nfls/timetatrle /'tarm,terbel/tomorrow lle'mnreultourist /'tuerlstitravel I'trnvalltrip ltrrylweather /'we6e/wind /wrnd/yesterday morning/afternoon/evening /, j estedi

'mcr nlp, o:fte'nurn, 'irvnr4/

XixxXt $X * Shi,dhmmclr school lif'e

(coffee) mug / subject / s.r.bdgrkt/Art ls'^tlbest friend /,best 'frend/Biology lbat'nled3ilblackboard /'blrkbcrd/calculator /'krelkj uleft e/cartoon /kor'tuln/Chemistry i 'kemrstriichildhood / tJarldhud/class /klqrs/classroom i' klorsrurm/cool /kurl/desk /desk/dictionary /' dtkJeneri/difflcult / ddrkelt/email /'irmeIVEnglish I't4gh|finish university /,frnrJ jurnr'vsrsrti/Ge ography l' d3oggr efrlgirl /gsrl/go to school i,geu ta 'skurl/History /'hrsteri/Information Technology (IT) /Infe'meIJen

tek,nole d5i, ,or 'tirikeys /kirzlkid /krd/laptop /'laptop/learn /lsln/--r:tle /'htVlI a thernatics/Maths /,mre0e'matrks, mre0si: , rnal /'ncrmal/nrlri erl- school /'nsrseri,sku:li!"iii ex&rls l,po'^s tg' znmzl!re Il perl';'"rncil'penseVP h ls ic al E clucation (PE ) /,f rzrkel edj u'ketJen,

pu il!,r"uriarl' school /'prarmeri, sku:l/rrrrfessor,pra'fesa/

pupil / pjurpel/pyjamas lpe'd3ttmezlrucksack /'r,rksak/school holidays /,skurl 'holediz/secondary school i 'sekenderi ,skurl/staff room /'storf rurm/start school /,stort 'sku:l/take a bus /,terk e 'b.l,s/teach lIittflteacher l'ti'^tJelteenager I'tinerd3altest /test/textbook /'tekstbuk/the same age /de ,serm'erd5/toy ltctlTV programme /,til 'vir ,preugrem/unusual /nn'jur5uel, -5eVyoung /j^f/

Unit 12 - $hopping. clothes and accessories

alone /e'leun/aw{ul /'crfel/because blkozlboot /burt/cap lknplcost /kostiDon't worry. /,deunt 'w,nri/do your shopping /,dur je 'Joprrj/dress /dres/extra smalllarge /,ekstre 'smc:I, 'lo:d5lglasses l'glt'^stzlglove /gl.r,v/go out (u.rth) lgeu'autlgo shopping /,gau 'Jopr4/hat lhnlljacket I'd3rkrtljeans ld3inzllarge /lord3/local (shops) /'leukel/look good/smart /,luk 'gud, 'smort/medium /'mi:diem/need /nird/pay lperlsale/sales /serl, serlz/shirt /Jsrt/shoes iJurzlshopping trip i'Joprq trrp/skirt /sksrt/small /smcrl/socks /soksisuit isurt/sweater /'swete/this/that/these/those /drs, dat, 6i;2, 6eazltie ltatltights ltattsltrainers I'tretnezltrousers I'traazezlwatch lwot!


S*w#wrx& &**Xae&€&ws

tSrlit *,$xrv!va! K*glisk, Sxsrsise &, SaS* 1?.

Write a dialogue. Then read it to the class. Use the phrases from Sp*;:! t!r:on page 17.


?--=; ria,-'-+'.': .i-::a!:,iE;ii ::,

-,il; .,:. .i'1t',,t.,1,i .:,'t,._r

Student A

".,i: t i:,::.\:

me. :.


on,, i:'

Nrrs Nlartrtna iliiFtls:=:i:1:1:=:


*,, Mrs Martin Ihere, please?


OK. Thank .r;vou :

much. g1








:I'm not. F=,

-- sorry, i:,

she isn't. ,F.*.-

,,5q1541;;gea*,1r..3,.1 ;*sl



Ask Student B quesiions lrcrnExercise 7 and comclet: ihe f ii-m.Then answer StuCent B s cr:siionsTellthe class aboul i,!Jr:ai"i^er

Firsi e a-^=

l3*it $, {irermryxxr e**S ft**eliulg, €xer**srx S, i:age ?!,

Complete gaps A-B wilh is/isn'Uare/aren't.

My name 1ig Maria. I'm from Buenos Airesand my friend, Gianni, '_from RomeHis parents are Italian but they,_lrom Rnme. fhey're from Milan. Theyo_ doctors. His brother and sister

doctors, they're musicians. Giannia doctor or a musician he's a

student. We t_ at an English schoolin Oxford. It o_ a very good schooland we're happy here.

ilmit 1S, tfccabrefarg, Sx*re$** ?,;lagc ??,

coz.o+ lssft at the words of the song and underline the verbs in the Past Simple.Listen and sing!

In the townWhere I was bornLived a manWho sailed to seaAnd he told us of his lifeIn the land of submarinesSo we sailed up to the sunfill we found the sea of greenAnd we lived beneath the wavesIn our yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarineYellow submarine, yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarineYellow submarine, yellow submarineAnd our friends are all on boardMany more of them live next doorAnd the band begins to playWe all live in a yellow submarineYellow submarine, yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarineYellow submarine, yellow submarine

| \3-

First n:-r-=Surna-=Nationa r_.





5.y r-f,







Unil 4, Grammar and Listening, Exercise 6o page 28.

StudentAPraclise the conversation in pairs. Use the shopping centreplan on page 00 to help you.

1 You're a shopper. Are the things in theshopping centre?o telephones. a sports shopo a shoe shop

2 You're the person on the Information Desk in theShopoing Centre.

Yes, there are. / ENo, there aren't.

Unit 4,lfocabulary, Exercise 4, page 3$.

Student AAsk Student B where these things are. Write them on yourmap. Then answer Student B's questions.

Iibrary shoe shop museurn post office

Where'sthe ,,, ?

Itr's on Queens'e opposihe/next xo .. .

lfnil 5, $uruival English, Exeroise 6, page 3&,

Student APractice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak Out onpage 39 to help you.

1 You're the customer. You want a coffee and acheese sandwich.

2 You work in the caf6. Serve the customer.

tlnit 6, Grammar and !-!$tening, €xercise'l{1, page 43.

Student ATell Student B aboutAndy. Then listen to Student B andcomplete the information about Kate.

work harda*-*---*-- "'---"---- -" .'" " - ':! wake up early ',

t---""''"'"-""'"-i work with people


i wear a uniform j. +,,. --.,, ..-.-;.1.,...-

i_?I9-9YT: -. :. I , . ,

Andy works very hard. He doesn'x , , ,

Unit 6, lNocabulary and $peakingn €xerciss 7, page 44.

Student AAsk Student B questions 1-6 and complete the text.Use the question words in brackets. Then answerStudent B's questions.

Aison has a very busy life. Her school usuallyfinishes at 1- (What time ...?) and on Monday,she goes io her Book Club aL 4.15. On'-(When ...?), school finishes at 3.50. She usually goes

to bed early because she has a French ciass at

'_ (IMhat time ...?) on Wednesday morning!It finishes at 7.40 and then she goes to school. OnThursday, she starts school at 11.00, and at a

(What time ...?) she usually goes shopping with herfriends. On Friday, she has a French class at 3.20 inthe afternoon. At the weekend, she relaxes. Onu_ (IA4ren . . .?), she usually goes to thecirema at 5.15. On Sunday, she has lunch with hergrandparents at 6- OMhat time . . .?).

Whatlime doesher school usually finieh?It usually finishee at 3.OO.

Unit 8, $urviv*l €nglish, €xerclse 5, page 59"

Student APractice the conversation in pairs. Use $peak Out onpage 59 to help you.

1 You are phoning Student B. You want to see a filmwith him/her this evening. Ask if he/she can go andsuggest a time.

2 Student B is phoning you. You're free and agreeto go.









llni*'13, Wocafuulary arid l"lstemir:gu €xereise $, pagc &fi.

Student A

You and Student B have a photo ofthe same boy butthere are five differences. Take turns to ask andanswer questions to find them. Don't show Student Byour photo!

ls he wearing . . .? le itl Are they (whit e)?

&*xi* 13u $arrviva! XnglSxh, €xsrels* S, page &?,

Student A

1 You are a customer. You want to buy some blackjeans. Starl the conversation with Student B, theshop assistant.o Ask to try them on.r You take a mediun,.r They are too big. Ask for a small.o You like them. Ask the price.o You buy them.

2 You are the sales assistant. Answer Student B'squestions.. Ask about the size.. Ask if it fits.r You have it in all sizes.o It costs S35.

Sta;d**t * A*?:tu'.gl*:*

Llxit 2" Volabulary and.*i:i;lr.ri-i1, !iti,:iia rr, i:-{r i:j

Student B

Answer StudentAs questions. Then ask Student Aquestions from Exercise 7 and complete the form.Tell the class about your partner.

First name: JeYtnifer

Surname: Browr'

NationalitY: ,Ae/tcaYt


Job: Srt9er





First name:Surname;




t**it 4, &ramm*r x*d Lixt**ir:g, Xx*r*ise &, page ?S.

Student B

Practise the conversation in pairs. Use the shopping centreplan on page 00 to help you.

1 You're the person on the Information Desk in theShnnnino (lonfrp

2 You're a shoooer. Are the things in theqhnnnino nanfro?r a clothes shop o clubs . a post office

Yes. there are. / SGood morning. Are lhereany telephones? No, there aren't


Jnrt 4, Vocabulary, Exercisc 4, page 3{},

Student B

Answer Student's A questions. Then ask StudentA wheretrese things are. Write them on your map.

Lookshop holel burger bar ciub

,','.ere'ethe ...?:e on Queens equare.l|'s opposilelnexLto , . .


llnit S, Vocabulary and $peaking, Excrci$e 7, page 44.

Student B

Answer Student B's questions, Then ask StudentAquestions 1-6 and complete the text. Use the question

words in brackets.

Al.ison has a very busy life. Her school usuallyfinishes at 3.00 and on 1- (When ...?) shegoes to her Book Club at 4.15. On Ti-resday, schoolfinishes at2- (What time ...?). She usuallygoes to bed early because she has a French class atseven o'clock on Wednesday mornhg! It finishes at

"- (14/hat time . . .?) and then she goes toschool. On Thursday, she starts school at 4-(lMhat time ...?) and at 3.45, she usually goes

shopping with her friends. On u- (When ...?),she has a French ciass at 3.20 in the afternoon. Atthe weekend, she relaxes. On Saturday, she usuallygoes to the cinema at 6- fli\4rat time ...?).On Sunday, she has lunch with her grandparentsat 12.30.

When doeE Altson go Lo her Sook Club?

the goee No her Dook Club on Monday.

Unli 6, $snviual English, Exercise 4, page t[5"

Student B

1 You live in Smalltoum. It's 9 a.m. on Saturday.Answer Student As ouestions. Use theinformation below.


10 - 5.30

t.::, if:;:::tr*'hl!.,,.i;ilii::


L!n*t $, $glrv*va! Xngllsh, €xcrelse S, pa$c 39"

Student B

Practice the conversation in pairs, Use Speak Out on

page 39 to helP You.

1 You work in the caf6. Serye the customer.2 You're the customer. You want a cola and a

chicken sandwich.

'Jnit $, &rammar ;*nd Liste$i*!q, €xereise lS, page 43'

Student BListen to Student A and complete the information aboutAndy. Then tell Student A about Kate.


1.15 !_..1 EF/ (N\r- | ,^t</' | \:rY -1o

-\+ 9a.m.-gn.m' 5$,,-&-. ,,- {fN\}

'-,--,rk hard

'"',-ake up early

,, _r-r $ith peopie

',-,-- :'-r at n-eekends

'''::l a l-rnifOrm





.Wednesdav 10 -



MONDAY - SATURDAY8.50 - 1.30 P.M.

2 You are a tourist in Newtou'n. It's 9 a.m. onSaturday. Ask Student A questrons wrthWhat ti,me ... ? Use the prompts below.

the Library/open? the supermarkel /close?the post offi.celciose? the sports shop/open?

g.ts -6,15Sat - Sun


t"l-tr Il

llnlt I, Survival Fnglisk, €xereise $, pag* 5S,

Student B

Practice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak 0ut onpage 59 to help you.

1 Student A is phoning you. You're free and agreeto go.

2 You are phoning Student A. You want to goshopping with him/ her on Saturday. Ask if he/shecan go and suggest a time.

Unit t0o $urvivatr Englislr, fixcreise &, page ?3,

Student B

Practice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak 0*t onpage 00 to help you.

1 You work at the ticket office. The ticket costsfifteen pounds.

2 You are buying a ticket. You want to go toCardiff and you want a student return ticket(travelling today and return on Monday).Start the conversation.

lJnit 12, &rammar and $peaking, €xerei** So pxg* S3"

Student B

Answer Student Asquestions. Then ask him/heryour questions andcomplete the text.


I hafe shopping! | only do it when I have to.I sometimes go to the shopping centre on

(When?) to meet my friends, butI don't do any shopping there. I usually do it'_ (How?). I like it because'_ | (Why?) - you don't have togo out! And it's cheap, too. I usually doit at night or at the weekends. I boughto_ (What?) last night. In the shops,it costs el2 but I bought lt for e6 on theInternet. Amazingl I can't remember mylast shopping trip. lthink it was last month.I had to go 5_ (Where?) with my dadbecause u_ (Why?). We bought hera very expensive bag. lt cost 7

(How much?) | Later, I saw it on theInternet for e]5!

lJnit 1?, Ueca*uiar-v ;11.; ,.;5i:::;11i-:, E::rl,-ri:fr t, pag* &6,

Student B

You and Studeut _\ fiar-e a photo of the same boybut there are five dlfferences. Take rur.ns to ask andanswer questions to fl-Lcl thent. D(,)n I shon- Stuclent Ayour photo!

le he wearinq , . .? le iLlAre they (whiLe)?

!!ni* t ?, $xrvival K*gi*x&, Sx*reis* &, pag* S?-

Student B

1 You are the sales assistant. Answer Student Asquestlons.o Ask about the size. Ask if they fit.. You have them in all sizes.. They cost S45.

2 You are a customer. You want to buy a blue jacketStart the conversation with Student B, the shopassistant.o Ask to try it on. You take a large.o It is too big. Ask for a meclium.. Ask the price.. You buy it.


#i,rg, ...."7:

When doee Taul eometimee qo Lo Lhe shopping cenNre?


Surrviual Eng$*s&x

UtllT 1 - l*tr*dex*tlens axxd gre*tings


See you later.

See you tomorrow.

See you soon.

Take care.

And you.

nifggY * * &*ie8r:g f*r xa;s* g*vixlg d*r*s:?**xl*

Excuse me.

Where's the (post office)?

Is there a (bank) near here?

It's over there on the left/right.

lt's not far.

lt's next to the ...

It's opposite the ..

It's on ... Street

I'm sorry. I don'r knowl

iJ#*Y $ * *x.d*r**g arla$ !*aqgia'ng fa;*ei

A (coffee), please.

Sure./OK. An;,'thing else?

Yes, please. A cheese sandwich.

No, thanks.

Here you are.

How much is that?

That's (S2), please.

L5I!*X? S * ?a*&a*mg *bsxt ?l:e *ims

What time does (Super Agent) start/finish?

What time does (the caf6) open/close?

What time does the (Harlow) train leave/arrive?

\\trat's your name?

\lv name's ...

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Where are you from?

I'm from ...

Good morninglA4orningl

Good afternoon!/Afternoonl

Good evening!,Evening!

How are you?

I'm very weli, thank you

I'm fine, thanks!

And you?

l}fdg?X*Sc*&x{ Xxlg$*sk

Excuse me.


I'm sorry./Sorry.

Thank you very much

\bu're welcome

I ,Lon't ulderstand

, r -:r't ]anow

j'i!T r: * .:*y!rg gs*Sbyg

l : rc:, e.'81-e.

i , i.r5fLt.


It starts/finishes at ...

It opens/closes at ...

There's a good film on at the cinema.

Ut{lT g : Taiking absut dates

When rvere you born?

\VtLere \\?s 1-our father'mother bornt)

\\hen is/u as ]-our binh'jar,-'

Hou- old a-re,\r ere r-ou.'

\\ ere 1ou born in (Spah r .'

\\ras she born irr (1992)?

UillT 10 - Buying travel tickets

A A (student) singleireturn to ... . please

B OK. When do you want to travel?

A Today/ tomorrodon Saturday

B ['m coming back on ...

How are you?

Did you have a nice weekend/evening?

Did you see ... (on T\| Iast night?

I like your T-shirt/rucksack/watch,/mobile phone r

UruXY .|X * &a:yir:g c*mthcs

Can I try on that dress, please?

Where are the changing rooms?

Do you have it in blue/a small?

Does it look good?

I'm a smalVmediumlarge.

It's too big/long/short

It looks great/aw{ul.

What size are you?

It arrives/leaves at ...

UMIT ? - Raquests

Can you help me, please?

Can you give her a message, please?

Can you repeat that, please?

Can you speak slowly, please?

Can I have (a top-up card), please?

Can I speak to (Emma), please?

Yes, no probiem.

Yes, sure.

Yes, of course.

uilffi g - fwaking arrangements llru,Y 'X"l * $malx talk * wey$ $f s{artings*rl1'&rseai{},?$

Are you free this afternoon/evening? Lovely/terrible weather this morningl

Are you,/busy tomorrou,/on f riday?

Yes, I am.No, I'm not. Why?

Do you have any plans for Saturday?

No, I don't. Why?

There's a (Shams) concert on.

There's a party at Jrm's this evening.

Do you want to go?

Do you want to (play tennis) today?

Do you want to meet/go shopping today?

Greatl/OK!/Good idea

Let's meet at 5 o'clock next to the cinema.

Let's meet a[ my house/aL the cafe.

OK. See vou later!/tomorrow!Does if fit?


[ngffi.f -*:'r

Ui.,IiT iUiili i. ;..g:*{: *

to be= I/you

+ I'm {**t} from London.You'r* {are} Ganadian.

- l'nll *et {xm *l*{} from Manchester.You *r*n't {nrs x**} English.

? &ru | in Frankfurt? Yes, you xr*.iNo, you &rg*'t.

&.r* you John Smith? Yes, I am./No.lum n*t.

L$rugY X

iSx;i? X, pag* 33

to be= he'slshe's

He's {;n} a mechanic.She'x {is} a doctor.

possessive adjectives: hislher

He's Andy. ${f * name's (is) Andy.She's Sadie. *{*r name's (is) Sadie. X, p*g* ?3

alan + iobs

His name's Mark.He's a waiter.

Her name's Jane.She's a receptionist.

a + consonant{b, c, d, etc)

:: waiter: singer: teacher

an + vowel(a, e, i, o, u)

** actor*s artistnn engineer

&.!nit X, pag* '!4

to be: he/shelit

He/She's {{x} a doctor.It's {is} Mr Kelly.

HeiShe isn'? {is mot} an actor:It isn't {is not} Sean Connery.

ts he/she/it Canadian?Yes, he/she/it rs.No; he/shelit isll!t.

A What's his job? ls he a rnec^a- :B No, he isn t. He s an erq ^e=-

[$ruffi 3

Unit 3, pese A1

Singular and plural nouns


a husbanda mothera father& sona daughter

{!nit 3, page 2',

to be= welyoulthey



+ Weffou/They're {are} from New York.

WeffouiThey arennt {are llo{} musicians.

? Are we/youithey happy?Yes, we/you/they ar*.No, we/youlthey arc:r't.


He's Jane'sbnothenPossessive 's

They're ., :;'1'1:,igfandmOtherS.They're ::,r grandmothers.

Th ey're l:',,: t5{ i;'*' tt brOthefS.They're 1*l'brothers,

Wayne's trl;* ;'{ll.l' ri; husband.Wayne is !;*i' husband.

,.1, ';,:, ;;l::,:,t:11,.: 'i":,

Subject pronouns

I'm Wayne..ill,:'re Sharon.lil's Rick.;;iill's my wife.lis're shor1.iur;'re tall.l'{l*,1''19 ptt*.

Possessive adjectives

!t,lir name,s wayne.'fr i,:t name's,'.:r name'S RiCk.iirl. name's Anna.i!lr' parents are,i:t:f parents afe tall.'iii;ril' hats are pretty.


They are orrr clrildren.

Their namesare Sa,m a,nd Nicole.


. manw0manchildperson

,'i ',:i. *:ir,t* T.'ti

Singular and plural nouns (irregular) The panents aneshont peopfe but

thein childnenane veny tafl!





ff*d*? ;;

i"{$i* E, iiir!::: .:;

there islthere arez allirmative and negative

Singular + 'f**r*'* {Yl.l*r* i$} a/one park.

?h*r* i*r*,t a cinema.

Plural + ?ir*l's ;l:"* Sg.m€/thrce caf6s.+ 'f'hs:r* *; lr a lot of/eight hotels.- 'f!*r* ;:r**i,i anv buses.

#*l? 4, s*grl ;;ii

there is/there are: questions

Singular ? il 1**r* a Yes, thslll ll.bookshop? No,ll*r*iw'i.

Pfural ? fzr* lh*r* any Yes, 1l1*r* *:',,r.toilets? No, i?xir'* ar*,'i'i".

tTo,tbere arenrt.Only oae ia


ffirugY s

#grit .9, pag* .?-5

Present Simplel l/youlwe/they

+ lffouiWelThey !!v* in London.

lffouAtl/effhey d**'!{d;t ii*l} ii** coffee.

? S* liyoulwe/they l*?.* Yes, l/you/we/they ,..English food? No, l/you/we/they iiar':.*w l/you/we/they*;pxxk English?

What languages a:* you s$*ilk?What sports dx you iik*?Where do they lru*r*?

ilnit $, tr)H*s 3i

Obiect pronouns

f llvetnParis.

?\n1u Ill*,{t/ a : t \







Tim and Kierandon't like me and Bec\r -

they don't speak to ss.


I you he

iii* vritl llil;l

she it

firr ii


l:it r,rr l:i;:i


urilT s

Unit 6, pagc &&

Present Simple: helshe/it

start staftsget getswake wake*like likesleave leave*play playx

Verbs ending: -o, -shr -ch, -x

ge goc$finish finishssteac& teach*srelax relaxss

Verbs ending: consonant + y

study studS*c

tr}*it &, p*W* *gX

Adverbs of frequency

never sometimes usually

We use usual ly/sametimes/never before the verb.

He erxaraNlXl gets home at 5. He ssmst*m*s does hishomework. He xaellar studies.

t3n!€ S, pe** 4X

Present Simple: he/she

+ He/She e$ears a very smart suit.

- He/She d*es*?ut {dses **t} syerk in the bank.

? S*es he/she *v*xr Yes, he/she Ssex.a uniform? No. he/she cr*ssll't.What doe* he S*?

He wakes up at 6 a.m.






He finishes work at 6 o.m.

She doesn't wear a uniform. She likes her iob.

[,M'T ?

tlmit 7, paEe 4S


'lirl"ant ,

,..i,,,1, l{qu/HglQhe/f!{{e/fh6y,can dane E : :,l/You/He/She/ltMe/they can't (cannot) playthe guitar.

? Ganl/you/heishe/iVwe/theysing?Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they can .

No, l/you/he/she/iVweithey can't .

What can you/he/she/iUwe/they do?

Does hethink hers


What do you have to do?

Do comedians have to be funnv all the time?


r-! f'i l:' :,

i.r:i:: i.. .;t** 5$

Present Gontinuous: affirmative

+ l'!x i*,&; drink*ng.He/She/lt's {!s} worki*g.YouAtl/e/They,re iar'*) play; nS.

be (awlexlxra) + verb + -ixg

*ai{ S, pxg* SS

Present Gontinuous: spelling

Most verbs: add -ingdrink - drinking3play - play**g

Exceotions/other soellings:hav* - havingwrit* - writi*gdriv* - drivixgsit - sittlngget - get?6ng

ijnit S, pese ,%7

Present Gontinuous: negative and questions

I'm m** {x*x x*f} studying.He/She 1s*':l {ex na;9} studying.YouMeffhey xrar*'* {xr*l m*t} doing a lot,

? &r's youlwel Yes,l*rm.they enjoying Yes, you/welthey xre.your holiday? Yes, he/she/it is.

8* she/he/it No, l'rn **9.helping you? No, you/we/they xrex,*.

No, he/she/it i**,t.What ar* you doing?Where xrs you going?

She's looking after the children.

They're playing computer games.


tlx,x*t *, pxg* *;t

to be= was/were





wasl/He/She/lt rvas popular.l/He/She/lt walsx't {xva* n*t} big.*Vas l/he/she/it small?Yes, l/he/she/it wa*./No, l/he/she/it wes*'t.

wereWeffou/They x**r* proud.We/You/They uverss't {vr*rx r**f} expensive.&S*r* we/youithey popular?Yes, we/you/they w*r*./No, we/you/they w*ren't.

It was very big but it wasn't very expensive.

A Were they expensive?B Yes, they were.

L$ruXY X *{Jm$* 1*, p**s S*

Past Simple: affirmative (regular verbs)

+ l/you/he/she/iUwe/youlthey playe*.staft**d.

They talked.

* *?.?ln &r.&

Unit 1*u pxg* S{}

Past Simple: atfirmative (regular verbs)

Spelling rulesMost verbs: add {e}* - arrive*, played

Exceptionsiother soellings:+ marry - marrie*l

study - studied

stop - stopp*e*

travel - travellss{

tlrxlt trS, page ?&

Past Simple: atfirmative (irregular uerbs)

rEP .


-'?t Z z

-*F *a


+ l/youiheishe/iVwe/you/theybaught (buy) nad (have)xaw (see) tteei*g&* (think)

!e{t (leave)ivexxt (go)

: 4€7f?m#>'He slept.

UNIT 1 1

Unit 11, page 77

Past Simple: negative (regular and irregular)

lffou/He/SheiltAll/elThey d id n't (did not) sta rt,lffouiHelShe/lVWe/They efieln't (did not) go.

tlrlit 1X, page 7*

Past Simple: questions and shoft answers(regular and irregular)

QuestionsDid l/you/he/she/iVwe/they listen to music?Sid l/you/he/she/iVwe/they like The Spice Girls?

Short answersYes, liyoulhe/she/iVwe/they elki.No, l/youlhe/she/iVwe/they*idgl't.

lllfi- questionsWhat programmes xlixi you wateh?When elid he stnrt school?Where dld you g* to school?

I didn't like hip-hop when I was ten - Dad loved it.

rOli s"f

43ru$Y X r{.3sti* 3?, pi{* ;i.:i

Questions:W h e re/Wh yAttlh oM h aW h en /H ow/H ow m u c h

PresentWhere d* you usually del shopping?Why s** you d* it there?Who dscs he usually S* with?Where !* your local supermarket?What srs you elc*xg here?

PastWhen wa* your last shopping trip?How much xv*r* they?What *lid you h*v* 9* buy?How S** she p*g:?

&jm*t 1?, F;il:: .;:,






Where do you do your shopping?On the lnternet. lt's very easy and cheap

iE;i *€

Do Youlike thesetrousers?

/cap is


/caps are nice.

$o,/ ,/

caps are smart.


ss?h*s blue.

Th-tt cap is expensive. ?'ha**


lrregular uerhs

* Listen and repeat.



buy hnr rdht




:r::rrs:.t 4.:: rt.i::t:rr::a::::. r::r:a::::rtr..::-::r::::::-..:.:::



read /red/



Prwxxaxsx***€**xx &abXm

cos.zz Listen and repeat.

em.27 coNSoNANTS cDezs VOWELS

Symbol Examples Symbol i Examples













park partner happy

bath boy

telephone ten walked

doctor daughter day

car schoolgirl big

chair picture

jeans fridge

five coffee phone

visit very ofthree Maths thingthey mother then

sell cinema listen

close these

shop station

television unusual

hot whoman summer

not know

sing think

lot fly

red sorry writeyellow beautiful new

winter one what

Long and short vowels









three read these

big guitar pretty

happy spaghetti married

bed bread friend

bad lazz cat

car bath smarl father

hot watch dog

sporl your daughter small

book cookboot blue fruit shoe

but some Sunday

learn thirty church work

brother actor colour Poland

c03'2e Diphthongs (two vowel soundspronounced as one)






hate play eight great

go pnone

nice like goodbye July

brown town proud

boy enjoy

herethere their square pairsure tourisi

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For further reading skillspractice, we recommendBetween Two Worlds or anyother Easystarts PenguinReader.

With Success, we recommendthe Longman ElementaryDictionary,

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SUCCE$S" It's all in the name!

+ see page 93

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a see page 53

+ see pages 2-3

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