Subject: Public Comment: 2 - Riverside Date: Thu, 28 Jul ... control humano. Somos esclavos”. Y...

Public Comment: 2 - Riverside Subject: Public Comment: 2 - Riverside John Redden < | Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 07:10:33 +0000 To: ^^^^^^^ From: John Redden < Subject: Hemet, Valle Vista, East Hemet, and San Jacinto Message Body: I urge you to please keep Hemet, East Hemet, Valle Vista, and San Jacinto together in one district, we are very close and our communities link with each other. Breaking us into 3 district will put strain on our district. I am not a politician just a concerned citizens who wants a strong community. Our communities are close and we want the same representation and too be able to share our ideas. It does not make since to separate such close growing communities that keep our community strong. Please consider my idea keep us together don't separate us thank you. This mail is sent via contact form on Citizens Redistricting Commission lofl 7/29/2011 9:27 AM

Transcript of Subject: Public Comment: 2 - Riverside Date: Thu, 28 Jul ... control humano. Somos esclavos”. Y...

Public Comment: 2 - Riverside

Subject: Public Comment: 2 - Riverside John Redden < |

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 07:10:33 +0000 T o : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

From: John Redden < Subject: Hemet, Valle Vista, East Hemet, and San Jacinto

Message Body: I urge you to please keep Hemet, East Hemet, Valle Vista, and San Jacinto together in one district, we are very close and our communities link with each other. Breaking us into 3 district will put strain on our district. I am not a politician just a concerned citizens who wants a strong community. Our communities are close and we want the same representation and too be able to share our ideas. It does not make since to separate such close growing communities that keep our community strong. Please consider my idea keep us together don't separate us thank you.

This mail is sent via contact form on Citizens Redistricting Commission

lofl 7/29/2011 9:27 AM

VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla

Subject: VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla y Espiritu" < |

Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 04:47:53 +0200 To: <|

VIII Congreso Ciencia y Espfritu en Sevilla - Sevilla 24 y 25 de Septiembre -

“Aunque la verdad esté en minoría, sigue siendo la verdad”. Mahatma Gandhi

Bienvenidos a este octavo congreso de Ciencia y Espíritu y primero que realizamos en la preciosa ciudad de Sevilla.

Hemos seleccionado los mejores conferenciantes internacionales para ofrecerles un congreso que sin duda cambiará su perceptión de la vida. Serán dos días inolvidables donde podrá conocer personas igual de especiales que Usted que le permmrán ver que no esta tan solo y que muchos más saben y piensan como Usted.

El sábado abrirá el congreso Fran Rebollar uno de los mayores expertos en la enseñanza del Yoga, con la charla: "Yoga, con los pies en la tierra". A continuatión el Profesor

Jesús García Blanca nos hablará del "Montaie VIH/SIDA: Poder global, ciencia

l o f 6 7/29/2011 9:27 AM

VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla

dogmatica y montaje criminal". Seguirá la gran terapéuta ZEN Suzanne Powell por fin visita Sevilla con la charla "Abrazando la dualidad" y el naturópata José Luis Romero


que nos explicará el "Método AV, (otra forma de vivir)"

Por la tarde tendremos al cantante de música rap Rabasco que nos hablará sobre

"La música y su mensaje". Javier Pérez Nieto nos dirá lo que no se enseña en las

nos contará las “Tecnologías para Universidades. José Luís de Mundo Desconocido el control humano. Somos esclavos”. Y terminará en investigador y escritor Jose Luis Parise

explicándonos “El mapa de acceso a la Nueva Era”

El domingo abrirá las charlas la escritora e investigadora Olga Traverso

sobre las “Civilizaciones intraterrenas”. Seguidamente Xavier Pedro y Blanca


nos hablarán del “Viaje al 2013. La Ley de la Manifestatión”. Tras la pausa el cientffico Rafaél López

Guerrero dará su conferencia: “Fundamentos cientfficos de la conciencia: Nuestra conexión con el Universo: El Diferencial König-Guerrero". Y el economista y ex-político sevillano

Emilio Carrillo nos ConscienciavEspiritualidad"

hablará de "Multiversos v Principio Holográfico: Ciencia,

Por la tarde abrirá la investigadora en bioacústica Eva Julián nos hablará de “La "Medicina" de la Naturaleza”. A continuatión el periodista Luis Carlos Campos de

Contraperiodismo Matrix nos hablará sobre "El timosida como despertar de un sinffn de estafas de los mas mierda". Tras la pausa tendremos al Magistrado Francisco Serrano

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VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla

ri que nos hablará sobre "Derecho Penal y de Familia: precursores de mayor

conflictividad familiar" Y para finalizar el Comandante Mitoa Campos V ^ ^ 1 nos dara la charla: "Crisis (Entender del 11-S a la Globalizatión)"

Contaremos además con numerosos stands de expositión y venta de productos.

Le esperamos!

Albergue Inturjoven de Sevilla - Sevilla Isaac Peral, 2 (Reina Mercedes)

Ver en Google Maps

Precio inscripciones: 50 Euros los dos días y 35 Euros un solo día Aforo limitado a 300 personas

3 of 6 7/29/2011 9:27 AM

VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla


Para cualquier duda puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros por email o télefono en:

Telf: 93 362 37 00 (Horario de 10 a 2 y de 4 a 8) C/ Buenos Aires 11, 22 23 Barcelona 08021 -Spain-



• 9:00 Entrega de acreditaciones

• 09:50 Apertura de la VIII Editión de Ciencia y Espíritu por Miguel Celades • 10:00 Fran Rebollar con la charla: "Yoga, con los pies en la tierra"

• 11:00 Jesús García Blanca con la charla: "Montaje VIH/SIDA: Poder global, ciencia dogmatica y montaie criminal"

• 12:00 Pausa

• 12:30 Suzanne Powell con la charla: "Abrazando la dualidad"

• 13:30 José Luis Romero con la charla: "Metodo Av (Otra forma de vivir)" • 14:30 Pausa para el almuerzo

• 16:00 Rabasco con la charla: "La música y el mensaje"

• 17:00 Javier Pérez Nieto con la charla: "Ciencia v espíritu" • 17:30 Pausa

• 18:30 José Luis C. con la charla: "Tecnologfa para el control Humano - Somos esclavos V2.0 -"

• 19:30 José Luis Parise con la charla: "El Mapa De Acceso a La Nueva Era" • 20:30 Fin de la Jornada


• 9:30 Acreditaciones

• 10:00 Plea Traverso con la charla:"Civilizaciones Intraterrenas"

• 11:00 Xavier Pedro v Blanca con la charla: "Viaie al 2013. "La lev de la manifestatión""

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VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla

• 12:00 Pausa

• 12:30 Rafael López Guerrero con la charla: "Fundamentos cientificos de la conciencia: Nuestra conexión con el Universo: El Diferencial König-Guerrero"

• 13:30 Emilio Carrillo con la charla: "Multiversos y Principio Holográfico: Ciencia, Consciencia y Espiritualidad"

• 14:30 Pausa para comer

• 16:00 Eva Julian con la charla: "La "Medicina" de la Naturaleza"

• 17:00 Luis Carlos Campos con la charla: "El timosida como despertar de un sinffn de estafas de los mas mierda"

• 18:00 Pausa

• 18:30 Francisco Serrano con la charla: "Derecho Penal v de Familia: precursores de mayor conflictividad familiar"

• 19:30 Mitoa Campos con la charla: "Crisis (Entender del 11-S a la Globalizatión)"

• 20:30 Fin del evento

Proximos eventos hasta el 2012:

• Andorra: Sabiens 2.0 "El Congreso del Saber". 1 y 2 de Octubre

• Valencia: IX Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu 15 y 16 de Octubre

• Santander: X Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu 29 y 30 de Octubre

• Egipto: Pase con nosotros el 11-11-11 dentro de la Pirámide de Keops (viaje 9 días)

• Barcelona: II Simposium Músic a y Espíritu 26 de Noviembre

• Barcelona: XI Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu 17 y 18 de Diciembre

Su email ha sido recogido de fuentes públicas o bien por algún contacto personal anterior con alguna de las empresas u organizaciones del grupo. Nunca vamos a mandar más de un email por semana, siempre con temas que pensamos pueden ser de su interés. No obstante si no desea recibir más informatión tan solo responda este email con la palabra BA1A y lo borraremos de nuestro directorio tan pronto nos sea posible. Muchas gracias por sutiempo.

5 of 6 7/29/2011 9:27 AM

VIII Congreso de Ciencia y Espiritu en Sevilla

P Save the Earth, one page at a time. Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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Region Z: Rivers July 24, 2011

California Redisricting Commissioners California Redistricting Commission 901 P Street Suite 154-A Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Commissioners;

I am writing this letter as a concerned citizen of Riverside County and the owner of one of the largest commercial, industrial real estate companies in the Coachella Valley and Pass Area. We have been in business here for 35 years with offices in Palm Springs, Indio, and Beaumont. We currently have 81 parcels for sale and nine parcels for lease.

My concern is that the Coachella Valley representation at the State level, both Senate and Assembly, was splintered by the last redistricting 10 years ago. I believe that the commission was created to prevent the division of like communities or those that share common links.

The communities of the Coachella Valley along the Interstate 10 Corridor have many links with each other. The valley itself is an inclusive market area, with an international airport. We have a strong daily newspaper that reaches throughout the valley, as well as over a dozen local radio stations, five local network TV affiliates with 4 daily local TV news shows serving the area. There are three major auto plazas sprinkled between Indio and Palm Springs offering over 25 different brands of autos and trucks. We have three medical campuses that service the valley. Our one community college district services the entire valley with a campus in Palm Desert, a satellite in Indio and two campuses in the planning stages for Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs.

Tourism is our biggest pull and link throughout the valley. The Greater Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors Authority services and showcases all the communities in the Coachella Valley. We have conventions meeting all over the valley, annual festivals from Indio to Palm Springs, casinos, a National Monument, museums, Indian Canyons and other tourist attractions. Our hotels range from the Hot Water Spas in Desert Hot Springs and Palm Springs to the Golf & Tennis resorts in Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Bermuda Dunes, Palm Desert, La Quinta and Indio. Our visitors from all over the world populate every community from Desert Hot Springs, through Palm Springs to Indio.

Our working population throughout the Coachella Valley work either directly or indirectly as a result of the tourism industry. The growth of retail has been a result of the increased population whether they are working, retired, or visitor.

The area is served by two economic development agencies. Coachella Valley Association of Government (C VAG) and Coachella Economic Partnership (CVEP). These two


entities are made up of representatives of all 9 local cities and the county areas. We have one bus line servicing the entire Coachella Valley "Sun Line", which is overseen by CVAG.

Two local school districts encompass several communities in the Coachella Valley. Palm Springs Unified covers Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, and Thousand Palms. Desert Sands Unified covers Bermuda Dunes, Indio, La Quinta, and Palm Desert

As a realtor, l a m very familiar with the various types of commercial property throughout the Coachella Valley and how they all play apart in the success of this valley. I can assure you that there are no major or minor agriculture properties in Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, Thousand Palms, Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta or Indio. The only "farming "considered in these areas is related to solar and wind.

The only areas of the Coachella Valley that feature agriculture are Coachella, Mecca and Thermal. These areas are not part of the Interstate 10 Corridor but are serviced by Hwy 86 through Imperial County. They are also served by a separate school district, Coachella Unified.

It is my hope that you will consider redistricting the Coachella Valley so that it is represented in whole by one state senate seat and one assembly seat I thank you for your time and consideration.