Study of OpenMRS

SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT Submitted by: Shweta PG/12/083


OpenMRS is an EMR being designed to improve service delivery in resource poor environment. Here OpenMRS is evaluated and compared with other EMR.

Transcript of Study of OpenMRS

  • 1. SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT Submitted by: Shweta PG/12/083

2. RAXA HEALTH INFORMATION SERVICES PVT LTD Raxa is a mobile and web-based health information technology company, based in India that continually striving to develop and distribute health related content and software to link and illuminate patient, providers and payers. Raxa targeting India to deploy their EMR because of immense IT development and poor health status mainly in rural area. 3. KEY LEARNINGS Recording of live motion videos of various Raxa EMR modules mainly registration, screener and OPD. Created HTML pages of same modules. Feedback documentation of Raxa EMR. 4. STUDY OF OPENMRS AND COMPARISON WITH RAXA EMR 5. INTRODUCTION OpenMRS is created with the belief to provide a base for information storage, modification and retrieval in an efficient way. OpenMRS is a tool designed for information technology and along with this, lessens unnecessary duplicate efforts. OpenMRS is based on the principles of accessible and exchange of ideas, software and methods of deployment and use. 6. OpenMRS, and Raxa EMR are readily available software and widely used. But no studies till now have done extensive studies on its presents features and to look for more advancement in these software's. This rationale of this study is to extensively evaluate OpenMRS and Raxa EMR version of OpenMRS and define the difference between two. 7. OPENMRS HOME PAGE 8. REGISTRATION FORM 9. START UP PAGE 10. REGIMENS 11. VISIT 12. ENCOUNTER SAVED 13. DEMOGRAPHICS 14. GRAPHS 15. FORM ENTRY 16. ADMINISTRATION PAGE 17. RAXA DASHBOARD PAGE 18. REGISTRATION HOME PAGE 19. REGISTRATION FORM 20. ADD PATIENT IN OPD MODULE 21. WRITE THE DIAGNOSIS 22. PRESCRIBE MEDICATION 23. ADD INVESTIGATION 24. ADD INFORMATION OF PATIENT 25. UPLOAD AN IMAGE RELATED TO PATIENT 26. HISTORY OF PATIENT 27. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1. Humans Factor for capacity building: lessons learned from the OpenMRS implementers network. (Seebregts CJ, 2010) 2. Implementing OpenMRS for patient monitoring in an HIV/AIDS care and treatment program in rural Mozambique. (Manders EJ, 2010) 3. Experience implementing OpenMRS to support maternal and reproductive health in North Nigeria. (Thompson A, 2010) 4. Experience in implementing the OpenMRS medical record system to support HIV treatment in Rwanda. (Allen C, 2007) 5. Benefits of using the DCM4CHEE archive. (Max J. Warnock, 2007) 6. Evaluation of open source DICOM frameworks. (Vzquez A, 2007) 7. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: an overview. (R.H. Choplin, 1992) 8. Practical issues in picture archiving and communication system and networking. (Kalyanpur A, 2010) 28. OBJECTIVES General Objective: To study basic version of OpenMRS. Specific Objectives: To study basic version of OpenMRS. To explore Raxa EMR OpenMRS version. To compare basic OpenMRS with Raxa EMR version of OpenMRS. 29. METHODOLOGY This is an observational study. Where I sit with developmental team to understand the basics of Raxa EMR. Activities included were: Development of Raxa tools. Analysis of Raxa EMR. Creating of patient record in Raxa EMR. Analysis of OpenMRS. Creating of patient data in OpenMRS. 30. KEY STUDY FINDINGS After exploring OpenMRS, findings are like: OpenMRS is big and slow Because of availability of huge template. OpenMRS is not organized to guide progression to next step. Registration form include unnecessary details like latitude and longitude. Saving an encounter is lengthy procedure. Extensive medical dictionary for medicines need to be added. A user guide need to be added with each concept. Salient features like to add relationship with patient, allergy and problem list are present. Users can make changes in it according to their need. 31. After Working On Raxa EMR, the findings are: The biggest benefit of Raxa EMR is its smooth functionality on web and mobile devices. Raxa EMR has come up with unique feature to capture patient picture for better identification. In Raxa EMR you can upload any diagnostic report from your system to patient record. Raxa provides decision support templates. Raxa EMR has extensive list of medicines. The user do not have the liberty to make changes in Raxa EMR. But to customize it to their need they have to pay. 32. On comparison between basic OpenMRS version and Raxa EMR Version of OpenMRS, the findings are: OpenMRS is huge whereas Raxa EMR is concise. Raxa EMR is more user friendly than OpenMRS. Raxa EMR can be accessed on tablets, but OpenMRS cannot. OpenMRS provides no decision support where as Raxa EMR has developed this feature. Raxa EMR allow the patient to access their medical records, but OpenMRS provide no such liberty to patient. 33. Key findings revealed after DCM4CHEE observation are: Patient information can be merged to prevent duplication of same patient information. It also provides an option to add patient directly in PACS. Patient images can be exported to other destinations. Patient attributes can also be edited. It enables viewing images in HTML, PDF and waveform format. DCM4CHEE allows offline storage too. 34. DISCUSSION OpenMRS is initaited with concept of sharing ideas to improve service delivery. The success of OpenMRS inspired the community to expand worldwide. OpenMRS standards and values encouraged Raxa to use it as their backend support. But Raxa has implemented its own tool with basic OpenMRS. Although both OpenMRS and Raxa EMR are comprehensive enough to cover basic needs of physician still they can update it and make it more functional. 35. RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations suggested are: The physician should integrate OpenMRS in their setup. OpenMRS community need to focus more on user support. Regular evaluation should be done to improve features. For Indian physicians Raxa EMR is better option to be install at their workplace. 36. SUMMARY OpenMRS and PACS are OSS that are designed to provide a platform to physicians to explore and understand the flow of information management through technology. Through this study OpenMRS, Raxa EMR and PACS were observed to figure out their functioning and efficiency in clinical setup. The findings revealed that OpenMRS and Raxa EMR is quite comprehensive but still can be improved more. 37. REFERENCES Paul B and Hamish F. OpenMRS Guide, 2nd ed. US: OpenMRS Community, 2012: 157. Seebregts CJ, Mamlin BW. Humans Factor for capacity building: lessons learned from the OpenMRS implementers network. Year Medical Informatics Journal 2010, 13-20. Manders EJ and Jos E. Implementing OpenMRS for patient monitoring in an HIV/AIDS care and treatment program in rural Mozambique. Student Health Technology Informatics Journal 2010, 160: 411-5. Thompson A, Castle E and Lubeck P. Experience implementing OpenMRS to support maternal and reproductive health in North Nigeria. Student Health Technology Informatics Journal 2010, 160: 332-6. 38. Allen C, Jazayeri D and Miranda J. Experience in implementing the OpenMRS medical record system to support HIV treatment in Rwanda. Student Health Technology Informatics Journal 2007, 129: 382-6. OpenMRS, OpenMRS community, November 2012,, accessed on May 1st, 2013.