Study of Citizen Centric E-governance Projects in...

350 6.0 Conclusions and recommendations: Analysis of the study: 1.0 Funds allocation: The e-governance projects are able to sustain if project funds are allocated on time and are adequate. Most of the projects require huge funds and fund estimates are generally not accurate hence rectification in yearly fund allocation is essential. Project duration for large scale projects is in several years so it may require replacement of hardware platform. 2.0 Objectives of the citizen centric e-governance projects: Objectives are defined mostly from organizations point of view. Hence, even successfully implemented e-governance projects are not creating impact on society. Marginal benefits in terms of time saving or availability of documents / certificates are experienced by Citizens. Transparency in decision making or reduction in corruption is hardly noticed. Objectives hardly touch up on improvement in decision making process based on business intelligence or data mining software features using available correct data. Citizens feedback mechanism methods are not defined which can improve e- governance applications on continuous basis. Even if objectives are defined correctly from Citizenspoint of view they are hardly achieved. 3.0 Correctness of data: Correctness of vital data is not ensured near to 100%. Error rates more than 10% are noticed even after release of services. This reduces faith in e-governance system. Citizens have to deal with wrong documents issued to them. They only have to follow up again and again with government for correction of information. This increases harassment. Cost for Rectification of errors in e-government procedures will have to be borne by Citizens.

Transcript of Study of Citizen Centric E-governance Projects in...

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6.0 Conclusions and recommendations:

Analysis of the study:

1.0 Funds allocation:

The e-governance projects are able to sustain if project funds are allocated on

time and are adequate. Most of the projects require huge funds and fund

estimates are generally not accurate hence rectification in yearly fund allocation

is essential. Project duration for large scale projects is in several years so it may

require replacement of hardware platform.

2.0 Objectives of the citizen centric e-governance projects:

Objectives are defined mostly from organization‟s point of view. Hence, even

successfully implemented e-governance projects are not creating impact on

society. Marginal benefits in terms of time saving or availability of documents /

certificates are experienced by Citizens.

Transparency in decision making or reduction in corruption is hardly noticed.

Objectives hardly touch up on improvement in decision making process based on

business intelligence or data mining software features using available correct


Citizens feedback mechanism methods are not defined which can improve e-

governance applications on continuous basis.

Even if objectives are defined correctly from Citizens‟ point of view they are

hardly achieved.

3.0 Correctness of data:

Correctness of vital data is not ensured near to 100%. Error rates more than 10%

are noticed even after release of services. This reduces faith in e-governance

system. Citizens have to deal with wrong documents issued to them. They only

have to follow up again and again with government for correction of information.

This increases harassment. Cost for Rectification of errors in e-government

procedures will have to be borne by Citizens.

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Data correction procedures and their certification procedures are not considered

as transactions in e-governance applications. Hence corrective actions take long


4.0 Discontinuation of manual system:

Even after rollout of e-governance application, it is observed that manual

procedures are continued for longer durations in some cases. Government

services such as issue of 7/12 extracts are continued to be offered manually and

also computerized services at computer centers simultaneously for more than

three years. The base data for both the systems is different. One is manual (hand

written land records) and other one is computerized data base.

Discontinuation of manual services may create initially some data problems, but

proved to be essential to maintain correct data. Property card services are fully

operational only based on e-governance application, hence these services are

well accepted by citizens and also percentage of data correctness is nearing to

100%. Manual services were discontinued in the early stage of implementation of

property card system.

5.0 Hiring services of BOT vendors:

Services of BOT vendors are opted to set up citizen centers, for execution of

data entry work and offering services at Citizen Center. This has helped to

complete the projects, but also added new problems of corruption, service

delays, data security etc.

6.0 Part implementation of e-governance applications:

If all modules are not implemented due to various reasons, it reduces impact of

implemented modules drastically. For example, issue of 7/12 extract is

computerized but not mutations process. Application submission for civil

department is computerized but not services. Complaints can be registered but

solutions are not provided or informed.

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Large number of decision making reports and queries are designed in software

modules but hardly any use is noticed while decision making at senior officer

level as they are even not aware of these facilities.

7.0 Sharing of databases / interaction across departments:

One of the project objectives defined in all e-governance applications is to share

data across various departments, but almost no data exchange or sharing is

noticed in e-governance applications. Web-sites also do not provide access to

summarized data.

8.0 Regular enhancements in e-governance application:

It is noticed that software issues are not taken care off after roll-out of the

application. Only bug fixing issues are resolved, but no further enhancements are

planned to improve quality of software based on field level experience. Software

bug reporting and its analysis are not done.

9.0 Transfer of project leader / departmental head:

E-governance projects are fully dependent on personalities and their innovative

ideas. If project leader who has initiated the project is transferred at any stage

even after roll-out, project affects seriously.

10.0 Delays at government level to amend laws:

Acceptance of computerized documents requires law to be amended

appropriately. Also discontinuation of manual documents requires changes in the

law. This stage takes years together due to which e-governance projects can not

be rolled out completely.

11.0 Functioning of committees:

Technical or coordination committee functions only till roll-out of the application.

Issues in implementation stage remain unsolved.

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12.0 Integrated approach:

It is not possible to include all functions of the organization in e-governance

application at the beginning, hence projects are divided in stages, but it is noticed

that only one or two stages are developed and implemented. Hence, full benefits

are not realized.

Integration across the departments for data exchange and service integration is

not noticed in majority of e-governance applications. Citizen centers are opened

separately for each department which consumes huge funds and citizens still

have to visit number of Citizen Centers for availing services.

One of the entrepreneurs in Aurangabad is offering paid service to get

computerized documents issued from various Citizen Centers. This indicates that

complexities are still continuing and citizens require middleman services to deal

with government.

13.0 Decision makers / political members’ involvement:

Large scale decisions are taken by political bodies associated with government

organizations. But their involvement in e-governance project is at minimum level.

Corporation members are not aware of e-services and their benefits.

14.0 Documentation:

Documents are prepared at the beginning but not updated over the period.

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Project objectives should be defined as per constitutional rights to improve

quality of life for Citizens.

There should be only one Citizen Center at field level offices covering

services of all departments. But depending of the need these facilities can be

offered at multiple locations.

Large scale integration of data, services and e-governance applications is

essential to offer services at one place.

Citizens both literate and illiterate are not aware of e-governance facilities.

Continuous campaigning efforts are required to make citizens aware.

Web-sites are not used more than 5 to 10% by citizens, hence its

popularization is essential. Lots of features are required to be added in the

web-sites useful to citizens to make them usable.

Almost all e-governance applications and web-sites has feature to lodge a

complaint but hardly any complaints are solved on time or answered.

E-governance applications should be enhanced based on request from

citizens to include services demanded by them.

Manual services should be discontinued within few months after release of e-

governance services. Running two independent systems will create additional

disputes. Citizens will be confused regarding which method to be availed.

Government staff involved in manual service delivery also should be

associated in offering e-governance services. Their domain experience over

last several years in manual operations is essential to be used in resolving e-

governance issue of services.

Citizen centers should be at convenient locations to ensure transport cost is

not added due to use of ICT.

Fees for services should be based on citizens‟ feedback, manual fee and

actual expenditure.

Power problems are serious at village level. UPS solution is must to offer

services on time and reducing citizens‟ repetitive visits for the same work.

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Sharing of information across departments is essential for better serving to

citizens. Committees at government level are required to be set up to define

guidelines to share data across departments. As per RTI (Right to

Information) law information has to be shared. Automatic electronic data

exchange features are essential to be added in the e-governance


Monitoring and evaluation reports should be automatically generated with out

any manual action for all field level offices which should replace manual MIS

reporting for e-governance applications.

Online Examination e-governance application is running at 627 centers in

Maharashtra which is based on usage of networking connectivity. This

demonstrates availability of ICT at almost all places in Maharashtra. Hence,

web based applications can be planned for citizen services.

PMP‟s (Project Measuring Parameters) should be defined and should be

derived using databases for continuous improvement of e-governance


Periodical review of projects should be done to define enhancements in the


E-governance projects should be monitored till it is discontinued for its

improvement and sustainability.

Committees set up should be functional till project is phased out.

Regular training of senior staff is essential to make use of full benefits of ICT

applications. MIS, decision support and BI features are required to be

explained and demonstrated to senior staff.

Project champions should visit to other states and study similar projects to

increase their awareness.

Project leader should not be transferred during development of the project.

Even if he is required to be transferred at implementation stage, proper

handling over document stating activities to be executed should be prepared.

Efforts are required to be taken to build transparency in the e-governance

applications. Waiting list numbers, making all information available,

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complaints monitoring etc will make transparent system. This can help to

reduce corruption.

Features are required to be added in the audit / trail modules to find out

transactions executed out of turn to reduce corruption.

Software Product should be tested from authorized bodies for its testing to

ensure bug free software product. (STQC, STQC - Standardization Testing

and Quality Certification, Government of India)

Software product should be developed in stages for large scale projects.

Each stage can be considered as new project to ensure its completion.

Software team sizes should be defined till project is in use for development

and maintenance separately.

Senior staff members within the organization should be well aware of all

features of e-governance application.

Amendments in laws are required for making computerized documents as

legal documents. It is essential to define cut of date to not accept manual

documents as legal documents. This step takes several years, hence these

issues should be sorted out during initial stages of the e-governance

application, and otherwise e-governance application may have to be


All modules implementation is to be planned for providing complete service.

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7.0 Bibliography:

E-government From Vision to implementation- by Subhash Bhatnagar

E-Governance Case Studies Edited by Ashok Agaewal

Business Research Methods by Cooper, Schindler

E-government the science of the possible - Mr J Satyanarayana , IAS,

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) National Institute for Smart Government,

Hyderabad , Prentice Hali of India , New Delhi

Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques : C R Kothari

Land Management Information System: Government publication by

Revenue department

SPSS for dummies : By Arthur Griffth

Land Reforms in India : Edited by Wajahat Habibullah, Manoj Ahuja

Management Reviews: IIMB Quarterly Magazine

Informatics: NIC Quarterly Magazine

Good Governance: Monthly Magazine

8.0 Acronyms:

7/12 - Sat -Bara land ownership and crop details land re

BI - Business Intelligence

BOT - Build-Operate-Transfer (project outsourcing; informat

BPL - Below Poverty Line

CARD - Computer-aided Registration of deeds Andha Pradesh

CCEG - Citizen Centric E-governance

CEG - Centre for e-governance

CFC - Citizen Facilitation Centers (CFC

CLR - Computerization of Land Registration

D2K - Developer 2000 oracle product

DA - Detailed assessment

DBA - Data Base Administrator

DIT - Department of Information Technology

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DOT - Department of Telecommunications

e-biz - Electronic Buiness

e-governance - Electronic Governance

e-government - Electronic Government

E-Procurement - Electronic Procurement

EAF - E-governance Assessment Frameworks ( EAF Version

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Friends - Fast, reliable, instant, efficient, network for disbursement of services,


G2B - Government to Business

G2C - R -Government to Citizens in Rural Environment

G2C - U - Government to Citizens in Urban Environment

G2C - Government to Citizen

G2G - Government to Government

GIS - Geographical Information System

GOI - Government of India

GOM - Government of Maharahstra

GR - Government Resolution

HOD - Head of Department

I4d - Information For Development

ICT - Information Communications Technology

ICT4D - ICT for Development

ICTD - Information and Communication Technology for Deve

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineer

IIMA - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

IIT - Indian Institute of Technology

Info dev - Information for Development

ISO - International Organization for Standarization

KDMC - Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation

LMIS - Land Records Management Information system

LRC - Land Records Computerization in Maharashtra

LRMS - Land Records Management system

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M & E - Monitoring and evaluation

MCA21 - e-governance project of Ministry of Company Affairs

MIS - Management Information System

MIT - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, government of


MMP - Mission mode projects

MoRD - Ministry of Rural Development , Government of Ind

MOU - Memorandum of understanding

NCST - National Centre for Software Technology

NEGP - National E-governance Plan, Government of India

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

NIC - National Informatics Centre

NISG - National Institute for Smart Government ( NISG ),

PCIS - Property Card Information System

PMP - Project Measuring Parameters

PPP - Public Private partnership

PVIT - Public-value-of-IT

RoR - Record of Rights

SA - Summary Assessment

SC - Settlement Commissioner

SMART - Simple Moral Accountable Responsive and Transparent Governace

SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

SQL - Structured query Language

SRS - Software Requirement Specification

SSC - State Secondary and higher secondary certificate boa

STQC - Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification

SWAGAT - State Wide Attention on Grievances by application Technology

SWAN - State Wide Area Networks

SWOT - Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

TSP - Total solution provider

UK - United Kingdom

ULB - Urban Local Body (India

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UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

UPS : Uninterrupted power supply

US - United States

VF1 - Village level form 1

VF12 - Village form 12

VF7 - Village form 7

VF7 - Village form 7

VJIT - Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

VOICE - Vijaywada ( versatile) Online Information Centre

VSNL - Videsh Sanchar Nigam limited

WAN - Wide area network

WWW - World Wide Web

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Annexure 1: List of the Departments covered under CFC project with

number of services


Department Cover


Y / N

No of






Services and / or

complaints covered

1 Ass. And Tax Coll. Dept Y 7 -

2 Water Supply Dept Y 9 17

3 Town planning department Y 18 -

4 Health Department Y 11 05 Birth/death

certificates , health

scheme monitoring

5 Food licenses Y 17 07

6 Accounts Department Y 10 Citizen payments


7 Fire brigade dept Y 05 -

8 Market and trade


Y 19 -

9 Nursing home Y 02 -

Only complaints


1 Public Works Department Y - 16 Only complaints

2 Drainage dept Y - 07 Only complaints

3 Hospital Y 05 Only complaints

4 Electrical Y - 03

5 Illegal activities Y - 09

NO activity covered

1 General Admin Dept N

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Computer Dept and CFC Dept activities not


3 Audit Department N

4 Solid waste management



5 Storm water drain dept N

6 Controller of unauthorized

construction dept


7 Env and poll cont N

8 Octroi Dept N Activity is


9 Legal Dept N

10 Security Dept N

11 Slum Improvement Dept N

12 Education Dept N

13 Transport Dept N

Annexure 2 : CFC statistical information :

Name Of CFC Distance from HQ Avg Citizens Visiting


HQ nil 400

A Ward 8 kms 40

B Ward 3 kms 60

D Ward 4 kms 300

Dombivli Division 5 kms 250

H Ward 8 kms 150

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Annexure 3: Statistics for software bugs recorded during last one year:

Sr NO Month Number of problems

1 April 05 21

2 May 05 33

3 June 05 30

4 July 05 28

5 Aug 05 15

6 Sep 05 64

7 Oct 05 98

8 Nov 05 29

9 Dec 05 55

10 Jan 06 48

11 Feb 06 34

12 Mar 06 35

Annexure 4 : List of Awards for CFC

1. Recognition Award from Department of Administrative Reforms, Government

of India in the Category of Exemplary e-Governance Initiatives

2. Skoch Challenger Award 2004

3. Finalist for CAPAM International Innovation Award 2004

4. Finalist for Intelligent Enterprise Award 2004

5. Winner of Intelligent Enterprise Award for 2005

6. Finalist for the CRISIL Award 2005

7. Champion CIO Award 2006 from Cyber media India Online Ltd.

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Annexure 5:

Questionnaire : for CFC window operator : Form no : ----------

Date : ------------

Questionnaire for Research Study of KDMC Citizen Facilitation Centers

Research project is undertaken By Mrs S P Sardesai, Senior Technical Director

NIC, Pune as a part of her Ph D work under Pune University, under the able

guidance of Dr Sharad Joshi.

Computerization of KDMC Citizen Facilitation Centers is one of the Excellent

work done hence selected as most Successful and outstanding project under

this research study which has created impact on society.

The information provided in the questionnaire will be kept confidential and will be

used only for research study.

Please answer all the questions sincerely.

Please use blank papers to answer questions.

A : Identification and grouping :

1 . Name of the CFC : ------------------------------------- Male / Female –---------

2. Employee name : ------------------------------------ Employee Code : ---------------

3 Designation : ------------------------------------------------ Birth date : ------------------

4. Number of years experience in KDMC : ---- and as CFC window operator : -

5. Educational qualification : -------------------------------------------------------------------

B : General :

1. Which windows you have handled? ----------------------------------------

2 Which window do you like to work with? -------------------------------------

3 What are the job roles assigned to you ?---------------------------------------------------


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4 What problems are you facing at window ? ----------------------------------------------


5. What is your experience while handling Citizens ? -------------------------------------


6 How much time citizens have to wait in the queue as per your observation ? --


7. How many times you face h/w problems in a day on and average? -------

8. How many times s/w problems are being faced on and average per day or

week ?-----

9 How many times wrong data related problems are faced on and average per

day ?---

10 How do you report your problems ? orally / writing / register entry / any other


11.Please give details of training courses attended by you ?



12 Which training courses should be planned for you to manage CFC window

more effectively ?



13. Do you face problems in getting leave due to round the clock operations?



14. Please give your suggestions to further improve CFC operations?



15. Please compare your work before and after CFC?




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Annexure 6:

Questionnaire for Citizens at village level - may or may not have visited

Taluka citizen centre to avail computerized services for receiving RoR (7/12


Government of Maharashtra has undertaken Computerization of Land Records

project mainly to issue ownership of land records documents to citizens ( 7 / 12 ).

Computerized Citizen centers are opened at each taluka office where

computerized services can be availed by citizens. Any citizen can request for

copy of the 7/12 record which defines Record of rights within the same taluka

from any village by paying fees of Rs 15/– per page. 7/12 extracts are issued

within few minutes. This service is yet to be extended up to village level. This

questionnaire is prepared to receive feedback from citizens about this service

and also manual service provided by Talathi to issue 7/12 records. Your

feedback will be used to make this project further enhance, hence it is requested

to give your valuable and honest feedback. Please be sure that information

provided by you will be kept confidential.

A. 1. District :--------------- 2. Taluka ------------------- 3. Village ----------------

4. Name :------------------------------- 5. Age : -------- .6. Male / Female ---

7. Occupation : Farmer / lawyer / service / government service /

business / other

8. Survey Number : ----------------------------- 9. Khata Number :---------


1. On and average, How many times do you take 7/12 extract in a year from

revenue department ? --------

2. For which purposes? Land dealing / bank loan / mortgage / for availing

benefit of government scheme / other

3. Have you availed computerized services at Taluka centre for reveiving 7/12 ?


4. Your experience to get 7/12 Extract :

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Your experience At Village

level from


At Taluka

Computer centre

1 How many times you have taken 7/12

during last two years?

2 How much time required for one copy of

7/12 ?

------ Days -------- hrs

3 On and average how much you paid for

one copy?



---------------- Rs

4 Received 7/12 were correct / wrong ? Correct /


Correct / wrong

5 How many times computers were not



6 How many times you have visited Taluka

computer centre?


7 How many times you have to return since

no power at taluka center?


8 How was the behavior of taluka staff and

Talathi GOOD / OK / BAD

5. How you came to know about Taluka Centre to receive computerized 7/12

extract ?

Newspaper / From friend / Talathi / Lawyer / Government servant / other

6. Which method you will prefer to get 7/12 extract either from Talathi hand

written or at Taluka computer center Computerized copy of 7/12 extract ?

Please give reasons:

7. If only services at Taluka centre are provided to issue computerized 7/12

extract and discontinue issue of hand written 7/12 at village by Talathi, will it be

acceptable to you? YES / NO Please give you views on this point.

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8. Have you noticed any shortfalls in copies of computerized 7/12 extract ?



9. What benefits you have noticed due to Computerization of 7/12 extracts?



10. Have you seen the web-site YES / NO

11. Your suggestions for this project :



Name and signature

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Annexure 7 : Questionnaire for Taluka in-charge office for property card

(City survey office) :

Office of the Settlement Commissioner and Director Land records has released

computerized system for Property Card system in Maharahstra in all city survey

offices since 2002 and which is operational since then. Being in-charge of city

survey office you have executed important role due to which this project is

successful which has benefited citizens. Hence this questionnaire is prepared to

receive your experience using which this project can be still enhanced.

Please give following information completely, please note that your information

will be kept confidential.

A. 1. District : -------- 2. Taluka ---------------3: Office name -------------------------

4. Your name : ------------------------------ 5: Sex : Male/ Female ---------------

6: Date of birth: ----------- 7: Designation : ------------------ 8: Education -------

B: Q 1: How many years you are working as this office in-charge? ----------

Q 2 : How much percentage of property cards are computerized ? from

which date -------------

Q 3 : How many times hand written property cards were required to be

issued during last year ? Please give Reasons.


Q 4: Do you have required hardware or you need additional hardware ?


Q 5: Does PCIS s/w satisfies all your requirements or any s/w

requirements are still pending?


Q : 6: How do you communicate hardware / software problems ? If in

writing please attach copy of last year problems.


Q: 7 : Are you using record room computerization ? YES / NO

Q 8 : What are the software problems in Record Room software ?

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Q 9: Which new areas should be computerized?


Q 10 : What type of complaints you have received from Citizens ? How

many complaints you have received during last month ? -------------

Q 11: What courses you have attended related to computerization?


Q 12 : Which courses should be planned for you?


Q 13: What benefits you have received due to property card



Q 14 : Does staff reporting to you have any problems for this project?


Q 15 : How many times Settlement commissioner‟s office has requested

your suggestions for this project ?


Q 16: Your suggestions:


Q 17 : Your problems please.


Name and Signature :---------------------

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ANNUXURE 8 :Feedback Questionnaire for 12th Students

Regarding their experience of Online Examination for Information


Please note that information provided by you will be used for research work and

will be kept confidential.

A. 1. Student No : -------- 2. Year of Examination : ---- month -----Year

3. Gender : Male / Female 4. Category : SC / ST / OBC / GEN

5. College code : ----------- 6. Place of college : -----------------------

7. Percentage for 10th : ------- %


1. Have you appeared for MOCK examination? YES / NO

2. Did you were able perform operations for online examination up to your

satisfaction? YES / NO

3. Please give your comparison between Written Test and Online Examination


Give score 1 to 5 1: BEST, 2 : Good, 3 :OK , 4: Difficulties, 5 : worst



Experience For Written Test For On line


1 Easy of operations

2 Rate of reduction for copying

3 Examination procedure

4 Atmosphere during examination

4. Which method of examination you will prefer handwritten or online

examination? Give reasons:



5. Did you were able to give Online Examination without any problems?


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If NO, Which problems you faced,

Software problem / Power Problem / machine down / Network Connectivity

Key board / Any other

Was it required to reschedule you again for Online Examination? YES / NO

6. How many times you can change an answer of a question during Online

Examination? -----

7. For Online Examination student has to solve the questions serially. Is this

statement true for false? True / False

8. Which keys you can not use during Online Examination : mention any two

important :

Time --------------- IP-address : -----------------------------