Study book of Daniel Letters Vol5



Study book of Daniel

Transcript of Study book of Daniel Letters Vol5

Volume Five 311 Letters from God and His Christ

Volume FiVe

Letters from God and His Christ 312 Volume Five

Volume Five 313 Letters from God and His Christ

12/11/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Those Who Call of Themselves Christian, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRefinement and The Day of The Lord

Thus says The Lord your God, The God of Israel: My anger is kindled against you! For you have not harkened to My voice, and to My words you have not listened; neither do you heed the words given to the prophets of old, nor of this day, even to the forsaking of The One you call Christ, though you seek to call yourselves by His name... Shall I reward you for your disobedience, simply because you are called Christian?!My children, I have sent to you many in My own name, putting MY words in their mouths; and behold, I am sending 144,000 more, the witnesses. Yet you scoff and reject them, yea you persecute them on account of their words. Therefore, O disobedient generation who do call of themselves Christian, you are given up to refinement and shall pass through the fire, even the fires of The Last Week; you shall not be gathered... There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.And so it will come to pass: Those who would be first shall be last, and those who were accounted as last shall be first. For every man, who thinks himself righteous, shall be left. For there are none righteous! No, not one!... Not one person or church... All is vanity and pride, complete vexation of spirit.

For I have already told you that I require of you humility,

A complete forsaking of your wills, walking in faith,

Abiding wholly in the doctrine of Christ...

Yet all you men in the churches abide in your own doctrine,

Walking always in religion, and not in faith...

For not one of you obeys God, in truth.

I tell you, all religions shall fail! Not one shall persist! For The Salvation of God is nowhere to be found in the religions of men, nor shall one find Me in any denomination or church. Thus all your attempts to hold onto your self-righteousness are in vain, for every bitter and perverse doctrine of men shall burn in that day.My children, Christ’s church dwells within Him, and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple, which has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world for fulfillment, mixing the things of the world with the things of God, polluting pure worship with the abominations of the pagan and the heathen... Desecrating My name and My glory as you continue segregating My Word, in an effort to maintain your own way. Therefore, be separate! Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer. Come out from among them, and follow Me! My servants, take nothing with you, for I abide not in any church made with human hands... Why do you not understand My speech?! For I tell you the truth: Those who love anyone or anything in this world, more than Me, are not worthy of Me; and to be a friend of this world is enmity with God, as it is written... Stop stifling the Spirit!

Know you not, that to celebrate and worship Me,

In any way contrary to the Scriptures, is a desecration of My name?!

And to mix anything I have given you, with the things of satan, is an abomination?!...

My children, come out of her! The harlot has deceived you!...

And you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling in all her fornications.

Letters from God and His Christ 314 Volume Five

12/11/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Those Who Call of Themselves Christian, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRefinement and The Day of The Lord cont.

You are fallen and given up to judgment, and shall endure desolations on every side! For I shall indeed correct and discipline even all those I love, with a strong rebuke and an outstretched arm. For you have not given heed to The Father’s commands, nor do you heed My correction. Thus I must bring My hand against you, that you may be humbled, that you may be broken atop this Stone, for by no other means shall you enter into My rest... Beloved, if I do not leave you to refinement, assuredly I say to you, you shall never enter in. For this is a very stiff-necked generation, a very hard-hearted people. And though these called Christian do seek to honor Me with their lips, their hearts remain far from Me. Therefore, I ask you, who do you serve?... The world, and all its adulteries against God? Or God, in spirit and in Truth, apart from this world? For as it is written: The day is coming, and is already here, when The Father shall receive the worship He really wants. For only by the power of the Holy Spirit shall one worship God as He really is... Thus the first harvest shall indeed be lowly, of the lowly; and the second plenteous, of the refined and penitent.

Repent, therefore, and humble yourselves,

That you might escape all these things

Which must shortly come to pass...

Repent, I say! Repent, in truth!...

And now take up your cross and follow Me!

And if you repent, yet return to those things of which you have repented, endeavoring not to change, has not your repentance become unrepentance? My children, if you come before Me repenting of your transgressions, in where you have not kept The Moral Law of The Father, and then continue in your transgression, forsaking The Law, have you not committed a greater evil? For you have made Me the author of sin, saying, “We are in Christ. We are free from The Law”... Desecration! Little children, hear Me: You are free from the curse of The Law, for you are indeed saved by grace and now live because of Me. Behold, even My own Spirit shall enable you to keep The Law. And though you are now free from the curse of The Law, which is death, you are by no means free to break The Law. Have I not said, “You are forgiven; now go and sin no more”? Therefore if you continue to transgress, and seek not to change your ways, you remain in unforgiveness, having lied to The Father in My name. Neither are you born again of the Spirit, for all those who truly repent receive of My Spirit, and strive also to walk in My ways... This is true repentance.For I walked in perfect obedience to The Father, I kept The Commandments, every one, and by My example were they fulfilled. Therefore, I ask you, if one forsakes The Law, how then shall he fulfill it? And if one forgets the Sabbath, how then shall he remember it, to keep it holy? Or have you forgotten My words also, where I said, “Do not think that I came to destroy The Law or the prophets... I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.”

I do not say then, that you shall walk perfectly, for I know you are but flesh...

Rather that you should sincerely strive to walk in uprightness,

A completion of your faith through obedience,

Having received of the free gift...

Even of the new heart, which I have given you.

Volume Five 315 Letters from God and His Christ

12/11/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Those Who Call of Themselves Christian, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRefinement and The Day of The Lord cont.

And by this shall you be judged, for I search the hearts and minds,

And I know if you have been fully converted in your heart,

Even unto your innermost parts...

One who seeks to please The Father by all their doings...

One who truly loves Me.

My children, I shall speak plainly so you may be saved: Love one another. Feed the poor in spirit and in body. Visit the widows in their affliction. Uphold the fatherless. Speak to those in prison. Help the sick. Forsake these modern holidays; embrace God’s Holy Days, as I am their fulfillment and as they are written... Get understanding, get wisdom... And remember the Sabbath Day, yes the seventh day, to keep it holy. Obey all The Father’s Commandments, for they are holy, just and good... By My own Spirit shall you keep them, thereby revealing that you have truly received. And listen to those I send; you shall know them by their fruits and by their sword. For they come not to make peace but war in My members, even a great division, a sifting of the wheat for the harvest.

My children, you grow too close to the tares... You are entangled! Uproot yourselves therefore, and be planted in the good ground, where the latter rains are abundant and all crops are harvested in their due season. Hurry now and regain the line, put your feet back on the path of righteousness, for My way is narrow... Go your own way, however, and you shall not be gathered. Therefore walk in Me, for I am The Only Path of Salvation, The Only Way to follow, and be truly set free! For only in The Truth Absolute shall one find respite and be gathered up to Heaven, even for one week and in the Day... My children, God does not change; His Word abides forever.

For I am The Lord...

And I shall have mercy upon those whom I shall have mercy;

And I shall punish those whom I shall punish...

Yet call on the name of The Lord, in these final hours of darkness,

And you shall be saved...

Behold, you shall see the angels of Heaven

Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.



Letters from God and His Christ 316 Volume Five

1/5/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearI Am with You Always (Regarding The Holy Spirit)

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, can You help me better understand John 16:13-15?

[God The Father answered] Timothy, think not in earthly terms, nor consider by human means. Rather know and understand that which I send is spirit and truth, the very same as Christ who I also sent, being manifest in the flesh, the same as God, Immanu El. So that received is of God and of Christ, for The Father and The Son are one, yet manifest as two so the men and women of this earth may know Me.Therefore, if you receive of My Spirit, then the Spirit you have received is of Christ and God. Thus The Comforter is of The Son and The Father also... We are one. I am, We are, omnipresent, being not bound by earthly laws, but of a spiritual freedom of which you can not yet understand. So then if the Holy Spirit is that part of Christ which is also in God, then The Lord has left that part of Himself which dwells within you, even to the end of the age.

Thus says The Lord, your Teacher: This is why I said the Spirit shall not speak of itself as one separate, but shall receive of Mine and show it to you. The Spirit and The Christ are completely one, and I am in The Father and The Father is in Me; and all The Father wills is made manifest by Me and through Me. Thus the Spirit is given, so you may know Me and receive strength enough to walk in My ways. For by the Spirit am I with you always, though we yet remain apart on account of your flesh. Then when the day comes (and behold, it is indeed coming very quickly, says The Lord) when you are changed from perishable to imperishable, no longer shall I dwell only in you but you shall dwell also in Me, and you shall truly know Me as I am, for you will be like Me in spirit. For as it is written, “For now you see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now you know in part, but then you shall know just as you are also known”...

Then shall all these sayings come to pass...

“Death is swallowed up in victory”,

And, “I shall be their God, and they shall be My people”,

And again, “I will dwell in them and walk among them”...

And they shall also dwell in Me, forever.

For the old order of things has passed away...

Behold, all is made new!


Volume Five 317 Letters from God and His Christ

1/17/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThose Who Have Ears to Hear, Let Them Hear

[God The Father] I have given to My servant, Timothy, ears to hear My voice... Not as man hears, but in his spirit does he hear Me. To him, this is given, and many like him, in number 144,000. All people do not hear as he hears, yet I do speak to them. Some listen, while others stifle My calling of them and turn unto fables and the diverse lusts of this world, turning not toward the Master with their ears cupped in reverence of His Word. Rather, they run headlong into destruction, becoming adopted sons and daughters of Belial and his servant, who is to come and is already in the world... His time has come, and many ten thousands shall follow his voice and receive of his mark and the number of his name. Let your heart not be troubled, for these things must be. And then The Holy One shall come and put this evil one, son of satan, underfoot, and grind his kingdom to powder in that Day, which comes very quickly, says The Lord. So then, beloved, you wish to hear as Timothy hears. You already do in your spirit and within your heart, yet to converse with The Lord your God is given only to the prophets of The Lord’s Day. Within the body of Christ is each given gifts and must receive of the Spirit, each in accordance with their faith, bearing fruit after their gift in kind, for the benefit of all, unto the salvation of many who have yet to come seeking after Me. So then, I will speak to your heart, and you will know Me because you have embraced The Christ, your Jesus. Yea, I have spoken to you in your dreams and will do so again. And so it comes to pass, and is fulfilled... I shall pour out My Spirit on all flesh in the latter days, and your sons and daughters shall see visions, dream dreams, and prophesy.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, pray in My name, and I will be with you... And in you does My voice abide. Yea, all My sheep hear Me... All those who love Me and follow Me. I have come to live in them and they in Me. Amen. And so it is given and received, each in accordance with their faith and the will of The Father who is in Heaven. Beloved, these very words you are reading are My voice and those in the Scriptures also. Read them, even devour them, and My voice shall grow strong in you, for My Spirit resides in you and shall cause you to remember even all things I have taught you. So eat of this Bread, and drink from My cup, and you shall be satisfied and never grow hungry. In this, My child, be then contented and grow in faith, and wisdom shall soon follow. So speak, beloved, to those around you, of My love, and they too shall come to embrace Me in time and their times appointed unto them, when they shall know Me as I really am. This is My will for you, beloved, and all those who follow Me, to do as you have seen Me do. Take care of My lambs, and gather in My sheep, by what I have given you.

[Jesus] The time has come, and is already here, when, by the power of God’s Spirit and His Right Hand, All shall be gathered in preparation for God’s Judgment... the Day of The Lord...

And He shall surely visit the earth in wrath, a great awakening. And many shall behold the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.

Make ready...

I am with My people, and I shall surely deliver them out of all that which shall come upon the earth. And these, My beloved sheep and their beloved lambs,

Shall be sheltered in My Father’s house, even for one week in The Lord.

Rejoice and make ready, the time has come... The glory of The Father revealed.

And that same glory, wrought in The Son, shall shine from the east unto the west, and all shall see and KNOW...

I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me. Amen.

...And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd. ~ John 10:16

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. ~ John 10:27

Letters from God and His Christ 318 Volume Five

1/22/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRebellion, Recompense, Reformation

Thus says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer, The Holy One of God, the Master of all Israel, The Son of God, the Jesus and Christ of your heart: As I have spoken, so it shall be done, says The Lord. What I have purposed can not be moved. What I say shall surely come to pass, and you shall be left in amazement and give Me glory.Lo, in all the land of Egypt unto the uttermost parts of the earth, even unto the end of days, shall all fall down. All valleys shall be brought up, rising high above the hills... Even the tallest mountains shall crumble and be brought low. So then shall it be among men... By the words of their own mouths shall the wicked shine a light on their own guilt, so all may behold their wickedness and evil deeds. What was unseen shall be seen, and these, such arrogant and high-minded children of disobedience, even these, shall be abased in the sight of men. Thus is their reward, a great recompense, paid in full, for that which they have taken and all that which they sought to destroy, so they may exalt themselves and steal for their own glory and greediness, fueled by their never-ending contemptuous lusts, diverse in their fornications.And so shall it also be with the wicked and the heathen, for they do rebel against their God and embrace all forms of superfluity of naughtiness1, saying within themselves, ‘I am, and there is none like me. I bow to no one, and I am against all who do not give heed to my will and join with me in all my fornications against both God and man. For I go my own way and will not listen to another.’ And so it is fulfilled and shall be done... Why does the heathen rage and shake their fists against Heaven? They shall fall, and great shall be their falling, with none to catch them, for one can not save oneself by one’s own hand... Only in the reaching out to another can one be lifted up. So the desolate are left standing alone by the evil course of their own wills, with none left beside them. And so it shall be in the last days, the wicked shall be left utterly alone in a desert of lies, alone with nothing at all at which to grasp... All shall be destroyed. Some shall stand still, others shall kneel, and many shall lie down, yet all shall be awakened and pricked in their hearts... Many unto salvation, and many more unto wickedness and destruction.Thus shall it be in your life, Timothy... The wicked shall be punished, a great humbling. For those, who have, shall be given more; and those, who have not, even what they have shall be taken, so they may see. In Truth shall one find freedom... To the rest, these shall abide in captivity until the time of reformation.

1. “superfluity of naughtiness” - an excess of immoral behavior

Volume Five 319 Letters from God and His Christ

1/26/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearReceive The Lord’s Blessing

[God The Father] Thus says The Lord to His servant: Be not troubled nor down-hearted, for that which I am about to do shall be done quickly. And though it tarry, it shall surely come; and when it comes, it shall not tarry. You speak of many things, all of which the devil has used to cast you into confusion and doubt. The Holy One comes nigh, and the wicked shall soon suffer at the hand of the One True God, the only God, the God of Israel... Yet you question. This is good, My child, for one can not receive unless one asks in Christ’s name... His name is Jesus. He is the gift of which you have received, but only in part, and His Spirit has begun to work in you... This is also your feeling of uneasiness. For the Truth, when it is established in you, must destroy that in you which is not of the Truth and is a lie... And so the battle rages. Yet this battle has already been won, for The Christ died so you could be free and live. Though you do not yet understand all these things, abide in faith with all long-suffering, with all patience in faith, trusting in your God, the only God.

Abide in My Son... He is your Sanctuary in these times of trouble, That are from within and without and shall encompass you roundabout.

Trust in Him, and He shall give you rest.

In true faith, one does not need all the answers. One only need rest in the knowing, I AM The Lord... and there is none like Me.

And by Him, who I have sent, is that rest of which you have known from the beginning, Being the same One through which you were made,

Even all these worlds and all things of which you have seen with your own eyes...They are His as you are His.

I have given Him to you, and in Him shall you have life in His joy, Having received of the Living Water, receiving life because of Him the second time.

All have sinned... And in that same moment, those who live have died. And in the same moment of which I draw them, and they turn to me in Christ’s name, are they made alive... Not as at first, but forever, for the power of the second death has lost its grip on the redeemed.So then, My child, continue to seek Me, for that which was written is coming to pass in your lifetime, but is by no means complete. All, that must be, is not accomplished... Much work is to be done. Even in you do I work, for My Spirit, which is in Christ, is always working, for in you is much of man’s doctrine. For one need only call on My name, by Christ, and then walk in My ways according to how your Lord, your Redeemer, has taught you. Abide not in the doctrines of men, nor follow their teachings, for in no wise do I dwell in the churches of men. For the light has gone out of the churches of men... Only bitter and corrupt doctrine resides there, fed to the multitude, who are asleep, sitting in the dark. Break free, beloved, and seek Me in all truth and supplication, and then you shall begin to know Me as I really am. Shed the skin of this world, and do not give heed to any tradition of men. These, though they have a veneer with a similitude of truth, they are not the Truth, for any pure water mixed with poison becomes poison. Drink not from the cups of blasphemy, held fast by the hands of men... Turn to God! Read My Word only. And there in the pages of My Book, the Scriptures of Truth, shall you find Me and have peace from all that ails you. And so it begins, the final temptation by him called evil and him who he sends, who shall lead many into perdition. Fear not... I am coming quickly. And The Holy One shall gather even all these, who He sees of Himself in them, those who know Him and walk in Him, and He in them, for these are converted in their innermost parts and give heed to all the Spirit speaks to them. And so you groan... These are but the birth pains of your heart. To be born again is the process by which you become, in all ways, liken unto Christ, of whom you have come to love with your whole life, strength and soul. Not that you shall be, at present, perfect... There is none perfect, save He who remains perfect, having come from He who alone is righteous. No, My child, I say that you shall strive for a completion in faith, which is all in all in Christ Jesus, for He is the Author and Finisher, the only True Gift, the Fulfillment of all things... The Love and Mercy of God.

Letters from God and His Christ 320 Volume Five

1/26/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearReceive The Lord’s Blessing cont.

[Jesus The Christ] You also ask of tithes... Here is wisdom: Abraham, your father, gave ten percent of his spoils to the king of Salem, Melchizedek, and later a portion was also given of the tribes of Israel to the Levites so they may serve God, and so it is today. Yet today, the voice of God is not with His people, as it was then, for none will listen. So give directly to the poor, as your heart leads you, for in serving God shall no man profit by monetary means, but shall profit only by that which The Lord God gives. And the profit God gives is true, and in no wise is it of men or mammon. For The Lord delights in that which one gives to another, in My name, and by the works of their own hands and feet in all righteousness... This is the tithe in which The Lord delights most. If one comes to you, saying, ‘Give me a cup of water’... Give them a drink in My name.If one comes, saying, ‘I need a shirt, for I am naked and cold’... Give them your shirt and your coat also. And if this same one asks, ‘Will you walk with me this far?’... Go with them double. So tithe not just of your money, but of your possessions, of your body, of your strength, of your time, of your very life, and you shall receive ten-fold in Heaven and in the Kingdom to come. Do this, and you shall really know Me and The Father also, for I am of The Father. And it is He who has sent Me to live in you, because He had also given you to Me, and I had given of Myself for you... Even of My very life to save you. I know you, beloved, I have always known you... I created you. I am your Father, as God is your Father. I am your Fashioner, the Carpenter, your Shepherd. Come to Me, and dwell in My sheep pen, and dwell no longer in the world’s or the churches... I am the Church. There are no walls preventing you from seeing Me as I am. I am all around you and in you... You are in My body. My church is not made with human hands... It stands forever by the power of God’s Spirit, which is in Me and I am. All those, who love Me with their whole hearts and drink of My blood and eat of My flesh, are the True Church, which is of Me and in Me. No church of men, made by human hands, shall endure... Only the church of My body shall endure. For it is built upon the Rock of the Everlasting Covenant, which is in Me, and I am in The Father... The Chief Cornerstone of which all things have life and are built. Trust not in man’s doctrine. It is built upon the shifting sands of religion and tradition.No one comes to Me unless The Father first draws them to Me. No man can draw you... Human power is of no use at all. Abide in Me, and I shall abide in you and give you life in abundance.

I am the only Begotten of The Father...There is none other and none like Me.

I am the only Way to follow... The only Path to redemption...The Truth and the Word... The Life that never ends...

The Light that shines in the darkness...The Beginning and the Ending, who comes quickly to make a quick end,

So again there may be a new beginning which has no end. Amen.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Restoration of all things,The Unbreakable Stone that fills the entire earth, which will endure forever and ever,

And forever shall I be... I AM.

And in this is all wisdom and all prophecy fulfilled:In the knowing that there is One God and One Son, the Way to The Father, And One Life, which is never-ending, of which all were made and have life,

If they so choose to receive of this Gift...

I am that Gift... Receive Me and have Life.

My Kingdom is coming and has come already.Come and dwell in The Father’s Joy, which is in Me. Amen and amen.

Volume Five 321 Letters from God and His Christ

2/2/07 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -To a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThose Who Forbear Will Suffer Great Loss; And Those Who Bear Will Be Taken Up

The Lord has told me the churches will not listen and will greatly resist this message I have to give them, yet I must proclaim The Lord’s Word to them in spite of my fears and their resistance. To those, who do not accept The Lord’s correction, to them it becomes a warning and proclamation of judgment. And to those, who accept, to these has it become a great blessing, a gathering in of The Lord’s harvest. To this end am I sent: To cause a great division by that which The Lord has given me. It is not that The Lord wants division in His members... Unity, as at first, He requires. Yet this is not possible with men, for they hold fast to singleness of doctrine, their own doctrine. They abide not in the true doctrine of Christ, wherein unity would be established. And so, The Lord will separate the wheat from the tares, and then try the wheat that remains, as He also tried Israel when He brought them forth out of Egypt.As I remain yet a babe, who The Lord has taken out of the world, who also was unlearned in the Scriptures and had never sat in the churches of men, for this reason He now sends me... An empty vessel of dishonor because of sin, yet remaining an empty vessel fit for The Lord’s use. The Lord can easily cleanse sin by the blood of The Lamb, but doctrines of men cling tightly to the inside of the vessel and become harder and more difficult to cleanse with the passage of time. So I have been sent to just a very few churches, at the present time, because my faith and my strength are still weak. I have delivered the messages He gave me, and these churches have greatly lashed out against me and the Word given me, with great anger and contempt, calling me a son of satan, though the songs of Jesus and His great love are continually on my lips and fill the pages of the Letters from God and His Christ. And so all has seemingly changed, but all remains the same. The spirit of the Pharisees and Sadducees of old is still alive today, for they still exist, only now having changed their names and their vestures.And so The Lord will, with a mighty hand, discipline these who do rebel against Him, who will not give heed to His Word, seeking not God’s approval nor giving Him all the glory. But rather, they seek only praises from men unto self-glorification - a false righteousness, built up and passed down over the generations, through false doctrine, in the name of pride. So then, The Lord’s correction is now being broadcast to every corner, by the pouring out of His Spirit, and is now coming forth both written and spoken through His prophets. Those, who will forbear, will forbear and suffer great loss. And those, who bear, will be gone from this place, housed in the Sanctuary for one week in The Lord. The rest left unto refinement by fire, and in this will they be saved...

These left behind will come running, Kneeling down with their faces in the very sand atop which they had built their own houses.

They will call on the name of The Lord, By the only name under Heaven by which you must be saved...


And when they come this second time, The Lord will see of Himself in them, A complete shedding of the skin of this world, void of all vanities of men... A pure and shining vessel.

And these shall stand up again in the same office, for which they were called the first time, which they had corrupted, to once again gather in a great harvest of all the wild wheat, the new wheat, those who did not harken to the blowing of the trumpet. These shall suffer much in the name of The Lord, and do great exploits. And when the time comes, when they must die because of the testimony they carry in their hearts, they will surely be lifted up and join their brethren in God’s Sanctuary, where they also shall receive robes of white...

And then will they return, at the time appointed, with the King in all His glory...And forever shall they be with The Lord. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 322 Volume Five

2/2/07 From God The Father -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Timothy, and For all Those Who Have Ears to HearGrafted In

Timothy, why do you beseech The Lord your God? Have I not given you your heart’s desire? It is your own spirit which stifles that which I have given you, because of doubt... Doubt is your enemy, doubt is your adversary, all in all a lie, a clever work of the devil to which you have given heed. Therefore, cast off these unfruitful works of the devil, and embrace that which I have given you, and you shall surely be established; let not doubt and fear rule over you any longer. You need only turn to Me and believe, for all I have spoken to you shall surely be. You ask of these things, written in the book called Revelation, and of the 144,000... Why do you doubt such things? Have I not said to you, “You are chosen, and you shall not be unchosen”? Therefore, listen and understand: God is no respecter of persons, for all in Christ are of one body. So neither by lineage nor inheritance have I chosen these 12,000 from each tribe; for who I have chosen, I have chosen. Whether they be of the Gentiles, or of the line of Israel, there is no difference; for who I have chosen, I have chosen. I am The Lord.

And if I choose one such as you, Whom I have plucked from among the Gentiles and grafted in,

Are you not then the same as those who remain in the olive tree?...

Of the same family, under God, sons and daughters, All of one family by the blood of Christ?...

For only those in union with The Messiah shall go for Me.

Therefore, put no difference between you and them. For if you are adopted into the family of Abraham, then of Abraham you are; if I have grafted you into the branch of Levi, then of the Levites you are and as a Levite you shall serve... And if you grow from The True Vine, and I Myself have pruned you, then you shall bear much fruit in My name. I am The Lord.Therefore let no man, nor any doctrine conceived in the churches of men, lead you astray. Do not be swayed, nor doubt, on account of all their lofty assertions, which they falsely call truth. For they lack understanding, their knowledge is corrupt, and they will not embrace the will of God as it truly is, nor have they heard the voice of The Lord their God.

For who I choose, I choose...

And those I establish in Messiah can by no means be unchosen...


Volume Five 323 Letters from God and His Christ

2/6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearBorn Again

Trent, My servant and beloved, hear My voice and receive understanding of The Lord’s purpose, fulfilled in My servants of the new and everlasting covenant.None can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are born again. All are born physically of human flesh, by great travail, into a world of sin. So then, to enter into My rest and My joy, the Kingdom of God, one also must be born again of the Spirit out of the world, a separation from all that is sin.

My beloved son of men, you are being reborn and have been already. In the moment, in which you came before Me in repentance,

Were you freed from the power of sin...

This is My gift to you, this I did for you.

Your freedom was not accomplished by human means. Rather, by My grace and the love of The Father are you saved.

So then, My son, you ask how it is that The Father has said to Timothy, “You must be born again and again”. Beloved, I have spoken. And all that is written, according to the Word spoken of which Timothy has heard, stands... No contradiction found. Rather, in men’s understanding do men struggle.

If one comes before Me, in all repentance and truth, With sincere remorse in their hearts, these shall surely be born again.

Those, who do not and will not, shall be born once and die twice.

And to those, who are born twice, it is appointed to them to die once, But by no means shall they die the second time.

Yet here is a mystery: There are those among you, of this generation, who shall never taste death,

Having passed from death to life, who will be awake at My coming.

To My elect, there is a death of the body unto resurrection. And unto those, still living at My coming, is another kind of death...

The death of their own spirits unto salvation, the putting on of the new man in Christ.

So when born of human parents, a child and the mother suffer tribulation until the birth is complete. In so doing, they suffer and rest many times, but are only born once. It is not like this in the spirits of My elect. You are reborn once, in the Spirit, of the Spirit, and that Spirit I am. Yet by no means are you separated from the world in which you now live. So then, being born again is the process by which you are transformed into a child of Zion, a continual washing.Yes, I have died for the forgiveness of your sins, those of today, yesterday, and those sins of tomorrow. Yet man does continually stumble in this world, and so he must continually come to Me... And even seventy times seven times shall I cleanse him and lift him up.And so to Timothy, it has been spoken and written that he must be born again and again until I present him to The Father clean. This is not rebirth in the Spirit, again and again, but rather the process by which Timothy sheds the skin of this old man, and puts on this new man I have given him, in Me and of Me. And so there is one rebirth of the Spirit, but many rebirths of man’s own spirit, because of man’s continual sin, fear, doubt and temptation.

Letters from God and His Christ 324 Volume Five

2/6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearBorn Again cont.

So as Paul, so then likewise, must My servants die daily and be born again and again, a continual washing, even a strengthening, so they may stand in the Day of Troubles, able and worthy to uphold the full weight of the fullness of My Spirit, wearing the complete armor of God.Yet in another place, you asked, concerning those who teach in My name, “Why must these become, again, children of God?” This is not rebirth in the Spirit, but rather a correction and a washing, for these have strayed off the path, though they claim to follow Me. And when one strays off the path and follows after the world, teaching in the churches doctrines of demons, what father, I ask you, have they accepted, and whose child are they becoming? And so, with a firm hand, I will surely correct and discipline those I love, so they may again return to Me. And all those, who follow Me in truth, are children of God once again.So then, all must be born again and again, according to their own spirits, in their walk, for My road is hard and the way is very narrow. But all this stumbling and lifting up is part of the same single rebirth and transformation of and by the Spirit... My children learning to walk in Me and My ways. For My Spirit has come to live in you, and will convict you in your hearts, over and over, of all things in your life that are against God and unseemly in His sight.So Trent, My son, you have become reborn in the Spirit and have a new heart, but by no means is this birth complete... You are that fruit that is still ripening, as you have said. In this, you have spoken well by the wisdom I have given you. And when the Day comes, and is coming quickly, and is nearly upon you, I shall come and gather you and pluck you out of this tree, which is the world, because you also grow from the True Vine, wherein these last days you have been and are now being pruned.

And when you are taken, the mystery shall be no more a mystery... The birth shall be complete...

The old order of things in you passed away...

You have become completely new.

As a new babe is born naked and wrapped in soft linens, So also will My people be born naked,

Void of all things of this world, And clothed in fine linens of white.

Behold, the old man is the new man... The earthly, heavenly.

The corrupt has put on incorruption... And the mortal, immortality.That created, refashioned in glory...

Of which shall never fade, nor be covered over, again.

The Morning Star has risen and shines upon the new age of men, For they are forever seated at His right hand,

Bathed in glory, their joy fulfilled...

A return to the Garden and paradise lost...

All things restored.


Volume Five 325 Letters from God and His Christ

2/9/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearFaithfulness in Marriage

My son, stay faithful both to Me and your wife, for in this are you clean. She has gone out of the way, and you and she have not followed Me as you should, neither have you obeyed all My laws of marriage... My commandments of love. You have not walked fully in My ways. I say to you this: Greater is the sin of your wife, for I have commanded all to abide in marriage under God, as they should. Yet the Cornerstone, of which I am and have placed within you, to it you have not harkened. And your wife has endeavored to cast it and the sanctity of marriage away, as a cord strewn about her neck. And so, My son, stay faithful. You both remain married in the eyes of God, for the laws of men have no bearing on the true judgment of God carried out by The Son. So then, married or unmarried in the eyes of men, married you remain, until which time she binds herself to another by intimacy. Whether it be in the body or of the mind, whether it be before or after the certificate of divorce is confirmed... IT IS ADULTERY, and a desecration of that sanctified by The Father, also sanctified in blood between all those who have retained their virginity until the night of their copulation. So then, pray for your wife and stay true to her in body and mind, and it shall be credited unto you for righteousness. And to her, it shall be as rebellion, for she has not followed after Me, nor has she turned to Me in truth. Rather, she has given heed to sly and seducing words of others, to justify that within herself that she knows to be wrong and against My Commandments. I have given her of Myself, yet she does stifle that which was given unto her as a blessing and a cleansing, choosing sin and disobedience. And so it is with heavy of heart, I must let those, who go their own way, stumble, so they might return to Me again, asking that I might lift them up. And if these do not come before the time appointed, and will not walk in My ways, I shall behold their hearts... And if I see not of Myself in them, they shall not be gathered but left unto refinement, whereby tribulation they shall return to Me, and in this they shall be upheld and lifted up. And what of these, who spew false doctrine and divide that which is not to be divided?... They shall receive recompense, in full, for their error. Thus is the love and severity of God, for He shall correct and discipline even all those He loves.Remember God is just in everything and knows all the works of His children, and will judge... And so manifest all things which will bring them back to the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, which is in Me and I am. For your wife has become a wild olive branch and shall be broken off, but The Lord’s will is that she be grafted in again... And I am able to graft her in again according to the good pleasure of The Father’s will. I am her Father also, and her Shepherd, and so I let my sheep wander where they will so they may learn. Yet I will not let them fall, for I am He who will always go out for them and lead them back again. I have already laid down My life for them and have taken it up again, so they might be established in My sight, in My very presence. These know My voice and will again return at My calling of them.So take heed to yourself, and do all I ask of you, and abide in all patience and faith, trusting in God with all long-suffering and prayer. And when the day comes, for it comes quickly, you shall be gone from this place and all your beloved with you, and your wife also, if she so chooses to heed My calling of her before the time.

In the days following, you shall see the angels of Heaven Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man...

In this, take great comfort.

I know all My sheep... I have always known them...

And with Me shall they abide, forever and ever.


Letters from God and His Christ 326 Volume Five

2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For The United Church of God, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearTo the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand, Hear The Word of The Lord

Thus says The Lord God, to the church called of itself The United Church of God: You remain seated at My right hand, because of your faith and those good works which you have done in accordance with your faith, which I Myself have given you. So then call yourself no more, “The United Church of God”; rather call yourself, “The United Church, In Jesus Christ, Under God.” My children, I ask you, are you of God? Do you sit next to Me upon My throne, or is it My body in which you dwell? Have I commanded you to call yourselves by My own name?... Christ is The Church, His name is YahuShua, and He is the body in which you shall dwell. By Him and through Him are all things, and to Him shall the Gentiles flock. He is your Shepherd, and by His shed blood are you made sons and daughters of God. Yes, you are of His body and remain seated at His right hand, therefore continue in The Way I have shown you, resting firmly in Messiah, being an immovable stone for His name. For you have greatly pleased The Lord your God by your doings... You have kept My Commandments and remembered My Holy Days, and have not departed from My Sabbaths, even the seventh day of each week which I had commanded be remembered and kept holy, even as I had also sanctified the seventh day from the beginning.

Indeed, you have sought to be separate from those things which I hate...

Forsaking that which is detestable in My sight,

Even all these polluted holidays and traditions of men

Which man celebrates in ignorance and sin,

Desecrating My name and The Christ’s...

Thus you have not made your members in Christ to be members of a harlot.

Therefore, great shall be your reward in Heaven,

For all sin is not equal, only My forgiveness is equal.

This you must remember, that you may be humbled in your service toward Me: No church, named of men, is the True Church - Not one. Rather each member individually, in whom Christ dwells, abiding wholly in Him and also walking in His ways, make up the True Church of His body... No walls, only Spirit and Truth. Therefore, O church of men, if you seek to strive on toward perfection, hear My words and forbear not. Take to heart all I have given you, and make it not a point of contention between you and others; nor pollute your good works with pride, nor use them as a measuring stick by which you count others unworthy... For I, alone, sit as Judge; I, alone, correct and discipline those I love. Rather take all I have given you, both in knowledge and understanding, and become your own students.Now take heed, and hear what The Lord says to the church at His right hand, if you do indeed seek to remain at My right hand: Forbear not, nor reject this word or all these Letters which I have spoken for this generation, lest I leave you unto refinement also. For indeed your robes have been made white, washed in the blood of The Lamb, this you know, yet many of your daughters have gone their own way... Returning to the ways of the world and the harlot, doing those things which are unseemly in My sight; forsaking My Sabbaths, and embracing those doctrines and traditions of men which I hate, even all their holidays which are falsely called so, which I loathe in My zeal; mixing the things of God with the pagan traditions and perverse doctrines of men. Therefore be strong, yea be very strong, and make every effort to turn them back again, lest they too are torn in pieces when I stretch out My hand against the mother and harlot, and bring calamity upon the churches of men.

Volume Five 327 Letters from God and His Christ

2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For the United Church of God, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearTo the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand, Hear The Word of The Lord cont.

Beloved, strive toward perfection in all you do, and think not that you are above correction. Embrace My words which I have spoken to this generation, and you shall surely be gone from this place, escaping the Great Day of The Lord’s Wrath which I am about to pour out on every nation... Oh yes, My sons and daughters, I shall surely take My people OUT OF this place! And many shall behold the angels of God ascending and descending upon The Son of Man in that day. For these, in whom Christ dwells, are not appointed to wrath, but have passed from judgment into life. Thus as it was in the days of Lot, when I brought him forth out of the city, so likewise shall I deliver My servants in the Day of The Lord. For The One who withholds, and those who abide in Him, must be taken out of the way. Then shall I judge the earth and strike the nations. By no means shall these, who are converted in their innermost parts, be taken through. Therefore give heed to My words and embrace My correction, that you may see with greater eyes, and receive understanding of My will as it truly is... Or have you forgotten this truth, “No prophecy or Scripture is to be interpreted by an individual on their own, for prophecy has never come as a result of human power or by the will of man; on the contrary, people moved by the Holy Spirit received a message from God”?My children, search the Scriptures according to My Word, as it was written and not as man has rewritten it, nor discern according to your own beliefs or doctrines, and you shall behold My glory, even the truth of this Word which I have put forth for this generation. For all I speak is Scripture and Truth, even a plumb line by which everything man has made crooked can be set straight once again, says The Lord.

Therefore, hear and understand the love and severity of God:

For those who forsake Me,

And trample upon the name of The Holy One of Israel,

Rejecting Me and My Word, great adversity...

Refinement in the Day of The Lord!

Yet for those who embrace Me and My Word,

Cleaving to Him in whom the fullness of God dwells,

Great love, even a multitude of joy,

An escape from wrath and refinement!...

My elect wheat housed in My barn, even for one week in The Lord.

Beloved flock at My right hand, I have but one more correction for you and no discipline at all, if you so choose to heed My words and embrace My correction. For you have done many things well, according to My word in the Scriptures; and only by these things in which you yet lack understanding have you spoken in error, a mere stumbling in your walk with Me, in the service of others in Christ’s name... And so for many, a firm hand of correction and discipline; yet for you, correction only, if you indeed heed My words and also do them.So then hear and understand the truth of baptism, of which you hold in such high regard; and be careful that you do not make it a rod or a measuring stick by which you judge others, nor make baptism by water more than it was ordained to be, lest you should make the cross of Christ of non-effect: As is circumcision, so also is baptism - Neither are necessary for salvation.

Letters from God and His Christ 328 Volume Five

2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For the United Church of God, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearTo the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand, Hear the Word of The Lord cont.

You speak without knowledge, and have failed to understand the loving mercies of God which are fulfilled in Christ. For you need only look to the thief on the cross, and have understanding. For a man who had never known baptism by water, nor set foot in a church, was assured of salvation when he confessed his sin in the presence of The Messiah, with a true and penitent heart. And in that same moment he was forgiven, and will enter into paradise at the Last Day, as YahuShua had spoken it to him, saying, “In truth I speak to you this day, you shall be with Me in paradise.” Therefore My sons and daughters, heed these words which I had spoken by My servant already, for they speak to the truth of baptism... Many will there be in My Kingdom, who had not been baptized in water; rather they had been fully immersed in The Word, being enveloped in The Son’s sacrifice and love, for these have been fully baptized in The Spirit. Assuredly I say to you, they have their reward, as do you, My precious children. For from the beginning, I have known you and loved you who baptize with water. So also do I love and know those without baptism by water, for they love Me as you love Me. Do not cast stumbling blocks before the feet of those who love Me; be all one in Christ. For if you dispense the food of God to the hungry, while using your own salt to salt that which has salt in itself, will not the food you offer lose its flavor and become bitter in the mouths of those who came looking to be filled? Therefore, again I say, to all those who hold baptism in such high regard, even as a measuring stick by which they count others worthy or unworthy unto God, according to their own perverse doctrine: Whosoever God has cleansed is worthy; you shall not call them unworthy. For baptism by water was given to men as an outward testimony of one’s commitment to God, in The Christ’s name, and also for union in fellowship one to the other within the body of Christ. So I say to you, be wary of any doctrine which steals from the power of the cross, as though the sacrifice of Messiah was not enough, lest you fall into judgment for that by which you judge. What is earthly, let it stay earthly; and what is spiritual, let it stay spiritual. Hold not to the earthly or to the understanding of men, nor grab hold of any private interpretation of Scripture or established doctrine... Hold fast to God, by Christ. For where, in The Commandments of God, have I written all must be baptized by men to be saved? Baptism is indeed good, if it is a confession poured out from one’s heart in pure belief, an outward act of faith revealing one’s acceptance of their forgiveness in Christ. For the water of the earth can only cleanse that which is soiled on the skin; by no means can it cleanse that which is soiled in the spirit... This is reserved for the blood of The Lamb. Again, I say to you, baptism by water is nothing in and of itself, unless one is first washed in The Word and baptized in The Spirit, which is and can only be received through YahuShua HaMashiach. For He alone is The Baptism, The Very Water of Life, by which all must be cleansed and receive their salvation. Therefore, beloved, remember this: The Spirit of The Word, and not the letter, is The Way, The Truth and The Life, by which your entire life shall be cleansed in the waters from Heaven, which are and flow from YahuShua, whom you call Christ and Jesus.

For I tell you the truth, The Messiah comes quickly to baptize all in fire and glory...

Those of a wicked heart, in fire...

And those of The Spirit,

Who have also received the love of The Truth,

In glory forever and ever. Amen.

Beloved servants, Timothy is My prophet. And though you yet resist him, all I have spoken by him shall surely come to pass; and though it seems to tarry in the eyes of men, it shall not tarry, it shall surely come... Then all will know, that which was written was spoken by the mouth of The Lord, and indeed a prophet had been among them.

Volume Five 329 Letters from God and His Christ

2/15/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - Wisdom Given to Timothy Regarding the Sabbath, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearRemember The Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy

If such an one, beloved of The Lord and in whom He dwells, dedicates any other day which The Lord did not command, because he is ignorant of the truth or because of false teaching, then to The Lord that day is indeed dedicated... This is acceptable and well pleasing to The Lord. And to this same one shall it be accounted as righteousness according to their heart, though they remain in error according to the fourth Commandment, having been led astray by others who were also led astray by their forefathers before them. Yet if another, whose knowledge is true according to the fourth Commandment, who has not been led astray by the churches of men, comes forward and says, “I also dedicate this certain day to The Lord”, and it is the correct day, the seventh (Saturday), according to God’s fourth Commandment, proclaiming his own righteousness before men, also judging those he perceives as less worthy because of their error, to this man shall it be accounted as shame, though he has knowledge of the truth and retains no error according to the Commandment. For though he has kept the Sabbath outwardly, also testifying by his mouth, he did not keep it inwardly in his heart, nor to God was it truly dedicated... A mere outward display to gain honor for himself, in an effort to elevate himself above others, having not kept the Sabbath at all. This man shall surely be abased in the Day of Reckoning.

Yet the man who remains humble, with a sincere heart,

Shall surely be exalted though he is in error...

And from this place shall he in time come into true knowledge,

In keeping the seventh day holy, as it is written...

For he had already kept it in his heart.

So then, because the intent of his heart was to please The Lord, so also shall his faith come into completion in the keeping of the fourth Commandment of The Father, as it is written. For it is far easier to move a man whose heart is in the right place to a new day, than to move a man with a wrong heart to a place that is right, if he feels he already abides there. Yet remember this: All who come into true knowledge, having received the love of the truth, must walk in its ways and no longer in their own, nor in the false doctrines of men in the churches.

Thus says The Lord Jesus, YahuShua HaMashiach: Walk uprightly in Me, in My footsteps, abiding in My doctrine, according to the faith and knowledge you have received in the truth. Progress toward perfection, seeking on by trust, not according to the traditions or commandments of men.

Seek and you shall surely find...

For all you need is written for your edification in the Scriptures of Truth...

And behold, even by these many Letters,

Written in the Volumes of Truth,

Have I set all these crooked paths straight.

Letters from God and His Christ 330 Volume Five

2/27/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThese Things Must Be Until All Is Fulfilled; The Chosen Gathered, the Wicked Blotted Out... Behold a New Day

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, why does there have to be so much evil and suffering in the world?

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, your heart is heavy... Turn to Me. Beloved, your tears I have numbered... Come to Me. Beloved, you fear and lack understanding... Trust in Me. All things set up by The Father, from the beginning, are put under The Father’s will, in accordance with the times and seasons in which He has chosen to reveal them. Abide in faith, My child; seek not why. Seek God by Me, live in Me... I am your Sanctuary.

Beloved, all must be fulfilled;All will come to pass, and be finished in less than two weeks time...

Amidst great darkness, brighter does My glory shine...

For one to be as I am, one must suffer as I suffered, And know what I know, and choose righteousness.

Beloved, none of the innocent have perished, though you do not behold them with your eyes. Have you forgotten My mercies, which endure forever? Beloved, My children must run to Me. They must give of themselves completely to Me, a complete forsaking of evil and the world. To live in the True Light, one can not do so without having knowledge of the dark. You are yet carnal, and so without the knowledge of the dark you would not have recognized the Light. The greater the evil, the greater does My glory become...

I am that Light which shines in the darkness!...

Behold, I shall destroy it utterly!

Then, they will know, I AM The Lord! And there is none like Me!

Beloved, My children must choose God and RUN to Me. So then, evil is permitted only for this very short season, so all may be divided for the harvest. And that harvested shall be replanted in the Garden for eternity. Evil can not persist and be in eternity, lest the Garden and all therein be destroyed. So then, Beloved, I shall surely intervene with an outstretched arm, and I shall do so very quickly! Beloved, I have told you already, understanding is coming and shall be your meat for one week in The Lord. Amen. So watch and wait with a kinked neck. For the day draws nigh, when you shall be huddled with your family, and in that same instant you shall be no more in the earth, nor of it. And that same moment you are changed, so shall your husband be changed... You and your beloved shall be taken, and he shall stand up and be set upon a rock, an unbreakable foundation, and another with him. He shall blow the trumpet! And be given power, the power of The Lord, even as the twelve were given, even as Elijah, even as Elisha... Yea, much greater things shall he do in the sight and hearing of men.

Trust in Me, I am with you...

What must be shall soon pass away, found no more in remembrance...

A new day, one thousand years.

Volume Five 331 Letters from God and His Christ

3/19/07 From God The Father -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Thus says The Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the God of all creation: Behold and take heed to the Word of The Lord your God. Thus is the guise of the wicked, clothed as a minister of light, though inwardly full of wickedness... The wolf in sheep’s raiment. Beware and take heed, for the one who seeks his own glory and riches, by great perversion of the Truth and that which is detestable in My sight, is of the evil one... His acolyte. Perversion, filth and perversion!

Woe to any who mix poison with the Word, For it is holy as I am holy!...

These shall suffer in the heat of The Lord’s wrath!

Woe to the serpent, the dragon, who does continually entice those who are void of the Spirit, with cleverly crafted tales... Lies within lies, sold to the ignorant as truth. For even satan will paint himself as an evil, detestable creature, so none will recognize him when he comes to lead many away from the Truth, which is absolute. Neither is there any shadow of turning, whatsoever, in My Word, nor can even one tittle be broken.And so satan goes out to corrupt the hearts of many in preparation for the harvest, the gathering up of those who live in The Son of Salvation, so when the wide sweeping blow is carried out, he may stop many from believing the truth of who I am, lest the whole of creation turn back to The Lord their God. For there shall be many taken in that day, lowly of the lowly who stand upright before God, and every single child of innocence shall be gone from the earth. And the fathers and mothers shall mourn, and great shall be the wailing of them. For one shall be taken and the other left. Thus is the inheritance of the hard-hearted in that day. The earth shall be left in darkness, its light taken!Woe to those who are left! Woe to those, who will not believe, you shall believe the lie that even aliens from other worlds and serpents have stole away your beloved... Wickedness! Great Blasphemy! You shall receive judgment, in full, for your wickedness, following after satan and his servant into condemnation and destruction...

Yet call on the name of The Lord in that day, In all truth and supplications, And you shall be delivered!

The Lord has spoken! It shall be done...

The sun is setting on this age of men.

Behold the Morning Star, for it rises quickly, And shall make an end and a beginning, which has no end.

For as I am, so is He I am sending....

The Alpha and Omega,

The Lord and your God, your King!...

The Holy One of Israel, Yeshua The Anointed of God...

By whom all things are and have life...Even the Fashioner and Carpenter of all these worlds.


Letters from God and His Christ 332 Volume Five

3/20/07 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearKeep The Passover, Even All Seven Holy Days Set Forth by The Father, and You Will Begin to Know and Understand The Glory of God and His Christ

Thus says The Lord God of Israel:

Keep The Passover...

Keep it according to the New Covenant...

Keep it in faith and love.

Forsake these vanities of men, false doctrines, taken from that which is unseemly in the eyes of The Lord your God. Unleaven yourselves and give Me perfect praise, pure worship in Christ, your Sanctuary. Keep The Feast of Unleavened Bread also... Seven days as an offering of thanks for Him who I sent to you, the very same who has removed all leaven from within you.

My children, Jesus The Christ is your Passover!...

YahuShua is His name.

How is it that you do not remember Him, according to how He, Himself, has shown you?... Stop following the world and the perverse doctrines of men! Return to your First Love... And remember.

For upon this one sacrifice rests the salvation of all mankind...

The Lamb of God, Who has taken away the sins of the world.

Yet I do not see you, even you, who call of yourselves by The Christ’s own name, keeping that which I, even I, have set forth that you should keep, even all Seven (The Holy Days). Know you not, in these Seven is wisdom and understanding?... Yea, the very mind of God?! Yet you choose vanities on top of vanities. You are a perverse and adulterous generation, even all of you who call of yourselves by My own name, the name I have given My Son, The Holy One of Israel.

[Jesus The Christ] I tell you the truth...

The time is coming, and is already here, When I shall pass through the door and reap, for the harvest is ripe...

And many shall be left wanting, in tears.

So then, prepare yourselves and make ready,For the age of men is finished, and judgment shall reign seven times...

And then the end shall come, which shall also be the beginning.

Volume Five 333 Letters from God and His Christ

3/20/07 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Keep The Passover, Even All Seven Holy Days Set Forth by The Father, and You Will Begin to Know and Understand The Glory of God and His Christ cont.

I am not of this world... My children, you are of this world. And so all those, who love and accept Me, are no longer of this world, for I reside in them. And if I am in you, how is it you do not follow Me? For if you follow Me, you would do as I did, and learn from those I sent out, bearing the Gospel of My own name...

Follow Me, beloved, follow Me!... I shall bring you into glory.

I am coming quickly... Yea, I am already here.

Though you do not yet behold My face, I have never left you...

Beloved, I am coming quickly.

And all those, who are truly converted in their hearts, shall be caught up and never leave Me... Nor shall they be separated from Me ever again. And these same ones shall also return with Me in all My glory, and not just them, but all those who I shall gather up, who did not love their lives more than Me, who sang the song of their new hearts, even unto death, even all these during the times of great tribulation. So then, beloved, even all those who call of themselves by My own name, as I had received of The Father... Keep The Passover in remembrance of Me, even all of The Father’s most Holy Days, according to Me, and you shall begin to know My glory.

Behold, I am coming quickly to fulfill and restore all things!

As I am holy, so shall you also be holy...

And do that, which is holy.

Know this... Four are fulfilled...

Salvation assured, sin and death overcome, the Spirit given...

Three are coming quickly...

Sin destroyed, evil bound, My seat taken... Judgment...

A new day, even one thousand years.

Then a short season.... Consummation.

Behold, an everlasting day in The Lord.

Amen... And Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 334 Volume Five

4/12/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearCome, You Blessed of My Father

Come, you blessed of My Father; come and stand, kneel or bow your head in silence. For wheresoever you call on My name, I am there... Even in your trials and tribulations, I am with you. My glory is coming, and you shall behold My face. And in that same moment you shall be no more in the earth; forever in My bosom shall you remain. Take great comfort in this... For the day is coming, and is already here, when I shall do these things, and never again shall you shed a tear, for they are wiped away in My love. You remain in My love, and you never leave My sight. Receive My joy, and trust in My voice in you. All those of the truth hear My voice... And of these, given Me of The Father, I shall lose not one.

So then, beloved, trust in Me and know...

In the days ahead, when troubles have come,

Remember The Father is just in everything...

And when all is put under My feet,

I shall show My glory and restore all things,

With you, My treasure, hidden away until these things are done...

Then shall you enter into My joy and the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning.

Share these words and take them to heart, for they are true, and will come to pass quickly.

They shall not tarry; though they seem to tarry, they shall surely be.


Volume Five 335 Letters from God and His Christ

5/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, and Timothy Inspired in the Spirit -A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearServants in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet

[Timothy] You are greatly beloved of The Lord, and your heart is filled with love for Him... to love The Christ, the Jesus of our hearts, is to know true love; and to know Him is to know The Father, for The Father and The Son are One. So then, to have Jesus, The Messiah, is to have The Father. And because of this, He has opened within you that place of understanding, of which He made and placed within you, so you may know Him and come into His glory... It is from this place that He speaks to you. For you have been baptized, not of the earth, of the water of the earth that only cleanses the skin, but you are indeed baptized in the Water of Christ, which is eternal life, and bathed in His glory and the knowledge of His coming.He has awakened many, and more shall be awakened and come into the light of life at the Last Day. And so, The Lord, our Savior, is calling those who are His, and He sees of Himself in them, to awake out of there waking slumber and stand up... Yea,, a blowing of the trumpet... The alarm of war, the trumpet of harvest, the sound of reconciliation. Even all parts of His body shall noise to the four corners and be given understanding, those who are truly the new wineskin, those who are sanctified, those who are now in the earth as His treasure, of which shall be shortly hidden and taken out of the way... The wheat and tares are being separated and bundled together. And of the wheat, even these shall be tried before the harvest and sifted, as Israel was tried in the desert forty years. Yet this trial of the wheat, the first harvest, is coming to a close and the second harvest is coming soon after. And these, the wild wheat, they shall receive correction, a great refinement in The Lord’s Day... Tried stones purified by fire, made unto precious gemstones meet for the Master’s use, even to the glory of His name. Therefore, The Lord is calling to all flesh, having poured out His Spirit on all who dwell on the earth. Few have harkened... They cover their ears; but those, who hear and give heed, even these shall do great exploits and shall shine like the stars in heaven, says The Lord.The time is at hand for you to also shine, for your heart is open to Him... Fear not. We shall suffer much for His name, yet your suffering shall be cut short and you shall fly away. The Lord knows His sheep, and they hear His voice, for the Truth resides in them. And if He knows them, as He knows Himself, then He will not give them more than they can bear, but will guide them quickly along the path, and shelter them from the rains that must soon fall... The latter rains, of which He has poured on all flesh, the water of the Spirit for those who will endure for His name’s sake. And to the nations, a hard rain shall fall, a bitter rain - judgment. And it shall surely fall, reigning down from Heaven and God’s throne. For the former has come and had come, never leaving those who call upon His name. And so the latter is here so the division might be made clear. Then the end will come and progress quickly for the elect’s sake.

[Jesus The Christ] Servants, stand up! Says The Lord of Hosts. Stand up for Me, and I, even I, shall feed you with knowledge and understanding... The Word of God as your drink, and the knowledge of The Lord as your meat... You shall sing and you shall stand up, you shall shout with a new voice in the face of adversity. And in that very same day, you shall be gone, you shall surely be taken and be found no more in the earth... Eternal joy and all tears wiped away in the presence of The Lord, your Redeemer is your reward, and it shall never again depart from you, says The Lord.

[Hosts of Heaven] Glory in the Highest, the King is come. And He shall gather, He shall gain His inheritance and hide them in His bosom; and He shall be a Father unto them and they shall be His children, and He shall never leave them. Yea, in one week’s time, the world is made His footstool, and He shall reign even one thousand years and forever, says the hosts of Heaven. Hallowed be the name of the King, the Right Hand of The Father. All praise and thanksgiving to The Father, the great God who rules forever and ever, and to The Lamb who died and is risen even forever and ever. For you have stretched out Your hand and have begun to show Your power. And with Your scepter, You shall break in pieces all who oppose You, and sanctify and heal all those who know You and call on Your name in all truth and supplications. Behold the power of Your name, the name above all names, exalted high above the heavens! Your word, O Lord, is truth; and Your name endures forever. And with it, great power... The power to save and grant eternal life, and the power to destroy and cleanse the sanctuary from all its fornications against God.

The Lamb is come, The Lamb of God is come!He shall call out, and all sheep and all lambs shall be gone from the earth!... They shall fly away.

Darkness, the earth is filled with thick darkness, thick clouds and darkness... The beginning of the end...Which shall bring forth a new beginning, which has no end.

Amen and Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 336 Volume Five

5/2/07 From Timothy, Inspired in the Spirit -A Letter for a Brother in Christ, And For All Those Who Have Ears to HearSmoking Fire-Brands

Brother, you have spoken the truth and issued a just challenge. These proclaim that we should test the spirits, as 1 John 4:1 says, yet they will not do it. For if they would, they would see that which I have posted is indeed true and of God. And in this, they fear and hold onto transgression, for they do greatly fear that one should come and speak to them in the name of The Lord, saying, “Thus says The Lord!” This has come to pass and so they scoff, for they no longer have any excuse for their disobedience. Neither do they have any love at all in their hearts for God; neither does Jesus live there. For where the spirit of the world is, combined with pride and slothful arrogance, The Lord can not be... satan lives there, continually leading them astray, having already put his hook in their mouths and does lead them about wheresoever he wishes, causing them to speak lies... Even two at one table, and by three they go into judgment.And so I have separated myself from them (by deleting their comments), according to the apostle Paul’s teachings, which come from The Lord. For I have also attempted to show them their error, with sound doctrine and Scripture, even the very words of The Lord Jesus Christ, even having another with me (you), and yet they still turn away. Instead they choose to embrace all the corrupt fruit of the evil one, shown by their pride, their foolish-talking, doting about questions and strifes over words, with envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings, corrupt minds destitute of the Truth, seeking only glory for themselves which they count as spiritual gain, having no good conversation in Christ... He is not in them. The world and the corrupt doctrines of men have become their masters, and they have become lords unto themselves. They have not recognized their true master and adversary... satan is the master of corruption. He is the adversary, who, indeed, disguises himself as a minister of light, speaking lies and pleasant things, even smooth words of deception, saying, ‘You are now free to disobey. There is no accountability, there is no such thing as sin. The Lord has changed, He no longer sends prophets. You don’t need them, for you alone are righteous. You know the mind of God... You are above reproach. The Lord is silent. Neither does He watch or listen, neither will He give correction or discipline for those He loves. Do as you feel is right, for righteousness is in the eye of the beholder.’ And for this, satan shall surely be brought down to everlasting punishment. And those who would mock The Lord and those He has sent, who serve Him in His own name, they shall surely receive recompense in full for their error. They shall be left wanting, in sorrows and tears, abased for their haughtiness and blasphemies against God, unknowingly saying, by there foolish-talking, that Christ, even Christ, The Holy One, is the author of sin and has cast away the Law of His own Father, which He upholds and has taught us to follow, even giving us the means by which we will do so. The Holy Law stands forever. And we obey it because Christ, Himself, lives in us, and because we love Him.

These smoking fire-brands shall be refined... They shall be brought very low...

Yet The Lord will save them, in the midst of their sorrow, When they bow down and humble themselves, and call on His name in TRUTH,

With sincere remorse for all they have done against God and His servants, the prophets.

Volume Five 337 Letters from God and His Christ

6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and From Timothy Inspired by the Spirit -A Letter For Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe Time of Harvest

[Timothy] Blessed are the feet of those who bring the Gospel of Christ to the hungry and thirsty... Even more blessed are those who eat and drink of that which you have offered them.

All we have in this world is the love of Christ. And by sharing that love is the love of God fulfilled in us, and also in them to whom we give of ourselves in His Holy name, even Yeshua The Christ, the Gift and Life. Amen.The Lord’s love for you is great. And from this, He has caused my love for you to grow, and even for all those near to you, so that I might soon come to you and pour out that love, which is of Him and for Him, given up for you.

Great and terrible things are coming...

And a great and wonderful time of healing is coming, even in the midst of great travail.

Many shall fall because of His name...

“By no means shall these fallen be left, they shall be lifted up and gathered”, says The Lord, our Redeemer.

[Jesus The Christ] I am come, and I am moving upon the face of the deep. And by My servants, I shall gather many ten thousands, a new and beautiful meek people for My name. Upon the face of the whole earth, I shall gather them... From the dark, from the nations, and from all isles and lands shall they run to Me, says The Lord. They are Mine! And none shall be forsaken. Of these, I SHALL LOSE NOT ONE OF THEM, of which The Father has given Me. They are Mine, My own treasure... I, even I, shall keep them and hide them away, far from him who hisses at them. They are Mine, beloved... Of My own body, My own blood. These are My children, My sons and daughters. Son of man, I am with you. And by Me shall you do great exploits, for I have called to you, and you have listened, saying, ‘Here I am’. And so all that you have prayed for, I shall fulfill. For lo, I have gathered together these who know Me, and will send them, and you shall justify many in My sight. And I shall come upon them, and heal them, and give them an everlasting peace... Even that peace which flows from My own heart. I have heard their cries, and I shall surely come and wipe their faces. And in them shall I put a new heart, a heart of hope in The Lord, where sorrows cannot prevail.

Rest easy, My son...

Rest in Me...

And know, I AM The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 338 Volume Five

6/26/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWithout Spot or Blemish

Question asked by Timothy, for Trent: “Was Jesus ever ill? It is written, that ‘I was sick and you visited Me.’ And it is hard to imagine that He could be scourged and crucified but never suffered a migraine. Provided that Jesus was ill as we are, then this would undo all the teaching on health and wealth and prosperity that infects the minds of the materialistic audience of such teachers.”

This is what The Lord says to His servant: Trent, My beloved, you seek Me, and this is very good. Continue in Me, with all zealousness, and in the times to come shall I bring you riches of the kind you have not known, of the kind that shall bring a multitude into My joy. Seek on, and serve Me in all patience and steadfastness of faith, with all long-suffering for those who know not Me and resist My Word. For I am not in them, for they do stifle My Spirit and have yet to receive of My fullness, though they have spoken in My name and confessed a good confession before men. Yet in their heart, of which I know, they have not confessed; neither have they let go of offenses; neither have they forgiven even everyone their sins, which have been wrought against them; neither have they given up that which I require; neither, in their weakness, has My strength been made perfect in them. For they go their own way, and closely adhere to all doctrines of men and the churches, endeavoring to teach others on My behalf, wherein they go astray and do greatly err. For that which they have wrought in the Word, according to the traditions of men, is a rewriting of the Word spoken in Truth, of which none shall change. And so, they have endeavored to teach Me and not others. For if they taught others, according to that doctrine which is true, then, by this, they would know that the teacher, who has received of Me and of those gifts given by My own Spirit, teaches not by speaking, but by listening and by example, walking beside Me, holding My hand. And then, when those with sincere hearts come inquiring of Me, then those, who are given to teach, shall only speak that which I, Myself, have spoken to them. And those who are not given to hear, and wish to teach others of Me, even these, if they be wise in the Word by the reading, and have received understanding, say only that which is written in the Scriptures of Truth, and search the Scriptures according to how I lead them in the edification of those who came before them in the asking. I am the Master, having never ceased from being with My beloved... Yea, I am with them always, even to the end of this age.

Here is wisdom: Apart from Me, one can do nothing...

Human power is of no use at all.

A faithful, humble servant is what I require...

One who listens to all I teach Him, and then teaches it to another. Only those, who have ears to hear, are given to teach.

To the rest, it is not given, for they do strive in vain, walking not next to Me, holding My hand, laying upon My breast. Rather, these men of vanities, of which you have spoken, walk among men and the earthly churches, built up by human power, seeking after human praise, elevated and uplifted in their own egos... They shall be brought VERY low, abased in the sight of others, and by this, alone, shall they come into glory. By no other means shall these high-minded come to know Me as I truly am, according to the true grace and truth I offer them... Yet they will not come, for they have made Me in their own image, and have forgotten their Maker and His Law, and all that I have commanded them.Beloved, the churches have all gone out of the way, and do wander wheresoever the world leads them. This has become enmity with God, for they no longer have ears to hear, and refuse The Father’s correction and will not obey His commandments, and have forgotten even all His decrees, of which He has said they should keep, making my sacrifice into a perversion of faces, using My name and glory as a proverb of which I despise, even unto the proliferation of sin, excused in My own name... Desecration!Trent, My beloved, I have called unto you, and you have harkened. For you have endeavored to become completely virgin, as I have called Timothy, who was virgin according to doctrine, an empty vessel, meet for the Master’s use. And in like manner, are you also becoming, even very quickly now. And you also will come to hear Me as Timothy hears, for you hear Me already from within, even deep within the recesses of your heart, where I have come to dwell.

Volume Five 339 Letters from God and His Christ

6/26/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWithout Spot or Blemish cont.

I have made you and continue in your formation, Until the Day comes when you are united to Me,

And we become one, just as The Father and I are One.

In that Day, no longer will you ask anything of Me at all, For you will be where I am, and I will be perfected in you and you in Me.

And when you call to Me, I will answer before you have finished speaking,

And your knowledge of Me will fill you as your blood fills your veins, Wherein is life, of which I am.

You ask of Me questions, of which others think not of, even questions from deep within your conscious. Beloved, you know the answers already. Yet of this question, you think too deeply. Look simply and in faith, Trent, My son, and what do you see? ... I have come to minister and not to be ministered unto. I came to heal the sick, even to all those who were in need of the Physician... Beloved, I bore their infirmities. By no means did I, Myself, become sick, for The Father allowed nothing to keep Me from My mission in the fulfillment of all that was written. I came as you, in flesh, to live as you, and to be fully tempted as you, yet I did not suffer illness of the body. For men do not realize that The Father made the body and mind to be one; and in this, He made them to not suffer illness but to abide in health. So as I came from The Father, and The Father is in Me, and I am in The Father, so also was My body in like manner, the body of which even Adam owned and would have kept to this Day, if he had not transgressed. All those, without sin, live forever and suffer not. And so I was without sin and abide forever, and came to carry the infirmities of those who came to Me in faith, asking that I should heal them. In the same way, I carried their sin, though I had no part in sin Myself. How can one, who is in need of a physician, heal others? Or one, who has sinned, bear and forgive the sins of another? Trent, I was completely clean, so by this, you and all those who seek Me, might also be clean. Remember and understand My words, spoken and written down in the Scriptures of Truth: No man takes My life from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This commandment have I received of My Father...

I am and will always be the perfect Lamb without spot or blemish...

Given up for many...


I am the restoration of all things.

Letters from God and His Christ 340 Volume Five

7/15/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearMy Servant, My Prophet

Timothy, you have fallen... Yet now you stand. In this find wisdom and joy that surpasses understanding. To the Gentiles shall you go! And to them you are sent. Yea I am sending you, and with you another who is not yet mature. So shall you go where I send you, but at present you shall go alone. You know the place I am sending you, for you have been there before. It is also a place of rest and holy things, of which you have yet to possess and make your own. Yet I have given them and you have yet to believe. This place is Me, and in Me, of which you have been and known the power and wisdom of The Lord... Yea, a great multitude of love for His created. Here you shall soon go and in so be established. And from thenceforth no more shall you stumble, nor doubt, nor hesitate, nor sin anymore. For one established in My Spirit, washed in My blood, wields the sword of truth, of which none can stand against nor turn aside. Though many shall encompass you roundabout, they shall not stand in the Day of Judgment... A striking to the heart, a dividing asunder of My flock, a division, a separation of those called by My name.

And so it begins, and so I send you...

Whether they will hear or whether they forbear,You are sent and I am sending you.

Listen, beloved. Perk up your ears and have understanding: You are My servant, My prophet!... Of which can not be changed or undone. So stand up, and gird yourself like a man, and speak for Me! Speak decisively and in all righteousness... Speak as you wield a sword. Command attention, for that spoken is My Word, and of My authority... Speak as such. Do not second-guess, nor repent, nor backstep, nor enter into any debates. Speak and deliver, and let My judgments fall upon the ears of all who listen, whether they be in front of you or behind, whether they be a passerby or one who stands with you. Let them be cut to the heart in joy or in pain, in recompense or reward, in repentance or in rebellion... Even unto the embracing or the clasping of the hands over their ears. And Timothy, My servant, once delivered, depart from that place... Blessing those with ears to hear, and wiping the dirt from off the underside of your shoes as a testament against those who fight against you.

Volume Five 341 Letters from God and His Christ

7/27/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ-A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearBe Still and Know, I AM THE LORD

This question was asked for a sister in Christ: “Why do I worry like I do? What can I do to relax more and be at more peace and enjoy life more?”

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, you are most beloved... Serve Me and you shall have peace. In the serving of another shall one follow Me. As I came unto you and you have known Me, you have yet to come into My fullness... Knowing of Me, yet not having come to abide in My love, which is the foundation of all truth and prophecy fulfilled in you. For though I am as The Father, He of Me and I of Him, I laid aside My glory so I might come to you as you are in the flesh, yet not living as any man. I am yours and you are Mine. For I was lifted up and nailed to a tree, so you might come to Me. Even then I knew you and loved you, writing your name upon the palm of My right hand. And in that same moment was I fashioned upon your heart, though you had not yet been born into the world, having been saved already, held fast by My love, cleansed in My blood. I know all who will come to Me, and all who are Mine, received of My Father. For I am also your Father, and through whom you were made, even in the beginning. It is My breath by which you have life... It is of My Spirit you shall be born again into glory, of glory, by glory, held fast under My bosom, in that Day which approaches quickly.Peace is in the knowing that I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me. Joy is coming to live in Me... I am your Sanctuary. Trust comes by faith and acceptance that I am the All in All, under which all things exist and have life... Even all things have been put under My feet from the beginning, as I am He by which all things that are were created, even all these worlds.I died, My glory set aside, so I might be glorified in you... I am risen, death is overcome, so you might be born again into that life which is without end. Behold, you are also risen and shall be lifted up.

O death, where is your power? O death, where is your sting?...

Death is put to death, and the grave is covered over in Me.

All these things you know. How then, beloved, My precious little one, do you yet ask of life and how you might have it in more abundance?... Just believe and be still, and know... I AM The Lord. What of all these things of the world that catch your attention?... They are but a wisp, a moment soon passing into a sea of forgetfulness. Know you not, this world, as you now see it, is passing away? For I am come, and have come already, to free you, beloved... Behold! I am coming to steal and take back even all My treasured ones... They are Mine. Lo, I am returning and shall condemn the world and all therein, which is against Me, rebuilding it upon the new and everlasting foundation, which shall never be moved. For lo, your fathers had rejected Me, and to this day I am despised of many nations, yet the Cornerstone is established still, even in the hearts of men, holding up that which had fallen down.

And so I am come to place in Zion a Rock, even the head of the corner, Of which the whole world will behold...

Even all shall see the Morning Star arise upon the Mountain, Which fills and encompasses all things...

Bringing forth a new heavens and a new Earth.

Beloved, your concerns are answered in this: There is one constant in all the universe, and by whom all things have their being, even all life and even all these stars in the heavens... What is His name?! What is His Son’s name!?...

Shed the skin of this world and put on Christ and walk in the fruit therein,And have peace, joy and love, of such a kind that surpasses understanding,

Nor is it of the kind that one can find in the world...

Trust in Me... And know I am with you always, even to the end of this age and ever after.

Sing amen, beloved. Sing for Me, and you shall behold My glory...The glory of God’s one and only unique Son... Who was given up for you.

Letters from God and His Christ 342 Volume Five

9/13/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearTrust in Me, For the Time Is at Hand

This nation shall be shaken to its core, says The Lord God of Hosts! For the time has come for these insolent children to be shaken, a great awakening... Even these among the churches, who do walk blindly in the dark, saying they are in the light. And when all these things begin to happen, even as they are written in the Volumes and the Scriptures of Truth... Then they will KNOW a prophet had been among them!

Trent, listen and hear Me; do not stifle My voice in you, but listen, for you also must hear, My son. The time is at hand when you must also work. The time is at hand... The time is at hand.My son, when you have returned home, go and pray and kneel, and lie at My feet, and know I am with you. Go and let go of your will, and of all these things you count to yourself as unworthy, for whom I have cleansed is worthy of all I shall bestow upon them. Therefore, have peace, and know I am your Lord. I have cast all these sins far away from you, never to be remembered again. Take all that is of burden to you, and lay it at My feet. Leave it there, and go away in freedom... Without hindrance, with joy in your heart... Knowing, and in belief that, if all these things you possess were taken, you would be richer in the lack...

TRUST in Me...

Trust of such a kind you will not find in your fellows...


Abide in My love, then you shall behold My glory and arise as one in whom I am well pleased, one filled with the Spirit... A soldier of God, a fearless lion... Gentle as a lamb... The boldness of which only God can give and is in Me.

Be still now, My son.

You already know Me and have received of Me. Yet the gift, of which you have not yet known, is also yours and will be manifest to the glory of The Father. And by this shall many grasp your hands, and you shall place their hands in Mine, and I shall take them... And they shall be no more in the earth. This is My command, as I have received of My Father, that I call upon My elect, and they go out in My name, and gather up all those who have been trampled of the world, and uplift and uphold. The harvest is ripe, and I shall harvest My own, even all these who I see of Myself in them.

The Time is at hand... Believe My Word through My servant. Count not according to men, but according to the Truth. Trust not in man’s devices... Trust in Me, and those times and seasons that are set within My own power of The Father...

I am come and will gather and return in My glory!

Today, let it be counted.For today begins that which The Lord God of Heaven and Earth

Had declared from the beginning, that it should come.

Today is the day... Stand up and be counted!

For today is the season foreordained that it should come...Today is the beginning of the end,

Until the New Day come, which is without end...

One thousand years and forever.

Volume Five 343 Letters from God and His Christ

11/19/07 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearStand Up

Thus says The Lord to His beloved: Where are you and where are you going? And you who claim to be servants in My name, what have you done and what are you doing? Where am I? Am I first?... WHAT IS MY NAME? Therefore, hear The Word of The Lord; thus says The Lord: Beloved, the time has come and is already here, when all shall be fulfilled; behold, the consummation of all things is at hand! The time has come for the stone to grow very heavy, a yoke upon the neck of all nations! And though many shall gather together, seeking to cast it off, they shall surely be broken in pieces!... They shall stumble, they shall fall, and the weight of their own rebellion shall crush them in the day of their calamity, when the foolhardy come out to fight against Me! Says The Lord. For My arm is outstretched against the nations, and My strength is about to be made known! For I shall cause My name to resound in all the earth, from the uttermost isles even unto the beloved city! Declares The Lord. Therefore, let the nations be awestruck at the power of The One True God! Let ALL peoples be utterly amazed at the mighty works of The Lord!Therefore, beloved, hear My voice and listen closely to My speech, embrace My words and heed My every Letter, for the time has come... Beloved of My heart, you are Mine, I am married unto you! And if I am yours, and you are Mine, then obey My voice and do as I command you. For after thirty will I establish My servants, and after forty they will stand up for Me, says The Lord YahuShua; and they shall surely go wheresoever I send them. Therefore look upon Me, beloved; look to Me! Turn your cheek from this world; look upon Me! Behold My face and seek to know Me as I truly am; live in Me! I am with you to deliver you, all you who know My voice and obey My Word; follow Me!

Beloved, the time has come for you to stand up,

The time has come for you to sing, to stand up and give a shout!...

Be bold, beloved, step forward in My name,

And I shall rise up and embolden you!...

Yea, I shall overshadow you;

Behold, I shall well up within you!...

Says The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 344 Volume Five

11/22/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, A Letter Given to Timothy -For All Those Who Abide in The Lord and He in Them, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearYou Are Mine

[Timothy] The Lord is present and very close. Receive of His love and be blessed therein, beloved. For you are most beloved of our Lord, the Redeemer. Open fully to Him, let Him be your consuming fire. All else is dull and paled darkness, all else is vanity and vexation of spirit. Look to Him... Look to Him. Know Him as He is... Pure love, pure joy, living inside peace... Bliss. There is none like Him... Perfect love, the Meaning of Life... Indescribable love... Such wisdom... Beyond all words. Behold His glory, let Him reveal His majesty. Beloved, the time is here, it has come.

[Jesus The Christ] Where will your hearts abide? Where have you put ALL your trust? Says The Lord. Come to Me... I will deliver you, it will be done... Trust in Me. Receive of My words... Let them be your meat. Ingest them fully, so we may be one, even as The Father and I are one. Come and sit at My table and sup, for the food I will bring shall sustain you unto eternal life. Behold, the table is set, the feast prepared. Lo, the time has come... You shall be uplifted into glory, seated at the right hand of your Father in Heaven... My Father, your Father, even as I am your Father... You are Mine, and I live in you. Receive of My love, abide in My house... Abide in My love, O most beloved. Know you not that you are of My own flesh... Partake of Me, receive of My love. I had given all for you... My glory set aside, My body broken. Will you not give of the same, so you also may be glorified, even at My right hand? Even as I am sat down at the right hand of My Father?... I am seated there. And all who love Me, and I abide in them and they in Me, shall also come to sit... Even with Me on the throne of My glory.I am come, beloved. I am with My people, having never departed... I am with you to deliver you... My treasure, the beating of My own heart. Receive of Me, abide in My love. The time has come, and the great indignation of The Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, shall be poured out... And evil shall reign for a short season.

Be not troubled or fear... I am your own Father...

Your Fashioner, your Healer, Your Sanctuary from all the troubles that have come

And shall consume the entire world.

Trust in Me... Receive of My love.

The weight of all these sorrows has come, and shall drown the whole world in tears and blood... REMEMBER, I, Myself, am with you to deliver you, and no one can steal you away from Me. No one, in all creation, can pluck you from My hand... The Father has given you to Me. You are Mine... No one can pluck you from My hand. You are My treasure, just as I am yours... And no one can pluck you from My hand. You dwell there, even in the palm of God’s right hand.

Beloved, I have defeated the world...

Death has been put underneath My feet, My enemies are made My footstool.

I shall sit on the throne of My glory, And I shall destroy all enmity and wipe away all tears...

NO more pain, or death, or dying... NO more war...

Life without end, in the Sanctuary of My loving kindness, Abiding in the joy of The Father...

Forever in the presence of your Beloved...

Life without end. Amen.

Volume Five 345 Letters from God and His Christ

1/25/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy... To Kathy, and For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearMy Candlesticks Shall Light the Way for All These Who Walk in This Present Darkness

Beloved, you have done very well. Continue to progress toward perfection, with renewed and strong trust.Before the setting of the sun, cast out all that remaining, which you have laid up in store... An inventory of material things which have collected dust, having become a manifestation of the inward heart, a placing of all things against My love, debris in the path of love and everlasting freedom, of which I am.Beloved daughter, receive of Me, and let My grace be sufficient for you... Let My strength become yours. Beloved, all these things are passing away, and will be remembered no more. No more shall they be set as naught against Me.

Beloved, as you have done, have understanding, and look, and now see: What you have done in your house, so must I do with all these houses called by My own name,

Even of these called by the name of The Father in Heaven... Yea, even greater things must I do also.

For lo, I, even I, come to cleanse the entire world of ALL its fornications against God, Even for all these things they have built up and kept in store,

Having set all as naught against Me to blaspheme and desecrate My name, The name The Father gave Me...

His name!

Therefore, beloved, come now and abide in My love, and experience My joy, and trust in Me. And do even all I ask of you, and hesitate not... Only do, and receive My blessing.Here is wisdom amidst blessings: If you do all I ask, then you do it out of that trust which is in you, received of The Father, by Me and because of Me, strengthened and renewed through obedience, built up in action, building further upon all actions manifest because of My word, which you carried out. Therefore, know and understand, that which remains after sunset must be taken and destroyed on the eighth day. For you shall do no work on the Sabbath, the seventh day, but rest, hear, and pray. For that remaining, which was not removed, must be destroyed, even as I shall do the same, before the setting of the sun upon this age of men.

Blessed are those, who put their trust in God, and abide in His Son.

For to these shall they receive blessing upon blessing, Grace upon grace, wisdom with trust.

For lo, Kathy, beloved, look now and see... Look upon all you have done, the purging of your house. Let it be also of the heart, and that done in the fulfillment of My Word, even prophecy, learned and taught in action, because you have first trusted in Me. You and your husband are the elders of My little flock, which you see only with your eyes and have seen on the screen. Yet you know not of these you have not seen, nor of all these who shall soon come, even of these many thousands who have come already... This being only the very beginning, a flash, a small spark that shall soon set a great multitude ablaze in My love... Yea, many ten thousands, cleansed and refashioned, hearts become new, burdens lifted.

Rejoice, beloved, I have done it, and I will continue to do so. For My joy is made complete in all these who will come to Me.

And I shall not lose even one of all these, who come to Me, Of which The Father has given Me...

They are Mine, as even I am given to them.

Letters from God and His Christ 346 Volume Five

1/25/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy... To Kathy, and For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearMy Candlesticks Shall Light the Way for All These Who Walk in This Present Darkness cont.

So then, this Word, given your son, is but a seed... Even a trumpet, even an alarm of war.

Yet to the humble and penitent hearer, it is become hope... Written upon a strong foundation, brought forth from the Unending Covenant...

Soon fulfilling all promises, of which My Father has written upon the hearts of all sons and Daughters by My blood, and will be written again, and fastened...

Of such a kind which can never be undone...True hope in the knowing that it is already accomplished,

And shall soon be done.

For all that is purposed, by The Most High God, is done already...Being written in everlasting stone, of which I am, of which I was also cut out and made from...

Cast into the midst of the earth, destroying all powers, principalities, rulers and kingdoms...Growing, spreading, until the Rock, cut out without hand, becomes, indeed,

The Mountain which fills the entire world... Yea, even the heavens.

For even of these, they are Mine also.

And what is Mine, I shall surely give to all those who are of Me, and I in them.

See with greater eyes, and be My candlestick set in the midst of this darkness, in the midst of all the faces who have gathered blackness and paleness. Shine upon them, and reveal My glory I have placed in you. Break free and shine bright. Be My examples, of My life given up for you. Art, Kathy, you are My beloved children. Love one another, and become My friends. Deny yourselves, and take up your crosses, and follow Me. Fear not its weight, I am with you. My burden is light, for all those who trust in Me. Let My works be shown through you. Lay all your burdens at My feet, all that is heavy upon you... Give it all to Me. Then will you be able to carry that which I, Myself, have given you. Your time has come to cleanse your house, for I have already cleansed you from all sin. Let that, which you have received of Me, be brought forth as a reflection of Me in you, shown in all you do, even of where you live, so others might see and ask you of the hope and joy that is within you. For this is a true and trustworthy saying: “Faith without works is dead.” Show others your faith by your works.

Trust in Me, for this is first...

Then strive each day to reveal My glory in you.

I am the Author...

Behold, I am also the Finisher...


Volume Five 347 Letters from God and His Christ

2/14/08 From Jesus The Christ Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearFaithfulness

The Day has come for Me to reveal My glory, says The Lord. The Day is at hand, for the Master to cleanse His house. Lo, the Day has come, where I shall destroy all wickedness, and plow the field, and tear up all these weeds that have sprouted in My garden...

Behold, The Mighty One of Jacob is here! Says The Lord.

I am with My people, and to them shall My glory be revealed. For lo, I shall be glorified in them and among them. Yea, they shall bow down and worship, they shall bow down and I shall take them. For all who bow down shall be exalted, and all those who stand firm, with their necks outstretched, shall be abased in My anger, in My hot displeasure, says The Lord of Hosts... The Holy One of Israel is My name.

I Am The Lord, and who shall stand against Me?!

Who shall overcome Me and take that which is Mine? Who shall trample upon My Bride and not receive of My anger?! Who shall stand?!

The earth is My footstool... I shall purge, I shall cleanse with fire! Says The Lord.

The Day of The Lord has come!... It is here, it has come. And My wrath shall in no wise depart, until all enemies are made My footstool,

And all the blessed of My heart taken and gathered.

Beloved, I have come, having never departed, says The Redeemer. Embrace Me now, for now is the time appointed.

I have called, and who has answered? I have poured, and who has drank? Lo, I have given of My own spirit, and who has received?... You have received, beloved.

Come to Me, and know Me as I am, beloved. I no longer call you servants, but friends, for servants know not what their Master is doing. My friends, come and enter into My joy. O most beloved, how I have loved you. Trust in Me, in this time which is upon you... Never depart from My love. Remain in My love, even as I remain in you, and you in Me... Our love fulfilled in Me. Come to Me, beloved, for I am revealed in you. Look upon Me, beloved... You have always been in Me. And if you have never departed, then who can snatch you from My bosom? Though all must crumble, though all must be wiped away, yet forever shall you remain. Come and enter into My love... Let our joy be complete. I shall make you one! And you shall sing... Yea, you shall stand firm, you shall stand up! Sing for Me, beloved, My voice is in you. Trust in My love, abide in My mercy. I will never forsake you, nor any of all you bring to Me...

Ask anything in My name, and I will do it...

Call on My name.

I have defeated the world. And if all is Mine, then cry out to those you love, and sing of My glory. Reveal My love... Speak of the Hope that is in you. Place their hands in Mine, and I shall take them and lead them along streams of Living Waters.

Know you are clean, beloved. Trust in My words, for in them also are you made clean.

I am with you always.

Letters from God and His Christ 348 Volume Five

3/1/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThose Who Have Received Shall Be Given More

Beloved, you have seen well, and by your ears have you also heard. For indeed, that written on paper with ink, which bore your own name, even the name by which you are to be called among men, was My word. Not as Timothy supposed, but written for your benefit, even as a builder’s stone, to build up in you that which is already resting solidly upon the cornerstone of faith already established in you.So take to heart My words, and understand, and grow quickly. You also are called, and ears you have received. Therefore, walk in Me, and know I am with you always. And that same voice you perceive is indeed My voice, and shall grow in you quickly, and become for you even as it is for Timothy. Beloved son of men, give heed and do all I command you, and learn patience, even as I have given you. Receive of Me and so do... Walk even as I have walked. Follow close behind Me, and you shall behold all things according to My purpose in you, and according to that trust in which you abide. My son, this work in which you have and hold fast to is indeed a finished work, and can by no means be undone, nor can it depart or be taken from you... It remains an unbreakable cord... Everlasting, according to the promise fulfilled in Me, in you. Know this, and take heed to yourself, and know the truth of My words, even of all these given to Timothy, your brother. The work is finished, and was completed even from the foundation of the world. Yet in the world you remain, even clay in My hands, softened and fit to be remolded, even as I have known you and see you in the season to come, even as you are in My Kingdom.

Therefore, strive and obey, and seek My ways, And search out My will for you...

Follow Me...

Serve Me...

And soon you will be with Me, where I am.

My son, know and understand, and rest in this: You are already with Me, as I am always with you, where you are. You have never left My sight, even from your formation. All I have made, and all are made through Me. Therefore, prosper in Me, as I am growing in you. You remain in Me, having been pruned of The Father until now. The time has come for you to bear much fruit and prosper. So then, remain in My love, and do all I command you. For that written, of which you have heard, you heard according to the ears I have given you. And that Letter received by Timothy, he did hear, and wrote, yet did not perceive to whom it was intended, and has remained unsettled in his spirit to this day, but has now come to realize that written, according to My voice, was for you, and not to those who stone him and cast My words as evil. For I know My sheep, and they hear My voice. And that James had not ears, nor did his eyes recognize My image; nor did his spirit perceive My glory, though it remained very close to him.Therefore, take much solace in this, My son, and receive of Me, even as I have poured out. Go forth in all steadfastness, with long-suffering for your beloved, and even for those who remain hard-of-heart and unseeing, even standing firm, refusing to hear My voice. Go out, amongst My sheep and those wolves which encompass you roundabout, and reveal that which I have given you, and that which I will give at the time appointed.Remain in My love, united to Me, and with love toward those who are united to you because of Me. Trust in Me, hear Me, and wait in all patience of faith... Listening... And then doing. Run not ahead, nor lag behind, for you are at, and have come to, that place of which I had prepared and called you for, that you should be and remain until I send you. Remain in My love, even as I was in the flesh and remained in The Father’s love. And of these things, remember and study the fruit of the Spirit, for this fruit, received, is meet only for the use in blessing others, starting with your wife, who is also called My handmaiden and daughter.

Peace, then, is what I give you, Until that required is able to be received.

Volume Five 349 Letters from God and His Christ

3/7/08 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, And For All Those Who Have Ears to HearSigns and Promises

Regarding the following, which my wife saw earlier in the day: The first being a cloud at sunset, in the perfect shape of a dove. And also, shortly thereafter, when she was contemplating the dove, she also saw a cross, which appeared among buildings and street poles, seemingly made of gray clouds or smoke, but it was a perfect cross and separate from the things surrounding it. The dove she first noticed as she was giving thanks to The Lord. The cross was only there for a few moments.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, hear Me and search your heart... And have understanding of The Lord’s purpose, according to all those He has bundled and gathered close... Soon carried to His bosom.

The thoughts of your heart came up before Me, and you and I were glad together, according to My promises soon fulfilled. So as Noah sent out the dove to confirm the promise, though he yet remained in the midst of the flood of waters, so likewise you remain in the midst of the time of the flood of fear... Even of many sorrows, unable to see the Mountain for the storm.Therefore, you gave thanks in love, from a sincere hope in The Blessed. And likewise, I did manifest the dove flying high above the setting of the sun, to remind you and give you peace. As Noah put his hope in the dove, so I have given you a sign of the same, signifying that which I am about to do, just before the setting of the sun upon this age of men. And to confirm this promise and its completion, even as I have promised to your children in the kingdom, so in like manner shall all My promises to your beloved be brought to completion. For I will bring him through to the end, and he also shall lay upon My breast, and again be reunited with you in My kingdom.

For the sign of The Son of Man shall appear, and all the people of the earth shall mourn...


The coming of The Son of Man in His kingdom, with great power and glory.

So that asked was confirmed of the same... For no vision of the cross can, nor ever shall, be considered an hallucination. For no one can behold the vision of the cross, save to those I wish to reveal it, even as The Father shall also reveal it before all those who dwell on the earth at week’s end.So Beloved, know and understand, all thoughts and desires of My people are known to Me, even as My own. For as I am, so is My body. And that which is in Me, I am in also. And that, made, was made through Me, and given life because of Me.

Beloved, what shall be impossible with God?...

And what is withheld from those who love Him, even as they love Me,Being accepted in the Beloved, in whom The Father is well pleased?

Beloved, this is but a beginning of things to come...

Where, in the days that follow, things of this nature And of this glory shall become commonplace for all My beloved,

Even among all those who abide in Me, and I in them...

Those who have put all their trust in Me.

Letters from God and His Christ 350 Volume Five

3/20/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearEnter into My Fullness and Receive of Me

My children, I have always been and will always be your Father, Your brother, your closest friend, from now and forever, until even time passes away...

No more counting of days, forever in My presence...

My own beloved...

Remade and refashioned, of such a kind that will never fade nor see corruption ever again.

Beloved, know you not that I am with you? How is it, then, that you come before Me, asking of that which is already fulfilled in you? Beloved, you seek Me and this is very good. Yet you resist Me in the asking; neither embracing, nor believing, that which is in you. Beloved, you are already delivered from all your infirmities... Seek Me, and ask, and believe, and it shall be done in you. And that, which is worked through Timothy, is done in all My body... Human power is of no use at all, beloved. All, that is done, is done through Me and given to you. How, then, do you not believe? It is even for this reason and according to that, given you, which you have yet to walk in. Therefore, walk in Me and receive of Me, and all that you desire, according to Me and My will, shall be manifest.

For where I am, there can be no darkness...

Where I am, all evil flees away...

And where I am, healing abides and is enabled by your faith...

Trust, of such a kind, never looking back or to the left hand or to the right hand, but straight forward...

Eyes fixed upon Me.

For that, in which you have become fixated, is that which you shall receive. This is why I said, “Those in Me are no longer in the world, though they remain in it.” For I am not of the world, it is My footstool. Therefore, beloved, remain in My love, and that is what you shall receive... Even an abundance, bursting forth in rivers of running waters, healing all things which have become burdensome to you.

My yoke is easy, and My burden is light, for all those who live in Me. Therefore, beloved, this is My commandment to you: As you love Me, even so shall you love one another,

Until which time I come and gather you.

Wait, wait in all patience and faith, trusting in God, even The Father, Knowing He is of Me and I of Him...

The Father and The Son are One.

Wait, beloved, with all long-suffering, and take and eat of all this bread I have given you, And drink deeply of My Spirit poured out.

Volume Five 351 Letters from God and His Christ

3/20/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearEnter into My Fullness and Receive of Me cont.

Beloved, consume My Word, even daily, and at every opportunity, both in that written in the Scriptures of Truth, even all of it, and also take of this present bread given you, and eat and digest it fully, even of all these Letters... They are My gift to you, that love letter written to My beloved saints of the end of this age, and left for those who are yet untamed. Beloved, you remain in My love... Walk in Me. And watch now how many I shall bring, yea, a great multitude that no man can number!... For lo, the first harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly, and the second plenteous, says The Lord.

Trust in Me, for nothing remains outside My will.

Therefore, rest in the hope and the blessing, Understanding that The Father knows all things, even from the beginning...

Nothing has escaped His eye.

For all the works, prepared of The Father, Were known to Him before the foundation of the world,

And have been prepared and set up for all those, foreordained, Who will come to Him and have already.

For the Day appointed has come, and will progress quickly, Until the fullness of all those, who were also appointed, come into salvation...

Even until the time of all those, appointed unto wrath, is fulfilled.

Behold a new day, even one thousand years...


Letters from God and His Christ 352 Volume Five

3/22/08 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe Rod of Discipline

[God The Father] This is what The Lord your God says, concerning all beloved sheep who have gone astray, having wandered far from The Lord and His graces, even to the embracing of the world and all its deceptions and false witnessing, against God and His Anointed and the salvation He brings.Parents of such children, who do continually forsake The Lord for their own way, running eagerly after all diverse lusts of this world, running along a wide path, heavy-laden, paying no attention to all these stumbling blocks laid at their feet - mine-fields - of which satan has laid to bring about severe injury and death and pain to all involved, bringing forth a multitude of evil fruit... Hopelessness, fear, darkness, licentiousness, lusts, pharmacopeia, disobedience, lying, scheming, vanities, the love of money, vexation of spirit, a hardening of hearts, lack of affection... Even to blasphemies and the misuse of My name and The Christ’s, because of faithlessness... Having that seed sown, choked and taken away... Never really receiving, but rather, taking that which was given, and grasping it only lightly, holding it before them for all to see, where it is quickly blown away by deceptive winds, never having been sown in their hearts, nor clinging to it with all the heart, nor with all the mind, nor all the strength... Forsaking their neighbor for the love of self and foolish desires, which only brings upon them more of the same. This only serves to widen the gap, increasing the darkness inside them, where they then seek to fill this darkness and emptiness with those things of the same... Bitter sorrows and deceptive pleasures, the many poisons of this world, thick chains and mire holding them fast, sinking into sorrows. Yet when brought to light, that darkness in them recoils and then strikes in rebellion. Therefore, Timothy, what shall you do, when faced with all these things brought forth of the tempter, which grow rapidly in this world? And how shall you teach your beloved wisdom and knowledge, even of the deep riches in Christ, when she remains consumed, lost in confusion and vexation of spirit? Timothy, shall you blame yourself? What of her mother?... The world? I tell you the truth, what is done is done, and can not be undone, save The Lord choose to move His hand. I have not, and will not yet move, until the Day comes and is at hand, that I shall bring My hand against this nation, for all its forsaking of Me. And so, at present, My hand is removed and your nation is given up... My face is turned against it. And what it shall suffer is of itself and according to all its enemies, from which I will no longer protect it.

Yet remember this, beloved:

By no means shall I lose even one who I see of Myself in them, Nor one who comes to call on My name.

Therefore, Timothy, do you love Me? Do you trust in your God and do you abide in My Right Hand?... You are in Him and He in you. Hear My words, and do them: When such an one, of whom you love, and I also, come of age by sin and continue therein, despite the word of their parents, even despite the Word of The Lord Most High, they must be punished and disciplined according to, and in accordance with, their sin. For to spare the rod is to hate your child. And to not respond with correction is to encourage further disobedience and sin. The rod, of which I speak, is of discipline and correction, and not of physical punishment. O vain and ignorant peoples of this world, stop perverting My Word! And gain knowledge. All children’s disobedience comes from ignorance and from the troubles of the heart and spirit. How, then, shall a beating correct the heart?! And how shall the striking with a rod bring about a new spirit? DO NOT exacerbate the problem with your children, by bringing them into subjection by abuse! Let the children first learn and show piety at home, and requite their parents, for this is good and acceptable before God.

[Jesus The Christ] Timothy, all that you and your wife have spoken, do. Yet I tell you the truth of these things, even all of this shall be played out once again, at which time you shall reveal to her both this Word and My Word spoken to her of not returning home, and by what means she shall come to live with you, fulfilling all I had spoken through you concerning her.

Volume Five 353 Letters from God and His Christ

3/22/08 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe Rod of Discipline cont.

[Jesus The Christ] Know you not the love of a father is displayed in tenderness and kindness? And is it not also shown through discipline and correction, especially for those he loves? And what of your Father in Heaven? Have I not done all of these things, even to the displaying of My hot displeasure toward My enemies, who have hurt My beloved?... Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord, I shall repay.

Here is wisdom: The Father and The Son are one, and yet two, and that third part, the Spirit, which comes into the world, manifesting His will. Therefore, that which you have received of Me must in turn be made into actions, bringing forth obedience in those children who remain destitute of that which I bring. For how can one walk in Me, if one will not walk in the ways of their earthly father, nor obey his commands? How much more, then, shall it be impossible for one such as this to obey My Commandments? Therefore, this work must be done by you, according to what you have received of Me, also forever being an example until the Day comes... And it will surely come, it will not tarry...

And when it comes, I shall come to live in them...

Whereby, through many tears, they shall truly call upon My name, Inviting Me in, grasping desperately at My robes...

Wherein I shall rush in, healing them swiftly, wiping away all these tears of anguish...

Even before they have finished calling .

Then shall their tears be renewed, even as a torrent of a new kind, Even in great joy and thanksgiving...

All burdens lifted...

My glory revealed...

Where, then, The Father will come to say, “Behold, the sons and daughters of God... I see of Myself in them”...

“Come up here!”

Letters from God and His Christ 354 Volume Five

4/17/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearIntegrity with All Trust

James, My servant, listen to what your Lord says to His beloved. In Me, you are accepted; and of Me are you made and reborn, even a second time... Even to the continual washing of your spirit. Beloved, I have come to live in you, and you have begun to walk in Me... Receive of Me. Partake of Me fully, and continue to cast out this leaven of fear, malice, and dishonesty. Speak not with a harsh tongue, but with love and steadfastness of faith. For one who loves Me is not ashamed of what they do in My name. Neither does one hide what they do, if that done is well and good. How, then, is it you hide that which is good and bears fruit in righteousness, and submit to that which bears only corruption and leads to vexation of spirit? Your beloved will soon awake, yet remains a stone of stumbling, with you willingly keeping this stone in place at both your feet, by making that which you do to become seen, by others, as veiled and sinister. For that done in a corner, or in secret, is not of God. For that held in secret has already become a lie in your heart, even a denial of My name... In where you have put yourself and your wife ahead of Me, out of fear of discontent and strivings. Know you not, to love anyone more than Me, is to be counted unworthy of Me by your own admission. For I am faithful, and have made you worthy of all I shall give you, even for all time... Yet you deny Me. James, My son, hear Me... Do not run ahead. For in quiet boldness shall you shine for Me. I have seen your heart, it is open to Me. And that which I see is a sincere hunger and thirst for righteousness...

I am The Lord your Righteousness... Deny Me not, and you shall be filled.

Strive to walk as I walked, and they will see, for all veils are lifted in Me. Yet the hands of many have come up to replace that which is taken away in Me.

Therefore, son of men, walk in Me, and I shall be established in you. Be steadfast and forthcoming with your beloved,

And honest with your hire.

Make honesty your companion, and integrity, your close friend.

Return to your wife love, for her heart is in disarray and greatly fears those things coming upon the world, even to the fearing of those things I have brought forth in you. So then, kindly entreat those who mistreat you, and love your wife, even as I love My body, the Church. Be My example, with quiet boldness and steadfast faith, and they shall begin to see. Trust in Me, for this is all together lacking amongst you. You have done what is well and good, and chosen the greater. However, in dishonesty have you made your testimony into no testimony, and your doings suspect. Suffer persecution for doing what is right in the eyes of God, for this is acceptable with God. But to suffer for doing wrong only brings forth more of the same, adding fuel to any fire. For in doing so, you only hurt your beloved. Therefore, My son, let them speak against you for doing what is right and in obedience to God. Give them no occasion to speak against you for your wrong-doings... Give nothing to the Adversary.

I am with you... Turn to Me in all things... Ask, and so do.

For the days are coming, and are already here, when you shall go for Me...And in those days shall you receive all that is required.

Stand for Me, obey My voice, and I shall surely bless you in kind...Even blessing upon blessing, in grace, of Grace.

Volume Five 355 Letters from God and His Christ

4/17/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearIntegrity with All Trust cont.

All you have is Mine, and all I have is yours. You are of the inheritance... Which shall also be your wife’s reward...

Trust in Me.

For there is no greater love than that by which I have loved you.

And of the sheep, who have gone astray, how much more shall I go out after them?...

I shall heal them.

For they will come to Me, for The Father has made it possible for them to do so. They shall come to know Me, as I really am... I shall surely gather them into My arms.

They shall lay upon My bosom, and they shall wail as never before... Wherein they shall be healed.

Then all tears will be wiped away.


The Father’s joy...

One thousand years.

Letters from God and His Christ 356 Volume Five

4/27/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearA Servant, a Hire, and the Heirs

Timothy, read My Word, and so do as I command you. For I have not brought you to this place to exalt you, neither have I brought you here to abase you... Rather, that I might be exalted through you, and to teach you My ways and of My love, even to the giving of Myself to you and the accepting of your decision to relinquish all of yourself to Me... And by this, I shall be established in you and you in Me.Fear not, nor consider... Only ask, and listen, and so do. I have given you to hear... Use what you have received, and have peace. Build trust, never abandon hope, nor turn aside anyone I have sent to you. Have I not made you My servant? And your wife, My handmaiden? And if you are My servants shall I not command My own, so they may also serve all My guests arriving at My house? And what of My own children? Does not the servant also serve the Master’s heirs, as they do the Master? Yet hear and understand, I have also set you over them, even as a flock... My shepherd. Is not the shepherd’s job the same? Does he not tend to the sheep? Is he not the hire, both shepherd and servant, of another man’s sheep? Timothy, you and your wife shall serve and submit... Even to the giving of everything. Even all of which I shall give you, you in turn shall give it away... Feed My sheep. Even all of which I command you, you shall do toward them.

Trust in Me.

When they call, answer them. When they cry, comfort them. When they are injured, bind up their wounds... even by the power of My name. Above all, feed My sheep. They are en hungered, they do hunger and thirst. Timothy, you hear My voice! Beloved, I am with you. Timothy, stumble no more... Walk in Me and find freedom.

One can not sin when in My company.Neither can one’s eyes cause them to sin, while beholding My glory.

Neither can the heart of man conceive of sin, when it is filled with My love...

Pray without ceasing... Be still... And know, I AM The Lord.

For one who is consumed with My love, and feeds himself My Word continually, has ceased from sin... His flesh he has forgotten. One who truly walks in Me, who I see of Myself in him, will not stumble.And what of stumbling? Is there one righteous among you?... Not one. Take My hand and be lifted up... I bind up the broken-hearted. Therefore, Timothy, My servant, and wife of Timothy, My beloved, why do you trouble yourselves over all these things? Shall the hands say to the head, “I will not obey. I make my own way”? Do the feet also dictate in which direction the body goes?...

I am the Head...

You shall go where I send you, and do as I command you.

Listen, be quiet, call on My name. Let your hearts be still, and quiet your minds... I am with you, even you two have I chosen. And if I, Myself, have called you, how then is it you question My ways and count yourselves unworthy? Are not all My chosen made worthy?... Therefore, trust in Me.

By Me were all things made, even by My knowledge...All, seen and unseen, known and unknown, is before Me.

And what men see, they do not know.And that unknown to them is not hidden before Me.

I created all things, and by My knowledge they are and were created.

Volume Five 357 Letters from God and His Christ

4/27/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearA Servant, a Hire, and the Heirs cont.

You have written out questions, even to the putting forth of rules and regulations, prepared for a flock which is not your own, though I have set you over it, forgetting you are the hire... Yea, you are also the heirs, even as the flock is also. So then, take these words to heart, and so do, and do so rejoicing.

1. Let them come, Beloved. Welcome them with open arms, and then place their hands in Mine.

2. Be given to hospitality, with abandonment of your own wants and desires... Let go of this world. Give, and you will in turn receive. Yet even more blessed is one who gives, expecting nothing in return... This is to walk in Me, even as I have walked.

3. Correct all who treat you as a sounding board before The Father. Let them turn first to Me, and search My Word with their husbands. And if still they seek understanding, let them write to you; and I, in turn, will answer them by filling you with knowledge and understanding, even to the hearing of My voice, according to My will.

4. Timothy, cease not from teaching them... Feed My sheep. For the Day is coming, and is fast approaching, when they shall be left alone, without My prophet... Yet I will be with them. Even they shall also come to hear My voice in those days.

5. Whosoever comes seeking and stands upon your doorstep, welcome them in, for I Myself have sent them. For whosoever welcomes one I have sent, welcomes Me; and whosoever turns away any I have sent, deny Me. And whosoever denies Me, by the one I have sent, will I also deny... They will not be gathered! Yet have understanding in this... I speak concerning My servants, the prophets, and not of those brothers and sisters I have sent to unify My body, for My purpose. Timothy, these are your helpers, even as you are their servant also. Beloved, wash each others’ feet, in My name... Love one another.

6. Do not feed the children’s food to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine. Keep your location, and access to you, private. Let them seek The Lord... Let them read what I have spoken and you have written down. What purpose is there in seeking out My prophet, if My Word is already before them? What does it profit to seek out the messenger, when the Letter is within their hand?... Let them hear and let them forbear, until the time be changed.

7. Trust in Me. For if there is more you require, you have but to ask, and it shall be granted unto you. Yet remember this: Arise each day early, and seek My will, and do it. Then ask of your own, and it shall be given you.

Trust in Me...

For in perfect trust is there also perfect peace.

Timothy and Beloved, even all of you, My beloved, blow this trumpet I have given Timothy...

Sound it continually, even in every manner of speaking and devices.

Letters from God and His Christ 358 Volume Five

5/24/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent and James, And For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWho Is First?

Thus says The Lord Jesus: My beloved, who I have called My friends, trust in Me... Stop denying My name, and cease from covering over My doings. I have called you, even I have done all these things. Yet you keep secret that which I have said to show before all, and quieted that which I have commanded be trumpeted... Even to the closing of your mouths, also speaking in soft tones, saying, ’Hush, lest others hear’, when I have spoken it, saying, “Shout it from the rooftops.” Therefore, give heed to yourselves and that which you know is true... Say it aloud, or be still and be quiet. Yet serve no more, as one who hides what He is doing, as though he was ashamed of what he has done.You say, ‘Keep the peace’... Yet there is no peace. You have said within your heart, ‘Let me serve You in secret’... I say, you have denied Me. Therefore, My sons, let your yeses be yeses and your nos, no. I ask you, beloved, who is first? You say I am, and that you seek to hold onto that which is not your own and keep the peace, not realizing that this only serves to expose that you have placed not your wives or fear of strife above Me, but yourselves have you put before Me. Serve Me with your brother, even at his side, as he is My servant and yours also... Or serve Me not. For it is better to do nothing, than to deny Me by concealed works and speeches, even to the justifying by false and erred parables, of which you have not received of Me. For you deal not with children, as those who are ignorant, but with them of your own flesh, of which you were to be the head. Rather, it is you, My sons, who have added to their quandary, when instead, you should have made a quick end of it, bringing all which you do into the light for all to behold. Have you not read My words, where I had said...

“Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in Heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in Heaven.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth;I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

For I have come to set a man against his father, A daughter against her mother,

And a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; And a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.

He who loves father or mother, more than Me, is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter, more than Me, is not worthy of Me.

And he, who does not take his cross and follow after Me, is not worthy of Me.

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life, for My sake, will find it. He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet, in the name of a Prophet, shall receive a prophet’s reward.

And he who receives a righteous man, in the name of a Righteous Man, Shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”

So then, that which I had spoken to Peter, I also say to you: Do you love Me more than these?...

Then take care of My sheep, and feed My lambs.

Volume Five 359 Letters from God and His Christ

9/29/08 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -The Lord’s Word given to Timothy during an on-line Bible Study fellowship -For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe Cups of the Thirsty

Thus says The Lord: Let it be heard, and let it be known among those here... I am come, and dwell with you, and shall return and gather you... Even all of those here. From among you, will I also leave a remnant, which will be replanted in the midst of the flood of evil and great fear.For those among you, who are able to receive My word, even you shall walk in it. And those among you who have not received, you shall indeed receive, for My Father shall make it possible for you to do so. And those among you who have received, even of you who have fallen on your faces and received of Me, wailing, and repenting with many tears, even of that which I have numbered and counted unto love’s purpose, a true washing... you shall, by no means, suffer in the Day of The Lord’s wrath. And of those who have suffered My fierce rebuke, yet walk away... even these shall be turned back again, for I am their Father. Lo, I will go and bring them back again, even all My sons and daughters, those who are called and known to Me before time was time.Yet hear Me now, regarding those who have received heartache at the Word of My mouth, and turned: You have received it, and on your heart it was written, and can never be cast off. Neither can My Word return void, for as I am, so it is. And from among you I have taken some who were made examples, and I will continue to do so, so those called will hear. Not just you, to whom I have spoken, but to all of these who remain outside the gates, waning in the world’s shadow. To these I have spoken, as I have done to you first... So by you they might receive Me, and repent also, coming into true knowledge... The only joy wherein all shall find peace... I AM THAT I AM, and there is none like Me.

Come and drink, beloved, of that which is so very sweet... Come and drink.

Come also, and ingest fully of that which is bitter in your eyes, and very hard to swallow, For it too shall become sweet when understanding comes.

Let your pride no more lie to you, nor let arrogance have any ground.

Receive of Me! And partake of MY Words - EVERY OnE!

And that which is poured, take it and fill your cups, And run quickly and hand them to all the dying and thirsty in this world...

Yes, of both the bitter and that which is sweet.

And among those, who scoff and push forth the hand and roll back the eyes, pour it out upon the ground in front of them. For in the Day of The Lord, they shall also drink and be brought very low. They shall be dying for thirst and grovel in the dark, endeavoring to lap up that which is about to evaporate, with their faces pressed to the ground.Take hope, for even among these vipers and wicked of heart, such arrogant, high-minded children, there is a remnant of whom I know. For in this also is the glory of The Lord revealed!... For that poured out as a testament against them contains wrath, yet in it is also life. And those who taste even a single drop, even in this are all the riches of Heaven consumed... when understanding comes, and is given and received.

For I am The Lord... There is no other besides Me!

Thus says The Lord: Come forward, peoples of this earth! Come forward, your hearts are displayed before The Father. And I, even I, The Holy One of God, shall search!... And make My proclamation known.


The Holy One comes, and I shall surely gather... And even I shall judge the earth.

The DAY has come... Sound the Trumpet!

Letters from God and His Christ 360 Volume Five

11/4/08 From Jesus, YahuShua, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Art and Kathy, And For All Those Who Have Ears to HearPerfect Trust in The Lord’s Will Is Where All Miracles Are Realized

What is it that you would have Me speak? What more shall I say, than that which you know and is written? Have I not always comforted you?... Even to the fulfilling of My Word, through My servant, David? (Psalm 23). How is it, then, that you seek My prophet and miracles for one who I know, yet you do not. Why did you not go to him, and say, “Beloved, how is your heart and to Whom does it belong?”

My children, what is the fleshly body to Me?

Is it not here for a time, then soon passed away, even as the fading flower?

None of you will truly believe and trust, unless I do miracles of flesh. Nor shall one embrace My prophet, and heed the Word he brings, unless he also performs signs and wonders. Indeed, he will perform them, even in the sight of men, yet they will in turn say, “Aha, now we know you have a devil, for you perform signs and wonders to fool the elect, if that were possible”... Not at all beholding that which is done by the Spirit, which they say is in them, for they remain lacking and destitute. Neither do they hear the name by which these things are done, being blind also, looking past the glory shown them, even before their own eyes. For that, which is first born in the heart, is reflected in the senses... Either from the light to light, or from the dark to darkness.Yet of those, who are humbled and have received of Me, they will behold My hand through men, and see My glory shining there, and they will fall down and give Me glory, and be healed of all that which had afflicted them. For many proclaim their righteousness before men, but few have truly received.

And so you have asked of this certain man, who is kindred and beloved. His time has come, and he shall sleep. Therefore, pray that he receives, and I will surely receive him...

Even all those I see of Myself in them, when I call them to awake...

For this is the true miracle and eternal life.

Trust in Me, and seek not after miracles for the dying, for they only sleep, And I will raise them up at the Last Day, which is upon you and is coming quickly.

Ask anything in My name, even as I have taught you, and do so believing...And you shall receive it and that which I have laid up in store for you also.

Pray, beloved, and trust in My will... Submit, and lay yourselves aside... And your will will become Mine, and Mine yours, as we become one...

You in Me, and I in you, together in The Father.

Then you will see that which no eye has seen, and with the understanding that comes From knowing the Only True God and His Christ, The Messiah...

All tears wiped away.

Perfect Love.

Perfect Trust.


Volume Five 361 Letters from God and His Christ

11/30/08 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy and For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWhat Is Given Can Also Be Taken Away, Until You Are Again Ready to Receive

O My beloved children, why have you wandered so far from Me? You say within yourselves, “We are nigh to The Lord. We have drawn close to Him... Look how we walk in His footsteps and obey His commands.” You disobedient, selfish children, open your eyes! You have hoarded these things, as though they were spoils. YOU have not upheld the cause of the widow, nor have you obeyed her requests. Craig and Trina, where are your hearts? You have acted in guilt, by which you visited the widow... This is not love. Kathy, you have not given even one word of correction to your children, nor do you listen to your husband, but do continually heap upon him sins he no longer owns... They are accounted to you. My words fall upon you as one deaf, in where you say within yourself, “This Word from The Lord is for others. It in no way applies to me, for I am righteous, and know and do what The Lord requires.” You know Me not, neither do you seek My will as it is. Rather, you seek your own will in My name. Kathy, your children remain far from Me. None seek Me, save these two; and of these, only one has upheld My command concerning the widows, and that in love, not out of obligation. Yet of those who have no love in their hearts for their God, and who have forsaken the widow without a second thought, you now reward as though they had received some spoils of her passing.O insolent little flock, whose hearts even now I have seen growing resistant to My prophet and his scribe, even his beloved, for by their light is your darkness shown up. Kathy, even the newness I have planted in your husband, do you turn away from, and cover over in harsh words. Kathy, you were to be My servant, writing each of My words on your heart. Yet those who scoff at Me, you put first; and those who uphold My word, you put last. Therefore, all these things you have hoarded and held fast are taken from you. You had an opportunity to greatly please your Lord, even a freeing of yourself from these chains with which you bind yourself to the material world. Yet you turned and forsook the poor; and instead, with delight, gave to those who were not in need, thinking within your heart by this you can still hold onto these things by giving them to your children, though they are not given, but loaned. Kathy, your true intentions are revealed and are perverse in My sight. I told you, from the beginning, to not hold onto that which is of this world, nor these things that belonged to your mother, but to let them go and trust in Me, believing that I hold your mother in the palm of My right hand, as one sleeping. And of those things she owned, you were to give them to the poor, even as an example to your hard-hearted brothers. You did well in caring for Anne, even as your daughter has done very well. Even Arthur freely gave, as Timothy did also of his time and love... Yet this you never considered.

Therefore, thus says your Lord: Do you love Me?...

Then give all you have taken, and give it to the poor and the needy... Yea, seek them out and give it to them. Only those personal items are yours, only those I will allow you to keep, and this to honor your mother’s requests. But of the rest, give to the poor, even of that which you own... Anything you have two or more of, give it away.Even of the whole flock, I now command to do likewise. If any among you have two coats, take one and give it away. If any among you have two pairs of shoes, take one and give it away. Take all of which you have and do not use, and give it all away... Do it now! And do so rejoicing, and with all trust in the knowing that I am Lord, and that which I have freely given am I also able to take away and give to another. I speak not just of possessions. Get wisdom and receive understanding, and truly become My body, My servants.Now go, and seek out the poor. Do not be lazy... Be diligent, and give not to just one or one place that is convenient, but seek them out. Ask who is in need in your own communities, for they are all your neighbors....

For as you have done to the least of these, assuredly, I say to you, you have done it to Me. And any you have forsaken, it was I, even I, you forsook.

Walk in Me, and do good in My name.And that, which you give, give it in My name.

For all you see and all you have, even all which you can imagine...

All of it is Mine!

Letters from God and His Christ 362 Volume Five

2/26/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe Son of Man Who Is in Heaven Also Came from Heaven, and Sits at the Right Hand of Power

A question was asked regarding John 3:13, where Jesus said, “No one has gone up into Heaven; there is only The One who has come down from Heaven, The Son of Man”: Lord, how can this be, when the Bible says Elijah went up into heaven in a whirlwind, and Enoch was also taken by God?

[The Lord answered] I am in The Father, and The Father is in Me; The Father and The Son are One. Therefore no man who has died has ever risen, nor ascended to Heaven, save The Son of Man only; neither has any man ascended to the right hand of Power, as The Son of Man; nor has anyone ascended or descended in the manner of The Messiah. For there is only One who came down from Heaven, who also went up to Heaven, The Son of Man...

And no man can, nor ever shall,

Come on the clouds of heaven in power and great glory,

Wearing the full raiment of The Father, as The Son of God!...


Volume Five 363 Letters from God and His Christ

2/17/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearA Servant, a Vine Dresser, a Man of Stumbling, the Lowly and Penitent Man... A Man Exalted, a Man Thrust Forward, One Sent to Glorify the Name of The Lord, a Prophet of The Most High God

Timothy, I am The Lord your God... Even I bore you. You are My prophet. And when one, such as yourself, falls from grace, stumbling in sin, is it not removed from him? For as I have spoken to you and My servants of old: One cannot fall from grace once it is given. One can only stumble over sin and those stumbling blocks, which satan places at the feet of all God’s messengers, of which you have and will continue to stumble over, until the day comes when I establish you, and all debris is swept clean from your path... Then will you no more stumble. For as I cannot stumble, neither shall you, for I shall be perfected in you, and My glory shall be shown upon you and within you... Even as flames of fire shining forth through your eyes, even to the singeing of flesh, according to the word of your mouth, even to the subduing of spirits and of kings and great men, the treading down of mighty nations. For strong is The Lord, who bought you, and marvelous are His ways. And what darkness can stand against Me and those I send? And who can overcome Me? And if no one can overcome Me, then by what means shall they overcome those I send? For I, Myself, shall be established in them, even as a flame of fire!... And, they, who come to provoke Me to anger, shall all be burned! Many to the humbling, an embracing of the warmth of My Word unto repentance; and to the rest, the despised of The Lord, these shall be singed and writhe in pain, according to the power of My Word put forth in My hot displeasure. And My Father shall judge them, and they shall receive their due reward.

So then, Timothy, My beloved son of men, how is it you fall at My feet, as though you also have been burned, though I have not spoken to you in this manner?... Speaking to you always in soft words of grace and encouragement, of wisdom, and when required, stern and soft words... Yet you writhe as one injured... Why? Stand up! Gird up your loins like a man and face your adversary, and bring also that man, you behold in the mirror, and the flesh thereof, into subjection... Doing so by the power of My own Spirit in you, and by the power of My Name, of which you know and love. Do so in all confidence and faith, and satan shall flee from you and your fleshly mind... Also causing your body to succumb to your authority. As I am the Head of My Body, so then have I made you master over your own body. Human power profits little and comes to nothing... Your will is fleeting. Therefore, take what I have and make it yours, for I have given it to you. Why do you not make use of My gifts? Neither have you endeavored to put on all this armor which lays on the floor in front of you. Pick it up, and reign! Reign over this darkness that troubles you. For satan is put under My feet, as he is placed under yours. Be deceived no longer. For where I dwell, darkness has no foothold... Light reigns. Therefore, make your members members of Christ, and I will cause your adversaries to come and bow at your feet.

My son, you are set apart and holy, even as I am set apart and Holy...For where I am, so will these vessels become...

Set apart in glory, for My glory, at My right hand...Even as I sit at the right hand of The Father in Heaven.

So then, the time has come for you to lead, yet not as you have imagined, but according to service... A servant and vine dresser, a messenger of God, an apostle and a prophet of the Most High and His Christ.

What is a servant compared with his Master?And what is the messenger to Him who sent him?

Therefore, you shall lead by example. You shall make a path for others to follow, by being their servant and washing their feet. You shall reveal My glory not by your speech, nor according to the thoughts of your heart, but according to My deeds, which shall be shown through you, and by the power of My thoughts and My Word spoken through you. And when this day comes, even it has come already, and begins anew as I command you, many will come and gather around you and say among themselves and within their hearts, “What manner of man is this? What a strange and unusual man this is, who stands before us, speaking unintelligible words and working magic?”

Letters from God and His Christ 364 Volume Five

2/17/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearA Servant, a Vine Dresser, a Man of Stumbling, the Lowly and Penitent Man... A Man Exalted, a Man Thrust Forward, One Sent to Glorify the Name of The Lord, a Prophet of The Most High God cont.

Even those of the Christian faith, and those of the Jews who are known as devout and orthodox, shall also come and gather around, and say in like manner, “What manner of man is this, who has come before us and speaks such lies and blasphemies against God and men? Look at his works, are they not evil and deceptive? His words, contemptible? For no man can do such things unless he had the power of satan in him!” WOE to them, Timothy!.. Woe to them! Such high-minded hypocrites of the end of this age... Deceivers lost in their own deceptions.

And when this day comes, Timothy, look out past these mockers, and behold the harvest for which you are sent out... Behold their streaming tears, the bowing of their heads, repeating softly prayers and supplications, praise and thanksgiving... Humble and penitent. And when you have ceased from all I have commanded you, they shall come forward silently and reach out the hand, and you shall grasp it, departing through the midst of the throng, going with them to break bread and give thanks, and to pray. Even I shall go with you, and be amongst you, and fill your hearts with grace and peace as a river, even to immovable and steadfast resolve. This have I spoken in your ear, beloved, and so shall it be.

Trust in Me.

Be My broken vessel, exalted to great honor among those who know Me...My immovable vessel, even a detestable lampstand to the world

And to the men of this present age of darkness.

Fear not, for I Myself am going with you.I live and dwell within you, so shall I be your Refuge...For you also shall dwell in Me, and we shall be one...

Thus is the prophet’s reward.

Volume Five 365 Letters from God and His Christ

3/31/09 A Conversation Between YahuShua HaMashiach and James -The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThus Says The Lord against His Servants Who Are Called by My Own Name, Who Hear Not My Voice nor Give Heed to My Correction, Who Persecute My Prophets Sent to Them: You Shall Be Broken!

[YahuShua] James, let your anger be turned to sadness, says The Lord, for they will not turn. Neither will they allow their eyes to be opened... Having preferred the darkness amongst the churches of men, for the light has gone out of the churches of men, and My hand is removed... Neither does My Spirit remain. For they do continually say within themselves, ‘Cast these cords from us. We go our own way’. Therefore, My son, they have chosen, even as you have chosen. Let all who say they are Mine walk according to that which their hearts reveal. For those who do rebel against Me, in heart and in mind, and by both word and deed, can in no wise be gathered. My hand is far from them, neither can they receive it back again, until they bow their heads low, and say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord”... Grasping at the hem of My robes, saying, “Lord, take me by the hand and show me Your ways, so I may now walk in them”. Yet they have not done so, neither have they been broken, neither are they willing...

For they remain married... They are not My bride, neither do I know them...

Where it is written and fulfilled,”Depart from Me, all you who practice lawlessness. I know you not”...

Neither do I see of Myself residing in you... Sorrow, bitter tears, such enmity and tears.

[James] Lord, it makes me want to wear sackcloth and ashes for my bride, and beseech you like I never have!

{YahuShua] This you should have done from the beginning, My son, yet you were not ready.

Behold, the day is upon you... A great forsaking....

Many have departed, giving heed to seducing spirits.

Behold, they shall be broken!Behold, they shall come to know Me as I AM!

Brokenness... Many tears... All walls shall be torn down.

Therefore, My son, where do you stand?... You have been called, even according to My own voice which you have heard, fulfilling that which had been placed in you, even from your formation in the womb. You shall go where I send you. And you shall stand, according to that which is set against you... Stand up, yet not as the man you know and have been, but according to My strength and grace I have given you... Bear fruit!

No more cast My pearls before swine.

Feed the dogs no more what I have reserved for the children...These hungry and thirsty children who seek Me, to them are you sent and to these shall you go.

And to the rest: Sound the trumpet and the alarm of war and judgment, for it has come.

Letters from God and His Christ 366 Volume Five

4/6/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study For The Lord’s Little Flock and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearAwaken... Partake of The Living Bread

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: There are none here who have come into perfection, a finishing of that which I Myself have planted within you and watered... To some, quick growth; while still others I have set next to Me in quiet, at peace, with enduring trust. Therefore, understand the word of My mouth and that which is set before you, even of that which is upon each one of your plates: I have bore you; even twice have you come forth... First by water and blood in the flesh, and a second time in the spirit, yea even a third time where you shall come into glory.

And behold,

That which is first sown in your hearts

Is The Living Word...

And that which grows from Me bears fruit,

According to the food and drink I provide,

Which is the written Word...

Therefore, both are necessary...

Yet one must be first, and this you have chosen.

Yet understand this: One who is awakened can not remain so unless they receive of Me, and also eat of that which I provide. For all those who slumber, slumber because they lack in thirst and no longer wish to eat. For these is there much pain and sorrow, because that which was revived soon falls back to sleep, and eventually dies.

Therefore, abide in Me...

And also partake daily of My supper, says The Lord.

Volume Five 367 Letters from God and His Christ

6/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua The Messiah - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearFrom Betrayal to Victory

It has come up before Me among My flocks, this question, and now of your wife also. For your sake, Timothy, I shall answer, for you came and humbled yourself before Me, sincerely seeking to hear, even if it means your correction... Not at all doubting the word of your brothers in the Scriptures of Truth, nor that Word in the Volumes, which reveals My glory according to that gift which was seemingly rejected... Then, once again, received by repentance, sincere remorse, proven also in action.So then, My beloved lambs, indeed you remain babes and yet lack understanding. Nor can you see past that wall you have built up in yourselves, which yet blocks your vision... Tear it down, so you may see! Soften your forehead, and perk up your ears, and wipe your eyes... See clearly and hear My Word.Before you in the Scriptures, you see the man called Judas who betrayed The Son of Life unto death... Who, by receiving the bribe, revealed The Son of Man’s location, even leading His accusers to Him, not realizing that each step taken was bringing him that much closer to destruction by his own hand, and that out of extreme remorse for what he had done... Only realized because of My spirit which had returned, whereby his walk with satan had ended... Where he again took the money, the price for which I had been weighed, and cast it down at the feet of the guilty... Who then took the money and bought the Potter’s Field, as it is written, the Field of Blood, where Judas also hung himself.Therefore, Judas could not buy a field with the money he did not own, nor did it enter his mind. Rather those, with evil and hardened hearts, bought the field to bury those they saw as unworthy in their eyes... Whereby a sign was made and fulfilled by Judas, written in his own blood, splattering it that no man may ever be buried there. And so it remains to this day... The desolate Field of Blood.

And of Judas, he shall be with Me in paradise. Do not speak to the contrary, lest I leave you upon the earth at the Last Day, for the blaspheming of the Spirit and My words...

For I forgive all who come back to Me,Even that one sheep in ninety-nine who was given Me and went astray...

Even that one among twelve shall be returned to Me.

For I am The Lord...

And of all those The Father has given Me, I shall lose not one.

Therefore, O wicked and hard-hearted sheep, do you really know Me?... And of that one sin, which cannot be forgiven, of which Judas did not commit? For though he died before Me, his sins I also bore, even crucifying them upon the tree in My own body.

All those who repent, with sincere remorse in their hearts, are saved...For I am the One that makes it possible for them to do so.

And though some have fallen asleep in death, while others are destroyed by death, even at their own hand,I ask you, does death have the last word?!...

By nO means...

For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!

Letters from God and His Christ 368 Volume Five

6/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua The Messiah -A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearFrom Betrayal to Victory cont.

For I have granted them the victory,Even as I am the Victory, being the First Fruits from death...

And those given Me shall likewise be first.

And those, who think of themselves as first and well-deserving,While condemning others in their perverse judgments of the heart and mind,

Never coming into the true knowledge of who I am...

They shall be last.

That, which is accomplished in Me, is, and was, and is coming quickly...

Even from the foundation of the world, it was finished and completed,For I had overcome the world from the beginning...

ALL is Mine.

And this is the will of the One who sent Me:

That I should not lose any of all those He has given Me, But should raise them up on the Last Day. ~ John 6:39

Volume Five 369 Letters from God and His Christ

6/25/09 From YahuShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible Study, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearHold Fast, and Do Not Waver When Calamity Comes

Prepare your hearts, and do not abandon hope... Much death draws very near.

Hold fast... Grasp no longer at My robes, My beloved... Hold Me fast. With all that you are, give yourself to Me... HOLD FAST, and do not waver. Proclaim My name... Speak to all of My sacrifice in love, whereby I saved them; call out, and trumpet My Word and also My warning very loudly... The time is upon you.

Hold Me fast... Stop grasping at My robes.Embrace Me now, My beloved...

I am with you.

Let those, who know Me not and come to seek Me, grasp at My robes in the Day,For I will lift them up to glory and tread upon their oppressors.And let those, who know Me, hold fast and grasp Me tightly,

For it is appointed to these to be lifted up OUT OF persecutions and sorrows...

They shall pass from Judgment into the Light of Life.

Therefore, again I say, call on My name in your time of fear... Hold Me fast through all these tears. All foundations must crumble... The whole world will fear. Yet of you, I say, fear not... No one can steal you out of My love; no one can break My hold or loosen My grip...

NO ONE can take My treasure, for you are Mine...Even the apple of My Father’s eye.





I AM The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 370 Volume Five

7/20/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to HearThe One Who Is and Was and Is To Come Shall Gather and Return in His Glory, and Evil Shall Be No More; And That Which Was in the Beginning Shall Be So Again... Evil Blotted Out, Righteousness Reigns

Thus says The Lord: When My will is fulfilled to the last, and the wicked become ashes under the soles of your feet, indeed, when all things come to completion, satan shall be no more. Or do you also see with tainted eyes and blurred vision, as those within the churches of men? For the veil remains, and is held fast atop their heads; behold, their lies do not cease! For the churches of men do always bear false witness of Me; they think I have altogether become like them! Thus I will rebuke them, and list all My charges against them!

Therefore, My sons and daughters, consider and pray...

Seek My face with a fervent desire to know Me as I truly am,

That you may worship Me in spirit and in truth.

Now hear My words and gain wisdom, for thus says The Lord: If in My Word, as it was written in the beginning by My chosen people, there was no trace of this doctrine of hell and eternal torment, as it is commonly spoken of amongst the churches of men, how has it now come to be in the New Covenant Scriptures? Again, I say to you, consider and pray, and seek My face by He who alone is the image of The Invisible God; for only through The Son shall the true nature of The Father be revealed. My children, be wise and vigilant; do not be deceived. For I tell you the truth, from the beginning satan was a deceiver and a murderer; he has never been on the side of truth. From the beginning he sought to ensnare My people, saying, “You will not surely die.” And still to this day, the lie is widely spoken of and accepted, even fiercely defended by the churches of men for the sake of pride. For they uphold the lie, teaching that whether one believes and accepts The Son, or whether one forbears and rejects The Life, all have eternal life in Heaven or in hell... BELIEVE THEM NOT! See with greater eyes, for I do not change! I do not grant eternal life to the wicked in any form, nor shall the evil of heart see everlasting life! Their existence shall be taken from them; they shall surely be blotted out! There is no life in death, nor is there torment in My vesture, nor did it enter My mind!

Beloved, the churches of men speak foolishness,

And their leaders teach doctrines of devils!...

Therefore, empty yourselves and come to Me naked!

Come out from among them, and be free of all these

False beliefs and perverse doctrines!...

For it is written:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

By the renewing of your mind in The Beloved,

That you may prove what is good and acceptable

Before God, according to His will, which is perfect...

I am The Lord.

Volume Five 371 Letters from God and His Christ

7/27/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearI Search the Hearts and Minds

Timothy asked this question, for a sister in Christ: Lord, are You coming only for those who are looking for You?

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: Your question is answered in this: I know My own. Thus I am coming for those who are Mine, all those in whom I see of Myself, and for the little ones who remain in their innocence, for all who remain blameless. For all those who carry Christ within them look to The Blessed Hope with joyful expectation, knowing the coming of The Lord draws near, for they have been awakened to The Truth. And those who have been misled by the churches of men, yet whose heart speaks true, shall be taken also, in spite of their error; for they too have passed from judgment into The Light of Life. Yet there are many who say they love Me, yet refuse to walk in My ways, who do always resist The Spirit and turn away from those sent to them; these must suffer great loss. Yet they too shall be saved, yet so as through fire, as it is written. For those who hold fast to the veil have refused to discern, they have not understood. They have altogether gone astray and remain at ease in their slumber. For their own arrogance has deceived them; on account of their pride they are held captive, and by their many polluted doctrines and filthy traditions they remain bound. Thus they must be left to refinement, purified and made white, a great humbling in the Day of The Lord.


I alone search the hearts and minds...

And I know My own.

Letters from God and His Christ 372 Volume Five

7/30/09 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWhether You Live or Die, You Are Mine, Says The Lord

Timothy asked this question of The Lord, for Trent: Lord, how is he to satisfy the scrutiny of a scoffer, who says that the Letters contradict Scripture, saying, “My children” in the letter “Transgression”, to those that altogether forsake The Lord Jesus, before they have repented to become “children of God”?

[God The Father answered] Trent, My son, answer not the obstinate, nor answer they who reject My Word out of hand, nor give answer to those who strive to tear down My words... For in doing so you enter into agreement with them, that indeed their point is valid, though you argue. Is My Word in need of human power or wisdom to uphold it?...

Thus says The Lord to this modern and perverse generation, such high-minded peoples: WHEN has the Word proceeding from My own mouth been in need of, or ever required, My own Word to be used as a foundation stone placed beneath it, to uphold it as though it could topple... Or even as beams to steady and to prop it up, as though it could fall?!... What I, Myself, have spoken, I speak by Myself; and that sworn in My wrath, I swear by Myself... IT STANDS... And you, O arrogant and deceived generation, shall live by it! Says The Lord. And if you forbear and reject it, shall you not come to know the power of The Lord in His punishment?... Yes, you will come into judgment, you will surely behold the hand of God upon ALL this multitude! Then you will know I AM The Lord!... And I, even I, have spoken it; and I, even I, have hastened to perform it... Even I have done it!

Therefore, Trent, My beloved, I will answer you simply, to keep your foot from stumbling...

Yet of the scoffers, let them stumble.

And so I ask you: Who among all those created by My own Right Hand, whether on earth, under the earth, or of those in Heaven, are not My children? And who among all these are, at present, blotted out? And who among men has done right in all the earth? Who among you, upon the earth, is not a child of the flesh?... Answer, if you know...

There are none righteous in all the earth... No, not one!

Yet here is a mystery, of which you know: If all being alive in the flesh are dead, how then is it you all remain alive? (I speak not of salvation in The Holy One, but of those with breath)...

All are in their Father, Even in He called the Vine of Life...

None are made alive, nor can continue therein, except by Him.

So then, ALL peoples are My children. Yet among My children, only those who accept The Son are given the right to be called children of God, and receive that inheritance according to the seed of which they have become and now are, also being grafted into the olive tree.

Volume Five 373 Letters from God and His Christ

7/30/09 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearWhether You Live or Die, You Are Mine, Says The Lord cont.

Yet all, both the children of the kingdom and those who will be cast out, Grow in and are attached to the Vine, for He is life and its source...

Nothing can exist or be made alive, apart from Him.

Therefore, again I tell you, the Day has come and is nearly here, when the harvest shall be made. And those, yes, My children who reject life, will be no more My children, and will cease... They will be broken off and thrown into the fire. And of those who remain in the Vine, also bearing fruit in The Beloved, these shall enter into Life anew... Life everlasting.

So then, My son, you have searched the Scriptures with your eyes, yet only dimly. And of the scoffers: They see as one who remains blind, not at all willing that I should wash them; nor do they seek the Shepherd in truth, according to My Spirit which is in Christ... It is not in them. The mud remains on their eyes, in spite of their proclamation, saying, ‘I see, I see... I, and these with me, know and understand the mind of God and shall teach others of His ways’... They know not My ways! Neither do they have any understanding at all; and of all those things they teach in My name, they themselves do them not... HYPOCRITES!

Therefore, Trent, My Son, and child of God by Christ, stay separate... Learn to see with greater eyes. And of the scoffers: Separate yourself from them. Be then separate, until the day comes and My words are fulfilled, when these same ones return to you in repentance, in where I will cause them to bow at your feet...

And you will lift them up, and say in a soft, loving voice, “I have forgiven you... Give me your hand.”

Then you will take their hand and put it in Mine...

This is My will for you, and this shall you do.

Until then, feed the hungry, And those who come seeking to be fed in sincerity and Truth...

Those who love Me and carry The Son within them.

Letters from God and His Christ 374 Volume Five

8/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher, And For All Those Who Have Ears to HearIt Is I, Even I Who Had Done It

[God The Father] Who has set the stars in the heavens?! Who has laid the foundations of the earth?! And when were they brought forth for My purpose? Answer if you know... It is I, even I, who had done it!Who holds tomorrow in His right hand?... It is I, even I, He who has also taken yesterday from men, The Giver of today, even of the gift of this moment in The Lord by He who is The Author of Life... Its Source... Him who has given you breath and by Whom it also continues, according to the desire of the heart, in love, or cut off due to the rebellion thereof.And Who, by His power and wisdom, has brought you into being, according to the good pleasure of His will, even to His own joy, according to the time and in that season, for My purpose in which you are called and has now come? [YahuShua] And so Christopher, My son, question not; nor be swallowed up over this sorrow, which is of such a kind that leads you into doubt. I am with you. Wait upon Me with all patience, and in all trust, and it shall be given you in due time... THE time, My time, according to My will. And when the day comes and is fulfilled, you shall shout and bring it forth and leap for joy, though your heart remains heavy and has become also like an adamant stone. For in that day will your eyes be opened in the knowledge of The One and Only True God, and in Him sent, who has come to dwell fully in you... And in that day shall your love and faith be perfected...

And of this time, it shall NOT be changed,

Says The Lord of power and glory...

Even I, The Reward and Rewarder of those

Who will perform great exploits in My name,

Before The Father and against all this wicked multitude, in the Day...

To throw down, to abase, to break down,

And to uplift those who stretch out the hand and call on My name...

No more in unbelief, nor with a froward mouth or elevated ego,

But in sincerity, with many tears, from a new and humble heart, in love...

A new and refined stone, a precious gemstone,

Which shall be gathered up to The Father’s house

Even in the midst of great tribulation...

Behold, a clean white stone.

Volume Five 375 Letters from God and His Christ

8/18/09 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For Jason, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearNow Is the Time for My Strength

Thus says The Lord to His servant: My son, when you have made your decision, and behold, there it is within your heart, I will finish it. Therefore call upon Me, for it is time.

My son, think not that I have come to tread upon the wicked of heart only. For I have come to tread upon all principalities and powers, upon the rulers of the darkness of this age, upon spiritual wickedness in high places... Upon ALL things which attempt to lay hold on My witnesses or prevent them by any means! For I tell you the truth, these cords shall be broken! Evil shall not rise up a second time! I AM THE LORD. Therefore, My son, look not to tomorrow, for today is the day; today is when you must decide, even this very moment. For in this short time remaining you must overcome. You must give up your life for My sake, or how shall I send you? For as it is written: Those who do not take up their cross and follow in My footsteps are not fit to be My disciples; for they have shown themselves unworthy. And how shall one who loves his father or mother, or son or daughter, more than Me, escape? For they too have shown themselves unworthy of Me. Thus many are called, yet few are chosen. Yet understand this, My son: As I have spoken it, so shall it be. For there is a day coming when I shall come upon My chosen and overshadow My elect, a day when all My faithful ones shall fly away, a day when all My beloved shall be made new. And in that day, My son, the prophet’s reward shall be yours, if you too remain faithful... Gird up your loins therefore, and become that man of God you aspire to be; stand firm for My cause, and do not waver; yea, draw very close and receive of Me. For indeed My grace is sufficient for all those who trust in Me. I am The Lord.

Now is the time for My strength to be made perfect,

For My servants to make their decision

And to lay all their weaknesses at My feet...

Now is the time for My servants to stand up,

To make their decision known...

It is time for The Son of Man to be glorified through His servants,

Even as The Father is glorified through The Son...

It is time for The Holy One of Israel to receive great glory!...


Letters from God and His Christ 376 Volume Five

8/27/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearCulmination

Behold, My sons and daughters, behold and see with greater eyes. Before you is the man, My prophet... Before you is a man. He is a man in whom the Spirit dwells, a man of flesh and stumbling, stumbling over that stone which, at present, I Myself have allowed him and made him to be... Yes, a stone of stumbling. Yes, beloved, he did open his mouth in sincerity, but I did not speak. He did open his mouth, hearing his own inner voice, and the tempter that I, Myself, allowed to be brought near to him, and he did speak... And that spoken was not performed.

So then, beloved, I now ask you to look inside, and see who you really are, and ask yourselves, “What is my faith made of, and upon what does it stand? And in Whom must I now put all my trust?”... Not in a man, nor in your brother, according to your faith... I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY. Timothy is My vessel, by which I have given you a cool drink of water... Yea, he was My lamp amongst the darkness of your lives. Yet he was not poured out for you, neither did he shine by his own light... It was not he who was the author of your faiths. He is My vessel by which these things were done for you, a servant and vine dresser, My servant, your slave, serving the Master’s children. Trust in Me and hear MY words, yes, even those in the Volumes, My Letters... They are food and drink for this starving generation, correction for this insolent people called by My own name amongst the churches of men, and that Trumpet which I said would come and is now here... The trumpet of alarm and war, the trumpet of judgment, a call to repentance... The trumpet and announcement of My coming, which is nearly fulfilled - The Trumpet of Evacuation.

Hear Me now and doubt not, nor lose heart, nor let your faith wane, as though you now tire and want to rest and step off the path... Run forward and embrace My ways. I know they are not at all like man’s ways, nor as you would have Me do, yet I say to you, embrace them and grab hold of Me, and trust... Trust of such a kind, which has only come by a letting go, a letting go of all you thought was true, a releasing of all you thought must be held fast and of all that which you had come to lean upon. Give up now and come to Me, and see with eyes wide open, and together with you in Me and I in you will your faith be made new... Made only by that which is of Me and in Me, standing upon that foundation, which I am the Stone thereof. Let go of your teachers, your guides and My prophet, and love them, for they are but men, My sons and your brothers, your beloved friends. Love them, I say, for they love you with the love I have placed within them. Yet no longer take hold of them, nor reach out to grasp their hand, nor place your hand upon their shoulders to steady yourselves... Come to Me! Run to Me only. For they are Mine and have been tested, refined, even humbled and set in their places... Prepared. Even as you also are being prepared... A tying down of My bundles in preparation of the coming storm and the First Harvest.

Beloved, pray for My witnesses, for they do remain My witnesses... Even Timothy shall go for Me as I have said, though he will now walk through a dark sea of scoffers, and among those who stretch out the hand and disfigure their faces, even to spit upon him and seek him harm... Yes, he shall walk, he shall boldly go with the power of My Spirit fully established in him. And even you, who must abide for a very short season, holding fast in safety, even you, beloved, shall also suffer increased persecutions from many and from among those in your own circle, for it is My will they increase their noise and depart further from Me for a time. Lo, I have provided the means and the stone, by which they will justify their outbursts of perverse and wicked speeches. And so the gap shall widen, with the bundles set in their places, even as yours... One to the harvest, and the rest to be tried in the fires of The Father’s indignation. They will be tried... Yea, they shall be burned and taken through the fire. And those who are abased and penitent, with true remorse in their hearts, shall receive a cool drink of water by the very same hand which was first offered to you and by whom you had come to drink... Yes, beloved, the very one they hated and spoke evil against, even the very same one who they made the cause of all their anger and wrath, though it was My words, even Me they hated, not him...

My ways are not the ways of men.

I search the hearts and minds, and every thought I know.

I mold the clay, I alone make them new...I, the Refashioner of the thoughts and innermost intents of the heart,

Of those who have truly partaken and received of My body and My blood.

Volume Five 377 Letters from God and His Christ

8/27/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearCulmination cont.

Therefore, beloved, perk up your ears and be humbled by My words... Even as Timothy has been humbled greatly, and has now been prepared, and is now ready to receive that which is required. Doubt not, nor lack trust in My words, nor that spoken and written through him. For that spoken and that written, in My presence, is purposed, and shall not at all return void. Even of that done by one who truly loves Me, though it appears to others as error, will not return void. For all acts of My beloved are done in My sight... Even all their comings and goings I foreknew, preparing their path ahead of them or leaving it unkempt so they may stumble, to bring about My purpose of establishing Myself in them, to the glory of The Father in Heaven and of that name which is His and I own.

So the time has begun, and now is, and will shortly be fulfilled for My servant, even as it is for all My witnesses, which is according to My will and brought to pass by My own hand... Even as all of you have entered into a time of refinement, in the testing of your faiths, and will continue therein. Yet of his, it shall be completed shortly... Even a short work must be performed in him and among My witnesses who shall go out, following Me wheresoever I lead them... Even they shall receive the prophet’s reward, and you, O beloved little flock, shall be left alone without a shepherd...

Yet of The Shepherd, He will be with you... And His voice shall you hear and obey.

And the hired men shall be gone from your sight, for a time and that season,Which has been spoken of from the foundation of the world, that it should come and is now here.

Yet of it, none of you shall behold....For you shall be broken and uplifted, escaping The Father’s judgment.

Believe My words and doubt not.Receive of Me and be remolded, as I have purposed and am now bringing forth.

The time has come for Me to arise from My place... Lo, I am already here.I shall arise and fill My vessels and defend My servants,

With a stretched-out arm and a loud voice...Even My breath shall come forth out of men,

And those within hearing shall fall down at the power of My voice in them.

My servants are poured out and I shall come in,So again they may be poured out in power and by many signs,

With many words, a whirlwind of proclamations...

Bringing great glory to My name.


The time is now.

I am come.

Letters from God and His Christ 378 Volume Five