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  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


    Hello everyone, today we will speak about the characteristics of citizens of 3 dierent

    countries including Moldova, the United Kingdom and the U!" #e chose this topicbecause we were interested to $nd out new things about people from around the world%ur ob&ectives were to learn how those 3 nations dier and what similarities are betweenthem #e divided our speech in ' sections() *eneral characteristics+amous celebrations3-raditional .lothing'.onclusion

    /t is known that every person who lives on this planet is dierent0 we have dierent beliefs,views about things and personalities 1ut now we won2t speak about that, we will speakabout de$ning characteristics of Moldovan, 1ritish and "merican people Moldovan people are very hospitable and hardworking although there is a common beliefthat our people are far away from 4uropean culture 1ut we also have some rules thatde$ne our people /t is proper to drink at least a symbolic amount of wine during a meal orin a ritual conte5t to honor the host and toast the health of the people present

    %ccasionally in villages, toasting with the left hand may not be regarded as proper /t isalso improper to blow one6s nose at the table17/-/!H"ccording to some researches 1ritish people are seen as people who respect the rule oflaw, educated and skilled and most important polite and with very good manners"lthough they are also known to be reserved and obsessed with class"M47/."8 -here are many de$ning characteristics of "merican people but we can list the fact that

    they are hard working %verall, this is a good thing 1ut one could argue that they actuallywork too hard, and for too little reward -hey understand that hard work e9uals success

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


     -he M;r

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


     -he >ueen2s o?cialbirthday

    1ritish Holidays -he >ueen6s %?cial 1irthday, is the selected day, usually the $rst days of Aune, in some .ommonwealth realms on which the birthday of the monarchBcurrently >ueen 4lizabeth //C is o?cially celebrated -he sovereign6s birthday was $rst o?ciallymarked in the United Kingdom in )D'E, for King *eorge //

     -he countries that celebrate the >ueen2s 1irthday are United Kingdom, "ustralia, .anada, i&i,8ew Feeland, Gapua 8ew *uinea, the !olomon /slands, -uvalu, !aint Kitts and 8evis and many other e5 4nglish colonies

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


     -hanksgiving ay

    U! .elebration

     -hanksgiving ay is a national holiday celebrated inthe United !tates and .anada /t was originallycelebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessingof the harvest and of the preceding year

     -hanksgiving is celebrated on thesecond Monday of %ctober in .anada and on the

    fourth -hursday of 8ovember in the United !tates"lthough -hanksgiving has historical roots in religiousand cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated ina secular manner as well

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


    Moldovan traditional clothes

    Moldovan -he Moldovan traditional clothes have a long history

    and it2s mostly the same as the 7omanian /n thepast, during the process of costume decoration it wasprohibited to copy patterns and deviate from thenational traditions 4ach girl had to create her uni9uefestive costume with a glance to local traditions,demonstrating her aesthetic taste -he attire

    accorded with the character, age and social status ofits owner, it harmonized with the appearance of theowner, the color of hisIher eyes and hair /n the past,it was impossible to $nd two identical femalecostumes0 they had dierent patterns, colors,proportions -he same principle masters Bthey were

    mothers, grandmothers, or bridesC held when sewingmen6s shirts

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


    1ritish traditional clothing1ritish clothing

    4ngland, unlike #ales and !cotland, has no national dress!ome people think men in 4ngland wear suits and bowlerhats but it is very unusual these days to see anyonewearing a bowler hat/n !cotland the national dress is a kilt -he kilt is wornaround the waist -he national costume of #ales on the

    other hand is a long skirt, worn with a petticoat andtopped with a shawl "lso there is /rish clothing( /rishpeople, both men and women wore simple kneelengthout$ts made of wool

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference


    "merican .lothing"merican clothing"lthough the traditional "merican clothes should be the redskins2

    clothing, we are speaking about the U!" and we can talk about thecowboy culture which includes &eans, tu5edos and denim &ackets

  • 8/17/2019 Students'conference




    4nd  .reated by(  Jungu .ristina

    Getru *uzun

    .%8.JU!/%8/n conclusion we can say that ourpersonal research helped us to learn alot of new things, and although thecountries we talked about are far awayfrom each other there are things thatmake us the same people and also weare all united by our beloved 48*J/!H
