studentregistration ADF

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Transcript of studentregistration ADF

  • 8/4/2019 studentregistration ADF


    In this tutorial we will make a registration form using

    (ADF technology) that has the following fields

    FirstName: required and has another validation for

    accepting characters only

    LastName: required and has another validation foraccepting characters only

    Gender: radio buttons to choose male or female (required)

    Also we have a drop down list to choose your country and

    based on this choice there is another drop down list to

    choose from the towns in this country you choose. We must

    explain that the user choose country name, and town name

    but what insert in the Database is countryId and townId

    First of all we must create these tables in any schemas we

    have (for Example Hr) and insert countries and towns which

    will appear in the Drop down List

    These are the scripts of the Database


    create table Country(Country_id number(10) constraint Countries_ID_pkprimary key,Country_name varchar2(30) constraint Countries_Name_nn not nullconstraintCountries_Name_uk unique)


    create table Towns (Town_id number(10) constraint Towns_id_pkprimary key,Town_name varchar2(30) constraint Towns_name_nnnot null,Country_Id number(10) constraint Towns_countryId_fkreferences Country (Country_id) constraint Towns_CountryId_nnnot null)

    Registration form

    Create table Registration_form( First_name varchar2(30) constraintRegistrationform_firstname_nn not null,Last_Name varchar2(30) constraint Registrationform_LastName_nn not null,

    Gender varchar2(30) constraint Registrationform_gender_ch check (Genderin('Male','Female')) Enableconstraint Registrationform_gender_nn not null ,

    Country_id number(10)constraint Registration_country_nn not null constraint Registration_country_fkreferences Country(country_id),Town_id number(10) constraint

    Registration_Townid_fkreferences Towns(Town_id))


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    Insert into country values (1,'Egypt')insert into country values (2,'United States')

    insert into country values (3,'France ')insert into country values (4,'United Kingdom')

    commitinsert into towns values (100,'Cairo',1)insert into towns values (101,'Alex',1)insert into towns values (102,'Aswan',1)insert into towns values (200,'Washington',2)insert into towns values (201,'California'

    ,2)insert into towns values (202,'Colorado',2)insert into towns values (300,'Paris',3)insert into towns values (301,'Cannes',3)insert into towns values (302,'Lyon',3)insert into towns values (400,'London',4)insert into towns values (401,'Liverpool',4)insert into towns values (402,'Westminster',4)commit


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    Building Application:After opening Jdeveloper 10g we make a connection to hr

    schema select database then right click and choose New

    Database Connection


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    And finally test Connection


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    Making the Application:

    1. Clickthe Application navigator, select Application andchoose new Application

    2. Enter the name of Application and choose from drop downlist Application Template (JSF ADF BC)


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    Here we have two projects Model, ViewController

    Dealing with the modelSelect the model project, right click and then click new

    Choose ADF business Components (business components from table) and click ok


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    Click on query andthen select the three entity object we made and shuttle them in the selected Entity and



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    In step two we shuttle all the available entity objects to make updatable view objectsfor all the three entities we have and click next

    Click next once more to skip making read only view object because we does not needthem

    In step 4, we rename our Appmodule: Regservice and then click finish.


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    Adding bind variable to TownsView

    Double click on towns view to open it in the viewObject Editor

    Select SQL Statement and then check expert mode to edit sql as follows:SELECT Towns.TOWN_ID, Towns.TOWN_NAMEFROM TOWNS Towns where Towns.COUNTRY_ID=: pp

    And click test to test the query


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    Click ok on the small windows and then click on Bind variables to add pp as bindvariable. Click on new and then on the name write :pp and in the type we choose Number

    Then we click apply and ok and then save all icon to save our work

    Adding Validation on firstName, lastName attributes

    1. Double click on Registration form Entity to open Entity object Editor and thenwe choose validation select FirstName attribute and click new

    2. In the first drop down list we choose Regular Expression Validator


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    In Enter Regular Expression text box we write this


    [^0-9]{1, 10}

    This means that FirstName attribute will accept characters only from one to tencharacters and in the error message text box we write:

    (Only characters please) this message will appear to the user if he insert wrong Data.Click ok

    Then repeat step 1,2 in the lastName attribute and finally click apply and okThen save all your work

    The last thing in refining the model is to change the label of the (countryId,

    TownId)In the control hints of the Entity object (Registration Form)

    Double click on the entity to open Entity object Editor and then double click on

    the attributes and then select CountryId then click control Hints tab .In the label

    text type Country Name


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    Repeat the last steps on TownId attribute and call it Town Name. These Names willappear to the End User on the page. Click ok and save all your work.


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    Making our registration page

    Right click on the ViewController project and select open JSF navigation

    Drag A JSF page from the component palette to the faces-

    config and name it Registration.jspx double click on thepage to launch the wizard to create the page


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    1. Skip the welcome page and click next.2. In step 1 of 4, choose jsp document, uncheck mobile support and click next

    3. In step 2 of 4, select automatically expose UI

    Components in a managed bean. This Choice will create amanaged bean to the page. Click next


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    4. In step 3 of 4 shuttles the libraries that was indicated in the picture then click finishto create the page.


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    The page will appear in the design editor .To add some design of the page we

    will add A panel page

    a. from the component palette select ADF Faces core and then drag a panelpage

    And drop in inside the form in the structure part on

    the left. The structure should look like that

    Change the title of panel page:

    Select panel page in structure part and in the property inspector change theTitle to Registration Form


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    Using the data controlFrom the Data control palette beside the componentpalette (if you don't see it select from menu bar in

    Jdeveloper view +Data Control Palette) expand it and

    select Registrationformview 1


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    Drag the Registratinformview1 view object and drop it on the af:panelPage node

    in the Structure pane

    1) In the popup menu, select Forms ADF Creation Form

    In the Edit Form Fields pane, keep FirstName, lastName and delete all except this. Wewill add them later as radio buttons and lists .click ok

    Save all your work


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    Adding Gender as radio button

    In the Data Control Paletteselect Gender, drag Gender Item inRegistration formview object and drop it on theaf:panelForm.

    In the popup menu, select Single Selections > ADF Select One Radio


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    In the List Binding Editor, select fixed list Radio Button and in the Base Data

    Source attribute drop down list select Gender(the name of Attribute in view

    object) and in the Set of values text box write the valued that will appear to the

    user. Here we will write


    Finally in No selection Item drop down list we will choose selection required .click ok


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    Adding Country name drop down list:Note that here we will use country view object to display the lists of counties we hadin a drop down list what the user will choose is the name of country but what willinsert into database is the Id of this country not the name of it

    1) Back in the Data Control palette expand the Registrationformview1 exposingthe attributes

    2) Select CountryId and Drop it on the af:panelForm.

    3) In the popup menu, select Single Selections > ADF

    Select One Choice


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    In the next steps we refine the data source for the

    CountryId as it needs to display all the Countries

    currently in the Countries table

    4) In the List Binding Editor, click the Add button, next to the List Data Sourceitem

    This action creates a new Iterator.

    5) Select the Countryview1 view object and keep the default Iterator Name ofCountryView1Iterator

    6) ClickOK

    7) make sure the Base Data Source Attribute is CountryId and the List DataSource Attribute is CountryId as in the picture


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    In the List Items area, set the Display Attribute to Country Name

    8) The List Binding Editor should look like that

    9) Click ok

    10) Save your work.

    Adding Town name drop down list

    In the following steps we will repeat the previous steps to create townsname drop down list

    1) Back in the Data Control palette expand the Registrationformview1 exposingthe attributes

    2) select TownId and Drop it on the af:panelForm

    3) In the popup menu, select Single Selections > ADF Select One Choice

    In the List Binding Editor, click the Add button, next to the List Data Source itemThis action creates a new Iterator.

    4) Select the Townsview1 view object and keep the default Iterator Name ofTownsView1Iterator


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    5) Click ok

    6) Make sure the Base Data Source Attribute is TownId and the List Data SourceAttribute is TownId

    7) In the List Items area, set the Display Attribute to Town Name

    8) The List Binding Editor should look like that


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    9) Click ok

    10) Save all your work

    Be careful in the next steps because we will deal with

    the page definition of our page

    (Every page in ADF has a page definition if you use the Data Control Palette) Iwill not talk about page definition file now. But I will explain this step in Arabic tounderstand how to make a list that depend on another list

    drop down listusertrigger partial invoke

    actionTownsView viewObjectdrop down listUserid

    Let's see how we can do that

    1(In the Data Control Palette expand TownsView1 >Operations and from

    the various operations select Executewithparams


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    Drag this operation and drop it on the structure pane and In the popup menu

    select operation >ADF Command link (this means that this operation that will takethe parameter of the where clause and then execute the query will be in the formatof command link)note that we will delete it later but we make this to see thiscommand link in the bindings of Page definition of our page2) Right-click the af:panelForm and select Go to Page Definition


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    2) In the Structure pane of RegistrationPageDef.xml expand bindings thenExecuteWithParams then select pp (this is the binding variable we define in ourviewobject TownsView)


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    (3 after selecting this variable, in the property inspector set its NDValue asthe following expression language${bindings.RegistrationFormView1CountryId.CountryId}This expression means that the value of this variable will take fromcountryID IN RegistrationFormView1 )

    drop down listuser

    NDValueppClick ok

    4)Back to our RegistrationPageDef.xml page definition,Right-click on the Executables node ,select

    TownsView1Iterator ,right click and select Insert before

    TownsView1Iterator >invoke action (we will make an action

    before This iterator)


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    5) In insert invokeaction dialog box Set the ID property

    to whichcountry and using the drop-down list, set the

    Binds property to ExecuteWithParams

    6(Click the Advanced Properties tab, Set the Refresh property renderModel and

    click ok.Save all your work


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    We have two other steps to make this list depend on the countries list (7

    a) Back to our Page (Registration.jspx), In the Structurepane, selects the first selectOneChoice

    And using the Property inspector set the AutoSubmit property to trueb) Then select the af:panelForm , in the property

    Inspector click the PartialTrigger property to invoke

    PartialTriggers dialog box click new and from drop down

    list select selectOneChoice1


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    delete ExecuteWithParams Command link since we no longerneed it.

    9(Save all your work

    The Last StepAdding create button to our page to insert our choices to

    the database

    Inthe Data control palette expand RegServiceDataControl then

    operation and then select commit operation (to commit

    changes to the Database(


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    In the af:panelForm expand Panelform facets and select footer ,drag commitoperation and drop it on the footer ,in popup menu select ADF Command Button


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    Select the af:command button and in the property

    Inspector, set the Text Property to create and set the

    Disabled property to false so the commit button is always

    enabled .The Property inspector should look like that

    Save all your work and right click on our page and select


    If we insert numeric values in FirstName or lastName input text ,an error messageshould appear


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    Correct error message and then select any country and its

    towns will appear in the other drop down list


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    Click on create button to insert this row into the



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