Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School

Transcript of Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Page 1: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Student Survey ResultsApril, 2012

Forest Ridge Elementary School

Page 2: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Number of Boys and Girls Surveyed

Page 3: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Average Number of Years at FRE

Page 4: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Is School Important?

Page 5: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you think your teachers have done a good job making learning enjoyable?

Page 6: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you know your responsibilities as a student?

Page 7: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Has someone recently praised you for doing good work?

Page 8: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Does someone at school care about you?

Page 9: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you know to whom you can talk when you have a problem?

Page 10: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you feel that someone listens to you when you have a problem?

Page 11: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Does someone encourage you to do well in school?

Page 12: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Did teachers give you __________ homework?

Page 13: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you feel safe at school?

Page 14: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Have you ever been bullied at school ?

Page 15: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Most students _______________ follow the expectations.

Page 16: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

The students at FRE usually make _________ choices.

Page 17: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

How do you feel students treat each other?

Page 18: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you ride the bus to or from school?

Page 19: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Do you feel safe on the bus?

Page 20: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Have you ever been bullied on the bus?

Page 21: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Does the noise level in the cafeteria bother you?

Page 22: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

If you could change one thing about the cafeteria food, what would it be?

Second Third Fourth Fifth


FlavorHealthy foodFruitMeat Cheese sticksApple juiceBreaded chix sandwichIce cream

Jell-oPizzaVegetablesGreen BeansTurkey Wrap Chix SandwichesCakeChoicesFruit

FoodEnergy FoodsSides: carrots/gr. beansVarietyFruitPizzaHot PizzaOrange JuiceHealthy FoodCorn DogsCake/pie

Healthy Food: apples & orangesMeat to tacosSauce for Max SticksVariety/choicesFoodMeatTacosEnjoyable Foods


FoodSugarJuiceHamburgersMozzarella max sticksPizza

Fruit JuiceMac & CheeseFruitTacosHot DogsGarden SaladsHamburgersPB DippersDessert

SaladsSweetsLasagna MacaroniRiceFried ChixPB DippersYogurt

Unhealthy food: chix & ice creamFake FoodGreasy FoodPeas & RiceApplesaucePeaches

Page 23: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

What is one idea you have for a PBS event next year?Second Third Fourth FifthSoccer Band BMX Event Jack Hannah

Wet Field Day Trampoline Movie Sing-off

Treats Magic show Something indoors Student Play

Talent show Dodge ball Wet Field Day, with water balloon fight

WHATEVER you want

Jump rope Game Day Touch football Football

Science show Legos Rock Concert Eat in class w. movie

Jungle gym Play around Bounce House Baseball

Movies Jump Ropes

Sports Kickball

Talk to friends




Page 24: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

What kinds of shows or programs would you enjoy the most?

Page 25: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

What is your favorite subject?

Page 26: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

Have you enjoyed your time at FRE?

Page 27: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

What is the best part of FRE?Second Third Fourth FifthThe way teachers teach

Learning Science Have someone help me through my problems

I can learn PBS Learning new things


Learning time Art & Math BUG Awards Privileges

Recess Learn & Have Fun PBS Understanding teachers

PBS PE Learning different subj.


Science Recess Recess Recess

Math Specials The Staff

We are respectful Animal & Science Shows

Great/favorite teachers

Morning show Talent Show The Kids

Music Mr. B.


Math & Music

Page 28: Student Survey Results April, 2012 Forest Ridge Elementary School.

If you could change one thing, what would it be?

Second Third Fourth FifthLunch More responsibility Upper recess field

needs grassMore field trips

The cafeteria More half days Specials time More physical activity time

More reading and math

Longer Holidays Nothing Nothing

Nothing! Longer PE Different sports at PE No AR goals

Never be mean Allowed to wear hats Café food Longer Specials

Jump rope Less homework RtI Metal dog tags (v. plastic)

Learn all the time Eat in the classroom on half-days

Fun, non-graded activities

More independent reading time

Noise in the cafeteria Change lunch tables Longer specials More recess time

Make it more fun Noise level in café More jump ropes Moving away of friends

Playground Nothing Homework

No running in the hallway

Less social studies

More recess

Recess during PE weeks

Cold food in the lunchroom