Student Roadster Brosure Prw

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Transcript of Student Roadster Brosure Prw

  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Ustvarjamo, ker znamo...

    - Pro. dr. Matija Fajdiga

    Za razvoj so kljuni ustvarjalnost,

    podjetnost in pogum

    - Dr. iga Turk

    Prenos znanja je enanajpomembnejih stratekih

    usmeritev Univerze v Ljubljani

    - Pro. dr. Andreja Kocijani

    Ko razvoj postane trdna beseda, in ne

    dnevna puhlica

    - Pro. dr. Joe Duhovnik

    Avtomobilska stroka niso le rne

    umazane roke

    - Serge Banzet

    Na proizvodni sistem temelji na

    mladih strokovnjakih

    - Franc Kraovec

    Ideje za avtomobile prihodnosti- Christo Droste

    Spotovani prijatelji in udeleenci

    projekta Student Roadster!

    - Igor Akrapovi

    Zaelo se je ...

    Soustvarjali so tudi ...

    Ostali tudenti, ki so sodelovali

    oziroma e sodelujejo v projektu

    Creating rom knowledge ...

    - Pro. dr. Matija Fajdiga

    For development, the key words are

    creativeness, enterprising spirit and


    - Dr. iga Turk

    The transer o knowledge is one o themost important strategic directions o

    the University o Ljubljana

    - Pro. dr. Andreja Kocijani

    When development becomes a solid

    word, not just a everyday clich

    - Pro. dr. Joe Duhovnik

    Automotive proession is ar more than

    just getting your hands dirty

    - Serge Banzet

    Our manuacturing system is based on

    young proessionals

    - Franc Kraovec

    Ideas or the cars o tomorrow- Christo Droste

    Dear riends and participants o

    Student Roadster project!

    - Igor Akrapovi

    It began ...

    They also created ...

    Other students that participated or are

    participating in the project

    Table of contentsKazalo












    Kolofon ColophonIzdajatelj:Revija Student RoadsterFakulteta za strojnitvoUniverza v LjubljaniAkereva 6,1000 Ljubljana

    Odgovorniurednik:Pro. dr. Matija Fajdiga


    As. Uro Rosa,Sonja Sara Lunder

    Tehniniurednik:Franc Fritz Murgelj

    Oblikovanjein prelom:Ilumino, Zlatko Levai, s.p.,Ecetera, d. o. o.Zasavska cesta 95,1231 Ljubljana rnue

    Lektoriranje:Lektoriranje, d. o. o.

    Prevajanje:Pande, s. p.,Prevajalska agencijaAlkemist

    Fotografranje:Alan Orli Belak,Uro Rosa,Ale GosarFotograje so bile posnete

    v industrijskem okoljuBelinke

    Tisk:Tiskarna Hren,Ale Hren, s. p., Ljubljana

    Naklada: 1000Prilonostna izdajaRevija ni v prosti prodaji

    Nanaslovnici:Student Roadster

    ISBN: 978-961-6536-22-6

    Copyright 2008Vse pravice pridrane.Prepovedano je kakrnokolikopiranje, reproduciranjeoz. razpeevanje publikacijev celoti ali kakenga dela,brez predhodne odobritveizdajatelja.

    Publisher:MagazineStudent RoadsterFacultyo MechanicalEngineeringUniversityo Ljubljana


    Responsibleeditor:Pro.dr. MatijaFajdiga

    Executiveeditors:As.Uro Rosa,SonjaSaraLunder

    Technical editor:FrancFritzMurgelj

    Designandlayout:Ilumino,Zlatko Levai,s.p.,Ecetera,d.o.o.

    Zasavskacesta 951231Ljubljana-rnue


    Translation:Pande,s. p.,TranslationsagencyAlkemist

    Photography:AlanOrli BelakUroRosa


    industryenvironment oBelinka

    Print:Printingoce Hren,

    AleHren, s.p., Ljubljana




    Copyright2008Allrights reserved.Anycopying,reproductionordistributiono themagazineinitsentiretyorinpartwithoutthe priorapprovalothemagazinepublisheris




  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Fakulteta za strojnitvo in ostale lanice Univerze vLjubljani e dolgo zelo uspeno uresniujejo svojeposlanstvo: razvoj novega znanja ter izobraevanjein usposabljanje tudentov na dodiplomskemin podiplomskem tudiju. V Sloveniji nammednarodno primerljive uspehe al preskromnoin redko priznavajo. Verjetno tudi zato, ker nauniverzi sicer pridno delamo, z rezultati pa se redkopohvalimo.

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and other members

    of University of Ljubljana have been successfullyrealising their mission for a long time: to develop

    new knowledge, educate and qualify the students on

    graduate and postgraduate studies. Unfortunately,our internationally comparable success is not getting

    enough recognition in Slovenia. This is probably

    because we work hard at the university, but we rarely

    boast of our results.

    Creating fromknowledge ...

    Ustvarjamo,ker znamo ...

    Pro. dr. Matija Fajdiga

    Predstojnik katedre za strojne elemente in razvojnavrednotenja, Fakulteta za strojnitvo,Univerza v Ljubljani

    Head o Chair o Machine Elements and DevelopmentEvaluation, Faculty o Mechanical Engineering,University o Ljubljana

    Centru za razvojna vrednotenja (CRV) na Fakultetiza strojnitvo smo pred desetletjem dolgorono

    povezali raziskovalno-razvojno delo Laboratorija zavrednotenje konstrukcij LAVEK z razvojno-raziskovalnimioddelki podjetij Cimos, d. d., Hella Lux Slovenija, d. o. o.,TPV, d. d., in drugih partnerjev. Nae in tuje dosekerazvoja temeljnega znanja smo v medsebojnihdolgoronih pogodbah povezali z aplikativnimi cilji terzato zdruili nanna sredstva, kadre in opremo.

    Projekt Student Roadster smo zaeli leta 2000. Skupaj studentsko skupino vijih letnikov univerzitetne smeriKonstruiranje in mehanika smo na osnovi osebnegavozila, ki nam ga je doniral Peugeot Slovenija, razdelaliceloten razvojni postopek pretvorbe vozila v razliicoroadster. Naslednja leta je 40 tudentov na najsodobnejirazvojni opremi v Centru za razvojna vrednotenjaizvedlo vse stopnje razvojnega postopka, vkljuno shomologacijo novega vozila.

    Student Roadster morda kot vozilo res ni ni posebnega.Ves projekt, vloeno inenirsko znanje in delo tudentov,pedagogov in strokovnjakov iz prakse pa ima zaradioblike in rezultatov sodelovanja ter znanj, ki smo jih vsipridobili, izjemen pomen.

    tudentje so v svojih poroilih za vaje, v seminarjih,projektnih nalogah, diplomskih seminarjih in diplomahdokazali, da obvladajo sodobno raziskovalno-razvojnotehnologijo in opremo, po diplomi pa so proesionalnopot v praksi zaeli s konkretnim in aktualnim inenirskimznanjem. Podiplomski tudentje so aplikativno vrednostsvojega doprinosa k novemu znanju lahko dokazovali nakonkretnem primeru razvoja izdelka.

    FISITA, svetovno zdruenje na podroju avtomobilskeindustrije, je projekt Student Roadster izbralo v naborpetih projektov odlinosti, ki bodo predstavljeni nasvetovnem kongresu FISITA 2008 v Mnchnu. Za vse, kismo sodelovali v omenjenem projektu, je to posebna astin veliko priznanje ter potrditev, da smo uspeni.

    V projektni skupini verjamemo, da moramo tudi slovenskijavnosti pokazati svoje rezultate in tako dokazati,da na univerzi uspeno povezujemo raziskovalno inizobraevalno delo ter da smo uspeni pri povezovanjuuniverze z gospodarstvom in drubo.


    Engineering,establisheda long-termconnectionbetweentheresearchanddevelopmentwork intheLaboratoryorStructureEvaluationLAVEKandtheresearchanddevelopmentdepartmentsincompaniesCimos,d.d.,HellaLuxSlovenija,d.o.o.,TPV,d.d.,andotherpartners.Wehavelinkedourandtheirachievementsinthedevelopmentoundamentalknowledgetoapplicativegoalsthroughmutuallong-termcontracts,incorporatingnancialmeans,staandequipmentorthis purpose.

    WehavebegunwiththeStudentRoadsterprojectin2000.TogetherwithagrouposeniorstudentsromtheuniversitycourseonDesignandMechanicswehaveworkedoutthewholedevelopmentprocessoconvertingavehicletoroadsterversion,workingonapersonalvehicledonatedbyPeugeotSlovenija.Intheyearstoollow,40studentsworkedonstate-o-the-artequipmentintheCentreorDevelopmentEvaluationto carryoutall stagesodevelopment,includingthetypeapprovalorthe newvehicle.

    AStudentRoadstermaynotbesomethingspecialasa vehicle.Butthewholeproject,theinvestedengineeringknow-howandtheworkostudents,teachersandexpertsromtheindustryhaveanexceptionalmeaning,consideringtheormandresultsocooperationaswellastheknowledgewehaveallgained.




    TheprojectgroupbelievethatwehavetopresentourresultstotheSlovenianpublicandprovethattheacultyissuccessullylinkingupresearchwitheducationalwork,aswellasthatwearesuccessulinconnectingtheacultyto economyandsociety.

    V A




  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Za razvoj so kljuni


    podjetnost in pogum

    rojekti, kot je Student Roadster,izraajo ustvarjalnost, inovativnost

    in podjetnost tudentov. Ker vsegatega pri nas manjka, moramo to med mladimispodbujati. Globalizacija postavlja razvoju

    zelo visoke cilje, zato je za drubo pomembno,da znamo v proces vkljuiti prav vse, kiimajo znanje in zamisli. To pomeni tudi boljzaupati pobudam in podjetnosti dravljanov.Pri tem ima Evropa v primerjavi z ZDA velikprimanjkljaj, ki postaja v tekmi z igralci, kotsta Indija in Kitajska, e bolj opazen. Evropase mora nasloniti na ustvarjalnost svojih ljudiin na svojo bogato kulturno dediino, kotsmo zapisali v prenovljeni Lizbonski strategiji.Prav zato so projekti, kot je Student Roadster,izjemno pomembni.

    rojects like the Student Roadsterdemonstrate creativity, innovation

    and the enterprising spirit o students.However, these characteristics are lackinghere and we should encourage them in young

    people. Globalization sets high goals ordevelopment and this is why it is important orsocieties to know how to include everyone withknowledge and ideas in the process, which alsomeans trusting the initiative and enterprisingspirit o the citizens more. All Europe has a majordecit in this in comparison with the USA orexample, and in competition with players suchas India and China it is even more noticeable.Europe must lean on the creativeness o its own

    people and its rich cultural heritage as we havewritten in the renewed Lisbon strategy. This iswhy projects as the Student Roadster are o suchimportance.

    For development, the keywords are creativeness,enterprising spirit and


    Dr. iga Turk

    Minister brez listnice v Slubi VladeRS za razvoj

    Minister without portolio inService o the Government o RS ordevelopment


    Prenos znanja je ena


    stratekih usmeritev

    Univerze v Ljubljani

    renos znanja spodbujamona vseh ravneh, tako na ravni

    uiteljev in raziskovalcev kot tudimed tudenti. Slednje poskuamo navduitiz idejo, da med tudijem nabirajo razlinabazina znanja, ki so uporabna tudi zaire drubeno okolje. Skupini tudentovpod vodstvom mentorja pro. dr. Fajdige jeuspela prav tovrstna zdruitev teoretinegaznanja in praktinih izkuenj. S skupnimimomi so tudenti in uitelji, s partnerji izgospodarstva, pri projektu Student Roadsteruspeli te ideale uresniiti v praksi. Na projektsem zelo ponosna in elim si, da bi se ponjem zgledovali tudi drugi lani akademskeskupnosti uiteljev in tudentov Univerze vLjubljani.

    e stimulate the transer oknowledge in all spheres, not just at

    the level o proessors and researchers,but also at the student level. We are trying tomake them enthusiastic about ideas that theygain during their time o studying various basicknowledge areas that are also applicable tothe wider social environment. The group ostudents, under the direction o mentor proessordoctor Fajdiga, succeeded in precisely this kindo usion o theoretical knowledge and practicalexperience. With a common drive, students andteachers, with help o the economic partners,succeeded in practically realizing these ideals inthe Student Roadster project. I am very proud othis project and I hope that other members o theacademic community o teachers and students atthe University o Ljubljana will ollow it.

    The transfer ofknowledge is one ofthe most important

    strategic directions of theUniversity of Ljubljana

    Pro. dr. Andreja Kocijani

    Rektorica Univerze v Ljubljani

    Chancellor o University o Ljubljana

    P W




  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Pro. dr. Joe Duhovnik

    Dekan Fakultete za strojnitvo vLjubljani, Univerza v Ljubljani

    Dean o Faculty o MechanicalEngineering in Ljubljana,University o Ljubljanarojects that inspire ideas, even in

    student years, are the greatest goodsor everyone. Students can justiy their

    studies and the development o their engineeringtalent and also support the proessors in theirmission. The aculty demonstrates a solidand complete inclusion, not only in the daily

    environment, but also in the educational anddevelopmental research sphere. At the same time.the country is strengthening the environment othe civilization it belongs to. Development thusbecomes a solid word, not just an everyday clich.The proessional chair and the researchers o theFaculty o Mechanical Engineering welcomesevery achievement by a colleague and hisgroup. I the students have also contributedto this achievement it is the best proo thatdistant knowledge, shut o rom contemporarylie doesnt exist in this aculty. The Faculty oMechanical Engineering represents a modernaculty, as more than 55 percent o its incomesderives rom research work.

    rojekti, ki navdihujejo zamislie v tudentskih letih, so izjemna

    dobrina za vse. tudentje lahko utrdijoupravienost tudija in razvoja svojegainenirskega talenta, proesorja pa utrdijo vnjegovem poslanstvu. Fakulteta dokazujetrdno in celovito vpetost tako v vsakdanje

    okolje kot tudi na izobraevalnem in razvojno-raziskovalnem podroju. Drava pa se utrjujev okolju civilizacije, ki ji pripada. Tako postanerazvoj trdna beseda, in ne dnevna puhlica.Proesorski zbor, zbor raziskovalcev Fakulteteza strojnitvo, pozdravlja vsak doseek kolegain njegove skupine. e so v tak doseekvkljueni tudi tudenti, je to najlepi dokaz,da na tej akulteti ni zaprtega, od sodobnegaivljenja odmaknjenega znanja. Fakulteta zastrojnitvo predstavlja sodobno akulteto, saj

    je ve kot 55 odstotkov njenih prihodkov iznaslova raziskovalnega dela.

    Ko razvoj postane

    trdna beseda, in ne

    dnevna puhlica

    When developmentbecomes a solid word,not just a everyday clich



  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Na proizvodni sistem

    temelji na mladih


    Our manufacturingsystem is based on

    young professionals

    radimo proizvodni sistemtemelje na skupnosti

    znanstvenikov, ki postavljajo vrstodomnev, ki jih je nato mogoe preveriti.

    Z drugimi besedami: uporabljajo povsemznanstvene metode dela.

    Za dolgorono uinkovitost in uspenost je

    poleg rok in glave potrebno dati tudi srce.

    Mladi strokovnjaki so srce naega podjetja.Zagotavljajo dinamiko v razvoju, premagujejoizzive in soustvarjajo procese na globalnemtrgu. V kolikor jih znamo motivirati inpodpreti, lahko svoje ideje uspeno pretvorijov trno zanimive produkte. Student Roadster

    je zagotovo eden od njih.

    e are building a ma nuacturingsystem that is based on a

    community o scientists, who make aseries o assumptions that can in turn be tested.In other words: they use completely scienticwork methods.

    To achieve long-term eectiveness and

    successulness, the hands and the head have tobe complemented by the heart.

    Young proessionals are the heart o ourcompany. They provide or the dynamics inthe development, overcome challenges andco-create processes in the global market. I weknow how to motivate and support them, theyare able to successully transorm their ideasto marketable products. Student Roadster isundoubtedly one o them.

    Franc Kraovec

    predsednik uprave drubeCimos, d. d.

    President o managementboard, Cimos d. d.


    Avtomobilska stroka

    niso le rne umazane


    Automotive professionis far more than justgetting your hands dirty

    ri Peugeotu se zavedamoproblematike pomanjkanja

    tehninega kadra na avtomobilskempodroju, emur namenjamo precejpozornosti. Mladim je treba pokazati, da jeavtomobilska stroka zelo raznolika in da delona tem podroju pomeni e kaj drugega

    kot le rne umazane roke. Hkrati z veseljemopaamo, da sta olanje in izobraevanjena tehninem podroju v Slovenijikakovostni. Ponosni smo, da smo pred letizaeli sodelovati s Fakulteto za strojnitvov Ljubljani, ki je zagotovo dober primersodelovanja med avtomobilsko industrijo inizobraevalno ustanovo. elimo in upamo,da bodo taka in podobna sodelovanja doberzgled tako podjetjem in ustanovam kot tudimladim, ki razmiljajo o nadaljnji poti svojekariere.

    t Peugeot we realise the problemo a lack o technically qualied

    workorce in the automotive eld,and we are paying a lot o attention to it. The

    young should be showed that the automotiveindustry is very diverse, and that work in thiseld is ar more than just getting your hands

    dirty. At the same time, we are glad to notice thehigh quality o technical education in Slovenia.We are proud o our cooperation with theFaculty o Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljanathat started years ago, and this is undoubtedlya good example o cooperation between theautomotive industry and an educationalinstitution. We wish and hope that suchcooperations will set an example or companiesand institutions, as well as or the young whoare considering the uture course o their careers.

    Serge Banzet

    Generalni direktor podjetjaPeugeot Slovenija, d. o. o.

    General Director o PeugeotSlovenija, d. o. o.

    P A






  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Ideje za avtomobile


    Ideas for the cars oftomorrow

    tudent Roadster je odlien primermoi slovenskega inenirstva, na

    katerega smo ponosni. Slogan naegakoncerna Ideje za avtomobile prihodnosti pamu popolnoma ustreza. utimo se odgovornenai drubi in mladim, da podpiramo tudijein sorodne dejavnosti, elimo pa tudi privabitimlade inenirje, ki so pridobili svojo izobrazbo

    na najboljih slovenskih univerzah, da bidelali v mednarodnem okolju. Kot Saturnussmo postali del industrijske zgodovine in odleta 1921 vedno gojili sodobno inenirstvo.Znotraj koncerna Hella Group smo pristojnosredie za razvoj, industrializacijo inproizvodnjo meglenk. Poleg tega izdelujemotudi aromete in signalne svetilke. Naestranke so znani veliki avtomobilskiproizvajalci, pa tudi izdelovalci eksotinihportnih avtomobilov. Za izgradnjo naegauspeha potrebujemo le najbolje inenirje.Ideje za avtomobile prihodnosti ali Bolj kotpreteklost me zanima prihodnost, saj v njejnameravam iveti, kot je dejal Einstein.

    tudent Roadster is a really goodexample o Slovenian engineering

    power; we are proud o it and our Groupsslogan Ideas today or the cars o tomorrowts perectly. We eel responsible towardsour society and youth to support studies andrelated activities and we wish to attract youngengineers educated by the best Slovenian

    universities to work in an internationalenvironment. As Saturnus, we have become apart o industrial history and since 1921 we havealways ostered modern engineering. WithinHella Group, we are the Fog Lamp CompetenceCentre or development, industrialisation and

    production. Our other products are headlampsand signal lamps. Our customers are the amousmass producers as well exotic sports car builders.For the design o our success, we only need thebest engineers, Ideas or the cars o tomorrowor, as Einstein said: More than in the past I aminterested in the uture, because I intend to livethere.

    Christo Droste

    Generalni direktor, Hella LuxSlovenija, d. o. o.

    Managing Director, Hella LuxSlovenija, d. o. o. SS




  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    It began ...Zaelo se je ...

    Spotovani prijatelji in

    udeleenci projekta

    Student Roadster!

    Dear friends andparticipants of StudentRoadster project!

    In company Akrapovi we arewell aware how important are the

    connections between the economyand the academic sphere. It is a act that inSlovenia we are not building enough on theadvantages that we have as a small nation.Being small also means better exibility and

    adaptability to conditions on the globalmarket, while proper connections betweenresearch institutions, academic sphere, various

    proessions and the economy enable realmarket breakthroughs. In the process o globalcompetition, the economy should thereoremore oten draw undamental knowledgerom the academic sphere, rene it with itsown experience and implement it as marketadvantages. Student Roadster is a modelo such cooperation, so congratulations arein order to everyone who took part in thisinteresting project.

    podjetju Akrapovi se zavedamo,kako pomembna je povezava med

    gospodarstvom in akademsko sero.V slovenskem prostoru se premalo opiramona prednosti, ki jih imamo kot majhennarod. Majhnost namre pomeni tudi vejofeksibilnost in prilagodljivost razmeram na

    globalnem trgu, ustrezne povezave medraziskovalno dejavnostjo, akademsko sero,razlinimi strokami in gospodarstvom paomogoajo prave trne preboje. V procesuglobalne tekme bi moralo zato gospodarstvoiz akademske sere bolj pogosto rpati nabortemeljnih znanj, jih oplemenititi s svojimiizkunjami in jih implementirane izkoristiti kottrne prednosti. Student Roadster nakazujetako sodelovanje, zato velja nameniti estitkevsem, ki so sodelovali pri tem zanimivemprojektu.

    Igor Akrapovi

    Lastnik podjetja Akrapovi, d. d.

    Owner o company Akrapovi, d. d.


    IV Stu




  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    Donacija avtomobila Peugeot 406 podjetjaPeugeot Slovenija, d. o. o., ki je bil mehanskaosnova gradnje novega prototipa. Donacija

    je bila zaetek projekta. Skupino so takratsestavljali (na sliki z leve proti desni):Miha

    Otrin, Pavel Furlan, Uro Rosa, Marjan Grahin Janez Kunavar.

    Donation o the Peugeot 406 PeugeotSlovenija, d. o. o. This car was the mechanicalbasis or the construction o the new prototype.This donation was the start o the project. Atthis point, the team involved (on the photo romthe let) Miha Otrin, Pavel Furlan, Uro Rosa,Marjan Grah andJanez Kunavar.1

    Donirano vozilo je bilo najprej demontirano,vsi vitalni sklopi pa so bili premerjeni. Na slikiso Janez Kunavar, Marko Hrovat, PavelFurlan in Uro Rosa, ki so sodelovali pridemontai.

    First, the donated vehicle was dismantled andall the essential parts were measured. The photoshowsJanez Kunavar, Marko Hrovat, PavelFurlan andUro Rosa, who participated indismantling it.


    Zaetna idejna koncepta avtomobila na skicahUroa Rose. Levo s sredinsko nameenimmotorjem in desno izbrani koncept s spredajnameenim motorjem.

    The initial outline concept o the car in UroRosas sketches. On the let is a conceptcontaining a centrally positioned engine and onthe right is the selected concept with the engine

    positioned at the ront.3

    Gradnja avtomobila se je zaela z nartomUroa Rose, kjer je bila kabina potnikegaprostora v merilu 1 : 1 izdelana na stenitudentskega stanovanja.

    The construction o the car began ollowinga design byUro Rosa with the passengercompartment detailed in 1: 1 scale on the wall oa student apartment.







  • 7/30/2019 Student Roadster Brosure Prw


    About the concept,structure and design

    O konceptu,konstrukciji in obliki

    Uro Rosa

    The vehicle was planned rom the inside to outwards:around mechanical components the ergonomy othe cabin was newly made, around it and supportingstructure and ater that the exterior and interiordesign. The greater part o mechanical componentsand electronic are taken rom Peugeot 406. Thesupporting rame is completely newly designed and

    is projected as space-rame o three main modules:the ront part, the cabin and the rear part. This way asimple design with relatively high torsional stinesswas accomplished in comparison with the vehicleso the same type. With use o tubes and curved sheetmetal we achieved a low number o parts and simpleadaptability o the supporting rame or variousmechanical congurations. It was a long way tothe nal version during which several optimizingsteps and numerical simulations were made. Theexterior and interior design o the vehicle was aspecial challenge as I wanted to achieve an attractiveapperance that radiates youth and sportivitiy andisnt just a style experiment. I wanted a vehicle tobe recognizable by ew original and unique linesthat would mark the whole orm and unite all o theelements in a harmonic totality.

    The project connected an academic sphere withindustry and gave immense experience in the sphereo constructing, development evaluations and

    making prototypes to all who worked on it. Each oneo us who has actively participated in this project hasrealized that in order to have a successull projectwe have to work as well-trained orchestra where allo the instruments are mutually harmonized andcareully directed, i we want the composition to betopmost played. Im sure that in the project StudentRoadster united a good team o people who aredaring, not araid o challenges and are working ashomogeneous whole in order to achieve commongoals. Organization and reconciliation o activitieso all members o the group, partner enterprises,activities on High school o Mechanical Engineeringand a lot o other executants was a big organizationalchallenge which was in the end demonstrated bya product which were all proud o. In this projectalmost 40 students were trained with case-studymethods and are now ready to take the chalangeswaitng or them in the industry.

    Avtomobil je bil koncipiran od znotraj navzven:okoli mehanskih sklopov je bila na novonarejena ergonomija kabine, okoli nje insklopov nosilna konstrukcija, nato pa e oblika.Veina mehanskih sklopov in elektronika sovzete iz peugeota 406. Povsem na novo jezasnovana nosilna konstrukcija, ki je koncipirana

    kot space-rame iz treh glavnih modulov:sprednjega dela, kabine in zadnjega dela.Tako smo dosegli enostavno konstrukcijo zrazmeroma veliko vzvojno togostjo glede natip vozila. S cevmi in krivljeno ploevino smodosegli malo sestavnih delov in enostavnoprilagodljivost konstrukcije za razlinemehanske konguracije. Do konne razliice jebila dolga pot z veliko optimizacijskih korakovin numerinih simulacij. Oblika vozila je bilaposeben izziv, saj sem elel dosei atraktivnoobliko, ki izareva mladost in portni znaajter ni le stilski eksperiment. elel sem si, dabi bil avto prepoznaven po nekaj samosvojihedinstvenih potezah, ki bi zaznamovale celotnoobliko in vse elemente zdruile v usklajenoceloto.

    Projekt je povezal akademsko sero z industrijoin dal vsem, ki smo v njem delali, neizmernoveliko izkuenj na podroju konstruiranja,

    vrednotenja kostrukcij ter izdelovanjaprototipov. Prav vsi, ki smo bili aktivni v projektu,smo spoznali, da moramo za uspeen projektdelovati kot dobro uigran orkester, kjer so vsiintrumenti med seboj usklajeni, e elimo, da

    je skladba vrhunsko odigrana. Preprian sem,da se je v projektu Student Roadster oblikovaladobra ekipa ljudi, ki so drzni, se ne bojijo izzivovin delujejo kot homogena celota za dosegoskupnih ciljev. Organizacija in usklajevanjeaktivnosti vseh lanov skupine, partnerskihpodjetji, aktivnosti na Srednji strojni oli terveliko drugih podizvajalcev sta bila kar velikizziv, ki je na koncu pripeljal do izdelka, nakaterega smo vsi ponosni. Na njem se je uriloskoraj 40 tudentov, ki so s projektnim delompripravljeni na izzive, ki jih akajo ob zaposlitvi vgospodarstvu.




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    Konstrukcijsko-analitine naloge so potekalev raunalniki uilnici laboratorija LAVEK naFakulteti za strojnitvo. Na sliki soUro Milost,David Volk, iga Zadnikin Andrej krlec, ki

    so v sklopu poletne delovne prakse modeliraliposamezne sklope avtomobila, ki so bili natosestavljeni v celoten 3D-model.

    Constructional and analytical tasks werecarried out in the computer classroom o theLAVEK laboratoryat the Faculty o MechanicalEngineering. In the photo are Uro Milost,David Volk, iga ZadnikandAndrej krlec,who modelled the individual assemblies o thecar in the ramework o summer work practice,which were then put together into a 3-D model.7

    Nosilna konstrukcija je zasnovana v oblikimodularnega prostorskega okvirja (space-rame), kar omogoa enostavno prilagoditevza uporabo v razlinih konceptih. Zakonstrukcijo je Uro Rosa prejel akultetnoPreernovo nagrado.

    The supporting structure is designed as amodular space-rame, which enables simpleadaptation or use in dierent concepts. UroRosa was awarded the Preerens Prize rom theaculty or this design.8

    Izhodine dimenzije so bile preverjene zizgradnjo atrape potnikega prostora, ki jeimela vgrajene prave komponente avtomobila.

    The initial dimensions were checked by buildinga mock-up o the passenger compartment withthe proper components o the car built in to it.

    Mere, pridobljene z atrapo, so bile prenesene vraunalniki 3D-model, in sicer s programskimpaketom CATIA V5.

    The measurements acquired rom the mock-upwere then loaded into a computer 3-D modelusing the CATIA V5 sotware package.









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    Razliice nosilne konstrukcije glede na tevilopotnikov (2 ali 4) ter razline vrste pogona.

    Dierent supporting structures or dierentnumbers o passengers (2 or 4) and dierenttypes o drive.

    3D-model z vgrajenimi sklopi. T. i. packageje bistven v vsakem razvojnem postopkuavtomobila. Omogoa nam, da vse sklopeuskladimo in popravimo morebitne kolizijeelementov.

    The 3-D model with the assemblies built in.The so called package is crucial in any car-development process. It enables the coordinationo all the assemblies and the correction o

    potential collisions between elements.






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    Na stopnji razvoja nosilne konstrukcije sobile izvedene tevilne trdnostne analize. Nasliki je prikazana torzijska deormacija nosilnekonstrukcije, ki je del diplomske nalogeHenrika Zaletelja.

    Numerous analyses o rigidity were done duringthe development o the supporting structure.The image shows torsion deormation o thesupporting construction, which is part oHenrik



    V sodelovanju s strokovnjaki podjetja CIMOS, d. d.,so bila doloena obremenitvena stanja rone zavore.

    In cooperation with the experts o the CIMOS, d. d.enterprise, the burdening states o the handbrakewere dened.


    Analysis o the vehiclessupporting structure

    Analiza nosilnekonstrukcije vozila

    Henrik Zaletelj

    Computer simulations were an important parto the development o the unique StudentRoadster vehicle, as certain tests cannot be

    carried out on the nal product. My contributionto making the vehicle was the computer analyseswhen the product was still in the development

    phase. I studied how the ve hicle would reac tto dierent loadings that would occur duringdriving. I ocused mainly on how the supportingstructure o the vehicle would react to theseloadings. Determining the appropriate supportingstructure or the vehicle is an important part ocar-development, as the driving characteristics,road stability and trac saety o the vehicle alldepend on it. An important characteristic o thesupporting rame is the highest possible torsionaland bending stiness. Several dierent numericalcalculations were made to determine the stinessand this demanded a lot o work as the supportingstructure o the vehicle consists o many dierent

    parts connected w ith dierent welds. The thre adand bending stiness o the structure weredetermined and compared with the stiness

    o other vehicles. I also considered dierentconditions that might occur during driving andtook the ollowing into consideration: driving overobstructions, driving on a road with potholes,starting, braking and dierent combinations othese loadings. By doing this, I determined thestress and strain states o the ront part o thesupporting structure and the wheel arms. It was a

    pleasure to parti cipate in this projec t, and I wouldlike to congratulate the entire team, who investeda lot o hard word work and persistence andmanaged to create a very beautiul car.

    Za vozilo Student Roadster, ki je unikatno vozilo,so raunalnike simulacije pomemben delrazvoja, saj nekaterih preizkusov na konnem

    izdelku ne moremo izvesti. Moj prispevek kizdelavi vozila se je nanaal na del raunalnikihanaliz, ko je izdelek e na stopnji razvoja.Ukvarjal sem se s tem, kako se bo vozilo odzivalona razline obremenitve, ki se pojavijo medvonjo. Predvsem sem se osredotoil na to,kako se bo na obremenitve odzivala nosilnakonstrukcija vozila. Ugotavljanje ustreznostinosilne konstrukcije vozila je pomembendel razvoja avtomobila, saj so od nje odvisnevozne lastnosti, lega vozila na cesti, pa tudivarnost v cestnem prometu. Zelo pomembnalastnost nosilnega okvirja je im veja vzvojnain upogibna togost. Za ugotavljanje togosti

    je bilo izvedenih ve razlinih numerinihizraunov, ki so zahtevali veliko dela, saj jenosilna konstrukcija vozila sestavljena iz velikorazlinih nosilnih delov, med seboj povezanimiz razlinimi zvarnimi spoji. Ugotovljeni stabili vzvojna in upogibna togost konstrukcije,

    ki sta bili primerjani s togostmi drugih vozil.Obravnaval sem tudi razline pogoje, dokaterih lahko pride med vonjo, in upotevalnaslednje dogodke: vonja ez ovire, vonja po

    jamasti cesti, speljevanje, zaviranje in razlinekombinacije natetih obremenitev. Pri tem semugotovil napetostna in deormacijska stanjasprednjega dela nosilne konstrukcije skupaj zobesami koles. V veselje mi je bilo sodelovatipri tem projektu, estitam pa celotni ekipi, ki jez vztrajnostjo in veliko vloenega truda uspelasestaviti zelo lep avtomobil.







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    Ena najzahtevnejih analiz je bila analiza trkasprednjega dela avtomobila. Delo na podrojutrka je zael na prezgodaj preminuli kolegaMarjan Grah. Na tem podroju delo nadaljujeAna Bial, ki je izvedla tudi analizo sprednjegaodbijaa.

    One o the most demanding analyses was theanalysis o a collision to the ront part o the car.Our prematurely departed colleague MarjanGrah began work in the eld o collisions and

    Ana Bialcontinued his work, as well as carryingout an analysis o the ront bumper.


    On constructingthe interior and thenumerical simulations

    of the crash test

    O izdelavi notranjostiin numerinihsimulacijah preizkusatrka (t. i. crash test)

    Ana Bial

    Ker je notranjost avtomobila tista, skatero ima vsak uporabnik najve stika, jepomembno, da mu je ve. Povrine morajoimeti privlane oblike, prekrite morajo biti sprijetnim materialom, sama oblika pa mora bitiunkcionalna in ergonomina. S tehninega

    vidika je varnost ena od vedno bolj izstopajoihlastnosti avtomobila. Obnaanje vozila vprimeru trka se v avtomobilski industriji pokaes t. i. crash testom. Ker je vozilo Student Roadsterprototip, je njegove varnostne lastnosti mogoepokazati samo z numerino simulacijo. Preizkustrka je pomemben tudi za izkaz ustreznostivozila pri homologaciji. Priueno teorijoizkusiti v praksi, uresniiti nove zamisli, z delompridobivati nova znanja, reevati resnineprobleme in izboljevati obstojee reitve jeneprecenljiva izkunja za vsakega. ProjektStudent Roadster nam je omogoil prav to, karnas danes dela bolje inenirje.

    As the interior o the vehicle is the part thatevery user has the most contact with, it isimportant that it is pleasing. The suraces musthave attractive orms and must be coveredwith pleasant material, while the orm must beunctionally and ergonomically constructed.

    From a technical point o view, saety is one omore important characteristics o a vehicle. In carmanuacture, the behaviour o a vehicle in a crashis demonstrated by executing a crash test, but asthe Student Roadster vehicle is just a prototype,its saety perormances can only be shownthrough numerical simulation. The crash test isalso important as a certicate o the adequacyo a vehicle by homologation. To use theoreticalexperience in practice, realize new ideas, gain newknowledge through work, solve real problems andimprove existing solutions, all o this is invaluableexperience or everybody on th e project; theStudent Roadster has made things possible thatmake us better engineers.

    On the constructionand analysis of thesafety belt fastenings

    O konstrukciji inanalizi pritrdivarnostnih pasov

    Robert Povi

    Ukvarjal sem se s konstrukcijo in analizo pritrdivarnostnih pasov. Varnostne pasove je bilo trebaumestiti v potniko kabino v skladu z veljavnozakonodajo. Za vsako pritrdie smo v diplomskinalogi z linearnimi in nelinearnimi numerinimianalizami izdelali konstrukcijsko izboljavo.Najprimerneja konstrukcija je bila nato tudidejansko izvedena. Ponosen sem na to, da semdel tega projekta in da je v tem avtomobilu tudimoj prispevek, ki bo odloilno pripomogel kveji varnosti potnikov.

    I worked on the construction and analysis o thesaety belt astenings. We had to asten saetybelts in the passenger cabin in accordance withthe current legislation. With help o linear andnon-linear numerical analysis in the diploma orevery astening made, we improved the individualastenings. The most suitable design was thenrealized. I am very proud to be a part o this projectand that what I contributed to the realization othis car will crucially contribute to the improvedsaety o the passengers.

    Cimos, d. d.

    Za zagotovitev skladnosti z zakonodajo sobili izvedeni tevilni prerauni, tudi analizaprikljukov varnostnih pasov. Vrednotenje tehvitalnih elementov je v svoji diplomski nalogiizvedel Robert Povi.

    Numerous calculations were done, includingan analysis o seat-belt connections, to ensureaccordance with legislation. The assessment othese essential components was done byRobertPoviin his thesis.








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    Eden od konnih 3D-modelov oblike, ki jebil tudi osnova za i zdelavo makete oblikeavtomobila (Uro Rosa).

    One o the 3-D models o the shape, which wasalso the basis or making the car-shape model(Uro Rosa).

    Maketa oblike v merilu 1 : 5 je bila za dodelavokonne oblike, izdelala pa sta jo Igor Triplat inUro Rosa z modelarsko maso ter posebnimpostopkom utrjevanja povrine.

    The 1 : 5 scale mock-up was made or completingthe nal shape and was made byIgor TriplatandUro Rosa using modelling clay and aspecial surace hardening process.



    Zaetne idejne skice zunanje oblike avtomobila

    avtorja Uroa Rose.

    The initial conceptual sketches byUro Rosa othe external shape o the car.

    Conceptual rendering drawings o the side viewo the car (Uro Rosa).

    Idejne predstavitvene risbe bone oblikeavtomobila (Uro Rosa).









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    Ustanovni lani skupine z mentorjem pro.dr. Matijem Fajdigo (levo) in somentorjemizr. pro. dr. Markom Nagodetom (desno). Vsredini od leve proti desni: Uro Rosa, MihaOtrin, Janez Kunavar in Marjan Grah.

    The ounding members o the team with theirmentor,Prof Matija Fajdiga (on the let), andtheir co-mentorProf Marko Nagode (on theright). In the middle rom the let: Uro Rosa,Miha Otrin, Janez KunavarandMarjan Grah.


    Nosilna konstrukcija se je zaela izdelovatiz gradnjo varilne priprave, ki je sluila zadoloitev prikljunih mest sklopov Peugeota406, uporabljenih na novem prototipu.

    Making the supporting structure began withthe building o a welding tool, which was usedto determine the connection points o theassemblies o the Peugeot 406 used or the new






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    The supporting structure was rotated duringwelding to achieve the best possible welding

    positions. Our technical co-operatorJuraj Janeused his many years o experience in welding thesupporting construction.

    Nosilna konstrukcija je bila med varjenjemobraana tako, da so bili doseeni im boljipoloaji varjenja. Na tehnini sodelavecJuraj Jane je za varjenje nosilne konstrukcijeuporabil vse svoje dolgoletne izkunje.

    Grinding the supporting structure prior tosandblasting and anti-corrosion protection.

    Bruenje nosilne konstrukcije pred peskanjemin protikorozijsko zaito.



    V izdelavo varilne priprave so bili vkljueni tudidijaki Srednje strojne ole v Ljubljani.Takosmo uspeli v projektnem delu povezati dijakesrednje ole in tudente.

    Students o the High School of MechanicalEngineering in Ljubljana participated inmaking the welding machine. In this way wemanaged to include both high-school andaculty students in the project work.


    Tokovno varjenje pragov nosilne konstrukcijev prostorih Srednje strojne ole v Ljubljani.

    Point-welding o the supporting construction sillsin the High School of Mechanical Engineeringin Ljubljana.







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    Veselje po prvi uspeni vonji prototipa naparkiriu Fakultete za strojnitvo: TomaKovca in Uro Rosa.

    The joy ater the rst successul drive o theprototype in the car park o theFaculty ofMechanical Engineering:Toma Kovca andUro Rosa.

    Avtomobil je bil najprej obdan z velikimi blokitrde poliuretanske pene. Nato so bili blokirazagani na posamezne dele in na petosnemCNC-rezalnem stroju obdelani do konneoblike. Na sliki sta Ale Gosar in iga Zadnikmed rezanjem sprednjega dela.

    The car was rst covered with large blocks osolid polyurethane oam. The blocks were thencut into the individual parts and then machinedto their nal shapes using a ve-axis CNCmachine. The photo showsAle Gosarandiga

    Zadnikduring the cutting o the ront part.



    Cleaning the supporting structure beore thenal painting.

    ienje nosilne konstrukcije pred konnimbarvanjem.25

    Cleaning the Peugeots engine set beore nalinstallation into the car.

    ienje Peugeotovega motornega agregatapred konno vgradnjo v avtomobil.







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    The installation of the

    mechanical assemblies

    into the prototype

    Vgradnja mehanskihsklopov v prototip

    Toma Kovca

    Montaa raznih sklopov je bila razmeromazahteven del projekta, predvsem gledenatannosti pozicioniranja in s temunkcionalnosti posameznih sklopov.Montiranje standardnih delov je predstavljaloizziv, predvsem zaradi drugane zasnoveavtomobila, saj so bili spremenjeni nekaterigabariti glede na osnovno limuzinsko razliico.Eden glavnih elementov sta bila nedvomnosprednja in zadnja prema s posaminimiobesami oziroma vevodilno tehnologijo zadaj.Standardno vzmetenje je bilo nadomeenoz druganim tipom vzmetenja, FK-jevim, poviini mehansko nastavljivim vzmetenjem.Za na prototip je bila to verjetno najboljsmotrna izbira, saj je naa razliica glede naoriginalno limuzino drugana v ve pogledih,med drugim tudi v masi konnega prototipa,

    kar bi ob uporabi neprimernega portnegapodvozja povzroilo slabo lego na cestiu inpremajhno odzivnost na neravnine, zato patudi nezadostno vodljivost avtomobila. Velikizziv so bili e montaa motornega agregata,menjalnika in namestitev vseh elektrinih vodovter pozicioniranje motorne elektronike.

    Fitting the dierent assemblies was a relativelydemanding part o the project, especiallyregarding their positioning and relatedunctionality. Fitting standard parts was achallenge, especially because o the dierentdesign o the car, with certain gauges beingchanged in comparison to the basic limousineversion. One o the main elements was denitelythe rear and the ront suspension and the reararm, i.e. the rear multi-link suspension technology.The standard suspension was replaced by adierent type o suspension the FKs suspensionwith mechanically adjustable height. This wasno doubt the most rational solution as ourversion is dierent to the original limousinein many respects, including the weight o thenal prototype. Using an inappropriate sportschassis could result in poor road stability and

    an inadequate responsiveness to bumps and,consequently, the unsatisactory driveabilityo the car. The installation o the engine andthe gearbox, the installation o all the electricalcomponents and the positioning o the engineelectronics also represented great challenges.



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    Bojan TomiandAna Bialater the cutting othe door opening into the side o the car.

    Bojan Tomi in Ana Bial po izdelanem izrezuvrat v bok avtomobila.


    The treatment ofthe exterior and the


    Obdelava zunanjostiin barvanje

    iga Zadnik

    Prenos 3D-modela avtomobila v resnini svetje zelo velik izziv. Karoserijo smo izdelali naprecej nenavaden nain, ki ni primeren zaserijsko proizvodnjo, je pa idealen za izdelavoprototipnih vozil. Celoten avtomobil smo najprejobloili in opasali z velikimi bloki negorljivepoliuretanske pene. Iz te ogromne kockesmo s CNC-stroji in 3D-modeli izrezali oblikoavtomobila in jo utrdili s steklenimi vlakni,zalitimi s poliestrsko smolo. Nato smo povrinoskitali in temeljito obrusili ter tako odstranilineravnine in napake v vrhnjem sloju. Postopekbarvanja povrine je obsegal ve korakov, kotso dodatno no kitanje in bruenje, nanos kitaza brizganje, temeljne podlage, rne barve, slojaperl, lakiranje, poliranje in detajliranje. Konnirezultat tirimesenega postopka izdelavekaroserije je povsem unikatna oblika oziromaprototipno vozilo, pobarvano z zelo privlanorno barvo, ki se na soncu in z razlinih zornihkotov spreminja v mavrico.

    Transerring a 3-D model o a car into reality is agreat challenge. We made the car-body in a ratherunusual manner that is not appropriate or serial

    production, but is ideal or making prototypevehicles. We rst covered the entire car with large

    astened blocks o non-ammable polyurethaneoam. From this huge block, we then milled outthe shape o the car using CNC-machines and 3-Dmodels and hardened it with glass bres lled with

    polyester resin. We then puttied and thoroughlygrined the surace and thus removed all unevennessand aults in the top layer. The process o paintingthe surace consisted o several steps additional

    puttying and grinding, applying spray putty,applying the oundation base, the black colour,the pearl layer, lacquering, polishing and detailing.The nal result o this our-month process is acompletely unique shape and a prototype vehiclecoloured an attractive black that reracts in the suninto a rainbow rom dierent viewing angles.

    The let side and the ront bumper ater CNC-machining; ready or coordination and ttingonto the car.

    Levi bok in sprednji odbija po CNC-obdelavi,

    pripravljena za usklajevanje in montao naavto.

    Uro Rosa, coordinating and composing theindividual machined parts into the completeorm o the car.

    Uro Rosa pri sestavljanju in usklajevanjuposameznih obdelanih kosov v celotno oblikoavtomobila.







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    One o many consultations in process o makingthe car, this time on making o the rear bumper.

    Eden od mnogih posvetov med izdelovanjemavtomobila, tokrat o izdelavi zadnjegaodbijaa.


    35V zakljunem delu projekta je bilo veliko trudavloenega v pripravo avtomobila na barvanje.Izravnava povrin je bila kompleksna, pri tem

    je sodelovala vsa skupina, na pomo pa nam jepriskoil tudi industrijski oblikovalec Igor Rosa.

    In the nal part o the project a lot o work wasput into preparing the car or painting. Levellingo the suraces was complex, and not only did thewhole team participate, we also got help romindustrial designerIgor Rosa.

    Glass bre material was cut out to t parts o theexterior, and then vacuum-laminated to achieveadequate strength and compactness.

    Na dele zunanjosti so bila ukrojena steklenavlakna, ki so bila nato vakuumsko laminirana zadoseganje ustrezne trdnosti in kompaktnosti.32

    Fine treatment and levelling o the suraceswere made with polyurethane putties odierent hardness and by dierent methods oapplication.

    Fina obdelava in izravnavanje povrine stapotekala s poliuretanskimi kiti razline trdotein z razlinimi naini nanosa.33







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    Barvanje avtomobila je potekalo v komori s

    proesionalnim liarjem.

    The painting o the car was done in a chamber bya proessional lacquerer.36

    Andrej krlecAbout the work onthe project

    Za projekt Student Roadster sem izvedel

    konec drugega letnika, ko sem skupaj s soolciopravljal enomeseno prakso v laboratorijuLAVEK. Takrat si nisem predstavljal, da boavto sploh kdaj izdelan. Za projekt sem sebolj resno zael zanimati lani, ko so avtopripravljali za konerenco IAT 07, ekipi pa semse nato pridruil oktobra. Seminarja ali nalogz analizami v tem projektu nisem imel, sempa pomagal pri izdelavi karoserije in montaiposameznih delov. Dela ni nikoli zmanjkaloin pomo je bila vedno dobrodola. V velikoveselje mi je bilo delati v tem projektu, saj semizvedel veliko novega in zanimivega. Hvalacelotni zdajnji ekipi, da so me sprejeli in mitako popestrili peti letnik tudija strojnitva.

    O delu v projektu

    I have ound out about the project Student Roadster

    at the end o 2 ndyear, when I and my schoolmateswere on our one-month practice in the LAVEKlaboratory. At that time I could not imagine that thevehicle will ever be made. I became more interestedin the project last year, when the vehicle was tobe prepared or the conerence IAT 07 and I joinedthe team in October. I didnt have any seminar orassignment involving analyses or this project,but I helped with the making o the car body andassembly o various parts. There was always a loto work and help was appreciated. I was delightedto work on this project and I ound out a lot o newand interesting things. I would like to thank to allmembers o the current team or accepting me andby doing so making the 5th year o my studies omechanical engineering more entertaining.




    38Donald Abri Pleterski

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    Skupinska slika najdejavnejih lanovprojektne skupine, ki so avto izdelali do konca.Od leve proti desni: Andrej krlec, UroMilost, Ana Bial, Uro Rosa, iga Zadnik,Ale Gosar, David Volkin Toma Kovca.

    A group photo o the most active members othe project team who completed the car. Fromthe let:Andrej krlec, Uro Milost, Ana Bial,Uro Rosa, iga Zadnik, Ale Gosar, DavidVolkandToma Kovca.


    David VolkAbout designingthe boot

    Vsak element vozila mora opravljati svojounkcijo, po monosti im bolje tako je tudis prtljanikom. Pokrov prtljanega prostorase mora odpirati, zapirati in zakleniti. Zaradi

    razmeroma enostavne konne izvedbeodpiranja pokrova Student Roadsterja sovanj vgrajeni teaji in zapiralni mehanizemprtljanika peugeota 406, ki z manjimipredelavami tudi tu dobro opravljajo svojedelo. Zaradi naina izdelave zunanjosti vozilain irokega nabora uporabljenih materialov

    je bila, zanimivo, zahtevna naloga izdelava inpritrditev notranjih oblog iz tkanine. Splono

    je znano, da znajo biti razhajanja med teorijoin prakso velika, ele s sodelovanjem pri takoobsenem projektu, kot je Student Roadster,pa pride odgovor na tisti veni zakaj.Ugotovitev, da so malenkosti tiste, ki dajodnevu predznak, je neizbena. Najbolj nore innajbolj preproste zamisli so tiste, ki tejejo, nakoncu pa je vse odvisno od najpomembnejeodlike najboljih inenirjev timskega dela.

    O izdelaviprtljanegaprostora

    Every element o the vehicle must perorm itsunction as well as possible that goes also orthe boot. The boot lid has to open, close andlock. Because o a relatively simple nal design o

    opening the Student Roadsters lid, the integratedhinges and closing mechanism are taken romPeugeot 406 and with smaller adjustments theyunction very well. Due to the method o productiono the exterior o the vehicle and a wide range oused materials, the making and astening o interiorlinings was a very exacting task. It is well knownthat the dierence between the theory and the

    practice is immense, but only by participation insuch an extensive project as Student Roadster, weget the answer to the ever present question why.The revelation that little things are those whichgive a mark to the day is inevitable. The craziestand most simple ideas are those that count and inthe end everything depends on the most importantattribute o the best engineers the team work.

    Sprednji arometi so eden od najzanimivejihdelov avtomobila. Konstruiral jih je DonaldAbri Pleterski v sodelovanju z naimpartnerjem podjetjem Hella Lux Slovenija,d. o. o., kjer so jih tudi izdelali. V sprednjiaromet so integrirani dolgi in kratki pramen,pozicijska lu ter smerokaz.

    Headlamps are one o the most attractive parts othe vehicle. They were designed byDonald AbriPleterskiin cooperation with our partnerHellaLux Slovenija d.o.o., where they were also made.High and low beams, position lamp and indicatorare integrated in the headlamp.


    On the developmentand design ofheadlamps

    Donald Abri Pleterski

    e od nekdaj sem strasten ljubitelj avtomobilov,zato se odlino poutim, ko se usedem v malobolj eksotien avto in se z njim poenem poskoraj prazni cesti. Zaradi goriva v krvi in veseljado vonje po asaltu sem se odloil za delo vavtomobilski industriji in se zaposlil v oddelku

    za razvoj svetlobne opreme v podjetju HellaLux Slovenija, d. o. o., ki je tudi sponzoriraloprojekt z izdelavo sprednjih arometov innabavo svetlobne opreme za zadnji delavtomobila. Tudi zato je bil moj prispevek kprojektu Student Roadster ve kot primerenin enostaven, saj gre za moje vsakodnevnodelo. Moja naloga je bila zasnovati, razvitiin izdelati aromete za roadsterja. Delo se jeodvijalo v sinergiji z vodjo projekta in stilistomUroem Roso, ki mi je vsak trenutek, ko sem gapotreboval, priskoil na pomo. Stilsko zasnovosva naredila z Uroem skupaj, razvoj in izdelavopa sem izpeljal s sodelavci v podjetju. Menim,da je izdelek tehnino zelo dobra reitev, ki bi

    jo z nadaljnjim razvojem lahko e izboljali, ebi bilo na voljo vsaj e nekaj asa, ki ga sicerv razvoju vedno manjka. arometi so se zelodobro zlili s karoserijo, avto pa je videti odlino.Vsi, ki so sodelovali pri izdelavi, zasluijopohvalo, stisk roke in odlino slubo, saj soodlino opravili tudi svoje delo.

    O razvoju in izdelaviarometov

    I have always been a passionate admirer o cars,thats why I eel great when I sit in a more exotic carand drive down an almost empty road. Because ouel in the blood and the joy o driving on asphalt,I started to work in the car industry and got a jobin the department or the development o light

    equipment in the enterprise Hella Lux Slovenijaltd., who also sponsors the project on the makingo the ront headlamps and the supply o lightequipment or rear part o the car. For these reasons,my contribution to the Student Roadster project wasmore than basic as I perorm this work every day. Mytask was to plan, develop and design the headlampsor the roadster. Work was perormed in synergywith the manager o the project and the stylist UroRosa, who has oered help at every moment whenI needed him. The style plan was made by Uroand me together and the development and designwas perormed by me and my co-workers in theenterprise. In my opinion, the product is technicallya very good solution, which could be improved withurther development i there was some more time which is always lacking in development. Otherwise,the headlamps suit the car-body and the car lookssuperb. I think that all who have worked on thisdesign project have earned praise, a handshake anda perect job, as they have done their job perectly.

    Hella Lux Slovenija, d. o. o.







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    Vrata so predstavljala po konstrukcijski inizvedbeni plati enega najkompleksnjeihsklopov. Ale Gosar (na sliki) je izvedeltrdnostne analize (desno zgoraj) ter skrbel zakonno izvedbo.

    From the design and implementation side, thedoors represented one o the most complexassemblies.Ale Gosar(on the picture) madethe strength analyses (right above) and was incharge o the nal implementation.

    Zadnji del izpunega sistema je izdelan iznerjavnega jekla, titana in karbonskih vlaken vsodelovanju s podjetjem Akrapovi, d. d., karda avtomobilu edinstven zvok in videz. Andrejkrlec med montao zadnjega desnegaduilca.

    Rear part o the exhaust system was made ostainless steel, titanium and carbon bre incooperation with companyAkrapovi d. d.,

    providing unique sound and appearance to thevehicle.Andrej krlecduring the assembly orear right mufer.



    Pri konstruiranju avtomobila so bile sstrokovnjaki podjetja CIMOS, d. d., opredeljenestroge zahteve za vgradnjo vitalnih komponent,kot so pedalni sklop, rona zavora, teajpokrova motorja in teaji vrat. Prikljuna mestateh sklopov so zasnovana tako, da omogoajovgradnjo prototipnih kosov novih komponent,razvitih v sodelovanju Cimosa in CRV-ja. Kot jeprikazano na sliki, se novi sklopi najprej vgradijov raunalniki 3D-model, nato pa usklajeni kosiv pravi prototip.

    In the process o designing the vehicle, strictdemands regarding the integration o vitalcomponents, such as pedal assembly, handbreak, hinge o bonnet and hinges o the doorswere dened with the experts rom CIMOS d.d.Connection positions or these assemblies aredesigned in a way that enables the integrationo prototype parts o new componentsdeveloped in cooperation between CIMOSandCRV.As shown in the picture, the newassemblies are rst integrated in the computer3D model and the aligned parts are thentransormed to real prototypes.








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    Ale Gosar in Bojan TomiDesign and makingo the doors

    Vrata niso videti kompleksen sistem, vendarpa so v njih osnovna nosilna konstrukcijavrat, zapiralno-odpiralni mehanizem in

    mehanizem za pomik stekla. Sooala svase z razlinimi problemi, najveji pa sta bilaprostorska stiska in mehanizem za pomikstekla oziroma steklo samo. Najti je bilonamre treba steklo, ki bi po obliki ustrezaloloku sprednjega stebrika in celotnemudizajnu ter ne bilo preveliko za naa vrata.Veliko asa nama je vzelo tudi pozicioniranjeteajev vrat, saj je bilo treba zagotovitiustrezno odpiranje vrat, pri emer se vratane smejo zajedati v bok vozila. Meniva, dasva projekt opravila zelo uspeno, vendar sezavedava, da je vsako stvar mogoe nareditie bolje. Projektov, kot je Student Roadster,na Fakulteti za strojnitvo primanjkuje, sajsmo tudentje s tem projektom spoznali, kajpomeni prenesti teoretina znanja in modelev prakso, kar pa je kljuno znanje vsakegadobrega inenirja.

    Konstrukcija inizdelava vrat

    The door does not seem as a complex system, butit includes the basic support structure o the door,the opening-closing mechanism and the window

    moving mechanism. We have aced dierentproblems, the biggest being the lack o space andthe window moving mechanism, and the windowitsel. We had to nd a window that would t thecurve o the ront column as well as correspond tothe entire design, and would not be too big or thedoor. Positioning the door hinges took us quitesome time. We had to ensure that the door wouldopen properly and would not collide with the side othe vehicle. We believe we have nished this projectsuccessully, but at the same time we are awarethat everything can be done even better. There isnot enough projects like Student Roadster at theFaculty o Mechanical Engineering. This projecthelped students realise how to turn theoreticalknowledge and models into practice, which is a keycompetence o any good engineer.




    Soustvarjali so tudi They also created

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    and it continues se nadaljuje...

    He was in charge o saety, dealing with it in numerousseminars and deending it successully in his thesis titledReconstruction and optimisation o energy accumulation

    zones in rontal collision o Peugeot 406. Ater graduationhe entered the post-graduate studies and worked or theLAVEK laboratory at the Faculty o Mechanical Engineeringin Ljubljana. Apart rom saety, he was also in charge o

    coordination o teamwork, and was employed in Litostroj E.I. He passed away prematurely due to a atal disease.

    Pri projektu je bil zadolen za varnost, kar je obravnavalv razlinih seminarjih in uspeno zagovarjal v diplomskinalogi z naslovom Rekonstrukcija in optimizacija conza akumulacijo energije ob elnem trku vozila Peugeot406. Po diplomi se je vpisal na podiplomski tudij in bilnekaj asa zaposlen v laboratoriju LAVEK na Fakulteti zastrojnitvo v Ljubljani. Poleg varnosti je skrbel tudi za

    koordinacijo dela skupine, zaposlen pa je bil v LitostrojuE. I. Prezgodaj nas je zapustil zaradi hude bolezni.

    His eld o work involves vibrations and their inuenceon people. In seminars and independent assignments hedealt with the modal analysis o one o the developmentalversions o the chassis and carried out the design o the carsdoors. Ater the graduation he entered postgraduate studiesand was employed at CIMOS, d. d. as a junior researcher;at the moment he attends the education at the LADISKlaboratory on the Faculty o Mechanical Engineering oLjubljana. He is also in charge o administration o theStudent Roadster association.

    Podroje njegovega dela so vibracije in njihov vpliv naloveka. V razlinih seminarjih in samostojnih nalogahse je posvetil modalni analizi ene od razvojnih verzijasije in izvedel konstrukcijo vrat avtomobila. Po konanidiplomi se je vpisal na podiplomski tudij in se kot mladiraziskovalec iz gospodarstva zaposlil v podjetju CIMOS,d. d., trenutno pa je na izobraevanju v laboratorijuLADISK na Fakulteti za strojnitvo v Ljubljani. Skrbi tudi zaadministracijo drutva Student Roadster.

    He dealt with dierent elds o work in his seminarsand independent assignments . He partly ocused onthe type-approval requirements o the vehicle, givingmost o his attention to the analysis o suspension andthe transerability o road stresses onto the supportingconstruction o the vehicle. Ater discussing the latter,he carried out a harmonic analysis o the supportingconstruction. Ater graduation he entered postgraduatestudies at the Faculty o Mechanical Engineering inLjubljana and was employed at LANEM laboratory asa junior researcher. Time permitting, he is still activelyinvolved in the project.

    V seminarjih in samostojnih nalogah se je posvetilrazlinim podrojem dela. Delno se je osredotoil nahomologacijske zahteve vozila, najvejo pozornost pa jenamenil analizi obes in prenosnosti cestnih obremenitevna nosilno konstrukcijo avtomobila. Po obravnavi slednje

    je izvedel harmonino analizo nosilne konstrukcije. Podiplomi se je vpisal na podiplomski tudij na Fakulteti zastrojnitvo v Ljubljani in se kot mladi raziskovalec zaposlilv laboratoriju LANEM. Kolikor mu as dopua, e vednoaktivno sodeluje pri projektu.

    Soustvarjali so tudi ...

    Marjan Grah

    Miha Otrin

    Janez Kunavar

    They also created ...





    Other students that participated or areOstali tudenti, ki so sodelovali oziroma e

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    participating in the project

    Igor Triplat Alternation o the steering mechanism, use o composite materials seminars, thesis 20002003

    Matej Umek Virtual simulation o driving the vehicle seminars, thesis 20002003

    Matej turm Analysis o the hand brake using FEM seminar 2004/05Installation o the heating system into the cabin o the Student seminar 2004/05Roadster vehicleDetermination and static calculation o the point-welds seminar 2003/04

    Analysis o the hand brake seminar 2002/03Uro Milost Construction and analysis o the roo and participation in the making seminar 2005/06

    Miha Pirnat Modelling the ront and the rear suspension seminar 2005/06

    Luka Bovha Modelling the hand brake seminar 2004/05

    Borut Zvonar A study o the uel tank seminar, 2001thesis (in making)

    Anton Hribar A comparison o solutions or the ront shock-absorbers connection seminar 2005/06Analysis o the strenght o the steering column lengthener seminar 2006/07

    Ale Slak Design and analysis o the engine connections seminar 2005/06

    Toma Ilovar Design o the windshield rame seminar 2005/06

    Simon Potonik Design and analysis o the seat connections seminar 2005/06

    Miha tucin The static reliability o the Student Roadster vehicles doors seminar 2004/05

    Gregor Slak The concept or installing the headlights seminar 2004/05

    Vili Pepel Realising the construction o the bonnet and the hatch o the luggage seminar 2003/04compartment

    Analysis o the weld-joint on a saety element seminar 2002/03Nejc Bokovi Realising the construction o the roo and the closing mechanism seminars 2001/02,


    Marjan Hudoklin The design o the welding device or the Student Roadster vehicle seminar 2003/04

    David Kralj Examination o the completed roo and its mechanism seminar 2001/02

    Dejan Lamovek Examination o the completed roo and its mechanism seminar 2001/02

    Marko Keber Modelling the engine anchorage seminar 2001/02

    Jernej Burkeljca Examination o the transmission setting seminar 2001/02

    Rok Potonik Analysis o the ront and the rear arms seminar 2001/02

    Anton Marolt Review the use o composite materials seminar 2001/02

    Miha Tuek Thermal analysis o the braking system seminar 2001/02

    Janez Rihtari A review o the possibilities o modiying the steering pole seminar 2001/02

    Name and surname Task subject Type o task Academic year

    sodelujejo v projektu

    Igor Triplat Predelava volanskega mehanizma, uporaba kompozitnih materialov seminarji, diploma 20002003

    Matej Umek Virtualni simulator vonje vozila seminarji, diploma 20002003

    Matej turm Analiza rone zavore z MKE seminar 2004/05Vgradnja grelnega sistema v kabino vozila Student Roadster seminar 2004/05

    Doloitev in statini preraun tokovnih zvarov seminar 2003/04Analiza rone zavore seminar 2002/03

    Uro Milost Konstrukcija in analiza strehe ter delo na izdelavi seminar 2005/06

    Miha Pirnat Modeliranje sprednje in zadnje preme seminar 2005/06

    Luka Bovha Modeliranje rone zavore seminar 2004/05

    Borut Zvonar tudija rezervoarja za gorivo seminar, 2001diploma (nastaja)

    Anton Hribar Primerjava reitev prikljuka sprednjih amortizerjev seminar 2005/06Trdnostna analiza podaljka volanskega droga seminar 2006/07

    Ale Slak Zasnova in analiza prikljukov motorja seminar 2005/06

    Toma Ilovar Zasnova okvirja vetrobranskega stekla seminar 2005/06

    Simon Potonik Zasnova in analiza prikljukov sedeev seminar 2005/06

    Miha tucin Statina zanesljivost vrat vozila Student Roadster seminar 2004/05

    Gregor Slak Koncept vgradnje arometov seminar 2004/05

    Vili Pepel Izvedba konstrukcije pokrova motornega in prtljanega prostora seminar 2003/04Analiza zvarnega spoja na varnostnem elementu seminar 2002/03

    Nejc Bokovi Izvedba konstrukcije strehe in zapiralnega mehanizma seminarji 2001/02,2003/04

    Marjan Hudoklin Zasnova varilne priprave za vozilo Student Roadster seminar 2003/04

    David Kralj Pregled izvedb strehe in mehanizma za streho seminar 2001/02

    Dejan Lamovek Pregled izvedb strehe in mehanizma za streho seminar 2001/02

    Marko Keber Modeliranje pritrdia motorja seminar 2001/02

    Jernej Burkeljca Pregled nastavitve transmisije seminar 2001/02

    Rok Potonik Analiza sprednjih in zadnjih obes seminar 2001/02

    Anton Marolt Pregled uporabe kompozitnih materialov seminar 2001/02

    Miha Tuek Toplotna analiza zavornega sistema seminar 2001/02

    Janez Rihtari Pregled monosti spremembe volanskega droga seminar 2001/02

    Ime Priimek Tema naloge Tip naloge tudijsko leto





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    Universityof Ljubljana,Faculty forMechanical Engineering| Akereva 6,1000 Ljubljana,Slovenia | Tel:+ 386 1 477 12 00 | Fax: + 386 1 251 85 67 | http:// | E-mail: [email protected]

    e world is a testingground for our creativeness!

    More than 60 yearsof experienceOn theFacultyof MechanicalEngineeringinLjubljana thepedagogical, research andprofessionalwork in thesphereof mechanicalengineeringis presentmore than 60 years.

    Wewantto becomethemost importanteducationaland research facultywith highestinternationaleducationalstandards in thesphereof mechanicalengineeringin Slovenia,Centraland South-eastern Europe,because ofwhich wewith ourgraduatesand research workwillbeattractivenotonlyto Slovenian,but alsoto theinternationaleconomy anddevelopmen-tallyresearch institutions.

    Pedagogical activity

    TheFaculty of MechanicalEngineeringis carryingout universitystudy forgaininghigh professionaleducation in thesphere of mechanicalengineeringandpostgraduateprogram forgaining thetitle of Specialist,Master of ScienceandDoctorof science.

    Pedagogicaland research activitiesare beingperformed in thesespheres:

    -Power andprocess engineering,-Design, mechanicsand maintenanceof machines,-Mechatronics, micromechanicalsystemsand automatization,-Production engineering-Aviation.

    In nextacademic year2008/2009 wewill begin to perform also Bologna Studyprogram,namely universityeducation of rstdegree MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,developmentallyresearch program.

    Research activity

    TheFaculty of MechanicalEngineeringisintensivelycooperatingwith Slovenian industryin severalprojects andin research sphereissuccessfullyincorporatingitself into interna-tionaldevelopmentallyresearch projectsbyparticipatingin bunches,centers of excellenceandtechnological sets.

    Pedagogicaland research work on theFaculty ofMechanicalEngineeringare beingperformed in18 pedagogicalresearch unitsin 34 laboratoriesthatare supportedby severalorganizationunits.

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