Student organization manual

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Transcript of Student organization manual

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Manual for Student Organization




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Chapter No. Topic Page no.

I Short title, Extent and Commencement

II Objectives

III Administration

IV Establishment and Dissolution

V Vacancies

VI Meetings

VII Funds and Finances

VIII Grievances and Redressal Mechanism

IX Nominations/ Selection

X Evaluation of Student Organization

XI Interpretation, Reveal and Savings


I New Student Organization Proposal format

II Constitution of Student Organization format

III Roles and Responsibilities of Facilitator

IV Meeting Minutes

Vi Online Self Appraisal Form

VII Event Planning Format

VIII Ticket format

IX Expense reimbursement form

X Cancellation of membership form

XI OB/ Members details

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IntroductionThe University aims to provide varied platforms to the students that are of their likings and enable them to carry out activities to pursue their dreams and goals, develop their dormant skills and experiment and experience to make their learning in the University truly holistic. With this backdrop the University has formulated this Manual on formation of Student Organizations and functioning of these.

Student OrganizationsA Student Organization is a student body initiated, managed and run by the students of the University. It comprises of a group of University students associating with each other and sharing and pursuing common interests. These are independent and not related to student Clubs those are entities managed and run by the University administration. A student who feels the need of forming a new Organization can become a promoter and apply for the same by following guidelines given in this manual and pursue the case till approval of the Organization. The broad steps of forming an Organization are as follows:-

a. Submission of proposal by the Student in his/her capacity as a Promoter.b. Accord of Approval of Necessity on need to establish the Organization.c. Declaration of Facilitator from amongst the faculty.d. Submission of Constitution by Promoter and its approval by University.e. Opening of Bank Accountf. Formation of Executive Council by the Promoter and submission of complete documents.g. Award of Registration No to the Organization and its formal approval.

The steps are detailed in subsequent sections.

Categories. Student Organizations may be presently divided for administrative and logistical convenience into six categories.

1. Academic & Education

2. Performing arts I: Dance and Singing

3. Performing arts II: Theatre

4. Social Service

5. Hobbies and Recreation

6. Publication

Any new category of Organization can be added or an existing one may be annulled by the Pro-Chancellor suo-moto or on the recommendation of Head, Division of Student Affairs or any of the Heads of Faculty (HOF).


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Short Title, Extent and Commencement

1.1.0 Short Title

This shall be called the “Manual for Student Organizations”.

1.2.0 Extent of Application and Commencement

1.2.1 There may be such Student Organizations for the students of the Lovely Professional University as

a whole (including its Faculty, Divisions, Schools/Institutes and Departments existing or that may

hereafter be created) hereinafter collectively referred as the 'University'.

1.2.2 Subject to the provisions contained in the University Act and Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances

and rules made there under, this manual shall be effective for an initial period of five years from

the date of its implementation and thereafter may be continued; unless otherwise provided for, or is

contrary or in contravention to any policy of the University for the time being in force.

1.2.3 Unless the context otherwise requires, any abbreviation or shortened form of a word, shall

represent and mean exactly that word as defined in the Act and the Statutes, Regulations,

Ordinances, Rules, Orders, Codes, Manuals, Circulars, Memos, Procedures, Policies, Schemes and

such other documents of the University, as the case may be, as may be framed from time to time.

1.2.4 Nothing in this manual shall be deemed to debar the University to amend or revise this manual

subsequently; and the amendment or revision so made, if any, shall apply to all the students

whether old or new, at the sole discretion of the University.

1.3.0 Jurisdiction

The Student Organizations may perform such activities as required to further its objects, subject to the

conditions prescribed herein, as approved by the University within the University Campus; provided that

off-campus or outside activity(s) may be allowed for special purpose at the sole discretion of the Pro-

Chancellor or the Head, Division of Student Affairs (who shall be the Patrons for the Student Organizations,

as defined in subsequent sections), if deem appropriate.

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2.1.0 Objectives

The Student Organizations shall have the following objectives:

2.1.1 To foster academic, extracurricular, cultural, sports, artistic, literary and innovative activities and to

promote active participation amongst students to develop their creative talents;

2.1.2 To generate intellectual, social, cultural environment and discipline in the University for the overall

personality development of the students in pursuance of the true meaning of education, jointly with

teachers, members of the administrative staff and other University Officials;

2.1.3 To provide a platform for the students welfare and create opportunities to train them for

forthcoming professional, entrepreneurial and corporate (Industry) life;

2.1.4 To foster fellow feeling and disciplined way of life among the students of the University;

2.1.5 To work for issues of social welfare, environment, national interest and other concerns of national

and international importance;

2.1.6 To groom student personality so as to make them responsible citizens dedicated to the development

of the nation as a whole;

2.1.7 To organize such other activities as may be necessary for and conducive to the furtherance of its

objects and/or as may be advised by the Patrons;

Provided that the Student Organizations shall not;

i. Consider or canvass any matter relating to University employees, individuals or students.

ii. Undertake any activity that disturbs the academic calendar of the University or is contradictory to

the provisions of the University Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Rules, Orders, Policies etc.

and any notification, order or announcement made by the University from time to time.

iii. Take up any matter which falls within the jurisdiction of a competent authority or officer of the

University and any other statutory or apex body;

iv. Take up any activity that is against the code of conduct and discipline prescribed for the students of

the University.

v. Associate itself with any outside association, group, union, Organization, alliance etc., other than

specifically created for such purpose.

vi. Employ the name of the Student Organizations or the University or of any of their constituents,

sister concerns or sponsoring body or their emblem or seal or material or any of its graphic

identification symbols or abbreviations or likewise, anywhere, to endorse or promote any kind of

inside or outside activities or Organizations or unions, associations, groups, alliances and likewise

to enhance private gain.

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vii. Publicise or give any statement or disclose any information or such like thing to/for any media

(including any print media, radio broadcast or telecast or through internet or announcements or

posters, pamphlets or any other way) or public regarding any confidential matters related to the


viii. Engage in any sort of political, semi-political, religious and such like activities that could harm the

values, culture and the reputation of the University or could demean others on the basis of race,

ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, disability, citizenship, handicap, age, marital status,

family status, cast, creed, gender and religion or promotes controversial agenda that could hurt

ethics, values, emotions, dignity or status of any concerned entities.

ix. Conduct or engage in such other activities prohibited by the University or debarred by law or

otherwise detrimental to the interest of the University or the Country.

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3.1.0 Patrons

3.1.1 The Pro-Chancellor shall be the Chief Patron of Student Organizations.

3.1.2 The Head, Division of Student Affairs shall be the Patron of Student Organizations.

3.1.3 The Patron(s) shall be the custodian of the interests of the Student Organizations and shall

have the following powers-

a) To preside at any meeting and to address the members thereof or nominate any other

person in this regard.

b) To decide all issues and disputes of Student Organizations suo-moto or as referred to

him and his decision in the matter shall be final and binding on all concerned.

c) To annul or suspend any resolution or proceedings of the Student Organizations, if he

deems such a resolution or the proceeding to be beyond the legitimate functioning of

the Student Organizations or detrimental to the interest of the University.

d) To take appropriate action in the event of violation of these Rules or other provisions

contained elsewhere.

e) To authorize the arrangement and allocation of funds and facilities for the Student


f) To forthwith dissolve or demote any Student Organization (s) and to suspend or

remove any member(s) or office bearer(s) from his/her office either suo-moto or on

recommendation of University officials associated with the functioning with the

Student Organizations.

g) To represent the Student Organizations for the purpose of outside agencies,

organisations, media, general public and likewise, either himself or by nominating

any other person(s).

h) To do all such acts as deemed appropriate for the furtherance of the objects of the

Student Organizations.

3.2.0 Administrative Authorities

3.2.1 Student Organizations shall be formed under the guidance, supervision and regulation of

Student Organization Cell (hereinafter referred as SOC).

3.2.2 The responsibilities of SOC will be: To set up policy, rules, procedures and norms for Student Organizations. To entertain requests for the formation of new Student Organizations. To assist Student Organizations in appointment of Facilitator.

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Page 8: Student organization manual To allocate resources like venues, grounds, funds, dates for events etc. To devise the mechanism and form Tier Evaluation Committee (TEC) for

evaluation of Student Organization performance. To allocate facilities to various Student Organization as per the formalized

provisions and to keep a check that the facilities are being used for the purpose

mentioned in the constitution of Student Organization or is implied by the

objective of the Student Organization. To keep record of all the meetings done by Organizations and to entertain any

requests thereby made. To take decisions, suo-moto or on recommendation of Facilitator, to be

considered at the meetings of Student Organization. To bring to the notice of Patron(s), all the matters related to Student

Organizations. To collect Online Self Appraisal Form (O-SAF) from the Student Organizations

and make arrangements for the Tier Evaluation process.

3.2.3 A Student Organization will be represented by a faculty/staff members who will be called

‘Facilitator’ of the Student Organization. Person not below the rank of Lecturer or equivalent

shall be nominated as the Facilitator of the Student Organization by the Head, Division of

Student Affairs suo-moto or on the recommendation of the Student Organization. Following

procedure will be followed for the nomination of Facilitator: The Faculty member mentioned in the proposal as the Facilitator, if found

eligible, will be appointed as Facilitator by the SOC immediately after the

approval of proposal. If students are not able to find a Facilitator themselves then SOC may help them

by posting the request on UMS and asking for interested staff members. If no

positive response is received then suitable person will be nominated by the Head,

Division of Student Affairs on recommendation of SOC.

3.2.4 The Facilitator of Student Organizations shall have the following powers/ responsibilities

with respect to their concerned Student Organization :

a) To guide the promoter in the formation of constitution.

b) To coordinate the Nominations/Selections process of Organization board and general


c) To be present at and observe the meetings and approve the agenda of all the meetings.

If Facilitator, due to any reason, cannot make himself/ herself available for the

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meetings, then he/she shall have to appoint a nominee to attend meetings on his/her


d) To exercise general supervision over the affairs of Student Organizations and to

advise in regard to their activities.

e) To be in charge of the funds and to ensure that no part thereof is advanced or spent

without the proper authority or for purpose other than those for which they are


f) To bring to the notice of the SOC, any resolution or proceedings or act of any of the

members, which is in violation of the provisions or is likely to be prejudicial to the

interest of the University.

g) To facilitate issuance of rooms/labs and other required equipments for the Student

Organization as per the University policy (Annexure V). This will be done by the

Facilitator under Online Space Reservation System (OSRS).

h) To review and sign O-SAF prior to submission to SOC.

i) To be a part of Tier Evaluation Committee (TEC).

j) To cancel or suspend any ongoing or forthcoming meeting(s) or halt the

implementation of decisions taken thereon and such other things that seem

detrimental to the interest of the University or otherwise need prior approval by

higher authorities of the University.

k) To do all such acts as referred by the Patrons and deemed appropriate for the

furtherance of the objects of the Student Organizations.

l) To act as a point of contact for all the grievance redressals and be a part of Grievance

Redressal committee.

3.3.0 Student Organizations

3.3.1 A Student Organization will comprise of Organization board members (hereinafter referred to

as OB members) and general members who will be jointly called members of the


3.3.2 Student Organizations and its members shall hold University harmless at all times against all

actions, causes, suits, claims, liabilities, penalties, damages, losses, expenses, whatsoever, on

account of carrying activities in order to achieve the purpose stated in the manual or

otherwise and against all claims or proceedings brought by any person against the University.

3.3.3 The Student Organizations shall be solely responsible at all times to comply with all the

legislations, laws, rules, conditions and orders required for their being in force, issued by

University, Government or any other authority/ statutory/ regulatory body, as and if


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3.4.0 Members

3.4.1 Promoter A student who wants to establish an organisation will act as a promoter of the

Organization. A student can promote only one Organization in an academic year. Any student who is registered in the current term, is not a freshman and is having

CGPA of at least 7.0 could be a promoter of an Organization. A student who is under disciplinary probation cannot be a promoter. After the constitution is framed, the promoter, along with the Facilitator, will be

a part of the nomination process of the first Organization board of the

Organization. Once the OB is nominated the designation of promoter shall be

dissolved. The Promoter shall be a part of Organization board. Para 3..4.3.e is also relevant.

3.4.2 Organization membership

a) All the students formally associated with the Student Organization shall be called

the members of the Student Organization. Such members may be the

Organization Board members as stated in next section or could be General

members. All members who are not a part of Organization Board shall be called

‘General members’.

b) Any regular student on the rolls of the University attending a full time

programme of minimum one year duration, can at his/her option be a member of

any number of Student Organizations but can be a part of Organization Board for

only one Student Organization.

c) The membership criteria could be open or selective. Organization based on its

needs may define specific criteria and selection procedure for enrolment. This

should form part of its constitution.

d) The number of student in a Student Organization shall not be less than 10 or

more than 250 but however if the Organization feels it necessary to hold

members beyond 250 or less than 10, then it will have to take written permission

from SOC duly justifying the need.

e) University mandates opening of fresh membership option twice a year for first

30 days of the academic term. The Organization as per their need can frame the

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norms relating to induction of fresh members. All such norms should be clearly

mentioned in the constitution. The Student Organization shall have to submit the

updated list of all the members to SOC within 15 days of closing of the

membership registrations on format attached at (Annexure XI).

f) No membership fee will be charged to students joining an Organization.

However, members may be asked for contribution during the fundraising for

some particular event. The mechanism for fundraising, if applicable, should be

mentioned in the constitution along with the necessary norms.

g) Alumni Member: Any student who has completed his/her programme and has

left the University can be an alumni member of the Organization, on the consent

of the Facilitator.

h) Member(s) are expected not to be involved in any acts of indiscipline. Such

involvement could lead to disqualification of the membership. This would also

be taken as an input at the time of appraisal, in case, the act is related to the

activities of the Organization.

i) If a member is willing to leave an Organization, he can do so any time by putting

in a written request for cancellation of membership to OB members. The board

members will have to immediately intimate Facilitator and the SOC about exit of

the member. The format of membership cancellation request is attached.

(Annexure X)

3.4.3 Organization Board (OB) Member

a) The Organization board (hereinafter referred to as ‘OB’) is the group of appointed

students who are in charge of running the organisation. In effect they are the office

bearers of the Student Organization. An eligible student who is a member of a

Organization can become OB member of that Organization by applying for it.

b) A student can become Organization board member of one Organization only.

c) A student must have a CGPA of 6.0 or more to become a Organization Board member.

d) The Student Organization will have to put the procedure for selection of OB and

procedure of replacement of a vacant OB member position in their constitution.

e) The Promoter must be a member of Organization board, though he may or may not hold

the leading position depending upon the guidelines as specified by Organization in the


f) A Student Organization shall appoint a ‘Treasurer’ as a part of Organization Board,

Except this mandate, the Organization is free to design its OB structure, designations and

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responsibilities as per its requirement. All such norms should be clearly mentioned in the

constitution of the Organization.

g) A sample OB structure is given below:

Academic and


Performing arts I:

Dance and Singing

Performing arts

II: Theatre

Social Service Hobbies and


Media and


Chief Operating

Officer (COO)

COO Director COO COO Editor

Co-COO Co-COO Deputy


Co-COO Co-COO Co-Editor

Event Manager Choreographer-in-


Producer Event Manager Event Manager Graphics














Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer

The designations for the office bearers are suggestive and can be suitably chosen by each Student Organization.

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Establishment and dissolution

4.1.0 Establishment of a new Organization

4.1.1 Proposal: Any student who wants to establish an organisation will have to submit an initial proposal

to the Student Organisation Cell (SOC) and shall follow the prescribed format (Annexure I). The SOC

will review the proposal to ascertain the necessity and study the feasibility and to make sure that a

similar organisation does not exist already. The promoter may be called for an interview to solicit

further information.

4.1.2 Approval of Necessity: If the proposal is found satisfactory by the SOC, it shall be processed to

obtain the ‘Approval of necessity’ from Head, Division of Student Affairs. This process may take

seven working days. If the proposal is not found satisfactory then the promoter will be advised to

resubmit the proposal with suggested modification within 7 working days.

4.1.3 Appointment of Facilitator: Once Approval of Necessity is accorded by the Head, Division of

Student Affairs, a Facilitator from amongst the Faculty members will be appointed as per guidelines

given in para 3.2.3.

4.1.4 Approval of Constitution: After appointment of Facilitator, the promoter shall proceed to frame the

‘constitution’ of the organisation under the guidance of Facilitator. The promoter will have to submit

the constitution within 10 working days after the approval of proposal.

4.1.5 Once the constitution is framed, it shall be submitted to the SOC for vetting. This process may take 7

working days. Vetting may necessitate the promoter to make further changes. In that case the promoter

will have to resubmit the constitution, after making changes as suggested by SOC, to the SOC within 7

working days.

4.1.6 Upon no objection from the SOC, the constitution will be put up to Head, Division of Student Affairs,

who, if finds satisfactory, will accord final approval. This constitution will remain in vogue for one

academic year without amendments. Amendments in the constitution can be proposed by Student

Organization only once a year at the beginning of academic year and on approval of these by SOC, the

same will be incorporated in the existing constitution.

4.1.7 The ‘constitution’ will act as the framework against which the student organisation will be managed.

The format of the constitution has been prescribed in the annexure (Annexure II).

4.1.8 Enrolment: Thereafter, the promoter will initiate an enrolment process to add members to the Student

Organization under the supervision of the Facilitator.

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4.1.9 Appointment of Organization Board (OB): OB will be formed after the enrolment which thereafter

will be responsible for the activities of the Organization. The promoter will be given 15 days for

constituting the Organization Board and submitting the list of the same to SOC. The promoter can take

help from SOC for initial promotion in terms of message on UMS and notices on notice boards.

4.1.10 Knowledge and Acceptance of Manual and Constitution: Prior to the approval of members and

OB, a certification acceptance letter will be signed by all the members including OB members

confirming the knowledge and acceptance of the policies and procedures mentioned in the ‘Manual for

Student Organization’ and the ‘Constitution of the Student Organization’. The Format of acceptance

letter in attached at Annexure XII

4.1.11 Security Clearance: SOC will approve the names only after getting security clearance from Division

of security and Discipline. In case, any OB member is not approved by Department of security due to

disciplinary charges then the Organization will have to replace him/her with another member.

4.1.12 Once the OB is approved, the Organization may commence its promotion for adding more members to

the Organization. The SOC can help the Organizations in terms of banners, posters, Y-TV and UMS.

The Organization will have to explicitly submit request for any such assistance.

4.1.13 Bank Account of Organization: The OB will open a bank account in the name of the Student

Organization in one of the Banks located in the premises of the University. This will be jointly

operated by the Facilitator and the Treasurer of the Student Organization.

4.1.14 Registration: To complete the registration process and to become a recognized Organization with a

valid registration no. allotted, the Organization board will have to submit a Registration packet to

SOC, containing the following:- The name, employee id, designation and contact number of the Student Organization

Facilitator. The details of Organization Board and General Members. The format is given (Annexure XI) The Constitution of the Student Organization. Account details including Name of Bank, Name of Account Operator and Account Number of

the bank account opened on behalf of the Organization. An acknowledgment signed by all the members of the Organization, that the Organization will

always keep themselves abreast with the latest rules and policies of the University and strictly

abide these while carrying out the activities of the Organization. An undertaking by the Promoter declaring the transfer of authorities to the Organization board

and the dissolution of the designation of Promoter.

4.1.15 A unique Student Organization Registration No. (SOR no.) will be given to the Organization for all

future official references.

4.1.16 The position of promoter will be dissolved immediately after the registration. The Organization board

here onwards will be responsible for all administrative tasks.

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4.2.0 Dissolution or inactivation of a Student Organization

4.2.1 Any Student Organization may be dissolved or inactivated, for a period as decided, by the Patron(s)

suo-moto or on recommendation of SOC if the need arises so.

4.2.2 The Student Organization may opt to dissolve itself. For any such cases, the respective Organization

Board shall have to submit a application to SOC, who than shall recommend the dissolution to the


4.2.3 In case of inactivation or dissolution of a Student Organization, the balance of funds and/or property

of the Student Organization shall be placed at the disposal of the Chief Patron for the support of other

Student Organizations.



5.1.0 Filling of vacancies

5.1.1 Student Organizations will have to frame rules for the filling of any vacancy, casual or otherwise,

among the Organization board and will have to mention the same clearly in the constitution of the

Student Organization.

5.1.2 The vacancy arising for an OB member shall not be kept unfilled. Any such vacancy arising

should be immediately refilled by following the procedure framed in the constitution and the

replacement should be informed to SOC.

5.1.3 The vacancy arising for a Facilitator shall not be kept unfilled. Any such vacancy should be

immediately intimated to SOC so that the Facilitator could be appointed by following the same

procedure as that applied in the appointment of Facilitator for a new Organization.

5.1.4 The vacancy arising for a member of Organization shall not be filled.

5.1.5 The existence of a vacancy for Facilitator or an OB member shall invalidate any action or

proceeding of the Student Organization until and unless the vacancy is refilled.

5.2.0 Miscellaneous

5.2.1 When a person selected as OB member or any member incurs any of the disqualifications listed

under these Rules or otherwise provided under the University Act, Statutes, Regulations,

Ordinances, Rules etc., he/she shall be debarred from continuing in such capacity, and the

position held by him/her shall deemed to be vacant.

5.2.2 An OB member may resign by submitting a letter to the Facilitator and the resignation shall take

effect as soon as the resignation letter is accepted.

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5.2.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the provisions hereinabove, no decision of the Student

Organization shall be invalidated by the mere reason of any vacancy therein, except provisions of

5.1.5 above.



6.1.0 Meetings of the Organization, Organization(s) and Committee (s)

6.1.1 Convening of meeting

a) At least two General body meeting (GBM) shall be held during the academic

session, one in each semester. The meeting will be called by the OB in

consultation with the Facilitator.

b) Any additional meeting may be called in the manner as provided under the above


c) In case an important issue requires discussion, a minimum of one third of the

members may propose to convene a meeting.

d) Meetings shall consider the Agenda which is placed before it by the OB with the

approval of the Facilitator or such other items as may be placed before it by the


e) Meetings shall be called at a notice of at least 7 days to the members and the


f) All the meetings of the Organization will be held in the presence and under

observation of the concerned Facilitator. No decision or proceedings of any

meeting held in his/her or his/ her nominee’s absence shall be validated in any


6.1.2 Chair

The Facilitator or in his absence the Chief, OB will preside over the meetings. In their absence one

of the members, as decided by the Facilitator present at the meeting will be voted to the Chair.

6.2.0 Procedural matters

6.2.1 Any agenda to be placed in the meeting of the Student Organization , whatever it may be called,

should be necessarily approved by the SOC, before the conduct of such meeting.

6.2.2 It is mandatory for all Student Organization to disclose the financial information in every meeting

and intimate about the same in meeting minutes to SOC.

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6.2.3 It shall be the responsibility of the OB of the concerned Student Organization, whatever it may be

called, to submit the proposed agenda for obtaining the approval of the SOC through the

concerned Facilitator.

6.2.4 The Patrons or the SOC may, whenever they think fit, call a meeting of any Student Organization,

on the dates, at the time and places as may be fixed by them.

6.2.5 The SOC may cancel or adjourn the meeting scheduled to be held on a particular date, as deemed

necessary, at any time. If the meeting is rescheduled on any other date, agenda as decided for the

adjourned meeting prior to adjournment will certainly be deliberated; however, in addition to that,

a fresh agenda may be included by SOC.

6.2.6 The final decision of the SOC with regard to approval or otherwise of the agenda and the

proceedings and decisions in respect of the meetings of the Student Organizations shall be final

and binding on all the concerned.

6.2.7 No amendments to the agenda or proceedings will be admissible after the same is approved by the


6.2.8 Any omission, accidental or otherwise, to obtain prior approval in regard to the agenda or

proceedings of any meeting shall ipso facto invalidate the meeting and its proceedings and

decisions taken thereon.

6.2.9 The SOC shall be competent to take a decision, suo-moto or on the recommendation of the

Facilitator, at his discretion on any matter, otherwise to be considered at the meeting of Student


6.3.0 Special invitees

Any outsider may be invited to speak under the auspices of these Organizations only with the prior

approval by the SOC.

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Funds and finances

7.1.0 Funds

7.1.1 Funds placed at the disposal of the Student Organizations by the Patrons together with any

donations raised by the members with the permission of the SOC shall constitute the funds of the

Student Organizations under the head, "LPU Student Organizations Funds".

7.1.2 Each Student Organization will open an account in a bank as specified at para 4.1.13 for the

collection and withdrawal of funds.

7.1.3 The balance in the account of the Student Organization at the end of academic year should not

exceed Rs. 200,000 unless specifically mentioned to SOC and approved by Head, Division of

Student Affairs.

7.1.4 Funds placed at disposal of Student Organization will be first submitted into account and only

then will be used after withdrawing it as per the formal procedure.

7.1.5 All the bills of expenditure shall be counter signed by the Facilitator and approved by the Head,


7.1.6 Student Organizations cannot, in any case, sell their services to University. The University

expects only voluntary participation of Student Organizations in University endorsed events.

7.1.7 If prize money is received by members while carrying out activities of the Student Organization,

30% of it shall be deposited in the Student Organization account and balance 70% may be

distributed amongst the prize winner(s).

7.2.0 Financial support from University

7.2.1 University expects the Student Organizations to be self sustained and as such do not hold the

liability to support the Student Organization financially.

7.2.2 University may provide support to the Organizations at the time of inception as specified in

Annexure V.

7.2.3 University may also provide support in terms of reimbursement of the event expenditures. Such

support will be provided only if the Organization had taken approval from Head, Division of

Student Affairs, 7 days prior to the day of expenditure.

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7.3.0 Financial powers

7.3.1 Decisions regarding expenses up to Rs. 10,000/- for the entire academic session, can be taken by

the OB altogether with the prior approval of the Facilitator keeping the interest of the Student

Organizations in mind.

7.3.2 For expenditure above Rs. 10,000/- and upto Rs. 1,00,000/- for the entire academic session, in

total, prior approval of the Patron will be required.

7.3.3 For expenditure exceeding Rs 1,00,000/- for the entire academic session, in total, prior approval

of the Chief Patron will be required.


Grievances Redressal Mechanism

8.1.0 Grievances Redressal Committee

8.1.1 There shall be a Grievances Redressal Committee with the following members to be approved by

the Chief Patron:

a) Head, Division of Student Affairs Chairperson

b) Head, SOC Member

c) Facilitator of the concerned Student Organization Member

8.1.2 The Grievances Redressal Committee shall be mandated with the redressal of grievances related to

but not limited to breaches of the code of conduct of Student Organization and other related


8.1.3 In pursuit of its duties, the Grievances Redressal Committee may prosecute violators of any aspect

of the code of conduct or the rulings of the Grievances Redressal Committee. The Grievances

Redressal Committee shall serve as the court of original jurisdiction.

8.1.4 The procedure and conduct of the Grievances Redressal Committee shall be as decided from time

to time, in accordance with the set rules of instruction prescribed by the competent authority.

8.2.0 Appellate Jurisdiction

8.2.1 The Chief Patron shall have discretionary appellate jurisdiction in all cases or controversies arising

out of the affairs of the student Organizations, in which the Grievances Redressal Committee has

issued a final decision.

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8.2.2 Any party adversely affected by a decision of the Grievances Redressal Committee may file an

appeal with the Chief Patron within forty Eight (48) hours after the adverse decision is


8.2.3 The decision of the Grievances Redressal Committee shall stand and shall have full effect until the

appeal is heard and decided by the Chief Patron.

8.2.4 The Chief Patron shall hear appeals of Grievances Redressal Committee rulings as soon as

possible, but not within twenty four (24) hours after the Grievances Redressal Committee delivers

to the Appellant and the Chief Patron a copy of its written opinion in the case. Appeal may be

heard prior to this time, but only if the Appellant waives the right to a written opinion and the

Chief Patron agrees to accept the waver.

8.2.5 The Chief Patron can issue suitable orders to suspend or halt the operation of the ruling issued by

the Grievances Redressal Committee until the appeals are decided.

8.2.6 The Chief Patron may review findings of the Grievances Redressal Committee when appealed. The

Chief Patron may affirm or overturn the decision of the Grievances Redressal Committee or

modify the sanctions imposed or take any such other decision as deemed appropriate.



9.1.0 Nominations/ Selections

9.1.1. For nomination of Organization board, Student Organization will have to frame the procedures for

the nomination of Organization board itself and put it in its constitution. Such procedures should

also be devised for filling the OB vacancies that arise due to resignation, impeachment or any such


9.1.2. The membership of the Student Organizations shall be renewed, and if required reconstituted,

every year through Nominations/Selections to be completed within 45 days from the date of

commencement of the academic session.

9.1.3. All the candidates applying for the membership shall be deemed to have understood these Rules of

the Student Organization and other Acts, Statutues, Rules and Regulations of the University as

applicable for students and shall abide by the same in letter and spirit and also shall maintain

perfect decorum and discipline in the University.

9.1.4. A person nominated as an OB member of the Student Organizations being found guilty of non-

compliance of these Rules and other orders, policies etc. as applicable may be liable to face the

disciplinary action as provided under these Rules and/or other provisions relating to the breach of

disciplinary conduct of the students at University contained in Statutes, Ordinances, regulations

and other documents of the University notwithstanding the legal action as per law of land. Any

statement made or action taken by such member(s), shall not be binding on the University.

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Evaluation of Student Organization

10.1.0 Tier System

Student organisations will be placed in one of the four Tiers (1,2,3 &4; 1 being the lowest) and this will

determine their privileges and entitlements. Tier 1 will have the least privileges in terms of usage of

University resources like web space, venues etc. A student organisation may jump up the tier level after

appraisal if it shows considerable achievement and hard work throughout the year.

10.1.1 A newly registered organisation is usually placed in the Tier1 and can avail the facilities

accordingly. But on the recommendation of SOC any newly registered organisation or

existing organisation can be placed directly in Tier 2 or Tier 3 after the Approval from the

Head, Division of Student Affairs on recommendations of SOC.

10.1.2 The Tier slab, the table that determines the privileges of a certain tier is different for each

category and is attached at (Annexure V).

10.1.3 Each student organisation has to fill in an Organisation Self Appraisal Form (O-SAF) at

the end of every semester. The format for this form has been prescribed at (Annexure VI).

The O-SAF has to be countersigned by the Facilitator prior to submission to SOC. If O-

SAF is not submitted within 15 working days after the end of semester, the Organization

will not be considered for evaluation and could be dissolved.

10.1.4 The Tier Evaluation committee (TEC) will evaluate the organisations on the basis of this

appraisal. TEC consists of the Head, Division of Student Affairs (or Head, Division of

Student Affairs office representative) and SOC staff. If TEC is of the opinion that a

student organisation has worked hard and has generated results, it may choose to upgrade

it to the next higher tier. Under exceptional cases, an organisation may be upgraded by

two or even three tier levels. TEC reserves the right to dissolve the organisation in case of

no results.

10.1.5 An Organization at Tier 2 and Tier 3 level can be reduced in grade to a lower level by

TEC if the performance of the Organization is not found satisfactory on the decided


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Interpretation, Repeal and Savings

11.1.0 Interpretation and Empowerment

11.1.1 If there is any doubt about the interpretation of any clause or

sub-clause of the Rules framed herein and the subsequent rules or for anything not provided

herein or in case of any dispute, the same shall be referred to the Chancellor and his decision

shall be final and binding on all concerned.

11.1.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules framed herein and the subsequent rules, or

anything under the purview of the Student Organizations, and in respect of all the matters,

whether expressly provided herein or not, the Chancellor shall have the power to do all such

acts as may be required for removal of difficulties and to further the objectives of the Student

Organization & decision taken by the Chancellor shall be final and binding for all concerned.

11.1.3 Notwithstanding anything stated for any unforeseen issues arising that is not covered by these

Rules, or in the event of dispute/differences of opinion in interpretation of any provision of

these Rules the Chief Patron with the approval of Chancellor may take such measures as may

be necessary.

11.2.0 Power to make Orders, Codes, Manuals, Circulars, Memos, Procedures, Policies etc.

The Chancellor shall, if he is of the opinion that Orders, Codes, Manuals, Circulars, Memos, Procedures,

Policies, Schemes etc. are required to be made subsequently, in respect of any matter(s), whether expressly

provided herein or not, be empowered in this regard to make/approve such documents, as deemed necessary

from time to time, for the smooth functioning of the University.

11.3.0 Delegation of Powers

The Chancellor may, by a general or special order, authorize such officer or authority to exercise any of the

powers, exercisable by him, under these Rules or otherwise, as may be specified in the order. And, the

decision of the Chancellor shall be final and binding on all the concerned.

11.4.0 Amendment, Repeal and Savings

11.4.1 The Rules framed herein and the subsequent Rules may be added to, amended, repealed or

deleted and every new Rule or addition to the Rules or any amendment shall require the

approval of the Chancellor, who may sanction, disallow or remit it for further consideration and

it shall be effective from such a date as prescribed in the notification.

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11.4.2 Notwithstanding such amendment, addition etc., anything done or any action taken under the

said Rules shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of

the Rules.

11.4.3 The provisions of these Rules, when effective, will prevail in regard to all issues with respect to

student organization, and now therefore, any other rules, circulars, instructions, notices, orders

or policy for the time being in force, in relation to the student organization, shall thereafter be

deemed to have been repealed.

11.4.4 Notwithstanding such repeal, any action taken or anything done under other rules, circulars,

instructions, notices, orders or policy for the time being in force, now so repealed shall be

deemed to have been validly taken or done under these Rules.

11.5.0 Overriding Provision

The provisions of the University Act and Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances, Rules, Orders etc. made there

under or any policy for the time being in force, other than these Rules, shall have an overriding effect

notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in these Rules.

11.6.0 Amendment to the Rules

Any amendment of these Rules will be made in the manner as provided under the Statutes of the University.


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Student Organization Name: ________________________Category___________________________

Student Organization Promoter Name and Registration No.:_____________________________

Programme:________________class of (year of passing)____________ Current CGPA__________

Email: _____________________________________ Phone: _________________________________


Purpose of Student Organization: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Anticipated Student Organization activities: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Organization Members Section (Optional):

We know that we are responsible for ensuring that our Student Organization knows and adheres to SOC policies and procedures, relevant University policies and Schedule of Classes.

Please print: NAME, STUDENT REG. No., EMAIL, and then add your SIGNATURE*

# Name Registration No. Email Signature12345

*Signature indicates agreement to allow phone number and email to be given to LPU Faculty, Staff, students, and off-campus persons/groups (including press and media personnel) seeking Student Organization information.

Student Organization Promoter Section:

On behalf of the Student Organization members, I apply for recognition for our Student Organization. As Student Organization Promoter, I agree to attend all required meetings or designate a permanent, alternative representative to attend the meetings.

Student Organization Promoter (signature): _______________________Date: _________________

Student Organization Facilitator Section (optional):

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I am an employee of LPU and agree to serve as Facilitator to this LPU Student Organization. As a Student Organization Facilitator I agree to shoulder responsibilities mentioned at Chapter III, para 3.2.4 of the manual and attend and be physically present at all meetings, excursions and events created by this Student Organization and to abide by the Manual of Student Organizations and LPU policies and procedures.

Student Organization Facilitator (print name): ________________________Employee ID:_______


E-Mail: _____________________________ Phone Number/Extension:________________________

Signature, Facilitator: _______________________________Date__________________________

Student Organization Cell Section:

I certify that SOC has recognized this new Student Organization and has granted them recognition on said date.

_________________________________________ _________________________________ Head, Student Organization Cell

Approved by:


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(Annexure II) Constitution of Student Organisation

What follows is a sample constitution as prepared by the Division of Student Affairs (DSA). A legend for reading the Constitution appears below:

Anything written in italics: Anything written in italics represents a comment by the SOC on the immediately preceding text. There will be areas in the sample constitution we feel a desire to explain our reason for setting a certain minimum standard, and those explanations will appear in italics immediately following the section in question.

Anything written in plain text: Anything written in plain text (i.e. not italics, bold, or underlined) represents those items which must be included as part of the constitution of any Student Organization.

Anything written in bold text: Anything written in bold represents the header for the following subsection. For example, the article numbers all appear in bold to denote that they are the headers for the sections that follow them.

(Anything written in parentheses): Anything in parentheses represents a place where we are unable to supply standard information in plain text, as what is required is something customized for your Student Organization alone. For example, if the phrase (insert Student Organization name here) appears, what is required is your exact Student Organization name in place of the text in parentheses.

Your Student Organization constitution must adhere to all requirements stipulated within the Student Organizations manual. Once completed, your proposed constitution must be approved by the SOC.


Article 1 – Name and Category

The Student Organization’s official name will be “(Insert your Student Organization name here).” No other name will be used in the advertisement or representation of the Student Organization.

The category of this organisation is ““(Insert your Student Organization category here).”

This article is self-explanatory. You must define the exact name of your Student Organization that will be used in all official capacities. A new Organization will be by default kept in Tier1 but SOC if desires so can keep a new Organization in higher tiers.

Article 2 – Student Organization Mandate

(1) List all purposes for which this Student Organization will serve..

Outline and describe the planned purpose of your Student Organization. It is important that you not define your Student Organization too narrowly or too broadly. By this we mean that you should not simply say that: “We want to get students together to have a good time.” While this is no doubt a laudable goal, it is much too broad a mandate for us to ratify. Your Student Organization needs a more specific reason for existing, but try not to define your Student Organization with such a focused precision that you leave no room for growth and different ideas to emerge. What we recommend is that you give a good, but more general outline of your Student Organization’s purpose. When it comes to your Student Organization’s purpose and mandate, we will hold you to, and sometimes constrain you to, what is written in your constitution, but we will not hold you to the contents of your cover letter.

Article 3 – Membership

Membership will be open to everyone; if not read below

If membership is not open to everyone then the Organization must be having some criteria and selection procedure for the selection of members. If such is the case then specify the closed status of membership and the criteria along with the selection procedure in the above clause.

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The criteria could be based on CGPA, Knowledge, skills, achievements etc. and selection procedure could include shortlisting based on CV, Trials, written tests, Interviews etc. It is recommended that the procedure should be such that it does not scare away prospective members.

Only students at the LPU are eligible to hold membership and Organization board positions;

The membership option will be kept open twice a year and each time for 30 days starting from the day of commencement of academic term.

Above given is a mandate imposed by University so keep it as it is.

The number of members will not be less than 10 and more than 250.

Above given is the rule imposed by University. You can restrict your membership strength anywhere between the given bracket.

Any member can leave the Organization any time after informing in written to Organization board members.

Organization can frame a different leaving policy if they desires so. Organization are expected to intimate SOC about leaving of any member immediately.

Firstly, Student Organization membership will be by default open to everyone. If Student Organizations seek to limit their membership according to some criteria then they will have to mention it explicitly along with the selection procedure. Secondly, this is a University and not the community at large, and as such we require Student Organizations to restrict Organization board and membership privileges to current LPU students only. Thirdly, a Student Organization is permitted to take an affiliation from an Organization outside the University only after the approval from SOC.

Article 4 – Organization Board (OB)

(1) The Organization board shall consist of the following:

a. CEO/ Director/ Editor-in-chief/President;

b. Co-CEO/ Deputy Director/ Co-Editor/Vice-President; and,

c. Treasurer.

You are not restricted to an Organization board consisting of only these listed positions, but these positions represent the sample minimum requirements. For further help on category specific designations, students can go through Student Organization manual. It is highly recommended that you frame the positions and responsibilities of your Organization board members as per the requirements of the Organization. However, do not include extra positions just for the sake of doing so. Determine what positions you can consolidate and merge. A small and efficient Organization board can get things done better than a large cumbersome bureaucracy.

Article 5 – Responsibilities of the Organization Board

(1) The CEO/ Director/ Editor-in-chief/President will:

a. Oversee the other members of the Organization board in fulfilling their responsibilities;

b. Chair all meetings; and,

c. Have signing authority for the Student Organization.

(2) The Co-CEO/ Deputy Director/ Co-Editor/Vice-President will:

a. Assist the CEO/ Director/ Editor-in-chief in his/her duties;

b. Assume all powers of the CEO/ Director/ Editor-in-chief in his absence; and,

c. Be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings.

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(3) The Treasurer will:

a. Be responsible for overseeing all financial dealings of the Student Organization;

b. Keep complete records of all financial dealings of the Student Organization; and,

c. Have signing authority in the funds related dealings of Student Organization.

The above responsibilities represent the minimum duties required of each Organization board in order to ensure that the Student Organization is run smoothly. Please note that these are presented as a sample and Organization are recommended to design roles and responsibilities as per the specific requirements of Organization. You may add responsibilities as you see fit and of course if you have added further Organization board positions, you will have to define duties for each new position.

Article 6 – Selections of Organization Board

(1) In a new Organization the Organization board will be selected by Facilitator on the recommendation of promoter.

A promoter may or may not hold any position in the Organization Board.

(2) In all other cases Organization Board will be selected by the Facilitator on the recommendations of members of the Organization.

Above mentioned is the general procedure University recommends. Organizations are expected to lay down a more detailed policy on the selections. The Organizations are expected to frame the selection procedure in such ways so that Organization board consists of students from different years so as to smooth the transition and selection of new Organization board at the start of a new academic session.

Article 7 – Replacement of Organization Board member

(1) If a Organization board member resigns from his/ her position or the position becomes vacant due to any other reason then, the Organization board member will be selected by Facilitator on the recommendation of remaining Organization board members and general member from the general members keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of a Organization board member.

(2) Before the end of every academic session, the Facilitator along with the Organization Board will select new Organization board that will hold responsibility from the commencement of upcoming academic session. The new board can consist of new members or of that already existing depending on the past performance, consent of general members, cases of passing outs and students leaving University by some other reason etc.

Above mentioned is the general procedure University recommends. Organizations are expected to lay down a more detailed policy on the selections. The Organizations are expected to frame the selection procedure in such ways so that Organization Board consists of students from different years so as to smooth the transition and selection of new Organization board at the start of a new academic session. While writing this section please take into consideration all the cases in which a position in the Organization board becomes vacant.

Article 8 – Finances

(1) No fee will be charged on membership.

As per the University rules, no membership fee will be charged on students for joining an Organization. However, certain fundraising mechanism should be framed in case the fund is needed to conduct certain event. Such mechanism should be mentioned in this article.

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Article 9 – Meetings

(1) At least two general body meetings shall be held during the academic year,

(2) At least one OB meeting shall be called every month.

(3) General members of the Student Organization may call upon a meeting in absence of OB members. Such meetings shall be considered valid only when a quorum of at least 50% of the total members of Student Organization are present.

(3) Members and SOC will be informed of each of these meetings at least seven (7) days in advance.

These are the minimum requirements. Student Organizations may frame more rules regarding meetings.

Article 10 – Amendments

(1) Amendments to the constitution will be done by the Facilitator on recommendation of Organization board. It could be done only once a year, at the beginning of the academic year.

(2) An amendment to the constitution must be approved by SOC, which must be presented with a typed copy of the proposed amendment as well as typed minutes from the meeting when the amendment was passed in order to prove that this amendment was adopted.

These are the precise requirements, so do not modify them beyond what is stated above.

Article 11 – Impeachment

(1) Any member of the Student Organization who commits an act negatively affecting the interests of the Student Organization and its members may be given notice of impeachment;

(2) The impeached individual shall have the right to defend his/her actions; and,

(3) A Facilitator on recommendation of board will decide on the removal of the impeached individual from the Student Organization and the loss of any privileges associated with the Student Organization.

It is best to include impeachment procedures such as those outlined above. You will hopefully never use the impeachment procedures. In the end, you will be glad that you included this part in your constitution.

Article 12 – Grievance redressal mechanism

(1) The Facilitator along with Organization Board will form the internal grievance redressal committee. Any grievances can be reported to any of the mentioned person(s).

(2) If the person is not satisfied by the response of the internal grievance redressal committee then he/she can appeal at SOC for the same.

Article 13 – Refund Policy

As there is no membership fee, you may not need a refund policy but if implied by some fundraising clause you may need to formulate a refund policy here.

Article 14 – Undertaking

(1) The (Insert your Student Organization name here) is not an agent of the Division of Student Affairs and its views and actions do not represent those of the Division of student Affairs or any other such official entity of LPU.

This is required exactly as stated above.

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____________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ _______________________________

Name with Signature and date Name with Signature and date

Promoter/ OB member Facilitator

Annexure III Role & responsibility of the Facilitator

1. The Facilitator will guide the promoter in the formation of constitution.

2. The Facilitator will help and guide promoter in the formation of Organization Board.

3. The Facilitator will keep track of all the activities of the Organization and must attend at least two meetings

in one month with the Organization board addressing their general queries and discussing new plans.

He/She is needed to be present at General body meeting and will have to approve the meeting minutes

before it is submitted to SOC.

4. Facilitator will act as a guide to Organization and a interface between SOC and Organization in all

Organization events and activities.

5. The Facilitator will be responsible for issuing rooms/labs and other required equipments for the

Organization as per the University policy. This will be done by the Facilitator under SOC’s Online Space

Reservation System (OSRS).

6. The Facilitator will review and sign O-SAF prior to submission to SOC.

7. The Facilitator will be a part of Tier Evaluation Committee.

8. The Facilitator shall monitor the working and management of the Student Organization and will be

responsible for implementation of all policies and procedures prescribed in the constitution and Student

Organization manual.

9. All the requests submitted by Organization including equipments and facility requests, venue booking and

reimbursement request in SOC will first be signed and approved by Facilitator.

10. In the event a Facilitator cannot continue in his/her role, the activities of the Organization shall be

suspended until a replacement is identified.

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Annexure IV Meeting Minutes

Name of the Student Organization:

Time: Date:

Type of Meeting: Meeting Presided by: Minutes Prepared by:

S.No Subject Matter of Action

To be actioned by/ Mode of Action

Start Date

Follow up remarks and review(Completion status vis-a vis the action points) Please mention deviations from the set objectives (if any).To be filled by concerned members

Any amendment Suggested in constitution

End Date





Meeting Coordinated by: Minutes Presided by: Minutes Vetted by:

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Annexure VI O-SAF

Name of Organization: <Write name of the Organization>

Category and Tier :< Mention the category and Tier>

Organization Board: <Enlist name along with designations>

Number of members: <Write number (add details as an annexure)>

Meetings Held: <Enlist here type along with date (add details along with Minutes of meeting as an annexure.)>

Events held: <Enlist here name along with date (add details as an annexure)>

Recent Achievements and initiatives: <Mention each one in a line or two (add details as an annexure)>

Recent setbacks :<Mention if some mishaps or failure happened in recent past. Remember, it’s good to acknowledge failure and recognize one’s weakness as it helps one to improve>

Planned areas of improvement: <enlist the areas in which you feel a need to improve. Only mention those in which the Organization is actually planning to improve>

Future plans: <Plan could cover anything including events, promotions, membership review, amendments etc (add details as an annexure)>

Remarks by Facilitator: <Write a short note describing the improvements in the Organization.>

Date of submission:

_______________________ _____________________

_______________________ _____________________

Name and Signature Name and Signature

Board Representative Facilitator

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Guidelines to Fill O-SAF

Organizations are expected to

Be honest

Always be truthful and honest while telling your accomplishments or failures. Don’t exaggerate your strengths and don’t hide your weaknesses. Don’t make personal judgments for anybody.

Do the preparation

It’s always better to prepare yourself before the meeting. Get all the required documents in place; prepare all the evidences and references.

Be objective

Objectivity is important in self – appraisal. Don’t exaggerate or downplay your achievements or failures. Be specific and concise in your statements and if possible support them with examples or references or evidences with dates.

Cover all the aspects

Apart from past performance, express the opportunities you would like to have for your Organization’s development and improvement. Suggest ways to overcome the problems faced. Assess your Organization’s capabilities and competence.

Seek future responsibilities

According to the assessment of the current session’s performance plan the short term and long term goals for the next year.

Self appraisal should ideally include the accomplishments, the goals achieved, the failures the obstacles faced during the period, the efforts for removing them, the suggestions, and the areas of support felt by Organization.

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Annexure VII Event Planning Format

Name of Organization: <Write the name of Organization>Category and Tier: < Write category along with Tier>Name of the event: < here write the name of event>Type: <whether the event is cultural, sports, technical etc.>Date: < Proposed date of event>Venue: <venue(s) of event along the specific arrangements (seating, mike, PAR, projectors etc.)>Target Audience: <Description and expected number of audience>Advisory Committee: <the authorities involved in advisory job for the event>Organizing Coordinator(s): <Detail of coordinator(s)>Committees: <write all the involved committees, there functions and number of members>Events: <Detailed description of events (refer to activity details format below) >Schedule: <Step by step schedule of events>Proposed Budget: <Estimated budget with the details of anticipated means of fund procurement> Sponsorship details: < List the expected sponsors inside and outside the University along with the expected

amount>Promotion and Advertisement plan: <details of promotion and advertisement plan along with the expectations from

DSA>Printing material requirements: <Flexes, posters, pamphlets, tickets etc.>

______________________ __________________________

______________________ __________________________

Name and Signature of OB representative Name and Signature of Facilitator

Event/ activity detail format

Event/ activity Name:

Event Activity type: Cultural/ Sports/ Social/ Fun/ Academic/ Co-curricular

Competitive/ Non-Competitive

Event/ activity introduction:

Event/ Activity Description (with steps, rules, criteria):

Event Requirements:

Event Budget:

Event Schedule and Time limits:


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Organization name Event Name

Time:Date: Venue:

OB representative signature Facilitator signature (with seal) (with seal)


2. General Rules

3. Judgment and Evaluation sheet

4. List of Judges and speakers inside/ outside the University (name, designation, company, profile)

Others (to be used during event)

Annexure VIII Ticket Format

The ticket will be of size A10 (26*37 sq. mm)

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S. No.

Signature and Seal

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Annexure IX Expense Reimbursement Form

Name of Organization: Category and Tier: Phone: e-mail:

Be sure to list expenses below along with the reason for the requirement. Remember to attach all receipts to this form.

Expenses to be considered for Reimbursement:

S. No. Date Item Quantity Bill No. Reason for requirement

Expense amount

1 Rs.2 Rs.3 on…… Rs.

Total Expenditure Rs.

I certify that all expenses listed above were incurred for the benefit of the Student Organization.

Enclosers: Original Bills of above stated expenses


________________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ ___________________Name and Signature of OB representative Name and Signature of Facilitator

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Annexure X Cancellation of Membership Form

To______________________<Write Designation>______________________<Write name of Student Organization>

Date: ___________________(write date on which resignation submitted)

Subject: Cancellation of membership

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to inform that due to_______________________ <give reason> I will not be able to continue the membership of______________________< give the name of Student Organization.>

I will be serving the notice period of One Week and wish to be relieved on ______________<Write date of relieving>.

Write anything you want to convey.

Yours sincerely (Sign with date and Write name, registration no, Programmme and year and Mob. No.)______________________________



-------------------------------- -----------------------------

(Signature of Organization Board Representative) (Signature of Facilitator)

Note. Please forward a copy to SOC

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Annexure XI Format for details of OB /members

Name of Organization:



Name Registration no. Programme Year CGPA Designationemail id contact no.





_________________ ______________________

_________________ ______________________

Name and signature of OB representative Name with id and signature of Facilitator

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A folder is to be maintained by the Student Organization in which the following table will be used as index

and membership registration sheet and enclosed will be

A copy of Manual of Student Organizations

A copy of Student Organization approved Proposal

A copy of Student Organization approved constitution

Name Reg. No. Declaration Signature

I have read and hereby agree to and abide the Policies, rules, terms and conditions set out in the the ‘Manual for Student Organization’ and Constitution of <Student Organization name>

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