Student Guide to Structures and Forces

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, and alchamist, has been "considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived." Isaac Newton was born on 25th December 1642 at Woolsthorpe Manor in WoolsthorpebyColsterworth, a hamlet in the county of Lincolnshire .Newton was born three months after the death of his father, a farmer also named Isaac Newton. When Newton was three, his mother remarried and went to live with her new husband, the Reverend Barnabus Smith, While Newton was once engaged in his late teens to a Miss Storey, he never married, being highly engrossed in his studies and work. What is a force? In everyday speech we use the word ‘force’ as with many scientific words, rather vaguely. It suggests an effort the words ‘energy’ and ‘work’ are used almost interchangeably with it. The scientific meaning of the word is more formal Newton defined the concept of the force with his three laws of motion, and the unit of force is named after him, the Newton: First law: An object continues moving at the same velocity unless acted on by a force Second law; When a body is acted on by a force, it experiences an acceleration which is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body Simply: Force on body = mass x acceleration Third law: If a body is experiencing a force from some other object, then it exerts an equal and opposite force on that object


Student Guide to Structures and Forces

Transcript of Student Guide to Structures and Forces



Sir  Isaac  Newton  (25  December  1642  –  20  March  1727)  was  an  English  physicist,  mathematician,  astronomer,  natural  

philosopher,  and  alchamist,  has  been  "considered  by  many  to  be  the  greatest  and  most  influential  scientist  who  ever  lived."  Isaac  Newton  was  born  on  25th  December  1642  at  Woolsthorpe  

Manor  in  Woolsthorpe-­‐by-­‐Colsterworth,  a  hamlet  in  the  county  of  Lincolnshire  .Newton  was  born  three  months  after  the  death  of  his  father,  a  farmer  also  named  Isaac  Newton.  When  Newton  was  three,  his  mother  remarried  and  went  to  live  with  her  new  husband,  the  Reverend  Barnabus  Smith,  While  Newton  was  once  engaged  in  his  late  teens  to  a  Miss  Storey,  he  never  married,  being  highly  engrossed  in  his  studies  and  work.  


What  is  a  force?    In  everyday  speech  we  use  the  word  ‘force’  as  with  many  scientific  words,  rather  vaguely.  It  suggests  an  effort-­‐  the  words  ‘energy’  and  ‘work’  are  used  almost  interchangeably  with  it.  The  scientific  meaning  of  the  word  is  more  formal-­‐  Newton  defined  the  concept  of  the  force  with  his  three  laws  of  motion,  and  the  unit  of  force  is  named  after  him,  the  Newton:    

First  law:  An  object  continues  moving  at  the  same  velocity  unless  acted  on  by  a  force    Second  law;  When  a  body  is  acted  on  by  a  force,  it  experiences  an  acceleration  which  is  proportional  to  the  force  and  inversely  proportional  to  the  mass  of  the  body  Simply:  Force  on  body  =  mass  x  acceleration    Third  law:  If  a  body  is  experiencing  a  force  from  some  other  object,  then  it  exerts  an  equal  and  opposite  force  on  that  object  



Natural Structures  Here  are  some  of  the  world’s  most  stunning  natural  structures:        



Green  Bridge  of  Wales,  in  which  erosion  has  created  the  shape  of  its  arch      

Antarctica,  the  world’s  largest  desert  (is  considered  to  be  a  desert,  despite  being  made  of  ice)  


The  landscape  arch,  located  in  Utah  (USA)  is  the  world’s  longest  arch  

Yarlung  Zangbo  Grand  Canyon,  in  China,  is  the  world’s  largest,  and  deepest  canyon  in  the  world.  


Man Made Structures  

Here  are  some  of  the  world’s  most  stunning  man  made  structures.      



The  Eiffel  Tower,  in  Paris,  takes  about  10,000  light  bulbs  to  light  up  at  night.  

The  Great  Pyramid  Of  Giza,  in  Egypt,  was  made  by  the  ancient  Egyptians,  and  each  weighs  about  2  tonnes  





The  Great  Wall  Of  China,  which  stretches  a  phenomenal  3946  miles  across  China,  is  one  of  the  most  amazing  mad-­‐made  structures  in  the  world  

Mount  Rushmore,  in  South  Dakota  (USA),  show  the  faces  of  4  former  American  presidents  carved  into  the  rock.  


Structural Forces  

Here  is  some  useful  information  on  Structural  Forces    



This  is  a  computer  desk.  In  a  structure,  there  are  forces  acting  on  it,  helping  it  to  stand  itself  up.  There  are  two  main  forces  acting  on  a  structure;  tension,  and  compression        This  part  of  the  computer  desk  is  in  tension.  It  is  in  tension  because  the  weight  of  the  computer  is  stretching  the  part  of  the  desk.          This  part  of  the  computer  desk,  however,  is  in  compression.  It  is  in  compression  because  the  weight  of  the  computer,  and  the  parts  of  the  desk  the  is  above  this  point,  is  pushing  downwards,  therefore  compressing  it.            These  are  the  same  forces  as  above,  but  on  the  inside  compression  is  taking  place  (being  pushed  downwards)  and  on  the  outside  tension  is  taking  place  (being  strectched)