Stuck In Bronze Here Is What The Diamond Gamers Are Doing Differently From You


Transcript of Stuck In Bronze Here Is What The Diamond Gamers Are Doing Differently From You

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League of Legends begins with the unranked level. After which a player is promoted to ranked matches and allowed to accumulate League Points whenever they win. When the player finally manages to net 100 points, they are allowed to play their promotional series. 2 or 3 wins under these series determine if a player proceeds or not.

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If they do they’ll start at the bottom of the ranking usually Bronze and climb through Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and eventually to the Challenger. Every level has 5 sub leagues that you need to pass before jumping into the next.

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And while some gamers are really doing great at smashing these levels a few others can’t seem to get through Bronze into Diamond. Here are a few thing Diamond players are doing which Bronze Stuck players can’t seem to get a grip on with their LOL account.

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Diamond players are winning more. The secret to pushing up through the ELO rank is to win and win and win again. If you can maintain a great winning spree you’d easily crash through Bronze V, Bronze IV, Bronze III up until bronze I. When you win these ranked matches you net what is League Points. These points are what guarantee you to climb through the ranks.

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Diamond players also die less in a game. If you die less in a game RIOT thinks that you are a better player – of cos’ you are. Because of this and in line with other factors such as the number of wins and the amount of creep scores that you have gathered they will easily climb you up the ladder. Therefore the trick is simply not to die, but rather to kills more and die less.

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Diamond players are playing more. If you want to improve how you land your skill shots, how to move around and avoid being an easy target, or how to use your champion’s abilities at the right distance, you’ll need to play more.

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Playing more even when you lose makes you learn new skills for defense and eventually improves these key elements in your playing field.

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Diamond players often CS better. CS in the league stands for Creep Score. A creep score is the score a player gets when they take their last hitting exceptionally well on neutral jungle creep or the enemy’s creep and in turn obtained gold. And if playing at the top lane CS counts for all the minions that you’ve gotten the last hit on. CS improves points and scores and easily pushes you up the ranking ladder.

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Diamond players also deal more skill shots. Every bronze player knows what a skill shot is. This all powerful shot defines the E level of a champions and also the Ult. If you are dealing this shot perfectly over and over again the result is really simple, win, win, and more wins. Kicking ass in league becomes easy and so is climbing the ladder. Diamond gamers do it better.

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Conclusion But these are just the basic stuff. Like lol euw points

out, the more advanced stuff that has Diamond players smiling all the way include, diamond players lane

better, they ward more, they understand the tower, and understand match-ups better.

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