Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory


Transcript of Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory

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The theory states that media texts are encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with values and messages.

The text is then decoded by the audience.

Different spectators will decode the text in different ways, not always in the way the producer intended.

A text can be received in one of three ways;

Dominant or Preferred Reading

Negotiated Reading

Oppositional Reading

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This is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read.

The audience agree with the messages and ideology that the producer has placed behind the text.

The audience will view the text in the way the producer wanted them to.

Overall this is a positive thing for the producer of the text as it means their advertisement has been successful as to get across the messages and values the producer wanted.

Example: a handbag that looks appealing to a female reader encouraging her to want to go out and buy it.

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Clear message

Audience is the same age so they relate to

the product

From the same culture

Easy to understand the narrative and they

can relate to the narrative in some way

Relevant to the audiences society

Audience are choosing to consume the

product so must have a reason to like it in

the first place.

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This is a compromise between the dominant reading and the oppositional reading of the text. The audience accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text.

They do not agree or disagree, they can however see a point being made in relation to the reading while also making their own opinions.

Overall this is a good response to an advert as it is still getting the message the producer wanted to get across, even if the reader is also making making their own judgment.

Example: they see a handbag advertised and think it looks nice but could not justify spending the amount of money it would cost.

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The audience may not have the same life


May not understand the narrative so cannot

relate to it in a meaningful way

Age may vary the reading and understanding

Do not understand all of the messages

making it unclear what the dominant reading

is supposed to be

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The audience rejects the producers preferred reading and creates their own reading of the text, usually this is the opposite of what the producer intended.

The reader rejects the meaning completely as they do not agree with the message that is being presented to the audience.

Overall this is a bad response to get to an advert as it will mean the people who view it will not want to buy the product and do not agree with the producers ideologies and messages.

Example: an advertisement for a handbag is rejected completely as the reader believes the advert is stereotyping woman and categorising them on their appearance.

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The product has controversial themes

The audience disagree with the messages of

the video

Dislike the genre

No understanding

Cannot relate to the narrative structure

Is not reflective of their society

Different cultures have different
