Struggling With Old Age

Struggling with old age CENTER TABLE Where to start In the search for immortality Working with your doctor Points of contact Define your needs What else do I need to take into account the Consider your options What to ask your doctor Small, but important questions Medical examinations at different stages of life After twenty or thirty years After forty years After fifty years of age and older Development of an anti-aging plan Myths about retirement Old age automatically means pain and physical infirmity Older people are unable to digest the new information The "miraculous" cosmetics Old age does not always mean the senile dementia Age-related health problems cannot be eliminated Life expectancy is defined only by heredity Old age is the end of an active sex life What is known about the aging process? The human mechanism

Transcript of Struggling With Old Age

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Struggling with old ageCENTER TABLE

Where to startIn the search for immortalityWorking with your doctorPoints of contactDefine your needsWhat else do I need to take into account theConsider your optionsWhat to ask your doctorSmall, but important questionsMedical examinations at different stages of lifeAfter twenty or thirty yearsAfter forty yearsAfter fifty years of age and olderDevelopment of an anti-aging planMyths about retirementOld age automatically means pain and physical infirmityOlder people are unable to digest the new informationThe "miraculous" cosmeticsOld age does not always mean the senile dementiaAge-related health problems cannot be eliminatedLife expectancy is defined only by heredityOld age is the end of an active sex lifeWhat is known about the aging process?The human mechanismThe theory of body wearNeuroendocrine theoryGenetic control theoryFree radical theoryCellular waste accumulation theoryThe theory of limited cellular DivisionTheory of the biological clock HèjflikaIncentive theory of thymus glandError theory and DNA repairPhysiology of agingAutoimmune theory

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Theory of caloric restrictionTheory of telomeraseThe influence of Psychology on the aging processIdentity and agingThe influence of emotions on aging processYour brain: use it or loseUser's manual for the brainCharming tricks the brainAge and infoMaintaining mental healthPhysical exercise and nutritionHealthy lifestyleImportance of exerciseSports and longevityThe Holy patron of fitnessHow to choose a fitness clubTips on physical training for private groupsTips on physical training for menTips on physical training for womenAdvice on physical exercise for seniorsTips on physical training for people with disabilitiesThe role of nutritionUseful products/harmful productsBasic principles of healthy nutrition of the American Heart AssociationPhytonutrientsThat phytonutrients can do for youVitamins and mineralsVitaminsVitamin AVitamin B2Vitamin B3Vitamin B6Vitamin B12Vitamin CVitamin DVitamin EMineralsCalcium

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IronMagnesiumPhosphorusPotassiumSeleniumZincUseful properties of fiberProblem greasy foodFood and mental healthAmino AcidsFood as a remedy against agingMedicinal herbsHerbs as means against ageingMedicinal herbs-it's your choicePlants-a tool for maintaining health and treating diseaseDefinition of the medicinal properties of herbsFolk medicineSafe use of herbsPrecautionsBeware of possible side effectsMedicinal herbs for the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritisAmazing garlicWhere to get herbsTactics of anti-agingIt's never too late to be youngA good night's sleepEffects of stress on health and agingHow to overcome stressRelax: it givesPower of massageMental relaxationLet your senses work for youDepression: how to fight itSex and longevityRelationships with partnerSex and agingProtection from the SunSmoking and health

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Cosmetic surgery and the aging processAge-related diseaseGenetics and heredityStrokeDementiaCardio-vascular diseasesCancerArthritisOsteoporosisDiabetesThe aging brainStrokeConsequences of strokeSymptoms of a strokePrevention of strokeDementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseSigns and symptoms of Alzheimer's diseaseThe cause of the disease Al′cgeimeraDiagnosis of disease Al′cgeimeraTreatment of Alzheimer's diseaseCaring for people with Alzheimer's diseaseHeart diseaseCoronary heart diseaseOther heart diseaseHeart failureVarious aspects of heart diseaseArthritisOsteoarthritisInflammatory arthritisRheumatic arthritisOther forms of arthritis caused by an autoimmune reactionGoutLyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis)Reiter's SyndromeDiagnosis and treatment of arthritisOsteoporosisCauses of osteoporosisSymptoms of osteoporosis

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Diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosisPrevention of age-related diseasesChronic diseasesGenes and age-related diseasesTake a look aroundLife expectancy and the environmentEnvironmental hazardsThe influence of the environment on the human bodyWater pollutionThe most dangerous water contaminantsMicro-OrganismsOrganic substancesHeavy metalsRadonNitratesSafe water that you drink?Air pollutionHow air pollution affects our healthSources of air pollutionIndoor air pollutionAsbestosFormaldehydeRadonTobacco smokeHow to clean the air in the HouseHome security testKit for first aidSafety engineeringYour job killing you?Danger to you at workChemical hazardPhysical hazardsBiological hazardErgonomic risk factorsDental fillings: could it be the cause of the poisoning?The influence of the environment on the nervous systemSocial support systemThe value of social networkingAs social support helps us stay healthy

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The role of the familyThe role of marriageThe role of friendshipThe role of domestic animalsThe value of spiritualityThe use of prayer for healthCharity and Philanthropy: the importance of involvement in communitySocial support in old ageSocial support and mental healthPreservation of positive living in the face of tragedyHumor and health: laughter helps to live longerFeatures of anti-agingFeatures of various population groupsAnti-ageing and menMen and foodMen and physical exerciseMen and lifestyleThe struggle with aging and womenThe nutrients needed for womenWomen and food additives against ageingPregnancy and motherhood: how it might affect the aging of womenExtend the life of your childAnti-ageing and childrenNutritionPhysical activitiesLifestyleCoping with aging in the elderlyThe anti-aging technology for seniorsThe lifestyle of an elderly personNutritionStruggle with aging and people with fewer opportunitiesKnowledge is the way to beat agingResearch on anti-agingHealthy agingThe history of scientific research funds against old ageThe study of the aging process: the latest discoveriesMethod with the use of antioxidantsThe method of fasting

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Hormonal methodHuman growth hormoneDehydroepiandrosterone (DOA-sulfate)TestosteroneMelatoninMethod with the use of mineralsChromeMagnesiumSeleniumTelomernyj methodThe genetic methodBionic man in realityThe artificial bodyThat will bring us the future


WORK FOR THE REJUVENATION OF THE DAILY.• Mentally or aloud read digital series: 1 2 4 8 1 3 4 4 1 2 1 and 3 8 4 each numeral spread on one leaf of a plant or a twig, and near you

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(right) hold the memory in your image where you look good and like themselves.• Concentration on the rocks: Digital series 2 8 7 5 4 3 2 2 2 3 8 and 7 4 5 put on any stone and imagine a picture that you are young, beautiful, joyful.• Focus on the pictures where you are young and happy: place the photo in front of you at eye level and concentrate on the numbers. Email impulse (information) of the photos directly to itself. 1 2 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 and room 3 4 4 5• Under your photo where you are young and joyful, put a piece of digital series: 2145432 2213445 Hold the sheet with the numbers and the picture and glow of the eye at the same time light and digital photography series. Light digital series for rejuvenation in your picture.• Clinical indications: Rejuvenation for the restoration of health. Men-just above the left heel and knee joint on the inside; Women in the area of the left elbow;• Simple beauty rejuvenation: men-right knee joint from the outside; Women in the right elbow.• Your photo at the age of 18 years put in a cassette lecture g. p. Grabovoi. In the morning and in the evening before going to bed, put the videotape on the reorganization of the body ("anahata chakra") in the middle of the chest at heart level, and draw a breath again with cassettes, and later with photos. The reaction can be heat, eddies in the body. You can do the same with fatigue.

• STANDARDIZATION of PHYSICAL WEIGHT 11. number of Digital 4812412 type in the little sphere2. scope of squeeze-to-the-point and enter in the stomach.3. Digital series 1823451 type in another small field and enter in the pituitary gland.4. visualize mauve-purple sphere of 2.5 meters in diameter.5. place your Phantom in the Center together with the figures.6. send the torrent creator.From the book "the creators"-Centre for the dissemination of the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi in Boston. United States. <<< •

OFFICE FOR REJUVENATIONConsciousness of God includes the collective consciousness. In the collective consciousness is our part-consciousness and all in all it is in the mind of God. The rejuvenation we depend on the collective consciousness of all the people of the Earth. We need to work to rejuvenate yourself and rejuvenate all the people. We need to influence the collective consciousness. We accept it. Personal

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consciousness1. a large area is God consciousness. Average area is the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness of a small sphere-personal consciousness God consciousness2. expand the scope of your consciousness to the limits of the sphere of God-consciousness, absorbing the Consciousnesses of the collective. Within the scope of your personal consciousness is consciousness and Consciousness of God. Personal consciousness God consciousness the collective consciousness of the personal consciousness with its information on youth, health and eternal life, place over your head, the sphere of personal and pass this information to a hypophysis. consciousness around the pituitary3. from the head over to send light into the pituitary, passing around information that provided a challenge: a young eternal body, pituitary gland eternal life.4. With the scope around the pituitary gland, the pituitary gland, sign inPituitary cell of light-cure the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the material embodiment of future developments. Nucleus cells of the pituitary We program our pituitary gland, shining his light: the eternal life, youth, the rate of hormones. Regulation of hormones in the concept of "eternal life", DNA because it is the divine Rule. (Chromosomes, genes)Pituitary gland: affects on the thyroid and parathyroid glands (throat), the thymus (the center of the chest), the pancreas (solar plexus), the adrenal glands Consciousness cells (kidney area), both ovaries (in women), and both testicles (in males). Light image5. Enter the cell of the pituitary, pituitary cell of light-cure.6. light cure the nucleus of cells of the pituitary gland.7. light cure the DNA (spring) in the nucleus of cells of the pituitary gland. This light carries information about the rate of reproduction of the protein in the body: rejuvenation, lack of wrinkles, youthful face, young body, young bodies.8. The DNA light small dot-cell consciousness. We are in the mind of the cells that we, as a part of the world, as part of a collective consciousness to live forever in an eternal body, be forever young, want to refer people to this knowledge, so that they too can live forever in an eternal body. Try to see yourself there and fix your image and age that offers us eternal life and the universe.9. in the mind of the cells contained the whole world: in this world see your light, the primary image that God made, and move this image to itself. It may not correspond to our current image, but we get there, this is our task. And rejuvenation will lead us to the

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Primary image. In it we create a world and see ourselves in the world.The Primary Image is light (back):1. this light highlighted the DNA: DNA began conversion processes in accordance with the primary Divine manner;2. highlight the core cells;3. spread to the entire cell;4. spread to the entire pituitary gland;5. in the thyroid and parathyroid glands (in the throat);6. down in the thymus (in the center of the chest);7. went down to the pancreas (solar plexus);8. split into both of the adrenal gland (in the kidneys);9. descended on both ovaries (in women), or both of the testicles (in males). And there we have it. This light has a rule to all hormonal bodies. Normalization of metabolism is young, no aging.10. the same light presented the pituitary gland and the pituitary around. 111. This glow came into our consciousness, which includes God consciousness and the collective consciousness.12. Return of the large scope of the collective consciousness of God and give thanks to God.

• REJUVENATION TECHNOLOGY Charge •Applying the technology of rejuvenation, remember that it is very important to be in a State of joy. Joy is an ultra-fast feeling where you can see yourself in a happy world, managing health and rejuvenation technology. Existing in this State during the control, you can achieve rapid results.• Rejuvenation on clinical indicators: restore health. Rejuvenation is a health technology.• Rejuvenation for aesthetic reasons: this is a personal right of any person to look at that age, what he wants. In addition, it is included in the technology of eternal life: the person must be young and healthy. Ask your soul when you were most happy and most physically healthy? Ask the Soul, not the Mind-soul knows when you were happy. Remember two or three State of absolute happiness, when you were young, healthy and whole life you had before when you were in love or when you have a new baby.1. the first phase: create the structure of the youth:1. construct a sphere and promyslite: I create a structure of my youth, is the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.2. name it: "the structure of the youth System of perpetual development of the world, the radius of 5 cm. (is 25 cm from the center of the chest in your perception)

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3. highlight the structure of youth "a small segment are you: a young, healthy, beautiful, normal events.4. Promyslite: not a "Youth" content Structure and emotionally nasyŝaû her: • I (my phantom) • rejuvenation and regeneration of the age, who chose my soul; • provision of health; • the desired weight; • two or three (or more) emotional States of absolute happiness. • date of performance objectives; • any other desires.5. Bright light-cure the structure of youth "silver-white light of the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi, a saturate it and send the Infinite Development, into eternity, there will be its location.Structure Of Infinite Development Study G. G. Rejuvenation is the launch of the physical process: you must start to rejuvenate cells, all your structures, all the systems. You create it once, and it will now shine on you the rest of your life, helping to rejuvenate. You have started the process of rejuvenation.Now add in the Youth a new task.Create and put into it the goal: rejuvenation of the roots of the hair, the hair cells at the age when you didn't have gray hair. Send this area in the main scope of his youth. Today, rejuvenate one, tomorrow another. Put a reasonable time to rejuvenate.2. phase two: adaptationThe process of rejuvenation for the soul level occurs rapidly, but own consciousness slows, doubts arise: (a) if I have? And what say others? And anyway, is it possible? Our consciousness affects collective consciousness, it brings us back to today's reality, so the phase of adaptation, and its objectives should be your choice. Adaptation is a process of rejuvenation is physical rejuvenation. Rejuvenate at will are the norm. Rejuvenate not all wish, in this case, the aim is to bounce back to health. Task adaptation:-I do not pay attention to other people's opinion. -I do it for myself. -I choose to rejuvenation. -I do own rejuvenation. -I omolaživaûs′. -I so wish! -and so it will be!3. tret′â phase: "Jerk" in your perception, at a distance of 25 cm from the breast is Light connection point of your soul and the light of God in his image. put this point: from the physical body you will glow God Golden light. increase the golden light of eternity by God will intensify. need to physically feel that you're standing there in the light box, communion with GodTo start the process of rejuvenation to make charge-fishing the impulse phase give the command for rejuvenation.1. send in your image of the hearts team for rejuvenation: send pulses of silvery-white in color. • the 1-th second-omolaživaûs′ to 1 second; • for 2-nd second-omolaživaûs′ for 1 minute; • the 3-th second-omolaživaûs′ at 1:0; • for the 4-th second-omolaživaûs′ for 1

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month; • the 5-th second-omolaživaûs′ for 1 year and so on. You want to feel the State of rejuvenation at an emotional level and in a physical body: you must feel a "jerk" on the physical plane, heat, vibrations, joy, happiness is no problem, complete harmony. "Jerk" we want adaptation: is the level of instant healing. Through the rejuvenation of charge per second is a powerful recovery. You should feel the result of body control.4. the fourth phase: KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER for REJUVENATION: Teach other systemically, implicitly or explicitly log on the management structure of the youth ".1. create the youth Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi and imagine yourself in it youthful and healthy.2. secure the level of your own youth: experience and remember it for 1 second.3. place the youth with the skills to rejuvenate a person in his right hand.4. light-cure the silver-white light, and from the light-cure another person, light cure all his body.5. at the level of thoughts pass to other people: I omolaživaû this man and restore his health "-thus, you won't have external resistance, that is there will be harmony.6. on the information to pass to the world: "I omolaživaû my family and all the people."7. "I omolaživaû all the people of the world!"

From the book "the creators"-Centre for the dissemination of the teachings of Grigory Grabovoi in Boston. United States.

Diet vs. age

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Youth. How much she means to us! Speaking of youth, many remember not only cheerful meetings with friends, romantic night walk, inexhaustible energy, sea prospects and possibilities, but her constant companions-the health and beauty. It is the beauty and health are trying to keep, maintain or return. Experts are coming up with this new and innovative ways to: medicinal powders and potions, firming and smoothing wrinkles creams and massages. We advise you not to resort to such drastic methods, and to begin to take advice about proper nutrition that will help preserve youth or even return it.Let's start with the anti-aging diet. If you want to slow down the ageing process and increase life expectancy, this diet is for you. Its essence to limit calories to 30% of the standard consumption and second-hand products, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for the maintenance of the vital functions of the organism. With this diet, you can improve overall health, prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

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The anti-aging diet is based on a list of products whose consumption is most effectively helps slow down the aging process. Topped the list of fish oil thanks to its Omega-3 acids, which protect against dissolution of the shell covering the DNA inside the cell. Omega-3 acids help to increase the lifespan of cells, and therefore slow down the aging process of the entire body. Taking a daily fish oil in capsules, you can prevent the onset of osteoarthritis if the same procedure you did not relish capsules absorption, you can replace them with dishes of salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine, rich in omega-3. But even if you do not belong to an avid fans of fish, do not despair-you can stay young-walnuts, pumpkin seeds and soybeans, which also contains Omega-3.Next on the list of products which are slowing down the aging process, is olive oil. It is very useful for memory, as in olive oil contains oleokantal, which slows down the process of change in brain activity related to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Adding olive oil in your daily diet, we positively influence not only the brain, but also to the heart, because the olives monounsaturated fats and vitamin e lowers bad cholesterol and raise good, protect vessels against atherosclerosis.

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It is advisable to secure regular income of vitamin D in the body. Without vitamin D, calcium absorption is not mean, over the years, the bones become more fragile. Fall of the peculiar people of any age, and when their outcome is fractured, it is more typical for older people. Vitamin D helps strengthen bone mass and muscle. In addition, vitamin D is good for the skin, which is exposed to strong sunlight. If you do not want to go to a pharmacy and buy special preparations containing this vitamin, then eat more eggs, fatty fish and liver.An important role in the aging process plays and our digestion. That is why doctors recommend eating more foods containing fiber, which promote digestion. Among such products are whole wheat bread, brown rice, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits and beans. They stimulate the bowels, protecting our bodies from many of the problems with the increase with age. In addition, fiber reduce cholesterol and restore normal blood sugar levels.

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There are many other products that contribute to the maintenance of health and youth of our body. For example, meat, allowing you to stop the loss of muscular strength due to the high content of beneficial for muscle protein. The garlic will help to strengthen the immune system, and sprouts, cantaloupe, tomatoes, red pepper, Eggplant and blueberries beneficial effect on vision. Among the drinks this elixir of health scientists named the green tea and Pomegranate juice, which is recommended to drink at low pressure.As you already understood, youth and beauty women depend not on learning how to choose the right makeup or artfully applied makeup, and from what she eats. Especially for cases where it seems that everything is hopeless, and even support your body in the State, which he achieved, not want to have a lot of diets with rejuvenating effect.Diet Bihner-Bonnera

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These diets are fruit-and-vegetable diet Swiss doctor-dietician Bihner-Bonnera. It does not focus only on weight reduction, but also on the overall well-being and rejuvenation. To achieve the desired effect, stick to this diet needs to be two to three weeks, with breakfast, lunch and dinner to eat fruits, nuts, and vegetable salads that you can season with a spoon of sour cream or evaporated milk, but no more than one teaspoon a day.Here are a few recipes that offers nutritionist Bihner-Bonner.Apple-carrot dishIngredients:2 grated Apple,2 art. are spoons of semolina,2 art. Spoon carrot2 art. tablespoons finely chopped walnutsPreparation:All the ingredients mix together and season with sour cream. You can add a teaspoon of sugar.

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A dish of rolled oatsIngredients:2 art. Spoon oat flakes, razmočennyh1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts,1 lemonPreparation:Soaked oats diluted prior to the formation of gruel (do not boil), add 1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts, juice from half a lemon. All mix.Apple-Honey dishIngredients:3 grated Apple,2 art. Hercules, soaked dried spoon1 art. Spoon of condensed milk,1 art. Spoon the honeyPreparation:Two tablespoons of previously soaked dried Hercules mix with three grated apples, add one tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk and one tablespoon of honey.If you want to not only lose weight, but also save the beautiful skin, do not purchase any wrinkles and rejuvenate your body, you don't count only on a diet. Be sure to combine it with exercise, massage and beauty masks.

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Rejuvenating diet from Nicolas PerrikonaNo matter how strange, this diet has not a nutritionist and a dermatologist. Doctor Perrikon argues that thanks to his diet for three days you will be able to minimize wrinkles and tighten up the oval of the face. Such a statement seems to be fiction, but does someone bothers you check?Nicholas Perrikon found out that "bad" and "good" are not only fats and carbohydrates and proteins. So, you can lose weight and improve your appearance, if not to consume bad protein and there are "good", which is contained in the fish. In addition, you want the consumption of nuts, olive oil and antioxidants found in blueberries, melon and green salad.The product is based on a diet of Nicolas Perrikona is, above all, salmon, and preference for fresh fish, because it is a healthy source of protein and contains a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to build collagen. Means taking foods high in omega-3, you will be able to improve the tone of your skin, its texture, and make wrinkles less visible.

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Important is the avocado, which is a source of healthy fat and it has an anti-inflammatory effect. You must have and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and Collard Greens. Spinach contains iron, which can improve muscle strength, and high fiber content in vegetables helps the digestive system. One of the antioxidants in the body is the berries, melon and fresh fruits that help improve not only your skin but also health in General. Antioxidants fight free radicals and help prevent premature aging of the organism.Also welcomes the use of products such as nuts, asparagus, bell peppers, celery, beans, all kinds of cabbage, pumpkin, radishes, cucumbers, all kinds of Greens, eggplant, green salads, mushrooms, onion, olive oil, tomatoes, olives, garlic, ginger, green pea pods, squash, apples, grapefruit, Kiwi, lemon, Nectarine, peaches, pears, plums, all kinds of berries, chicken, Turkey, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, parmesan cheese, brynza, sour cream, nonfat milk, natural yoghurt without fillers, seafood, fish, oatmeal, and green tea.

Opt-out will have to be from red meat, fatty sausages, cold cuts, cereals, bakery products, pasta, rice, bananas, oranges, mangoes, watermelon, grapes, papaya, dried fruit, margarine, butter, milk, mayonnaise, cheese, alcohol, carbonated drinks, fruit juices, sweets, pickles, corn, peas, carrots, potatoes and starch.This diet will help improve skin elasticity, increase the rate of growth of healthy cells, reduce the risk of inflammation, slow the rate of premature aging, create healthy glowing skin, reduce the possibility of

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hormonal disruptions, which are reflected in the form of acne on the face, fill the skin with moisture and vital nutrients.For centuries alchemists are fighting over the elixir of youth, but the recipe, like all brilliant, turned out to be simple. And now you know the secret of not only youth, but also a recipe for rejuvenation. If you look tired, you feel older than their years, hit the surrounding low mood and discover all the new wrinkles in your diet, you should see the above foods, replenish energy, stimulate metabolism, improve appearance and mood. In General, everything is not so difficult, we just have to get used to a new way of life, spend a little more time for yourself and have fun.Source:



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