Stroke Prevention in Seniors

Stroke Prevention in Seniors docID=3321


Strokes are very common, especially among the senior population, and can be prevented both by being able to identify symptoms of a stroke and by taking steps in everyday life to reduce the risk of stroke.

Transcript of Stroke Prevention in Seniors

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Stroke Prevention in Seniors

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Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America and a leading cause of adult disability.

In fact, the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide indicates that approximately 500,000 Americans have strokes each year. Credit:

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There are generally two categories of stroke, each of which has a different cause. Ischemic strokes occur when there is an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, almost always due to a clot blocking a blood vessel.

"About 80% of strokes fall into this category. The remaining 20% are brain hemorrhages, which occur when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures." Credit:

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Signs of Stroke

The effects of a stroke can vary. For example, according to the National Stroke Association, someone who has a small stroke may experience only minor problems such as weakness of an arm or leg. People who have larger strokes may be paralyzed on one side or lose their ability to speak. Some people recover completely from strokes, but more than 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.

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Symptoms vary widely depending on the portion of the brain affected, but there are some common signs of a stroke that should throw up a red flag for you to see your doctor immediately about, including but not limited to: • Slurred speech• Weakness, numbness, or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg (i.e. crooked smile)• Dizziness, loss of balance, or loss of coordination• Numbness on one side of body• Sudden blurring or loss of vision in one or both eyes• Loss of one half of the visual field in one or both eyes

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Stroke Prevention in Seniors

Research has indicated that drinking one or two alcoholic drinks per day may cut your risk of stroke in half, but drinking more than this amount increases your risk. Strokes are very common, especially among the senior population, and can be prevented both by being able to identify symptoms of a stroke and by taking steps in everyday life to reduce the risk of stroke.

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• Have your blood pressure checked at least every two years. Reducing your diastolic blood pressure by just a little can cut your risk of stroke nearly in half.• The blood-thinning prescription drug warfarin or aspirin can greatly decrease the risk of stroke.• Have your cholesterol levels checked, ear a low-fat diet and exercise regularly.• Walk, if you can. Staying active can reduce your risk of stroke.• Quit smoking. Ask your doctor about the many strategies available to help you quit.

Here are some actionable items to guide you:


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• Follow your doctor's dietary and medication recommendations for lowering your blood sugar.• Maintain a healthy weight and eat a nutritious and balanced diet.• If you have mechanical heart valves, you should be taking warfarin, and your doctor should do blood tests regularly to make sure the dose is correct.• Although unproven, a diet rich in foods containing vitamin E may reduce the severity of a stroke.

For more information about strokes, preventative measures and life after a stroke, visit the National Stroke Association Web site.


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