Stringed Quartet Will Give Progaa March 22 As Third · PDF fileStringed Quartet Will Give...

Mercury-440229-1.jpg Published Weekly Stringed Quartet Will Give Progaa March 22 As Third Lyceum This Year UBueJrie." ana -.J It be! . •. Coedo u.M ...... - .. . llilo Faciaa 11n urw"min1 link .. SO yard• whh a ltmu nraun, 24-)'nr-uld lie!trL O.rid C. ' Waybur. Piedmont. C.UJ .. lbd tank out or commU.ion and ... rapen..iblc ror lhc upture or tho1hcn ill me Sidli an campaip. Now ruowen:d rrom wuuncb ruei¥ed, ba h the 6m to win the Concreuional Medal ol' Honor on Eurof"'m 10iL Lei'• all Bark the Auad. wilh thai War Rond. ---------------------. MISS TAYLOR'S MOTHER REMAINS SERIOUSLY ILL Helen Taylor , 1\otereury editor, wa' callud to her home in Weston for the !lccond time Tuesday because of the continued serious illness of her mothe'r, Mrs. Hayward Taylor. Mn. Tayl or, who is affl icted with a rare blood diseau, has been confined in a Weston hospital for weeks. College to Offer Summer School Of 2 Five-Week Terms Glenville State College will offer a summer sebool of two fi ve-weeks with dasses scheduled to met't six days a week, it is announced here by the dea·n, R. T. Crawford. Prospective st udents will note that they ean earn a maximum of t"•elve hours of college eredit in the ten weekfl by vi: rtue of the new plan ror ebtl!Se!!' for the 'lix days a week. Heretofore the College has offer· ed a regular twelve-week.a summer and arranged for stu de nts to I M" F' k W"ll complete the !le.el'nd six weeks work ISS UO I in five by attending Saturday classes. II Solt'ct' t Funds I The traditional three-weeks inter· <es11i on -was rule.d out a few yean Pres. D. L Baugh.t who returned 1 For Red Cross ago. reeeutlr fG'f' a tbne-clay war time Enrollment tor the tint ftve weekJ conference of leaden in the fteld of - -- I of the 1944 summer school will be bJ&'ber education, will make hls ftrn j The Ci.tmer County ehapter Olj mad• Jun. 6: c.luHs wUl bec,iu appMrance u an uaembly speaker Red Cross lomonow I June 6. Registralion for the secdlld thll semester when be speaks to- \\'Ill leJ,!'m 1ts annual war fund drtve five weeks will be J uly 10 and class· morrow at 11 a. m. on «eneral to raise ll $6,000 quota as its part es will begin July 11. trends ia education. in the world-wide program carried I 1• jo; assumed 'that a wide variety - pappllac with the wiiiUi ,£v,.IJn Finmr attended the We,_ 11JMk U,. JD a praetice .... ton ton-Elkins buketbaU game at E!- on by the ARC In behalf ot the men of work will be offered, though <"eJ'· and women in t1:e U. S. se.rvice. 1 tuin will have to be regarded Atty. Gu)' B. Young, a College I in view of the de.mand for certain alumnu!, is ch,.irman of the chapter, of work for the war·t ime era and Mrs. .'\. H. Moore, mother or and because of the demand ter- Le!!' Moore, is in charge of the I tain courses to meet the n eeds of dnve. The quota the past year was teachers n.ow in service who will 53200 and was oversubscribed by u I want to re new certificates or to com- lew ddlnr s. plete work for certificates in order tlre Xaaawha BaU piao , .. E-reJyn 'I kins Saturday. .J1uter eornptlng piu.o student• Hayward GroYea, ttatf member, WtJa 1aer Jeseops iD •'booct.... -ooaie."'i visited in and Clarksburg (Ccmtined on pace ') over the PJes., Mrs. D. L. Haught, Members of dent Body Hear Mrs. Roosevelt Speak Tonight. a meeting of Red Cross qun.lify for positions. workers (the public is invited) will .' \ definite teacher shortage exists l·e held in the high school audi tor· (Continued on page 3) ium with Lealie D. Moore, RMnt.> j BPLANATOB.Y NOTE: Gray .... Belen Taylor, CoD- aDd members ot the ller- .. ... were amoq those pres-. .. wben lin. Roosevelt tfilra Ja W,-toa and t.he1 were ...... :to JeCOrd a few ot their im· ,lllllllllfDIII w1deh appear iD the fol- ..... _pbo: 1tr Go.,. .... ,_, llelea Tarler '"" .... lln. D. .t. Ba .. ht and a of otudenta from tbe illelacling EYe!,.,. Fiaoter Jooloe1Je Clark, were preaant at NdaJ aftemoon when Mn. D. Roole"Velt apoke to atu.- ..... of tho Weoton O<bools. The ... WJ dopped brlelly iD Wooton ...... YiiWq the Naval air cadets at lwll.oa•a IOU, and spoke for about ..... toe. -Aller IPU$ phone calla to deter- ... tlle time tor her appearance, we were fortunate to secure eeata wt6la lfteea feet of the speaker's pldform and waited •er:r patiently ill tile warm mDihint tor Mn. Rooae- "telt. who wu late dbe to · a tra\D 'WI'8ek at B•rper's Ferry. JlnaiJ7 uriring about 2 p. m. in a eu drive by WUlia m Kjrw, w ... toa Bleb Sehool otudent. the Pint LU:r lupected the W eoton Home Guard:, wtUcb waa preMAted by Cap.- - lllllter llaloton. l'ormer CoDece t&adanlo wllo - ..._ ...... of the a-d -- huth hrllotte d A 1d B h ('n·mtv scbool ! Uperintenden t, the H II G. I an her way to the rrinci , Pl sr efatter. Three film "> a 1[ S tn tpeaker's platform. drspite the I wii!IIJ ! 'C k or Lhe Colle. e By 22-13 Over that she was praetJcally hemmed m tU 0 - e un . g by the crowd, totaling more than fa culty has been to ca n- Commuter Team •ooo in all Mn. Roose-velt wa at- va!l!ll the crowd for Red tired in a b'lack drese, black t.ailsored Cro83 contributions. coat with !os fur , black beret with veiJ, and won a purple orchid 3 nd BABY DAUGHTER BORN TO IJOid neeklace. On her fingers were MR. AND MRS. REGER four rinp, and she wore clear nail polish. Captain r.tiater daugb . ter, Marian, presented ller with a bouq.utt of red rose buds on behalf of the guard. Mrs. Roo!!e.velt repJied: " Tha nk you very much. They're lovely," The Rev. Perry Cox, master of eeremonies, introduced Governor )fat thew M. Neel)•, who in turn in · trodueed Mn. Roose ... ·ett, lines from Milton that str eased dom, virtue, discreetness, discourse, nobleness of mind , and nobility of !Pirit. Before beginning her talk, Roosevelt asked the Rev. Mr. Cox to ad6uat the a bit higher 8f:r Wa!; on of the first thinga thnt impressed us. "I to .see the boys at J ack- son's Mill.'' she began, her smile. Yanithing in a note of seriouaneas. "l have seen our Navy aviators at the last st:&ges of their training, and I have al11o seen t"he.m when they (Continued on page. ') Mr . nnd Mrs. Harley Reger nn- nounee the birth of a baby girl, Pa- mela J ane on February 25 at the City l:lospitnl. Mrs. Regel' is the former Goldie Reynolds. A. B. '::t8, of Gladys Reynolds. A . B. '41. Reger is a graduntc of this College. The maternal are Mr. and Mrs.s F. B. Reynolds of Glen\'ille . WOOFTER, GROVES SEE ARMY BOMBER AT SUTTON Mr. Carey Woofter, Cl') ll cge rPg"· istrar, and Hayward Grove.5, n stu· dent. stopped on their return from Ri chwood the past Wednesday to view a B-24 bomber which wras fcrced to make nn emergency land- ing 8 Sutton Municipal Airport . The plane was forced down because of bad weather and was !':8\'ed f rom crashing by t he be8(!on lights of the a irport. Do what you ean and do it as well as you can ; that bring& success. If to .-.n eGTly lead soon after t he starting whistle, lhc. Verona Mapel Ball girls basketball tea m wtre nev· er i' euded BA they defeated t he "Shaoting Stsrs.' ' a qui nt of Com· muter girl!, by a score of 22- 13 Tues day night in the gymnasium. The Commuters, led by Wanda Stra- der on the otre.nse and Helen Rad· diff and Edna Ru th E ll yson on the deferu;e, attempted to overcome the lead t he Hall team, but ef- forts futile. Frances Gerwig, V. )f. H. gunrd, was outstanding on I the defense os she held Strader, the Commuter scoring ace, to nine points. T. Ryan led the scoring with ten points while Given a nd of the V. M. R. tea.m, had fi ve each. The score nt the half fav ored V. M. H. 12-10•. Miss Rose Funk, Coll ege physical education instructor. called the game. ·y "' w"'·-::-: M-::-:EE:-=T,.,IN:,..C -ccTO:- BE HELD MARCH 8 Nex t meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be oro March 8 in the Louis nett Ha ll lounge nt which time the program, postponed the pa!'t week, will be given under the dir eetion of Shirley Spencer. The Bart Bouaa Striq Q..- w:ill present the third. lrceum JI'O" gram of t he year tn the eou ........ itorium, Wedneeda:y, March H, at 8:15 p. m., u:ys Bunter Wbltlq, f aculty lyceum chairman. The program wW be open to tlt.e pubJic and there will be. no adftDft" sale of tickets ; admislion price .... ,.. be paid at the door. Student. wDl H admitted upon preaeatation of ... tivity ticket.. Members of the Bart Boun Quartet, long recognized u oae ef the leading enaembl•, IBeiHe James Levey, flr.rt vioUa; Blllll7 Milligan, second vioUB.; Allud .. Ridder, violiniot; Boria Jluobe- cellllt. Founded in 1824 117 tht llllld Honorable Vinceut llaaseJ, C... dian High Commts&loner of Loadoll, the quartet has visited enrr prw- ince of Canada, leading dtlu et tlr United States, and the major atulc centers of Europe wilert th_,r acclaimed as one of the ..._ in the realm of mu!ic. In addition, the Hut .c ha Quartet hu made many neo• the for Victor recorda. aoat Plana Party For March 8th Members of the CIU'I'Ut a...a. · Club met Monday afternOOD Ia •- 108, at wbieh time a ... ef the past two weeks wen 411e1lllecl by Grover Weaver. Gra7 Barker cU. <"useed the present work of th• •· ._ I .; and Bobby Jean Coe preMatM a talk, ucbivalry In r:rlde War." Plans were complete& for a k Patric.k'i Day party to be IIebl fu dub members and their p..ta OD Wednesday, Hare""b 8, in the Looap. College Red Cren· Makes Kit Ba•• Nina Craigo, chainaa11 ef the College chapter of the A.Jniokaa Red Cross, anno1111ced tMt tho te r has completed ite ,uota of .... _ !leas bags for servicemu. The .. _. bers have also malle hou...w-. which are small kits c:onsiMin• ol needle,, pins, buttons, tbrud •4' other articles. Recently, tho eUp&tlr hns been helping the luatOr .W (lr.oss to mount crossword pu..S. nn paper and to make 1erapboob for servicemen now in A..raJ aU Navy hos pitals. IS SUBSTITUTE TU.C.I!I! Mrs. Louise Cluk, wife of Jrr. K. Y. Clark, College, oabfti. t ut ed RS first grade teacher We4a• day and Thursda1 (pr ¥ra. I. 'W'iJ. bur Beall who was to atte .. school because of iflneu. Betty Faulkner spent t•• ....... end at "her home in Wen UtloJl. We Point To ..• Easter v&cation t.o be.,tn Tltan&IJ noon, April 5, and to •a• Ta..S.,. morning, April 11. Dr. D. L. Baucht will IPMk bt. u- sembly tomorrow on ed"•U.Ml trends. High school baak•tball touraaaut to be played on umpue thia- wMIL- end. Army-Navy qualif7iQ' taU t,o H given here under diredioo o.l D.a R. T. Cra· wford. Plans completed tor another lJ· ceum pr ogram. t he third to be oft'•· ed th is semester.

Transcript of Stringed Quartet Will Give Progaa March 22 As Third · PDF fileStringed Quartet Will Give...


• Published Weekly

Stringed Quartet Will Give Progaa March 22 As Third Lyceum This Year

UBueJrie." ana -.J It be! . •. Coedo

u.M ...... - .. . llilo

Faciaa 11n urw"min1 link .. SO yard• whh a ltmu nraun, 24-)'nr-uld lie!trL O.rid C.' Waybur. Piedmont. C.UJ .. kno~kcd lbd tank out or commU.ion and ... rapen..iblc ror lhc upture or thr« o1hcn ill me Sidli an campaip. Now ruowen:d rrom wuuncb ruei¥ed, ba h the 6m to win the Concreuional Medal ol' Honor on Eurof"'m 10iL Lei'• all Bark the Auad. wilh thai ~Xfra War Rond.


Helen Taylor, 1\otereury editor, wa' callud to her home in Weston fo r the !lccond time Tuesday because of the continued serious illness of her mothe'r, Mrs. Hayward Taylor. Mn. Taylor, who is afflicted with a rare blood diseau, has been confined in a Weston hospital for ~everal weeks.

College to Offer Summer School Of 2 Five-Week Terms

Glenville State College will offer a summer sebool of two five-weeks term~ with dasses scheduled to met't six days a week, it is announced here by the dea·n, R. T . Crawford.

Prospective students will note that they ean earn a maximum of t"•elve hours of college eredit in the ten weekfl by vi:rtue of the new plan ror ebtl!Se!!' for the 'lix days a week.

Heretofore the College has offer· ed a regular twelve-week.a summer ~ehool and arranged for students to

I M" F' k W"ll complete the !le.el'nd six weeks work ISS UO I in five by attending Saturday classes.

II Solt'ct' t Funds I The traditional three-weeks inter· <es11ion -was rule.d out a few yean

Pres. D. L Baugh.t who returned 1 For Red Cross ago. reeeutlr fG'f' a tbne-clay war time Enrollment tor the tint ftve weekJ conference of leaden in the fteld of - -- I of the 1944 summer school will be bJ&'ber education, will make hls ftrn j The Ci.tmer County ehapter Olj mad• Jun. 6: c.luHs wUl bec,iu appMrance u an uaembly speaker l~e An1~rt~an Red Cross lomonow I June 6. Registralion for the secdlld thll semester when be speaks to- \\'Ill leJ,!'m 1ts annual war fund drtve five weeks will be J uly 10 and class· morrow at 11 a. m. on «eneral to raise ll $6,000 quota as its part es will begin July 11. trends ia education. in the world-wide program carried I 1• jo; assumed 'that a wide variety

- pappllac with the wiiiUi ,£v,.IJn Finmr attended the We,_ 11JMk U,. JD a praetice ....ton ton-Elkins buketbaU game at E!-

on by the ARC In behalf ot the men of work will be offered, though <"eJ'· and women in t1:e U. S. se.rvice. 1 tuin limit~ will have to be regarded

Atty. Gu)' B. Young, a College I in view of the de.mand for certain alumnu!, is ch,.irman of the chapter, t)~pes of work for the war·time era and Mrs. .'\ . H. Moore, mother or and because of the demand fot~ ter­ Le!!' Moore, is in charge of the I tain courses to meet t he needs of dnve. The quota the past year was teachers n.ow in service who will 53200 and was oversubscribed by u I want to renew certificates or to com­lew ddlnrs. plete work for certificates in order

tlre Xaaawha BaU piao , .. E-reJyn 'I kins Saturday. .J1uter eornptlng piu.o student• Hayward GroYea, ttatf member, WtJa 1aer Jeseops iD •'booct....-ooaie."'i visited in W~ston and Clarksburg

(Ccmtined on pace ') over the

PJes., Mrs. D. L. Haught, Members of dent Body Hear Mrs. Roosevelt Speak

Tonight. a meeting of Red Cross ~~ qun.lify for positions. workers (the public is invited) will .'\ definite teacher shortage exists l·e held in the high school a uditor· (Continued on page 3) ium with Lealie D. Moore, RMnt.> j

BPLANATOB.Y NOTE: Gray .... Belen Taylor, CoD­

aDd members ot the ller­.. ... were amoq those pres-. .. ~ wben lin. Roosevelt tfilra Ja W,-toa and t.he1 were ...... :to JeCOrd a few ot their im· ,lllllllllfDIII w1deh appear iD the fol­..... _pbo:

1tr Go.,. ....,_, llelea Tarler '"" .... lln. D . .t. Ba .. ht and a ~pap of otudenta from tbe ~ illelacling EYe!,.,. Fiaoter

Jooloe1Je Clark, were preaant at NdaJ aftemoon when Mn.

D. Roole"Velt apoke to atu.­..... of tho Weoton O<bools. The ... WJ dopped brlelly iD Wooton ...... YiiWq the Naval air cadets at lwll.oa•a IOU, and spoke for about ..... toe.

-Aller IPU$ phone calla to deter­... tlle time tor her appearance, we were fortunate to secure eeata wt6la lfteea feet of the speaker's pldform and waited •er:r patiently ill tile warm mDihint tor Mn. Rooae­"telt. who wu late dbe to · a tra\D 'WI'8ek at B•rper's Ferry.

JlnaiJ7 uriring about 2 p. m. in a eu drive by WUliam Kjrw, w ... toa Bleb Sehool otudent. the Pint LU:r lupected the W eoton Home Guard:, wtUcb waa preMAted by Cap.­- lllllter llaloton. l'ormer CoDece t&adanlo wllo - ..._ ...... of the

a-d -- huth hrllotte

d A 1d B h ('n ·mtv scbool ! Uperintenden t , the H II G. I w· an GTa;~~ly ~·:kine her way to the rrinci, Pl srefatter. Three sh<'~rt film "> a 1[ S tn tpeaker's platform. drspite the -!·~ I wii!IIJ !'C ~o~wn.F k or Lhe Colle. e By 22-13 Over that she was praetJcally hemmed m tU 0 - e un . g by the crowd, totaling more than fa culty has been des~gnated to can- Commuter Team •ooo in all Mn. Roose-velt wa at- va!l!ll the eampu~ crowd for Red tired in a b'lack drese, black t.ailsored Cro83 contributions. • coat with !os fur , black beret with veiJ, and won a purple orchid 3 nd BABY DAUGHTER BORN TO IJOid neeklace. On her fingers were MR. AND MRS. REGER four rinp, and she wore clear nail polish.

Captain r.tiater Ral~ton's daugb . ter , Marian, presented ller with a bouq.utt of red rose buds on behalf of the h?m~ guard. Mrs. Roo!!e.velt repJied: " Thank you very much. They're lovely,"

The Rev. Perry Cox, master of eeremonies, introduced Governor )fatthew M. Neel)•, who in turn in · trodueed Mn. Roose ... ·ett, quotin~

lines from Milton t hat streased wi~ dom, virtue, discreetness, discourse, nobleness of mind , and nobility of ! Pirit .

Before beginning her talk, Roosevelt asked the Rev. Mr. Cox to ad6uat the mi~rophone a bit higher 8f:r ~heighL Wa!; on of the first thinga thnt impressed us.

"I ~ame to .see the boys at J ack­son's Mill.'' she began, her smile. Yanithing in a note of seriouaneas. "l have seen our Navy aviators at the last st:&ges of t heir training, and I have al11o seen t"he.m when they

(Continued on page. ')

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harley Reger nn­nounee the birth of a baby girl, Pa­mela J ane on February 25 at the West~n City l:lospitnl. Mrs. Regel' is the former Goldie Reynolds. A. B. '::t8, lli~ler of Gladys Reynolds. A . B. '41. Mr~ Reger is a graduntc of this College. The maternal grandparent~ are Mr. and Mrs.s F. B. Reynolds of Glen\'ille .


Mr. Carey Woofter, Cl')ll cge rPg"·

istrar, and Hayward Grove.5, n stu· dent. stopped on their return from Richwood the past Wednesday to view a B-24 bomber which wras fcrced to make nn emergency la nd­ing 8 Sutton Municipal Airport. The plane was forced down because of bad weather and was !':8\'ed f rom crashing by the be8(!on lights of the a irport.

Do what you ean and do it as well as you can ; that bring& success.

If to .-.n eGTly lead soon after the starting whistle, lhc. Verona Mapel Ball girls basketball team wtre nev· er i' euded BA they defeated t he "Shaoting Stsrs.' ' a quint of Com· muter girl!, by a score of 22- 13 Tuesday night in the gymnasium. The Commuters, led by Wanda Stra­der on the otre.nse and Helen Rad· diff and Edna Ru th E ll yson on the deferu;e, attempted to overcome the lead u£ t he Hall team, but ~ hei r ef­forts futile. Frances Gerwig, V. )f. H. gunrd, was outstanding on

I the defense os she held Strader, the Commuter scoring ace, to nine points. T. Ryan led the scoring with ten points while Given a nd Judge~ of the V. M. R. tea.m, had fi ve each. The score nt t he half favored V. M. H. 12-10•. Miss Rose Funk, College physica l education instructor. called the game.

~EXT ·y"'w"'·-::-:M-::-:EE:-=T,.,IN:,..C -ccTO:­


Nex t meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be oro March 8 in the Louis B~n­nett Hall lounge nt which time the program, postponed the pa!'t week, will be given under the direetion of Shirley Spencer.

The Bart Bouaa Striq Q..­w:ill present the third. lrceum JI'O" gram of the year tn the eou ........ itor ium, Wedneeda:y, March H, at 8:15 p. m., u:ys Bunter Wbltlq, f aculty lyceum chairman.

The program wW be open to tlt.e pubJic and there will be. no adftDft" sale of tickets ; admislion price ....,.. be paid at the door. Student. wDl H admitted upon preaeatation of ... tivity ticket..

Members of the Bart Boun S~ Quartet, long recognized u oae ef the leading enaembl•, IBeiHe James Levey, flr.rt vioUa; Blllll7 Milligan, second vioUB.; Allud .. Ridder, violiniot; Boria Jluobe­cellllt.

Founded in 1824 117 tht llllld Honorable Vinceut llaaseJ, C... dian High Commts&loner of Loadoll, the quartet has visited enrr prw­ince of Canada, leading dtlu et tlr United States, and the major atulc centers of Europe wilert th_,r ~ acclaimed as one of the ••i~ ..._ ~ani zations in the realm of elua~tlac mu!ic. In addition, the Hut .c ha Quartet hu made many neo• the for Victor recorda. aoat

~lub Plana Party For March 8th

Members of the CIU'I'Ut a...a. · Club met Monday afternOOD Ia •-108, at wbieh time a ... ~ ef the past two weeks wen 411e1lllecl by Grover Weaver. Gra7 Barker cU. <"useed the present work of th• •· ._ I.; and Bobby Jean Coe preMatM a talk, ucbivalry In r:rlde War."

Plans were complete& for a k Patric.k'i Day party to be IIebl fu dub members and their p..ta OD Wednesday, Hare""b 8, in the Looap.

College Red Cren· Makes Kit Ba••

Nina Craigo, chainaa11 ef the College chapter of the A.Jniokaa Red Cross, anno1111ced tMt tho ella~ ter has completed ite ,uota of ...._ !leas bags for servicemu. The .. _. bers have also malle hou...w-. which are small kits c:onsiMin• ol needle,, pins, buttons, tbrud •4' other articles. Recently, tho eUp&tlr hns been helping the luatOr .W (lr.oss to mount crossword pu..S. nn paper and to make 1erapboob for servicemen now in A..raJ aU Navy hospitals.

IS SUBSTITUTE TU.C.I!I! Mrs. Louise Cluk, wife of Jrr. K.

Y. Clark, College, oabfti. t uted RS first grade teacher We4a• day and Thursda1 (pr ¥ra. I . 'W'iJ. bur Beall who was to atte .. school because of iflneu.

Betty Faulkner spent t•• ....... end at "her home in Wen UtloJl.

We Point To ..• Easter v&cation t.o be.,tn Tltan&IJ

noon, April 5, and to •a• Ta..S.,. morning, April 11.

Dr. D. L. Baucht will IPMk bt. u­sembly tomorrow on ed"•U.Ml trends.

High school baak•tball touraaaut to be played on umpue thia- wMIL­end.

Army-Navy qualif7iQ' taU t,o H given here under diredioo o.l D.a R. T. Cra·wford.

Plans completed tor another lJ· ceum program. the third to be oft'•· ed th is semester.


each Tuesday during the school classes in journaliam. Entered at as second claae mall. Subaerlption year ia ,1.00; for the semester, a11 communications to : The Glen­

Glenville, West Virginia.

HELEN TAYLOR Managing Editor

STAFF MEMBERS Messenger, Catherine Withers, David Gray Barker, Janette Cunningham,

Ryan, Hayward Groves. Lbva' :S: l;lickman . . . . . . . . . . Faculty Adviser

Is Important-That's But It's True

fluaial bo mid-air .;.., • au Ilia ........ bo llaiJ, IL J ..... L c..Jr, Erl1011, New Yorlc, JlniU)ed 10 ldek ... ._wheal~- 111 ......._ had jammed. U...We 10 - lho wbla p- aa dte ,.-. .. - ..._ l>ack bolD dte pl,.e ID help doe WD11Died pUol make • "-- llollr hauliaJ .rely. Don't tun roar baS • dae Freai-Bar More WIU' .....


Notes From. The Robert F. Kidd Library

.-----------------------BJ' JaneHe C-'-1' .... A NEW column b7 Marquis W.

ChUd-., 40 year-old ace WaShington eonespondent for the St. Louis Poat-Dispakb, is being otreJ"'!!d the 180 newsrJapera which carried Ray­mond Clapper's United Features a:rndleated column. Cbilda wu 1

fliiend "f Clapper. 'VF.WSWEilK'S Febraaey Zl isoue

telh tidt!Ughts never before reYea1-.. d eonceminl' the peace-making fol· lowin)!" tbe first World War. They 'l: re t .,ld in the .,secret diary'" of Stephen Bonsai, who wu Preaidu1 Wil!'ntl'~ confidential interpreter at the eonteencea lD 1918-19 and who. '-'ml'elf, made public ee'rtain exeePpte from l-i!l diary. ·

LIFE magazine Ia DOW publiehJDir an ut.iele each week from A. Beard'• new book, THE BEPlJB. L!C. "'In this book, oae of Ameri­n"• great hiltoriaa and tbiDken outlinoe tbe bule foeti ed prlneiplea of the AmeriC&D form of lrft'em­ment in a Jeriea of ID1'ormal Frid&J'-

probalil one of the moat wasted ones. An aver- • 'rime Ia one ot our moat precious gifts yet I

age 1ndfvidual wm waste, to be conservative, Someone May Wnte Ponderous Tome On at least one hour a day. By wasting, I mean the 'S" 1 · p · Th h C 11 E t• h' 1aek" of doing that which ill helpful to himself mg e- OOtq:tg roug 0 ege ng IS or society. Advert~enta such as, ''Take your time."

"What is a minute in a lifetime?" are placed "l!'llll"f! they can be obRerved by the public con­JIN>tl,y. Here at home a minute may not mean IIWCh, but to a squad of men pinned down by *"biDe gun fire in some isolated place in the Q&le a minute more to live ia considered in-

v-'uallle . . Here-. on the home fro'nt if just half the pop­

ulelon 11f the United State~ would make use ,f ten mbiutes a day that would ordinarily be w~d it would · solve innumerable problema. Thiak how many hours it would mean if 66 mil­ion people would give ten minutes of their

time for the war effort. Bottlenecks in prod uc­tion would be eliminated and there would be more of everything that ia needed by our service me;.

It would mean that our relatives, our friends, and thousands of people like us could return to no~al living quieker than we will be able to unle8s SOJIU! of this wasted time ia used.

"'- minute in a lifetime cannot be overlooked even though ie does not mean much to an indi­vidual hinlaelf but because others who are de­pendent on him must suffer the results of hill inefficiency, time is important, even a little time. If we all were to underotand thia we could put an end to thia struggle between nations more quickly and more readily.--Hayward Groves.

An imminent German aeientirt onee wrote an interutinc book. "Romrin~ Through Phyaies,'' whieh rt>rrind~ ,,, that 11ometime a member of Mr. H. L. White's 8 p. m. English ~02 ( 1ass m!ly be inspired to write a .. onderou• tome entitled, "'Single-. Footing Through Engli.ah. '"

For hi! students were required to demonstrate everything ranging from 4 trotter to a goo...atep one afternoon as a visual aid in teaching the tonnotations of the word, 11Go .•• Glennis Marie Hudkins Jt.arted the :Show movinl' with her expert demon­!ltration of the art of running to tbl! door and back, after wbich Pear Williams gave the elau her inter­pretation of the word, ••strut," giv­ing many tU impreu ion of seeing

footing•• ia the next "trotting'' "'almost jars one's out." aeeordlq to him.

4'When prepariDg to ride a ter'," said Kr. White' weighlq each word ia the balanee of diction, "one should rhorteu the 'ltirropl' a bit."

The type of -walk moat comfortable for 'th hone was not di~euued, it probably was auumed t.he bone la alway• feeUng all right except at Umes when there iJ a bur under the u ddle. Then the clock R.ruek and Mr. White strode to open the door. Everyone left wonderina wb,. no one had mentioned the Lambeth Welle.

a bantam rooster. Mae Anderson did ESTELLA BONNER ON not know how to 11totter," but did CHEMISTRY CLUB PROGRAM manage to "stagger." John Wagner and Wanda Strader gave the class and posterity their demonstration of sroose stepping, (llr. White deftne!l it 11estreme imitation'") and the geese are reported to ha,ve turned over in their grans.

No one knew how to "amble," whieb, when Webster was consulted, proved to b1 a type of walk peculiar

Estella Bonner, senior, dlseuuecl propertil!'s of the new d~. cillin, at a meetlnc of the try Club, Tuesday at 4 lowing her talk, elub membera further piau for a pme party to sponsored bJ' the organization April.

What is defeat? Nothing but education, to four-let:ged animals only. But cuss WITHDRAWAL DEADUNE nothing but the first step to something better. that did not faze Mr. White. who -Wendell Philips. immediately deviaed a complu ays- Anyone withdrawing from clau

Our deed.- determine us, as much as we dew tem of jumping atUr lected and af ter Mareh 6 will be cre4ited wiU termine our deeds.--Genrge Eliot. whirling in various way• to compen- a failure. Thb date was set b7 DeaD · It ia much easier to be critical than to be sate for the two extra lop humane R. T. Crawford the put Mondey. 'ment of

eorrect.-Diaraeli. I do not have. Of coune. he did not Of all It ia by faith that poetry, as well as devotion, demonstrate. but did go on to ••- When • ....,. won"t let p, thia hour, ia the

soars above this dull earth; that imagination plain dilferent wei lUI of bona, In-~ stande a clwlee to win out at laR. I Froude. }lreaka through ita clouds, breathea a purer air, cluding "pacing/" which be tumed You woa't beY• time to lnd faalt A little noDHMe now and .1111d Jives in a softer ligbtr-Henl")' Gllea. tbe moet comfortablo type Of walk wilh othen If yoa keep at ..,Jr. Ia rellahed bJ' the w'-t


C!XtlteCt~!d Here This Week- College to Offer School Tournament School Of


will win!"' Kina Orajgo: "I want Glenrille to

win but I'm afraid Normantown will!"

Normantown to l" Edith Hinterer: "1 think It will

be between Spencer aud Sand J'ork." Norita Gallien: "The Red Tu­

ron." . Fork twice ill recular season play, with Tanner. At 7:80 o'clock •.he Glenville Red Tenors face Troy and at 9 n"clock Spencer, the only anp defeated team to the tournament, play• a redrawn team. Saturday's semiplnal pmes wlll begin at 2 and 3:30 o'clock. and the Ina! game will .tart at 8 o'clock Saturday nighL

year many emergency Jack Harrison: "Spencer.'' Catherine Withers : uweU, I think

it wil1 be neither Glenville nor Nor­mantown!"

Charles Melntoah: "Spencer ... Beatriee St ewart: "I with Nor­

mantown would , but I think SpeDCU' will!"

A committee to eboose the All· tournament teams is coDtposed of the Rev•re-nd: C. Lloyd Arehart of GlenYille, Ill. T. ("lli<k") Hamrick, principal of Calhoun County High School and B. G. E•erl1 of Spencer. The eligibiUty committee is com­posed of Melvin L. Mackey of Spen­cer. chairman. A. C. Brannon of Normantown and Ala Cooper of Tanner. Chief scorer wiU be Eugene Thompson of Sand Fork and time keeper ,m be Russ Hardman of Glenville . Earl Borra. principal of Glenville High School, has been chop sen tournament dJrector; Earl Culp ol Harri..Uie, referee. Student sea~

were luued in an efl'ort to oye.reome at a part of the ehortage. Many teachers who were granted tbe emer­gen<!'y certificates will no doubt roll lor summer work here in to be eligible for positions again the

Geneva Praetor : "I think Speneer will win because they are the only undefeated team in this section."

Betty Waybright: "Spencer!' Ritamae Fling: "I think Speaau

will be in the finals with Norman­town, and Spencer wilt beat them.~'

Janet Bous: "'Spencer.''

the two Roane Coaa. and Spencer, and Couty scbooll.

NolrmtllntaoWD, Ton­will compete for

which wtll euble .mer tho rec~oaal

- -k In Clorb-

Central W Mt on tick eta (lnelud.tuc College stu· with Walton, I dental will be $1.00, while lingle

two o'doclr. Fricla7 afp seuion ttcketl (Frid&J) wiU be tblr­HCond pme. atartinr ty centa and Saturday (afternoon)

8:10 o'clock, pain fortJ and (night) sixty cenu.


Guy Stalnaker, Jr., a U. S. cadet, arrived bere over the weekp end for a visit with h.i• parents and with hl1 sister, Mn. Frank Martino. Younc Stalnaker il a former College alumna. IIF•• a,. ..

'l!llillraament time Ia bore I The dateo have tlnolly .,.. IIEW Alll-IIAIL SCHEDUL!'

(or will in two do,.) for the A BEJIEFIT TO STUDEJITS

Jtana~!,~~hle~"::;'":.: Since ye...,rday ltudenta will iD tbe CoDeee I'71D Fricla7 h•e one boor lo.,.er in which to

Satu.rcla7. And, belie•e me. al- meet the air mail deadline in the JUit .,_,. baltetltralJ fan from t.bis dt.ernoon. the eveninl' flight being f1Kt1oa of Ole olato tW ..,. 'lllccll ehanced from •:10 p. rn. to 5 :1 0 p. a rille' or walk wm be on band tor 1IL Coanectioaa are be\ac made with WI1'J' ...mute of tU pmea, which iA the tnanklinea at Pittabu1yh which tldl W1'iter"a opbdoa. will be ther. will provide owernight. service to e.ll alb ... Ialita• from ltart to ftn. parte of the country, according to

1a11. Tho 11Da1 w1a1at1e Saturday n!Pt Mn. Morcuerite Whltlnc, wiD tletenlda• the winner, and may ter.


coming yeat·. • The re@'Ular College year will

June 2 with commencement ezer· ci!es scheduled tor the aame day.

Anrlouncemenb of the summer schOol program are being sent from the off\ce of Pres. 'D. L. Haught and all penons interested are invited to wri te for ropi~s a-nd for catalogs iJ' tbey need advance information.

A schedule of work for the mer will be made up !ioon and be avaUable. probably about April 1, Dean Ci-awtord aay•.

Given-Gerwig Teams P lay to 20-20 Tie

The W. A. A. basketball teams Captains Beulah Given and Frances Gerwig battled to a 20-20 tie (wbicb is not broken by ntra period play in girla' bulcetball) in a elo!ie Thu.nday night in the Ginn's team bad a half-time lead of 12-6, but soon after the third per· iod started. Gerwig'! quint the margill. For the rest of the the leams played on even tnms. T. Ryan of Gerwig's team led the seor· inc with fourteen poinp, followed by Stradrr of Given's team with elev­en points. Westfall scored the re­mainln,- six points for Gerwig'! te"m while Given with ftve and Judge with four poinU tallied f{lr the op­ponents. In a softball game to the bae~ketball game, Faulkner'! team smothered Finster's team by a ~ore of 26~8.


Word hu been weeeived by Dean R. T. Crawford from three of the ftve eounty high sebools that they are !ending students to take the third Arm1-Navy College

Helen Cox : "Th e Glenville Red Terrors, of course!"

Grover Weaver: "Spencer, natur-Juanita McWilliams: ul think Spencer will win even though I want allyl10 ·

Colleg~ Student s, Training School Pupils Hear Talk on 'Human Side of P residents'

Dr. Fred T. Wilson, lecturer and harm be done the man who kllled writer and a native of Tennesse~. him." who spends the gr-eater part of hi" Theodore Roouvelt, he ealled a t. ime in re!earcb at th~ Congression- "great lover of nature - fri.U of al Library, Washington, D. C., spoke man,, bird, and beast," aad FraUUa here in assembly Wednesday on Roosevelt, "'an example of -"at "The 'Human Side of the Presidents." physical courage."

Dr. Wilson expnssed the hope "Herbert Hoover , the gra.t Qaak-that sehool children would always er exponent of peace/' be said, "wu be reminded that Wa!bington was a one who never tried to capltaliae 011

man without. whose great ability his office. but apent bJa moDIJ to neither t'le American Revolution nor become better qualUled.." the Constitutional Convention could "Lincoln was the Great Prophet have been successfut' of the Ages," he said. "Stan dille 011.

"The molt interestin~ thing about I the Gettysburg battlefield not loq Jefferson,'' be said, "is tba't he de- ago. 1 thought I could 'hear hia hlcJI:.. signed end wrote the. inscripti!)n for pitehed voice delivering that Ja.. his own t.omb-witb no reference to , mortal address. ... We are tpt;Jq political policies." now to presene those tbinp he

Outstanding thing about. ~ladiaon, spoke of. 10 Lincoln's death in t.he be believes, is the fact that be lived Capitol Theater be called "the mat to the age of eighty-five, though dramatic scene in all acting.'' very trail all his life and not exp pected to live through bis college Truth, like the aun, submlta to be day!. William Henry tflarrison, he ob.seured; but, Uke the sun, only for

noted, was tbe first to ride all tllei ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way from bis home to Wuhington l

~~. ~m':~:;.~:a,:,~L;•:.,:·~::· ;~~ Picturela nd Theatre augurated.

Of Woodrow Wilson, whom Dr. Wilson knew penonally, he said: " His dreum of a world federation of some form must be a reality if peace is ever to come to this war-torn world , .. a dream whieh he bravely attempted to translate into a real­ity."

Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 29. liar. 1 BUCKSKIN F.RON11ER

Richard Dix, Jane Wyatt

Thursday-Friday, llorc:b 2-8 THE CRIME DOCTOR

Warner Bazter

Saturday, Karch 4

Glrla' bubtbaU oa the eampua 11 llaoiiJo settlq o nut and not any too •oal The Interest •evelopd in tile Coaun...._ Verona llopel Bell - the otlier night prooea tbot the ltacleaU WANT pmes. In t.he im­aedlate more pmea mould \1 Khedule4 with other eam-put or­~tlou. the local hich school ~ OJ' nearb7 indepndent teams.

Thelma Ryan, • captain. entertain­ed memben of t~ Verona Mapel Ball buketball team Wednesday e•eninc at the Conrad Re..stAuranL Atte.ndiDC were Frances Gerwig, lso.­belle Clark, ' Geneva Proctor,

ing Test to be given here rtav. March 16, at 9 a. m. which indieated they will send dent. an Normantown •. Sand and Glenville.


"The outstanding human incident of William McKinley," Dr. Wilson stated, "was that be asked that no



LUCKY LEGS Jin.x Falkenbara

Sunday-Monday, March i-1 THE CONSTANT NYMPH

Charles Boyer, J oan Fontaine Pic:turelaad n.-tn


'lhen seems to be aaotbe1 ~ Abramo11c (ezcept this •• Ill hicb !chool circlea) in th• -. u Joek Reaser, Briatol Blch le1loo1 KOriD.I' ace, pina more and _. recocnttion for his ability on tile basketball court. Reuer has .... !II approximately u \4o or hll ~u.m•a 18 pmea thia seuon, and dulDc that time has collected the DDialm7 total of 458 poinU, for ar. annce of 28.81 points per pme!

lotte Ryan, Nina Craigo, Faulkner, Etta Jane JudRe, Morgan, Evelyn Finste r. ---Given. Juanita Me Williams end the I Charlotte Byer, who attended bosteu, Jliu Ryan. College the past semester and was a

meml·er of the Mercury staff, has

Norita Gallten and Edith ~interer eomplet,ed 'bo~t' training in thP spent the week--end at their bome.s Woman s Manne Corps .•t LeJeune, in Doddridge County. N. C,. and baa been ass1gned to t-he

Motor Transport sehool there. The school will last four week.a. after

. . . Mercuryite Of the Week

'!he W'I'Ht:Ung match of the year took 1-laee Saturday afternoon on C--t. n't be fooled in matbemat-.. Street when biro Collece stu- ica-very often t 4lld.. O.arles Mcintosh and Gro•e:- H--ome ia in W alkenville. 'WaYer attempted to pro•e thelr A- ttends moviea regularly (prac-llldlltlu. The calamity of the event tically every night t) WU that Grover aceidentally pushed R- anka high sebolasticaUy. Charla into the window of the Glen- L--ove. to laugh over nothing I ..We Bankinl' A Tru.t. Co. •nd creek- E-lected president of Alpha P!i ed tbe plate glaaa. Oh, what a dent Omega. hi a college ~1'• • bi~old! . 8--:ophomore • ia :~ •College rank.

The Welt Vireiaia Uaiveftit)' I M-ember of the Y. M. C. A. Maaatalneen lost their eleventh C-an't waiL until he ia old :-• in eirbteen starts u the1 feU · enough to go Into tbe Service.

Pitt by • score of 80-&-7. The I- nterested in chemical engin-PIDe, faat ana rouch from start to eering. tDbb, ended 61-aU wllen the wbinle N~phew of Dean Robert Craw­.ouded but ill the extra period Pitt ford. · ~~ ~d goal and e free throw T-imid? Not a bit!

which she will be sent to a perman-ent station.


At a patriotic tea February 23 in the Loui! Bennett Lounge the So· t'ial Committee held its monthly o!D·

tertainment, attended by forty stu­tlents and teach·en. Red. white and blue ftag!. eactes and v·~ made of cnpe paper furnished the motif. Guest. were served cookies, candy, sandwiehe! and puneh.

Evelyn Finster, Mary Jo Morsn . Isabelle Clark and -Romer Paul Heck· ert spent the week-end at their re· speetive homes in Weston.

Glady! Fo!ter, former student ~ho- is teaching iii Rosne County, visited in Glenville over the week· end.

That Oranges Are One of the Beat K n o w n Natural

Sour ces of Vita­min " C"


.• R. B. STORE

See Our

Complete Line of Dresses, Suits

and Ha ts

• Glenville Midland

Com pan)'

EVEN IN "'ARTIME .•. You Will Find We Stock Hi~rh

Quality Mer chandise . • .

Ma intain the Same Cour teous Sernce You Have Always Got at

Our S tore.

CALHOUN SUPER SERVICE Glenville, W. Va. the f'llnd ;..::e. Th~ aam.e nlchtl O-ften entertains L. B. B. boys

feate4 tlle A een ° Elkina d• with hia mandolin. t1en • ldenoa.Broacldu Bat. ~tudent A.uociation treasurer.

• Roller Court member.

Several dogfi!h sharks, which have been embalmed, have arrived for u~ in dissection in Vertebr11te

Zoology. :..-----------------------..!



- P res., Mrs. D. L. Haught, Members of On The Land, In the Air, And on The Sea Student Body Hear Mrs. RoQsevdt Speak

Wit J:t Our Friends In The Service

By J anette fCu nninrham Pvt. Kermit Fisher, who has been

stationed at Camp Fann in, Texas, for the pa~-t stn~l month~ . is spend­ing a ten-day furlough at his home :n Glenville. Pvt. Fisher states th al ,~W,est Vjrgin ia look!'! wonderful' ' an d that Hit!s swell to be bsck." Ho expects tc be tran.sfl'rred fro m Camp Fnn nin so.,n. where Corp J ack Con­tad is stationed.

S 2.-c Arlena Waltor. will be sta­tioned at Bainbridge, Md., after ;:pending n seven-da y furlough a t her home at Cox's Mills. She has been !ttationed priot· l" th is time at Mil­ledgeville .• G .. a ..

Chief Speciali~t Frank Marti no, USNR, h<ls bee-n t ra nsferred from Sampson, N. Y .. where he and his Wife, formerly Miss Leah Stalnake·· of Glenville, ~ave been living, tfl Pla t tsburg, N. Y., c. n the Canadian bonier. Rece iv; ng word of t he t rans­fe r at 9 a . m. , both had packed t heir helongings and ilcheduled ra ilroad transport3tion to Clarksburg by 3 p. m. Martino, after a br ief visit in

~Cla rksburg, ret ut ned to his post. "MrS. Martino came to Glenville where she will v isit her parents un­til living quarter., can be secured at Plattsburg. •

1st Lt. Go rdon Thompson. some· where in Italy, wrote the fo llr. wing 1etter to t he Mercury staff: " I want to extcnrl my app reciution fo r the Mercu ry, which you have been st thoughtfu l in send ing. It is reaUy

' 'gi=eat'. "This past year has been quite

differe nt ,from those of t he past Many o( t hose little t hings we-. onre took for granted from day to d!'.y are 'tta~t't(~ rfes-_!'9day. Yes, !hose· sodas at the cornel drugstore, a bot. show­er.\oa· a- bed· v.'ith dea n linen ... arc a ll thi 'lgs of the past.

ci~id~m h~(t rf:t:i ~~·o ;;~ 'ih i:P:::~ year has been an en joyable one for

I have done many things nnd ·. is ited many places that I had longed f -; be­fore. It's true there we1•e !<:tcrifices often. even to the point it hurt. but that's to be expected in war. lt 's an ugly bus ines!l.

(' Highlights of my trave l inc lude a trip to t he Hol y Lnnd, Jcru~a lem

and Bethlehem in Palestine. Han~­ing Gardtns and Taj Mnhal in India, the Lion'!t Den and the r ui ns of Car~hage ; also. Cairo. Alexandri3. Tripoli. Tu ni!l , and Algiers. All of wou ld I g!adly give fnr any littlE­.!!pot of t hi! United S.tutes. Tru ly, t"hen" is no pl~ce in the world that can compare with our homeland. I~'s

the best. •· A g.::: in I w~nt to thank you fo1

your wonderfu l cooperation an 'J fin~ wo rk. 1 l"eall y look r~ rwar<'i t"' the Mercury, for i£ helps in keeping up with t he gang and it makes you (ePl a little closer home, even though are a few thousand miles apnrt."

Via a newspaper cJi"·-...,in<!: the r ast week, Mr. and Mrs. Fred WHting Gl ~ nville, learned that their son. Cpl. Richa rd C. Whiti!lg, has ))een named manager of a post hn nd known the ' 'Sunrise Sere naders' ' who !<ent the 17r. •:- Fiel t:l 4.r•ill er \' t a!ion at Camp Maxey. Texas. band, up of several outstand­ing musicians, pbyed for a tea danee A rec~:nt Sunduy, a nd the same e\'en­in,.. were g uests for n half-hour broadcast from station KP.LT.

s~q~1:. Fred Wells, now visiting in Glem·ille. will report March 1 t o Seymour Joh nson Fielrl !\t Goids­bnro. N. C. Sergt. Wells has been stationed recently at Camp Stout, neat· India napo li s. Ind .. and is with the weather department.

T he following new addresses have been received: A-C P nu l E. Ballrt.o­tine. Class 44 F, AA FF&FS, Perri n F ield, Sherman. Texa~ ; F-C 2-c Clar­ence Ber!'y, USS Humphreys, c-o Postmarter, San Francisco.


13~ F;O!J1!1]':EN Y Ef.RS AGO Coach A. F. Rohrbough, Bernard

Hayh urst studen-t ma nager , Linn H ickma n, publicity manager, and the players, Capt. Harrison, Rogers, Lindell , Burk, Rafferty, Hines, Deitz. Jan eS; R t!cke 1·t and Vass, •left i n t he school bus for a three day basket­ball tri p--through southern West Vir­ginia .

L "1 931 •• TH IRTEEN Y E ARS AGO ~ . ...:·1Wi§!: ""Oli ~e ... o"'nen . ... Miss: Gladys

JUstice and Mjss Katherine Hammer ! were speak

1ers 't! meeting of the

' Y. W. C. A. I 193Z T WELVE YEARS AGO , .Toiln tiu-sk, f .r"eShma n, w~ ap-. pointed: assista nt. ma nager of at'hlet-1 ies by Coach Natus Rohrbough to ~ assist Berntnd~ Hay'horst. who had I served as managor for the past three f ye3rs.

· ).93.3 . £.'-'.EVEN YJ;: ARS AGO ' , Miss Crace Lor~}ltz. aotrs. Phy ll is : Rohrbough ,' William Lorentz and ' All'drew Whiting · attendert thP W.u_r,n~<?b urg : G)&nv ill e basketba ll

1 game at Waynesburg, Pennsylvania ( 1934 TEN YEARS AGO

"Crawford 's Ta r Babies," " plan­' tation scene with dancing and sing-

1937 SE VE N YEARS ACO " Idlenes.s is one of the greatest

cause!' of c.ri'me," sne-~ested J udge J ake Fisher, of the Four·tcen th J u­dicia l District, in an inf')rmal rnter­view at the courthouse, where he presided over t he Fellruat·y term tbe Gilmer Count y Olrcuir Court. He wns interv i ~wed by Vorl<'y Re xroad of the Merr ·• r·v staff.

1938 S IX YE A.RS ACO Ru by l amb and Ma;y He.!en Stal­

nakei·, both sophomores, were elect­ed pre!>i den t and S-ecretarry.treasur­er, respectively, of the Current Events Clu b.

1939 FIVE Y EARS ACO Orris Stutler, Imogene Dye and

Marguerite Moss were declared \vin­ners in a co ntest of the " Professor Quiz'' type which was sponsorf'd by the G·Club dur ing a ~sembl y period.

1940 FOUR Y E A RS AGO The Glenv ille Pio neers ended thei r

basketba ll season by defeating Al­derson-Broaddus on the Glenv ill e court 72-62.

Our deeds determ ine us, os much as we detemti ne our deeds.-George Eliot.

ing by t he students of The Lodge, -----------­. u nder the direction of Cnarles Wit- ~ : son. was !he ma1 n event of'--the sec- QUICK QUIPS f ond a;;3u5alN~~~g;:!~~ ~~~- ------------

The • .dteeyille High School Red

! ~:~T~: ~~~n ~e~cl~~~:r pi~~~!:::~ here b\• defeating the Calhoun Conn·

' ty Hig.h School team in the fina ls,

J':-' -20. • •• 1936 E IGJtT' )'EARS AGO I

Miss Wini fred White, f reshma n, was appointed College. cheerleader to succ.eed Delnres Morgan who re· ecntly resigned.

Louis Bennet t Hall, Glenville State Coll ege,

Glenville, W . Vn. Dear Grover and Charlie:

Haven't you boy:>. heard that the proper way to enter a bank is th rough the door instead of break­ing out a window.


(.Con tinued from page 1 ) have fini~h ed and a-re start~ng lheir real work . How proud we are; 3nd how ;:n·oud we will be j,, the fu-

in mo~t parts. And we have to rec­ognize o·ur place in the world as tbt' strongest ; there.(orc we have more respon.tibi lity."

lu re." Mrs. RooJ:evelt's last remark!' She said she had seen boys in the were: 1'May God be• with them a ll

a nd brin g them back to us as quick·

( ContinufJd -from page I) ... David Tewe11'a c:onst&nt playinc of t he disc, " Plant a Little Garden In Your Own Back Yard." When the record is played, he just aete the pick-up arm back a t the becinllina once mor" • . . The edg~d ne.rver waiting for the inst ructor to diamiu class a f ter the clock strikes.

Mn . Roo•e•elt appeared in ly as t he. war can be brought to an Glen•ille • few yean aro and end. Tha nk yo u, an d Good Day." T he rounds; .First buds trying to •poke to •hadent.', faculty and ri•· T he Rev. Mr. Cox then presented peep at students t hrough t tle win-

itor'l. Her appearance here wa• a her three glasses made by Louie I dows of Ad ministra tio_n Hall , , . The regular lyceum feature a nd. the Glass Co. and t he C. A. Borchert buJl et in board, much wounded by auditorium waa &lied. to c:apad t y. Glass Co. o! We!!to.n and told her th um b tacks . . . The silent, black

En route to W a•bi nr !on fro m that tv.•enty-four of each were a l- _e xpanse o! t be cemetery threati!l"· her vi sit a t Weston and Jaclaoo'• ready on t heir way to the White mg students as t hey pass at night. Mill, MTI. Roosnelt wa• Oown to Rouse. to which she replied , "I'd .. . Tbe biology lab with ita strange P ittsburgh by Car l B. Woodford, like to say a word of t hanks for jus -oJ specimens. looking like , a a former Collero student . A I'Uel• t t hem. I'm sure the President an~ aiJ classic nig htma re • . . The pencil pauenr e-r was the Rn . Mr. Cox Ol!r guest~ wil l be proud to use them , ah arpen~r. sometimes biting otr t he who • l•o i• well known in Glen- at the White R ouse." end of a p encil i.D anger.

ville, havinK •9oken here on at ra;~~\~eh~:~~e.:s~d :o:_~Pfe::;et ~:r!r:~ Many stude:ts •are• gettin g theil' leaJt two _occ .. ioru . and decided we would seek an inter- fi.r.!t thr ills as pedagogues in their

view. We clamb()red over thi rail- directed te• ehing courses. The first Southwest Pac ific who had been ing of t he speaker 's platform, push- five ·mi nutes are reall y bad, t hey say, then, one. two , and even more years. ed t hrough the milling crowd, cryin,!.! after whic h one becomes complet ely They were wundering j whut thP " press" apologetica lly to t hose set at ea.!'e by the charm and aban­people at home were thh: king of whom we jostled. But when wP don of t he in nocent charg es. A story them. She accounted, 'after a }'leo. reached t he car , t he Rev. Mr. Cox which wo uld bore a grown penon for everyone to adapt a k nowledge informed us there was no chance as becomes a fairyland of adventure f or of nil ~ en<ire ribbons, how boys had Mrs. Roosevelt had to leave imme- t he tots, who provide the moat ideal come from overseas and wer~ so very diately in order to make ,plane con- audience for which one could posai­happy jus~ to set t heir f eet on :~"'ly nedions. Soon we were lef t beh ind bly wis h. part of t he Un ited Stat es, h'>w they with only a bundle of notes and a :-eturncd crestfa llen when no one roll of · expo~d -fil m by whieh to r e.­failed to recogn ize what t he)' had member ou r fi_rst opportll nity to be been doing or sacrificing. t\•ithin speak ing distance of ou r

"We should show our appreciR· '"Fir.!t Lady of the La rtd." t ion," she cont inued, looking at d!f·l Dr. S. 0. Bond, president of Sale.m fcre nt. ~ections of the huge audi.: nce College1 said " Weston people shou ld as she sp.,ke . "even If the boys are


be proud of themselves and adde€!. not from our town, for they a re sav- " I was glad to bask in the sunshine ing us from somethi ng we do not o( her visit at the trfill , too." know because we hav$ not seen it. Dr. D. L. Haught; pr esident of We should know ·what t hey have Glenville State College_, said, " l done for us. though t it was a very fine occasion

" T his country m ust recognize. it£ £t was especially- fin e for the youn.:­responsibili ty in a wor ld which has e1· people. It was inspira t ional and been having a pretty hard t ime of it very much an honor."

HERE AND· THERE By Haywa_rd Cro•e•

The enormous roar e+f Niagara Falls, according to H. P. Heckert, is often simulated here on our campus. All one needs to do to hear it is make an attempt to sleep in a room next to the shower room and be sud­de nly awakened (presumably aboct two a. m.) by an early mor ning bather.

Just doing nothing will not get you anywhe re;' get busy at something.

David Tewell. re_cent . reeeive.r o! the m~ell publicized' Jhble in Braille, is re&.:ly showing his appreciation. Already he is over to Kings in bi.­perusal of the ''library," as students who hnve seed the ~uge mass of vol- • umes tenn it. If J recell my Bible knowledge. correct ly. this means that "Dave" has completed ten complete books. no little Wk when one has to read in Braille. He says the big se­cret in reading Braille is, the sensi­tivity of the fingers one developp when learnjng it. His fingen ~.,.f' rapidly over, t be page, and one of b11;'

favor: ite pastimes is reading articles f rom ''The Reader's Digest " (Braille edition) to anyone who wishes to bear.





Safe A window cleaner perched brave­

ly on a third, sto ry ledge of Verona Mapel Hall ga~e out. some logical reasoning the other day when she .said she was doing her spr ing clean­ing and window washing early this I year so that maybe old man wi nter would take the hint and pass out of t he picture and ullow spring to hnve

Courteo1,1s, EffiCient Service at All Times

its fling: I The fir!tt robin of i.he year on our

campus was !~potted the past Thurs­day by Betty Fau lkner. She has Edith Hinterea· M backing for any and all unbeJ i;ver:.

Twelve years ago tht: complete water system, a n insa nitary one, on the campus consisted oi one dug well thirty-seven feet deep. It sup­plied al,l build ings and was covered when t he new system was introduced. ...

I have been fortunate enough to obtain a booklet. wr itten in 1S23, on :-anitary condit ions of Glenvi lle. It has maps. pho tographs, and written mo,teriaJ. Anyone interested in see­ing this may come to the journalism lab tomorrow between two and three o'clock. A few rev~nli ng facts about our College are also incl ude~.



J oe Reed . whfl attended College t he past semester, le ft Sunday for Bethany Co ll ege, where he entered the V-5 Nava l Aviation program.



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