NORTHERN COALFIELDS LIMITED August-2021 Prepared By Environmental Engineering Division REGIONAL INSTITUTE – VI P.O: Jayant, Dist. Singrauli, MP-486890 STRICTLY RESTRICTED FOR COMPANY USE ONLY RESTRICTED The information given in this report is not to be communicated either directly or indirectly to the press or to any person not holding an official position in the CIL / Government. Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Environmental Clearance (EC) of Bina (Extn.) OCP (9.0 to 10.5 MTPA) cmpdi सीएमपीडीआई A Mini Ratna Company

Transcript of STRICTLY RESTRICTED cmpdi



Prepared By Environmental Engineering Division

REGIONAL INSTITUTE – VI P.O: Jayant, Dist. Singrauli, MP-486890


RESTRICTEDThe information given in this report is not to be communicated either directly or indirectly to the press or to any person not holding an official position in the CIL / Government.

Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

& Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for

Environmental Clearance (EC) of

Bina (Extn.) OCP (9.0 to 10.5 MTPA)

cmpdi सीएमपीडीआई

A Mini Ratna Company



Prepared By CMPDI

REGIONAL INSTITUTE – VI P.O: Jayant, Dist. Singrauli, MP-486890


RESTRICTEDThe information given in this report is not to be communicated either directly or indirectly to the press or to any person not holding an official position in the CIL / Government.

Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) &

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for

Environmental Clearance (EC) of

Bina (Extn.) OCP (9.0 to 10.5 MTPA)

Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for

Environmental Clearance (EC) of

Bina (Extn.) OCP (9.0 to 10.5 MTPA)

[As per the MoEFCC OM No. J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017]

BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION Name of the project Bina (Extn.) OCP Location : - Village &PO Jamshila / Churidah,& PO - Bina - Tehsil Dudhi / Waidhan - Name of the Coalfield Singrauli Coalfield - District Sonebhadra / Singrauli - State Uttar Pradesh / Madhya Pradesh Name of the Company Northern Coalfields Limited Production Capacity (Mtpa)(in ROM) 10.50 Mtpa (Increase in capacity from 9.0 to

10.50 Mtpa) Lease/Project Area (In ha) 1798.00 Ha, No change in lease/ land area Prepared by QCI Accredited Consultant:

CMPDIL , Kanke Road, Ranchi (Jharkhand) (Accredited by QCI vide Certificate No.- NABET/EIA/1720/SA 0108 Dated-14.08.2020, Valid up to : 18.11.2021)



Prepared by

Environmental Engineering Division, CMPDI, RI-VI P.O.- Jayant, Distt.-Singrauli (MP), 486890

Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

& Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

For Expansion of Bina (Extn.) OCP (9 to 10.5 Mtpa)














Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

& Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

For Expansion of Bina (Extn.) OCP (9 to 10.5 Mtpa)


Sl.No. Particulars Annexure No. Page No.

1. Copy of approval for Mining Plan of Bina (Extn.) (10.50 Mtpa) from NCL Board

Annexure-I A-1 to A-2

2. Environmental Clearance Letter of Bina (Extn.) OCP (9.0 Mtpa) from MoEFCC Ambient

Annexure-II A-3 to A-17

3. Copy of Forest land clearance letters Annexure-III A-18 to A-23


Copy of Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from UPSPCB and MPPCB.Air Quality Impact Prediction by AERMOD model..

Annexure-IV A-24 to A- 47

5. Copy of Ground water clearance application. Annexure-V A-48 to A-54

6. Details of Public Hearing in MP and UP State with ATR Annexure-VI A-55 to A-77

7. Routine Environmental monitoring data for Q.E. March’ 2021 Annexure-VII A-78 to A-98

8. Ground water level and Quality monitoring data Annexure-VIII A-99 to A-107

9. Air Quality Impact Prediction by AERMOD model. Annexure-IX A-108 to A-126

10. Copy of Accreditation Certificate of Consultant engaged Annexure-X A-127 to A-128

11. Point wise compliance of MOEF&CC O.M. No. J- 11015/224/2015-IA.II (M) dated 15-09-2017

Annexure-XI A-129 to A-132

Addendum Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

& Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

for Expansion of Bina (Extn.) OCP (9 to 10.5 Mtpa)

List of Plates

Sl.No. Particulars Plate No.


(i) Location map of Bina (Extn.) Project in Singrauli Coalfields

(ii) Leasehold Area of Bina (Extn.) OCP in KML format.

(iii) Project location on Topographical Map of Area in Survey of India Toposheet.




2. Surface plan of Bina (Extn.) project showing surface features and environmental monitoring stations. 2

3. Land use map by remote sensing of Core Zone. 3

4. Plan showing location of Dug wells for ground water level and quality monitoring. 4

5. Final dump plan of Bina (Extn.) OCP. 5

6. Plan showing Cross sections of external and internal OB dump at Post mining Stage 6

7. Post mining reclaimed dump plan at Bina (Extn.) OCP. 7

8. Post mining cross section of reclaimed Internal OB dump 8

9. Plan showing present working of Bina (Extn.) OCP as on 01-03-2021 9

Addendum EIA-EMP for Expansion of

Bina (Extn.) OCP(Text)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________




Bina (Extn.) Opencast Project is an existing operating mine in Singrauli Coalfields, NCL in an area of 1798.00 Ha. The mine is in operation since 1973-74 and has produced 96.163 Mt of coal and removed 375.416 Mm3 of OB till 31.03.2021.

The project was granted environmental clearance (EC) under EIA Notification, 2006 for Expansion from 6.0 to 7.50 MTPA on 06.08.2014 in which Public hearing was conducted by UP State Pollution Control Board on 24.09.2012 and by MP Pollution Control Board on 18.09.2012.

Further, a Mining Plan along with mine closure plan for enhanced coal production from Bina (Extn.) Opencast Project for 10.50 Mtpa has been prepared to meet the increase in demand of power grade coal. The Mining Plan has been approved by NCL Board in 231st meeting on 31st Aug., 2018 (Refer annexure No.-I).

As per the mining plan the increase in coal production is by enhancing the utilization of existing HEMMs, increasing the no. of working days and by augmenting mine capacity through additional OB outsourcing and deploying Surface Miner for Coal.

Therefore as per MoEF&CC O.M. No. J- 11015/224/2015-IA.II (M) dated 15.09.2017 a proposal for expansion from 7.50 to 10.50 Mtpa under clause 7(ii) of EIA notification, 2006 was submitted online vide proposal No. IA/UP/CMIN/81600 dated 23rd November, 2018 along with addendum EIA/EMP report for expansion from 7.50 to 10.50 Mtpa. (40% of 7.50 Mtpa = 3.0 Mtpa since last PH was held during EC of 7.50 Mtpa. Thus, 3.0 Mtpa additional production can be granted under this O.M. {3.0 +7.50 Mtpa = 10.50 Mtpa}.

The pointwise compliance of OM dated 15-09-2017 is given in Annexure No.-XI.

The EAC considered the proposal in 41st meeting held on 13-14 Dec.’18 and recommended for grant of EC to the Expansion of Bina Extension OCP from 7.50 to 9.0 Mtpa subject and compliance of the terms & conditions and environmental safeguard.

EC letter has been issued by MoEF&CC for Expansion from 7.50 to 9.0 Mtpa vide letter no. J- 11015/49/2011-IA.II (M) dated 12.02.2021 with validity for a period of 30 years or life of the mine whichever is earlier. (Refer Annexure No.-II)

1.2 Purpose of the report

This application has been made as per the MoEFCC OM No.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017 for grant of prior Environmental Clearance (EC) under clause 7(ii) of EIA-Notification-2006, for increased capacity to 10.50 Mtpa considering the following points.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 1 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________ A To meet the growing energy demand of coal in the country and further in order to cope

up with the fluctuation in production of other mines of NCL, it is imperative that production from Bina Extension OCP be further increased owing to its favorable geo-mining conditions.



Additional Coal winning will be achieved by deployment of 1 No. of Surface Miner (4000mm). This Surface Miner has already been procured and in operation.

The total leasehold area as per earlier approved EMP is 1798.00 Ha (extra land is not required and the forestry and other clearances have already been obtained).

D No change in mining technology is proposed.

E No change in backfilling & land reclamation plan will take place. Bina (Extn.) OCP has got Environmental Clearance and the land reclamation plan has been approved by MoEF&CC. There is no change in the land reclamation plan and the same shall continue for the increased capacity of the mine from 9.0 Mtpa to 10.50 Mtpa also.

F The total approved manpower is 2011 (3 shift working), no increase in which is proposed. The total existing manpower strength of the Project as on 01.04.2021 is 1174.

G The average of coal is G-10 and the linkage of coal is to Anpara TPS & Obra TPS of M/s UPRVUNL, Renusagar power Division of M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd, etc. It also serves as a Basket Linkage mine to meet the overall demand on NCL.

H Total extratable (mineable) coal reserves was estimated to be 123.94 Mt and the average stripping ratio is 5.04 m3/t. As on 01.04.2021 the balance mineable reserve left is 27.777 Mt.

In view of the above, this project qualifies for EC as per the MoEF&CC OM No.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017 for increased production capacity from 9.0 Mtpa to 10.50 Mtpa.

1.3 Identification of project & project proponent

The project under consideration, i.e. Bina (Extn.) OCP is administratively under the NCL headed by General Manager, Bina (Extn.) project. Geologically, it falls in Moher Sub-basin of Singrauli Coalfield in Singrauli District of Madhya Pradesh.

The mailing address of the Area General Manager is given below: Area General Manager Bina (Extn.) OCP, NCL. PO: Bina Project, Dist. Sonebhadra Pin: 231220 (Uttar Pradesh)

1.4 Nature and size of the project

Design, development and operation of Bina (Extn.) OCP are done by Northern Coalfields Limited. The project has Environment Clearance from MoEF&CC, Government of India for a production capacity of 7.50 Mtpa of coal production with public hearing under clause 7(i) vide letter No. J-11015/49/2011-IA. II (M) dated 06.08.2014.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 2 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Also, the Project has EC from MoEF&CC for 9.0 MTPA vide letter no. J- 11015/49/2011.IA.II.(M) dated 12.02.2021 under clause 7(ii) as per the MoEF&CC OM No.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017. The pointwise compliance of this OM is given in Annexure No.-XI.

The project has favorable geo-mining conditions for further enhancement of coal production from 9.0 Mtpa to 10.50 Mtpa increase in capacity. The increase in production would be achieved by way of improvement in availability and utilization of HEMM, increasing the number of working days and by augmenting mine capacity through additional OB outsourcing as well as by arrangement of 1 No. of Surface Miner (4000mm) from internal resources of NCL for additional coal production.

Bina (Extn.) is mined by opencast method. It is characterised by the presence of up to three seams with dip angles of 2°-3° towards north-west. Seam effective thickness ranges from 3.75 m to 6.75 m (Purewa Top seam), 6.30 to 12.20 m (Purewa bottom Seam), and 8.00 to 18.30 m (Turra Seam). Original mineable reserve was 123.94 Mt at average strip ratio of 5.04 cum/t.

1.5 Location & Communication

The Project is located in Moher basin of Singrauli Coalfields at a distance of 18 Km southeast of Singrauli town. Project is covered under Topo sheet no. 63-L /12 and L/16 on 1:50000 (1970) between latitude 240 07' 56.24" to 240 10' 28.10” North and longitudes 820 43' 16.72" to 820 46' 57.49" East.

Existing Kakri OCP is on the north side whereas Krishnashila OCP is on the southern side of the project.

The Singrauli and Krishnashila Railway Station on Singrauli-Obra and Shaktinagar-Karaila rail links of East-Central Railway are located at a distance of 11 Km Northwest and 3 Km East of Bina (Extn.) Opencast Project , respectively.

The project is in connection with the all-weather metalled road to Shaktinagar and Renukut. The nearest airport is in Varanasi at a distance of 230 Km.

Refer project location plan in Muher Sub-basin of Singrauli Coalfields at Plate No -1 and plan showing leasehold area of project in KML format in Plate no. 1(A). Also, the project location is shown on Topographical map at Plate No.-1(B).

1.6 Description of importance to the country and region

Northern Coalfields Limited is facing increasing demand of coal because of increased demand from industry and power sector. Continuing and augmentation of coal production from the mines of NCL will help to bridge the gap of demand and supply of coal in India.

To meet the growing demand of coal, especially in power and steel sectors, the Ministry of Coal has given target to NCL for the year 2021-22 as 119.00 Mt which will increase to 130.00 Mt by the year 2023-24 ( 1.0 BT plan).

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 3 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Bina (Extn.) Opencast Project will make available additional coal @ 1.50 MTPA over 9.0 MTPA that it is already producing, to meet the growing demand of non-coking coal.

The expansion of the Bina (Extn.) OCP will further improve the physical infrastructure of the adjoining areas and contribute to exchequer of State and Central Govt.

Also, the socio-economic condition and employment opportunity of local community further improve due to enhanced mining activity.

1.7 Status/details of any litigation/ court cases filed/ pending relating to the project or related activities :

There was a Case filed by UPPCB against Bina OCP as Case No 1798/2014 in CJM Court Sonebhadra dated 6.6.2014. Complaint filed under section 15/16 of EPA 1986.

Detail and present Status of the pending Case : In case of Bina OCP, coal production was increased during 2012-13 after recommendation by EAC on 9 Jan 2013 for increase in production from 6.0 to 7.5 MTY, in anticipation that EC will be issued within 31st March 2013. As per the EIA Notification the EC is to be issued within 45 days of the recommendation of the EAC, MOEF, unless rejected. Case has been filed by UPPCB without serving any legal notice to NCL.

• Relief from Allahabad High Court under section 482 to quash the proceedings wasapplied & order was passed to apply the objection/discharge petition vide orderdated 26.08.14

• Discharge petition was filed on 20.9.14 at CJM-Sonbhadra court.• Hearing has been started on the discharge petition.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 4 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



2.1 Type and need of the project

The Bina (Extn.) OCP is an existing coal mining project with 9.0 Mtpa Capacity of Northern Coalfields Limited. Bina Extension OCP was started during the year 2006-07.

It is proposed to enhance the coal production capacity from 9.0 Mtpa to 10.50 Mtpa. There is no change in mining lease area, mining technology, project economics, product mix and other project parameters.

To meet the growing demand of coal, especially in power and steel sectors, the project has favorable geo-mining conditions for further enhancement of coal production from 9.0 Mtpa to 10.50 Mtpa increase in capacity. The increase in production would be achieved by way of improvement in availability and utilization of HEMM, increasing the number of working days and by augmenting mine capacity through additional OB outsourcing as well as by arrangement of 1 No. of Surface Miner (4000mm) from internal resources of NCL for additional coal production.

Refer Plate No-9 showing the present working as on 01-03-2021 in surface plan of Bina (Extn.) Project.

Bina (Extn.) is mined by opencast method. It is characterised by the presence of up to three seams with dip angles of 2°-3° towards north-west. Seam effective thickness ranges from 3.75 m to 6.75 m (Purewa Top seam), 6.30 to 12.20 m (Purewa bottom Seam), and 8.00 to 18.30 m (Turra Seam). Original mineable reserve was 123.94 Mt at average strip ratio of 5.04 cum/t.

2.2 Salient Features

The project is designed to produce 10.50 Mtpa of coal from the three working seams namely Purewa Top, Purewa Bottom, and Turra with an average stripping ratio of 5.04 m3/t. The gradient of the seams varies from 2o to 4o. The average grade of coal is G-10 (according to calorific value).

The project is linked to serve Anpara TPS & Obra TPS of M/s UPRVUNL, Renusagar Power Division of M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd, and as a Basket Linkage mine to other North India Thermal Power Plants.

The project is being worked by combined mining system deploying dragline and shovel dumper combination. The ultimate working depth has been estimated as 250 m. The total O.B. during the mine life has been estimated as 625.04 Mm3, which will be dumped as internal dump in the decoaled area. The overall dump slope will be kept at 28o to prevent dump slide.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 5 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

The balance mineable coal left in Bina (Extn.) OCP as on 1.04.2021 is 27.78 Mt Corresponding to this the balance life of project is 03 years from 2021-22 with proposed increased capacity.

2.2 Previous Coal Production

The production of this project for since 2006-07 is given below.

Sl No Year Production MT OBR(Mm3) 1 2006-07 3.27 10.36 2 2007-08 4.89 18.64 3 2008-09 5.44 27.16 4 2009-10 6.00 27.11 5 2010-11 6.00 20.54 6 2011-12 6.00 21.68 7. 2012-13 6.50 21.51 8. 2013-14 6.00 21.50 9. 2014-15 6.64 18.05

10. 2015-16 7.01 28.75 11 2016-17 7.50 29.80 12 2017-18 7.50 25.89 13 2018-19 7.50 29.7993 14 2019-20 7.50 38.429 15 2020-21 8.413 36.198

Total 96.163 375.416

2.3 Calendar Plan of proposed enhanced production and Life of the Mine

The balance mineable coal left in Bina (Extn.) OCP as on 01.04.2021 is 27.777 MT. As per the Mining Plan the balance life of Bina (Extn.) opencast is 03 years.

Year Coal Production (Mt)

OB Removal (Mm3)

2021-22 10.50 94.33 2022-23 10.50 94.33 2023-24 6.777 60.964

Total 27.777 249.964

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 6 (Job No.-212206107)

The revised proposed calander plan of excavation as given below :

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

2.4 Quarry Parameters

As per existing scenario, the balance coal production will come as per detail given below.

Sl. No. Mine Parameters Value 1 Total Coal ( Mt) (as on 01.04.2021) 27.777 2 Total OBR(Mm3) (as on 01.04.2021) 249.624 3 S. Ratio (m3/te.) 8.98 4 Balance Life ( Years )from 2021-22 03 5 Dip of seams (Degree) 2°-3°. 6 Strike Length (Km) 2.88(surface) 7 Maximum depth (m) 250 8 Present quarry depth (m) (as on 01.04.2021) 240 9 Total quarry land broken (Ha) (as on 01.04.2021) 773.71

2.5 Coal trasportation outside the Mine lease :

Bina (Extn.) OCP is linked to Anpara TPS & Obra TPS of M/s UPRVUNL, Renusagar TPS of M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd, etc. . It also serves as a Basket Linkage mine to meet the overall demand on NCL.

The present capacity of CHP of Bina Extension OCP is 4.50 Mtpa. Three Nos. of additional private crusher units are established within the mine leasehold area and crushed coal is transported to Bina siding by tippers for further loading to railway wagons at Wharf-wall situated within the mine leasehold area.

The neighboring Kakri OCP is likely to exhaust in next 1 to 2 years, so the spared CHP of 3 Mtpa of Kakri OCP will be utilized for rail loading of additional coal produced at Bina Extension OCP (10.50 Mtpa) for further transportation to consumers.

2.6 Mine Closure Planning:

Mine closure planning has to be carried out at the starting of the mine and needs periodic reviewing and revision during its life cycle to cope with the geo-technical constraints, safety and economic risks, social & environmental challenges. Various other objectives are as follows:

a) To allow a productive and sustainable after-use of the site which is acceptable to the mineowner and to the regulatory authority authorities.

b) To protect public health and safety.c) To alleviate or eliminate environmental damage and thereby encourage environmental

sustainability.d) To minimize adverse socio-economic impacts.

As per Mining Plan for 10.50 Mtpa (Aug., 2018) the Mine closure cost has been estimatedas Rs. 10356.83392 lakhs based on the guide lines provided by MOC. Final reclaimeddump plan and cross section are given in Plate-7, & 8.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 7 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



3.0 Description of the environment

There is no change in lease area of the project. Therefore, the study area profile i.e. topography & drainage, climate, description of core and buffer zone, features in the study area will remains the same as per the approved EIA-EMP Report. This addendum EIA-EMP Report has been prepared to take present status of Ambient Air quality, Water quality, Noise levels, Ground water quality and levels based on regular monitoring data.

3.1 Ambient Air Quality Status:

A. Routine Environmental Monitoring:

The project is regularly monitored for environmental parameters like Ambient Air, water /effluent and noise levels. Location of the sampling points is indicated in Plate No.1& 2. Ambient Air quality at present level of production with control measures is found to be within specified limit (as per Gazette notification no GSR 742(E) dt. 25-9-2000, Standard for Coal mines). The ambient air quality monitoring data is given in Annexure No.-VII.

The SPM, PM10 and PM2.5 monitored levels from QE June-2021 are given below. The results reveal that the SPM & PM10 values have increased marginally due to increase in mining activities and other thermal Power generation in the neighbourhood. The observed values of PM2.5 are almost within the permissible limits. Also, the monitoring data reveals that SO2 and NOx values at all locations are within the prescribed limit in core zone as well as in buffer zone.

(All values are in µg/ m3)

Station Name/Code Category Q.E. June, 2021 (Quarterly Average)

SPM PM10 PM2.5 CORE ZONE LOCATIONS : 1. BA1- Main Sub. Station Industrial 280 193 38

2. BA2- OB Sub. Station Industrial 238 154 37

3. BA3 – Bina STP Residential - 94 36

4. BA4 - Bina DAV School Residential - 64 27

BUFFER ZONE LOCATIONS : 1. BA5 - Jawahar Nagar Residential - 89 322. KHA2 – Khadia GM Office Residential - 84 40 3. DA5 – Karwari village /CMPDI Camp Residential - 78 43 4. KKA5 – Kakri STP Rehata Residential - 59 28

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 8 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Also, one CAAQMS is already commissioned and working at Bina Extn project with connectivity to CPCB server. Monitoring of Heavy metals (Hg, As, Ni,Cd, Cr etc.) are being carried out once in every six months by CMPDIL.

3.2 Noise Level Quality status (Routine Environmental Monitoring) :

Noise levels have been measured at 4 locations in Industrial and residential area of the project during routine Environmental monitoring on fortnightly basis in day and night hours.

The results of Noise levels recorded during day and night time of Q.E. June, 2021, along with the applicable standard permissible limits are given in Annexure No.-VII. The observed values in terms of LEQ are presented. The observed values are found to be within permissible limits.

3.3 Water quality status: Routine Environmental Monitoring:

The water quality has been monitored at the following locations in the project

i) Inlet Effluent of ETP (BW-1)

ii) Treated Water from ETP (BW-2)

iii) Janturia Nalla near Rly. Bridge (BW-3)

iv) Hand pump of Jawahar nagar (BW-4)

v) Tap water of Guest house (BW-5)

vi) Treated Water from STP (BW-6)

vii) Overflow from Siltation Pond (BW-7)

The results are given in tabular form along with the applicable standards. Results are compared with Schedule -VI, effluent prescribed by MOEF&CC and IS.10500 (Drinking water). Data on water quality of Q.E. June, 2021 are given in Annexure No.-VII.

3.4 Ground Water level and quality Monitoring:

For monitoring of Ground Water Level and Water at Bina OCP, a network of 54 nos of existing dug wells has been identified by CMPDI in the buffer zone. NCL has also established, 6 Nos Piezometers (3 Nos Shallow and 3 Nos Deep Piezometers) in the core zone of the project. Locations of dug wells and Piezometers are given in Plate-4.

The seasonal water level monitoring of the identified hydrographic monitoring stations has been carried out four times a year in pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter seasons and for water quality in pre-monsoon only. The water levels are measured through measuring tape below ground level from the marking point for dug wells. For piezometers, electronic measuring tape is used to measure water level from marked measuring point.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 9 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

The monitoring reveals that from the period May’18 to May’21, the water levels during Pre-Monsoon varies from 0.85 m.bgl (2021) – 21.50 m.bgl (2019), Monsoon varies from 0.25 m.bgl (2019) to 17.70 m bgl (2018), Post-Monsoon it varies from 0.55 m.bgl (2020) – 18.70m.bgl (2018) and during Winter it varies from 0.90 m.bgl (2020) – 19.90 m.bgl (2018) inthe monitored Dug wells.

The Dug wells & Piezometers inventory details along with water levels and quality data are given in Annexure No.-VIII. Also, results on water quality show that most of the parameters are within the permissible limits.

The project has submitted an application to CGWA for permission to dewater ground water for Mining Industry to get NOC for increased capacity of 9.0 Mtpa. (Refer Annexure No.-V).

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 10 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________




There is no change in lease area of the project. Therefore, the details of anticipated Environmental Impacts and mitigation measure will remain the same as per the approved EIA-EMP Report.

This addendum EIA-EMP Report has been prepared to take into account present status of Ambient Air quality, Water quality, Noise levels, Ground water quality and levels based on regular monitoring data and additional mitigation measures for the anticipated impact due to enhanced production capacity.

4.1 Ambient Air Quality

Sources of air pollution

The main sources of air pollution are identified as- 1) Drilling & blasting in coal & OB benches.

2) Coal & OB transportation inside the mine.

3) Coal crushing & conveying from the mine.

4) Coal handling activities.

5) Coal conveying to Power plant through closed Tubular Conveyor and by Railway

siding & loading in wagons.

6) Wind erosion from coal stockyard& OB Dumps.

4.2 Ambient Air quality impact prediction through Modeling:

Estimation for increase in PM10, PM 2.5, SO2 and NO2 at the eight Ambient Air Quality Stations, chosen for the purpose of baseline AAQ (Ambient Air Quality) data generation, has been done with the help of the AERMOD (9.4.0) modeling.

The contribution from proposed mining activity (to achieve the peak production level of 10.5 MTPA) has been assessed for the worst scenario of operation (maximum OB generation) with control measures.

The model was run to predict the incremental pollutant concentrations for over and above the baseline concentrations found at the eight AAQ stations. The detail AAQIP is given at Annexure No.-IX.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 11 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

The final Predicted 24 Hour average PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 concentrations with proposed control measures are given below :

Predicted and Monitored 24 hourly average PM 10 Concentration in µg/m3 Levels at various Receptors :


Distance and

direction from

Leasehold Boundary

24 hour average concentration in µg/m3 98

percentile values

from the period

Quarter Ending June 2021

Incremental Concentration

with no control


Incremental Concentration

with control measures

Predicted Concentration

(Without Control


Predicted Concentration (With Control Measures)

Permissible Limits

Kohroul Village

1.3 Km (S) 125 16 3 141 128 100*

OB Substaion

Inside Mine

Leasehold 308 84 19 392 327 300**

CWS Pump House

8.8 Km (WSW) 114 6 1 120 115 100

Kakri STP

1.5 Km (NNE) 101 30 7 131 108 100

Karwari Village

6.5 Km (NW) 116 8 2 124 118 100

Tribal Hostel

6.4 Km (NNW) 72 9 2 81 74 100

Audi Village

4.6 Km (NNE) 124 14 3 138 127 100

Predicted and Monitored 24 hourly average PM2.5 Concentration in µg/m3 Levels at various Receptors :


Distance and

direction from

Leasehold Boundary

24 hour average concentration in µg/m3 98

percentile values

from the period

Quarter Ending June 2021

Incremental Concentration

with no control


Incremental Concentration

with control measures

Predicted Concentration

(Without Control


Predicted Concentration (With Control Measures)

Permissible Limits

Kohroul Village

1.3 Km (S) 51 2 0 53 51 60*

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 12 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________


Distance and

direction from

Leasehold Boundary

24 hour average concentration in µg/m3 98

percentile values

from the period

Quarter Ending June 2021

Incremental Concentration

with no control


Incremental Concentration

with control measures

Predicted Concentration

(Without Control


Predicted Concentration (With Control Measures)

Permissible Limits

OB Substaion

Inside Mine

Leasehold 52 12 3 64 55 NA**

CWS Pump House

8.8 Km (WSW) 42 1 0 43 42 60

Kakri STP

1.5 Km (NNE) 47 5 1 52 48 60

Karwari Village

6.5 Km (NW) 65 7 1 72 66 60

Tribal Hostel

6.4 Km (NNW) 46 6 1 52 47 60

Audi Village

4.6 Km (NNE) 36 4 1 40 37 60

* National Ambient Air Quality Standards** Standards for coal mines for monitoring stations at a distance of 500 metres from dust generating source. (No limits for PM 2.5 been specified)

Predicted and Monitored 24 hourly average SO2 Concentration Levels at various Receptors :


Distance and direction from Leasehold Boundary

24 hour average concentration in µg/m3

98 percentile values from the period Quarter Ending June 2021

Incremental Concentration

Predicted Concentration

Permissible Limits

Kohroul Village 1.3 Km (S) 32 0.05 32.05 80

OB Substaion Inside Mine Leasehold 44 0.42 44.42 120

CWS Pump House

8.8 Km (WSW) 25 0.02 25.02 80

Kakri STP 1.5 Km (NNE) 29 0.06 29.06 80 Karwari Village 6.5 Km (NW) 30 0.08 30.08 80

Tribal Hostel 6.4 Km (NNW) 35 0.09 35.09 80

Audi Village 4.6 Km (NNE) 29 0.10 29.10 80 * Standards for coal mines for monitoring stations at a distance of 500 metres from dust generating source.** National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 13 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Predicted and Monitored 24 hourly average NO2 Concentration Levels at various Receptors :


Distance and direction from Leasehold Boundary

24 hour average concentration in µg/m3

98 percentile values from the period Quarter Ending June 2021

Incremental Concentration

Predicted Concentration

Permissible Limits

Kohroul Village 1.3 Km (S) 23 0.19 23.19 80

OB Substaion Inside Mine Leasehold 55 0.90 55.90 120

CWS Pump House 8.8 Km (WSW) 26 0.08 26.08 80

Kakri STP 1.5 Km (NNE) 36 0.35 36.35 80

Karwari Village 6.5 Km (NW) 32 0.57 32.57 80

Tribal Hostel 6.4 Km (NNW) 41 0.56 41.56 80

Audi Village 4.6 Km (NNE) 25 0.34 25.34 80

* Standards for coal mines for monitoring stations at a distance of 500 metres from dust generating source.** National Ambient Air Quality Standards

This AAQIP reveals that, the predicted incremental concentration in PM10 and PM2.5 level will be marginal after taking the measures suggested for dust control, whereas the predicted concentration for SO2 and NOx levels are already found within permissible limit.

4.3 Ambient Air Quality Control Measures

Air pollution control measures

Existing pollution control measures : Sufficient numbers of movable water sprinkling system has been provided to check fugitive emissions from various parts of mine.

(a) Departmental - 28 KL water tanker : 03 nos (b) Departmental - 70 KL water tanker : 02 nos (c) Outsourcing - 14 KL water tanker : 09 nos (d) At all transfer points of conveyor system water sprinkling system are


Additional proposed control measures for expansion project : a) 01 Surface Miner for additional Coal production.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 14 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

b) 02 nos. truck mounted fogging machines with mist sprayingsystem are operating in Bina Mines.

c) 1 no. of road sweeping machine is in operation in Bina Project.d) Fixed sprinklers for 1.4 km length installed & operational.e) Fixed type Fog Generator- 2 nos

Vehicles are regularly being maintained to control the emissions. Coal transportation is being done in covered trucks. The haul road is being graded regularly in order to make it smooth.

Coal before being loaded into tippers is watered properly to avoid generation of dust in course of transportation. The project has deployed a Surface Miner having Annual Capacity of 3.0 MTPA (Cutting Edge- 30 cm, and Face width of 4000 mm). Additional Coal winning will be achieved by this Surface Miner.

Therefore, no. drilling, blasting, crushing etc. is envisaged Thus additional coal wining is environmental friendly.

The present capacity of CHP of Bina Extension OCP is 4.50 Mtpa. Three Nos. of additional private crusher units are established within the mine leasehold area and crushed coal is transported to Bina siding by tippers for further loading to railway wagons at Wharf-wall situated within the mine leasehold area. So, the present capacity of existing Bina CHP / Wharf-wall loading is 7.50 Mtpa.

The neighboring Kakri OCP is likely to exhaust in next 1 to 2 years, so the spared CHP of 3 Mtpa of Kakri OCP will be utilized for rail loading of additional coal produced at Bina Extension OCP (10.50 Mtpa) for further transportation to consumers.

Additional Coal winning is proposed through Surface Miner. The Surface Miner Coal will be transported to Wharfwall for loading into railway wagons.

Coal transportation is done by covered trucks to Railway Siding only. Regular water sprinkling on the transportation roads.

Dust extractors have been provided and made operative in drills. Arrangement of wet drilling has also been made at Project level.

Dust is controlled regularly by spraying water at Haul road, transfer points etc. In mine water sprinklers are used for controlling dust generation. Also, 01 no CAAQMS for online ambient air quality monitoring was installed for online ambient air quality monitoring. The data obtained shared online with CPCB.

Total 50.4 Ha of External and 367.88 Ha of Internal OB dump area has already been biologically reclaimed by planting 32.26 lakhs plants since

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 15 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

inception of mine. Additionally, 3.68 lakhs plants has been planted as green belt up to 01.04.2021. Species of plants are- Shisham, Karanj, Maha neem/bakain, Siris, Mahua, Neem, Subabul, Bamboo, Gambhar/Khomer, Jungli jalebi, Chilbil, Amla, Cassia, Babul, Grevillea and other native species.

Person working in industrial area have been provided with protective respiratory device. Regular training is being imparted to inculcate safety and health aspects. Each person working in or about the mine is being examined periodically by Doctor trained in occupational health services.

Coal transportation to M/s Hindalco Industries Pvt. Ltd./Thermal power plants is done by CHP and Rail. OB is backfilled inside the quarry. So outside road transportation of coal and OB is reduced to bare minimum.

In addition to above following Dust Control Measures may be adopted for further dust control in the area :

1. Water sprinkling on haul roads may be combined with chemical stabilizers which could control the emissions by 95%.

2. Controlled speed of vehicles on road.

3. A 3 tier green belt may be developed wherever space is available, in the form ofavenue plantation in the downwind side, along the roads etc. of species having dustcollection efficiency of more than 20%. Example of such plants are:

• Herbs-Colocasia Antiquorum (Elephants Ear) and Celocia Argentile (Cock Scomb)• Shrubs- Hibiscus rosa sinenesis (Gurhal) and Bouganvillea glavra (Bouganvillea)• Trees- Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Pinus Contora (Pine), Buteamonosperma (Palas) etc.


Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 16 (Job No.-212206107)

Allowing only covered trucks for transportation of coal and OB.Wheel washing facility for dumpers/tippers should be provided.5.

Action Plan with time frame and cost allocation for above dust suppression measures has been given in Annexure No.-XI. The above measures will further reduce the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 significantly.

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

4.4 Impact on Water Quality and Pollution Control

Sources of water pollution Likely sources of water pollution from this project along with the type of pollutants are as follows:

(i) Sanitary (domestic) waste water : Suspended solids and BOD. (ii) Industrial wastewater from

workshop/CHPs : Suspended solids, oil & grease;

(iii) Waste water from mine : Suspended solids of coal, clay and oil; (iv) Surface run-off passing through

coal stockpiles : Suspended solids;

(v) Storm water from leasehold area and built-up area

: Suspended solids.

Water pollution control & conservation measures

Water pollution control measures

Catch drains (8700 RM) and siltation pond (3 no) of sufficient size have been constructed to arrest the silt and sediment. The clean water so collected is being utilized for watering mine area, roads, green belt development etc. The drains is being regularly de-silted and maintained properly. Sufficient sump capacity has been provided to have adequate retention period to allow proper settling of silt.

Adequate retaining wall- 8900 RM shall be maintained in the toe area of dump to arrest silting of sump.

The effluent from Mine, workshop & CHP is treated in ETP having a capacity of 31200 m3/d.

Present load in ETP is 7375 m3/d and there is an extra ETP capacity of 23825 m3/d, which is sufficient to handle the excess effluent , if any, as a result of enhanced production.

Presently Mine water and waste water from Workshop and CHP after treatment is utilized within the mine premises for Industrial purpose and by outsourcing agencies.

The Domestic effluent is treated in STP (capacity-2500m3/d). The present load of STP is 1800 m3/d and there is an extra capacity of 700 m3/d. As neither the Manpower nor no. of quarters are proposed to increase for enhancement in production capacity, there will be no increase in domestic effluents.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 17 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

The treated STP water is used for industrial purpose and dried sludge therein is utilized for horticulture

Rain Water Harvesting

In order to augment ground water resource, artificial ground water recharge (RWH- 4 nos.) measures have been taken.

Further, a numbers of hand pumps , wells and ponds have been provided in nearby villages to meet the water requirements of villagers , animals and plants.

3 numbers of water bodies in mine lease area have been created for ground water recharge.

4 no. of roof top rain water harvesting structures have been installed in colony area (GM office, Senior guest house, DAV school and Bina Hospital).

Water requirement for the proposed Capacity of Bina (Extn.) OCP:

Domestic water : 2082 m3/day

Industrial water : 3672 m3/day

Total : 5754 m3/day Fire fighting : 1136 m3/day

(occasional use)

There is no increase in domestic water requirement since no increase in manpower is envisaged as per mining plan. The water for domestic need are being met by integrated water supply scheme (IWSS) at Khadia.

The industrial water requirement are being met by treated mine water and, treated ETP water for haul road and other dust suppression requirements as well as for other industrial use. The treated STP water are being used for horticulture purpose and excess water for irrigation by farmers through dischrge in to nearby stream.

The mine water and treated ETP water will be used to meet additional requirements of present expansion, if needed.

The average estimated mine water pumping from mine is 1983 m3/day at max. depth. The industrial requirement is met mainly from mine water and treated ETP water.

The water requirement for the further increase in capacity in mine as per Mining Plan shall remain unchanged as there is no change in manpower and HEMM provision.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 18 (Job No.-212206107)

Assessment of the Impact of Mining on water resource :

A comprehensive Hydro-geological Report has been prepared for getting NOC from GWA for the Expansion of Bina (Extn.) Project. The water balance diagram and Stages of Ground water developenent have been given in Annexure No.-VIII.

(A) Impact of Mining on surface water sources

Mining activity increases sediment load and total dissolved solids in streams due to erosional activity of over burden dumps and loosened top soil by blasting activity. Following steps have been taken up by NCL to reduce this load:

1) Dense Plantation.2) Construction of Siltation Pond.3) Construction of Garland drainage4) Construction Gabbion Wall5) Construction of check dams

Analysis of surface water (from nearby Janturia nala) indicate that the total dissolved solids (TDS) is 209 mg/l and pH is 7.74 which is well within the standards.

(B) Impact of mining on Ground Water sources

The impact of opencast mining on local water regime largely depends on mine geometry, groundwater recharge potential and aquifer parameters of the formations. In opencast mine, the aquifer units lying above the bottom most working seam contributes the major inflow and prone to get effected.

As the permeability decreases with depth, the inflow from lower most formations is also reduces proportionally and marginal to negligible impact may be anticipated. As the unconfined aquifer (i.e. the OB benches), with comparatively high K, contributes the maximum inflow and the exposed hydrogeological unit receives the maximum impact. With the presence of multiple-aquifer system and low permeability of the lower aquifer units, the drawdown cones in the lower hydrogeological units will be small and stacked.

In the reclaimed area, the permeability is usually higher and receives up to 40% of rainfall as recharge. With this, the impact on the up-dip side gets reduced with time and even improves the groundwater system. Whereas in the down dip direction, with the blasting, secondary porosity in the immediate coal face and in the overlying beds will increase. In turn, this will influence in increase of ground water recharge and mine inflow. So also, the mine water discharged into the local drainage/tanks behaves as constant source of recharge and improves the water levels in the mine area. Thus, with increase in groundwater recharge and return flow from mine discharge, the impact is usually far below the anticipated.


(C ) Stage of Ground Water Developement

As per the groundwater assessment report prepared by Central Ground Water Board (N.C. region), Bhopal, M.P. , the stage of groundwater development in the Waidhan block (where some part of Bina OCP is located), Singrauli District of M.P. is 34.98% and the region falls within the category “safe”. State Ground water Resource Division UP had assessed and reported the total annual ground water recharge in the Myorpur Development Block where Bina OCP is located at 27.26 MCM.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) (Job No.-212206107)



CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

4.5 Noise Level Management:

The mining operations may cause noise nuisance if adequate precautions are not taken to keep the noise level within limits. An environment standard for coal mines stipulates that noise level in Industrial area shall not exceed 75 dB (A) Leq.

Ambient noise levels were recorded during day and night time and the observed values were compared with standards prescribed by MOEF&CC.

The results of Noise levels recorded during day and night time on fortnightly basis are presented in tabular form along with the applicable standard permissible limits. The observed values in terms of LEQ are given in Annexure No.-VII.

The observed values at all the monitoring locations are found to be within permissible limits.

The following measures have been taken to reduce the noise level to protect the workers from noise hazard and to adhere to the Environmental standards in respect of noise.

Use of equipment with arrangements for absorbing the operational noise.

Foundations of vibrating equipment to be designed with isolators to prevent vibrations so

that the noise level does not exceed 85 dB(A) Leq.

Controlled blasting is undertaken under supervision of the blasting officer. Proper blast

design is prepared to control ground vibration and to arrest fly rocks and boulders. Blasting

is done with the use of soft tubes.

Use of insulated cabins for operators

Use of rubber/ polymer liners in chutes and hoppers

Use of ear muffs by workers in the zone of high noise source (if any)

Plantation of trees around the plant area.

Routine maintenance of HEMMs.

Regular maintenance with prompt replacement of worn-out parts.

4.6 Land Requirement & Management

The earlier approved Bina (Extn.) OCP involved land requirement of 1798.00 Ha, no increase in land requirement is proposed for increase in coal production. There will be no change in total OB quantity, dump area, final dump plan, dumping strategy and land use during active mining operations & post mining ; due to increased production of 10.50 Mtpa.

Modalities for technical and Biological reclamation will be remain same as mentioned in approved EIA-EMP (7.50 Mtpa) of Bina (Extn.) OCP.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 20 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

A. Pre mining Land Use :

The total land requirement for Bina Extension OCP has been broadly assessed as 1798.00 Ha of which 1087.825 Ha forest land, 513.00 Ha Tenancy land and 197.175 Ha Govt. land. The state wise of its status is given below:

Type of land Area of land (Ha) Forest Land - UP Side 708.890 - MP Side 378.935 Total 1087.825 Non-Forest Land - UP Side Tenancy Land 496.00 Govt. Land 169.175 - MP Side Tenancy Land 17.00 Govt. Land 28.00 Total 710.175 Total Land (Forest Land +Non-Forest Land) 1798.00

The project involves 1087.825 ha of forest land, which includes 378.935 ha in the State of MP and 708.890 ha in UP. Stage-II forest clearance for total forest area of 400.545 ha (378.935 ha in MP and 21.610 ha in UP) has been obtained under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion for non-forestry purposes. The remaining forest land of 687.280 ha was already acquired before the inception of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. (Refer Annexure No.-III)

B. Operational stage land use :

Sl. No. Particulars Area (Ha) 1. Quarry Area 814.00 2. External OB Dumps 50.40 3. Roads 20.00 4. Green Belt/Afforested Area 187.63 5. Built-up area 430.00 6. Undisturbed Area

(Safety Zone,Vacant land, etc)295.97

Total 1798.00

The present working plan of the project as on 01-03-2021 is shown in Plate No.-9 and final dump plan and cross section of External and Internal OB dump is shown in Plate-5, & 6.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 21 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

C. Post-mining land use of core zone with environment management

The Final reclaimed dump plan and cross section showing profile of internal OB dump at post-mining stage is shown in Plate-7 & 8 respectively.

D. Land use / cover mapping of study area based on Remote Sensing map :

A map showing Land Use/ cover mapping of study area of Bina (Extn.) OCP based on satellite data (IRS-R2-24FX) of the year 2020, was prepared using remote sensing technique by Geometrics Division (Remote Sensing Cell), CMPDIL, (HQ) Ranchi.

The report on Land restoration/ reclamation monitoring based on satellite data for the year 2020, reveals that out of 10 projects of NCL, maximum land reclamation has been carried out in Jhingurdah OCP (85.22%) followed by Bina (70.00%) and Nigahi (65.10%). The status of Land Reclamation for last three year for core zone are Shown below :

Sl. No. Land Use Pattern Total

Land (Ha) Plantatio

n (Ha) Public

Use (Ha)

Void Area (Ha)

Undisturbed Land (Ha)

1 External OB dump 50.40 50.40 - - -

2 Excavation Area (backfilled and void)

814.00 663.00 - 151.00 -

3 Build-up area 430.00 163.00 267.00 - -

4 Green Belt 187.63 187.63 - - -

5 Undisturbed Area 295.97 - - - 295.97

6 Roads 20.00 - 20.00 - -

Total 1798.00 1064.03 287.00 151.00 295.97

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 22 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Area Statistics of core are given below and Map attached as Plate No.-3.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 23 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

4.7 Bio-Environment Conservation at Bina (Extn.) OCP:

Plantation is being done as per the norms and guidelines of forest department. This helps in enriching the flora and fauna of project area. The density of plantations undertaken is 2500 plants per Ha in plain area and on OB dumps.

Total 50.4 Ha of External and 367.88 Ha of Internal OB dump area has already been biologically reclaimed by planting 32.26 lakhs plants since inception of mine. Also, 3.68 lakhs plants have been planted as green belt up to 01.04.2021.

Species of plantation: Shisham, Karanj, Maha neem/bakain, Siris, Mahua, Neem, Subabul, Bamboo, Gambhar/Khomer, Jungli jalebi, Chilbil, Amla, Cassia, Babul, Grevillea, and other native species.

The year wise detail of plantation done in the Bina (Extn.) Expansion OCP lease area in last 7 years is given below :

Sl. No.

Year Plantation done on OB dump Area in Ha. No of plants Type of OB Dump

1 2014-15 5.0 17500 Internal Dump

2 2015-16 7.0 24500 Internal Dump

3 2016-17 10.0 25000 Internal Dump

4 2017-18 7.0 17500 Internal Dump

5 2018-19 12.0 30000 Internal Dump

6 2019-20 10.0 25000 Internal Dump

7 2020-21 7.0 17500 Internal Dump

Total 58.0 157000 Internal Dump

Green belt with 3.68 lacs plants has been developed, along all infrastructures, haul roads and vacant land. It will be improved further where space is available.

Also, as per the mining plan & mine closure plan of Bina Extn project, the total area under green cover at the end of mine life will be 1064.03 ha which is about 60% of the total lease hold area. The planation and green belt development including selection of plant species is being carried out through State forest Department of MP and UP state.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 24 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



5.0 Analysis of Alternatives

This is an operating mine being worked by combined mining system deploying Dragline and Shovel-Dumper combination. As per the mining plan the increase in coal production is by enhancing the utilization of existing HEMM, increasing the no. of working days and by augmenting mine capacity through additional OB outsourcing and deploying Surface Miner.

Since the increased coal production will be achieved by deployment of 1 No. of Surface Miner (4000mm), no. drilling, blasting, crushing etc are involved. Thus additional coal wining is environmental friendly.

Therefore, the existing mining technology will continue along with additional proposed Surface miner for enhancement in production capacity from 9.0 to 10.50 Mtpa.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 25 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



6.0 Environmental Monitoring Program

For effective implementation, a time bound action plan for environmental management including all aspects are being followed by the project. Samples for study of ambient air quality, water/Effluent quality, groundwater level and noise level are collected and tested fornightly/quarterly at strategic places representing all the categories of location. Refer Plate No.2 and Plate No.4 for sampling point location details.

The monitoring data for routine environmental monitoring and ground water level and quality monitoring have been given at Annexure No.-VII and VIII respectively.

6.1 Introduction

Environmental monitoring including all aspects, has already been implemented by the project for existing production capacity. For expansion project, the existing time bound action plan for environmental management including all aspects will be further strengthened as per need by the project.

Samples for Ambient air, water/effluent and noise are collected and tested fortnightly/quarterly/ yearly at strategic places representing all the categories. The implementing authority is guided and advised as per feed back data obtained from these tests.

6.2 Parameters to be monitored

Ambient Air Quality, Water/wastewater Quality and GroundWater Level & quality and Noise Levels quality

Ambient air quality, water quality (treated water from ETP, STP, ground water from dugwells & piezometers and drinking water samples), ground water level and noise level are being monitored for standard parameters. This is already being implemented through CMPDI in the existing project.


Plant growth, its maintenance and survival rate will be monitored. This is already being implemented through UP State Forest Department in the running project.

Land Reclamation and Plantation

Overburden to be excavated, backfilled, the plantation schedules etc. will be monitored in the light of EIA-EMP and EC conditions.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 26 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________


Health of the employees will be examined for identifying occupational diseases etc. to initiate remedial measures in time. Occupational health surveillance program has already been implemented by NCL in the Bina (Extn.) project and Periodic Medical Examination (PME) are being done every 5 years for all the employees as per DGMS guidelines at Nehru Hospital/ Project dispensary. PME for 272 employees have been completed in 2020 at Bina Extn project.

The persons working at vulnerable places (highly pollution zone) is allowed to undergo the yearly health checkup or even earlier whenever needed.

In addition to the above, NIMH-Nagpur, has completed the occupational health study of 91 employees (approximately 10% of the total Project manpower) working in active mining area in February 2019 at Bina project. Occupational health check up and hearing impairment test for 20% of personnel identified from work force engaged in active mining operations will be carried out from expert agency.

Also, to ensure health & welfare of nearby villages, regular medical camps are being organized by Bina Extn Project to ensure health & welfare of population living in nearby villages. The details of the health camps organised by the project in January 2021 are as follows:-

Sl. No.

Date Location No. of villagers tested

1. 23/01/2021 Primary School, Jamshilla 136 2, 24/01/2021 Kuldomri Village 215

3. 29/01/2021 Ambedkar nagar village 111 Total 462

R & R Activities, specially Compensation to land losers

No R&R is involved in the expansion proposal. However, R & R Activities, specially compensation to land losers is being monitored as per R&R Policy of CIL/Govt. through G.M.(Rev.) & Personnel Department NCL(HQ) in consultation with State Government.

6. 3 Monitoring Frequency

Ambient Air, Water & Noise

Following number of stations have been fixed for monitoring of environment for the present and proposed expansion project.

Ambient Air:- 08 (04 in core and 04 in Buffer Zone) Stations Water/effluent :- 08 Locations ; Noise:- 04 Stations Groundwater : 54 dugwells, 06 piezometers

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 27 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

Monitoring frequency for ambient air quality: Ambient air quality monitoring at eight locations including industrial and residential areas are being done at a frequency of once in a fortnight as per G.S.R 742 (E)/CPCB guide line and National Ambient Air Quality Standards 2009 for the running mine and same practice shall be continued for expansion Project.

Monitoring frequency for water/effluent quality: Water samples from following stations are monitored regularly as per required standard :

Sl. No.

Water Sample Type

No of stations

Frequency Standard

1 Waste/treated water

3 Fortnightly &Yearly (all parameters)

GSR 742 (E)

2 Drinking Water 2 Fortnigtly & Quarterly

IS-10500 2012

3 Surface Water 2 Quarterly IS-2296 5 Ground water 39 Yearly IS-10500 2012

Same practice is being continued for expansion project.

Monitoring frequency for ground water level & quality: Regular monitoring of groundwater level and quality is being carried out by establishing a net work of 54 nos. dug wells and 06 nos. piezometers in the study area of Bina (Extn.) Project. Ground water level monitoring is being done four times in a year i.e Pre-monsoon, Monsoon, Post Monsoon & Winter on a long term basis. Ground water quality monitoring is being done once in a year in the month of May. The water samples results are compared with IS: 10500-2012 standard. Same practice is being continued for expansion project.

Monitoring frequency for noise level: The noise level observations is being made as per G.S.R 742 (E)/CPCB guide line /Environment Protection Act GSR 1063(E) Schedule-III at the four noise monitoring stations.

One Noise level Monitoring station is located in Buffer Zone and three in Core Zone. The noise level is being monitored fortnightly during day time (6 AM to 9 PM) and night time (9 PM to 6 AM).

Plantation : Plantation in Bina (Extn.) Expn. project is being carried out by UP State Forest Department and same is being maintained & monitored by them for continuous up to 5 years so that desired growth of plants and trees is attained.

Land Reclamation and Plantation: Land reclamation and plantation is being done as per schedule. Details of land reclamation and plantation in plain area and on OB Dumps is given in Chapter-IV.

Health : Periodic health examination of the employees is being done for identifying occupational diseases etc. and initiating remedial measures in case of detection. Same practice is being continued for expansion project.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 28 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. 4 Measurement Methodologies

Ambient Air Quality: The Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Particulate Matter (PM10), Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) concentration and heavy metals such as Hg, Pb, Cr, Cd, As & Ni in PM10 are being monitored in air monitoring stations is measured in the manner indicated below:

Sl. No

Parameter Technique Technical Protocol

1 Suspended Particulate Matter RDS IS:5182 (Part-IV) 2 Particulate Matter

PM10 and PM2.5 Respirable Dust Sampler and Fine particulate sampler (Gravimetric Method)

IS:5182 (Part-IV)

3 Sulphur Dioxide Modified West & Gaeke IS:5182 (Part-II) 4 Oxides of Nitrogen Jacob & Hochheiser IS:5182 (Part-VI) 5 Heavy metals in PM10

(Hg,As,Cr, Pb, Cd, Ni ) AAS CPCB Guidelines

Water/Effluent Quality: Three litres of representative water samples are collected in plastic container and transported to laboratory for physico-chemical analysis. For determination of BOD and bacteriological analysis, 250 ml pre-sterilized bottles is being used and care is taken to maintain cool temperature by keeping the bottles in ice boxes during transportation to the laboratory for analysis. The samples were analysed in the laboratory as per standard methods. The analysed parameters for drinking water samples are compared with IS: 10500 standard and mine discharge water samples are compared with MoEF standard (GSR 742 E).

Noise Level Measurement: Sound levels are measured in decibels every minute within a period one hour under ‘A’ weighted average. Values are reported as equivalent (Leq) for day & night hours.

6.5 Emergency Procedures

The term ‘major accident’ means an unexpected and sudden occurrence of event from abnormal developments in course of one’s industrial activity leading to a serious danger to public or environment, whether immediate or delayed, inside or outside the installation involving one or more hazardous substances.

Keeping in view the three basic principles i.e. prevention, preparedness( both pro-active and reactive) and mitigation of effect through rescue, recovery, relief and rehabilitation, a comprehensive blue print of Mines Emergency Response Plan /Disaster Management Plan(MERP/DMP) has been prepared & same is being followed by the Project.

6.6 Detailed budget & procurement schedule

The provision of Capital and revenue budget for the proposed environmental activities in the project are made every year in the annual budget of NCL. The environmental monitoring programme have already been implemented by NCL, CMPDI, RI-VI, Bina (Extn.); having suitable manpower ,well equipped laboratory and other infrastructure to carry out the job in a competent manner. The present capacity of NCL & CMPDI is sufficient to take care of enhanced activities in expansion of Bina (Extn.) project.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 29 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



7.1 Detail of Last Public Hearing

The public hearing was conducted for 7.50 Mtpa production capacity on 18.09.2012 (M.P. side) at Churki village (MP) and on 24.09.2012 (U.P. side) at Workers Recreation Centre, Bina Project, and NCL. Public hearing detail with ATR is given in Annexure No.-VI.

7.2 Risk assessment and management

There is no change in risk assessment and management as described in the Approved EIA-EMP.

7.3 Social Impact Assessment

The proposed project Expansion will further give a boost to the economy of the area by providing primary and secondary employment to local people. The infra-structural facilities provided by the project are benefitting local villagers also. The mine closure activity is likely to significantly reduce the impact of industrial activity on the land apart from increasing the green cover and surface water availability. The standard of living of the local inhabitants has improved significantly due to indirect employment and service opportunities.

Resettlement & Rehabilitation of PAPs

The project has already provided compensation and rehabilitation of affected families. There are a total 38 PAPs and all PAPs have already been rehabilitated. The rehabilitation site is Jawahar Nagar at a distance of 3km. All PAPs have already been rehabilitated. There is no additional land required for the proposed increase in capacity, therefore no R&R involved.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is taken up at Bina (Extn.) Project level (Bina (Extn.) OCP). Different villages falling in core zone and adjoining areas are benefited through CSR activities run at project level. The nature of benefits include maintenance of ponds and community buildings, well digging and renovation, road repair, renovation of schools and construction of boundary wall, medical camps, water supply, skill development for employment generation etc.

The expenditure on CSR activities in Bina (Extn.) Area in last few years is given below:

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Amount Spent

(Rs. lakhs) 487.70 329.21 353.72 389.30 114.13

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As per the CIL CSR policy of June-2014, the fund for the CSR should be allocated based on 2% of the average net profit of the company for the three immediate preceding financial years or Rs. 2/- per tonne of coal production of previous year whichever is higher.

Out of above, 80% would be allocated for CSR activities to be carried out within the radius of 25 Km of the project site and the balance 20% would be allocated for carrying out CSR activities by company in the state to which it belongs.


Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 31 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



8.0 Project Benefits

Development of Bina (Extn.) OCP has considerably improved the socio-economic status of the adjoining areas. This has resulted in following benefits:

• Improvements in Physical Infrastructure

• Improvements in Social Infrastructure

• Increase in Employment Potential

• Contribution to the Exchequer

• Meet energy requirement

• Post-mining Enhancement of Green Cover

8.2 Improvements in Physical Infrastructure & Community Development

The expansion of the Bina (Extn.) OCP will further improve the physical infrastructure of the adjoining areas. This would include the following :

• Improved road communication

• Strengthening of existing community facilities through the community developmentprogram /CSR of Project / NCL.

• Greater availability of good quality power grade coal will result in enhanced powergeneration to meet the energy demand of the Nation/society.

• Pumping of mine water may augment the water availability after due treatment

• Gainful post-mining land utilization of mine lease area

• Creation of community assets (infrastructure) like provision for drinking water,construction of school buildings, check dams, village roads / linked roads & culverts,dispensary & health centres, community centers, market place, etc.

• Skill development & capacity building like vocational training, income generationprograms, and entrepreneurship development program.

• Literacy program, adult education, assist formation of Village Working Group (VWG),Mahila mandaI etc.

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• Awareness program and community activities, like health camps, medical aides, familywelfare camps, AIDS awareness program, immunization camp, sports & culturalactivities, plantation etc.

• NCL also developed 03 nos. R&R sites provided with minimum infrastructure such as aschool building, a health centre, a pond and adequate tree plantation and otheramenities.

The above list is illustrative and not exhaustive. The CSR activities are village specific depending on the need assessed for the people. As far as possible, efforts will be made to co-ordinate with similar developmental programs that are taken up by the central or state Govt. in the areas of Coal India. All activities under the CD/CSR program are environment friendly and socially acceptable to the local people.

8.3 Improvements in Social Infrastructure

There are some obvious changes in various environmental parameters due to mining activity, increased economic activities, creation of new employment opportunities, infra-structural development, better educational and health facilities. Following are the specific impacts.


Overall there will be positive impact in socio-economic area due to increased economic activities, creation of new employment opportunities, infra-structural development, better educational and health facilities. The impact in the core zone and buffer zone is due to the following-

Population dynamics

Due to direct and indirect employment potential, there is scope of migration of people into project area and in the peripheral regions, from nearby areas Mining activities, acceleration of the economic activities and urbanisation along with creation of new employment opportunities and business may change the population dynamics of the area.

Standard of Living

The people come in contact with migrated people. This may encourage higher aspirations among the people of the area. Accelerated economic activities and urbanization may increase quality of life and standard of living

Health Care facilities

Bina (Extn.) project/NCL, undertake awareness program and community activities, like health camps, medical aides, family welfare camps, AIDS awareness program, immunization camp, etc.

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8.4 Employment Potential

There will be creation of direct and indirect employment opportunities in primary, secondary and tertiary sector due to expansion of this mine. Overall, this will have positive impact on socio-economic profile of the area

NCL undertake skill development & capacity building program like vocational training, income generation and entrepreneurship development. Same will be continued for expansion project.

8.5 Other Tangible Benefits

Northern Coalfields Limited is facing increasing demand of power grade coal. Continuing and augmentation of coal production from the proposed expansion of Bina (Extn.) mine of NCL will help to bridge the gap of demand and supply power grade coal in India.


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9.0 Environmental Management Cost :

The Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis has not been carried in the approved EIA-EMP of the Project as not recommended at the scoping stage. However, the total capital requirement for environmental control measures for Bina (Extn.) OCP has been estimated as Rs. 1975.59 lakhs.

The Environmental Management cost as per approved EIA/EMP (March-2006) is given below :

The other capital investment on Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R), Compensatory Afforestation (CA) and Community development are as follows :

S No. Particulars Cost (Rs Lakh)

1. Rehabilitation 31.90 2. Compensatory Afforestation 647.20 3. Community Development 53.96

Total 733.06

SI. No. Particulars Fund provision (in Rs. Lakhs)

1. Anti-pollution measuresA. Air pollution control i. Water Sprinklers (28KL, 06 nos.) 399.00 ii. Dust Suppression / extraction in CHP 42.42 iii. Ventilation in Workshop 8.78 B. Water pollution control i. Industrial water pollution control 130.24 ii. Domestic Sewerage 212.20 C. Green Belt Development 13.46 2. Technical Reclamation 1080.00 3. Othersi. Scientific research and EMP preparation 20.00

ii. Environmental and Social mitigation Project 59.49

Total Capital 1965.59

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 35 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

The following additional capital investment is proposed for the Expansion project from 7.5 to 10.50 Mtpa :

Sl. No.

Description Quantity (No.)

Capital Investment (Rs. Lakh )

1. Surface Miner (Drum width-4000mm) 01 365.000 2. Truck mounted Mist Spray Gun 02 96.646 3. Truck mounted Road sweeping Machine (6.5 cum) 01 53.710

4. Fixed Water Sprinkling system along coal transportation road in mining lease (1.4 km) 01 44.354

5. Fixed type Fog Generator Machine and Wheel washingSystem

02/01 12.46+68.65

Total additional capital cost 640.82

The Revenue Expenditure on Environmental Measures incurred by the project during last 3 years and proposed for current year i.e. 2021-22 are as given below :

Sl. No. Particulars

Amount in Rs. Lakhs

Year 2018-19

Year 2019-20

Year 2020-21

2021-22 (Proposed)

1. Tree Plantation & Horticulture 48.87 48.07 45.54 25.00 2. ETP/STP operation & Maintenance 56.24 47.24 70.25 70.00 3. Retaining Wall 57.04 23.80 25.33 30.00 4. Silt Removal 27.97 16.09 83.41 85.00 5. Water Cess/ Consent Fee 65.11 10.48 25.96 25.00 6. Gabion Walls 75.86 22.77 60.96 65.00 7. Pond Cleaning 128.14 31.60 - -- 8. Other Misc. Expenditure 10.79 2.26 3.77 5.00 9. Horticulture 4.11 8.74 10.30 11.00

10. Garbage Cleaning 36.94 60.87 71.89 75.00 11. Salary/ Wages 51.86 13.00 60.00 70.00 12. Environmental Monitoring 42.21 47.55 49.47 53.80 13. Ground Water Level & Quality

Monitoring10.41 11.59 12.88 14.22

Total 615.55 344.06 519.76 529.02

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 36 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________


Environmental Management Plan

10.1 Introduction

The success of environmental management in an organization not only depends on deep involvement of its personnel at all levels but also on the creation of an effective implementing organizational structure. The objectives are:

• To implement environmental control and protection measures.• Subsequent environmental monitoring of the efficacy of various control measures.• Plantation/green belt development.• Land restoration.

Keeping this in view, an organizational structure responsible for the implementation of environmental control, compliance of environmental regulations and mitigatory measures as well as monitoring of such implementation has been discussed in this chapter.

10.2 Implementing Organisation

Northern Coalfields Limited, the owner of this project has already set-up an environment department headed by a general manager at its H.Q. in Singrauli. The department provides necessary support that is required for environmental management of various projects and mines under the jurisdiction of the company. Further, to carry out rehabilitation & resettlement measures, an R&R department has been already set-up by NCL at its HQs.

The environmental cell at the project and environment department at corporate level looks after the following functions for implementation and monitoring of pollution control measures and for overall environmental management:

Generation of environmental data bank. Evolving micro environmental management plan for the project in collaboration with

other agencies and consultants. Monitoring project implementation along with environmental control measures. Co-ordinate with other project activities to ensure timely implementation of the

project. Co-ordination with ministry of environment & forest, central /state pollution control

board for prevention and control of pollution.

The responsibility for implementing environmental management plan rest with the general manager of the project, who gets proper assistance by a team of qualified and trained personnel.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 37 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

A) Corporate Level

Northern Coalfields Limited, the owner of this project has already set-up an environment department headed by a general manager at its H.Q. The department provides necessary support that is required for environmental management of various projects and mines under the jurisdiction of the company. Further, to carry out rehabilitation & resettlement measures, an R&R department has been already set-up by NCL at its HQs. The above department is also headed by a general manager.

B) Project Level

The environmental activities of the project are carried out by environmental cell at Project level headed by a chief manager, under the overall control of the Area General Manager of the project.

An organisation chart showing the hierarchical level at corporate and project level for environmental control is presented below :-


The objective of above Organization structure is:

1. To implement environmental control and protection measures.2. Subsequent environmental monitoring of the efficacy of various control measures.3. Plantation/green belt development.4. Land restoration.


General Manager (Corporate Planning)


General Manager (Environment)

NCL, HQ General Manager

(Forest) NCL, HQ

Execution (Project Level)

Area General Manager Bina (Extn.) OCP

Planning Team Monitoring Team

Forestry Supervision

Reclamation / Environmental Nodal Officer Dozer Operator Grader Operator Water Sprinkler Operator

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CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

10.3. Activity wise Implementing Organization

Compensation to land loosers

- Area General Manager, Bina (Extn.) Project. - Personnel Dept, Bina (Extn.) Project. - Land Survey and Revenue Deptt. NCL(HQ) - Representative from State Govt.

Pollution Control Measures

- Area General Manager, Bina (Extn.) Project. - Environmental Cell, Bina (Extn.) Project. - Environmental Cell, NCL HQ

Plantation/Green Belt Development


Area General Manager, Bina (Extn.) Project. Environmental Cell, Bina (Extn.) Project. Forest & Environment Dept, NCL HQ

Land Restoration


Area General Manager, Bina (Extn.) Project. General Manger (Mines), Bina (Extn.) Project. Forest & Environment Dept, NCL HQ Environmental Cell, Bina (Extn.) Project.

10.4 Environmental Monitoring and control

10.4.1 Corporate Environment Responsibility

CIL has adapted a Corporate Environmental policy. The policy and the objective are summarized below:-

Policy Statement: Coal India Ltd affirms its commitment for environmental friendly mining with right mitigation of pollution, reclamation of degraded land, preservation of biodiversity and proper disposal of waste following the best environmental practices including judicious use of the non-renewable energy of the path of continual improvement.

Objectives: Coal India Ltd shall endeavour to :

1. Conduct mining and associated operation in an environmental responsible manner tocomply with applicable laws and other requirement related to environmental aspects.Design projects with due consideration to sustainable development.

2. Prevent pollution of surrounding habitation by continuous monitoring and adoptingsuitable measures for environmental projection.

3. Ensure compliance of all applicable EC conditions, FC conditions and other statutorycondition issued by regulatory agencies.

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CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. Implement EMPs in all our mines effectively to mitigate pollution of air, water and noise,reclamation of degraded land and proper disposal of wastes.

5. Strive to conserve Bio-diversity.6. Conserve natural resources through recycling of wastes on the principles of REDUCE,

RECYCLE and REUSE. Put special trust on efficient energy utilization as a measureto reduce carbon foot-print.

7. Strive for continual improvement in our environmental performances by setting targets,measuring progress and taking corrective action.

8. Create environmental awareness among the employee and the local communitiesthrough pro-active communication and training.

In accordance with corporate environmental policy of CIL, NCL is committed to strive for environmental protection in all its mining operations through:

• Minimizing impacts of mining operation on land, water and air.• Compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.• Optimum resource utilization viz. energy and water.• Continual improvement in environmental quality and prevention of pollution.• Training of employees and creating general awareness, regarding Environment &

prevention of pollution.• Wide circulation of the policy.

Self-monitoring of compliance of environmental regulations NCL has an Integrated Management System (IMS), consisting of ISO-14001, ISO-9001, and OHSAS-18001. Under IMS NCL/ Project adopted a “Corporate Management Policy” to implement a comprehensive system for simultaneous management of our economic, environmental, and social concerns as part of business agenda. Functioning of the company in conformity with the policy is regularly monitored by the top management. Any deviation from the policy is reported to the higher Management under the system through Management Review Meetings. Now on-wards any non-conformity in this regard will also be reported to the Board of Directors and will be displayed on company website and include in Annual Report.

The NCL/ Project has well defined organization which ensures effective implementation of the corporate environmental responsibility, monitoring and execution of the conditions laid down by MoEF and other statutory agencies.

10.4.2 Budget provision for CER The total additional capital investment for expansion from 7.5 to 10.5 MTPA, comes to about Rs.640.82 Lakhs i.e against procurement of Surface Miner, Road Sweeping Machine, fixed water sprinkling system, Mist Spray Gun, fixed type Fog Generator and wheel washing arrangement as mentioned in Chapter-9. Accordingly as per guidelines given in OM. No-22-65/2017 dated 01.05.2018, the CER will be 1.0% of the additional cost for brownfield projects, however, as per the OM No.22-23/2018.IA.III(pt) dated 31.10.2019, the provision for CER should be made 1.5 times as mentioned above for the project in SPA .

Therefore, budget provision has been made for cost of CER of Rs.1131880/- which is more than 1.5% of the total additional proposed investment for the expansion project, which is more then the recommended provisions.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 40 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

CHAPTER- 11 Summary & conclusion

11.1 Justification for implementation with mitigation measures

1. The project has already obtained Environmental Clearance for 9.0 Mtpa byMOEFCC vide letter No.J-11015/49/2011-.IA.II (M) dated 12.02.2021. (Ref.Annexure. No-II ).

There is no change in mining lease area, mining technology, project economics,product mix and other project parameters.

2. The increase in production capacity is 1.5 Mtpa which is well within the ceiling of40% as specified in MOEFCC OM No.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017. Thepointwise compliance of this OM is given in Annexure No.-XI.

3. The project has already taken Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate for 9.0Mtpa capacity from UPPCB and MPPCB. (Refer Annexure No.-IV)

4. An Addendum EIA-EMP has been prepared on existing environmental scenario, impact assessment & control measures, disaster management due to increased production. As, the increased coal production will be achieved by deployment of 1 No. of Surface Miner (4000mm), therefore, no drilling, blasting, crushing etc is involved. Thus, additional coal wining is environmental friendly and there will be no increase in the pollution load except marginal increase of PM10 level which will also within the permissible limit.

The Project authority is monitoring the Environmental Quality to determine thepollution level and ensuring that Ambient Air, Water & Noise quality is kept withinpermissible limit.

5. It is assessed that the increase in the air pollution load will be brought withinpermissible limits by adopting proper mitigative measures for dust control. Noadditional land is required for the project. No additional Resettlement andRehabilitation is required. The EC for 9.0 Mtpa production level already exists.

6. All the statutory environmental requirements are complied with, therefore, it iskindly submitted that approval for environmental clearance for capacityenhancement from 9.0 to 10.50 MTPA as per the MOEFCC OMNo.J-11015/224/2015-IA.II dated 15.09.2017, in respect of Bina (Extn.) OCP ofNCL may please be granted.

The filled up Form-2 and this Addendum EIA-EMP of the Project are put up for due diligence of EAC for 9.0 to 10.50 MTPA increase in capacity of existing and approved Bina (Extn.) OCP.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 41 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________



12.0 The consultant engaged in preparation of Mining Plan and Addendum EIA-EMP for Expansion of Bina (Extn.). Opencast Project (9.0 to 10.50 MTPA) is Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDI), a subsidiary of Coal India Limited which is a Central Public sector undertaking, under Ministry of Coal, Government of India.

CMPDIL has the accreditation of the EIA consultants with Quality Council of India (QCI) vide Certificate No.-NABET/EIA/1720/SA 0108 Dated-14.08.2020, Valid up to 18.11.2021. (Refer Annexure No.- X).

12.1 Brief resume of CMPDIL as consultant

CMPDIL (Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited), an ISO -9001 company, holds the pre-eminent position as the India’s largest consultancy organization and the market leader in an expanding earth resource sector. A key factor in this success has been the offering of full-range of services in the sphere of resource exploration and development, coal preparation, utilization and management, coal/material handling arrangement, as well as engineering and environmental management.

CMPDI was established in the year 1975 as a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise) for rendering total consultancy services (i.e. from concept to commissioning) to Coal India Limited and its seven subsidiaries which contribute about 90% of the total coal production of the country.

Over the years, the initial experiences have effectively been extended to provide wide range of services right from coal exploration on its commercial application to different industries sectors. Currently CMPDI, besides Coal India Limited and its seven subsidiaries, extends consultancy services to host of clients in India and abroad.

The clients include Govt. and private entrepreneurs, United Nations agencies, international financial institutions, etc. Total focus on quality of services led to CMPDI being accredited ISO-9001:2008 Certificate by Certification International.

CMPDI operates through its headquarters at Ranchi (Jharkhand) and seven Regional Institutes located at Asansol, Dhanbad, Ranchi, Nagpur, Bilaspur, Singrauli and Bhubaneshwar, which are geographically spread in six states of the country. CMPDI is registered consultant to

☻ World Bank, ☻ Asian Development Bank ☻ African Development Bank ☻ United Nations Development Programme

CMPDI has standing MoU with the following reputed International Consultant to work together in the area of earth resource sector worldwide.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 42 (Job No.-212206107)

CMPDI ____________________________________________________________________________________

☻ IMCL, UK ☻ Giproshakht, ☻ Montan Consulting GmbH, Germany ☻ Rheingraun, Germany ☻ DMT, Germany.

Nature of consultancy rendered

CMPDI renders services to CIL and subsidiaries, directly to MoC and also takes up specific jobs for companies other than CIL as consultancy services. The services rendered by CMPDI to different clients are listed below:

☻ Exploration including preparation of Geological Reports;☻ Preparation of pre-feasibility reports, advance action proposal,

feasibility/project reports, revised cost estimates for new and re-construction projects;

☻ Annual operational plans for large opencast mines; ☻ Preparation of project reports and working drawings for coal washeries,

coal handling plants and various infrastructure facilities; ☻ Preparation of EMP and EIAs; ☻ Bid documents for CHPs, workshops, substations and other Infrastructure

facilities; ☻ Annual assessment of mine capacity and HEMM/equipment performance

of CIL. ☻ Technical services related to blasting, ventilation, support design

Non-destructive testing etc;☻ Laboratory testing services for coal characterization, washabiliy,

Air/water quality, physical/mechanical property of rocks, etc. (Such activities are also undertaken by Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI), Dhanbad– in fact much of lab testing in the coal sector is done by CFRI both commercial as well as for Scientific research)

☻ Management services for ISO certification; ☻ Energy Audit/Conservation Studies; ☻ Mining electronics and repair/testing of electronic component of

Equipment; ☻ Third party inspection of quality checking of materials and random

testing of explosives procured by subsidiaries; ☻ CMM related services; ☻ Special reports ☻ Nodal agency for CIL, R&D projects ☻ Promotional exploration and detailed drilling for non-CIL blocks; ☻ Nodal agency for other central sector scheme viz. research project under

S&T schemes and EMSC projects. ☻ Identification and evaluation of captive mining blocks; ☻ Technical services including preparation of special reports; ☻ Preparation of inventory of coal reserves in collaboration with GSI, on

annual basis. It has undertaken a project in 10th Plan regarding Integrated Coal Resource Information System for developing coal resources database as per UN International Framework Classification Guidelines.

Addendum EIA-EMP for Bina (Extn.) Expn. OCP (10.5 Mtpa) 43 (Job No.-212206107)